An Endless Voyage chapter 60:
Karen couldn't help but like captain Walker, despite her rather strict buisnesslike nature. Emily was strict, not cruel, and being strict wasn't necessarily a bad thing.
Karen toured many more ships after the Jefferson Davis, and finally she had one to go.
It was well past midnight, sometime around 04:00 hours fleet-time that Karen finally departed the C.S.S. J.E.B. Stuart, en route to the C.S.S Louisiana II.
The Louisiana II was formerly an Xian Heavy Battleship, captured by the fleet in the Xian war, but was heavily modified by Karen at the end of the war. Once back on Earth the ship had been studied thoroughly, and given a full retrofit to bring it as close as possible to nearly Titan class specs before President Landry decided to give it back to the former captain and crew of the C.S.S. Louisiana who had comandeered the ship and brought it home in the war.
"C.S.S. Louisiana II, this is Admiral Karen, I'm on approach." Karen started, but was cut off by Yuri who was leading the current CAP.
"Nyet! Admeral, Unknown wessel on sensors." the Russian fighter ace broke in.
"Wilco, Shark, Going weapons hot, rolling in full afterburner to join the CAP." Karen replied, taking action as she spoke.
Such early warning, rapid response was the point behind a CAP patrolling the fleet, afterall.
"Single contact, on direct heading for the fleet." Yuri explained further as the now 5 pilots sped toward the unknown contact to investigate. "Whatever it is, its big."
"Understood." Karen said. "Excalibur, Lovegoddess, Single unknown contact, Set Condition orange throughout the fleet (Canid yellow alert), and await further orders."
"Wilco Admiral, Good hunting." Ashley replied.
In addition to Yuri and Karen, they had Hank, from Excalibur, Kelly from the Queen Elizabeth, and a new pilot from the Jefferson Davis Karen had only met briefly and thus currently knew only by his callsign, Maverick.
Once they got closer to the ship, it was obviously a Titan-Class design, but why the ship was running dark, with no hull lights and not broadcasting any IFF was a mystery.
"Rather than give herself away, a flag officer being a priority target in the event of hostilities, Karen followed protocol, and instructed Yuri to make the call as he was leading the CAP that first discovered the ship.
"This is Commander Yuri Ivanov, leading combat patrol in the name of Admeral Karen to the unknown Titan-class wessel approaching the fleet, you will identify in compliance with interstellar code agreed upon by global alliance immediately." Yuri broadcast on open frequencies so there was no way the ship could miss it.
In that moment of silence the anticipation in the air was almost electric. Were they friend or foe, and if foe, how did they get their hands on one of Earth's latest most advanced starships.
Finally after what felt like an eternity....
"Cool yer jets, commander Ivanov, this is captain Maylene, Jolene, Jacobs of the C.S.S. Buckner. We were just conducting covert approach drills when you picked us up. I dont know what gave us away but damn soldier you got some good eyes."
"Thank you captain." Yuri said. "All those years in the Expanse."
"Land those birds and refuel, I want you guys out there with full tanks when we rendezvous with the fleet to cover the shuttles carryin' Earth's leaders fer the handoff."
"Wilco captain." Yuri said, and that's precisely what they did, after Karen sent a encryped text databurst to Excalibur, informing Ashley of the ship's identity and ordering the fleet to stand down from condition orange.
The crew of the Buckner got a surprise when Karen climbed out of her fighter. "Admiral on deck! the captain snapped to attention, saluting.
"At ease, as you were, soldiers." Karen said.
"If I'd know the Admiral was comin aboard I'd a prepared a proper recep[tion." Captain Maylene said. "Speakin of which I wasn't expectin you to be flyin CAP."
"Always do yourself what you ask of those you command." Karen said. "Very wise words." a pause then, "But I wasn't originally part of /this/ CAP. I was on my way to the Louisiana II to complete my tour of the fleet, when Yuri detected your approach, and like any seasoned pilot, I immediately joined the fray."
"And in your command experience you followed protocol, letting the CAP leader make contact rather than announce yourself as a flag officer to an unknown, and thus potentially hostile contact." Maylene understood. "You should order the fleet to stand down though, I assume you put them on alert."
"I already did that as well, as soon as You identified as friendly." Karen said.
"You're welcome to join me in my captain's mess for a bite of grub while the techs tend to your fighters." Maylene said next. "I'm afraid all I have to offer at this hour is cold chicken and dumplings, a drink, and a cigarette, but it beats flying on an empty stomach. This op is going to take all night, we are bringing the fleet a lot of supplies while picking up those VIP Passengers."
They all agreed, and followed the captain to her private mess, though Karen and Kelly declined the cigarette, and soon they sat down to eat.
"See I told ya its terrible." Maylene told them all, referring to the cold leftovers.
"I have had worse." Karen said. I love this aged bourbon on ice though, but if we are going to be flying all night, I could use something with a bit more bite."
"Yes I heard that Canids can really hold their liquor." Maylene said, refilling Karen's glass with everclear this time. "Try this, Admiral." she added,
"Thank you captain, thats more like it." Karen said, tasting the new drink.
"Anyone else care for a snort?" Maylene asked.
"Raw everclear, no thanks." was the general consensus.
"Perhaps a bit more bourbon then?" Maylene asked.
It was obvious to Karen, Maylene was just the opposite of Emily. Her command style was casual, she liked to drink, and she wanted to make friends.
Everyone but Hank declined, though Yuri added, Vodka if you have it, real vodka not cheap Confederate knockoffs."
"Ah, a conneseur I see. I think I can help you out." Maylene said, producing a bottle of Stolichnaya elit from the room's liquor cabinet moments later. She proceeded to fill Yuri's glass, then poured herself one as well, before putting the bottle away and relocking the cabinet.
"All right boys and girls, let's finish our drinks and get our birds back into the black." Karen said. "We got a long night ahead of us."
"Might want to take a latrine break first." Maylene suggested.
Karen, Hank, and Yuri downed the rest of their drinks, then Karen swallowed what was left of the ice as well, and finally they set off for the closest restroom. Maylene downed her drink, and did likewise for the hours shed be on the bridge.
Once they all had finished and washed their hands, Maylene led them back to the fighter bay where their Phoenixes had been refueled, and extra drop tanks loaded as well.
"Good hunting." Maylene bid them all. then to the other soldiers present, "Admiral of the fleet, Departing."
Karen returned the salute, then they climbed into their cockpits, and soon enough were on their way back to the fleet.
Maylene returned to the Bridge, and made contact with Excalibur.
"Vice Admiral Ashley, I have the C.S.S. Buckner on comms." Erika said.
"Put 'em up." Ashley said.
Erika pushed a button and the bridge of the Buckner appeared onscreen.
"Excalibur, Actual, this is captain Maylene, Jolene, Jacobs of the Confederate Titan-Class Battleship, C.S.S. Buckner, request permission to come alongside, to begin VIP transfer and resupply Ops."
"This's Vice Admiral Ashley Dawn temporarily commandin Excalibur." Ashley replied. Permission Granted, captain. Ah'll have President Landry's shuttle prepared an' inform the other ships t' do lahkwise."
"THank you Vice Admiral." Maylene replied.
"Y'all gave us quite a start runnin up on us all sneaky lahk." Ashley said.
"As I told your Admiral we were conducting stealth approach skills." Maylene said. "Its gonna be a long night, Vice Admiral," a pause then, "Buckner out."
the screen went blank, and once more returned to the normal view of space.
"Advahse Dimitri t' git a couple Raven II's out there, instruct em t' go full stealth an be ready fer anythin. an' keep the alert fighter wing on standbah." Ashley ordered.
"Expecting trouble?" Callie asked.
"Jus' a hunch." Ashley said. "We ain't crossed in t' the badlands yet, but such a big VIP handoff's bound t' attract attention."
After what felt like forever, the shuttle pilot contacted the bridge,. Excalibur Actual, Confederate Air Force One Heavy, requesting clearance for departure."
"Confederate Air Force One Heavy, Excalibur Actual, yer cleared fer departure." Ashley replied. "Contact C.S.S. Buckner Actual on 142.5 terahertz fer landin control, Contact CAP Lead, Commander Yuri Ivanov on 337.1 terahertz in case of emergency."
"Wilco, Actual, Confederate Air Force One Heavy, acknowedges handoff.
Not long after that, Yuri reported; "Excalibur, Shark, I have eyes on the Confederate shuttle, they are on course and stable."
"Wilco, Shark." Ashley said.
As the Confederate shuttle was outbound, another was inbound moments later.
"Excalibur Actual, this is Confederate Supply shuttle N77339 Heavy, departing the C.S.S. Buckner, acknowledging Comms handoff."
"Wilco N77339 Heavy, we have ya on sensors." Ashley said. "Maintain course an' speed, an' we'll talk ya down."
"Copy that, Excalibur." the shuttle replied.
And so began the first exchange of what was sure to be a very long night.
Lori, who was sitting in her cockpit with Sarah, and the rest of the Alert fighter Squadron. The flightsuit did little to hide her diaper padded bottom hovever. It was some small reprive that no one could see it unless they looked down through the crystal armored glass canopy however.
Tom was busy in sick bay helping Natalie with sperm collections, teat, and prostate exams, and general checkups. He was supposed to be on the Suvorov, giving Mayali an early term pregnancy checkup, but the arrival of the Buckner, and Fleet Ops to transfer VIPS and take on supplies had changed that. If any bad guys shopwed up, Natalie wanted him here, either to help with triage, or as security if they got boarded.
"Why not just use the transporters?" Kelly asked, as they flew each shuttle's wing.
"The VIP's wanted to see the fleet from their shuttles." Karen said. "And some of the supplies, mostly medical stuff are molecularly too unstable for transport. specifically certain vaccines and antiviral medicines.... That, and after Maya's accident, well you can imagine President Landry does not want to take the risk."
"She's worse than Dr McCoy." Hank said.
"Who?" Karen asked.
"An earth fictional tv character." Hank said. Afraid of Transporters, just like President Landry.
"She talked the others out of using the transporters as well." Karen said. "Told them how Maya really got ''demoted'' and scared them out of it."
"Waste of fuel if you ask me." Maverick said. "But hey, I'm not complainin, if it means getting to spend all night flyin' with Xian War Veterans."
"More or less." Hank said. "We're missing Tom and Sarah though.
"Where is Gator anyway." Yuri asked.
"Knowing The good Doc's checkup scedule, probably on your ship, with his arm shoulder deep in Princess Mayali's shitter if I had to guess." Hank replied. "As for Gunner, she was due to take next patrol out, so she's probably in bed, most likely with captain Mike's first officer, as usual."
"Natalie would have postponed sending him to do Mayali's checkup." Karen said. "In case he is needed to help with triage or to fly a fighter. Not to mention Dimitri is beaming over tomorro so Mayali could just beam over with him and go see Natalie herself while I show Dimitri all our new upgrades.... You are probably right about Gunner though."
"Where is Maya now?" Yuri asked.
"She is with May at the moment, but normally I am fostering her." Karen said. "She is perfectly healthy and her mind is intact, but her body is that of a 6 week old pup."
"Is good to hear she is healthy at least." Yuri said.
"Yes that is pleasant news she is well." Kelly agreed.