New Journey Chapter 49: Zero (X)

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#51 of New Journey

Seth the Hybrid

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon

Fluffy the Eevee

Tiff the Typhlosion

Daim the Mienshao

Chp 49: Zero

"Sky? What are you doing out here?" Seth asked as they walked the path to Twinleaf Town. Sky, Fluffy, Daim and Tiff were all standing just off the road. It was late, well past nightfall.

"Espy epe ess eon." Sky said excitedly, running towards him. His backpack was lying on the ground next to her.

He opened his arms and caught her as she pounced, holding her tight while she rubbed her head into his chest. He raised his head and looked around. They were alone. "A lot happened... Let's get a room for the night and I'll explain everything. But first, I can't understand you anymore."


"I'm alright, if that's what you meant."

She nodded. "Eon."

"Guess I know you well." He chuckled, though his smile quickly turned to a frown. "Oh well. I'd rather be free than some chosen one. Especially if it means I get to be with you." He rubbed her chin. "Let's get settled. No more adventures."

"Eevee!" Fluffy said. "Vee vee!"

"Shao mienshao."

Seth sighed. "This sucks. But... screw Arceus. Zy was right."

"Sol. Sol."




"Vee, vee vee. Ee."

"Phlo ty sion."


"Mie ao."

Seth was lying on his back staring at the ceiling as the sounds of pokemon chatter filled the room. They all seemed happy enough, but... Seth held a hand in front of his face. He tried to flip the mental switch that was his transformation. But nothing happened. He held his breath, forcing himself to get short of breath by breathing short and fast, getting his heart to beat faster. But even then, nothing. Sky turned to look at him when she noticed this.


"Am I okay?" He asked. She nodded. "I will be. Just... in shock I guess." He reached over and grabbed his dex off the nightstand. After some browsing, he found a house that looked good. It was reasonably priced, not too big, and out in the woods, away from prying eyes. He sent a message to the address provided by the owner asking to meet tomorrow morning.

As the night got late and everyone grew tired, Seth got ready for bed. He emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam, after a long hot and alone shower. He climbed into bed, between Sky and Soul in his underwear, just like usual. He turned out the lamp, plunging the room into darkness. Everybody else was already asleep.

Or not, as Soul rolled over and straddled his covered body. "Sol." She sloppily licked his cheek.

"Soul." He pushed her away. "Not tonight. Please."

She grunted and backed off, rolling back onto her side.


The next morning, Seth went off alone to meet the homeowner, with a hefty sum of cash in hand. Money and deed changed owners and Seth was left looking at his new home. It was a decently sized, one floor, two bed two bath, with a large backyard bordering the forest. It was located just on the border of the town, with only a wooded dirt path leading to it. The inside was already bare and ready to move in. The place itself was perfect. Just enough land, a with the vast expanse of forest just beyond the yard and in front. It was far enough away that there would be few wondering eyes, so he could show his love freely. The house was mostly wood, looking brown and humble.

With that done, Seth headed back into town. There wasn't a specific furniture store, but the pokemart did sell some. Before that, he went for the center to get the girls. With their help, he got a bunch of essentials to take to the house. It took a few trips to get everything, a couch, some chairs, beds, a fridge, a table, food, silverware, with Daim and Tiff doing a lot of the heavy lifting. Fluffy even helped, carrying a bag of groceries in his teeth. Daim was carrying the entire fridge by herself. Tiff carried some boxes of furniture while Soul and Sky carried the lighter things, Soul with her horn and Sky with her tail.

Slowly over the course of the day, the house filled up, beginning to look more and more like a home. Seth spent most of the time assembling the things that needed it. His abnormal strength was gone, but he was still strong within human standards. Even so, his body did not show it, appearing fit at best, with little toned muscle.

"Espy espy ee, eon." Sky said happily as she walked into the bedroom. Seth had just finished setting up their bedframe.

"You like the place? Me too." Seth said. Soul was testing out the mattress on the other side of the room, alternatively rolling around and jumping on it. "Seems like we got lucky. C'mon, it's about dinner time." Seth rose and guided the girls out of the master bedroom and down the hall. Along the way they passed the spare bedroom, the office and the main bathroom. The other was connected to the back of the master bedroom.

They emerged out into the main area. To the left, between them and the front door, was the living room section, with a few comfy chairs and a big couch, and of course the television was there too. It was a big flat screen, by Soul's insistence. To the right was the dining room table, the back door, and the kitchen.

Daim was at the kitchen sink, washing and storing their new dishes. Tiff wasn't inside, as she had gone out to explore the property, taking Fluffy with her.

"Hey Daim. You hungry?" Seth asked as he walked over to her.

"Mei." She nodded.

"Alright." Seth turned and went to open the back door. "Tiff! Fluffy!" He called out into the forest. A few seconds later, he saw a hint of tan coming towards the house. With that he went back inside. "Let's see..." Seth muttered as he opened the freezer. He grabbed a few frozen dinners and carried them over to the oven.

He shut the oven and turned it on. When he stood up, Daim was looking at him. "Shao." She said while grabbing a clean pot. She filled it with water and set it on to boil. Then, she went about setting out ingredients. Based on what she set out, it looked like she was making noodles. As the water boiled, she added shell noodles, salt and butter to the mix. Then, she dug through the fridge, taking out a few different cheeses, all in single slices. She melted them just enough to mix the varieties, then poured it onto the fresh noodles.

As the food cooked, Tiff came in, a panting eevee riding atop her head. "Typh lo." She carefully lifted and set Fluffy down. Sky was right over, making sure he was alright. It seemed he was as he hopped up and went off to explore the house.

"Espy!" Sky called, chasing after him.

After a bit, the food was finishing up. Seth went over to the oven to look at Daim's cooking. "Huh, mac and cheese." Seth spooned out a bite to try. "Oh, wow this is good."

"Mie." She said happily.

"If you enjoy it, feel free to be the house chef." Seth offered.

She smiled and nodded.

Soon, they were all eating, even Fluffy, who Sky had to nearly drag back. There was an obvious difference in taste, between Seth's premade food and Daim's ingredient cooking.

"That was great. Thanks Daim." Seth said, followed by a sigh. "Well, we've had a busy few days. I think I'm gonna go to bed. Hopefully get some good sleep now." He got up and carried his dishes to the sink. "Good night everybody." The sun was still up outside the window, bright orange light coming through as the sun set into the trees.

"Eon..." Sky muttered.

"Ab." Soul said, getting up and following after him.

Seth entered the master bedroom with yet another sigh. It was still a little sparse, with several of the furniture boxes still waiting to be assembled. The large bed was ready though. He walked past it into the bathroom. He came out a few minutes later to find Soul lying on the bed, facing away from him. He got into bed with her, giving a few strokes along her smooth body.

Before he could settle in, she spun around and grappled him, pinning him below her.

"Soul... I don't feel good. Not tonight." He said, giving her a light push.

"Sol." She said, bringing up a foot and hooking a claw in his underwear. She pulled them down easily and laid onto him. He could feel moisture on his leg. She began to grind it on him, getting juice on his leg as she moved up and down slowly.

"Soul-" He was muffled when she planted a kiss on his face, forcing her tongue into his mouth. He felt a familiar tingle run over him. His eyes bulged in surprise as blue fur began to form. With that, Soul backed off as the transformation progressed slowly. "Soul?"


"Hah!" He wrapped his arms around her neck and pulled her into a hug. "I love you!"

"I love me too."

"So I can still transform." He held up a paw, turning it around to look at it. "I was scared for a while there. I... I never thought I'd hear your voice again."

"It's like when we first met. You gotta get physical."

"I honestly thought I couldn't anymore. Tha-"

"You know what I want." Soul said with a smile.

"I guess you earned it." He gave her a peck on the head before shifting his body. She sat up and moved as well until the heat of her nethers came to rest gently on his balls. His member had already emerged mostly from his sheath. She pressed back down, rubbing his hard shaft between her fur and his, and began to lay sloppy kisses to his face. Soul quickly got bored of this and raised her hips. His member sprang to attention and pointed straight up, allowing her to simply lower her hips again to bring her cunny to rest on his tip. Seth took the initiative and pushed up, slowly sinking his tip into her wet tunnel. She lifted up at the same rate, allowing just his very tip inside.

"Mmm, fuck yeah." Soul growled. Her hips moved side to side, a smile firmly planted on her muzzle as she teased him. "Gonna make you regret making me wait so long. You need to be punished for leaving your lady needy."

"Sor-" He started to apologize but she pushed down on his muzzle with a paw.

"Shh. You're all mine now." With expert skill, she lifted her rear, moved back, down and then forward again, pinning his member between her lips and his belly. "And not a damn thing is gonna split us up."

"Mrph-" Seth tried to say, but she still had him silenced.

Soul leaned down and whispered right into his ear. "I said be quiet. You're mine tonight." She nibbled on the tip of his ear a bit before moving to look him in the eyes. "And I mean all night." She said with a very intense look. "So get comfy~"

Seth blushed at the display. She was serious. She'd been dominant before, but she was usually satisfied with one exhausting round. That wasn't going to fly this time. Despite his fears, or maybe because of them, his member gave a hearty throb, drooling out a glob of pre onto his fur.

With that, she settled back into position, head resting just beside his, body covering his, and nethers kissing the bottom side of his cock. While her hips grinded atop him, soaking his member with her plentiful juices, she nibbled and nuzzled on his sensitive tassels. He squirmed a bit at the ticklish feeling on the back of his head, but remained otherwise still.

She kept moving along his shaft for a while, getting it nice and wet, in addition to their fur. But even as squishy noises began to emanate from them, she didn't let him inside. Seth couldn't hold in a groan anymore. The moment he let out a light grunt, Soul smiled devilishly. She sped up her grinding, rubbing her pussy along his shaft in a blur. Even if he wanted to, Seth could do little more than sit there. She had him pinned and her fast movements made him a little uneasy.

"Ah, Soul..." was all he managed to get out. The rest of his words didn't come out as he groaned again. Even with his worry of injury, he was getting close. The feeling was different, but still good. Her hot and silky folds wrapped around the bottom half of his shaft, sliding up and down it like a pole. That feeling only touched a portion at a time. The rest of his shaft and balls were immersed in her even softer fur. "I'm... ugh..." She didn't let up for an instant, even as his member throbbed and bulged with his coming climax. His knot was rapidly swelling to full size, trying to tie an unseen hole.

Just as he was about to erupt, Soul stood up, still holding him down with her paws. Before he could react, the first shot of cum jumped across his chest. The next few splattered next to it, slowly losing power. As he was still cumming, she moved down. After his fourth shot, Soul wrapped her lips around his member, sucking and licking passionately while he continued spurting into her mouth.

Seth couldn't move, immobilized by pleasure as she drained his balls. Her paws wrapped around his knot and squeezed in rhythm with his pulsing. His primary orgasm was dying down, the shots turning to dribbles, but Soul didn't slow down, milking everything she could out of him. "Damn Soul..." He muttered through a dry mouth and panting. "You really-"

She rose off him with a pop of her lips. "You think we're done?" She opened her mouth and licked up the side of his pussy slicked shaft. She stopped to suckle at the cum drooling tip. He grunted at the touch to his overstimulated meat. Even though he was already spent, his canine anatomy kept his bone hard. It would stay that way for the next twenty or so minutes while he slowly came down from his orgasm. "I said ALL night." She gave a particularly hard suck that made him buck his hips.

"Gimme like... fifteen minutes." He panted.

"One more round," she slurped down the shaft. "Then you can have a water break." She gave a long slow lick back up the other side, making sure to hit every contour of his knot and play along the veins. "Did I ever tell you how good your cum tastes?" She took a moment to smack her lips and savor what she had gathered. "Kinda like those salty twist things."

"P-pretzels? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, that's it. Pokemon aren't like boring humans. We all have our unique scents and tastes. Makes things that much better. You had to have noticed that by now."

"Kinda. But pretzels?"

"Yeah. Salty with a little bready taste. Wanna try?" She offered, letting her tongue hang out.

"Uh, no, I'm good."

She kissed his tip. "Your loss." Her maw opened again and took his member in again, starting by wrapping her tongue around the shaft. She spiraled her tongue along as she lowered her mouth over him. He let out another grunt, still sensitive and dribbling cum, which she greedily sucked up. She kept licking and slurping as he recovered, knot slowly deflating.

Seth could do nothing but watch. Her beautiful body, laid out on the bed, covered in that ever soft, always white, perfect fur she was so proud of. Her cute face, with its barely noticeable muzzle and blue skin. And those piercing red eyes, always giving him the lustiest looks. Every time he looked at her, he felt his heart flutter. Now that their traveling was over, he could spend all his time with his mates and son. Mates. He never pictured himself loving two girls, much less pokemon. But it ended up that way.

"Enjoying the view?" She asked when she caught him staring. She raised her head all the way then rose to begin climbing over him. "The better you do in this round, the longer your break is." She returned to her original position but this time, she immediately took his member in, hilting to the knot right away. "Mmm, fuck." She grinded her hips atop him, rubbing over his shrinking knot. "I'll never get tired of that." Seth let out his own noise of pleasure at the feeling of her soft walls wrapping around him. He felt the same as she did.

"My tight little poke pussy, all hot and wet, craving your big hard bone." Soul teased, giving a few slow and short humps. "Does it feel good?" Seth simply nodded dumbly. She responded with a toothy grin and full-fledged rise and drop. He couldn't help but grunt and thrust up, pounding his tip against her womb. "Oh yeah, gonna fill that up, fucking knock me up. Gotta tie me up and pump me full." She purred.

"Ugh, Soul..."

She leaned down, wrapping her paws around the back of his shoulders. "Relax big boy." She whispered in his ear, which twitched at her hot breath. "It's just kinky. Sky can have her spotlight. For now. Won't be in heat again for a while. So gimme a big gooey load."

"A-alright." Upon the words leaving his mouth, she immediately started bouncing her rear on his lap. With every motion, her juicy pussy squished around his member, soaking it and dribbling more juice onto his lap and the bed. Her soft flesh held onto him demandingly, refusing to let even a single touch of pleasure be missed. Every rhythmic squeeze seemed to grip him just right, as if they were molded perfectly for each other.

Seth buried his muzzle in her bountifully furred neck. As a human, he couldn't smell it, but now, he was surrounded by her scent and the scent of her arousal. He let out a pleased noise at the comfortable position. Not only was she riding him wildly, her warm and soft body wrapped around his like a warm blanket. His arms wrapped around her sides and massaged the back of her head and neck as she nuzzled into him.

His knot has long since reversed its course, returning to full size. There was a loud wet plop every time her pussy lips mashed against it. She was as tight as ever, too much for a creature her size, making it a challenge to get the slippery lump inside. It always was. That had never stopped her before. Every time she dropped her backside, she rubbed and grinded against it, getting it wet in preparation for the big moment.

Seth groaned into her neck as he drew close again. Soul felt him throb and give an unintentional thrust up. She raised up, arching her back to come off his member completely. Then she dropped back down, taking his knot in one fluid motion. Seth gasped at the sudden cold followed by insertion. That was enough, causing his cock to pulse as the first splatter of cum hit right against her cervix. When the next came, his tip was pressed up against it, shooting into her womb.

Soul let out a rumbling purr at the hot filling, rubbing her furless cheek against him. "Ahhh," she sighed in relief as her own climax kicked off, her pussy expertly milking him for every bit of seed he had left. He didn't have as much to give, still drained from earlier.

Seth's head dropped back and he went limp as all the energy left his body. Soul did the same, laying out flat on top of him. They stayed like that for a while, just panting and rubbing each other. Seth's eyes fell closed as he began to drift off.

His attention was brought back to the waking world when there was a tugging at his crotch. Soul gave a few more experimental upward pulls, before taking a deep breath. She stood up, pulling off of his knot with a loud sloppy pop.

"Ah... phew... good job. Take five, drink some water, get a snack. Then we'll start round three." Soul said, tail wagging excitedly.