Unexpected Love

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An unexpected turn of events leads the main character to something truly special in a place he never expected.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my new story. I'm pleased with how this one turned out and had a great time writing it. I'm glad I finished in time for my Sunday upload, and I hope you enjoyed it. Every thoughtful comment and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Unexpected Love

Loud music blasting from large speakers. There are voices coming from all directions. People standing in groups, having a good time. Jin was sitting on the couch, desperate for a break. This party had been going on for hours, and he had never been one to enjoy going to large parties in the first place, but who was he to turn down his boyfriend's invitation? He could see him running between guests, starting conversations, greeting them, and paying close attention to each of them.

Jin has no idea where he was getting all that energy from. Even if you were a social butterfly, it would eventually drain you. Ken, on the other hand, never seemed to run out of it. Perhaps it was because he was a football player? Perhaps for him being a Rhino? His gaze was drawn to the tall, muscular, broad-shouldered jock. Not that he was all muscles and no brains.

As if Ken was aware that he was looking at him, he responded by looking right back. He gave him a soft smirk and wink before leaving to speak to another group. Just observing him made Jin tired. He sighed and glanced around, hoping to find some peace and quiet. His eyes scanned the area, hoping to find a place to relax before returning to the chaos that was a house party. People were everywhere, most of whom he didn't even know or only remembered for passing by on campus now and then.

Finally, his eyes caught sight of a more tranquil corner of the house; there was no one standing there, and all he could see was another Rhino, deep in thought. It wasn't just any Rhino. Jin was familiar with him. It was Orren, his boyfriend's slightly younger brother. They couldn't be more different. Ken, on the one hand, was outgoing, enjoyed sports, was a social butterfly, and had no problem interacting with complete strangers. Orren on the other hand, was shy, introverted, chubby, and mostly interested in games and books.

Jin didn't pause for long before standing up and walking into the corner, raising his paw to be seen by the slightly younger Rhino. As deep in thought as he appeared just moments ago, his eyes were drawn to Jin as he approached. A small smile appeared on his lips, one that most people would miss. Jin takes a seat next to him, a soft smile on his lips. He remembered the first time he met Orren, when he was mostly silent and shy. In the beginning, he thought of the Rhino as a bother. But the more he got to know him, the more he enjoyed talking with him.

"How are you holding up Orren? I thought you would hide away in a party like that."

The Rhino seems taken aback a bit by those words. Jin can see those small ears laying down on his scalp for a moment.

"I would have hidden away ages ago, if I didn't know that Ken would just drag me out again."

This appears to have made Orren feel a little better, as his facial expression softened as a result of those words. "He would probably do that."

"You know it, so why didn't you take the opportunity to hide from all of this? I had no idea you were such a party animal."

He shakes his head and appears to be thinking for a moment. "I'm not. I just wanted to give it a shot or get used to it. Ken always says that parties are a normal part of university life."

Jin huffed, shaking his head slightly. "You can bet this Tanuki would have gotten as far away from here as possible if he had the chance. Last time I checked, I was also a university student. Everyone, including you, experiences university in their unique way."

"Well you still could? Ken seems pretty occupied right now."

Jin's ear raised in response to that suggestion. His eyes scanned the room once more. He thought seeing his boyfriend disappearing in the kitchen, probably engaging in small talk with other people. With luck, he might be able to vanish for a while.

"Maybe he will not notice. Let's go quick!"

The Rhino looks perplexed by those words. "Huh?"

"Well, I figured you'd want to join me. Of course, you could stay here instead. But you don't appear to be having a good time right now. I'll just hide in his room until he notices I'm missing. Company would be appreciated."

Orren shakes his head as he stands up, following Jin's lead and sneaking up the stairs together. At the very least, Ken was wise enough to set some ground rules for the party. One of them is that everyone must stay on the ground floor of his house. Making the first floor more silent and empty. The music could still be heard up here, but it was muffled enough that it didn't strain the ears as much. Jin had no idea how exhausting the loud music had been until now.

He was about to open the door to his boyfriend's room when he felt a hand grab his and stop him. The touch was soft and quick, and his hand was quickly released.

"Ehm, I was thinking, maybe you'd like to join me in my room? Ken would begin his search for you in his room. And I have a few consoles and games we could play."

The Tanuki paused for a moment. He assessed the situation. He snuck away from his boyfriend's party to play video games in his boyfriend's brother's room. But his mind didn't dwell on this thought for long, as he tilted his head to the side. His ears wiggled a little bit of excitement. "Sure, let's go"

Orren's lips curved into another small smile as he led Jin to his room.


Jin laid in bed, contemplating the events of the day. He spent the rest of the evening goofing off with various video games after sneaking away. Ken didn't seem to notice he was gone until the party was over and everyone had said their goodbyes.

He'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy spending time with Orren. It's been a long time since he sat down and forgot about everything around him, engulfing himself in meaningless fun over games with someone like-minded. It also helped Orren open up, which only happens when the Rhino is in his element, whether it's through games or hobbies. Jin saw the same bubbly joy Ken had when talking about sports in his slightly younger brother.

His gaze shifts to the side, to his boyfriend, who is lying beside him. He was fast asleep, tightly hugging a pillow and turned away from him. Giving him a clear view of his broad shoulders, muscular back, and chiselled butt. He wasn't dressed, and Jin couldn't blame him; the last few nights had been far too hot for clothes. He'd gotten rid of his long ago. Unfortunately, it was insufficient. His thick fur coat was something he couldn't get rid of. At times like these, he wished he had the advantages of his boyfriend, who doesn't have to worry about fur because of his furless skin.

Only Jin knows how much he loved the sensation of that skin against his body.

He sighs and looks at the nearby watch on the nightstand. It was well past midnight, and if he doesn't get some shut-eye soon, he'll be able to see the first rays of sunlight entering the room.

He could hear the door to the room opening at that moment. TheTanuki, startled by the sound, did the only thing he could think of. Closing his eyes and pretending to sleep. As he heard footsteps approaching, his ears twitched. It was obvious that the person belonged to those tried to stay as silent as possible. Jin's heart began to race as the sounds stopped. He was at a loss for what to do at this moment.

Opening one of his eyes slightly, he tried to see who was there. Even though it was obvious, his brain couldn't piece it together. Orren was standing right next to the bed. He was naked and waiting there.

'Why was he naked? Then again it was hot and he probably got rid of them like he did for the night.'

His heartbeat becomes increasingly rapid. He can only see him standing close to him, staring at him. Making him acutely aware of his nakedness. Blood pumping down to his crotch, despite his best efforts, as his member had a mind of his own, slowly beginning to twitch in time with his heartbeat, growing bigger and harder with each one.

He swears he heard what sounded like a muffled gasp. He closed his eyes and tried to think of anything that could help him get rid of that boner. But every time he tried, his thoughts returned to the situation. He was naked on the bed beside his naked boyfriend, while his boyfriend's brother stood nearby, equally naked, looking at his throbbing boner.

So many questions raced through his mind as he felt something. He had to use all of his willpower not to gasp and stop his big fluffy tail from trashing out.

'Is he touching it? No, you can't do that. Not here, not when we're right beside your sleeping brother!'

As fingers ran up and down his length, his thoughts were clearly tuned in to the sensation. It was extremely intense. He knew he had to intervene and say something. But doing it now felt awkward. Another hand joined the first, almost causing him to grunt. He was well aware of his size. He discovered after getting into a relationship with Ken that he was quite gifted. Two hands wouldn't be enough to wrap around his entire length, and he could tell Orren was trying.

He felt a shiver run along his spine as those hands began to move up and down his length, exploring each millimeter of it. His toes nearly curled up from the intense sensation. His body was already on edge.

'I need to stop him, this is getting out of hand...' His train of thought was cut short when he felt a lick on the tip of his cock. He was surprised how he didn't moan loudly from that, or even how he was still able to prevent being asleep at this point.

Orren didn't stop there; it appears that the taste removed all of his constraints. Jin soon felt that tongue all over his cock. Even kissing it. Inside his chest, his heart felt like it was exploding. He'd never felt so hard before. Every worry in his mind was gradually erased by pleasure. There wasn't much space there anyhow, as it took all of his willpower not to moan or move from this amazing treatment along his throbbing member.

And then, as he felt warm lips wrap around his tip, sliding down his shaft more and more, his mind just said goodbye. Jin knew he had to intervene because this was going too far. He'd definitely hurt himself if he went any further. But he didn't stop, stars exploding behind his closed eyes as he felt those lips on his crotch and the warm breath tickling his balls. The tightness in his throat around his tip. Orren was deepthroating him. Even Ken, who tried and trained for it, couldn't do that.

The sucking, the wet tongue all around his shaft, the tight throat around his tip, the hands on his balls and lower belly were all too much. The rhino with tanuki cock all the way down his throat was slurping and even humming. Jin was surprised Ken hadn't woken up yet just by that sound alone. This was extremely difficult for him to bear; he couldn't pretend any longer.

He blinks open his eyes, propping himself up on his arms and looking down to his crotch. It was exactly what he had imagined, only ten times sexier.

"Orren, what...?" He spoke as quietly as he could. It was still loud enough for the Rhino to notice. His eyes are wide open in surprise. The Tanuki heard the most adorable surprised sound escaping from his mouth Jin ever heard.

Orren moved his head off Jin's cock, the Tanuki couldn't help but cringe by the abrupt movement. 'This couldn't be comfortable, especially with a cock so deep in your throat.'

"I oh... Ehm... I was looking for my handheld game console. Yeah, my console. I couldn't sleep and thought it was better than lying awake in bed all night. Doesn't seem to be here though.", he whispered.

Even in the dim light, Jin could see Orren's flushed face. His gaze moved down Orren's body, noticing the hard and extremely leaking cock between his legs. When Orren noticed the Tanukis's moving eyes, he immediately covered himself up with his hands.

"I'm sorry for waking you up... I'm going to let you sleep now." With that, he turned around and began quietly sneaking to the door.

Jin's thoughts were jumbled. His cock was rock hard, leaking, and completely covered in saliva. He looks to the side, seeing his boyfriend still sound asleep, not having moved an inch since he last saw him. His gaze returned to the door as he noticed Orren's butt disappear into the hallway.

At this point, his mind had already said goodbye. He gets out of bed, walks to the door, and shuts it behind him as he walks up to Orren's room. The door was not completely closed, he could look through a crack seeing the Rhino sitting on his bed, one hand stroking his cock, the other in his mouth playing with his own tongue. He was moaning.

"Oh Jin.... God you taste so good~"

His eyes travelled over Orren's naked body. He was much smaller and chubbier than his brother. A soft belly, love handles, cute little folds, and moobs. Thick chubby thighs and an adorable round face.

Any doubt he had at this point was thrown out the window as he opened the door and stepped inside. Orren was startled again, letting out that adorable sound once more. This time it was not altered by the presence of a cock deep in his throat. Jin doesn't say anything as he steps closer. His own cock was still rock hard and throbbing.

Orren appeared worried, at least from the expression on his face. "I'm so sorry, Jin. I'm not sure what was going through my head. It will never happen..."

The entire time Orren was speaking, the Tanuki stepped closer until he was close enough to reach out. His hand found the Rhino's chin and held it for a moment before pulling him closer and interrupting his sentence. A deep, passionate kiss followed. Jin isn't holding back as he shoves his tongue into the other's mouth, wrestling with Orren's in return. Even suckling on it. His free hand moved to the Rhino's chest, groping those moobs and playing with the nipple, which provided him with more muffled moans.

He pushes him down on the bed, never breaking the kiss. On the contrary, he went even deeper. One knee between the Rhinos thighs, gently pushing against his balls. One hand to support himself, the other moving to Orren's side, squeezing and teasing those folds and love handles. Moving further to his belly, even playing with his belly button. His own cock is much larger than the others. It was leaking hot pre on the Rhino's stomach.

This went on indefinitely, or so it seemed. When Jin finally decided to break the kiss, he looked into those stunning blue eyes. Seeing Orrens' blushing face, which showed nothing but pleasure and desire.

"God you are beautiful~"

"I'm noooaaaahhh...."

Jin didn't wait for him to respond before kissing down his neck, nibbling, and even suckling on his skin. He had always admired Ken's skin, but Orren's was much smoother. His leg moved from between the Rhino's legs to beside them, allowing him to begin grinding both cocks together while continuing to explore that amazing body, kissing and nibbling on his collarbone. The noises Orren were making were driving the Tanuki insane.

"Please, stop..." It appears that saying those two words takes a lot out of the Rhino. They were only a meeker whisper.

Jin came to a halt and looked down at him. He was breathing heavily, and the Tanuki was no different. "Too fast?"

He shook his head. He opened his mouth but immediately closed it; he didn't seem to be able to look into Jin's eyes while saying what he wanted to say. "I... I want you inside me... please."

"Are you sure? I'm kind of big." He didn't want to hurt him, no matter how much the thought of filling him up turned him on, as evidenced by his throbbing and pre-squirting cock.

"I know... I... practised." Jin followed the Rhino's gaze to his nightstand, reaching out as he opened the drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube. But the Tanuki takes a moment to pull out something else. It was a toy. Almost as big as he was. He was surprised by how similar it was to his size and even appearance.

His gaze returned to Orren, who was blushing profusely. He covered his face with both hands. However, he could feel the Rhino's cock throbbing eagerly against his. The Tanuki didn't ask as he dropped the toy and leaned back to put his weight on his legs. He moved his hands to the back of Orren's knees and lifted them up before looking at what was hiding there. The sight alone nearly made him cum. That cock, chubby crotch, big round butt, adorable balls, and inviting, even winking hole was perfect.

"I.. need lube.."

Jin looked up as he heard those words, and their eyes met, Orrin no longer covering his face but still blushing as much as before. The Rhino tried to reach for the lube bottle, but it was out of reach. The Tanuki's gaze was divided between the lube and what was directly in front of him. He pulled the Rhino up, placing his legs right on his shoulders and moving his hands to Orren's lower back to support him while also moving closer. The Rhino's crotch is now so close to Jin's face, as Orren is now laying partially on top of him.

"What are you...ohhhh?"

Jin dives in, nuzzling along that cock, smelling it. Taking in the taste, his tongue ran all the way up to the tip of that member, over those balls and on that taint. It was outstanding. All of his senses, all of his cells screamed at him how much he enjoyed this.

"Fuck, you are perfect~ Every small bit of you."

"I'm not that grooooaahhh."

At this point, stopping Orren with his own actions was a game for him. His head dipped lower, discovering the treasure between those cheeks. The taste was like fireworks on his tongue, and he didn't need much convincing to go deeper. At first, his tongue ran in circles, repeatedly pushing against that muscle. Until it finally gave in and let him inside. The response he received caused his neck fur to stand up. It was the most pleasant and adorable sound he had ever heard from him, or even from anyone else.

His tongue went wild, exploring every centimeter it could get to. Pushing back and forth, turning and twisting in various directions. Orren's legs began to shake on top of his shoulders. Aside from the extremely arousing sounds he was making, the Rhino body was showing him how much pleasure he was having.

"Jin... stooooop.. I'm getting toooo cloooose...."

That was possibly the only words that could have stopped the Tanuki from doing what he was doing. He didn't want this to be over too soon. His tongue slipped out of that now wet and slightly gaping hole, slowly letting Orren down until he was back on his back. Jin only kept his legs apart and up. His cock was so close to its target that the heat it produced had to be felt by the Rhino.

"You ready?"

He received only a nod in response. Jin snatched the bottle of lube and slathered it on his cock before slowly pushing forward, kissing that winking pucker with his cock tip and adding another adorable sound to all the other ones he'd heard from Orren tonight. He pushed a little harder, not needing much force to insert his tip, and let out a moan himself.

"God, you feel so tight and amazing."

"You feel so much better than my toy already..."

He leans forward and again places both of his hands beside Orren's head on each side. "Let me know if I'm going too fast."

Orren opened his mouth to respond, but instead received another deep and passionate kiss. Jin never breaks the kiss, slowly pushing deeper and deeper into his partner. He paused whenever he clenched up, but this was rare and only lasted a few moments every time. The Tanuki was inside the Rhino before he realised it. His warm velvet tunnel around his cock felt amazing. He'd never experienced anything like this before. It was a perfect fit.

The Tanuki slowly broke the kiss, looking down at Orren, his eyes half open, tongue rolled out of his wide open mouth. He was clearly enjoying the sensation as much as Jin was.

He sits up a little more, his gaze returning to Orren's body. How that chubby belly looked. The sweet chest, moving quickly with the deep breaths he was taking. That adorable cock was twitching and left a massive puddle of pre all over his crotch and lower belly. He doesn't know why this sight made him even more aroused than he was before.

"Fuck, I don't think I will be able to hold back for long."

Jin moved down to Orren as he raised his arms.They found their way right around his neck, those fingers playing with his neck fluff. The Rhino was blushing, breathing heavily, and flashing him the most fulfilled smile he had ever seen from him.

"Fuck me"

The words were soft, almost sweet. The desire reverberated through them, causing Jin's fur on his neck and down his back to stand up. As he begins to move his hip back, his hands move to Orren's sides, holding those gorgeous love handles.

He watches Orren throwing his head back, letting out a long sweet moan. Jin pushed back in once he was nearly all the way out. Getting another moan as a present. His entire body was on fire as he slowly lost himself in his own pleasure while watching Orren do the same. Jin has never been more turned on than he is right now.

His instincts kicked in much quicker than usual. He began to thrust into that warm, tight hole. His first strong thrust nearly made him cum, as he notices the body beneath him jiggle with the force behind it. Every thrust tickled his skin more as he watched that body move, heard those moans, and saw Orren's pleased expressions.

The desire to cum and fill him up grew stronger by the second. Another thrust, stronger and faster than all of them before and he felt it. The Rhino's insides clenched and massaged his big hard cock like crazy. Then he heard the longest and loudest moan yet, his eyes moving down Orren's body as he saw his cock explode, splattering string after string of hot cum on his crotch, belly, and even chest. This was the hottest thing tonight.

"Please keep going..." Jin's ear twitched as he returned his focus to Orren's eyes, still seeing that hot, glowing desire sparkle in them. He was used to stopping once his partner came. But those pleading eyes only fueled his movements, leading to another adorable moan as an answer and an even stronger squirt of semen added to the cum painting his partner's body.

The slaps of his hips against Orren's butt became increasingly louder. The Rhino appears to be in heaven, as his body twitches in pleasure. Orren eventually stopped cumming, but his cock remained rock hard and seemed to never stop trying to add more cum to the rest.

"I'm almost there..." Huffs Jin, unable to add much more to this because his body requires all of his concentration for his task.

"Fill me up all the way..."

Jin gazed into the Rhino's gorgeous blue eyes, unable to resist as he binds him in another deep kiss, thrusting to his fullest power as he finally released his own torrent of cum. He didn't stop thrusting for even a heartbeat, filling Orren with more and more of his sperm. He thought he felt cum hit his belly at some point, but he wasn't sure as all of his senses were all occupied by the storm of pleasure that was bombarding his body.

The Tanuki didn't know for how long he was going. All he knew was that he was done at some point and collapsed on top of Orren. As he tried to catch his breath, his cock remained deep within him. Both are unable to speak as they bask in their own afterglow. Jin rolls to the side and pulls the Rhino close to him with the last of his strength. He hugged him tightly and nuzzled the top of his head. Orren responded by nuzzling his neck and wrapping his arms around Jin in response.

They both slipped into sweet dreams almost simultaneously, breathing slowly as exhaustion caught up with them.


Jin, Orren, and Ken were eating breakfast at the dining table. No one seems to want to talk, as only the sound of cutlery and eating could be heard in the room. This went on for a while, until Ken finally sighed.

"I guess it finally happened."

Jin looks up from his plate and to his boyfriend, a puzzled expression on his face. "What are you..." He comes to a halt when he notices Ken raising a hand, signalling him to wait for a moment.

"I'm not an idiot, Jin. Before we became a couple, we were friends for many years. I've known you for a long time, and I've known my brother even longer."

He folds his hands and sets them on top of the table. Looking at both of them, switching back and forth every few moments.

"You came naked into my room this morning. Saying you took a shower. I know you would never do that without bringing clothes. Even after we started having sex, it took a long time for you to sleep naked beside me. Even when we're the only ones in the house, you usually don't leave my room naked."

He looks to his brother next.

"You've been quieter than usual and blushing all morning. Avoiding my and Jin's eyes."

He pauses a moment as he adds.

"And last night's loud moaning was a dead giveaway. I believe you both were loud enough to be heard in the basement. I'm glad our parents are away this week."

It was now time for the Tanuki to blush and Orren to hide his face in his hands. Not able to stand the embarrassed feeling anymore.

"I... Ken... this was really..."

Jin comes to a halt once more as the Rhino raises his hand again.

"Let me finish. This was something I expected to happen. I'm not as stupid as people believe. You know that. After all, you must have felt it as well. As much as I love you, we started to drift apart. I still love you, but it's a different kind of love than it used to be. I couldn't be the only one feeling that."

Jin wanted to disagree, but he couldn't. He'd been feeling the same way for a while but hadn't had the courage to say anything.

"Then the way you talk with Orren. I believe you began interacting with him to make him feel more included. You're always doing that, making people feel like they're a part of something when you see them on the side by themselves. One of the reasons I fell in love with you is because of this. But that gradually grew into more. When you were talking to him and spending time with him, I could see the sparkles in your eyes. The same sparkles I noticed when we first started dating. I want you to be happy, and if that means being with someone else, so be it."

He takes another breather before returning his attention to his brother.

"And I know you have had a crush on him for ages. You are not as sneaky as you believe. I caught you watching us having sex a couple of times, and you're not good at hiding your toy. The design of it is pretty obvious."

Orren was glowing all the way down his neck and to his ears at this point, his hands were not big enough to hide that intense of a blush.

"So if you guys make each other happy, I'm happy for you. Aside from that, you two complement each other. Interests and personalities alike."

Jin looked at Ken, surprised, waiting for him to say something else. As he remained silent, the Tanuki finally opened his mouth.

"So you are ok with me being with your younger brother?" He for certain didn't think all of this would end up this way.


Jin raises an eyebrow as he awaits the remainder of that sentence. "Well?"

"You both have my blessing if I can watch from time to time. Yesterday's show was really hot."

"Deal!!" This was the first thing Orren said, and it completely surprised Jin. The next thing he knew was the weight of the Rhino on his lap, arms wrapped around his neck, and a face nuzzling into his neck.

"Wait a minute, what? Huh? You can't decide on that so fast." The Tanuki was at a loss for words at the moment.

"What is the big deal? I saw you naked before."

"Yeah, what is the big deal?" Orren added his opinion to his brother's.

"But that isn't the point. And aren't you supposed to be the shy one?" Orren sat on Jin's lap, legs wrapped around his hips, arms wrapped around his body, face against his neck, saying nothing. That tail was going crazy and hitting his thighs as well. The Tanuki would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy that sensation. His growing erection is another dead giveaway for that.

"You should know that the most kinky people are the shy ones." Ken chuckled and smiled as he rested his elbows on the table and his chin on his hands.

Jin's brain was working hard to sort through all of the information he had just received. As finally certain parts slip in place. His head moves down to the rhino on his lap. "You watched us having sex?"

Orren froze, feeling like he'd been caught with something he shouldn't have, but Jin's brain didn't stop there, as his eyes widened and he looked at Ken, who had the most gloating grin on his face he'd seen in a long time.

"You watched us last night!?"