To Be The Best - Chapter 5: Friday with the Twins (X)

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#5 of To Be The Best

Fusion the Growlithe

Anko the Rockruff

Nina the Zorua

Lee the Fennekin

Chapter 5: Friday with the Twins

"Ugh," Lee groaned as she woke up. She still felt awful, even after eating a dinner of healing berries. She forced herself to get up despite that. Limping over towards the water supply, she dunked her face into it, the shock of cold water waking her up. She was certain she tore a muscle or two. Water dripped from her chin as she looked over to Nina, who was still sleeping. As usual, Lee had woken up just as the sun began to rise. It was still pretty dark, only the faintest of blue coming over the horizon. She moved to leave but hesitated at the door. Maybe... maybe she could take a break, just for today. She must have stood there for a good few minutes.

Every day, she'd wake up early and start the day with some training. Just for revenge. Fusion wanted to be a hero. Nina wanted to be like her sister. Anko wanted to explore the world. What did she have without her desire to get back at those who wronged her? Her entire life had been about proving that she wasn't a runt. She already made it. She was the only one in her home town to go to the ARE, or even a rescue academy at all. And before that, she could beat most of them in a fight. If that was her only goal, her only reason to live, she accomplished it. Now she was just increasing the gap. And for what? Just so she could rub it in their faces harder? Was she really that petty?

She sighed and walked back over to her bed before lying down. It was too early to come up with a new meaning for life.


"Ey, get up." Lee opened her eyes as Nina poked at her. "Don't you have class at eleven?"

Lee's eyes widened as she bolted to her feet. "Dammit, what time is it?!"

"10:45. I didn't take you for someone to sleep in."

"I'm not. I just... overslept. Thanks for waking me." Lee started moving quickly for the door.

"No prob. You're just lucky my class is at the same time. See you later."

Lee hurried her way north to the main area where her class was. It was in building two, a smaller one than the main mansion. Unlike a lot of the other buildings she'd seen, it housed several classrooms, consequently being larger. With only a few minutes to spare, she hurried inside and found the right room. Most of the other seats were claimed. She would usually sit up front... but the only open seat was...

"Lee? Oh hey," Fusion greeted her. She walked up to the seat beside him, in the last row, and sat down.


"Anko was wondering where you were all day yesterday."

"Oh... I was... Don't worry... about me," she mumbled, looking down most of the time.

"Oookay," he responded. "If you don't want me to worry, try not to act so spaced out."

"Everyone!" A singsong voice called out from the front. "We're ready to start now, so can I please have your attention?"

Both Fusion and Lee looked around in confusion. Fusion's view was partially blocked by a bushy eevee tail and Lee's was blocked by a particularly rotund starly, but a teacher would usually be big enough for that not to matter, especially with their desks only a foot off the ground. They both leaned out into the aisle and finally saw her. At the front was a small green flowery pokemon.

"I'm Sunshine!" the bellossom said, waving cheerily. "I work on the mission board, making sure all the missions are safe for students. And I teach the rescue class, which is what we're here for today. Oh, and this is your last class of the first week. I hope you're all settling in. So, this class is all about rescue. Since this is friday, you've all had exploration class by now. Jobs assigned to teams can be categorized by exploration and rescue. Exploring jobs are things like finding items, investigating rumors and finding new places. Rescue is all about helping others, like rescuing those stuck in dungeons, restocking teams in the field, or escorting other pokemon."

"It takes a special kindness to help others. So this class will teach you how to help others. Things like medical techniques, how to find those who need help, and, most importantly, how to make those you help feel safe. Customer service is the secret to success for rescue teams. Those you help will tell stories about how good or bad you were and word spreads. If everyone says you're mean, nobody will want you to do their missions. So, we're gonna do an activity for today to get things started. Form groups of four."

Fusion looked over to Lee. "Well, we got two. So," Fusion turned his head to look for more, only to be face to face with a grinning eevee.

"Hey there. Wanna partner up?" she asked.

"O-okay," Fusion said, backing up a bit, unnerved by her sudden stealthy closeness. "Then we need one more."

"Forgetting about me?" the same voice asked on the other side of him.

Fusion turned and found her looking at him again, same expression and everything. "How did you-"

"Get behind you?" her voice came again, behind him, even though she was still in front of him. He turned again, then back and forth. No matter how many times he turned, she was always there.

"Fusion, there's two of them," Lee finally explained.

"O-oh," he muttered, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Yep!" they said in unison. The other walked around, in front of Lee, and they sat together. They were perfectly identical, even their voices and mannerisms.

"I'm Bree," the one on his left introduced herself.

"And I'm Marie."

"Hi..." Fusion said. Neither of them had even glanced at Lee, both putting their backs to her.

"You're both rude," Lee growled.

"Oh, sorry," Bree said, moving to sit where she could see them both.

"Yeah, we were just having too much fun messing with him," Marie told her, doing the same.

"Everyone!" Sunshine called out. "Once your group is together, pick one member. We're doing mock rescue. The picked teammate is the victim. They'll come with me and we'll come up with a plan. Then your group will go into the woods and find the victim. Pretty much like hide and seek. When you're finished, come back here and we'll do another round or two."

Lee stood up. "I'll do it." As Fusion watched her leave, he could swear one of the eevee twins smiled bigger.

"Alright, the rest of you, wait here. I'll come back for you when we're ready," sunshine explained, leading the chosen out of the room.

"So, Fusion, right?" Marie asked after the teacher and the hiders left.

"Yeah. Uh, is there any easy way to tell you apart?"

"Nope," Bree told him.

"Identical twins."

"Great..." The twins had moved now, sitting beside each other again. Fusion thought they were still in the same order. Bree was on his left, Marie on the right. Unless they switched when he wasn't paying attention. He stared intently, trying to find a difference. As he looked, they leaned closer together, hid their mouths with paws and whispered back and forth. He eventually gave up. If there was a difference, it wasn't easy to see.

The door to the class was pushed open and Sunshine came back in. "Alright, group one," she pointed at Fusion. "You'll go first. Here's your hint." She handed him a sheet of paper. "Group two,"

Fusion led the way out into the hall with the twins following. He sat down and held up the sheet to read. "To the North, I fainted near the split tree. If you see the water, you've gone too far." He kept moving down the hall and outside. "Alright, I think we should split up."


"Up?" They said back-to-back. They looked at each other then back to him. "We don't like to be apart," they said in unison.

"Well, I just thought since we gotta look around, it'll be easier in three groups."

"Then we'll make you a deal." Fusion couldn't tell which one said it.

"We'll split up, but you have to come with us after class."

"Yeah, we wanna show you something. Deal?"

"What is it?" he asked.

"A secret."

"Okay, fine. I'll go done the middle, you two search the sides. We're looking for split tree, probably by lightning or something. Shout if you find her." Fusion instructed.

"Got it."

"Sounds like a plan."

Fusion walked forward, while they moved off to the left and right. "Lee!" he called into the woods. He received no answer as he moved deeper into the forest. It wasn't too thick, unlike the Forest Den, offering plenty of visual range. Every once in a while, he'd spot a fluffy eevee tail in his peripheral. They looked around for a few minutes before Fusion came upon a big dead tree, split down the middle from top to about halfway down. "Lee?" he asked to no response. He walked forward and around the trunk to the other side. There was a big hollow in the base of the tree, where Lee sat, scowling at him.

"You don't need to yell."

"Why didn't you answer me then?"

"I'm supposed to be unconscious. Or did you not read the note?"

"Oh, ok." He drew in a deep breath. "Hey! I found her!" He shouted out.

The twins came running from either direction. "Alright," one said.

"Yeah, nice job."

Lee stood up and motioned for him to step aside. "Let's head back."


Once they got back, the other four groups had been sent out.

"Welcome back!" Sunshine cheered. "Ready to go again?"

"Yeah, I'll be it this time," Fusion said as he stepped forward.

"Okay, come with me." She led the way back outside. "You'll go that way," she pointed northeast. "Walk about 200 yards and you'll find a cluster of berry trees. Hide near there. And you're supposed to be unconscious, so don't answer if they call out to you. You've got a few minutes head start, so be quick."

"Okay ma'am," he said, turning and starting to run. As he left, he could see another group returning to the building. He kept a mostly straight line and eventually found the berry grove. About ten of the small bushy trees were in the area. For a moment, he thought about taking a look, but then realized he was on a time limit. Panicking a bit, he frantically looked around, desperate for a good hiding spot. The berry trees weren't bulky enough to hold him. None of the closest forest trees had hollows he could hide in like Lee did. In a hurry, he settled on a big tree with plenty of leafy branches. He took a running start and leapt at it, claws digging into the bark. He scrambled up for dear life, making it high enough to grab onto the lowest branch. He then pulled himself sit on the branch. Catching his breath, he rested for a moment, then reached up carefully to move up further. The branches were thicker higher up, so he climbed until he could rest comfortably. Once up there, he looked back down. The leaves did a decent job hiding him from sight. He sat up there, catching his breath, for about a minute until he heard voices approaching.

"Will you stop talking?" Lee growled.

"Ohh, miss grumpy pants over here," one of the twins mocked her.

"Can't handle a little chitchat."

"Sensitive ears?"

"Wanna listen to the forest?"

"Just..." she sighed. "Focus on the job. This is the place, so get looking."

"Yeah, work to do,"

"We get it, just passing time."

Fusion carefully moved his head, trying to look down, but there were too many leaves blocking his view. If he moved any more, he might rustle them.

"Uh..." One of the eevee's said. "Is he dumb or something?"

"Yeah, it's seems like it."

"More like careless," Lee muttered. "Fusion, get down here."

He grimaced. No, it was a bluff. There was no way they could know he was in a tree, much less which one.

"Fine, we'll go the hard way."

Suddenly the tree shook. Fusion held tight onto the thick branch below him to avoid falling.

"I don't wanna burn down the forest, just get down from there," Lee warned him.

"Fine, okay, I'm coming down." Fusion began to climb out of the tree, digging into the bark with his claws as he slid down. "How did you figure me out?" He asked once back on the ground.

"You left claw marks all the way up,"

"Yeah, it was super obvious," the eevee twins said.

"Oh... I was in a hurry, I didn't..." Fusion's ears folding back in embarrassment.

"You made a mistake. Do better next time. Now let's get back to class," Lee told him.


"That's all for today folks. Hope you had fun! See you next week!" Sunshine cheered, waving as high as she could.

"Hey, Fusion," Lee asked. "Lunch?"

"Sorry, already made plans," he told her. "Some other time."

"Right. Later then." She stood and left quickly.

"Ohh, does that mean you remembered?" One of the eevee asked.

"Well, yeah. I made a promise. So what did you want to do?" Fusion asked.

"Hmm, I don't know..." the other said sarcastically.

"Ah, how about we show him the spot?"

"Which spot?"

"THE spot, you know, the cool one."

"Oh, yeah."

"What spot?" he asked.

"We've been exploring all over the island,"

"And we've found tons of cool places. We'll show you one, it's nearby."

"Alright," Fusion shrugged.

"Great, follow us."

They led the way out of the building and to the northwest. They reached the elevated rocky coast and followed it for a while.

"Is it here?"

"No, it's further on."

"I'm pretty sure it's like right around here."

Fusion just watched as they bickered.

"You're right, look, it's right there."

"I told you!"

They were looking to the cliffs edge. "Uh, where, what is it?" Fusion asked.

Marie, or maybe Bree, walked over and suddenly disappeared below the rocky edge.

"Did she fall?!" Fusion cried out, rushing over. As he looked over the edge, he saw her looking back up at him with a smile. She was standing on a path hidden just over the edge, leading downwards. More curious to see what was down there now, he followed eagerly. The path hugged the cliffside tightly and got a bit narrow, but eventually led down into a bigger area. It was a roughly circular open cave, in the side of the rocks, much closer to the water. The sound of the waves coming in echoed through it and the wind made a whistling noise. "Oh wow. This is pretty cool."

"What we've got planned is probably better."

"Huh?" Fusion turned his head to look back at the twins, both of whom were standing near the entrance. He was toward the front, near the edge. They walked forwards, splitting up, one moving to in front of him and the other around his back. "Uh, what are you-"

"You might wanna get away from the edge," she said, only inches away from his face.

"Okay..." he stepped towards the back of the cave, getting away from them quickly. "You're acting weird... What's this plan you're talking about?"

"Relax, we're not gonna hurt you."

"Yeah, the opposite in fact. We just wanna have some fun with a cute puppy."

"But then why bring me here? The forest would have more room to play around, or a training ground, then we could've practiced."

"I guess we'll be practicing in a way~" one said.

"Unless you don't want all this," the other framed her face with her paws. "Then I guess we can let you be alone."

"Wait... are you talking about... mating?" he nearly whispered the last part, though a stirring feeling in his loins showed his real feelings.


"But... I don't want to get you pregnant," Fusion protested, despite the growing semi he was sporting below him.

"Oh, such an innocent boy."

"Yeah, there's more ways to have some fun than you think."

"Just roll on your back for us," they said in unison.

"As long as I don't give you any eggs," he sat and rolled onto his back.

"We don't wanna get knocked up either, so no worries." He looked down over his belly and past his cock to see them approaching. It gave another throb and emerged more at the idea of having sex with these two cute females. He wasn't sure what mating was supposed to be like, but his body wanted it.

"I knew it. Told you I could spot the naughty boys."

"It's a talent. Should we tell Layla we bagged the boy she was eyeing?"

"Layla?" Fusion asked. "You know her?"

"Yeah, we're her teammates," they both said.

"And she's interested in me?" he asked excitedly.

"She talks about this cute dark furred growlithe, so..."

"But it's not nice to tell a girl's secrets." They were right in front of him now. At once, they reached out with a paw each. One came to rest on his sack while the other pressed on his shaft. He'd masturbated a few times, but this was so much better than his awkward self-satisfaction. The eevee on the left rubbed and caressed his pouch gently while the other began to run her paw up and down the bottom side of his shaft. He was rapidly growing to his full size and starting to pant.

"He's pretty big for his size, don't you think?"

"Yeah, for a canine. I can't wait to see his knot."

"Alright, let's get this show started. Same old?"

"Yep. Rock, paper, claws." They let go of him and each held up a paw.

"1, 2, 3!" they called aloud. Fusion sat up to see them better, already missing their touch. The eevee on the left, who had been playing with his balls, held out a claw. The other held up a flat paw.

"Ha, claw tears paper. I get top."

"You always want top. Scared of the dick?"

"No, I just like a little attention myself. Besides, you're a champ at cock sucking."

The other eevee smiled. "How would you know? Last time I checked, you didn't have one."

Fusion frowned at their talking. "Uh, I'm still here."

"Oh, right," they both said.

The top eevee moved over beside him, while the one on the right moved between his legs. "Wait, hold on a sec. Which one are you?" he asked the one next to him.

"What, can't tell?" she teased. The frown on his face answered her. "Bree." She lifted her leg and moved over, sitting on his chest and paws. With his view now blocked, he felt her tail rubbing over his tip. His gaze drifted down from her face, down her belly. There, pressed against his chest fur, was her pussy. He'd spotted glimpses of them before, but from so up close, he couldn't look away. The brown lips were triangular in shape and swollen, a faint hint of pink visible between them. There was a noticeable sheen of moisture on them. She began to grind her hips against his chest fur, wetting it with her juices and breaking his focus.

He looked back up to her face, but when he opened his mouth to speak, nothing came out. It was very dry all of a sudden. She slid upwards until her lap was right below his chin. Behind her, Marie was leaning in to get started on her end. She let out a wave of hot breath on his cock, making it tremble in excitement. "Get ready, cause here I go." Fusion moved his head to the side, but couldn't move it enough to see past Bree. He then let it fall back with a groan as she suddenly took his entire cock in her mouth. He could swear he felt her throat wrapped tightly around the top. Her tongue ran over the bottom side, massaging it while she sucked gently on the length.

Bree meanwhile moved forwards a bit more, placing her lips just below his. "Your turn." Fusion got the idea fast enough, sticking out his tongue and running it over her pussy. His tongue was pretty big, enough to cover the width of her lips in a single pass. He picked up some of her dew as he went, a light sweet taste tingling in his mouth. With her so close and past his muzzle, he could no longer see the object of his attention, so he took to exploring it with his tongue. He wiggled the tip against the part in her lips. With a little bit of pressure, and a sharp breath from her, it slipped inside. Her walls immediately gripped at the invading muscle. His sense of taste was given more of that ever so faint sweetness. But identifying it was just out of his reach, so tantalizingly close, making him crave more of her juices. His tongue dove ever deeper inside her. "Ah, yeah," Bree groaned above him, rubbing her paws on his head. He followed with his own moan as the pleasure from down below got even better.

His knot had finally emerged. While it was too big for Marie to fit in her mouth, she could press her lips right up to it. One paw had moved up from his balls to hold the bulb tightly as she bobbed her head even faster. She pushed her head down to his knot again and stuck her tongue out, licking along the top of the bulge. With a cry, Fusion suddenly bucked up into her mouth and his balls quivered. A moment later, his cum splattered against the back of her throat and she began swallowing it down.

Fusion couldn't hold himself back. He didn't want to cum so quickly, but the attention on his knot was too much. After a few seconds, his head dropped back, tongue falling out of Bree as he panted, totally spent.

"What, was that it?" Bree complained.

Marie lifted off and licked her lips. "Yeah, he came."

"You need to work on stamina," Bree tapped his nose angrily.

"S... sorry... just, give, give me a... minute," he struggled to say, barely able to catch his breath.

"Don't worry about it," Marie told him. He felt both girls get up and move away from him, but couldn't muster the energy to look. He laid there for a good minute or two, letting the aftermath of a strong climax wash over him, a smile on his open mouth. Eventually, he returned to reality and started moving again. He rolled over and stood up again. The twins were lying on each other, licking the other's pussy. He sat back down and watched the arousing sight until they both climaxed. His member was still hard, his knot keeping it out for a while until it softened, but he was so tired that doing anything more didn't cross his mind.

The one on top rolled off, him having lost track of them again. They quickly recovered, much faster than he did. "Phew, alright," she said. "I feel so much better."

"Hey uh..." Fusion spoke up. "Could we... maybe... do this again some time?"

"Of course."

"Yeah, hit us up any time. Though next time you're working on how long you last."


Fusion eventually wandered his way back to the Forest den, thoughts still focused on the eevee twins and their bodies. Now that he knew just what mysteries the female body held, he wanted to explore them even more. He was so focused, particularly on wondering if Marie's pussy was any different, that he didn't realize someone was stalking him. Suddenly, he was tackled from the side, firmly enough to knock him over but not enough to hurt. He cried out in surprise as he was rapidly pinned under the dark furred figure.

"Found you," Nina said, patting his head. "Heard you were off with some other chicks."

Something about that touch and the way she straddled his body, it was all too familiar. His member stirred from its blissful slumber and poked free of sheath. "Ah!" Fusion realized what was happening and squirmed out from under her.

"Woah, hey, calm down," she held up her paws as he backed up a few feet. "It's just me."

"Hi, Nina..." he said, breathing a bit labored. "Yeah, I... made a few new friends."

"Aren't you popular with the ladies," she teased.

"Hehe, yeah..." he fake laughed nervously.

"Why are you... No way." Her eyes widened. "Did you... you know, get lucky?"

He blushed deeply and looked away.

"Oh shit, you did!"

"How did you know?" he asked sheepishly.

"You were acting weird, plus you smell like it."

"Crap... I didn't think about that." His ears flattened back. "You don't think-"

"Dude! Five days in, you get laid. Didn't think you were so smooth," she smiled excitedly.

"You don't think I'm a pervert?"

"Eh, maybe a little. I'm no stranger to fun time with the opposite sex myself. Had a kinda boyfriend I left to come here."


"Yeah, nothing serious, we just fooled around after we hooked up during mating season."

"You didn't get... uh."

"No, just casual stuff. Heat hits us girls way harder than you guys, so I just needed some relief."

"I guess that makes me feel a little better. Just... please don't tell the others."

"Kay, you might wanna clean up in that case." She stood and got ready to leave him. "See you around."

Fusion sighed in relief. Seems he wasn't the only one to do this outside of a mate. While he knew all about biology, the social details of relationships escaped him. The only example he had were his parents, who had been mated ever since before he was born. He never considered having casual, non-reproductive sex before. But now he certainly wanted more. It had been the best he'd ever felt, despite how quickly it passed. He looked back up, catching sight of Nina walking away. For a brief moment, he thought about what she would be like. But she hadn't been flirty like the twins, so he discarded the idea. He wasn't gonna just go around asking girls to do that. The twins had come onto him, he had just been too naïve to notice. Besides, he had to focus on getting stronger. Maybe working on his stamina would help him last longer? And there was that big test coming up. He had to get that badge. He refused to be the one holding the team back.

To Be The Best - Chapter 6: The Big Test - Part 1

Chapter 6: The Big Test - Part 1 The next couple months passed quickly. Team Union dedicated themselves to training and studying for the test. A week before, the official announcement was finally given. The Rookie Certification Test would consist...

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To Be The Best - Chapter 4: A Larger World

Chapter 4: A Larger World "Hey Nina. Off to class?" Fusion greeted his teammate from across the bridge as they both left their rooms. "Yeah," she told him as they came together at the connector. "Lee and I have exploring today. She's...

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To Be The Best - Chapter 3: Makings of a Team

Chapter 3: Makings of a Team "Alright! We're starting everyone!" the volbeat at the front of class called. "This is Teamwork 101! Nobody in the wrong place?" the illumise next to him asked. "Well, seems we are good to go. I'm...

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