Part VI - These Waters That Reflect No Stars

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#6 of From the Depths Wrought Within and Without

It comes time to make a decision, and Leo finds he's already made it.

To you who is trying to figure out all the title references, try it in Spanish: "cuyas aguas no repiten estrellas."

For once this story Adult cause there's actual sex, and not just cause the source material is Adults-only.

I think the term for this is "crack-ship." For the sake of classification, assume this to be based on the Modern AU as presented in the Smoke Room holiday specials, and that the events of Echo played out as they would in the world those holiday specials present: what that last clause means precisely may remain to be seen.

Cover art by Eden, aka @/GayGooCat on twitter.

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Will reached his and Sam's room to find Leo's jeans, shirt, and boxers folded on the floor at the foot of the bed. The wolf himself was naked, on his knees, beside them.

"Uh," Leo began nervously, "you didn't say whether I was to kneel, sir, so..."

"Someone's real excited to be a good boy for his owner, huh?"

"Yessir!" Leo blurted. He was so hard that, if he'd stood up, Will could have hung his shirt from his cock.

"Well," the older man laughed, "my good boy's gonna have to be patient. I did say I needed a shower." Oh, there was a thought. "I think you're gonna scrub my back."

Under the warm water Leo finally came to his senses, at least enough to take the shampoo and fur brush Will passed him. "Be sure you get every spot, pup," he cautioned, "cause you're about to get real familiar with this body. Won't be my problem if I'm not cleaned up enough."

"Yessir," Leo answered, though he was more trying not to realize this was the first time he'd been in the same room as another naked man in over a decade. Massaging the soap into Will's fur, at least, let his thoughts seize on the 'same room as another naked man' part and leave the 'over a decade' behind.

Will carefully waited to shift and flex until Leo's fingers were on the relevant muscles. Biceps, obliques, pecs, and calves managed to prompt small involuntary moans from the wolf.

Leo had just finished and turned to set down the brush and shampoo when he felt arms around him from behind, and now he knew those arms immediately by feel. He let Will's paws explore his body under the cover story of working shampoo into his fur, and sweat out, and if the coyote's fingers began concentrating on certain significant areas, like around his throat, behind his balls, or under his tail, well, he wanted Will to be his master, didn't he? The point where he could deny it was by now long past. The end point of this process was that his body would be Will's property, wasn't it? So Will could do as he pleased with his body, couldn't he? Emphasis on 'pleased.' Leo just had to lean back, feel Will's chest against his back and shaft against his ass, let his mind coast to a stop, and soak in the warm water and the feeling of being held.

Will stepped out of the shower, reached for a towel, and held it out to Leo in a wordless command. While carefully and deliberately drying Will's limbs, Leo took the opportunity to press his face against his legs, kiss his palms, huff the scent from his pubic fur, stronger, purer for being freshly cleaned.

"Get yourself dry, Pup," Will bent down to whisper in Leo's ear, "and come to the bedroom. Don't keep me waiting."

"No sir!" Leo's tail thudded against the bathmat.

And in the bedroom, of course, Leo finally managed to say it out loud. "I do want it, Sir."

"Want what, pup?" Will clearly knew very well what.

But Leo still needed to say it. "When you said the word 'slavery' yesterday, sir, I didn't know what that meant, but I thought there'd be no way that's what I wanted. But if that's what this is... then I want it. If this is being your slave... if that's a way into this life, that you live, and I got to live today..." Leo could feel his pulse in his ears, "then I guess I want to get enslaved."

"It's going to take work, Pup, and time." Will's voice had gone serious. "It takes dedication, and that's not something a man can put together out of loneliness and horniness in a single night. No matter how much he wants it."

Leo lowered his head, but managed not to flinch, because he'd been spared. The thing he'd feared most was Will saying he didn't need to be his slave, just his, because how could Leo ever convince himself he deserved something like that? "I understand, sir. But... however it has to be done. However you want it, I'll obey."

"You're a good boy, Leo," said his master. "And good boys get rewards."

That was hardly the end of the night, of course.

As if Will was trying to make up for all the time Leo had missed, he put the wolf through everything. Leo's tongue traced the outline of Will's balls, pulled them one at a time into his mouth, gently plucked at them with his lips. His lips kissed the underside of Will's cock before he ran his tongue up the length and slid the tip into his mouth. His mouth memorizing the taste of Will's precum took turns with his nose memorizing the smell of his balls until scenting or tasting either one brought the other to mind as well. His muzzle was planted on Will's chest, lips and tongue caressing a nipple until the coyote shifted and now his nose was stuffed in Will's armpit, powerful bicep behind his head to hold him firmly in place. Strong paws stroked his face, squeezed his chest, caressed his cheeks, petted his ears, and when he needed a brief respite from the tenderness of it, pushed him back on his haunches to squeeze his balls and manhandle his shaft. Ultimately he found himself making out with Will's balls again, too delirious with lust to remember in what order any of these things had happened or how long it had been since he'd taken a breath of anything but Will's musk.

But all of this was fanfare. The important threshold had been crossed, the decision made, the path of the future split. This was who he was now, and who he would remain. At least if this wolf had anything to say about it.

Of course there was only one possible way this could end, only one culmination toward which this could have been building. Will took his time preparing him, lubing thoroughly under his tail, stretching him slowly with two fingers. It might have been Will's slow deliberate intensity, it might have been the knowledge of what he was being prepared for, it might have been both, but Leo, on hands and knees, was left moaning and whimpering at even the slightest motion of the coyote's fingertips inside him.

"What are you, pup?"

"I'm a slave, sir."

"And who do you belong to?" Will's finger traced the outline of Leo's prostate through his inner wall.

"I belong to you, sir." Leo panted.

"And what are you going to do?" Will carefully slicked himself with another squirt of lube.

"Submit and obey, sir..."

Will pressed his tip to his slave's entrance, applied just a hint of pressure, just enough that he was sure Leo would feel the cocktip throbbing against the edges of his tailhole. "That's a very good boy, Leo..." he leaned over the wolf's back, whispered into his ear.

And then he pushed in.

Leo couldn't keep himself from gasping. He was no virgin, but that had been years ago, and significantly smaller than Will. But he bit his lip and bore down. This wasn't just sex. This was serving. This was his duty to his master, the man who hadn't needed anything from him, but had still wanted him, wanted him enough to tear down everything Leo's life had collapsed and calcified into and replace it with a future of belonging to him.

It had been so long since he'd belonged.

When Will came inside him, filled him from within, it was a foregone conclusion, almost a formality. At some point, while the coyote above him both literally and figuratively had been busily fucking his ass, Leo had come: his belly and thighs were dripping with his own seed, but he had no idea when.

"Here pup," Will took a deep breath, stretched and popped his back still deep inside Leo. "better get cleaned up, it'd suck to wake up with that still all over you."

Leo was about to say he didn't mind... but that had been an order, hadn't it? "Yes sir."

The bedsheet went in the hamper. The lube went back in the dresser. The lights went off.

Will lay back on his bed, looking up through the skylight at the moon. Leo was curled up against his side, eyes closed, breathing evenly.

The wolf had been surprised, and hesitant, that Will had taken it for granted they'd sleep together. "Where'd you think you were gonna sleep?"

"I dunno, sir," Leo had scratched the back of his head. "But isn't that Sam's place?"

"Not the first night Murdoch and Cliff're home after three days away." Will had snorted "Sam's in there tonight. Maybe asleep, though with those three there's every chance they'll keep going till sunrise. I guess if you want to feel all and properly... subjugated, then we can like... eventually get a futon on the floor at the foot of the bed, maybe? But that can wait."

Leo had blushed, said "whatever you say, sir," and within minutes had been asleep in Will's arms.

It took the coyote longer to drift off. He was making plans.