Run-Away Fox

Story by Wolfie Rocklee on SoFurry

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"Erik Sanders, Erik Sanders please report to the main office immediately," the lady over the intercom loudly said. Erik grabbed his notebook and backpack then darted off down the main hall. He slipped and fell flat on his face while his friend Jason lifted him up off the floor and walked him into his room.

"You okay bud?" Jason softly asked Erik. He got down on his knees and stared into Erik's eyes. Erik looked at him with an erotic face on with his reading specs on the edge of his muzzle. Jason pushed Erik on the bed and slowly started to unbutton his pants.

" stop. We need to start from the beginning. Hi my name is Erik Sanders and I'm here to explain my life story from my first year of highschool to my first year of college. I'm a 18 years old, turning 19 in two and a half months, and I am a fox with blood red fur and a musky orange colored stomach fur patch. I have sun pitched yellow eyes that's blind you in a second. I love to read in the park, draw pictures, write stories, and meet new people although I am very shy. My favorite foods are Crab legs with marinated butter spread over the meat an....oh sorry I got a little bit carried away. Anyways, we might as well start at chapter one at the beginning of my 9th grade year..."

"Erik! Erik! Get your god damn as..." Lets skip ahead to the middle of the 9th grade year.

"Erik! Get your ass out of bed this instant young man!" Fine we'll just stay here.

I got up out of bed hastily before my mom blew her top off again. I wouldn't want to get caught up in a mess like that. The birds outside were chirping loudly and peacefully and I loved the sound of the wind caressing my face. I grabbed breakfast and walked outside to see that Jason was waiting there for me.

"Come on Erik hurry up we are going to be late!" Jason shouted loudly across the street.

'Jason was my best friend growing up ever since we were just little pups. He is a little bit taller than me and is a charcoal black wolf with a dark gray stomach fur patch. His eyes are a nice shade of green that you could wander off in. I secretly have a crush on him. He is a dare devil type person always getting into trouble and he is always yiffing someone...'

"Alright Jason I'm coming, I'm coming." I shouted out to him waving my hands back and forth.

'Anyways I have never yiffed before in my life...Jason told me he had a surprise for me today I can't get it off my mind. Lets get back to the story shall we.'

The two of us were walking down our normal pathway passing the bakery, but instead of turning left we went right into a neighborhood I have never been to.

"Whe...where are we going Jason?" I asked suddenly.

"We're going down to our new 'home' Erik..." he told me excitedly. I gave him a confused look, but I kept my mouth shut the rest of the way there. I looked around outside this beautiful two-story house. It was painted a broad white with faded carnation pink framing and had rose bushes streaming up the sides of the enormous house.

"Is this our new... 'home'," I quickly asked Jason kicking up some of the soil beneath my feet.

"Yeah bud this is our new home..." he said faintly to me. We both walked inside hesitantly and were in awe of the wonderful sight bestowed upon us. I ran around t he rooms exploring every depth of the house and Jason just watched me play around smiling greatly.

Jason was walking up stairs to the master bedroom and called out to me to come check it out. Little did I know I was in for a big surprise once I opened the door to that room...

"Hey Jason what room are you hiding in?" I playfully asked him.

"In here, just follow my voice," he shouted out to me. I opened the door to the room he was in and he was lying on the bed with four inches of his cock hanging out of his sheath. My eyes widened greatly and I felt my cock start to slightly throb. Jason got up and pulled me onto the bed where I laid next to him cuddling with him for several minutes.

"Are you ready for this Erik?" he soothingly asked me, stroking my back.

"Yeah...I'm as ready as I'll ever be," I quietly said slightly shaking and I felt my cock get grabbed by a warm furry paw. Jason slowly eased me on my back over the bed and my cock was fully out of it's sheath. He started to paw me off at a slow steady pace and I looked down and saw that his cock was completely out of his sheath leaking pre onto the carpet.

"Does this feel good Erik?" he calmly asked me. All I did was bob my head up and down slowly. I felt a passionate pleasure I have never experienced in my life. I let out a faint moan and felt a strange feeling in my balls. He stroked my member slightly as he sped up his other hand keeping the same pace.

My knot was growing large by the second and I could feel my cock throbbing more and more. Jason reached his head down to my cock and licked it lightly, getting all the pre that was leaking out of it. I groaned loudly and felt a rush in shaft and my cum blew out of me all over Jason's face and got in his chest fur. He slipped one of his fingers inside of me making my body tense more dropping another load of my salty cum all over Jason.

"Did you like that Erik...did you?" he said to me in a superior tone of voice.

"That...that was great...the most wonderful thing I ever felt," I told him panting and gasping for breath. I lightly stroked my member back and forth while Jason licked some of the cum of his face. He leaned over and started to passionately kiss me as our saliva and cum mixed together while our tongues hugged.

"I...I was going to fuck you Erik...but seeing it is your first time...I'm going to ride you," he murmured with a devilish smirk on his face.

"O...okay I guess," I hesitantly replied to Jason. Jason got off of me turning his body and slowly stated to ease himself over my cock. My body started to tense as I felt another pleasure overcome my body.

"Are you ready?" he asked me.

"Yeah...let's do it," I said to him. I started to pump my cock slowly pushing my full seven inches in him, then pulling a few inches out and going right back. I could still feel my cock throbbing inside of Jason. I started to faintly mur as he yelled out to the world.

My knot was fully dispersed again and I plunged it in and out of Jason's ass speeding up every time. I could feel the soothing warmth of the walls in Jason's ass tightly squeeze my member. Jason couldn't help but yell out one last time as his cum dispersed all over my body and I tasted his sweet salty liquid ease into my mouth as I drank, still pumping.

"I'm...I'm going to...ugh....cum soon Jason..." I muttered out in despair. He couldn't say anything, but only breath in and out gasping for his breath. I felt that strange feeling in my balls again as I did before when Jason was pawing me off.

"Agh...ohhh..." I yelled out as my cum spurted out of Jason's ass, filling him up. All I could do was lye there and breath in and out. We were tied together until my knot decreased down to normal size. The aroma of sex uplifted the room, but I loved the scent.

"Jason...Jason...I had the most wonderful time in my life that I have ever had..." I whimpered out to him trying to catch my breath once again.

" were amazing...I...I love u Erik..." he said blushing in belief that Erik did not return the feelings Jason bestowed upon him.

"I...I love you too Jason...and I think that I always have loved you...ever since the very beginning" I softly said to him. I smoothly rubbed his back and my not decreased so I slowly pulled my member out of Jason. He turned to me and stared into my eyes as they glistened from the sunlight shining in.

"So this is our new life together for real...?" I said to him. He nodded to me and just scratched under my muzzle making me lightly purr.

"Yeah bud...this is our new life you better get use to it," Jason said chuckling.

"I think that I will be able to manage and bare with you." I said to him with great confidence. He scratched behind my ears and I purred a bit louder than last time. He grabbed one of my paws and pulled me into the bathroom.

"We need to wash up after that big mess...don't you think?" he asked me. I looked at his body then stared down at my own; they were drenched in cum.

"Yes we definitely need to wash up now," I said proudly after seeing what a mess I made. Jason turned the hot tub on and carried me inside with him. We washed each other off and hastily dried off eager to get out.

"Erik do you really think that we are ready to live out on our own yet?" he told me briefly. I was thinking about that same thing ever since we went into this new neighborhood.

"Yes I think we can live together on our own, but we still need to go to school got that hun?" I told him with a stern voice. He walked over to me and hugged me tightly.

"It is whatever you want to do, ok Erik?" he told me happily. I nodded with joy and thought to myself if Jason was the one I would spend the rest of my life with.

(Two weeks later)

"Jason...oh Jason where are you?" I called out to him playfully. I heard something mumbling from upstairs in our bedroom. Faint screams were being heard from upstairs. My ears arose to the sky in curiosity of what was going on up there, but I was also frightened to see what mysterious things were happening in this house.

I slowly approached the stairs staring up to the den still nothing but the faints cries and screams.

" anyone there?" I called out up the stairs. Nothing replied to me. My body tensed up more wishing that someone o something would just give me an answer so I knew what was up thee waiting for me.

"Stay down...quit struggling...argh...your going to be alright..." said a familiar voice. I approached the doorway of our room and everything grew still and quiet. Slowly I opened the door to the room and saw only Jason sitting on the edge of the bed, but the bed sheets were crumpled up and messy.

"Hey hun what's up?" Jason politely said. Something was squirming behind Jason's back. It was so obvious and clear that he was hiding something. I darted over there and lifted the blankets. Jumping back I gasped and lost the words in my mouth.

"Is that...did you capture a human...and...and bring him here?!" I said shocked and petrified.

"Ain't he cute and he's a good yiff...we're going to keep him..." Jason said joyously.

'I knew at that moment that this could only lead to trouble for us in the future, but he what do I know...'