1.4 Heat Dream - Perdita

Story by Kane777 on SoFurry

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#4 of Heat Dream

It was a cold snow covered day in Dobermide as winter set in on its inhabitants as they ru...

It was a cold snow covered day in Dobermide as winter set in on its inhabitants as they rushed up and down the streets trying to keep cover as the snow continued to fall from the cloudy skies. Not everyone was in such a hurry as a crowd gathered around the spectacle occurring at the front of the 'Heat Dream' building. In front of the building there was a giant rotating circle of Dalmatian kids walking round that circle holding signs of protest as the snow continued to cover them from above. As they were walking the onlookers were surprised how many there actually were, at least 90, but hearing the voice on the megaphone in the centre explained it.

"People of Dobermide, me and my family are here to tell all of you what kind of crude, advantage taking womanisers work in this very building!" the voice said as Perdita voiced her protest to the huddled crowd from the centre of the circle. "These filth mongerers are selling this filthy mag where even my own children can get their hands on it, who says yours aren't next". Perdita continued "well we will protest outside this structure of evil and corruption until they are shown the error of their ways!" she yelled as some of the crowd aqwuardly applauded.

Meanwhile inside said building Jenna opened the door to Mr Danielson's office seeing him standing by the wall sized window where he was observing Perdita's protest silently. Quietly Jenna closed the door after walking in although she was sure Tom knew she was there, the red and white husky made her way next to him dropping the files she was holding as she past his desk. She looked out with him at the spectacle going on outside in the freezing snow as the kids continued to circle while Perdita carried on speaking to the crowd.

"Hhuuhh Jenna" Tom sighed noticing her standing next to him, "what am I going to do about that lady out there?, if this keeps up that crowd is only gonna get bigger".

"I know sir" Jenna sighed looking at the upset husky next to her with a frown, "there's nothing we can do though, she can stay out there as long as she wants and from what I've seen already that could be some time".

"Well something needs to be done" Tom replied "if we let this happen then eventually her kids could freeze or people will start protesting with her". Tom could only reach over and hold Jenna furry hand as they looked out at the protest.

"What!, no way has that gal had that many kids with a body like that", Tom and Jenna jumped at the sound of Dixie seeming to just appear next to them. Dixie was currently holding a pair of binoculars to her eyes and had them scouted on Perdita's body, her tail wagging slightly as she observed her curves under her thick winter clothing.

"Dixie what are you doing here?" Jenna asked snatching the binoculars away from Dixie before Perdita noticed they were watching her. "The last thing we need right now is you causing a commotion by using these to look at her".

"Oh cmon Jen lighten up" snatching back the binoculars and looking through them again "I was just sayin that a gal can't look like that after having that many kids" Dixie then looked puzzled "or still be alive for that matter".

"Of course They aren't hers Dixie" Jenna said with a sigh, "they were borrowed for the movies from owners but she adopted them when they were abandoned".

"Yeah, for some reason the owners gave them up when they started talking and turned part human" Tom said shaking his head, "what is it with humans and their fear of change" he muttered turning away from the window and leaning on his desk.

"Well regardless of that we need to do something" Jenna said walking over to him, "maybe if we tried reasoning with her or at least let them in from the cold".

"Nonsense Jen, gals like that only need one thing" Dixie said licking her lips while continuing to stare at perdita "and judging from the amount of kids she has to control I don't think she's had it for a while".

"Okay enough, Dixie there is a time and a place for that and now isn't the time" Tom said causing Dixie to lower her binoculars and pout, "but Jenna's idea I like". "Jenna could you go and bring Perdita in here for me please?, I think reasoning could work here"

"Yes sir, right away" jenna replied with a smile, as she headed out the room. Within a few minutes she was downstairs inviting Perdita and the kids indoors.

Once Jenna and Rita had escorted Perdita to Tom's office the girls were told to stay out during their meeting, especially Dixie as this wasn't a good time for mischief which meant Dixie was so very bored. Dixie leaned on Jenna's desk tapping the beat of a song on the desk with her fingers as well as humming along rather loudly, which annoyed Jenna to no end.

"Dixie would you stop that please I'm trying to work here" Jenna said in annoyance as she continued with her typing. "Don't you have some work to do or something?.

"Hhhmmm, I would but Georgette is hogging the cameras right now" Dixie replied

"Besides she says that we 'aggravate' her" Rita said with a frown. "We're not that bad are we?" Dixie and Rita asked looking into Jenna's eyes with their best sad puppy faces.

"Yes, you are" Jenna replied with a serious face, "Tom said not to get involved with their meeting but that doesn't mean you two can stay out here and bother me".

Before Dixie or Rita could reply they were interrupted by Tom's voice on the intercom on Jenna's desk.

"Jenna could you please get are guest some hot cocoa please?" he asked , it didn't seem like it was going well in that meeting as he sounded aggravated.

"Right away sir" Jenna said rushing to the elevator heading downstairs to the cafeteria, hoping that there was some left with all the kids in the lobby drinking it too.

Upon hearing this Dixie grew a evil grin and looked over at Rita causing her to grin too, this seemed like the perfect time for her to 'assist'. " I think I know what would help the situation, Tom will be so happy cause I just came up with a cunning plan".

"But Dixie" Rita replied, "he told us not to get involved" she said with a look of disapproval not wanting to get trouble.

"Hhmm well if I remember correctly all he said was to stay out of his office during their meeting and we are" Dixie replied. "Now quiet down and listen, if this works then are protest problem will be gone in no time". She then leant over and explained the plan to Rita then rushing to the elevator and heading downstairs.

'Ding' Rita turned to the elevator and waited to see which of the girls had got there first as it signalled that someone had arrived. She sighed in relief as Dixie walked out, if Jenna had arrived first then their plan was screwed, "phew made it Dixie Jenna hasn't got back yet".

"Perfect and I also found what I was getting from my car" Dixie said producing a small see through bag with green powder in it from her pocket.

"So explain to me again how that stuff is going to fix things" Rita said looking confused at the contents of the bag.

"Simple honey" Dixie replied with a smile, "this stuff is used to calm people down and mellow them out, I use it all the time when I have to work with Georgette". "Now I'll distract Jenna while you put a pinch of this stuff in the cocoa she's holding, now remember to only put in a pinch, I don't know what would happen if we used anymore".

"Got it" Rita replied, "I hope this works".

Just then they were startled by the sound of the elevator arriving on their floor and jenna walking out of it, she was holding a tray with a jug of cocoa in it and two empty cups.

Putting their plan into action Dixie got in front of Jenna and grabbed the other side of the tray, "wait Jenna before you go I have something to talk to you about right now".

Jenna nodded and put the tray on the desk and turned to Dixie, "yes what is it Dixie I have to get in that office with this cocoa for them."

"This will just take a sec" Dixie said nodding to Rita giving her the signal to sneak behind Jenna, "I just wanted to apologize for bothering you",

"Oh well uh ok apology accepted I guess" jenna replied not noticing as Rita stood behind her getting a pinch of the powder out of the bag she was holding.

Just as Dixie thought the plan went off without a hitch, Jenna bumped into Rita standing behind her and then watched as Jenna started turning around to see what was happening. Thinking quickly Dixie did the only thing she could think of and grabbed Jenna by the sides of her head and started deeply kissing her. Jenna was startled beyond belief and tried to gasp only helping Dixie succeed in shoving her tongue into Jenna's mouth, she could only stand there in shock as Dixie wrapped her arms around Jenna's stiff body and hugged her close.

"Oh no oh no" Rita thought in panic, Jenna bumping her caused her to drop the whole bags contents in the jug. It was too late to give up now so she just walked around to behind Dixie who was still frenching Jenna and tapped her on the shoulder indicating that the coast was clear.

Feeling slightly reluctant to end her making out session with Jenna Dixie slowly pulled away leaving Jenna standing still with a shocked expression on her face.

Rita walked over to Jenna and waved her hand in front of Jenna's face but getting no response as Jenna just stood there with a shocked look staring straight ahead, "Uuhh Dixie I think you broke her" Rita said now slightly worried, this wasn't part of the plan.

"Aahh she's fine watch this" Dixie said walking over to Jenna snapping her fingers in her face which seemed to make her snap out of it. "Well Jenna what are ya standing around for those two in there want their cocoa don't they" Dixie said handing Jenna the tray and pushing her towards the door.

"Uuuhh yes of course uuhh pardon me" Jenna said still shaking the cobwebs as she walked into the office with the tray.

"Hahaha perfect the plan is going exactly as planned" Dixie said rubbing her hands together evilly with a smile on her face. "Now we've done our part Rita could you hand me the rest of the powder I feel like I need some" Dixie said holding her hand out to Rita.

"Uuhh yeah well uhh about that....." Rita said with a fake innocent look on her face.

A loud "WHAT" could be heard from outside the office as Jenna walked over to Tom's desk then placing the tray on the desk and making her way out of the room leaving the two to their meeting.

"Aahh here we go Perdita some nice hot cocoa, now are these negotiations going to solve this little dispute?" Tom asked taking some sips of the cocoa enjoying the taste.

"No way mr" Perdita replied gulping down her entire mugs contents much to Tom's surprise, "if you think I'm gonna back down to you with things the way they are then your out of luck".

Tom the husky could only hold his head in his hands as this lady was driving him nuts with her whining and complaining. He was surprised however when he felt it starting to suddenly get warmer in the room, and started to sweat slightly as he removed his jacket.

"Uuhh finally you turn up the heater" Perdita said taking off her winter jacket and laying back in her chair with a sigh of content. Despite only wearing a t-shirt she was still sweating causing the shirt to mat against her fur defining her body's curves.

Tom could only stare at the Dalmatians slim body, watching as droplets of sweat started to appear on her chest and dribble down the front of her shirt. He shook his head and continued looking at her, he hadn't noticed how slim and sexy she looked under her thick winter wear.

Perdita noticed Tom eying up her body but didn't care since she was checkin out his aswell, through his buttoned shirt which was also matted down she could see his slim muscular chest and despite her dislike of him she was starting to feel aroused by him.

Soon they were panting from the heat they were feeling, their bodies going crazy as lust started taking over their minds. Tom's dick grew and hardened in his pants, making them feel tighter as it made a large bulge as it went hard as a rock. He was trying to keep his body in control but the longer he ignored the lust the more he wanted to be between her legs fucking her senseless.

Perdita was doing much better as she tried to keep her hands on her lap and ignore how much her nipples throbbed, but only succeeded in moving a hand to her crotch now rubbing her hot pussy through the fabric of her jeans.

Soon the heat and arousal was too much to handle as Tom walked round his desk and wrapped his arms tightly around Perdita's waist and kissed her deeply with need. He reached round behind her and pulled up her shirt from behind pausing the kiss momentarily until it was over her head then kissing and nibbling her neck making her moan.

Perdita followed Tom's example and undid Tom's shirt finding it difficult with Tom's nips and kisses to her neck driving her wild. Once his shirt was off she moved one hand down to his crotch, rubbing and squeezing his stiff dick through his trousers causing him to moan.

Feeling Perdita's hand stroking him so good, Tom lowered a hand to the front of her jeans and pulling open the button and shoving his hand in the gap now rubbing her hot pussy feeling how wet it was. He was surprised when Perdita pushed him onto his desk and almost tore open his trousers releasing his aching cock form its prison and moaned when she started stroking it hard and slow, her other hand pulling down her jeans .

"You may be a womaniser but I need something inside me right now" Perdita moaned climbing on top of him with a leg either side of his midsection, pulling down her soaked panties and aiming his dick upwards. She cried out loudly as Tom's dick pierced her lips and pushed deep into her cunt, filling her needy pussy so full with its thickness.

Tom's head fell back against his desk as he moaned at the feeling of her tight hot cunt around his dick squeezing it tightly in her depths, he moved his hands to her hips and looked up at the beautiful sight of Perdita's pleasured face. Taking control Tom tightened his grip on her hips and started to raise her off his dick before letting her fall on it again while thrusting upwards, causing her to put her hands on his chest and start moving herself.

The sound of their moans filled the room as well as the wet slurping sound Perdita's cunt made as she continued to bounce on his lap taking his long hard dick deep inside over and over, his balls slapping against her butt with each thrust. This felt so good to Perdita, since the kids had come along her and her partner Pongo never had time for sex or any pleasure, besides the fact Tom's was a lot bigger than his making it feel that much better.

"Oohh yes...harder...uuhh...faster" Perdita said really bouncing hard and fast on Tom now, she grabbed his hands and moved them up to her chest wrapping his fingers round her big breasts. "Come on stud" she moaned "you know what to do with these don't you, cmon squeeze them hard and rough".

Tom ignored the fact she seemed to be demanding even during sex and gripped her tits rough, squeezing them harshly and pinching the hard nipples between his fingers tightly. Seeing her lean her head back and moan in pleasure and pain, Tom could feel his ball sack tightening up and rising as her hot cunt milked his dick for all its worth making him clench his teeth from the feeling.

"Oh fuck Im..gonna cum...uuhh soon" Tom cried thrusting harder upward when she descended really driving his dick deep into her depths, he couldn't hold on much longer with her cunt tightening even more around his dick.

"No..not till I...oh..do" Perdita replied reaching back and rubbing then tightly squeezing his balls wanting as much of that thick cock inside her as long as possible, though she was near the edge too and was teetering on the edge of a massive climax.

"Uuuhhh please let me cum uuhh I can't hold it" Tom replied trying to hold back his release, but with her cunt having his cock in a death grip and Perdita's hand rubbing and crushing his nuts he wasn't gonna last much longer.

Seconds later Perdita raised her head to the air and howled in a huge orgasm, her cunt spasming and rippling around Tom's dick as she climaxed long and hard, she now had Tom's ball sack in a death grip as stars flashed before her eyes.

Feeling Perdita's cunt spasm and squeeze his cock and her hand crushing his nuts caused Tom to practically scream in orgasm, shooting his cum deep into her depths, filling her pussy with his cum and some to dribble out and down to his stomach and over his aching balls.

Both of them gasped for air and hugged each other tight in the afterglow of their climaxes as the heat slowly disappeared. Slowly and delicately Perdita lifted herself off Tom's dick causing her to moan softly as it popped out of her well fucked pussy. She walked around to his head as he lay on the desk looking him in the eyes, "I don't know how you did it but gave me what I really needed and I guess I might pop by if I need it again.

Tom rose to sitting and watched in confusion as she got dressed, "wait what about your protest? the children's minds being corrupted? your just gonna walk away?".

"You can worry about that if you want but I've got kids to feed and chores to do" Perdita said with a smile as she opened the door, "toodles" she said with a small wave before closing the door and leaving.

Tom could only fall back onto his desk and sigh, looking up at the ceiling he decided thinking about how that lady's mind works would be way too troublesome.

Well that's the story folks, sorry I have not posted for a while, I just hit more of a writer's wall then a writer's block. I hope I can carry on with more frequent posts, there is still so much I want to do with this series. Well until next time this is Kane777 sayin enjoy, read and review
