Locker Room Antics

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Iris and Niski take advantage of the late night in the gym, but when Iris takes a show he finds that there are a few problems. There's not a lot of heat, the pressure is bad, and some sort of strange goo came out that turned him into a ravenous synthetic beast!

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It was fairly late at night when Iris got back into the locker room, the fox feeling the burn after a successful workout at the gym. He had been managing to go a few times a week in order to get back into shape with a bit of results already. As he walked in he could hear the usual silence that came with working out so late at night; between his work hours and the general desire to be alone while he exercised prompted him to go when there were few others that did so. There was usually one or two that he would see, such as the blue furred arctic fox that had just gotten there.

"Hey Niski," Iris said as he went over to his own locker, putting in the combination before ruffling the white and dark grey fur of his chest with taking off his shirt. "You doing more cardio today?"

"Yeah, got to keep the heart rate up," Niski replied. "What about you, how has your work outs been going?"

"I'll get that ideal body one day," Iris joked as he slid off his pants and underwear as well before grabbing his towel. "For right now it's a quick shower and home to bed." The other vulpine just nodded and started to unpack his own gym clothes from his back, which Iris knew he would probably be doing for the next ten minutes or so. He had never seen someone so meticulous about making sure everything was perfect for the gym as he went into the nearby shower area.

Just like the locker room it was relatively quiet inside the tiled area as Iris picked out a random stall and walked inside of it. He just hoped that they had fixed the hot water today, last time it seemed to be on the fritz and he ended just going home and finishing. As he turned the nozzles though he was relieved to see steam rising up and when it got hot enough he hopped underneath and began to wash himself. Iris was so glad that he had a chance to just stand there and enjoy the warmth soaking into his body as he closed his eyes and let the water cascade over him for a minute.

Suddenly his eyes snapped open as he became deprived of the water that he had been enjoying, Iris turning around and looking at the showerhead that had been working as of a few seconds ago. This gym... he was starting to wonder if his dues were worth it as he tapped on the shower head a few times to see if that would work. When it did he just shrugged his shoulders and turned around to let it cascade down his back while he soaped up his chest, unaware that along with the water was an inky black liquid that was mixing into the white fur. Instead of turning it the same color though it seemed to adopt the same hue as strands began to melt together under the liquid, the fox unaware of his entire back becoming shiny as something began to push up from the surface of it...

Iris hummed to himself as he finished up getting his fur lathered and was about to turn around when something felt off, the fox looking about as though there was someone else in there with him. That was impossible though, even if someone could sneak into the shower with him it wasn't like they had a lot of room to hide. Still... it felt like something was pressing against his back, and as turned off the water and looked around he found nothing unusual. When the thought of someone squeezing into this place was disproven the fox just shook his head and muttered to himself that he needed some sleep as he reached back to scratch an inch on his lower back...

...only to have something wrap around his wrist and pull his arm behind him!

Before Iris could even let out a yelp another rubbery tentacle had slithered through the air before pushing into his maw, followed by a second that quickly pushed their way into his throat. His attempts to shout out for help turned into a gurgle as he felt something wet start flowing down into his throat and as the fox tried to turn about in the stall he could feel something coating the mane of wet white fur on his head. Something was on his back, and whatever it was had completely grabbed his arm and was holding it there while the other caught the wet tile. He tried to make a grab for the stall curtain to at least throw it open but only managed to get it part of the way before he found another tentacle coiling around his entire forearm and pulling it to his side.

With no way to move his arms Iris tried to move forward and just get out of the stall entirely, but let out a muffled grunt as he was unable to do so. Looking back he saw one of the bright white and shiny appendages had wrapped itself around the shower head, but at the same time he saw something else that caused his eyes to widen. It was a smaller tentacle then the others and as it slowly moved through the air the tip was pointed straight at his ear. With his arms bound the only thing he could do was try to move his head to the side but that somehow seemed to only make it easier as the already wide-eyed expression froze the second that the rubber began to pour into his ear hole.

The struggling fox could feel something entering into his mind and as more of his fur was being coated by whatever was on him the tentacles moved their attention lower. Already the stunned vulpine could feel something dripping down his back and as the shock drained from his face and his eye twitched where the tentacle was surging into his skull there was another one that started to push up inside. With two tentacles already stimulating him through his mouth, which caused his purple tongue to tingle strongly, he could feel something happening to his insides as he was penetrated from behind. As the rubber continued to cover Iris the tentacles that had emerged from his back continued to thrust into his tailhole, mouth, and ears, eventually causing his eyes to roll into his head as he began to grow erect while another tentacle slid up and coiled around the sensitive flesh.

But soon the rubber just wasn't on his back, and as his legs slid across the wet tile floor he could feel the tentacles inside of him wiggling about as they started to pleasure him incessantly. Even though he could feel something happening to his body it was hard to focus on anything, especially when he could feel his earhole stretching and something pushing inside deeper inside of it. His thoughts were becoming heavily muddled in the haze of pleasure that was coming from them and when he attempted to get up again he merely found himself on all fours, though as he saw his hand again there was something different about it. It looked like he was wearing a rubber glove, but as he tried to move forward he felt the digits flow into one another and merge into a solid, formless glove.

Though it had only been for a few seconds and they immediately reformed there was something about seeing it that had caused panic to go through his body. Formless, shapeless... as the rubber continued to creep over his body he found the tentacle in his ear was getting bigger, his thoughts getting harder to form as his limbs flailed about from the pleasure of his tailhole getting pumped into. He could feel his stomach gurgling as more of the alien material was pumped into him and as another wave of pleasure threatened to overwhelm his senses he found his cock throbbing hard. The tentacle wrapped around it was bringing him to orgasm rather quickly, and in the process was cause what little remained of his sense of self to remain intact.

The alien rubber had almost completely enveloped him with tentacles wrapping around his arms and legs as he found himself no longer able to move, his limbs resting against the ground. He was still being stimulated though and when he reached orgasm he could feel himself cum, except that what came out of his purple shaft was shiny and black like ink. This thing... it was completely inside him, and as his eyes became half-lidded he could feel the ear that didn't have a tentacle in it melting into his skull while his tail merged with his rear.

Iris continued to stare off, but as his mind remained locked in pleasure from the alien in his brain the tentacles began to move once more. The rubbery fox's body managed to get onto his knees as the psyche of the creature was reconstituted, though as he continued to kneel there he felt his legs melt and merge together before they pulled back apart. Shapeless, empty, void... these concepts continued to swirl around in the corrupted mind of the fox as he was fed... something, like he was getting thoughts that weren't his own. But his body wasn't even his own anymore, it had become some sort of shapeless rubber thing as he could feel the tentacles on his back that were keeping his mouth and tailhole from collapsing on itself while the rest of them worked to keep his limbs separate.

Must hunt... these words came through clear as a bell, causing the eyes of the creature to snap open. A new clarity began to open up in the mind of the fox as he found that he was gaining a better sense of his body, his gooey fox form that was still having trouble keeping itself contained. While he wouldn't be melting down into a drainage pipe he was having trouble keeping his body intact, though as he continued to focus on how he used to look he could feel the alien rubber that had assimilated his form starting to firm up once again. That was right, all he needed to do was make sure that he trusted in his tentacles and kept himself focused as the haze of pleasure made it surprisingly easier to remain alert.

But as Iris began to get a better sense of self he realized that this wasn't going to do, he couldn't keep the tentacles inside him from continuing to pleasure him despite his deepest desires, he needed... to hunt. He had to find another, someone that was like him... and as the thoughts of what would happen after that came pouring into his mind he found himself starting to smile. Those were really, really kinky thoughts, and while he had similar before they had never quite aligned the way they had before as he slowly felt the tentacles inside of him pull out. As he thought about who his perfect target would be his eyes flickered to the gap he had made in his curtain and found that such a search for prey wouldn't be required as he leaned forward while a predatory smirk formed on his face...

The commotion in the showers had not gone unnoticed though, Niski's head perking up and his ears twitching as he thought he heard something fall in the locker room. He had just finished putting everything away and was about to put on his gym clothes to go out to start his routine when he heard another noise, this one a bit louder that gave him concern. It was enough for him to grab a towel and wrap it around his waist before heading into the showers himself while looking around. Even though he had seen Iris walk in he wasn't sure who else was in there, though as he walked through the area he didn't hear any water going at all.

That was strange... he had been sitting in the locker room the entire time and would have seen if Iris had left. As he got further towards the back he did see that there was one stall curtain that wasn't quite closed, and as saw that there was still water pooled around the outside he hoped that Iris hadn't somehow hurt himself. After letting calling out his name and not getting a response Niski slowly moved forward until he caught a glimpse inside the shower through the partially opened curtain. What he saw caused him to gasp and nearly fall backwards as he found where Iris had gone.

The eyes of the fox were half-lidded as it looked like he was covered in some sort of rubber, the last of his fur being completely coated by the thick substance that seemed to strangely correspond to his dark grey, white, and purple markings. His body was moving but it was only by the tentacles that were wrapped around his form, his hands laying by his side as the one thrusting into his tailhole was causing his hips to thrust up into the other coiled around his rubberized member. Others held him up in a kneeling position while he seemed to be drooling a copious amount of the gooey substance that came out whenever the two tentacles stuffed down his throat pushed in while it also oozed out of the ear that wasn't stretched by a tentacle thrusting into it. It looked like something out of an alien scene and Niski found himself unable to look away from it, although as he continued to gasp it seemed to cause the rubber fox to stir and more of his body to move as though being aroused from slumber.

The arctic fox was unsure of what to do, his body frozen in place as he heard a loud gurgling sound come from Iris as his own back tentacles slid out of his head. His muzzle pointed up in the air as nearly a foot of the synthetic appendages pulled themselves out, and though the one in his ear was much shorter it was still impressive considering it had been in his skull until that point. Strangely the rubber that completely enveloped the fox started to also tighten until he had regained his shape, even forming into his hairstyle even as his body looked very gooey in nature. Eventually he fell on all fours as the tentacle that had been feeding him pleasure throughout his assimilation pulled out, and as Niski's watched the head of the other vulpine slowly rise up he could see a gleam in those purple eyes and a wide, predatory smirk on his muzzle...

Niski did the only thing he could think of doing and threw the towel at him before scrambling to his feet, letting out a cry of alarm as he ran to the door as fast as he could in order to get someone to help. His glasses nearly flew off his face as he saw the rubber fox scramble to his feet to give chase, the tentacles on his back practically lifting him up. Fortunately for the arctic fox he had a few feet of distance and when he reached the door he bolted through it and slammed it shut behind him. As he locked it Niski turned to get help from the front desk only to realize that he had ran the wrong direction in his panic and accidently gone into the small pool the gym had instead.

The door suddenly rattled and Niski let out a yelp before backing away, then making a run for the other exit that led out into the main exercise room. But as he attempted to leave he found that the doors were locked... they closed the pool after ten, and it was probably close to midnight and he guessed the only reason he got in the first place was because someone forgot to do the locker side as he banged on it to try and get someone's attention. Though he wasn't sure how he would explain he saw someone get turned into a rubber alien and was no after him at this point he didn't care. But the door wouldn't budge and no one could probably hear him as he heard the rather loud music they played after hours blaring within.

With no help coming from that direction there was only one way left to go, and that was the way he came. It seemed that for the time being the lock had been effective in keeping Iris out but with nowhere to go it was doing just as good a job as keeping him in. Perhaps he could somehow lure the bizarre rubber creature out into the pool area and then lock it again? It was the only thought that came to mind and with nothing else he could think of he swallowed nervously and adjusted his glasses before heading to the door and silently undoing the latch.

When he carefully peered inside he found the shower stalls to be dark, something that hadn't been that way before as the light from the pool room spilled in. If Iris didn't know the door was open before he did now, but as he held it open to try and maybe coax him out the creature within didn't budge. Maybe after failing to into the pool room they started to go after someone else, Niski thought hopefully, which meant that he just had to cross the shower of infinite darkness to get to the other side. Perhaps then he could get on some clothes as he realized that with his towel used as a weapon he stood there completely naked.

Niski shivered from head to toe as he slowly made his way inside, the door closing behind him as he tried to silently make his way across the room. With the light from the locker room he could only see what was directly in front of him and every movement that he sensed caused him to jump. The closer he got to the light the safer he felt, but just as he got to the threshold he saw a shadow move about. He's still here... and though he thought about going back into the pool room and just waiting until morning he gathered that this creature could probably beat him there this time.

"Don't look so afraid," Iris said, his voice sounding the same as before but with a strange distortion to it as the arctic fox tentatively stepped inside the locker room. "I'm not going to hurt you, though it is fun to play with you a bit." The voice sounded like it had come from behind him, which prompted Niski to try and run forward to reach the door that led out into the lobby.

Before he could get anywhere close though there was a loud bang from the lockers next to him and Niski gasped as he saw Iris on top of them, his own body hitting the cold stone of the wall as he stumbled backwards. While the fox looked much the same as he had before his entire body shined unnaturally under the light, his rubber form shifting about ever so slightly before going solid again. Those tentacles that had been inside him while in the shower stall now waved about in the air, one of them curled around the pipe above to allow Iris to hang towards him. As Niski continued to look up he also noticed that the other fox was also completely erect, blushing slightly despite himself as he tried to steady his body against the wall.

"I caught you," Iris said with that same grin as before, slowly dropping down onto his feet with a squeak as he was lowered by his back tentacles. "You know, you're quite cute when you blush."

"What... what are you?" Niski asked as he found that either way of potentially running was blocked off by the thick rubbery appendages that waved about on either side.

"That's not important," Iris replied as he continued to move closer, continuing to close the distance between himself and the blue-furred arctic fox. "What's important is that I have something that I need to give you, something that will perhaps answer your question. Now you can either take what I have to give or we can keep playing cat and mouth for a while longer."

Already Niski could see that the rubberized body of the fox was starting to mutated slightly, his body becoming slightly gooier as he continued to wait for the answer. "We're... not supposed to do things like that in here," Niski finally said as he gestured towards the door that had the front desk on the other side. "We could get kicked out."

"Oh, you're absolutely right," Iris said as he stepped back, practically beaming at the arctic fox as he gestured with his hand. "Have fun with your workout then." Niski found himself blinking several times in utter amazement as he adjusted his glasses. This alien rubber fox had been stalking him up and down this locker room and now was just going to... let him go?

Though Niski continued to look at Iris incredulously he saw the Iris gesture with his hands and several tentacles towards the door. He found himself nodding and swallowed hard as he made his way towards the door, only to suddenly feel something slick slide around his waist and the fox's muzzle suddenly appear near his shoulder. "Just kidding," Iris said with a chuckle as he grabbed onto Niski's hand while one of his back tentacles slithered forward and began to push into his mouth that was open in surprise. "I don't think management will mind a few locker room antics, at least I won't say anything if you can't."

All Niski could do was let out a muffled response as the rubber tentacle slowly slid inside of him, quickly spreading his slips as he felt the fingers of the fox's other hand slid along his lower jaw and stick them in to keep the vulpine muzzle open. As the weight of the other man's body pressed up behind him the arctic fox once more became aware that he was naked, though it was starting to get hard to focus as the whispers of Iris that were in his ear were replaced with something else. The purple rubber tongue of the alien fox had been waiting so long for this as it licked along the big triangular ear before pressing inside.

That was all it would take, as it pulsated and pushed in deeper the eyes of the arctic fox began to roll up into the back of his head as Iris fed him pleasure to aid in his assimilation. He could feel the other man get weak in the knees and slowly lowered him to the floor, using the momentum to also shove his throbbing purple cock into the other vulpine. With how malleable his body was it didn't take much for him to be pushing inside another orifice of the one he had caught as he could feel his back tentacle already starting to slide down into Niski's throat. What a delicious conversion... and as his tendrils began to wiggle their way into the thoughts of the arctic fox the rest of his body was starting to do the same.

Niski was starting to find it hard to think as he could feel something happening to him other then having a rubber fox pushing into spaces they shouldn't, though everything was starting to become fuzzy. As Iris continued to thrust slowly but deeply into him the hips of the alien creature were starting to cling to his fur, and the closer they got the more he felt it as several shiny black tentacles wrapped around his body. One of them squeezed against his sheath and with the intense stimulation coming from both his brain and the throbbing synthetic fox shaft inside of him it was causing his maleness to harden. What was happening to him... as the arctic fox managed to look down he saw that the black latex of the other man had started to spread over his shins, though as he tried to move his foot that was behind his body he found he couldn't.

Another heavy wave of pleasure that came from the tentacle coiling and stroking around his cock caused him to arch back, his thoughts being messed with by Iris as the rubber creature still kept pressing forward. There was no way that they could be this close but as he managed to get enough sense back into his mind to look down he only saw the leg of the other fox on top of his own. No... not on top... as he felt his toes wiggle and saw the shiny ones do the same he realized that his leg was inside the alien vulpine!

But just as panic began to set in Iris just allowed more of his back tentacles to slither around the fur of the arctic fox while that purple tongue wiggled in just a little bit deeper. By this point Niski's entire throat was bulged out from the tentacle in it and the overwhelming pleasure caused him to lean backwards while kneeling there. That's it, the arctic fox heard the one behind him say, just let yourself sink into me... become me...

Except that the voice wasn't coming from Iris, at least not entirely. As the rubber fox continued to pleasure the other man with his tentacle tongue, cock, and the one in his mouth he used the pleasure to keep Niski in a state of rapturous bliss while pushing further onto him. While their hips had essentially fused into one he was still able to shift his cock to slide deeper into him, coating his insides just like he was with the outsides. Since he was a fox as well their body types should make this a perfect fit, the alien fox thought to himself while projecting it into the one he was merging with. There was no need for this one to have thoughts of his own as his tentacle merged together while completely encasing the throbbing member of the arctic fox.

With Niski fading quickly Iris slid his entire muzzle and began to push it up against the head of the fox, the gooey face flowing over the fur of the one that had been getting the skull filled with goo, tongue tentacle, and thoughts from gooey rubber creatures. Iris could already feel that they were practically enraptured by the pleasure being fed to them as his head slowly coated over his while his back tentacles shifted and pushed the chest of the fox inside. The rest of his body followed suit with the arctic fox being briefly coated by white and black rubber, tentacle still sliding into his maw, before Iris reformed around the creature. As the merging finished off Iris let out a satisfied sigh when his mouth was able to be opened again as his markings reconstituted themselves around the merged body.

"That was fun," Iris said as he felt a weight on his nose, blinking a few times before reaching up and taking off the glasses before setting them aside. "Suppose you won't be needing these anymore." As Iris got up and stretched he could still sense Niski inside of him, though he was going to be the one in the driver's seat as the last of his features asserted themselves on his new body. "Now who else can we merge with..."

At the front of the gym near the doors a dragon sat idly flipping through his magazine, counting down the minutes until his shift ended. Even though the check in system was completely automated he was there to make sure that anyone who had problems could come to them to be solved, which when he heard the bell ding he realized probably was the case as he looked up to see a black and white fox with purple markings looking down at him. "Hey, do you think you could check something in the locker room for me?" Iris asked with a bright smile on his face. "I think that there's something going on with the shower heads."

As the dragon regarded the gym member making the request more closely he found that while they looked familiar there was something about them that he couldn't quite put his finger on. It looked like they had on some sort of shiny rubber bodysuit, or maybe something that they put into their fur made them look unnaturally gleaming, but either way it was enough to catch his attention. It took him a few seconds to realize that he was staring and when Iris looked at him in slight confusion he found himself clearing his throat before responding.

"Yeah, they've been acting up lately," the dragon replied, trying not to look directly at the creature in case it was something they might take offense too. "Not sure that I can do anything to help with that."

"I know it's probably for a plumber, but I would be super appreciative if you gave it a look," Iris said as he tried to hide his excitement. After a few seconds the dragon sighed and stood up, and though something about the way the body of the fox looked under the light he was too tired to care as he went to the locker room with the fox right behind him whose shirt began to bulge and writhe in the back of it. "I love your wings by the way, I always wondered what it was like to have a pair of my own..."