The Musky Pleasures of a Dragon Roommate

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A dragon and a cat have some fun together, and the cat gets to enjoy the musk of his friend.

Commissioned by Dustafyer7 and Drackonthanri

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The Musky Pleasures of a Dragon Roommate

For Dustafyer7 and Drackonthanri

By Draconicon

Duster was a gamer cat through and through. When he was in the zone, very few things could pull him out of a game, and that led him to be known quite well as someone that could hyper-focus on the challenge at hand. Whether he was playing puzzle games, shooters, or battle royales of any sort, there were few on his friends-list that could keep up with him, and everyone wanted him on their team. The white-brown ragdoll cat wasn't invincible, obviously - nobody was - but he ended up on the winning side more often than not due to his own skills.

And so, it took something exceptional to drag his attention away from his games. Something that lived with him and knew his buttons. Something - or rather, someone - like Drackonthanri.

The ragdoll cat was in the middle of a battle royale match, his eyes narrowed on the screen and his ears filled with the team-chat going through his headphones. They were up by a good fifty-point margin and were closing in on the 750-point win condition, and he was grinning widely. Not a word had passed his mouth in the last minute as he stared intently at the screen, occasionally tilting his head as he clicked and tapped and maneuvered his way from one position to another. No matter how much of an advantage that they had, he wasn't going to let the other side start sneaking up the scoreboard.

He was just about to claim another point when a scent wafted its way to him. He barely noticed it with the first breath, but the second, and then the third, brought the musky odors of sweat and more to him. A warm towel and a second scent, something like warm scales with a raspy musk of their own, held his attention. He paused and the target moved.

"Duster? Duster, you there?"

"One second."

"Ain't got one."

"One second," he insisted, turning around -

And he bumped the end of his muzzle into the warm, wet towel that he had been smelling, and the dragon that it was hanging off of. He grunted, pulling his head back and looking up.

It was his roommate, and from the smell of it, the dragon had just gotten back from the gym. Drackonthanri's white scales turned to a deep gray along the top of his wings, and along his arms and legs, and as the massive dragon - his roommate topped him by just over two feet, and he was just about six feet tall himself - walked away, that long black tail and broad wings flicked back and forth, fanning that smell further through the room.

"Ass," he muttered, though not without a smile.

Another little flick of those wings sent the scent of a warm, well-worked body back to him, and it stuck in his mind as he tried to get back in the game. He shook his head, trying to focus through -

_Naked dragon in the gym, warm and shiny.

Sexy dragon flexing, showing off his muscles.

Big fat dicks on slutty faces._

The mental images came fast and furious, and he groaned as he realized that the distraction had already seized hold of him. Their lead had already been cut by twenty points, and he knew that it was only going to get worse. The ragdoll cat considered fighting it, but not for long. He could already feel his boner rising in his pants, and he grumbled under his breath as he pulled at his headphones again.

"Sorry, guys. Gonna have to drop."

"What?! But -"

He pulled his headphones off and exited the game, turning in his chair. Drackonthanri was barely a few feet away, the much larger dragon lounging on the couch with a knowing smirk on his face that showed off the yellow glow in his eyes. He still had that towel around his shoulders, one end draping down and laying over his crotch.

"You know that you just cost me that game, right?" Duster asked.

"You can win another one. Besides, you know what you really want. I saw it before you turned around."

"For a top, you have a real eye for boners."

"Best way to tell if a bottom is into it."

"Heh. You horn-dog."

"Horny dragon, thank you. And we both know that you love it."

"Heh...can't deny that..."

The topless cat leaned back as he looked his roommate over. It was impossible to stay made at the sexy dragon for long, no matter what kind of interruption he pulled. There was just something so hot about the big guy, with all those muscles, all those bulges along his arms, his abs, his legs. It was like looking at some statue of muscular perfection, and he huffed under his breath as he looked down at the dragon's crotch.

He'd seen that part stripped down so often that he could paint the image in his mind's eye without even trying. Once those tight shorts were off, he'd see two dicks, four balls, and - perhaps, if Drackonthanri leaned back - a pussy. They seldom indulged that part together, considering where he usually ended up, but it was still there, one more part of the dragon's rampant sexuality. The cat smiled to himself, starting to purr without meaning to.


"Am not. I'm just an aficionado of fine scents."

"Mostly musk," Drackonthanri said.

"Hmmph. Hardly."


Duster knew what was coming, and he still smiled as the dragon pulled the towel off his shoulders. His roommate balled it between his fists before throwing it across the room, and it smacked against his face. The cat slumped back in the chair, groaning as the familiar musky smells that the towel had soaked up hit him more directly.

There really was nothing quite like the smell of a dragon male that had been working out. Hitting the gym, lifting those weights, running those laps: it all came down to something hotter and hotter than it had any right to be. He reached up and pressed the towel more firmly against his nose, sucking in the scent and breathing out slowly afterward, taking his time to really enjoy it and savor it.

By the time that the scent was gone, he was hard as a rock in his shorts, and when he pulled it down, Drackonthanri was also showing off a good bit more.

The dragon's shorts had hit the floor, and he was sitting down again, both legs stretched out, slightly spread to show those heavy quad-balls resting against the couch cushions. They were all dangling down, slightly smooshed flat under their own weight, and he shivered as he remembered the last time that those big things had emptied their load in and over him. It was never a light sort of treatment; they were capable of spurting over a liter, each, and that was the filling to end all other fillings.

And it was hot as fuck, too. There was no denying that part of things.

"Why don't you come over here and get a whiff of the real thing, hmm?" Drackonthanri said. "Unless you're good with the towel?"

"Mmmph...not just going to make me miss a match, huh?"

"What can I say? I like to encourage your obsessions."

"Hardly that..."

"Then why are you already halfway to me?"

Duster didn't have an answer for that; all he knew was that he enjoyed this little game between them. He always pretended that it wasn't a dream come true to have someone like this as a sex partner, and Drackonthanri always pushed him back to make him acknowledge how much he wanted this, and more. The play, the banter, the teasing, it always added up to make their little sessions so much more fun than they had any right to be with just the actions.

It didn't take long to be on his knees between the dragon's legs, resting his hands on those muscular thighs. Unlike mammals, the dragon didn't sweat the same way. He had some dampness at his extremities, yes - mostly at the hands and paws - but everything else was mostly dry. A little around the sac, more at the base of the shafts and the feminine sex between the dragon's legs, but that was about it.

But where that moisture did rise...

He leaned in, pressing his nose right at the base of the shafts, between them and the big, heavy balls. There, right at the sweet spot, that musk was strong. He groaned as he breathed it in, savoring the way that it rested in his nose, almost tasting it just from breathing it in. One, two, three inhalations, each one bringing more of the pheromone-heavy scent to him, making his cock all but ache inside of his shorts. He huffed back, warm breath blowing over the heavy, white-gray orbs between his roommate's legs, and he slowly nuzzled down against them.

His hands stayed busy, of course, massaging and rubbing the dragon's legs, and he kept working them up, down, up, down the thighs, making sure to give them all the attention that he could. The feeling of those taut muscles beneath the scales, thick and strong, only enhanced the whole experience for him. He wanted those to relax, but knowing that they were there, so strong and powerful, only reminded him of the sheer difference in strength and size between him and Drackonthanri. The dragon could pick him up and use him however he wanted, any time that he wanted, but they had this game, instead.

It was a mark of how much they enjoyed each other that they never took it further. It was something that flattered him, too, knowing that the big dragon was willing to give him the space and time to be himself this way.

As he stuck out his tongue, taking his time to taste those heavy orbs, to clean them - oh, they were just a trifle damp, but it was more from pre-cum than anything else - he felt the dragon's legs moving. He felt the slightly damp paws pressing against his hips, running along the waistband of his shorts. It was a familiar pressure, and he responded as he always did, lifting his hips and wiggling from side to side.

The dragon's toes found their purchase, and slowly pulled the shorts down. His underwear went with it, his cock springing up in the process, and he sighed in happiness as it was finally unleashed.

"Heh, you're eager today," Drackonthanri said. "Feeling pent-up?"

"I always do around you."

"That's because you're a dragon slut."

"Hmmph. No, I just appreciate you."

"Musky boy."

"No, that's definitely you."

"Heh, I guess. So get your tongue back to work."


The ragdoll cat lowered his lips back to the dragon's sac, enjoying pressing each ball to his lips. All four were so heavy, even though they'd had their fun last night. A good stretching fun, too. He still couldn't take the full two shafts, but he had been able to play with the head and most of the length of one of them. A good step up, considering how massive each shaft was when it reached full size.

Big boy...

He stroked the two shafts over his head, feeling just how broad they were. Even half-hard - and they were only half-hard - they were big enough that he couldn't quite get one hand around each. They were thick enough for his fingers to struggle to meet, though they came pretty damn close.

Just a bit...

He tried to pull his fingers together and just about managed it, though he could feel each cock throb in protest as if they had been ringed instead of stroked. He bit off a chuckle at that thought. Oh, as if anyone could ring this dragon and make him do what they wanted. He would have loved to see someone try and do that.

Putting that thought out of his head, he brought his lips down against those heavy balls, nuzzling his cheek against them, smelling them, tasting them with occasional licks. The pre-cum taste was fading, but there was a taste of masculinity that never quite faded, no matter how they were cleaned and washed. He could have licked them for days, and he doubted that would ever entirely fade away.





He opened his mouth as far as he could, seeing if he could fit one ball past his lips, but it was too large. Even with his best effort, he could only suck part of the skin in, not the ball inside. He teased it anyway, lifting it with his tongue and then letting it fall again, putting a little suction on it and keeping it stimulated.


Duster huffed as he felt the dragon's paws pressing against his groin, rubbing slowly against his cock and dragging clawed toes ever so gently down his length. From the tip down to the base, and then back up again, they stroked. Up, down, up, down, the slow rolling of the dragon's paws and ankles drawing pre-cum from him, too. He huffed, pulling his head back as the cocks continued to rise over his head, looking between them at the dragon.

"Can't just let me work, huh?"

"What can I say? You do better with motivation."

" sexy don't play fair..."

"Someone's got to remind you where you belong."

The sudden pinch by two toes at the base of his cock left him huffing, unable to respond immediately to that little tease. He groaned, his forehead pressing against that bountiful sac as his hips moved and twitched against those teasing toes. The soft musk of them kept him from complaining; the sweaty smell from underneath rising up and hitting his nose, overwhelming his own scent in seconds.

Cheating dragon...

It was a happy thought rather than a frustrated one, though. He loved seeing what Drackonthanri could do to make it all that much hotter, that much more pleasurable for the two of them, and the big dragon never disappointed. Massive, huge, and powerful, he could have been some simple brute that took what he wanted and never let the cat get anything.

And that was never the case. Even as he started working his head up, sniffing along the balls and the base of those cocks, his cock was getting all the strokes it could want. Stroke up, stroke down, up, down, up, down, the footjob keeping him hard as a rock and pinching off his orgasm whenever he got too close to ending this early.


He worked his way up, slowly, stroking the bottom of the dragon's two cocks. They were both vaguely equine-shaped, in some ways, with a flare around the tip but with a knot near the bottom. The top of the cock was already slick and shiny with pre-cum, and that only got thicker as he wrapped his hand around the base, stroking slowly with a firm grip. He sniffed and groaned, his cock all but pissing pre-cum.

"You're going to blow if you're not careful," Drackonthanri said.

"That sounds like a you problem," Duster muttered.

"Mmmm, is it?"

"Well...maybe not. You're going to keep going, aren't you?"

"Oh, yes."

"Then I guess - mmph - guess I better hold back."

"Guess you should."

He was trying to, at the very least, but it was hard not to cum when he had that rich scent of dragon pheromones right in his face and had those talented paws working his shaft. They had changed up the game down there, with the dragon's left paw pressing at the base of his cock, pinched there to keep him from cumming and to keep the cock still, while the other was using the toes to tease around the head of his shaft and no more. Squeezing the tip between them, rubbing down just an inch or two before pulling back up, making him 'fuck' the space between the toes with each little movement.

Fucking hell...

It was hard to think of what he should be doing when the dragon was this good at fucking with him. He huffed through clenched teeth, leaning his head down and kissing the tip of the bottom shaft.

As he jerked it off, licking around the soaked urethra, he was aware of Drackonthanri jerking off the other shaft. Not hard, not fast, not pushing himself to cum, but just teasing it. Working it up and down, nudging it to get it closer and closer. It was dripping overhead, some little strings landing on the cat's head and soaking through his fur, but most of it was getting collected in the dragon's hand.

What are you up to?

Hard to tell, and he didn't want to take his focus off what he was doing. It was hard enough to keep up a steady rhythm when he was already lightheaded from the delicious scent and the feeling of those toes kneading around the head of his cock. Stroke, tease, stroke, squeeze.


He moaned as he worked his tongue along that hole, licking up more and more pre-cum as his hands stroked that shaft firmly, giving it a good tease and pull. Up, down, up, down. Lick, lap, lick, lap. Each movement finding its cadence, keeping it from going too fast right off the bat.

Anal. Anal. We're going to be doing anal. Keep him close, but not too close.

Was he going to need lube? A stretch? Maybe. But if he didn't do something -

"Give it a taste..."

Duster looked up. He hesitated, but before he could make a decision, the dragon's wings came down. The bony 'thumbs' at the top grabbed him by the back of the head, pulling his head down, his lips slightly spread around the head of that bottom shaft already. The dragon's hands kept the other cock out of the way, and he blinked as he stared straight at the long thing.

"A long...deep taste..."

It was a long cock, and he shivered as he felt the first inch of it getting pushed past his lips. He closed his eyes -


Only to feel something prodding at his backdoor. That was what the dragon was doing, he realized; all that pre-cum had been going into lube for that little bit of surprise. He couldn't look around, not without damaging the cock in his mouth, but he knew what the tip of Drackonthanri's tail felt like at this point. It had gone up his ass enough times for him to know that it was big, but not too thick. Long, but not too forceful. And all the pre-cum at the tip of the tail was enough for him to know that he was going to have enough lube to get it in.

Getting it in deep, however...that was another story.

The cat forced himself to relax as much as he could as the tail pushed forward, inwards, passing his pucker and going into his depths almost instantly. As it went inside, he was pulled down that big cock, feeling it forcing his jaw further and further apart. It was a wedge that was thicker than he expected, and as it went closer and closer to the back of his throat, he was fighting himself to keep breathing, to focus through the stretch, to give the dragon exactly what he wanted and deserved.

He had some small mercy as those paws pulled away from his cock, keeping him from going over the edge from hyper-stimulation, but it was still a difficult moment. Suck, swallow -


And that wiggling tail edging ever deeper inside of him. Further, deeper, the narrow tip slowly widening as it went, making him feel the slight burn of something so large in his ass. His hole spread around it, his rim feeling tight and a little hot from the passage of something going into him like that, but he said nothing.

Just take it.

Just enjoy it.

Just feel it going further...further...further...

His head was spinning as he was pulled further and further down that shaft, feeling the musky flesh at the base taking hold of his thoughts and burying them with more and more fantasies. There was no mind control, no hypnosis, no trance through the scent, but it always made him feel very relaxed, very happy about being where he was. Taking cock. Feeling good. Feeling sensual. Feeling sexy.




And then he was kissing the base. His throat was so stuffed with cock that he could barely breathe. His eyes were rolled back in their sockets, and his ass was stuffed to the brim with a thick tail. Every scale, every ridge, every little bump in that long white-black limb was pressing into him, and he could have counted each one with the slightest of movements as it wriggled back and forth inside of him.

His cock...his cock felt as if it would burst to orgasm at any point, and his breath came shorter and faster as he wheezed around the thick cock down his throat. More, more, more, his brain demanded, and his body was echoing it. More, more, get him off, get him to cum, get him to -

And then the thumbs on the back of his head pulled him up. His eyes rolled around, his head doing the same along his shoulders as he got his first real breath of air in too long. As he wheezed and gasped and struggled to get another bit of oxygen into his lungs, Drackonthanri...smirked.

Oh god.

He was pulled down again after desperately sucking down another lung-full of air, dragged right to the base of the shaft, feeling it throbbing in his throat. He swallowed hard, the cat sucking as much of that cock into his throat as he could, holding his breath for as long as he could. The thudding of his own heartbeat echoed through his skull and through his cock, each pulse making him so aware of his body and the tail inside of him.




It was moving slowly, almost mechanically inside of him, going deeper and then pulling out, in, out, in, out, rubbing over his prostate and grinding the pleasure into him. He could barely think, slowly running out of air, barely keeping himself together -


And then the tail came out. His entire body spasmed, and if he hadn't been supported on cock and thighs, he would have completely collapsed. As it was, most of his body went limp right then and there, and he wheezed out what air he had left in his lungs through his nose.

Duster almost passed out as he was pulled up and off the dragon's cock, his head lolling about when it finally popped free. He groaned, focusing on breathing as the bigger dragon looked down at him with a chuckle and a smile.

"You okay?"


"Hey. Hey. Are you okay?"

"Yeah...yeah, I'm good."

"Wonderful. I think you're ready to ride."

"...Mmmph...oh, I'm ready..."

He knew that his ass felt like it was gaping, but that was going to be a short-lived feeling. Right at that moment, the tail had done its job to open his rim, to get him a little stretched, but that had been the tail. He was about to take that cock.

As he climbed up with shaky hands and with Drackonthanri's help, he found himself wondering if he would be able to take it all this time. He had come close, last time, and this time, they'd done more prep-work. Maybe he'd be able to take cock and knot this time, rather than just half the shaft. Maybe this time, he would be able to impress the dragon properly.

As he straddled the dragon's lap, he looked down at the pair of cocks. No way that he could take both, but the bottom one was going to be a throbbing mess in short order. He doubted that they'd both hold out for long. And those heavy balls really looked like they needed to be drained.

Some sane part of him briefly considered stopping to get more towels, but the horned-up part of him was already declining the thought. No need to do that. All they had to do was get off, and they could clean up afterward. Nevermind the fact that they were looking at liters of a cum mess after this; they could do that later.

He rolled his hips as he gripped that top cock, the one that he hadn't played with yet. His asshole was clenching, hungry for the feeling of more stretching, to not feel so empty. Drackonthanri's big hands, strong and sure, rested on his hips, helping to guide him down. He let them pull him closer and closer until he felt the heat of that shaft between his cheeks, rubbing against his hole, and he groaned in anticipation.

"Hoo, boy. I always big it feels from this end."

"Heh, you can take it. We know that."

"Yeah...yeah, I can...oh, boy, I want this..."

"Go on. Take it."


He pushed down, feeling his hole flexing already, straining to stretch enough to open for the broad head and the thick shaft. Duster forced himself to keep breathing as he pushed, relaxed, and pushed again -


The feeling of the thick head pressing inside was everything that he had hoped that it would be, and he kept sliding down, taking it quickly with both the stretch from the tail and the hands on his hips. He kept sliding down, almost feeling like he was falling onto that big dick. Each successive inch felt like it had to be the last one, and it never was as he kept going down, down, down that meaty thing, getting closer and closer to that base, that knot, that throbbing bottom of the shaft.

He saw the bulge growing in his guts, and he shivered as he realized just how big it was. Up, up, up - how far down his throat had the other cock gone - until it was lodged almost right under his ribs. The sight of that long bulge was enough to keep his cock throbbing hard, knowing that he had taken that much.

The cat came to a stop right over the knot, feeling it knocking at his backdoor. It was so big, so hefty, that he was sure that he hadn't had that knot down his throat; it must have inflated while he was pulled off and getting onto the cock in the first place. It was so big, so wide, and even as he ground down on it, he could tell there was no way in hell that it was getting into him. Not this time. Not without so much force.

Drackonthanri must have had the same thought, because those hands got him moving. He groaned in pleasure, gasping as he submitted his body to the whims of the dragon. He stopped focusing on the ride and focused, instead, on that fat cock still under him.

Two cocks, one inside, one out. He reached for the latter, stroking it as the dragon fucked him, and the soft hiss from behind told him that he was doing the right thing. Keeping the big dragon nice and happy, keeping him satisfied with both cocks getting the attention that they deserved. Yes, yes, that was the right thing to be doing.

They were moving faster and faster, bouncing harder, hitting deeper. He was no longer thinking of anything but the cock in his ass and the one in his hands. Stroke, bounce, stroke, bounce, the pre-cum flying and his own cock spitting its own meager contribution to the mess as they were soaking the couch and the floor near them with their juices. The room stank of sex, and there was no getting away from it.

Neither of them cared. They were enjoying one another too much.

Stroke, pull, stroke, pull, the dragon pre-cum already soaking his fingers and making him feel all the naughtier. He could have reached down and rubbed that other cock, lubing it up with the product of the former, but it was already spitting pre-cum in him, making each bounce wetter, wilder, louder. He felt like some sort of porn star riding that shaft, feeling that knot knocking, begging to be inside of him.

Fuck, he wanted it, but they were too close to do more stretching, and there was no way that even Drackonthanri could have pulled him off that cock now. Not when he was this close. Each pummeling grind of that thick log of meat was driving him mad, making his cock ache, his prostate swelling and spitting inside. Every bounce filled him up so much, making him feel like some sort of stress-relief toy.




Duster was screaming his moans now, feeling like he was right on the verge, and the dragon was right there with him. Up, down, up, down, their bodies moving in unison, their hips grinding and clapping together over and over again. His fingers dipped further down, teasing the sheath entrance at the base of the cock he was stroking -


Drackonthanri lunged his head down, gritting his teeth, almost biting the cat's shoulder, and the first blast of cum in his ass was enough to get the cat to blow his load, too. Not that there was any way to see it compared to the firehose that he was holding onto for dear life between his legs, feeling it jump and spasm and shoot.

Each shot was so much, so much. Hundreds of milliliters at once, like throwing mugs of goo around the room. It hit the ground and spread, flattening out, spreading the smell of horny dragon everywhere. And that was just the cock in his hands. The one inside of him -

Pulse. Pulse. Pulse. It kept shooting into him, and the vague shape of the dragon's cock disappeared, replaced with the general bulge of something being pumped into his guts. One, two, three, four, more shots kept making it swell, his stomach distending, getting bigger and heavier from the sheer size of the massive load going into him, and he moaned as he felt his stomach getting tighter and tauter with the sheer amount of cum.




And then, just when he felt he could take more, it subsided. He leaned back, huffing, panting, shivering from pleasure, and he could feel that the dragon was barely keeping from shivering himself. Drackonthanri reached his arms around the cat, and Duster took the hug with a small smile of his own.

"That...was intense," the dragon said, chuckling. "I hadn't thought you'd be able to ride it that well."

"I didn't think I could either, but I still didn't take the knot."

"Something to train for. I'm sure that we can loosen you up to take it sooner or later. And then, maybe, who knows? Maybe you can take both dicks at once. But that'd take a lot more work, heh."


"In the meantime..."


"In a minute. Let's see how long we can keep it all inside of you."

He groaned. That was going to be a long while...but he could feel some of it already oozing out. If the dragon went soft, his plug would be gone, and that would be one hell of a mess for the couch.

Problem for the future...not now...

The End

Summary: A dragon and a cat have some fun together, and the cat gets to enjoy the musk of his friend.

Tags: M/H, Size Difference, Cat, Dragon, Anal, Double Dicks, Oral, Footjob, Tail Sex, Anal Sex, Anal, Orgasm, Cum, Cum Inflation, Cock Bulge, Pre-Cum, Musk, Sweat,