Part IX - As I Would Save a Stranger in the Street

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#9 of From the Depths Wrought Within and Without

Newly collared, Leo begins training in earnest.

For once this story Adult cause there's actual sex, and not just cause the source material is Adults-only.

I think the term for this is "crack-ship." For the sake of classification, assume this to be based on the Modern AU as presented in the Smoke Room holiday specials, and that the events of echo played out as they would in the world those holiday specials present: what that last clause means precisely may remain to be seen.

Cover art by Eden, aka @/GayGooCat on twitter.

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All the ride home, Leo had been idly running his thumb, in small circles, over the tiny padlock on his chest.

Will and Sam had laid in eachother's arms, apparently very satisfied with an afternoon's work. Leo sat on the floor, cross-legged, since he'd been forbidden by Will from kneeling. "Don't want you blowing out a knee there, you know?"

"Welp," his Master had eventually said, "suppose someone ought to go get it."

"I'm not getting up," Sam didn't open his eyes.

"Someone has to," Will said, "and I can't with you on top of me like this."

"Send him, then."

"He doesn't know what it is."

"Fuck's sake..." Sam had heaved a sigh and rolled off Will, had pulled himself to his feet and disappeared up the stairs.

Leo had been puzzled.

"You can talk again, pup." Will told him. "But for now just be patient."


When Sam had returned it was with a chain necklace. Hanging from it was a tiny padlock.

"Alright pup. Now you've got a taste of what'd it'd actually be like," Will leaned forward, elbows on his knees, "you still want to do this? Permanent-like?"

"More than ever, sir."

"Well alright then," Will had nodded. "This isn't your collar. Not yet. THIS collar is how you train for YOUR collar. We're gonna get on the same page about the rules, and then when this goes around your neck, you're gonna start living by em. And if that turns out to be something that suits you..."

"Then I get the real collar?"

"Then you get to be my slave."

Leo's tail had whapped on the floor behind him.

"Ok, first. You gotta take care of yourself. No skipping showers, no wearing the same clothes over and over. You need to eat better. You're gonna start working out again. Not gonna say you need to lose weight or lose the gut or anything, frankly it doesn't look bad on you. But you gotta get exercise."

Well, he'd been expecting something like that. "Yes master."

"Second," Will had continued. "Keep an eye on your phone. I'll message you with orders. Just little things, just to remind you who you obey, and that you obey all the time. Get used to following them."

"Uh, it's not gonna be anything, like... that'll get me fired, or-"

"Oh, hell no," Will had laughed, "honestly I'll probably just tell you to take a dick pic."

"Don't worry too much about hopping to," Sam looked mischievous. "He doesn't have a smartphone."

Wait what?

"Here we go," Will had rolled his eyes.

"For some reason this fucker," Sam had prodded Will in the ribs, "won't get a phone like a regular person! Uses his damn watch to read messages and then replies when he gets home, on a desktop computer like it's goddamn 1995."

"Which works just fine, clearly!"

"Point is, if he does tell you to send him a pic," Sam chuckled, "You'll have time."

Leo had tilted his head. In the giddiness of afterglow he felt playful. "I think I see what you mean, Sir. About him only knowing how to tease."

Sam's tail had lashed the couch indignantly. Will had laughed.

"Third," the coyote regained the reins of the conversation. "You're not just my property. You're property of the whole family. You follow orders from Sam, Nik, Murdoch and Tibbits as if they came from me. You call them Sir unless they tell you otherwise. We don't move forward till you've gotten to know every one of them, one-on-one."

"And Todd, master?"

"Hrm," Will had glanced at Sam. "That depends."

"He's not completely uncrumpled himself just yet," the puma admitted, "I think he'll get there though."

"We'll see when he gets there, I guess. Fourth, you keep researching. Check out videos, comics. Check out some bondage porn, kink, hypno stuff, maybe, I dunno. Find out things you're into that you wanna try, and report back to me when you do." That'd be easy. "Finally, this," Will had dangled the padlock and chain before Leo's eyes, "stays on. Barring an emergency, this stays around your neck twenty-four seven. It's waterproof, you can shower in it, and it oughta be unobtrusive enough you can tuck in under your shirt if need be. If it's uncomfortable, let me know, we can do some adjusting."

"I understand, master."

Every time the truck passed under a streetlight he watched, in his reflection on the inside of the windshield, as the silver padlock glinted against his bare chest.

He couldn't help comparing it to, well, the other thing he'd used to wear. It was too obvious not to. This felt less like getting a second chance and more like some unearthly force had bent the path his life was on around and now he was somehow back to an earlier point in his life, made to try again until he got it right. Which maybe wasn't bad, but it was still unsettling, yeah?

It was fucking lucky the necklace had turned out to be a lock, and not an anchor.

"Now, you got any questions?" Will had asked.

"Would... I have to stick to the 'no talking unless told to,' rule, sir?"

"Oh god no," Will had snorted, "be more work, for both of us, than I want to even think about. 'Sometimes, when it's time to fuck' at most."

"Am I gonna..." Leo had turned over how to phrase this in his mind till he accepted there wasn't a way to say it that didn't sound weird, "...move here, Master?"

"It's not impossible," Will had answered. "That'll depend on you. How well you take to following the rules, how inconvenient it'd make your job, hell, whether or not you want to. You'll be spending a fair amount of time here, though."

Leo had chewed his lip. Now for the big one. "What do I tell my parents?"

"Whatever you want," Will said gravely. "If you think they'll be as happy for you as you deserve for them to be, then tell em everything. If not, then you don't owe them, you don't owe anyone, word one of explanation. You're your own person."

"No sir," Leo had started wagging, "I'm yours."

When they pulled up out front, Alvarez Auto had looked unreal, like a ghost from another life, some alternate timeline in which Leo had refused to talk to the handsome coyote at the Stag.

"You work in the morning, pup?" Will leaned his elbows on the steering wheel.

"I do, master."

"Well, you'd better go get some sleep then. Keep an eye on your phone for orders."

"I will, master."

Will reached over and stroked the back of Leo's head. Leo tilted into Will's palm, leaned toward him like a growing plant leans toward the light, but then, reluctantly, opened the door, walked around the back, and unlocked the gate to the front lot.

"Oh by the way," Will reached into the back seat a moment, returned with dark cloth stuffed into his fist, "don't forget your shirt."

Leo watched the pickup's taillights vanish among every other lay of the night's cityscape.


When Leo woke up in the morning, there was a message waiting for him.

> Morning pup. Send me a picture.

> ok master

Sent at 6:07 AM? How early did Will get up?

> Just woke up, huh.

> I see you slept in the collar?

> i did sir it took some getting used to

Should he say that in a way it had helped him sleep, that the palpable weight of it had felt like Will's touch, that its presence was proof he wasn't alone the way this bedroom made him feel?

Wait, Will was already replying.

> That's a very good boy.

Seeing that, though, felt good enough that it made getting up early worth it.


"Gosh captain!" said the game, far too perkily, "We'll need to catch up with the Monitor of Fitness! If he judges this planet too unfit, he'll destroy it! We can use workout power to prove him wrong, and to fight off monsters!"

This was supposed to INCREASE how much he wanted to exercise?

"C'mon, let's MOVE!"

It was bad enough that he felt silly. His old workout clothes no longer fit, and putting them on just to stand in his bedroom holding a stretchy rubber ring with a controller clipped to it didn't help.

But after the first level he felt like he'd been run over. "Good work, captain! Don't forget to drink water!" it said, ignorant of how much it had kicked his ass.

He dutifully sent a picture to Will.

> Nice work, pup, but what's with the clothes?

Was that necessary? He knew they looked dumb...

> You don't need to wear anything for this workout, do you?

Oh, he meant like that.

> i guess i dont sir

> Good boy, I'll want pictures.

That did make doing this again sound more appealing.


> Time for a dick pic, pup.

Leo ducked into the employee bathroom, pulled out his phone, and unzipped his jumpsuit. It only took a moment to lift his shirt, lower his pants, and get what Will needed from him.

He flushed the toilet on the way out, just to keep up appearances.


> Give me a look at that ass, for good measure, when you get off work tonight.

Leo had spent all day stewing over this one. There was a little bit of embarrassment here that had latched on to this for some reason. But that just meant he had to buckle down, do it, and let embarrassment wither away after, yeah?

Turned out he didn't have to wait that long. Frustration killed embarrassment long before he got a usable picture. He couldn't hold it far enough away to get anything but his crack, and because he couldn't see what he was doing down there he was lucky to get even that. He tried the self timer, but the phone wouldn't stay propped up against the bed stand, it kept sliding down at the last second and taking a picture of the ceiling. He tried other surfaces, higher up, but that only got his back, and almost no butt.

By the time he got something usable over his shoulder in the bathroom mirror he didn't give a shit how embarrassing this was, he just wanted it done.

But once he sent it he still waited to see Will reply:

> Good boy.

> wanted to murder the phone camera sir

> See? They're more trouble than they're worth!

> You busy tomorrow night?

> no sir

> Well you are now.


The carpet wasn't much to hang on to, but he gripped it with both paws anyway.

Leo's chest and chin were splayed against the floor, his knees braced, his tail in the air, and his ass full of Will's dick.

One of Will's hands was around Leo's waist. Have to hold a guy steady for a good solid fucking, after all. The other gripped the scruff of the wolf's neck. Leo had whined submissively every time Will dug his fingers in a little, and might still have been doing so, but among all the other submissive noises that Will's cock was wringing from his gut it would've been impossible to tell.

Finally Will hilted, snarled into the air over his back, but even though he couldn't go any deeper his hips kept pressing, again and again. Each made Leo clench, involuntarily, as if his body wanted to hold tightly to every drop of what Will was pumping into him.


> Ok pup, got something I want you to try.

> ready to obey sir

> Sending you this audio file

> If you don't have anything to do, if you're just lying in bed, or whatever, listen to this and repeat the lines it says.

> You got headphones?

> i do sir

> not really sure i get what you want me to do with it sir

> It'll make sense when you listen, promise.

> Assuming Murdoch told me right how to send the stupid thing of course...

Leo watched a message appear, start downloading, disappear, reappear, begin again multiple times before "SLAVE_AFFIRMATIONS_REPEAT.mp3" actually began to load.

> Let me know how it goes.

> yes master

That evening he lay on his back, on his bed. Honestly, he'd felt silly, repeating things aloud into the dark room like 'I am a slave,' 'I want to submit,' 'I want to obey,' over soothing synths that sounded like they should be coming out of the sample CD rack at a National Park gifts shop under a sign that said something like "New Age Naturescapes." Just when he'd felt nearly ridiculous enough to shut the thing off, though, it had him say "I obey by listening," and "I obey by repeating."

And well, that was true. Lying in the dark repeating 'I am a slave' to himself was something Will had told him to do.

The idea of saying "I am a slave" aloud was absurd. The idea of Will making him say 'I am a slave,' out loud, that made sense.

"I will obey."

"I have no choice but to obey."

"It feels good to obey."

At some point he'd paused the track, taken off his clothes, and started it over again. And his guess had been right: that made it feel more real, not just empty parroting, but words he meant.

"I submit to my owner"

"I surrender to my owner"

"I cannot disobey my owner"

He'd say they felt like words he'd chosen to say, but that was the point, he hadn't. Will had chosen, and he obeyed.

"I accept I am a slave"

"I am meant to be a slave"

"I want to be a slave."

It wasn't hypnotic. He felt no trace of trance or control. It was just soothing, reassuring. He fell asleep with the file still playing, his lips still soundlessly outlining the words 'I am a slave,' and woke up earlier than usual, feeling twice as rested.

His phone battery was almost completely drained, though.


"Whoo! A tough one, huh captain?!" remarked the game, though Leo absolutely hadn't asked its opinion.

Leo was certain the programmers who designed this game either hadn't considered the possibility of anyone playing it naked, or had secretly been counting on it. In immediate succession it had wanted him to lay back and squeeze the plastic exercise ring between his knees, then hold it over his head and shake his hips side to side, and then plant his feet and shoulders and thrust his groin into the air.

It looked so horny that the peppy game soundtrack felt deeply inappropriate.

"Your sweat is so shiny and beautiful!"

Ok, that would've been a hell of a weird thing to say even if he hadn't been naked.

"Now let's turn all that workout power into experience points! Victory pose!"

He collected the phone from beside the TV and sent the video it had been recording to Will.


"Got a present for you, pup," Will propped himself up on his elbows.

Leo wiped his lips and sat up straighter between Will's knees.

Leo was sent home with a small box, given instructions not to open it till he got there, and told he'd get more orders about what to do with it.

Those orders were pretty simple, when he got them.

As pieces of equipment go, a dildo isn't complicated.


"Well look who's real after all!" Kane plopped a paper-wrapped roast beef sandwich and an extra-large root beer onto the park bench where Will was waiting for him. "Been so long since I saw you, I was ready to believe you'd been some kinda phantasm all along!"

"You can just call me, you know." Will took off his sunglasses.

"You don't have a phone!"

"You can just call Sam." Will amended.

"I suppose it's too much to hope this is gonna turn into a hookup?" Kane said around a bite of roast beef sandwich.

"Didn't you say you were on the way to work?"

"That's never stopped me before!"

Will sighed. "I'm just here asking around if you or anyone you know's seen anything weird out by the lake."

"Hmm, depends," Kane pulled the root beer straw into his mouth suggestively, "this isn't for a serious case, is it? Cause I don't know if I appreciate helping out with your job and not even getting to knock boots in exchange."

"There's no case," Will sighed, "It's just some weird things I heard from Leo."

"...and Leo is?"

"Getting used to his training collar."

"Oh no shit!" Kane grabbed the bench of the bench and yanked so he could whirl dramatically towards Will more efficiently, "The guy you picked up at the Stag? You COLLARED him? THAT's what you've been up to for three weeks instead of climbing in my pants like you oughtta be?! Fuckin GOD Adler you work FAST!"

"You wanna yelp a bit louder?" Will scowled, "there's probably a retirement home on the other side of town that didn't quite hear you!"

"Fine," Kane grinned wickedly, "I'll stop publicly thirsting--temporarily--in exchange for an invite to whatever orgy you've got planned to really break him in!"

"What makes you think I'm planning an orgy?!"

"Uh, I've MET you."

"Just ask around," Will rolled his eyes. "Weird shit over by Lake Emma, the canyons around there."

"Sure, it'll give me an excuse to hang around," Kane grinned, tossed the crumpled sandwich wrapper in the trash can as he passed. "Gotta find some way to see this guy in nothing but a collar, after all. Now if you'll excuse me, some of us have real jobs to get to!"


> i think i found something sir

> putting a leash on someone's collar is a thing right sir

> like at a party or something like something in front of people

> people who knows what it means i guess sir

> not sure if i'm making sense sir

> Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about, pup.

> I bet you're gonna look good on a leash...

> You just want everyone to know who's property you are, the second they lay eyes on you?

Leo had to collect himself before he answered.

> that sounds really good sir

> Keep your Saturday night free, pup.

> I'll make sure you've got an audience for your big debut.

Puchica, what did that mean?

> yes sir


"I am a slave," Leo stared into the mirror.

"I will submit," after his shower, he'd dried and then just stood, collecting his thoughts.

"I will surrender," and then he'd put on his headphones.

"I will obey," he wanted to see himself, wanted to watch himself say the words.

"I am master's property" Will had told him to come back downtown to the Stag this evening.

"Master commands" He had a sneaking suspicion what was going to happen there.

"And I obey" He ought to be ashamed of this, not excited.

"I want to obey" But he'd figured it out, yeah?

"I need to obey" Being a slave wasn't just belonging, it was knowing, for certain, without question, that you belonged.

"I love to obey" And being shown off was knowing that everyone else knew it too.

"My obedience belongs to Master." But it didn't matter if he was ashamed or excited or neither.

"My will belongs to Master" What mattered is that he obeyed.

"I belong to Master" Because he was a slave.

"I am a slave"

Leo paused the track, took off his headphones, made sure his shirt didn't cover his collar, and headed downtown under a late summer sunset.


On the sidewalk outside the Stag, Will suddenly looked alert.

"Something wrong, sir?"

"Not wrong, it's just I dunno the bouncer. Thought Dunbar'd be working tonight. What's he...?" Will had adopted his 'inquisitive' face, but shrugged it off. "Don't worry about it, pup."

Payton didn't have many busses. The closest they could get Leo was a block and a half from the Stag. But that was fine, the distance between let him feel a little secluded.

And it gave Will a place to intercept him.

The coyote had been standing under a streetlight, only just lit, like this was a noir mystery. The valley floor had been in shadow, but the sky was still full sunset. The way he stood, the way he turned when he saw Leo approaching, pulled his mind back to his last time at the stag, as if he'd only just moments ago ordered Leo to his knees, and all the things that had been done to him, seduction and submission, sympathy and enslavement, were all still to come.

"Still feeling up for this, pup?" Will had said.

"Of course, sir," Leo had answered.

"Then get your shirt off," Will had ordered.

So now they were second in line to get into the club. Will had Leo's shirt hanging from his back left pocket like a second tail. He had a leash in his paw, clipped to the collar Leo had grown so used to wearing that even the slight change in weight that the end of a leash added was unignorable. Just as he glanced impatiently at his watch, the line moved, they could flash their IDs to the bouncer that Will hadn't recognized, and they were inside.