asfl chap 10: revenge

Story by Dragonmales249 on SoFurry

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#10 of a school for legendz

Chapter 10: Revenge

Chapter 10: Revenge

Dragoxas could only watch his house shrink as him, and his captor flew away. After all the effort it took to find every thing out this is his fate. Now smelling the sea air Dragoxas struggled more than ever to get free, his only reward was a firm and painful slap on the ass and grumpy captor "Will you stop struggling or im gonna make my revenge on you even more painful and pleasureable ............... for me that is hehe".

Dragoxas wanted nothing more than to express his descust thinking of what this creature had in mind, however he was soon going to find out and to see Bakuya again. Drgoxas knew that all he could do is wait and think of what to do. But thinking time was short they had already reached the second floor of the tower (16 floors including roof) and a fimiular but hated voice spoke "HA so you caught him i must say your very quick Leon".

"Don't tease him Bakuya im sure he just wanted to pay the child back for humiliating him".

"Come out Sapphire you dirty snake i dont need your help in my battles" With that Sapphire steped out of the shadows while Leon droped Dargoxas "if i recall hes your brother im suprised you didn't put up much of an effort to catch him your-self".

"Sapphire leave i want a word with, these two alone besides i dont think you would want to miss your un-nessisary beauty sleep" Bakuya said with a slight seductive tone once again Dragoxas though of how descusting a guy flirting on his sister was.

"Shut-up i know you looove to fuck guys so dont you dare try flirting with me and your right" Sapphire turned and started to leave "my beauty sleep is un-nessisary".

When Sapphire was gone Bakuya moved closer and untied Dragoxas' gag "now that were done with the fun how was your trip chosen child".

"Would of been better if i wasn't carried by a stinky bastard".

"Watch your mouth you forget your fate is up to me remember im aloud to take revenge on you" Leon burst in enraged by the coment.

Bakuya just held up a hand to silence him "sorry for his roodness he is very hot tempered".

"I guessed and whats with all this polite talk you didnt seem this nice when we first met".

"Sorry for that it had been a long day and we wasn't in the mood to argue over wether you was coming or not and besides i wanted to see how their son fought"

Bakuya stood up and turned to leave nodding at Leon "tell me what do you know of my parents" Dragoxas demanded. All Bakuya did was look back then walked away leaving Leon and Dragoxas in the room.

Leon looked at Dragoxas with a grin on his face saying "thats it your mine now".

Meanwhile back at Dragoxas' house Greedo had gotten up to go to the bathroom and decided to check on Dragoxas. When he walked into the room and found Draghoxas' window open his pj's laying on the floor and no Dragoxas in sight he called "Wake up you lazy bums they got him".

It wasnt long before Daisuke, Greedo, Ichira, Shiron, Ranshiin (both decided to stay the night) Dandy, Salamander, and Wolfy (these three snuck in while Sapphire and Ichira was explaining why the organization wanted Dragoxas and didn't make them-selfs know till after dinner), were all gathered in the kitchen. "Ok so they was quicker than i had thought on making there move now what do we do" Ichira said leaning back in his chair.

"What do you mean we go save Dragoxas of course" Greedo replied.

"It doesn't sound that easy Greedo i mean if all of them can control two elements then everyone apart from Ichira, Daisuke and the lovely Sapphire, are gonna have trouble fighting" Wolfy said trying to conferm everything "Ichira is correct in thinking we need a plan full force will only get us killed".

"Hes right boys" Sapphire said leaning in the window, everyone suprised she was even there "but you all are strong im sure you'll think of sumthing oh and wolf boy thanks for the lovely comment your pretty hot your-self".

"Ok sis nows not the time to flirt, we have to think logicaly" Daisuke said opening the door alowing Sapphire in.

Ichira looked at eveyone in turn, as Sapphire walked in "Sapphire do you realy think from what we've seen they can do this".

"WHAT THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN" Greedo said with rage standing face-to-face with Ichira.

"It means both me and Sapphire have watched you ever sence Dragoxas first met you we were watching him when he was early for school after that party we were there when he was in hospital we were there when Daisuke came back. And from what i've seen your not strong enough to fight one of us remember this isn't just fighting to help Dragoxas the whole world could suffer!!!" Ichira combated back leaving everybody in shock.

Dragoxas was now doing his best to break the ropes that had forced him into the submissive position that held him, his arms were tied above his head, knees chained to the floor, blinfolded, wings tied tightly to his body and tail held up by being connected to a collar round his neck,"struggle all you like it makes the revenge all the more sweeter".

"FUCK YOU" Dragoxas yelled in reply trying to locate where the sound had come from.

"Hmmmmmm no but after some fun im gonna fuck you" Leon said hitting Dragoxas' bare ass hard with a wooded paddle. Leon now only wearing black army boots. He let out a low giggle as he saw Dragoxas yell in pain to the paddle and pressed one of his booted feet against Dragoxas' right ass cheek, "did you like that cause its only going to get worst from here on bitch".

"I fucking hate you" Dragoxas growled oviusly not scared of him. When Dragoxas felt a hand lifting his chin he took his chance and let a steam of fire loose.

As the fire hit Leon he ran round the room yelling "AAAHHHH my arm, my arms on fire my arms on fire".

Dragoxas let out a slight whisper "damn i was aiming for his fucking cock".

Leon had heard this and was right up in Dragoxas' face yelling in his ear "I'll teach you, you fucking whore". And with that he shoved one of his boots in Dragoxas' mouth "now slave lick all the mud and dust off or you'll feel a whip across your balls".

Dragoxas decided it was a better choice not to argue or test his captors patience, so he started licking the boot cleaning it with his tongue lapping over every spot of the leather. When the first boot was clean Leon made Dragoxas do the same with the other boot. After that boot was done Leon placed a ball gag in Dragoxas' maw preventing him from making any noise, "Hmmmmmmmmmm now what should i do to punish you, i could hit you with a paddle till your ass is red, i could whip your balls or i could shove your snout up my ass and then crap you out, decisions decisions". He stood with one of his booted feet on Dragoxas' ass for sum time deciding.

When he finally took his boot off Dragoxas' ass, Dragoxas waited and listend in silence to see what he was going to pick it wasn't too long before Dragoxas felt a sharp pain across his ass from the wooden paddle again. After letting out a loud laugh Leon leaned close to Dragoxas his 15 inch rock hard cock rubbing between Dragoxas' ass cheeks "i think ive toyed with you enough time for the main fun". It wasn't even three second till Dragoxas felt Leons cock pressing into his ass streching him.

With-out even a word Leon thrusted all the way in hilting inside Dragoxas murring, "mmmm nice and tight just for me". All he could do was cry out as he was continusly thrusted into each time harder and with more speed, it had been over an hour mins before Leon finaly came filling Dragoxas up then passing out on the floor Finally i can get out of here however this though was never put into action as he was unbound and carried thurther up the tower unable to fight the grip he was soon out of the room when the moon light finally eluminated the carrier it was Bakuya.



Chapter 11: Your True Desire Comming soon