New Journey Chapter 45: Turnback

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#47 of New Journey

Seth the Hybrid

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon

Fluffy the Eevee

Daim the Mienshao

Tiff the Typhlosion

Chp 45: Turnback

"Ugh." Seth reached across Soul and grabbed his noisy dex off the nightstand. "Rise and shine, we leave in an hour."

"Five more minutes daddy..." Soul groaned.

"If you aren't up, I'll leave you behind again." He teased with a squeeze of her flank. He rolled over to Sky's side, which was also closer to the bathroom. She was in the middle of a yawn and Fluffy was hiding his head in his tail.

Sky slid out of bed and padded her way into the bathroom with Seth following behind. By the time he cracked the door, she was already in the tub with the water on, waiting for it to warm.

"And a good morning to you." He said, rubbing her back.

"Yeah. So, what do you think Aien wants with us? We are pretty much strangers after all."

"I have no idea. He mentioned Solaceon, so maybe the ruins there. As for why... maybe he wants to get to know us too." Seth climbed into the tub and flipped the shower on.

"Maybe. He seems shy. Unlike Allie. She reminds me more of Soul."

"Really? She never tried to seduce me in public."

"I'd hope not." Sky laughed. "I meant the personality. Very casual."

Seth heard the cracked bathroom door creak open. "Soul? Come to join us?" He asked.

There was no response. The edge of the curtain moved and with a great leap, Fluffy jumped into the tub. Sky turned around to tend to him, facing away from the showerhead. Seth quickly lowered his hands to cover himself. Despite his normal level of nudity being one degree higher, in just underwear, it felt wrong to be fully naked in front of his son.

Meanwhile, Sky formed a bowl of energy, catching some water to dump over Fluffy. The shower stream had difficulty getting to his small body with the two larger ones in front of it. She then took to scrubbing his fur with her paws and tongue. Seth turned around and washed himself. His mom was always nude, but at least she had some natural covering.

They emerged from the bathroom several minutes later with a wave of steam. Fluffy was puffed up, his fur still bulked from drying off. Soul was up and over with Daim and Tiff. "Alright, you two willing to babysit again?" Seth asked. Both of the girls winced.

"Actually, I was hoping to go with you." Daim said. "I would enjoy a chance to explore."

"Alright, in that case, we can trade." Sky offered. "Tiff? Are you sure you don't want to go?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Alright then, Soul, Daim, le-" Seth was interrupted by a flash of light in the middle of the room.

"Seth?" The gallade asked. "I am here to take you to my master."

"Aien? Alright then. Guess that makes it easier." Seth walked forward, along with Soul and Daim. "Though such an accurate teleport is kinda spooky." Seth muttered right before they vanished.


They all appeared in the middle of the forest, trees as far as the eye could see.

"Good work." Aien said, recalling his gallade.

"Hey, morning." Seth greeted with a wave.

"Same to you. We are looking for a place named Sendoff Spring." Aien explained right away.

"Alright. Sounds interesting."

"Seth? Do you not know?" Daim asked. Seth shook his head. "Sendoff spring is rumored to be the portal to the afterlife."

Zy crawled out from behind Aien's head, resting on top. "Sinnoh is abundant with loci of power. The four lakes and the multitude of ancient ruins, they are all connected to the legendary world. Sendoff Spring gives way to Turnback Cave. In ancient Sinnoh legend, it was the tomb of the gods, forbidden to mortals, which then turned into the spirit world legend. In truth, it is the home of the legendary pokemon Giratina. That is what we are looking for."

"Fascinating..." Daim said. "I always assumed Turnback Cave was either fictional or lost to the ages. If it does remain, I must see it. And Giratina? The renegade who betrayed Arceus?"

"Correct." Aien said.

"Are you sure it's safe?"

"We'll be fine." Aien held out his left arm. From it, emerging from his skin, several green blobs dripped onto the grass, forming and growing into a canid form. "Zy can help track."

As they followed, Soul moved further ahead, lowering her head to look between Zy's back legs. She let out an annoyed groan when she saw nothing but flat skin.

Suddenly, she stopped and looked around. "What the...?" She muttered.

Everyone behind her stopped too, Zy turning around a moment later. "What is it?" Daim asked.

Seth closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. "Is that... the legendary energy?

"Both of you can sense it?" Aien asked.

"I suspected as much. An absol can sense the smallest of atmospheric changes and Seth is a unique case." Zy said. "Take the front with me Seth. You may be able to help. Soul, I am afraid your senses are not accurate enough."

"Well screw you too, Squishy." She complained.

They all started walking again, Zy leading the way, Seth behind him, with the other three following. As they walked, Seth heard more of the strange sound. It was almost like the wind, a constant low moaning and groaning sound. Or maybe the sound of breaking waves was a closer comparison. Or static from a radio. Whatever it was, it was more than just annoying. Seth's ears buzzed with it, making his head pound in time with his heart. His nerves were also on edge, giving him a feeling of danger.

"Aien, I need more cells." Zy said.

"Right." Aien rushed forward, coming in line with Seth. "Here y-"

"Watch out!" Soul shouted. Her horn was visibly shaking. One instant Seth was there, the next he was gone. Her and Daim's balls dropped to the ground, along with Aien's six and Zy's form from his head. That was the only sign that they had ever been there.

"Curses." He growled. "I should have sensed it."

"What... just happened?" Daim asked hesitantly.

"It was a portal to another dimension. Only open for a fraction of a second, just long enough to pull them through. I can feel myself on the other side."

"That's how I felt it." Soul's horn was still now. "It was like a sudden vacuum. It just sucked everything up for only a second. But why didn't it take the pokeballs?"

"Because it was intentional. It was created to stop us." Zy turned and began moving forward again.

"What are we gonna do?" Soul asked.

"We keep going. Stay close, just in case. Once we find the source, we can help them get out." As Zy walked, he shrunk as his body broke up. Little slimy snake like forms crawled back and picked up the balls, each one about the right size to carry one. He was nothing but slime again in moments, turned into eleven separate pieces.


"uo go." Aien's eyes widened in realization.

They were no longer in the forest. In fact, it seemed they were no longer in Sinnoh, or anywhere in the real world. The sky was dark, having an odd dark blue color. There were no clouds. In their place were islands, floating with disregard for gravity. Some were even sideways and upside down.

"Where... are we?" Seth asked hesitantly.

Aien's hand rose and he bit on his thumb nail. A green mass formed on his forehead and slithered onto his head, forming into another Zy. "It seems we have been separated. Luckily, our combined forms were taken together. Two cores remain outside." He reported. "As well, I cannot separate more than fifty percent. The atmosphere here is dangerous."

"Thirty percent for now." From Aien's pantleg, a large amount of Zy came out and merged together, growing into a winged bird-like form.

"What?!" Seth asked frantically.

"You don't need to know. Just hold on and wait. I didn't mean to drag you in this deep."

"Quite the opposite." Zy said. "Seth should be more than capable in this situation. Giratina must have sensed us and created a wormhole to separate the trainers from their pokemon. However, Aien and I are one. And you have your own abilities. My body is made up of ten cores and ninety cells. Each one holds a portion of my power. The cores are the center and the cells gather around them, taking shape into my numerous forms." The bird form stretched its wings. It was mostly black with a green underbelly and markings on the wings. It was large enough to carry both of them. "We are each independent, but connected. I have joined my form with my master. My bond with him is a symbiotic one. His body houses mine, while my cells support and enhance his body."

"Okay, so, now what?"

"We wait." Aien sat down on a rock.

"Yes. We are stuck until my forms on the other side can find the portal. Giratina knows we are here. Be on your guard." Zy explained.

"Right. Might as well then." Seth turned around and walked over to a grey skeletal tree. He broke off some branches and carried them back over to make a small pile. He then transformed into a flareon and lit them on fire.

Aien barely seemed concerned at the change. "Thank you."

"Yeah, so like Zy said, I'm spe-" A loud roar in the distance cut him off. Seth raised up on his hind legs and raised his ears even higher. After listening, looking and smelling for a bit, he dropped back down. "Nothing. This place seems pretty empty, so sound could travel pretty far."

"I suspect we will be safe for over an hour. Giratina would usually starve us out, torturing us over a period of days, but he will sense when our partners on the other side get close to the main portal. At that point, he should attack. Then, using my cores on the other side, we can locate the location of the portal in this world and cross back to our own."

"So we're gonna be here for a while? Alright." Seth curled up next to the weak fire. "I'll stay like this. It's pretty cold."

"This place is called the distortion world. It is like a broken mirror to the real world. It resembles it, but is distorted beyond recognition. It is a prison for Giratina, who's rage could not be contained any other way. However, the walls have been weakening, threatening to let Giratina escape if no one intervenes."

"That's why you're here?" Seth asked.

"Yes." Zy said. Aien seemed uninterested with their conversation, looking off into the distance. "I am the legendary pokemon assigned to protect the balance of this world. Aien has a pure heart, so we work together to keep the world safe. Giratina escaping would be a catastrophe."

"I bet you have some serious stories to tell."

"I would expect the same of you. Your kind are often incredibly successful."


"It's beautiful." Daim said dreamily.

"You can say that again." Soul said.

"No time to stare. Keep moving." Zy kept walking, looking along the edge. They were standing on the edge of a large crater. There was a long drop over the edge leading to the sparkling lake below. "Watch for a way down to the water, then a cave. And keep in mind, the entrance may be underwater at the moment."


"Then we set the tied-up leader on top of the police station. They only found him when he started calling for help."

"Ha." Seth gave a short chuckle as Zy finished his story. Despite his attempt at a regal appearance, puffing his featherless bird chest out, and his formal voice, he was much more personable than his nearly silent master. There was another roar, still not sounding any closer. "Yeah, yeah, shout all you want." Seth yelled back.

"Yes, justice is often quite enjoyable."

"Find a job you like and you'll never work again." Seth said.

"I wouldn't call balance my job. More my duty. I want to see a better world. Whatever brings about less suffering makes me happy."

"I wish things could be that simple."


"I'm assuming you want to fight Giratina." Seth said.


"But you can't kill him. So what are you gonna do?"

"That's not quite true. Although, you continue to impress with your experience. Rest assured, I know what I am doing. If I were to be forced to kill a legend, they would be reincarnated shortly. We are not so easy to slay. Even then, I only want to force Giratina into submission."

"Oh, okay. No offense, but I'd rather not get involved in a huge fight. I promised someone I'd play it safe."

"I can respect that. I only desire your help in a supporting role."

"Okay. I'll do what I can. I'd rather not have some nightmare monster go on a rampage either."

"I doubt we need your help." Aien finally pitched in. "Once I can use my team, we'll have little trouble."

"Aien, that was rude." Zy chastised.

"Sorry." He apologized. "I just..."

"It's fine. I have a lot of confidence in my team too." Seth said.

"Regardless, we may not be able to have the others in time."

Seth got up from his laying position. "Well, anything we can do now? Or more waiting?"

Zy looked around for a moment. "Yes, I think now should be close enough. Our partners on the other side are nearing the portal. I am almost certain Giratina will attack as we near the exit. The portal itself will be invisible, so unless we coordinate from both sides, we cannot go through. Of course, Giratina will attempt to prevent that. I assume you know more of your powers than I do, so do what you can to help. Once we can get through the portal, you will go through and send Aien's team back. Then you will stay on the other side and help us leave."

"I think I can do that. Let's get moving."

"Very well, climb on my back." The bird form stretched its large wings out. Aien climbed on first, followed by Seth, who turned into a lucario.

As they took off, Seth closed his eyes and felt outwards. Now fully using aura, he became unnerved quickly. There was nothing else alive here. For around a mile out, there was no life, besides the three of them. "I'll keep an eye out. Giratina isn't nearby right now." Seth told them.

"Good job." Zy said. He flapped his wings, rising higher into the air. Despite his avian appearance, he had no feathers. Instead, his skin was smooth, slick and rubbery. Now that they were airborne, Seth could feel just how weak the gravity was. As they neared the next island, which was upside down, the pull suddenly changed, only feeling like a light tug on their backs, up toward the chunk of floating land. It was easy to hold onto Zy. Seth guessed he could have easily jumped from island to island. Even Aien probably could have. But flying allowed them to move freely, instead of hopping one at a time.

They passed a few more islands, before Zy changed direction. This happened for a while, until Zy moved to land on a larger one. It was sideways from their current orientation, though once gravity changed and Zy turned, it was nearly impossible to tell. On this island was a large rocky mound, plenty of stony soil and some dead trees.

"This is the place. We wait here for our allies." Zy said as they touched down.

"This place isn't too big. I bet I could just feel around and get luck-" A loud roar interrupted him. Seth blinked a few times, extending his senses again. There was something else, moving very fast, right toward them. "He-" The entire island shook, cracks forming in the ground.

"Aien! Now!"

Aien spread his arms, twenty more slimes emerging and merging into Zy's combined form. It grew, changing from avian to serpent. The ground broke, knocked all three away and separated Seth and Zy. Something shot up from the hole and into the air, moving in a blur of black and gold, before it disappeared from sight.

"Was that- Incoming!" Seth shouted.

Zy formed a protect just in time to prevent the bullet speed impact. Giratina changed direction and shot off again. Aien climbed onto Zy and seemingly merged with the form, sinking into Zy's back. "Keep your guard up. This is his home."

Giratina vanished from Seth's senses. A blue glaze then covered his real vision as he was protected. An instant later, several red tipped tendrils shot out of his shadow, crashing into and cracking the barrier.

"Giratina is also ghost and dragon type. His attack can from anywhere. He is targeting you as the weaker now that Aien is safe."

"Thanks. I'm ready now." Seth tensed up and mega evolved. "Guess I won't get away with being a bystander."

"Foolish mortals." A booming voice said. Above them, Giratina formed in midair. "You dare to think you can imprison me?" He had a snake-like appearance with grey skin, leaning towards dragon attributes, with gold ridges and black and red stripes. Behind it flared six black smoky appendages, tipped with red spikes.

Seth shivered. It was an unnerving appearance, made even worse by the legendary status. And with Zy there, he couldn't turn into his chimera form, at least not without putting him at risk.

"Thousand Arrows." Zy sparkled with green energy for a moment, before it burst out, turning into arrows that flew for Giratina. He moved in the air, dodging most of them, before retaliated with a powerful beam.

"SETH! You in there?!" Soul's voice called out.

"Soul? Where are you?"

"Thousand Waves." Zy said, letting off another burst of energy. Several green explosions erupted in the air around Giratina.

A small blob of green emerged from a nearby rock. "Seth, over here."

"But... Zy?"

"We'll trade places. My full power can conquer him."

Seth ran over to the blob. "Alright, right he-" Seth stopped talking when his hand went through the rock. He took a deep breath and dove in. He emerged into a dimly lit cave. Soul, Daim and the other parts of Zy were there.

"Finally. Now we can get out of this fucking cave." Soul snorted angrily.

"Sorry, wasn't exactly my choice." Seth said as he stood up. Zy walked past him and through the portal.

"That's her way of saying she was worried." Daim said.

"Nope, not at all." Soul said.

"Anyways, we have to wait here for Aien and Zy."

"AUGH, fine. Guess we'll hang out with the ghosts and zubat." Soul threatened.

Seth nervously looked up. "We have to. But why do you hate this place?"

"You'll see when we leave."


"Mission accomplished." Zy said as his fifty percent form slithered out of the portal. "Giratina should be severely weakened now."

"Great." Seth said. "Uh, is Aien..."

Zy began to break down, scattering into his separate cells. As they dispersed, it revealed Aien kneeling on the ground. "Because of my structure, I can house Aien safely within my body." Zy explained.

"Gross." Soul commented. "Now, let's go home. I'm hungry."

"Aren't you the least bit happy that Seth is unharmed?!" Daim asked.

"I was never worried in the first place. I wouldn't let just anybody be my mate after all."

Aien blushed and looked away.

"Right. Let's get outta here. Aien, you have the teleporter?" Seth asked.

"Y-yes, after we leave the cave."

They began walking off the pedestal. The portal was situated between a set of pillars on a raised platform in the middle of an enclosed room. The room looked like a set of ruins more than a cave. After descending the stairs, they went through the door directly ahead. After passing through a hallway, they were looking right at the entrance.

"What the!? This place was a damn maze going in!" Soul shouted. "Whatever, get me out of here."

"Thank you all for the aid." Zy said. "Now that we have taken care of that, we can return to our quest."

"I wish you luck." Seth said.


"So, how was your adventure?" Sky asked when they returned.

"Eh, nothing much." Seth said. "Weird cave. That was about it."

"Weird?" Daim said. "Maybe a little. But it was fascinating."

"And I brought some take out." Seth held up the giant brown bag he was carrying. He went over to the desk and arranged the array of sautéed meat and vegetables, accompanied with plenty of rice. After everybody picked out what they wanted, and a little arguing over who got what, they all sat around the living room table, chatting and eating.

"Volcano! Volcano!" Fluffy chanted excitedly.

"Are you really going to let him go?" Daim asked.

"Yeah. With all that fur, he'd go up in a puff of smoke." Tiff said.

"As long as his mom and I are there, we can keep him safe. Right?" Seth said.

A pink sphere formed around Fluffy, trapping him inside. He pawed at it, pushing it, which made it roll, taking him tumbling along with it. He quickly adapted to it, turning it into a makeshift hamster wheel and rolling around the group.

"Besides, if its open to trainers, it should be at least kinda safe."

"I won't let a hair on his head get singed." Sky said. The bubble disappeared, dropping Fluffy onto his feet. He bounded back over and jumped onto his mom's back. Once sitting on her, he began cleaning his face with his paws.

One by one, as they finished eating, they scattered off. Seth was last to go, boxing up the leftovers and stowing them in the mini fridge. Daim was watching her tv, Soul was on the bed and watching that tv, and Sky was also on the bed, but she was watching Seth and Fluffy. Tiff was playing with Fluffy, who was energetically working off his meal.

"Seth?" Sky asked as he finished and came over. "What did you really do today?"

"Told you we couldn't lie." Soul said.

Seth sighed. "Sorry, I didn't want you to worry. We... encountered a legendary pokemon. If Aien wasn't there, we would have been in real trouble."


"I know, I know. It wasn't planned or anything. It just kinda happened. I didn't even fight."

"We're all going with you tomorrow." She told him.

"Alright. After we solve this mystery, our adventuring days are over." He went over to his backpack and removed the orb from inside. It began to glow with multicolored light the moment he touched it. He held and stared into it for a bit before returning it. "I promise. There's a bunch of nice little villages to the south of Sinnoh. Maybe we'll find a house there."