Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 23

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#2 of Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse

Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse


Sighing softly to herself, Cynder nuzzled all over the six shells by her belly, then smirked and nuzzled the two scale-pouched eggs by her foreleg, Spyro grunting and stretching while she loved on his testicles for a bit. Their eggs lay nestled between them, the two parents exhausted from their return trip. Resting his chin on his mate's thigh, Spyro closed his eyes, purring softly, his wing shifting to lay over the eggs while their mother kept nosing all over his scrotum and sheath. "Are you trying to get me hard again?" he mumbled.

"Nah...though a drink might be nice." Kissing the peeking tip of his shaft, she swirled her tongue around it, teasing the ring of soft barbs crowning his prepuce. She smiled as it started sliding and firming out of its home, her tongue lavishing all over every intimate detail, purring rising up in her throat and making her tongue vibrate against him.

"Only one more, hun, after that I'm gonna cry if I have to cum again."

"Balls sore after all that?"

"Deeper in. I'm aching really bad."

"Awwww." Giving a loving lick along his urethral bulge, she kissed his balls again and then rested her head on his thigh. "Consider it breeding training."

"Not right now." She felt his paw shift against her belly and then some of the eggs moved as he slowly stroked his toes over the shells. He rolled onto his back as he took one of the eggs, holding it aloft. The black dragoness felt a rush of panic shoot down her spine, but relaxed as he firmly held it and looked it over in the setting sunlight of their nestroom window. "Wonder what they look like... I've never seen a hatchling."

"Me neither. I've only seen the toddlers and kids running around Warfang."

"Wonder if the Matrons have like...picture books or something. I'd hate for them to hatch and we have no idea what to expect so we freak out over something normal."

"You're overthinking again."

He rested the egg on his chest, still securing it with both paws. "Maybe. I dunno. I'm overtired and my crotch hurts."


"Are you okay now that you're back with them?"

Nodding, she lifted his wing with hers to gaze at the other five shells, leaning in to turn them with her nose. "Yeah. The tea certainly helped a lot, but...this separation anxiety...I hope it doesn't kick in if I have to start...well, giving up for adoption."

"Hopefully not..." With a wide yawn he carefully put the egg back with its siblings. "Tomorrow I'm gonna head out."

"Why? Something wrong?"

"I don't know. Just this...gut feeling. There were golem reports, but it's been...oddly silent. There was that one that you killed, there was the one I destroyed when it tried going after Sparx and the others...I was hearing reports of larger titans beyond the Warfang territories but those have gone quiet. You'd think there would've been more activity. It just...feels strange that we'd have a surge of activity like that, then nothing."

"Maybe they activated all at once and then lost power?"

"I don't think they work like that...but that's what I need to find out. Also, Volteer has that information on the fang you procured."

Her eyes went wide. "Fuck! I forgot all about that!"

"Yeah. I want to get as much information as we can before these hatch. Before the breeding program gets underway."

"What, afraid you'll be caught ejaculating in some random girl and the Grotto gets attacked so you'll have to fight while spewing cum everywhere?"

"...That's...unnecessarily specific."

"Demoralize your enemies! Cover them in cum!" She started giggling uncontrollably.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up." Yawning again, he sighed out long and low, relaxing against her. "Just...feels like things have been going a bit too well and we're due for something to snag it up soon. And I can't shake that feeling. I just hope it's anxiety and nothing else."

"Let's hope." Kissing his testicles again, she purred and buried her nose against them. "Get your sleep."

By the time morning came along, Spyro was already out. Covering the eggs with a warm pillow, Cynder got herself some breakfast, her mind slowly spinning into gear while she chewed on some meat and sipped at some more tea. There were still a lot of things to consider, and foremost in her mind right now was the prospect of moving to the Silver Grotto or at least half-housing there during the weeks. It felt like a lot of back and forth. There was also no real prognosis on how long this breeding program would have to run. A move to the Grotto would not be permanent, she knew that for a fact, she and Spyro both needed their time away from large groups. But, would that be fair to the kids, being cooped up on this little floating island? Was their social anxiety something they'd have to compromise with for the benefit of their kids? Licking her lips, she sighed heavily. It sucked to have to give up their home for a while, but then again they also did have portal access now...but she didn't fully trust the portal connections yet, and the thought of her kids wandering back and forth through that ethereal lane scared her. What if something shifted mid-flight and her children ended up somewhere completely hostile? She didn't want to be a hover parent, but at the same time...they still had to figure out the portal system, and there would be quite a bit of time before the kids would, hopefully, want to move more independently. She was tempted to make a rule that children could not move through the portals without guidance from a competent adult that could defend them if something soured. Then again, it wasn't actually that bad of a flight from the Temple to the Silver Grotto. Hell, Spyro had made that flight himself at twelve years old with barely any flight training.

It all boiled down to whether or not the kids would benefit from staying at the Grotto, half-housing between the two sites, or staying here at home with occasional educational visits to the Grotto and then returning home. The other factor was her involvement in the breeding program. Spyro would have to spend more time at the Grotto, obviously, given the need for his seed, but she could probably take a few loads and then mull around while the eggs grew in her. That would be more ideal for taking care of the kids, perhaps.

"Ugh my head..." she grumbled. So many uncertainties, and no information to go on until they actually reached these points. Rubbing her belly, she sighed softly, the thought of giving them up for adoption starting to war with her maternal instincts. She wanted to raise all her babies personally. The ones in her womb right now felt just as much her babies as the others, even from a different father. Part of her wished her body would grow faster so she could superovitate and have eggs from multiple guys. It was hot, envisioning herself gravid with at least one batch of Spyro's eggs at all time, surrounded by eggs from random other participants. The idea of being constantly pregnant was alluring to her...but was that her, or the Matriarch?

Questions for later. With Spyro out, and not much to do herself at the moment, she gathered the eggs in the neckbound incubator and charged it with her firebreath, then made her way to the Temple. Volteer was sunning himself out on the veranda when she alighted. "Ah, Cynder, what compels this visitation?"

"Wanted to catch up on that fang I delivered. I kinda...forgot about it with everything going on."

"Vexations need not consternate, young one, we actually just received it from recent inquiries. It currently resides in the Temple."

"Oh, okay." She followed him inside, glancing sidelong at the door as it closed behind them and cut off the sunlight, letting the stained glass above light the room for them.

"How was your vacation?"

"Hm? Oh, Warfang? It was great. A bit...rowdy, with Flame and Ember's influence, but it was fun. I think Spyro needed it."

"And yourself?"

"It was fine."

"Hm." He was reading something about her but what could be swirling in his overactive mind was anyone's guess. Down the hall, he opened another door. In the center of the room was a stand of stone and wood, holding aloft a crystal cuboid rectangle housing that loathsome trophy. Cynder winced at the sight. There was also a long, low desk with several plush cushions at the floor, the desk strewn with journals and logs, scrolls, various tools and implements, lensing crystals, chemical urns, and a myriad of other experimental things. "This has made a few rounds of study since you delivered it," he mused, running his paw lightly over the crystal casing. "The exact materiology is indiscernible at this time. However, it is steeped in magical malevolence, even this far after its possessor's demise."

"So, is that all you can tell me?" she asked, her wings mantling protectively around her belly.

"Oh there is much more to divulge. While we cannot divine the material structure or construction methods, the magical patterns contained within have led to a plethora of connections across multiple sightings and records. In fact, perhaps your exact method of dispatching this violent pseudoorganic construct was required for garnering the material before the observed golemic self-destruct collapse sequence. You see, Cynder, in laydragon's terms, when a golem is defeated, the magic animating it tends to collapse upon itself, and this also confers to the magic holding its material together, and the entire construct crumbles. It is a self-defensive tactic from the progenitor, usually, a self-deleterious method of preventing others from finding the golem's source of power or tracing it back to the caster. This dental trinket, however, has remained completely intact. It has given us the magic patterns we need to trace its origins." Moving over to the nearby wall he flared his wing and some holographic images arose. "In fact, it may be personal for you. There is a group of rebel Apes that did not fall in with Malefor, and thus escaped his wrathful connections, but neither are they beholden to any other nation or entity beyond themselves. Their goals appear to be anarchy. And that includes anti-draconic magical research as well as golemic activity...their primary drive being transformative effects."

She felt a dreadful chill rip down her back. "No...they...were responsible for...me?"

"As far as we can find, they had connections to Gaul before you were captured. My theory is that they perfected the transformative magic for him to utilize to create anti-dragon fighting forces from captured dragons. However...it is bitter to entertain the thought but perhaps there is some saving grace in you being chosen. You were so effective, it seems Gaul abandoned his ideas of capturing more young dragons and turning them into soldiers. You alone sufficed."

Cynder scowled. "Why is fate such a cruel trickster...?"

"I haven't any sufficiently backed reply to that query, only that it is most fortuitous that things played out as they did. But, as I've stated, the group responsible for the magic developments that allowed you to be corrupted have shown their hand again, and you may have been the key to their discovery...and, hopefully, their downfall. Their signature lies heavily within this fang, among much more ancient powers. It is interconnected though. Their society has been functioning for many long ages, and we have equally long suspected them to be responsible for many golems. These particular Apes were enthralled by the mythos of the Destroyer and its function, and lusted for the power and control such a titan could bring to their filthy claws should they construct and pilot one...or many. Their society, or its bases at least, predate the Dark Master's reign by a significant margin."

"So...this snake. Was it after me or was it...neutral?"

"Neutral. I can say that for certain. There are no latent tracking spells. This thing was simply activated and running around on its own programming. Perhaps aroused by the sheer energy given off by the planetary shattering, which we suspect to be the case for the myriad sightings reported of late. However, there is a small signature of an activation signal. Perhaps this Ape society attempted to awaken them remotely after the shattering but they were too weak to power up until they absorbed enough energy? The timing of the signal cannot be discerned yet, but it is being worked on. We also have several theories that this intact fang could be utilized as an antenna with which to monitor magical signals being given from puppeteer to construct. This one was not targeting anything in particular, but I have my reservations from Spyro's reporting of that golem gryphon that was tailing the dragonflies. There was no reason for it to target them, yet it was fixated on doing so. A clear indication of a command."

She frowned again. "Where there's one targeting them...there's likely going to be more."

"And such has already been relayed to Kane and Sparx."

"Did you figure out what's going on with those silvery pearls? Ember was really curious about them."

Moving over to his desk, Volteer gingerly picked up a few of the purple-gleaming silver orbs. "These are quite the enigma. They are also of unusual, indiscernible make and construct, and are very magical in nature, yet not malignant. They were procured from golem remains in the wake of the Warfang siege, as you know from Flame by now." She nodded. "Why the golemic army would be supplied with these is the main question, but we only have theories so far, since no actual use seems to be at the fore yet. Perhaps merely protective in nature, though my best guess is they were to serve as a respawn point. However, that would require a grounding spell, and there are no known spell patterns to be found in them. They simply exude magical power, like a focus, yet do not strengthen magical casting or defensive patterns. Truly unusual. And their lockbox mechanisms being so unique is another factor we've yet to crack. I do, though, know of Ember's desire to utilize them for her jeweling. That, I cannot advise until we know for sure what their purpose is. We cannot have golems gravitating to wearers should these be found to have some relation to their function at the siege."

"Could they have been rendered inert after Malefor was finished off?"

"Another angle we have considered, and if such, a veritable dead end, for without knowledge from his direct magical employment, we may never know what to look for. You do know why he was called the 'Dark Master', yes?"

At that, she blanked out. "No, actually..." The door rolled open behind her and Spyro peeked in.

"Oh, hey, here you are. Was wondering what was going on when I heard you were here."

"Ah, fortuitous, Spyro, please come in, this is something you should hear as well."

"What am I hearing?" he asked as he came up alongside his mate and laid his wing over her back. She felt unusually tense.

"The reason for the Dark Master's nomenclature."

"He was a master of darkness, that's all I know."

"Yes...and no. This also factors into your elemental powers...both of yours, and perhaps the rise in golemic activity. And...the potential source of your curse." Giving each other a glance, they sat down, Cynder doing so more slowly as she arranged herself for comfort around her distended middle and the precious cargo within. Volteer flared his wing and the images on the walls changed. "Our lore stretches further than you know, and Ignitus was usually the one to present this tale...but Terrador and Cyril have not the semantics to properly convey the information, so I will have to suffice. Far back in the early days of our world, it is said we only had the purity of the elemental powers, of Aether itself. However, a malicious spirit entered our realm of existence, bringing with it a foul mimicry of our world's essences, twisting and contorting them, and the two power sources clashed across the world's material. This spirit and its powers always seek to corrupt, to control, to turn all things to itself and pervert them. Cynder's Poison and Fear powers are part of this corruption spectrum."

"So...Shadow isn't?"

"Not technically. Shadow was not seen as an originally native element, but Dragons are focii of Aether's powers, and there do exist Fear dragons as well as Shadows. They have adapted to the presence of these unusual energies, likely as the world's way of attempting to subdue and normalize their chaos. But any usage of these dark powers has typically been through the utilization of magic...and those who study these darker arts have very often fallen into the mental and spiritual corruption of this foul spirit." Volteer frowned and sighed. "Malefor, in his spoiled tutelage, was granted everything he could have wished for, especially knowledge, as the Guardians at the time believed him to be a prodigy, and then a divinely appointed savior. They trained him in elemental arts, and magical, believing the knowledge could arm him against the evil contrived by the Apes and other fell factions. His title, Dark Master, came from exactly what it implies - he mastered the darkness of this spirit's effects, and learned to control the dark arts rather than allowing them to control him. He used this to contrive all manner of disastrous weaves and incantations and hexes, and yet for all his creativity he still relied on that ancient superweapon to perform his self-appointed task of destroying this realm and resetting all life."

Spyro couldn't help grimacing at the memories of that maddened face laughing at him when he'd turned Cynder. "And...how does that relate to this curse, if it was something the Apes had devised as another anti-dragon weapon?"

"The curse in its nature is directly connected to this foul spirit and its ideals of perverting form and function. The golems, too, are a prime example of this mentality, breathing fake, violent life into inanimate material, reshaping things from what they should be into mockeries."

Cynder canted her head in thought. "So...I was told one of those sigil shapes out there in the dojo is the symbol for Aether...and there's another sigil shape that's inverted. Is that the symbol for the dark elements?"

"Astute observation, yes indeed that is exactly the case. And, the sigils for each of the dark art forms are inversions of the correlating Aetheric symbols."

"So you're saying this dark spirit is possessing Spyro's balls?"

"No, that is not the case, only that the curse is sourced in this eldritch malevolent presence. But, that is a factor the Matrons' research has been meticulously watching for, and so far the curse is astoundingly benign, befitting the Dark Master's control over such foul weaves. He sourced it but prevented it from gaining access, so...for all intents and purposes as can be currently researched, the curse could be seen as more of a blessing. For now. We can only hope that males born of your parentage will regain their virility, or that all extant males will gradually recover with time. Only time can tell on either front. But...we are hopeful that the insights gleaned by this fang may have some capability of giving us further insight to the functions and mechanics of your affliction, and allow us to work towards a normalization or a cure."

"A...normalization?" Spyro asked warily.

"The Matrons believe that if we can break the curse, we may also be able to find a way to utilize the natural good magic in the world to copy it and allow us to help those with reproductive issues. However, this is a massively low probability at best, and effectively a pipe dream. There are many, myself included, who see the potential of such medical knowledge being abused...ah, the curse of progress, every step forward is a potential several steps back in the wrong claws. But, there are also those of the belief that it would be good to find a way to temporarily copy this curse's effects to other males, to widen the gene pool and take the strain off yourself. There are...many moral issues to haggle with in light of your predicament."

"Hah...'pre''dick''came'ment..." Cynder started giggling to herself.

"Enough of my prattling on the matter though, if you needed to be elsewhere Spyro, I do apologize for pulling you into this."

"I was just checking up on Cynder. But yeah, I need to go ask the Matrons about something."

"I'll be at the house tonight," she replied, craning her neck back to give him a kiss. After he left, she got up and stretched. "Oof...this was...rather heavy..."

"It is a lot of information to give all at once."

"Seems you...'enjoy' giving it though," she added with a little smirk and a flick of her eyes down. Volteer blinked and then glanced back.

"Oh...apologies, yes, it's ah...not uncommon for all the excitement of knowledge to...erm...excite." He mantled his wings down but she giggled and shook her head.

"We're all adults here."

"While that may be so, it is indecent."

"You sound like Ignitus the first time he popped a boner in front of us. Come on, you guys walk around with your balls hanging low all day."

"Even so, it is one thing to be neutral and another to be aroused so blatantly."

"Maybe, but it's still a natural response, so why hide it?"

"I...hrm." He blushed, an unusual sight.

"Besides, you did a lot more than just a peek show with Flame and Ember."

"Ah-hah, they uh...they informed you about it...honestly should've expected that with Ember."

Her smirk faded to a small frown. "Volteer...why is it that the Guardians are so...pent up all the time? I mean, you guys didn't even tell us about sex. We barely knew anything about it until Flame, Ember, and the Matrons got involved in our lives."

The electric elder sighed through his nose. "It is...simple, yet complicated. Right now, with so few of us, we perform more duties than we really should be doing. The Guardianship was intended to be more of a monastic reflection on the elemental powers that govern the world, and training ourselves and new generations in the powers that flow through us. With that being said, it was also a life of dedication to the arts...with the whole body. We were not to take mates if we chose this path, and indeed much of the role is that of self-denial in the pursuit of elemental purity and strength. But...with the stresses and losses, we are less of Guardians than the role has ever been. We are a defensive force, a source of deeper connections and knowledge beyond our intended elemental pursuits...perhaps even a governance force of sorts to some. Sexual frustration has, unfortunately, become a norm, one which we once easily distracted ourselves from with our elemental meditations and research and training, but now... I do admit, it was wrong of us not to properly educate you two on such matters, but then again, understandably, that is also not our real role or even our area of expertise. We should have been more proactive regardless and sourced it to the Matrons or other teachers...but it was too much a reminder of our losses and sacrifices, and so we glossed over the topic entirely out of grief and depression, and frustration at you having what we could not, which was not fair to you."

"So...you can't take mates at all? You can't masturbate or relieve yourselves otherwise?"

He was blushing, but at least he wasn't getting affronted like Terrador or Cyril. "We are...not supposed to, no. A little indulgence here and there is...technically not okay, but it could be arguably permissible given that our roles have changed so drastically after the wars. I myself never truly understood the sexual fasting, as the benefits of copulation or even just sexual outlet can do wonders for the body and the psyche. What occurred with Flame and Ember...really should not have, it was a moment of weakness."

"But...you don't regret it do you?"

"Decidedly not, as shameful as that should be to admit." Another sigh escaped him. "If I had not chosen the duties of Guardianship, I would have married. But she is long gone. I had once dreamed of having eggs of my own, children to raise and teach the wonders of the world around us, but such was not to be."

A wild idea popped into her head, one that made her hesitant yet excited, blushing furiously under her dark scales. "Well...we're endangered now, and I'm a Matriarch...you could yet have kids of your own."

His wings tightened at that. "I wish you would not tempt me so. I do have responsibilities to see to for the Temple and reviving the Guardianship, I do not believe I could reasonably split my attentions between my duties and childcare." He couldn't help looking over her gravid form with a palpable sense of longing. "I... No, I couldn't."

"I'm not trying to tempt you, Volteer. I mean, if you want to, you could probably help raise our firsthatched with how much we might be having to do for the breeding. And you say this like you're the only one with these duties. I'm sure there could be others now that we're having to settle after the wars." Her frown turned a bit more thoughtful. "Besides...it was just you four here earlier...when we were eggs, right? What were the plans then?"

"Your eggs were orphaned. We were the last bastion of defense against the Dark Armies. I...do not know what the plans were to be, other than to raise you children as acolytes. But at the time, we also had potentially interested parties for adoption as well, and for helping raise them within the Temple."

"So why would that be any different now?"

His eyes kept roaming over her gravid swell, and Cynder didn't hide herself from him. "I...do not know. Only that...it is much different now than the needs of the past. In all technicality there is no real reason...outwardly...to not have out own children here. But...myself...I would want a mate of my own to raise them with. Surrogacy is an option with your Matriarchal abilities...but my duty here at the Temple bars me from my truer desires. I do not just want children to look after...I want a family."

Her heart twisted in her chest at the look in his eyes. No wonder they had kept to themselves and gotten so touchy on the subjects of sex and family. He was suffering from a lot of heartache. "Then...why did you choose to be a Guardian?"

"Sometimes...I wonder, myself. I was young and naive. Full of ambition, curiosity, drive, passion for the elements. I excelled in my powers beyond my peers. All four of us did. There were others as well...but they were lost to the Wars even before your time. I chose to be a Guardian because, with the Wars raging, I believed I could...contribute to the world's salvation. Only...while I have, it has been by proxy through Spyro. I gave up my dreams of a family for dreams of grandeur and knowledge and discovery."

"Well, again, not to put temptation on your shoulders, but...the situation we're in right now is fairly unprecedented. Logically, I don't see any reason beyond tradition to not take a mate and help raise children...and tradition has sort of been being rewritten these last few years with the world changes."

He winced and looked about ready to shed a tear. "Cynder...I know you mean well enough, but...it is not that simple, I'm afraid. Weakening the core of the Guardianship by caving to carnal and heart desires could put us in even more danger. We have to remain strong, outwardly, so that the rest of the world does not...run us over." His lack of verbosity was disheartening to hear.

"I'm just...you're all clearly unhappy. I just want to find a way you can not be so upset with your circumstances. In a way that can help us all with this situation."

"I understand that, Cynder, I truly do..." He sighed again and shook his head. "I...need some...time, I suppose."

"Are you sure?"

Giving her gravid belly another look, she could see him struggling not to bite his lip and show his indecision. However, despite his low mood, his erection was throbbing mightily and leaking pre all over his belly. "I...do not know what I need. I apologize, this is improper between teacher and student..."

"Are we still that, though?"

"...My mind is tattered and frayed." And yet his eyes would not look away from her.

"What if you took mates who were also Guardians? Females can be Guardians too, can't they? I mean...logically again, it would make sense to better understand the elements without such self-restriction, exploring elemental forces together and such. Spyro and I have a better understanding of our powers from our...playtime usage of them." She blushed at that. "I mean...I have to stress again that I'm not trying to push boundaries or all that, or just outright tempt you, I just...I feel like this could be done better. There's a problem here, I don't know what it is but it feels like you three have been suffering from it for way too long."

No matter how he turned it over in his head, she was right on multiple fronts. There were only three Guardians left now, and they had been working on recruitment, but with their species teetering on critical endangerment, and how far they had already established themselves from the original purpose of Guardianship...and it wasn't just him struggling either, Terrador and Cyril both longed for partners, for families of their own.


"Huh-yes?" he snapped out of his mental wandering.

"I was asking if you have any replacements in mind?"

"Replacements? Apologies, I..."

"Yeah, you're overloaded...sorry. I was...just asking if you three had found any potential replacements or assistants, new Guardians to train or someone to help out around here. You can't seriously be taking on all these world issues by yourselves..."

With a soft huff, he nodded. "That has been among our many consternations. The selection, appointment, and eventual installation of Guardians is a careful process of several years, and in the year you two were in Avalar, we were selecting and working on training some secret individuals...secret due to power backlash should certain nations find themselves undesired for the commendation. Many would like to have their applicant succeed Ignitus simply as an extension of their will in the Guardians' dealings, not as an actual Guardian. Many others, like I did, see it as an opportunity for things that it really is not. With so few of our office remaining we must be extremely careful in our dealings. Truthfully, Ignitus had hoped that Spyro would be his successor, and that you would join his side as a Guardian of the darker elements."

That hit her like a load of bricks, her eyes wide. "Ignitus...wanted us to be Guardians?"

"Wanted...I'm not sure. I believe he hoped you would eventually choose such a path for yourselves. Spyro's missionary work these last several years has certainly been in line with much Guardian-style work, but he works best unimpeded by traditional rulesets that dictate our operations. However...you could still be Guardians, and perform your new duties, by seeing to the more monastic side that we were intended to be."

"But you said Guardians can't take mates."

"Once installed, they cannot, though it has often been seen that a mated individual, or even a couple, with strong elemental affinity and sense of duty and justice could be installed after their mateship officiation."

"Marriage, you mean?"

"Officiation. Marriage is one type, most popular in Warfang, but there are other cultural types as well. You two have not undergone an officiation...and I would highly advise you do so before the breeding duty goes underway. The Matrons do not see it as such an important topic, but I believe it to be at least some modicum of barrier against hostilities. Even if it is only on documents and signified by trinkets, there is still a deeper, almost spiritual understanding of an officiated mateship as opposed to a couple who are in love and making a family but have not taken that extra step. Even some of the more heartless villains in this world would likely think twice against hostilities against yourself or Spyro if they also knew you are an officiated couple."

She canted her head in thought at that, her wings rubbing her distended belly. Volteer's eyes were still drawn to her pregnant glow. "Is it true what Ember told me? That when two Dragons reciprocate their love for each other, they become more connected by that soulful connection to Aether? And that there are marriage procedures that can deepen that bond even further?"

Maybe she had touched a nerve - the wince on his face made her chest cinch. "I...do not have any substantiation on that topic. Merely anecdotal at best."

"I...see...um. Maybe I should get going."

"Take care."

His usually dismissive tone pulled at her chest. She felt awful for pushing like that...yet something in her just didn't feel right, that the Guardians had to deny themselves so much like this.

Spyro came back to the house to find Cynder curled up in the nest. At first he thought she was napping, but then he saw a blink of emerald. She was just staring at their eggs by her belly. Leaning in to nuzzle at her, the purple dragon pulled back when she flinched. "Oh...hey."

"Everything alright?" he whispered.

With a slow sigh, she shook her head. "I...asked a few too many questions after you left and...I guess Volteer got a bit upset. He was hiding it but..."

Slipping into the nest with her, he laid his wing over hers, hiding the eggs in a warm tent of their membranes. "They have a lot going on."

"That was my problem with it, yeah...they're stretched so thin, and I feel so bad sometimes. Did you know they can't take mates after being installed as Guardians?"

"I did, yeah."

"But they're...not taking it very well. Us, I mean. Our relationship. They were so prudish and squeamish about us having sex, because...they can't have it themselves."

"I thought Volteer had sex with Ember and Flame though?"

"He called it a moment of weakness." The look she gave him made him feel sad too. "He wants a family of his own. And...I don't know what to think about it because...well, technically, I could give him one. And he looked like he wanted it so badly...but he's having to deny himself what he dreams of because he has so many responsibilities. And here we were all this time just...bumming around, fucking around, parading your cum in my belly and your penis dripping when they called us away from our 'mateship duties'. Now I feel like shit for that."

It did feel unfair, now that she put it that way. He cringed at having been so rebellious like that. But, it was in the past, nothing they could do now. Rubbing her belly with a paw, he nuzzled at her neck again. "We didn't know. We couldn't have known, they kept everything bottled up. They're as much at fault for that as we are...and it sounds like at least Volteer knows it. Doesn't make it any better but...things are the way they are because of choices. You know as well as I do that choices define how things roll out, and even our powers and special gifts can't save the day for everyone."

"I know...I just...I feel like there's something I could do to help but I can't understand what it is."

"Unfortunately...I know you're not gonna like hearing it, but whatever is going on is something they'll have to iron out for themselves. We can only do so much. We have our own lives to run, as much as it may seem rude to dismiss...but we have kids on the way, you're pregnant with more, and the breeding program is starting up. That's our role."

She kept staring at the eggs as she mulled it over, her mate gently grooming her neck with his tongue and teeth. "Spyro...if they did end up wanting families...would you be okay with them impregnating me?"

"You're asking this when you have Flame's in you."


"Not really. It's someone else's eggs, and you've already had like...fifteen dicks in you by now."

She frowned at that. "It feels weird put into that perspective. Really weird..."

"I guess. But the more important question is, is it something you would be comfortable with?"

"Having sex with our teachers?"


Shrugging her wings, she buried her face against him. "I don't know right now. I feel like crap."

"Hey...think of it this way. You like sex."

"I love sex."

"Have you been enjoying all the experimentation with others?"

"...Yeah. A lot."

"Have you been with an actual fully grown male yet?"


"And you're not gonna leave me for a guy with a potentially bigger dick."

At that she wrapped her legs around him and squeezed him. "Never. You're my whole life."

Wrapping his wing and tail around her, he licked along her neck. "Then what's a little fooling around with some old dragons who clearly need to get it out of their system?"

"Damnit Spyro I'm trying to sulk here."

"No sulking, only cute Cynder."

"M'not cute."

"You're adorable, beautiful, compassionate and thoughtful, and you're gonna be the best mother in the world when they finally hatch."

"Staaaahp..." she groaned, pushing him away, but he leaned in and nipped her shoulder.

"You're mine. My beautiful night sky, my sexy other half of my soul."

With a loud hmph, she rolled out of the nest and then tackled him, pinning him against the wall. "And you, mister, are mine. My absolute unit of a pain in the ancestors-damned ass."

With a smirk he grabbed her jawspikes and pulled her in for a kiss. She growled at him but kissed back, angrily, then started melting against him as his paws wandered her body. He broke the kiss just long enough to grab a pillow with his tail and cover the eggs with it, then went right back to making out with his mate. "If you can superovitate when you're older...I'm gonna keep filling you with eggs..." he growled between kisses and licks, Cynder grinding herself against his sheath, "so many eggs even when you're pregnant with other guys...your belly's gonna be so big it'll touch the floor when you stand."

She sat up atop him with a shuddering moan of fantasy at the mental image and the memory of being so pleasantly heavy with their first clutch, almost fountaining on him right there, the idea made her so wet and needy. He could feel her juices pooling on his crotch and even dripping into his sheath and down his balls. "Spyro...you fucking bastard...stop turning me on!" she rasped.

"You know you want it."

"I need it you ass!"

"Do you really?"

In an unusual display of dominance, she grabbed his horns as she stood up over him, only giving him a brief glimpse of her life-swollen belly before maroon darkness overcame his eyes and a delectable scent filled his nose. "Eat me out then fuck me if you're gonna be a smartass."

"I'll be smart about this ass," he mumbled back, his huge paws grabbing her butt and pulling her to his face as he buried his snout against her mound, his tongue digging deep into her dripping snatch. Her next remark died on her tongue, only coming out as a shaky moan. Growling into her, vibrating his tongue against her slick, tight inner walls, he lashed her labia and slobbered all over her mound, the black dragoness huffing and moaning and pawing at the wall behind him. His tail curled up quickly and caught hold of hers, keeping her subconscious wagging from slicing anything with her blade. Her mind went blank, her mate's expert attentions to her pussy being a sufficient momentary distraction from her mood, until finally she cried out and a gout of fire against the wall illuminated the whole nesting chamber, her juices cascading all over his face, neck, chest, and the wall and floor under him, thick heady waves of her nectar spraying everywhere. Spyro didn't even bother trying to catch it all in his mouth, letting her cover him in her essence, until she slumped over him. Reaching up to hold her, he guided her down his body, licking all along her belly, her neck, her jaw, easing her onto his cock and lightly humping into her while he hugged her close. Panting heavily, she moaned lewdly as he filled her tight nethers.

"F-fuuuuck..." she crooned out.

"Damn, hun...when you're pregnant, you just can't get enough cock huh?" he teased, then nibbled on her neck, making her shiver and moan out again, clamping tightly on his shaft. "Guess I'd better keep you pregnant..." he added with a low growl that sent shivers of lust down her back. When he felt sufficiently lubed with her juices, he slowly pulled out with slow, teasing thrusts, then eased himself into her ass, the black-scaled girl moaning out lewdly and wiggling back to take him as deep as possible. Leaning back, she bounced eagerly on his lap, giving him a delightfully sexy view. He twined his tail around hers and held her hips, appreciating the sight of his mate's body gyrating atop his own in pleasure. Finally managing to get the entire length in her rear, she leaned back even more with a loud, shaky moan, his tip pressing out against her belly again but not as pronounced as when it was in her womb. Huffing and squirming, she wiggled against his sheath, delighting in the unusual full sensation of his hard, warm shaft buried in her and throbbing with her motions.

"So good..."

"Glad you like it," he growled, leaning up to nibble on her chest. With that he started thrusting up off the floor, jolting her on his lap, making her cry out in bliss. It didn't take long before she wailed out with another gout of fire, clenching so hard he couldn't pull back out as she shuddered heavily and came all over him, her juices covering his scales and leaving a thick puddle all over the nesting room floor. Not bothering to hold back either, he thrust a few more times into her, catching her as she slumped in her afterglow, then growled against her shoulder and arched up off the floor, his legs shaking and his tail bucking as thick ropes of hot cream erupted into her. Her belly swelled a bit more, but not as much as her womb, with a lot of the hot mess leaking back out all over his balls. Panting in shared euphoric glow, they just quietly cuddled and caught their breath until Cynder nuzzled into his neck.

"Yeah...I think I could be fine with giving it a try..." she muttered.

"As long as you're comfortable...that's the most important thing." Giving her neck a lick, the purple dragon churred softly to her and hugged her close. "Love you."

"Love you...but I need you out of my ass now, gotta check the eggs..."

Untangling from each other, he slid out with a wet noise and started cleaning her up and then himself and the floor while she nosed at the shells in the nest. Tossing the dirty water out the window as usual, he nuzzled under her tail and she hiked it for him, smiling softly as he kissed and licked at her pussy again, loving on her for a short bit before coming up alongside her to kiss her cheek. "Can't wait for them to hatch..." he whispered as he tenderly rubbed the maroon one's shell.


"Only thing I'm not looking forward to is them getting your emo stage."

"Ass. I did not have an emo stage."

"Oh, sorry, no, i mean angst stage."


"'Twist What?? It's magic!'" he said with a playful sneer and a horrible mockery of her voice years ago. "'Why should you lead?' Yeah, you were a brat, don't deny it."

"Oh shut up, three years in a crystal and your body changing so much, I'm surprised you weren't grumpy too."

With a smirk, he shook his head, but his smirk faded at those awful memories. "I guess by then I was just used to weird shit happening. I mean, it wasn't too long after I had my life as a dragonfly turned completely upside down."

"I...guess so." Nosing at their eggs again, she huffed, her breath leaving a brief wash of condensation across the shell. "Yeah, no, you're right, I was a bitch at that time and I kinda hope our daughters don't grow into that."

"Our daughters..." he echoed with an oddly wistful tone, making her look up at him. "Gah...wow. Why is that hitting now..."


The expression on his face was a really weird mix of emotions, like a sad smile but yet not so sad, but definitely full of concern mixed with excitement. "Our sons...our daughters. Maybe even our little herms, heh... wow. Just...iunno. I'm...actually at a point where I can say something like that. It's...really happening."

With a little grin she nosed up under his jaw and pressed against him, purring when he hugged her with his wing. "Maybe earlier than I would have liked...but I'm not complaining. I'm excited."

"Heh...yeah. But...I'm also nervous."

"Raising them?"

"We have help for that, I'm not so concerned. But...after that. I'd like our daughters and sons to find mates and be happy...but I hope that doesn't come at the cost of me having to breed them in order for them to have eggs."

"Breed them? What, your sons too?"

He blushed at that with an awkward gulp. "No I- I meant breed our girls- I mean...Ah fuck, you're not gonna let me live that one down."

"Noooope~" she giggled, then licked his cheek. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna get jealous if you start favoring our sons' asses over mine."

"That's so awkward to even think about, gah..." he grumbled. "I mean...if they want to, I guess...some experimentation wouldn't hurt...I'd rather not though."

"Aw come on, if our daughters want to experience the wonderfulness of their dad's penis, the boys should have a fair chance too." Her tail curled under him and he flinched at the warm, soft contact against his heavy pendulums.

"That's not for a good while though."

"Oh of course. But I think it'd be hot to watch~"

Rolling his eyes, he rubbed along the eggs with his paw again, giving a long sigh. "It's a scary idea though...bringing them into a world that's so uncertain right now."

"Did you...find anything while you were out?"

"Not yet...I might have to go traveling tomorrow. Might be gone a few days. Gonna use my lightning or maybe some light powers and move between cities as fast as I can. Don't wanna be away too long this time."

"Should've done that with the Warfang trip. Or...no, that Screenath test thing."

"I should've, but...you know I don't like flashy use of my power anymore. But this feels different...something isn't sitting right."

"Yeah, I know. Do what you have to. I might go bum around at the Grotto and wait for Flame and Ember to show up."

"And work on the virility tests for your chamber guards?" he asked with a smirk.

"Uh...maybe. I dunno. After the party...I feel...kinda awkward. Like..." Her wings tightened against her sides. "I dunno. I'm kinda torn. I love the sex, and the sexual freedom...but I feel weird about it, like I'm enjoying it too much. Having sex with so many strangers was fun in the moment but afterwards...feels kinda...wrong? somehow. I can't really explain it. And then that 'fifteen dicks' comment...just feels so...weird, I can't think of another word. Like did I really do that, or...was that me in the moment or just...? Is this Matriarch thing starting to take over?"

"I don't think so. I think we needed the experience at least. Helps us figure out our comfort zones."

"Heh... 'cum'fort..."

Ignoring her pun, he reached up and held her chin to turn her face so he could look her in the eyes. "It does feel weird after the fact, yeah. No more parties, like you said. But...how do you feel after the twins?"

He could see that searching inward gaze in her eyes. "Not nearly as bad, I guess. I...kinda really liked hanging out with them like that."

"But what's got you so hung up on it?"

"I dunno. I guess the...sluttiness? of it all. Like...I don't want to be seen as a slut, but I love the sex...a lot. I like the idea of being bred...but...it also scares me that some would just fuck eggs into me like it's a weekday chore. I like the sex for...I dunno, deeper than that."

"The bonding?"

"...yeah, I guess that's the best way to put it..." She looked away, contemplating it. "...Yeah...that's it exactly. The party was just...more feral. It just felt good. Physically. But...there wasn't really any connection I guess?"


"But with the twins...it felt like it was...more fun, because we were basically making friends with them at the same time. Like...I guess the party was just sex for sex and the girls getting bred? But with the twins it was...much more than that. Like... oh fuck, now I'm going 'like' like the prissy airheads."

"Don't do that, you're searching. I think you need to hear yourself say it...so keep going."

With a little growl at him being right, she relented. "I dunno...I don't want a big group sex session like that again. But...I'm kinda...excited? at the idea that we could do that with the twins again, like I get excited at the idea of Flame fucking me. Not that it's any more exciting than sex with you, none of them could ever replace that...but it's...different?"

"Yeah...like they explained to us. It's different, new...but not a replacement for home."

"Yeah...and my home is with you," she whispered, nuzzling into him again. "Spyro...fuck you. I'd be lost without you, but fuck you for being right so much."

"I'd rather fuck you," he replied with a little grin and growl in his voice, licking along her neck.

"You just did."

"I've yet to hear complaints about multiple goes."

"In your dreams." She pulled away from him to leave the room, but gave a little sashay out the door and curled her tail over her back, showing off her bits to him again before disappearing into the bedroom and then the kitchen. He growled in appreciation, sending another little shiver of lust rippling down her spine at the sound.

Meanwhile, gathering around a simple dinner in the Dojo, the Guardians convened their day, though there was an unusual tension in the air. Terrador grunted, breaking the silence as he finished his meal. "You've been unusually quiet, Volteer. Is something wrong?"

The Electric Guardian gave a nasal huff of frustration. "Quite a few things...even under our own roof."

His tone sent chills down their spines, Cyril squinting at him. "Are you...alright?"


"What is wrong?"

"Everything!" His wings flared and he stamped his paw angrily, then he shook all over and sat down, wings sagging. "Apologies, I...am not myself."

"Do we need to secure a physician?"

Shaking his head, he practically glared at them. "It's not something a doctor can prescribe anything against. It's these last several years. We're overworked. We're struggling and suffering. We're shells of what we used to be and we're pulled thinner every day. Cynder...got me thinking, and I can't formulate any arguments against her questions."

"So what happened today?" Terrador asked, crossing his paws. Cyril opened his mouth to say something but Terrador's wing bapped his shoulder as a warning gesture for silence.

"Cynder stopped by to ask about that fang, so I told her about our findings, how it may relate to her own past, and how magic itself as a wayward anomalous energy is a product of the Dark Spirit and how it may be related to this curse afflicting us and manifesting its powers through Spyro. And...discussions turned to...more intimate topics as a result after Spyro left."

"She tempted you, didn't she?" Cyril blurted out, Terrador giving him a stern look.

"Not...intentionally. She's not blind or naive, you know. She sees us struggling, suffering...especially in regards to the topics of sexuality. She and Spyro should have been taught more officially, but we all fell to our vices and neglected our duties to them." Cyril wanted to rebuke that but started coughing to cover himself up instead. Terrador looked away out of guilt. "She was asking me about the functions...and limitations...of our office, and why we haven't indulged ourselves in something we suffer through so greatly."

"I...I see..."

"Do you, Cyril?" The sudden accusatory tone caught them off guard. "We have a chance we, logically, should partake of. Cynder is a Matriarch."

"Volteer, this is indecent!" the Ice Guardian started, but Terrador grabbed his mouth with his wing.

"Let him speak without antagonizing, please. Then we'll hear your ideas."

Huffing, Volteer gave a huge sigh to try to calm himself. "We are stretched too thin, and we don't have time anymore to follow our traditions so strictly. We need more Guardians, and fast. Something is bothering me about these golems, the breeding program, the politics stirring up...we cannot afford to rest on our laurels and take our time deciding on factors and candidates. We have too much on our plates, and we must reach out and form some sort of force we can delegate to, as we once had before the Wars. And...no matter how I turn it over in my head, Cynder is correct. There is logically no reason we cannot take mates. We're not Guardians. We have strayed too far from the role in trying to cover so many angles...granted, for the benefit of all given our...failings...those awful nights...but the point remains that we are stressed, we are failing slowly again, and we must take steps to counteract this rather than simply sitting back and waiting, and gauging. We have stretched ourselves too thin to properly attend to any of our roles...and I think it may be time we focused on rebuilding our own selves before we are overloaded."

"Then what are you suggesting, in stating that Cynder is a Matriarch and we should take mates?" Terrador asked before Cyril could interject.

"I...do not know. But she herself offered the idea that we could have our own children here in the Temple by breeding her. She is, at least, open to the idea, and our age does not matter given her ability as a Matriarch. We could marry and have children of our own here...families we longed for. HOWEVER, yes, Cyril, I did tell her that we do not have the capacity to divide our focus between our Guardianship duties and those of family rearing. Which, arguably, the latter would not be so difficult given the communal nature most families adopt, and what will be present at the Silver Grotto, and what we were ultimately planning for the hatchlings we sheltered before that raid anyway. We would have been raising children here at the Temple...just not our own flesh and blood."

Cyril growled low and long as he considered this. "These...are true points, admittedly."

"It is true that it would be indecent between teacher and student, but they are just entering adulthood now by age standard, and this is a very unprecedented endangerment situation we are in. There's logically no reason I can discern...we just have too many traditions and sensibilities standing in the way, things that might harm us in the long run if we continue on our current vector. Too many personal biases. I myself an not averse to laying with a younger dragoness if she is willing to ignore the age gap, but I was uncomfortable with the idea of doing so with Cynder given our bias as student/teacher. This is irrational to me in hindsight, especially considering she is already on her second clutch and is more than mature enough. 'Indecency' really only applies to normalcy...and our endangerment is anything but normal. I am not necessarily building a case for us to strictly breed Cynder for family or for pleasure...I am attempting to outline the issues we face and why we should act...but I am, in all honesty, at a loss for how we are to act on it. It is no secret between us that we have given up dreams of love for dreams of protection and personal fantasy of the Guardianship, and we are grouchy and stressed and whatnot by the reality. You asked if I was alright...and I said I am not myself. Indeed...none of us are. We're shells of our former selves, hiding behind traditions, biases, misgivings...and my heart tells me we are dangerously close to a critical failure if we do not address this. It just took our student's eyes to make me realize it."

With a heavy growl, Terrador nodded. "I am...very inclined to agree. I myself can't find any fault in her reasoning or in yours."

Grinding his teeth, Cyril snorted. "Despite the incessant tongue wagging...I...cannot counter this either, without resorting to decency and tradition...which, I am loathe to admit, do not have precedent here. But officiating ourselves with mates would be seen as a sign of carnal weakness and a division...or even dereliction...of our duties."

"Yes, a point I impressed on her as well. But...realistically, Cyirl, we have already divided and neglected many duties just trying to keep up with only us three. This is why I argue we must form a delegation force that can relieve this burden. In fact...it may be necessary to temporarily disband the notion of Guardianship itself for now until we can properly instate a task force and smooth out the workload. Tell me, do you honestly think we can handle training new acolytes as we are right now, with everything we must oversee after the war?"

Cyril cringed at that. "I.... No. I do not think we could be reliable teachers."

"We have our chosen acolytes in discernment phases...how do we approach that topic if we are to disband the Guardianship in order to catch up?" Terrador asked.

"I do not know. I feel that, with these topical agreements, we should take a recess for a day or two and contemplate. I am of the mind to ask for outside input, but I dare not complicate such a monumental choice with such a potentially dangerous link to the outside world...a potential compromising of our office. But the simple fact remains that while we are seen as Guardians...we truly are not at the moment. We have not continued our elemental training and meditations for some years now. We cannot reasonably expect to raise more Guardians at this time. That is the simple fact. We must delegate, remove these stresses from ourselves, and re-center our office. And...I don't know about either of you, but I feel I cannot do that alone...but neither is it something just the three of us can do together either."

"You...are suggesting mateship. A life partner to discuss with."

"...Perhaps better seen in this instance as a set of outside eyes to be trusted. And...to be honest, we did not properly raise Spyro and Cynder as children should have been. We did not prepare them at all for growing up into dragon culture. It is fortuitous that Flame and Ember came along when they did and educated the two on draconic life outside our bounds. But...that should not have been. They were our responsibility that we ourselves took on...but we...ultimately failed on many aspects for them. You saw Spyro's growing rebellious attitude regarding our summons tearing him away from Cynder. That was...a direct repercussion of our ignorance. We are ill prepared to raise acolytes, and if we are to reinstate the Guardianship, we must better ourselves with basic childcare and awareness too...and...for me, I feel that would be best done as a father. I cannot gain that experience from scrolls or tutelage."

An uncomfortable silence fell over the room, only broken by Cyril drumming his clawtips on the floor and Terrador's tailmace dragging back and forth slightly in his agitation. Finally, with a cold gust, the Ice Guardian sighed heavily and nodded slowly. "I...cannot argue any of these points. It is true, I am stretched too thin to properly defend even my own office from such a verbal assault...and that in itself is a massive problem. For once, Volteer is correct."

"I have to agree as well...it's been nagging me for years how awkward we were with dealing with the two. This will take some time to consider. But...to be bluntly honest, I am glad this has been aired out at last. Interesting to see that Cynder was the one to break that ice."

"More that she pointed it out and Volteer cracked it..." Cyril snarled. "Be what may...we should deliberate on this further. And...perhaps entertain the idea of courting. But building a relationship for mateship will also take time, a counterpoint to the notion that we do not have time to continue waiting."

"Waiting on this current trend we've set for ourselves," Volteer corrected him. "But if we occupy ourselves with something more internally focused, on our own needs...perhaps that will at least give us a change of pace with which to tackle these other obstacles."

"That then begs the next question...your note of Cynder being a Matriarch. Are you suggesting we...erm." Cyril coughed into his paw. "Impregnate our own student. And raise our children here as acolytes, or allow them to be raised with others at the Silver Grotto, while we work on finding mates of our own?"

"...Perhaps. As iterated previously, I honestly do not know what to suggest...only that something needs to be changed for the better." He couldn't help a small smirk at the Guardian's discomfort. "And...yes, she herself was up for the idea. Suggested it in various ways multiple times. I cannot shake the thought that perhaps she is...curious what an older male would feel like to copulate with. She has only been with Spyro, Flame, two of her guards, and given her dismissive reply when questioned on her vacation, perhaps a few more of her similar age range in Warfang...but I do not believe she has experience outside her age group. But...the curiosity is present, which to be honest is a healthful mindset for a growing dragon. And, an additional experience note, perhaps it would help for her to gain that experience with us before she... 'accommodates' other males while their females are being bred by Spyro. A note I noticed you were quite loathe to consider when the breeding program notions were introduced."

Cyril shot him a withering look, which only made the electric dragon smirk more broadly. Terrador shook his head and huffed. "A very valid point. One that is probably best brought up now. Cynder trusts you enough to suggest that in the first place. By extension I would hope that means she trusts the three of us enough for such. I...am...not sure how I feel about...the age difference here. But the breeding program is essential and age is not a factor, so...perhaps our issues with age are invalid as well. This is...awkward to say the least. But..." Tapping his claws on the floor, he huffed again in frustration. "My gut says this would probably be the best course of action. If Cynder wishes to gain experience with older males for the breeding program...and if she approaches us for it...I feel it would be best to partake of this chance, as Volteer put it. A chance for us to discern our own feelings on something so long denied to us, and a chance for her to gain that experience before the breeding program thrusts her into it."

"Spyro will not object will he?" Cyril asked nervously.

"That will be between herself and him of course, but if she's approaching Volteer with the idea, it seems she's comfortable enough with Spyro's take on the matter as well. They do communicate these things surprisingly well for a young couple, which is relieving to see. Given that she's a natural Matriarch, and how her genetics will likely not affect her children with others and allow for purebreeding efforts to continue, she's already a target for breeding just as much as Spyro is, and she's already gravid with Flame's eggs as we know. Logically...yes, there's no real reason not to indulge her, beyond our own personal qualms."

"My biggest qualm is how rapidly she's adapting to this role. I had expected more...frustration and denial or rejection of being a breeder. Instead she seems to be becoming just as...slutty, as Ember and several other females. Perhaps the opposite of Spyro's fears for their relationship. I am acutely aware of their hypersexual nature. Would our indulgence perhaps dissuade her from enjoying partnership with her mate? Spyro is...endowed, but some adult males may approach his size as well."

"Doubtful. Flame is vastly more experienced in sexually pleasing a partner, but she still actively seeks Spyro as her primary source. By the Matrons' observations she finds completion with him, as is typical for many dedicated mates, while others simply provide an alternative pleasure. It also seems Spyro's production volume is something she enjoys immensely, something no other male can provide for her, so there is that at least. But...I think the biggest question is, which of us would have a first turn with her, circumstances providing? Assuming things line up for us such that we could raise our own children...unless she develops her superovitation abilities earlier than expected, she can only bear eggs from one male at a time."

Terrador chuckled a bit. "That is easy enough I suppose. You would be the first trial of this idea. Cyril is too prudish and proper. I assume you would want to take a mate first and see how this pans out."

Giving the Earth elder a glare, Cyril slowly nodded. "I am in no rush to bind myself to the care of little ones at present, I have enough on my plate for the foreseeable future. The thought has...crossed my mind of late, admittedly, but not a pressing desire."

"I myself am feeling fairly neutral on it. Volteer would have first honors."

"Go ahead and smirk in victory," Cyril snorted, but Volteer just shook his head.

"It is not a competition, Cyril. As Cynder herself put it, there are problems here that need to be solved so that we're not suffering and struggling. And, before any of us get involved in breeding with her, should it come to that...we have so much to do before we can even begin to think of raising our own kids here, as I specified before. We need more paws on the ground here."

"We should prioritize, yes." Standing up, Cyril kept his wings mantled, though Terrador caught a glimpse of silver peeking from his sheath. "For better or worse this meeting has brought to light some issues we have left untended for long enough. I will see about reaching out to groom through some ideas. Passively. We can't have the general public or the politicians suspect we are moving on something this...potentially massive in consequence."

Nodding in agreement, the Earth elder also rose, but did nothing to hide the fact that the idea of giving Cynder some practical experience had been of some interest to him. "I am still waiting on news of defensive forces rallying for the Silver Grotto, and the potential portal connections. Anyone securing the Temple will need to know we expect visitors, so relay your pick lists to me and I will get those covered for travel."

"We have much to wrap up on research and such here in the Temple's labs and libraries, it will take me time to coordinate the reports and get things situated so that we may more properly entertain guests and potential applicants without fear of wrongful nosing into our affairs."

"And...if Cynder brings this up again?"

"Best not discourage her, at the very least. But, we do need to impress on her that we'll likely need space for a while to figure out these matters...unless we feel that some...indulgence with her would be of benefit to our health at this point. Interpolate to the moment and the propriety, of course. We must see certain things done...though I can't deny a little fun here and there would likely do the three of us some good."

Terrador nodded. "Yes...I have to agree. A change of pace is needed."

"Let us adjourn then," Cyril grunted, more to get away from them and the constant topic.

"Terrador..." Volteer added once the icy Guardian was gone, "is it that you're neutral...or your fear of your size?"

With a glance at his impressively large tool under him, throbbing against his belly plates, the earth elder sighed. "Bit of both really. Even if she's a Matriarch...I think she'd need several more years at the very least before she could safely take me, if she'd be interested. I know I'm not exactly attractive to most females."

"Well, even so...I'd say if she approaches you for some experimentation, let her figure it out."

"I know. I'm in the same boat as Cyril over the age difference but...the facts are there, and sound enough, as she is definitely of age. I just...I fear this may be misconstrued as us taking advantage of her, if word ever got out about it."

"I have taken that notion into consideration, but as per the Matriarch protection, which we fall under, Cynder is the only one allowed to make a first move, and may sever action at any point as she deems necessary. No one can bring it to bear against us. And, considering her overwhelming power...I'm pretty sure anyone that does try to rape her would be decimated. Unlike Spyro, she's not one to hold back."

"Mmm...this is true. That does bring up an angle I need to look into...protection avenues in the event of such a problem. If she or Spyro do have to subdue...or kill...we'll need preparations in order to mitigate fallout."

"Indubitably. Let us hasten to these chores then."