Dani's New Playmates: Part 1

Story by DanixLove on SoFurry

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I woke up today as happy as can be I'm finally going to visit my friend and his room mates in a flat across town. I walked into the shower and looked into the mirror, I reached down and grabbed my hair brush and began to stroke my hair short red hair, most people find it odd how I'm a natural red head even though my fur is black but I just find it really lucky that I have such a cute color. I finished brushing my hair putting it down on the sink as I opened up the cabinet grabbing a shade of red lipstick off the shelf gently applying it to my lips. I used the no stick and smear type, seeing as what might go on later once I got there. I grabbed my tooth brush and began brushing my teeth, walking out of the bathroom I looked into my closet and began to pick out my outfit.

I tossed my tooth brush onto the bed opening the large walk in closet and my ears drooped down low as I gazed into the large assortment of clothing. "So this is what mom told me about over stocking..." I said as I walked into the closet looking for something to wear, it had to be something sexy but not to draw to much attention. I searched through my inventory when there it was, a red and black checkered micro skirt and matching top. I giggled franticly grabbing the out fit putting it on my bed as I strip my self down, the thought of wearing panties or not was difficult but I decided to go with them for today I mean they were going to come off anyways but just in case.

I grabbed my hand bag and keys as I dashed out of the house locking the door behind me. As I walked down the street I could feel the breeze blow under my skirt and I have to admit it feel quite alright. I had to keep my tail down though or else I would be completely exposed and I know I wouldn't mind but that's a lot more then I can say for the rest of the world. I turned the corner as walking down the street to the building where a tall wolf seemed to be trailing behind me; I looked back at him and just keep walking. As I opened the door he was right there behind me this got me a thinking a bit, He definitely wanted...but what was it? I pushed the elevator button and so did he this was getting to become a bit more interesting, as the elevator door open I stepped inside and turned around looking directly at him. He simply grinned and stepped in front of me, he leaned down and kissed me lightly the warmth of his lips against mine made my tail rise up quickly like a surge of energy just rushed through me, I was shocked at first but then I leaned up kissing him back. He wrapped his arms around my waist grabbing onto my ass I moaned into kiss letting my tongue dance against his. In all that heated passion I forgot to push the elevator button! He pulled back from the kiss looking down at me with his soft blue eyes; I blushed deeply under my fur as he slowly caressed my ass cheeks with his paw. I smiled looking back into his eyes as I turned around bending over, I was going to save my self for the boys but what's one little quickie going to really do? A deep grin grew on his face as he began to pull my panties down just enough to expose my tight pink asshole and nothing else.

Then I heard my favorite sound in the world, the unzipping of the pants it was like music to my ears. He licked two of his fingers as he slowly pressed them against my asshole rubbing them against the soft pink flesh, I gasped loudly leaning against the wall my breathing was getting a lot more excited each time he rubbed. He chuckled under his breath and stopped for a few seconds only to shove his fingers right into me, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Hmm you're tight one aren't yah?"

I blushed deeper looking back at him with a slight nod; I wasn't going to lie doing it in an elevator just sent me deeper into lust. He slowly began to nibble onto my ear; his tongue slowly caressed my ear causing me to moan out in the elevator. He pulled his fingers out and began to grind his shaft up against my asshole, his canine shaft was so warm and wet I nearly came right then and there. He bit down on my ear as he slid his cock deep into me, I could feel his warm slick shaft throb inside of me as he pulled back up to the tip the plunging back in. My moans grew louder with each thrust from his cock, his hips pressed against my ass as he drilled me deeper and deeper. My asshole clenched down around his shaft, he murred in my ear as he grabbed onto my ass thrusting faster he cock was leaking pre like a fountain. I could feel the head of his cock rub up against my prostate, I moaned louder as I dragged my claw against the wall his knot was swelling up like a balloon about to burst. His bit down on my ear sharply grunting forcefully as he finally blew his load inside of ass. My asshole clenched down onto his shaft like a clamp letting not one solitary drop escape, his shaft throbbed hard against my inner walls as it spurted the thick creamy goop into me.

I panted softly very surprised that I didn't blow my load, I looked back at him with a very satisfied look, as he pulled out of my ass squirt a bit of cum onto my cheeks while his cock slowly going limp dripping a bit of cum. I giggled pulling my panties back up, I reached forward and push the button to the ninth floor, he looked back at me with a slight grin as he asked "So, want to come back to my place? A girl as sexy as you shouldn't be by her self." At that exact moment my mind set changed dramatically because if there's one thing that pisses me off more then anything else it was mistaking me for a girl.

I was quite annoyed and thought of a way to get back at him and then it hit me, what better revenge then a skunks own musk? I smiled and replied "Sure but do you think you can clean me up you made quite a mess on my fur" I said as I bent over again revealing the residual cum on my fur around my asshole. He smiles and said "It would be my pleasure" as he got onto his knees and begin to lick around my asshole cleaning the cum. I grinned evilly as I grab the back of his head shoving his nose against my asshole I grunted soft as I released a toxic cloud of gas into his face and into the closed area. I could only giggle as I watched him choke and gasp for air "Know you know to always check if someone is a girl or not you stupid prick!" I scolded him as he lay on the floor choking on my thick gas.

I knelt down beside him and smiles as I could see his eyes water as I turn around sitting on his face letting another one fly this one was nice and wet making loud sound almost like a whoopee cushion. I giggle with my naughty grin as I looked down at his squirming body, "That must have stung huh? Well that's what you get." I said in a sing-song manner. Inside the elevator the air turned a slight greenish color as I sniffed the air I giggle and got of his face. "I think you've had enough I said as I pulled up my panties fixing my skirt, the elevator doors opened up as some of the green fog leaked out into the hall. I looked back into the elevator and said "Thanks for the quickie though I really enjoyed it." I giggled down the hall as I could hear the symphonies of gags coming from near the elevator I felt quite proud of my self actually usually I have a little less control when I go off like that.

End of Part One