New Journey Chapter 52: Discovery (X)

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#54 of New Journey

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon

Seth the Hybrid

Fluffy the Eevee

Daim the Mienshao

Tiff the Typhlosion

Reginald the Altaria

Chp 52: Discovery

Seth stretched with a pleased sigh as he sat up. He had slept like a rock, already feeling full of energy. Turns out having two girls suck him to sleep was a good idea. Sky and Soul were already up, as they were not in bed with him. He rolled over and entered the master bathroom to begin his morning. He emerged a short time later, feeling clean and refreshed.

As he opened the door to the hallway, he immediately heard noises of excitement from Fluffy. When Seth rounded the corner, he could see his eevee son pacing by the sliding glass back door. Outside, the entire yard was blanketed in white.

"Snow! Snow!" Fluffy cried out in pure joy when he saw his dad coming.

"Well look at that. Winter's here." Seth said, patting Fluffy's head. "I guess this is the first time you've ever seen snow."

"Yeah, let's go outside!" He said excitedly while pawing at Seth's leg.

"You wanna go out and play? Alright, let me get breakfast first." He walked over to the counter and made himself a bowl of cereal. With it, he sat down at the table. Sky and Tiff were already there. Soul was over on the couch, while Daim was nowhere to be seen.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Sky greeted him with a smile. "He's been waiting to go out all morning."

"Morning." He replied. "He's been going since he woke up?" She nodded. He was still unable to understand their words while he was human. While he was getting better at interpreting, they couldn't have much beyond a surface level conversation. Of course, with three girls all after his dick, he was never far away from a transformation. He lifted his bowl and drank up the last of the sugary milk before standing up. "Alright, who wants to go out?" He leaned over and kissed Sky, starting his transformation.

"Me!" Fluffy called, already padding at the back door.

"Anybody else?" Seth asked. Nobody volunteered. "Where's Daim?" Tiff pointed towards their room. "Be right back." He hurried down the hall and knocked on the second bedroom door before opening it. "Daim? Wanna go outside?"

"Hmm?" She said as he came in. "Oh, maybe..." In her paws was a black pokeball.


"Yes. I was thinking about how we could help him."

"He had fully accepted death, and I stopped it. It must be hard to keep going after that."

"Exactly. We need to find something to get him reinvigorated." She looked down at the ball in her paws. "Go play with Fluffy. I'll join you in a little while."

"Alright." He closed the door behind him and returned to the main room.

Fluffy had moved from the door, to sitting on the window sill, before jumping off and running back when Seth entered the room. "Come on!" He whined.

Seth wrapped his paw around the handle and began to pull open the door. When it was only open a crack, Fluffy squeezed out and took a running leap out into the snow. He briefly disappeared in a puff of white as he dove into the several inches of snow. He emerged a moment later, specks of white in his coat, before he jumped and dove into another pile of snow.

Seth followed him out, stepping into the snow while keenly aware of his bare paws. He cautiously did so, but after making contact with the frozen ground, he relaxed. It wasn't nearly as cold as he expected. Between his steel type body and fur, it wasn't much worse than the fridge. Fluffy, with thicker fur, seemingly didn't feel it, even with now melting snow speckling his brown coat.

Seth stepped forward more confidently, watching Fluffy jump around happily. He remembered when he was that excited about winter. He knelt down and began to roll up a large ball while Fluffy used his endless well of energy. By the time he got the bottom of his snowman built, Daim came out.

"Hey." Seth greeted her.

"Good morning. Later... can I have a talk with Reginald?"

"Sure. You don't need my permission to talk."

"Thank you. He is your pokemon, so I thought I should ask first." Daim said.

"I don't own him. Or any of you."

Daim smiled. "That's good to know." She walked closer and looked over his half-built snowman. "Need some help?"

"Why not. Know how to build one?"

"Stacking three snowballs? I think I can manage."

"Well then miss professional, get rolling." Seth said jokingly, pointing to some untouched snow before going back to packing extra snow around what he already built. As she knelt down and began to roll up the middle, there was a loud crash followed by a yelp. They both looked over to the new pile of snow below a tree, with more drifting in the air. A moment later, Fluffy's head popped up from the pile, shaking the snow from his ears. "Hey, Fluffy?"


"Could you run in and get us a carrot?"

"Ok." He dug himself out of the snow and trotted happily to the back door. The door opened and he stepped inside.

"And don't eat it!" Seth called before the door closed.

Daim let out a sigh and stopped moving, leaving her paws on the snowball. Seth turned back to look at her just in time to see a tear roll down her face.

"You okay?"

"Mmhmm..." She raised a paw and wiped her tears away. "Just... Fluffy's so much like my best friend, my family's son. He loved the snow too."

"I'm sorry." Seth rose and walked over, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks. But it was a long time ago. I'm not sad. It's only the memories are... powerful." She stood up, lifting the snowman's middle and carrying it over. "You're a good man, Seth. And you have a good son too."

"I appreciate that." He said, adding the head.

The backdoor opened again and Fluffy came out, holding a carrot in his mouth.

"Great." Seth said, holding up a pawful of pebbles. He began to place them on the face, forming a mouth and two eyes before using the carrot for a nose. Ignoring the bitten off tip, he stepped back and admired his work. "Alright, looks good."

"Oh... it's a person." Fluffy said in realization.

"Yeah. My dad and I used to build one every winter." Seth explained. "Though I didn't know he was my father at the time. We had a weird relationship. I always considered him the family pet. He wasn't my dad; he was my friend. Thinking back on it, I can see where he tried to parent me, but it never clicked in my childhood. Maybe that's why I was such a brat. Did I ever tell you my adventure started with running from home? Just cause my mom wouldn't let me go on one."

"That must have scared them to death."

"Yeah. They were just worried about me. But I don't regret it. I never would have met all of you if I had stayed home." Seth looked down, where Fluffy had been. The eevee had gotten bored of the conversation and resumed playing in the snow. "I don't want that for Fluffy. I wanna be a good dad for him. Raise him to be better than me. Don't really know the best way to do that though..."

"No one does." Daim responded. "You love your dad?"

"Of course."

"Then cherish the time you and Fluffy share. Just do the best you can and it'll be alright." She turned and walked for the door. "I meant what I said. You're a good person. Flaws and all."

Seth smiled and followed her. "Fluffy! Come on, we're going back inside."

"Ok." He came over and entered first when Seth held the door for him. "Mom! The snow was awesome! And dad made a snow human!" He said happily, dashing over to Sky on the couch.

"You're soaking wet. And shivering." Sky said, rubbing his head.

"I was going to get in the shower. Want me to take care of him?" Daim offered.

"That's fine. Fluffy, go let Auntie Daim clean you up."

"A-alr-right" Fluffy said, no longer able to keep his teeth from chattering.

Daim led the way into the hall bathroom, holding the door for Fluffy before closing it behind them. She turned on the water, hot enough to start steaming, while setting out a pair of towels. Fluffy leapt over the rim of the tub and stood at the far end as the water warmed, splashing his paws in the water as he did so. She returned, tested the faucet with a paw, then turned on the shower. Then she climbed in herself.

She let out a sigh and stretched her thin body as the hot water washed over her white and purple fur. Below, Fluffy deftly moved between her legs to catch as much water as he could. She noticed and backed up then sat down at the edge of the tub, allowing the stream to flow to Fluffy's level. He rushed over, climbing onto her chest and moving around to get water all over his coat. The action made her laugh and pet him as he danced around on her. The petting changed to rubbing as he held still and she scrubbed the dirt and knots out of his fur.

"Alright honey, I need to get cleaned up too. Hop off for me."

"Thanks for cleaning me." He said as he climbed off and went further up the tub. She remained sitting, using her paws to collect water and clean herself. If she stood again, she'd be blocking all the water besides runoff from touching the now soaking eevee. As she washed herself, he began to play with the drips of water from the faucet, batting them out of the air as they came out. From this position, she couldn't help but notice his sizeable balls. She'd seen them before, as well as felt them, such was the consequence of being a pokemon. He was well endowed for a creature of his size. His sack was about the size of an apple from the looks of it. The eevee was about nine months old, only a baby in human terms, but for a pokemon, he was fully grown. His body would grow no larger, unless either he evolved or his hybrid biology changed something. And come spring...

"Fluffy?" She asked.


"You know about mating right?"

"Uhhuh. I put my penis in girl's vagina and that makes a baby."

"That's right." She wasn't surprised. Sex and biology weren't as taboo for pokemon as it was for humans. Pokemon also passed down much of their intelligence to their offspring genetically, so baby pokemon knew about types, other pokemon species, and their own biology from birth. Such facts were what allowed even one day old pokemon to successfully battle. "And do you know your first mating season will be in Spring?"

"Yep. Though... what'll it be like?"

"Well, there will be a smell in the air, the smell of a female ready to make a baby, and your penis might get hard for no reason. But mating with someone is a big deal. You want to be sure you're ready. You'll want to talk with your mom and dad before you find a girl to start a family with."

"Start my own family? No way. I've got a long time before that."

"That's a very mature thing to say." She stood up. "Feeling clean now?"

"Yep. Thank you." He said as she shut off the water.


Daim exited the bathroom with Fluffy, both puffed up from their recently dried fur. Fluffy went back into the living room while Daim went into her and Tiff's room.

On her bed sat Reginald's ball, right where she left it. She sat down and took a deep breath, then opened the ball. The dragon bird materialized in a flash of red on the carpet. He raised his long neck and stretched his fluffy wings.

"Master?" He asked, looking around for Seth.

"Reginald? I'm Daim. One of your master's pokemon."

"Very well." He folded his wings at his sides. "What can I do for you?"

"I don't want to order you to do anything. But will you listen to me?"

"If you wish." He sat down and looked at her.

"Seth told me all about what happened to you. Are you feeling alright?"

"Well enough to perform my duties."

"Please, we're all worried about you. I'm not your master, if that's your problem. You can talk to me."

"What would you know?" He growled, before clearing his throat. "My apologies. I've nothing to say to you."

"When I was young, my best friend, my master's son, died. I was crushed, devastated. I didn't know where to go or what to do."

He perked up and gave her a questioning look.

"He was my whole world. Everything I did was with him. And when he was gone, it felt like the world went with him. Sound familiar."

"It does..."

"People die. It's a sad reality of life. But think about it. Would your trainer be happy that you gave up on your own life for him? Or would he rather you be happy with the rest of your life."

"You don't think I considered that? I'm no fool. I don't know how to do that. He was my master. I lived to serve him. I considered to replace him with Seth, but he dislikes the idea. I am a master-less servant. What am I to do with that?"

"Is that all you are? A tool?

"Tool? No. I am a living thing. I think and feel. If I was ordered to kill an innocent, I would not. I merely enjoy helping others. My master compared me to a butler, hence the fancy name of Reginald."

"A butler... I think we can come to an agreement. The family has settled down. You could be our butler. Seth wouldn't need to order you around; you could just help out around the house. You can help look after Seth's son. The little guy can be a handful."

"Raising the next generation... that does sound fulfilling." He mused. "I will try."

"Great. And it wouldn't kill you to let loose a little. Be more personable." Daim urged. "If you haven't noticed, most of us are pretty open. And most of us are sexually involved with 'master'."

"You do not need to worry about that. I would never try to take my master's mates. Just keep that harlot of an absol off me."

"I don't think anything can do that." She laughed.

"And could we keep this discussion between us? I would rather master not know."

"I think I can do that. Wanna talk more, or get on with our day?"

"Actually, I have spent a long time thinking. Some venting could be nice. First, your name. Daim?"

"Yes. My family, the dad specifically, was a fan of older movies. He thought it was clever."

"I think it is unique."

"Alright, my turn. Why do you force that refined voice and speech pattern?"

"You can tell? It befits my draconic heritage. We are powerful creatures, refined and respected."

"It drops when you get angry."

"Would you consider yourself an intellectual?"

"That goes a bit too far maybe. I'm certainly well-traveled. I used to be an explorer and legendary hunter. I had to dodge capture from humans along the way. If you want me to tell you some stories, I could." She offered. "Why are you so focused on serving?"

"The way I was raised. I was a trainer pokemon from birth. Under his guidance, we achieved great things. It was his leadership that made it possible. Foundation, structure, and hierarchy are powerful systems. But we hit a roadblock at the ice gym. I was one of his strongest and I was helpless against them. So, he focused on training his other pokemon... in the snow..."

"I understand. It sounds like you have good memories."

"I do. Now, why not tell me some of yours."


"Be ready, everybody is gonna wanna talk your ears off." Daim whispered before opening the door. "Everyone!" She called out as she and Reginald came out into the living room. "Reginald has something to say."

"I would like to join the family. If anyone needs anything, I would be honored to help." He announced, bowing his head.

"That's great to hear." Sky said. "Come over so we can talk." A chair pushed out from the table with her psychic powers. Tiff was also at the table with her.

"Your turn." Soul said, sliding the game controller across the couch to Seth. "I've got work to do."

"Kay. Wait, what?" Seth asked, but she was already halfway across the room.

"So, what changed your mind?" Sky asked.

"Daim helped... open my eyes." Reginald answered.

"I need something." Soul whispered in his ear from behind, making his feathers ruffle. "That dragon dick."

"No!" Reginald said angrily.

"You don't understand." She responded in kind. "I've touched every kind of cock out there. Small, big, horse, dog, cat, fish, plant, all of 'em. Except a dragon. You can't just be here and not contribute!" She demanded.

"You will not." He began to hum, making Soul grimace.

"Dragon... dong..." She mumbled as her eyes fell shut and she slumped onto the ground, starting to snore right away.

"You have got to teach me that." Sky said.

"Oh crap. Fluffy, you wanna take over?" Seth said as he looked over.

"Yeah!" He said excitedly, tail going wild as Seth placed the controller in front of him. He was small, but dexterous enough to use it. "Come here you." Seth said as he picked up Soul. He was still transformed, his fighting type strength allowing him to easily carry her. With the sleeping absol over one shoulder, he took her into the office. Once inside, he set her down and got on the computer. It didn't take long to find dragon pokemon porn. He opened a few tabs then moved over to Soul. "Hey, wakey wakey." He lightly tapped her cheeks.

"Ergh, what..." She groaned. "That little!" She bolted to her feet.

"Calm down. You can't just sexually harass somebody."

"You don't get it. I have fucked so many cocks. Every dick has something special. It's my dream to know every kind. Do you get it?"

"I pulled up some porn, so-"

"It's not the same. I gotta get a feel for the dick, taste it, touch it."

"You're a menace..." Seth put his head in his hands. "Listen, no trying to rape Reginald. He's not interested. I found some porn, so cool off before coming back out, ok?"


"And, if that doesn't satisfy you, I'll take care of you. And if you really need a dragon dick, I bet we can find accurate dildos."

She pouted, puffing out her cheeks. "Fine. But it better be a good one."



"Is she always so... bold?" Reginald asked.

"Yeah, and not just with males. If Seth can't get her to leave you alone... you might just want to give her what she wants." Sky explained.

"I do not know if I could. She's master's female. I have no right to intrude."

"Well, he is our mate, but, we're all pretty loose with those rules. If you really don't want it, just come to me. I'll set her right. She's not dangerous, just really, really horny."

"I understand. I may have begun with the wrong impression. I had no idea you were all this kind. When we first met... you seemed like clowns, but maybe it was just me being stuck up. You barely know me and you're willing to do all this for my sake."

"Don't worry about it." Tiff said. "That's just how we are."

"It would seem so." He stood and jumped off the chair, trotting his bird shaped body over to the door. "It's been a long time, so I'm going to stretch my wings. Look around the area. I will return in a short time."

"Oh! Reggie!" Fluffy ran up to him as he used his beak to open the backdoor. "Are you flying?! Can I ride?"

"If your mother agrees." Reginald told him. Sky nodded. "I'll fly carefully." He and Fluffy stepped outside. The eevee easily hopped onto his feathery back. "Hold on tight. We'll start out staying low and slow."

Seth came back out. "Alright, that should be taken care of."

"Reginald and Fluffy just left." Sky told him. "Going out for a fly."

"He'll be fine. Reginald's good at flying."

"Seth?" Daim asked. "I know we still haven't done anything. I think tonight would be nice."

"Alright. Sky? You and Soul good on the couch?"

"That's fine."

"Well, you could sleep in my bed." Daim offered. "I don't mind at all."

"Oh, thanks." Sky smiled. "But now that I think about it, where is Reginald going to sleep?"

"I can take care of that." Tiff said. "Gimme some pillows and blankets and I'll make a little nest for him." She pointed to the wall between the kitchen counter and the tv stand. "Is there good?"

"Sure. Lemme go grab some." Seth said, turning back into the hall. He came back out with an armful of pillows and blankets.

Tiff got up and followed him over to the wall. Not long after, she made a makeshift nest, consisting of a pair of pillows in the middle, wrapped around with blankets. "Done. Should be comfy enough, until we can get a proper bed."

"Great." Seth said. "It's getting to be about lunchtime, isn't it?"


"Well, think I'm gonna get ready for bed." Seth said, after a yawn. "Good night everybody." He stood and walked down the hall and into the main bedroom, stretching and groaning once he was behind the door. Most of the day had been spent with Soul and Fluffy, watching TV and playing video games. He had to do a few chores, helping Daim with the dishes and Tiff with the laundry, but they weren't too demanding. Stiff from sitting for all but a few hours, he rounded the corner into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

Once it was nice and hot, he climbed in, unable to hold back a sigh of comfort. He simply closed his eyes and let the water run down his body. He relaxed there for a while, until the sound of the door opening roused his trance. A moment later, Daim poked her head around the curtain. "Mind if I join you?"

"Sure, hop in."

She stepped over the rim with her short legs and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She was shorter than him by more than a foot, so she to lean up to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around her back while he returned it. His skin shivered as blue fur began to grow all over it, quickly becoming matted down by the water. A purr rumbled from her chest when his bulging sheath pressed against her belly. His body shrank down as he fully changed, becoming slightly shorter than her. His now emerging member pressed between her legs thanks to the change. They continued kissing and caressing each other for a while, until the water began to run cold. "Shall we move to the bed?"

"It would be my pleasure." He said. After they dried off, he lifted her up and carried her out of the bathroom, causing her to giggle at the gesture.


"Well, I think I'm gonna go to bed." Sky said. Tiff was already in the hallway bathroom, getting herself ready for bed, and Reginald was sitting on his nest. "I'm sleeping in your room tonight." She told Fluffy.

"Can we sleep in the same bed?" He asked.

"Sure, now come on, it's bed time." She said as he hopped down to follow her. "Soul? You coming?"

"Nah, not tired. No snuggles for me." She said, not looking away from her show. "Good night."

"Alright, don't stay up too late." With that, Sky and Fluffy entered the hallway bathroom with Tiff. Several minutes later, all three left it and went into their bedroom. Soul paid close attention the entire time, not looking away from the TV, but keeping her ears focused on the movements behind her. After the bedroom door closed, she looked over at the clock on the wall. It read 11:24.

"By now, Seth and Daim should be getting busy, the others just laid down... just gotta wait maybe... an hour." She mumbled to herself. Her eyes drifted over to Reginald, who had his head tucked into his feathers.


"How long have you wanted this? Those were pretty passionate kisses." Seth said as he laid her down on the bed.

"For a few months now." She kept her paw wrapped around his arm, helping to guide him to lay atop her. "But I wanted to wait for the right time."

"Is this the right time then?"

"Not how I imagined it, but I think so." Her paw moved up his arm and came to rest behind his head, pulling him in for another kiss. Their muzzles met, introducing their tongues gradually. They were eventually forced apart to breathe.

"Would you rather lead?"

She smiled. "There's always time for both."

"Oh, bold for your first time." He nuzzled her neck. "I'm game."

"First? Maybe with you. But I'm by no mean inexperienced. No need to hold back."

"In that case," He rolled over and laid beside her. "Why don't you show me?"

"My pleasure." She rolled over and onto him, straddling his body and pressing her butt against his shaft. She rubbed against it a few times, before raising up. That gave him his first clear view of her sex. It was a usual pinkish color, but the shape was different. Instead of the more animalistic pussies he was familiar with, hers was more humanoid. While she was slim, her body was the most human of the girls. She smiled as she shook her hips, keeping his gaze between her legs. Then, ever so slowly, she lowered herself until he could feel the heat and wetness of her folds against his tip. She then dropped down, making them both gasp. She was by far the tightest girl he'd ever had.

"Ah... so tight..." Seth groaned, his body clenching as pleasure flooded him.

She continued lowering herself until she rested on his lap. "Mmm, you're big too." She raised her arms and flicked her wrists, moving her long fur to his paws. "Hold on tight." As he gripped her whips, she leaned down. "I'm gonna ride you hard." She whispered. She quickly raised up and dropped down, going at a fast rhythm from the start.

Seth grunted as she dropped into his lap then groaned as her walls clenched around his length. Her wonderfully textured walls dragged along every bulge and vein of his cock as she moved, while his pressed back into her, stretching her depths with every throb. Her insides squeezed him with great strength, while their pulsations milked him in the tight prison. Seth was already panting with pleasure as she took him to the hilt with every rough slam.

"Unfh, yeah..." She growled. "Good doggy." She leaned forward, placing her paws on his shoulders. Her speed dropped slightly, but from this new position, putting most of her weight on him, she really started to hammer into his hips, loud squelches sounding from their union. His knot was beginning to bulge out, stretching her lips as it slipped in and out of her.

His knot was already soaked in her juices, but it was starting to get too big to easily go in and out. Her walls clutched at his member with greedy intent, milking at him with either practiced skill or raw primal desire. His member responded in kind, throbbing out plenty of pre, readying for the finale. While she was tight, she was also deep. Even when she took all of him, he didn't touch her cervix.

"Getting... getting close." He told her.

She smiled and nodded. "Me too." She dropped down hard and her lips squeezed against his knot. She pressed and wiggled against it, but it wouldn't pop in. "Come on..." She growled. Even with him pressing up into her, the bulb of flesh didn't fit. She lifted and stopped for a moment to catch her breath. "I NEED that knot." She told him.

"I don't think it-" He started to speak but was interrupted when she lifted his rear with her legs, crossing them under him. He only briefly had time to think about the pain of her hindpaws pushing against his rear. In one powerful pulling motion, she clenched her legs, forcing his hips up and into her. They both cried out as a loud pop sounded when his knot was squeezed in by raw force. That was what they both needed, making her walls ripple around him while his seed shot into her. With his tip not touched to her womb, most of his cum didn't make it into her deepest sanctum, causing their juices to mix inside her and slosh around his embedded cock.

Seth's head dropped back as he went limp from the feeling washing over his body. She fell onto his chest a moment later, paws grabbing onto his fur. "Oh yes... that's the ticket..." She purred happily.

"Ah, I..." Seth said, trying to catch his breath. "Don't think I have another round in me. And I'm pretty sure I'm gonna bruise."

"Oh, sorry." She moved her legs from wrapping around him and fully laid out on top of him. "Guess I... went a little overboard." She chuckled a bit. "You liked it though~" She said with a toothy smile.


"Hey, bird. Wake up." Soul said, tapping his wing.

"My name is-" He said angrily, removing his head from him feathers and looking at her.

"Reginald, yeah I know." She interrupted. "I'm hungry."

"Then eat."

"And how am I supposed to make a sandwich with these?" She held up a paw, wiggling her claws.

"I do not have much more." He explained.

"Well I'm not the one who volunteered to help out. Fine, whatever. I think I can manage one of those frozen things or something." She walked past him and onto the kitchen tiles. As she did, her tail was raised high. After taking a few steps, she stopped to stretch out, putting her rear on full display as she forced a yawn.

"Humph." Reginald huffed and looked away. That was all she needed to hear. He saw all right. She knew that wouldn't crack him though. The night was young and she had plenty of time to work some magic. She continued on, pulling the freezer open with a paw and hopping up to look over the edge. She fished out a microwave dinner and lifted it to her mouth. Holding the cardboard box in her teeth, she carried it over to the counter and dropped it as she hopped up. Carefully using a claw, she disemboweled the box and cut a hole in the plastic wrapping of the insides. Popping it in the microwave, she dialed in the number and dropped back to the floor to wait.

"Sorry for bugging you so much." Soul said, not looking at him.

"Hmm?" He looked over. She was looking up at the microwave still.

"Just how I am. Hard to break habits, you know? I'm not good at being subtle."

"I... thank you."

"So, if you're gonna be part of the family, what's your deal?"

"My... deal?"

"Yeah, your dynamic. Dreams, goals, ideals, that kinda thing."

"I just want to be helpful. My life belongs to master, so I pledge it to him and his family."

"Yeah, good luck with that."

"What's yours?" He asked.

"To enjoy my life. I do what I want, when I want, how I want, just cause it feels right." The microwave started beeping, so she propped herself up onto the counter to get her food. "But don't think I'm selfish. There's something to be said for making others happy. It makes me feel good when Seth feels good. Guess that's a part of love. And don't worry. I see how uncomfortable I made you. I won't force you to do anything, so relax." She carefully held the plastic container in her mouth and set it on the ground. "Gah, hot!" She hissed after letting it go. With a few blows on it, she began to eat quickly. After finishing, she carried it over the trash and dropped it in the bin. Along the way back to the couch, she stopped by Reginald's nest. "Hey, you wanna watch a movie or something?"

"No, I... actually, I will. I could not sleep anyways."

Soul hopped onto the couch and laid down on one side, patting the other. "Over here then." He did so, a bit reluctantly at first, but willingly got onto the couch next to her. "What should we watch?"

"Something nice. Not anything violent or scary."

"Wholesome? I think I can manage that." She tapped her claws on the remote and selected a family movie. It didn't really catch her fancy, but it should satisfy the bird. So she watched it, with the sickly sweet plot and awful child actors. She was playing the long game. Her words were true, she'd keep her paws off him. But she didn't say anything about him coming to her. Of course, seducing him would be a challenge. But the best things usually took some work.

Over the course of the movie, she looked over at his body. He was mostly fluff, with puffy white feathers covering the majority of his body. Overall, he was glob shaped, with a long-necked head. He'd probably have trouble mounting her. Though depended on how his cock was situated...

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked.

"Oh, sorry. Your feathers are just beautiful. How do you keep them so smooth?"

"Ah, thank you. It takes a lot of preening to keep them uniform. Although sometimes I molt and look a mess."

"Yeah, I look like garbage when I shed too. I feel ya. Takes a lot of work to look this good." She ran her paws over her silky fur while he watched. "You can feel if you want."

"Oh, uh, no, I'm okay, thank you for offering." He stuttered, nervousness entering his voice.

"Don't get the wrong idea." She said. "Completely platonic." She reached over and laid a paw on one of his wings. She left it there, looked him in the eyes and gave the most reassuring smile she could muster. He said nothing and looked back at the TV.

After a while more, the movie came to an end. "That was pleasant. Thank you." Reginald said as he hopped off the couch and walked back over to his bed.

Soul yawned and stretched her legs out. "Yeah, it's getting late. We should probably go to bed." She climbed off the couch after turning off the TV and started to walk towards the hallway. "Oh... shit..." She muttered quietly. She stopped and slowly turned around. "Uh, hey, Reginald?"


"Well, I can't sleep without... taking care of my needs. And I wouldn't want to wake up Sky, so... can I do it out here?"

"You are very transparent."


"It's obvious, you're trying to seduce me." Reginald huffed. "I should have known that was your goal."

Soul frowned. "Do you really think that little of me?" She growled lightly. "That all I think about is sex?" Reginald's glare lightened as she quietly yelled at him. "Yes, I want to fuck you. But we live together. I wanna be your friend too."

"But you're master's-"

"He does not own me! Maybe in that cute mate sense, but I'm a free spirit! I do what I want."

"Sorry. I am fine with being on good terms. But I refuse to intrude on your relationship. It would be unforgivable."

"Oh, is that all?" She smiled and sauntered up to him, swaying her hips plenty. "This kind of thing happens often. It's called an affair, among humans." She stopped right in front of him, a blush covering his face. "But we aren't so stuffy. Should I list off who I've had sex with? Or Seth, for that matter?"

"No, no need for that." Reginald croaked, looking away.

"I didn't quite catch that, yes?" She smiled even wider. "Alright. Well, before meeting Seth, I had plenty of casual partners. Best was a houndoom. He had the biggest, fattest... ah, you know. Then I met Seth. Living fantasy, that one. Been with only females since him. Sky, a bunch of eevee forms, harem of other 'sol... And Seth, he's a regular on the scene, and not just with us. Hell, he's banged most of our friends..."

Reginald kept looking away, his flexible neck making it easy to avoid looking at Soul as she kept listing off sexual conquests.

"Well, you get the picture. Sex ain't no big deal. It's just a more intimate way to show our love." He didn't respond. "Like I said, I can't sleep without cumming, so...." She turned away from him and walked over to the couch, leaning her back against it, belly up and legs spread. "I'm sure you don't mind watching. And if you want some attention too~" She licked her lips while giving him a lustful look. He quickly looked away again. "Like I said, I won't touch you. But teasing you?" Her paw slowly traced down her belly.

"That's... sexual harassment." He said desperately.

"Then tell me to stop. Just say 'no' or 'leave me alone'."

He blushed and shivered, his feathers puffing out for a moment. Her words rang true and the evidence was obvious. His worldview didn't fit in this family. He likely hadn't gotten off in a long time, which only helped convince him. He wanted her, somewhere deep down. But his pride wouldn't let him. His beak opened, no sound coming out, then closed.

"I thought so." Her paw reached her slit, a claw running down either side as she rubbed over the top of it. "Trust me, nobody's gonna judge you. You're the only one holding yourself back. Both Seth and I say it's okay, so why don't you come over and help me out?" She lifted her paw, but kept her claws spreading her pussy, showing off her blue lips.

He didn't budge.

"Well, alright." She lifted her claws, letting her lips slide closed again. "You know you aren't just 'the butler' right? That you can still be noble and fancy without sticking to the mold? You're an individual, so make your own ideals. I mean, if you really decide you wanna be celibate your whole life... Just say the word and I'll never bother you again." She ran the back of a claw over her lips, before bringing the now wet claw up to her mouth. "But you want me." She began to suck provocatively on her claw. His head twisted further, making her smile. She considered mentioning his peeking, but knew she had him. Only a matter of time.

She sighed and stretched out, spreading her legs out even wider. Her gaze went down, focusing between her legs. She didn't need to look to know he would peek. Using only the pads of her paws, she began to caress her curves. One rubbed along her left leg while the right paw ran along the sides of her mound.

Her paw moved over slightly, just enough to rub over her lips. She rubbed in circles, from bottom to top, getting herself moistened. Once her fur was stuck out of the way, she lifted her paw. With her loins nice and wet, she positioned her claw above her cunny, resting the tip of her paw on her clit. Her middle claw slowly and gently rubbed down, teasing around her entrance.

The very tip of it dipped into her and ran along her walls in a circle. Her claws were evolved for dealing damage, not for comfort, so she had to be careful with them. After living with the attached weapons for so long, she was perfectly adept at controlling them and a little finesse went far in the bedroom. She teased even deeper, ever so slowly sinking her talon into herself as she rubbed it around her walls. With half the inch-long claw inside, she stopped swirling and began to thrust it in and out at a slow pace. Her juices were now plentiful enough to drool out of her lips, flowing down and dripping on the floor. Her scent was also starting to fill the room, an irresistible lure to the repressed male. He was watching now. Even when she glanced up, he either didn't notice or care. She knew already, but it only confirmed it for her. She had told the truth when she said she wouldn't rape him. Pure rape, with violence and aggression, wasn't sexy to her. But seduction, making her victim want her and submit their body to pleasure, that was another story.

She pushed all the way in, wiggling her claw inside her blue canal. "Ugh..." She groaned. "It's just not enough." She pulled her paw out and lifted it to her face. "I need something longer." She said, staring at her soaked digits. She suddenly looked over and met Reginald's gaze. "Maybe you could help~" She purred with a lick of her lips.

"I-I-I-I-I," He stuttered and shook. A bright blush covered his face, made only more obvious by his blue skin.

Soul rolled onto her feet and walked over to him. "Shhh." She pressed her still wet claw to his beak. "I know." He could smell her arousal even clearer now, making him shiver.

"Do you... think master will forgive us?" He whispered sheepishly.

"He doesn't need to know~" She purred with a coy smile. But then her expression softened. "Seriously. He doesn't care. You aren't doing anything wrong." She stepped back. "Now," Her face turned predatory. "Roll over for me."

"I... okay." He stood up on his bird legs, trotted back a couple steps, then rolled backwards, resting his body against the edge of the ring of blankets.

"Oh... wow..." Soul said in shock. He may be a bird, but he had a dragon's cock. Emerging from a slit in his body, with no visible balls, it was ten inches and plenty thick, but the features were the real attraction. The head was pointed and had a pair of short barbs at the bottom, giving it a resemblance to an arrow tip. Down the length were a series of ribs and ridges, a set of six tiers down the length. At the base was a small knot, bulging out in four directions instead of the pair that canines had. It was purple in color at the base, gradually changing to red at the tip. "Impressive." She reached out and ran her paw along the side of it, paying special attention to the ridges. Each one seemed like a goal post to her. How far would she be able to go?

"Ah!" Reginald drew in a sharp gasp as she brushed along them.

"It's a shame." Soul lifted her other paw. "Having this monster and not using it." She wrapped both around the middle, using the back of her claws to play with his third and fourth ridge.

"Ohhhh..." He groaned, unable to form words. His first time, and in such an adulterous situation... This creature holding his sensitive member was certainly a succubus, sent to test him. And he was failing. He would have been angry, if it didn't feel so wonderful.

Soul began moving her paws up and down his length, watching in fascination at the way his ridges moved. She didn't know what they were for. Maybe more grip for flying sex? Maybe for fierce dragon mating? Or just feline style barbs, to stimulate the female? Either way, they were hot as fuck. They were a bit flexible, but felt firm. With every beat of his heart, the ridges throbbed and bulged outwards. She could only imagine how good they would feel inside her. Seth was thicker but shorter, at eight inches with his knot, but only his tip and base had features. His knot felt fucking amazing, but this dragon dick would please every inch of her at once.

As much as she wanted to hop on for a ride, the night was young. She had so many plans in store for the bird. First, she leaned forward and placed the tip of her tongue on his knot. Just the contact made him let out a loud chirp. It was enough to make Soul dart back and turn her head. She remained still and silent for a while, looking down the hall. Meanwhile, Reginald twisted his head back down from staring at the ceiling to look at her. The sight of a female just beyond his erect penis made him blush and look away. After a minute of no sounds or movement, Soul looked back to him, or more specifically, his member. "Hey, keep it down. I thought you wanted this to be a secret." She said to the dick.

"Sorry." He said. "It just-" He stopped to gasp when she touched her paws to his sensitive length.

"Just keep that beak shut and let me take care of everything." She said, leaning in again. He shivered when her hot breath started washing over him. Then, ever so slowly, she pressed her tongue on his knot again. He was fine until she started moving it, dragging along upwards. His neck twisted in pleasure as he struggled to keep silent. As she went up, she paid particular attention to his ridges, rubbing over each one with practiced moves, licking under the small fin-like shape, flicking up and off, making it wiggle before she licked back down the top side. She repeated this with each ridge as she went up. As she reached the tip, she wrapped her long tongue around his shaft, just below the twin barbs. "Weawy?" She asked without moving her tongue.

"W-what?" He asked, looking down at her. Their eyes locked just as she took his tip into her mouth. She kept looking right into his eyes as his member disappeared into her. As her lips wrapped around him and his barbs slid in, he tensed. A moment later, he let out a grunt and his hips gave an involuntary shove. Her eyes opened wide when she suddenly had a mouthful of cock and then the first rope of his thick seed painted her tongue and throat. She couldn't help but let out a rumbling purr at the taste of the hot cum, vibrating around him while sucking more out. The flavor was both sweet, tasting of sugar, and spicy, like a chili pepper. This left her in a blissful state of taste, as each gush would give her a sweet treat, before the burning sensation of the spice kicked in, only to be washed away by another soothing shot.

After a solid minute of a powerful climax, Reginald went limp. As her feast was over, Soul pulled off, one of his barbs making a pop sound as it caught on her cheek. After licking both her face and his slowly shrinking member clean, she stood up. "Who knew dragon jizz was so tasty." She said. "Good job big guy." She patted his belly.

He merely rolled over and buried his head under a wing. "Sleepy..." was all he muttered.

"Oh well. I was hoping for a round two, but that can wait till later." She leaned in, putting her face right next to his hidden head. "I want that knot next time. Sleep tight."


Seth woke up to the feeling of something on top of him. He opened his eyes and looked down his chest to find Soul smiling up at him.

"Good morning."

The End