I've Made Up Your Mind
Well This story conntains some depressing elements, violence(non yiff) language...possibly some yiff...honestly I have no idea where this will go. It's also my first furry themed story. I am not used to typing on this keyboard so there are bound to be some typos. It will probably be a series. I'm testing the still waters.
This town is where I've lived my whole life. Fuckin' Hobart, I.N.D.I.A.N.A. You will never meet a furr happy to be from here. We have nothing...though nothing is all I want now. The firmiliarity of it. Well I guess you're wondering who I am. My name is Jesse King. I'm a fairly tall hyena, 6'2, spiked black headfurr, and just average. There make an assumption on me from that. Nah I'm dicking though some of you have undoubtedly...
"Hey Spots you got a light?" I turn to see a rather chubby, messy lookin' Rottweiler on a stoop behind me.
"A light, for my cigarette." Sure enough he has one and judging my the radiated smell it hasn't been his only one.
"No man, sorry...I don't smoke."
"Okay it's cool."
I turn around and continue on my way, pull out a cigarette and light it, enjoying his pointless ramblings about how I'm a worthless faggot. It's a wonderful day. I see the youth enjoying themselves and wonder if they realize how fast time goes by as I do...doubtful. I turn the corner and cut through an alley.
"Where do you think you're going?" I turn around and am met with a fist to my nose dropping me. I look up, noting the wetness that is surly a bloody nose, and see 2 men. A black panther who is at least a few inches taller than my and a lot more muscular.The other is a coyote...he seems out of place, dirty and scared...probably a tweaker, he's glancing around nervously like one at least.
I smirk, my cigarette is still in my mouth.
"Well I was thinking of walking down this alley but...well you can figure out the rest." He seems a bit pissed at this.
"Guess it's true, you hyenas are smart mouths."
For the first time the tweacher makes a noise, a slight chuckle. Yeah he was deffinatly on something. I noticed something to his left and I think he did cause he stopped chuckling. The panther looked to the side and his eyes grew and suddenly there was a loud bang. The bollet went through the coyote's head and then through the panther's neck, dropping them both in a thud, mixing with the panter's gargling on his own blood and the ringing of my ears. I then felt the gun being pressed against my head.
"Hey kid you okay?" The man with the gun was a raccoon. Typical furr, though everything seemed to have a darker tint. He was in all black, a trenchcoat, and some type of fedora hat.
"Y...yeah I-I-I'm fine....why did you...?"
"Shoot them?"
"For fun, same reason why I'm gonna shoot you."
"Wha-" There was a loud bang and I woke up in a pool of blood. There were blue and red lights flashing and I could see my dead body...then I felt someone dragging me and the various sounds hit me. The sirens, chatter of onlookers, the police talking, some cussing me out. What is going on?
I was pushed into the back of a police cruiser and in the mirror was the face of a raccoon!
I woke up in a cold sweat in my bed and sat there panting for what seemed like an hour before the sun appeared.