New beginings chapter 2

Story by xanitosthewolf on SoFurry

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New begginings part 2

Mark examined the wolf that was looking both curiously and amazed at

him and he extended a paw out as means to help him up. The wolf closed

his eyes and cringed thinking that he was going to try and hit him as

well, he soon looked up and realized that this was a friendly gesture

and took his hand causiously as he was pulled up onto his feet. "Well

that definantly wasnt the best first impression Ive ever made." Mark

said looking at the wolf questioningly. "So can I know your name? Do

you speak english?" At that the wolf crumpled to the ground fainting

from the shock of the mornings events catching up to him with the

adrenaline fading from his body.

Mark watched the wolf sleep on his couch, his chest rising and falling

slowly, his eyes darting around underneath his eyelids signifying he

was having a dream, and his ears twitching around, the soft insides

tempting him to grab and rub them slowly. The wolf reached up and

rubbed his head slowly coming to as he looked around taking in his

surroundings. "wh- where am I?" he said gently; it took every bone in

marks body not to freeze up as he said calmly to the wolf, "Your at my

home, The school told me to bring you here because they couldnt get

ahold of your parents, and when they called the emergency number the

phone in your pocket began to ring." He said to him as the wolf sat up

holding a paw to his forehead and looking over at the person who had

just spoken to him freezing instantly. "wh- why did you save me?" He

said looking at the husky curiously. "Because I saw another fur in

need of assistance, besides I couldnt just let that bull ruin my first

impression by standing there and watching could I?" He said tilting

his head to the side raising an eyebrow. "So can I know the name of

the little wolf I saved now?" Mark watched the wolf extend his paw and

took it shaking contently. "Hi, my name is karsen white and thank you

so much for saving my ass back there!" Karsen said smiling practically

ear to ear at the husky his bushy wolf tail shaking beneath him. Mark

laughed and grinned at the wolf that was practically glowing in the

mid day sun the light reflecting off of him. "Trust me; it was not a

problem at all there karsen, I must say your name is very interesting

you know?" Mark said smiling warmly towards karsen the wolfs light

blue eyes returning the gaze of his own eyes getting almost lost as if

he were stuck out in the middle of an ocean without a map or compass.

Karsens' expression changed to that of worry as he lowered his ears

slightly and looked away not being able to look at the hisky any more.

"Karsen whats wrong?" Mark said trying to recive the look of his eyes

again a worried feeling stirring inside of him. "Well I- I mean you-

why would you save me like that? You dont know me, and I dont know you

so please tell me- why.?.?." Mark looked back at karsen looking almost

hurt as he opened his muzzle to speak when suddenly the phone in

Karsen's poket rang without warning. "Hello?" Karsen said into the

reciver not knowing who was calling as the caller I.D. Had shown up

private. As soon as the mystyrious caller answred he knew who it was

instantly. "Heya little faggot! I hope you dont think this is over.

And tell that fucking husky to watch his ass because he won't see me

comin!!" The voice on the other end of the line snarled as the line

went dead and karsen dropped the phone into his lap, his muzzle ajar

and his eyes wide. Mark could instatntly tell something was wrong by

the look on his face as he waited for Karsen to finish the call, the

worried feeling practically exploading inside of him when Karsen

dropped the phone. "Karsen whats wrong!?" He asked worried deeply.

"Mark.... You need to watch your back from now on okay?" He said to

Mark the look on his face sad and sollum. "Now that you challenged

Jared hes gonna come back for you, and hes gonna come back hard!" Mark

just simply laughed loudly looking atthe wolf with a tear of laughter

in his eye. "Thats a good one! Whats he gonna do, ram me to

death?" (pun intended) Mark said looking back at the wolf cheerfully.

"You however should probably stay with me for the next few days as to

be safe from him, in case he tries to go to your home." Mark said

serious again. "Would you really let me stay the night here just to

protect me from a stupid bull?" Karsen said questioningly, Mark

nodding his head as he said this. "Thank you so much Mark!" Karsen

shouted hugging the husky tightly. He didnt care if the husky was

straight or not he needed to show him how happy he was. "Right then

lets set up your bed shall we?" Mark said smiling at Karsen again as

he wrapped himself around his waist.

Thats the end of chapter two. Lemme know whatcha guys think ^.^ rate/
