A Plush Life

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A short experimental story, wanted to see if I could make a story with an immobile plush yet still have it feel full of love for the object. I still think it turned out pretty well 4 years later =3

A Plush Life

By Onyx Cheetah

The lion plush lay on its side, abandoned for the day as its Owner left for school and work. Left to nothing but its own thoughts for hours at a time- as it had been since playing make believe went out of vogue for its Owner. But even so the plush still felt loved; its Owner cuddling the soft, but slightly matted (from the many cuddles over years of its life) lion plush every night as he fell asleep. The lion became a stand-in for whatever the Owner's imagination thought up. And when the Owner became sad and angry, or when he needed someone to be there for him, the little lion became a vessel for comfort. It didn't matter to the Owner that the plush was just a plush. Even past the age of make believe the plush still held an important part in the Owner's mind and heart, and likewise even though the plush was left to its own thoughts for many hours of the day, its Owner was still all it longed for.

After hours of doing nothing and being alone, the door to the bedroom opened letting the light from the hallway outside shine onto the bed, the lion laying there on top of it facing towards the wall. The Owner pounced onto the bed, squishing the plush under his weight. The plush was used to it. After all the Owner laid on him nightly, and it craved that first touch.

Its Owner slid off the plush and began to strip, getting ready for bedtime. Once he had stripped he flopped himself back onto the bed and the plush before grunting at the uncomfortable shape digging into his back. He reached under his back and grabbed hold of the plush under him, pulling it out with a happy sigh as the pressure on his back was let up, wiggling to get himself comfortable. But he didn't ignore the plush for long. He pulled the lion in for a deep hug to himself. He gave another sigh and the plush would have as well if it were possible as its fur and its plush body pressed against its Owner's fur, compressing around the shape of his body and arms surrounding it.

It was content, even happy, as its Owner gave a show of love towards the toy while thinking whatever thoughts a young adult male would think about before bed. The plush didn't care what actual thoughts he had, just as long as he used the lion as a stand in for his imagination, a form in itself of playing with the toy.

The Owner squeezed the plush tightly and gave a soft moan lost in his thoughts. He reached down and began to rub at his nude front, his member slowly escaping from his sheath. The lion recognized it from seeing its Owner rub himself while on the computer but having it appear while cuddling together was a first for the plush. More moans and whimpers escaped the young male's muzzle as he wrapped one of his paws against the growing red member. The other paw gripped the plush and held it tight against him.

He pressed his face into the plush with a louder moan, the vibrations of the sound flowing through the plush from head to toe. The lion's fur would have stood on end if it were possible. The Owner began to paw at himself harder. The plush, being let into this new form of make believe, felt excited and full of wonder. It wondered what its owner was thinking of, what his day was like to give him this need as soon as he got home, and what led to him to decide to do it in bed, while cuddling the lion. Its train of thought was broken when the plush was squeezed hard with a loud moan, the Owner uttering the plush's name out loud for the first time since the days of make believe had ended. The plush felt its soul fill full of love and felt more alive and loved than ever. Giving the plush's muzzle a kiss, the Owner pulled the plush up and placed it against his already throbbing member, moaning the plush's name again as he rubbed the soft plush fur against his privates.

Over and over the lion was rubbed into the thick, twitching member, pulled up and down- and it didn't mind. After a few minutes of rubbing against the plush, the lion was pushed hand into its Owner's privates. He gasped and moaned the plush's name once more before he started to explode all over the plush, covering the lion with his warm, sticky, love.

The Owner panted and pulled the sticky plush into him for a hug, not caring about the mess, just wanting to give the plush more of his love before passing out.

The plush lion purred mentally to itself, its owner's fluids covering its body, chest and muzzle. This was a new way for its owner to show love. And it couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Master's Watching

Master's Watching By Onyx Cheetah A bleep came out over the computer's speakers as the message came through. Tim stared at it, knowing it was coming, but now that it finally had he felt his heart rise into his throat and his...

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