Chloes Decisions

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#2 of Chloes Journey

Chloe her Story continues, feel free to comment. I'm

Glad to hear criticism and share ideas with you all.

And I'm always happy and thankfull when someone reads my stuff.

Sincerely yours,

Chloe Wintermane

It was dark when Chloe woke up from her slumber. She could only remember talking with her father about the slave contract. A contract that put her in such a rage that she was close to jumping on him and killing him with her own hands. But after that nothing, she could feel the blindfold on her face, her hands bound over her head. She still wore the green formal dress that Mearracar had given her. Well, she wasn't sure that it was green but it felt exactly like the dress she put on. A slight vibration was felt through her paws. Chloe needed a moment before she got it, her mind still dizzy from the drugs they had used to render her unconscious . Now she remembered! The drink her father gave her must have been drugged. Trying to oppress her rage she now knows that her current situation is dire. She can still feel the weight of the leather collar around her neck. She must be on his Airship, the clean smell mixed with a touch of oil and the wooden ground she is standing on left open with no other choice. Right as she wanted to shout out for help a door nearby opens and something big and heavy enters the room followed by two other small people. Of course this must be Mearracar with Saoirse and Adora.

"It seems you are awake Chloe Wintermane?" His deep voice causes her body to shiver as he speaks, standing right behind me. " I'm sorry for the Events that happened but I was not the one asking for you. I was keeping my word to your father. I am unaware of the events last night, be reassured that this had nothing to do with it. Well maybe it made my decision easier." She gasped when she felt his paw moving on her hips. " Maybe you already noticed the collar on your neck ? It's a leather one which indicates you are at the lowest rank, the furthest away from my harem. I will not force you to join my harem since last night was your decision. But..."He underlines his last word with a heavy smack on her ass. "You seemed to enjoy what happened to you last night, you even begged for it! I enjoyed your company and the shape of your body yesterday. The other girls like you as well." Another smack on her ass brings back memories from last night and the feels start to grow inside her again. A fire is beginning to start stroking its flames deep in her stomach. "" I... I don't want to join your Harem, please let me go! Chloe says then with a low voice. She could feel his claws moving upwards on her body before softly drawing a line on her side then pushing her blindfold up. The room was not very bright,only illuminated by a small lamp on the side next to the mirror right in front of her. The room in front of her was empty, not including the mirror. As she looked into the mirror she could see herself bound with her hands above her in the green dress. But on the side where his fingers caressed her were large tears across the beautiful green fabric. Behind her stood the huge Exusian. She was not standing on the ground but on a pedestal, so that she and Mearracar are on the same height. On the ground behind him are the two Vixens hands behind their backs, naked and kneeling on the floor. " Your face looks much better without the blindfold". He pushes his giant paw under her chin, pushing her gaze upwards. You look stunning Miss Wintermane. I noticed you the moment you entered. Your curiosity and your.... Taste is also very interesting to me. But I want to ask you something? When would I let you go? Where would you go?" Chloe opened her mouth ready to talk back to him, but noticed she was unsure as to what to say. He grins and lets her head go. "Right, you can't go back to your family because you were sold to me. What else did you know about the world then, this small place that your father calls his palace. I can show you things far beyond your imagination, we travel all around the world together. You are sad about losing your freedom? What freedom did you truly have here?" He stands behind her and waits for an answer. Her mind is working, it's true her life would be a straight line, getting married to someone, having kids and not seeing anything of the world. But she will not confess that towards him. "I would have a proud life with honor and dignity, not a slave who was forced against my will." A deep noise escapes his maw which seems to be laughing. "Right, dignity and honor, the male you would have married would just rape you, he will not be loyal to you and you have to be loyal to him. Then being thrown away for someone younger, prettier, or more willing to please. But I care for all my Pets. All my Pets are here on their free will. No one here was forced to serve me." Chloe gets angry at that lie, why would someone ever want to be a pet running around naked and serving him she thinks. "That's just a lie no one ever would lose everything to give up their humanity and walk around like an animal, no one!" he now looks angry, snapping his finger "Adora!" She replies loud and quickly, hands behind her back, "Yes Master!" He turns around and looks at her, "Miss Snowfur thinks you are forced to serve me and don't have any choice to do otherwise. Please tell her yourself." The Fennec looks at Chloe through the mirror and starts to speak. "What my Master tells you is true, I asked him, out of my own free will, to take me with him. I offered him my body - my soul - and my love in exchange for a place on his airship. He never pushed me into his harem, I made that choice myself and prepared for it." A small smile comes over his face and he pets her head softly, "Good Girl, I never regretted the day I took you with me." Adora is pushing her head against his hand enjoying his attention. Chloe watches everything with a racing heart, her body feels strange. "I..I don't believe her! You must have something hidden against her, she is lying." "You have a fire Miss Wintermane for sure but I assure you I did not push her into anything, maybe we should ask Saoirse too" he says with a gruff voice. "Saoirse, tell her!" The other girl quickly replies, "Yes Master. I was born into a poor family and had a hard life, working and fighting for food and water. When the Master visited my home town I took my chance, I told my family farewell and followed him through the city. When I saw my chance I fell on my knees, face before him, and begged him to take me with him. I was desperate and would have done anything he wanted. He let me choose, I would never leave him." Chloe hears the truth in her words, she adores him and she would do anything he wants. Deep inside her she knows that this is the right way . A way to experience herself like she never could, a way to see the world, to experience anything close that what she felt last night. The pictures of last night in her mind, causing the fire deep inside her to burn brighter. "Speechless? No. You know the truth deep inside you, what they say is true and what you can experience here is far from what you ever could at home. The way you naturally surrender yourself to my hand, the way you orgasmed in my arms, so intense you passed out. You are born for it, and you know it. I can show you so much more, way more than what you experienced that night." His words bring Chloe back to the night before, her body feels strange, she is confused. He waits a moment before putting his hand on Chloe's shoulder. He looks deep in her eyes and Chloe looks back. A moment of realization struck her brain, Chloe nodded. His claws come out, slowly cutting the dress on the side as his hands run down from shoulders to her hips. After that the dress falls to the ground exposing Chloe's naked body. Chloe's eyes widen in panic as she watches herself in the mirror, naked, exposed before him. She tried to calm herself down, before remembering what he had already done. "Good Girl. Look how beautiful you look, your big fluffy tail, your HARD Nippels." The word hard leaves his mouth, he grins. She feels his hand moving softly over her side, drawing around her breasts. Suddenly he moved a finger between her legs right over her cunt, a moan can be heard in the room, a moan of pleasure not of pain. She bites on her lips trying to stop it.

"Look Miss Wintermane this is what you really are, your true self, you don't need to hide it from me I will not judge you for it." Chloe's heart is racing as she watches his finger which is covered in a thick wet fluid, slip back between her legs. Chloe's brain is going wild, "Why do I like this so much, why can't I stop the feeling between my legs?" Confused, scared, and not sure how to react, she remains quiet. "You enjoyed last night so much that even the memory of it made you wet. Don't deny yourself Snowfur, we can show you things you couldn't even imagine. Your curiosity over my harem, and your interest in bondage, all that can be satisfied if you wish." His huge hand remains on her hip. Chloe is watching herself in the mirror naked, exposed, but excited more than she ever imagined. "I... I can't, it doesn't feel right, I don't want to be...I..." her voice cracked. She knows that her words are a lie. She knows that she WANTS to submit to him. She wants to cum on his knees again. But she isn't brave enough to ask. "Yes I can see it in your eyes, you know the truth. I will open your cuffs now, you can escape if you wish. I won't try to catch you, you're free to leave if you wish." His hands then opened the cuffs that held Chloe's arms above her. Chloe falls to the small platform she was chained to. "So Miss Wintermane, what will you choose?" He carefully takes Chloe's chin and pushes it towards him so their eyes can meet each other. Chloe, who was just rubbing her hands, was surprised by his careful touch his giant hand was able to give. "I ... I choose", a tear running down her cheek as she surrendered herself to him. Shaking, she is not sure what will happen now, sad about really wanting this the whole time. He rubs the tear away with his paw and kneels in front of Chloe so his face and her face meet. "You don't need to cry, you are a beautiful wolf . I promise I will not harm you. I will take care of you and help you discover yourself. All I want is your loyalty and acceptance of your new place. As a show of proof that you really want to join me I want you to do something for me. Something you will do a lot more for me if you prove yourself worthy to be part of my harem." Chloe's body is shaking; she inhales deeply and finds the energy to ask, "what shall that be Lord Mearracar?" He pushes a finger on her maw and shakes his head in disappointment." You have a lot to learn Chloe. "Rule number 1 is never to talk to someone without being asked, especially not to an Exusian. Rule number 2: you will now call me Master from now on, no other name, only Master. Every other name shall earn you a punishment from now on. Did you understand PET?" The word PET was louder and deeper, a clear sign of what her new position is. Chloe looks deep into his eyes, her heart racing even more when the word Pet is spoken. Not only did her heart beat faster, the fire that started in her stomach started to grow. A strange feeling starts to grow between her legs. "Yes....Master I understand." A big smile grows over his face. He starts to pet her head with his paw. "Good Girl, now I want you to lay on your back and spread your legs towards me. Don't hide your cunt or anything else. Push your tail to the side and then wait for new instructions. Do you understand me Chloe?"

-"Yes Master" Chloe's face is blushing as she hears her order, she isn't sure why she followed the order that quickly but before she could think about it she was laying on the ground legs spread for her master. Her face was burning red, she was revealing her wet cunt and her pink holes again to him. What's even more strange is that Chloe seemed to spread her legs even more. "Good Girl and look how excited you are, I wasn't wrong with your true passion you are perfectly made for being a pet." His hand grabs her inner thighs, his paws slowly move around her cunt. Chloe can't stop herself and moans a bit when his paw does a slow stroke from her clit to her tailhole. "So excited already you must have been really pent up, girl?" Chloe, trapped into her own sexual desire and didn't notice the questions. She was grabbed out of her fantasy with a hard slap against her inner thigh. She cries of pain and pleasure leaves her maw.

"Rule number 3 now girl , when your Master asks something you will answer. Now I ask again, are you really a pent up girl? Do you want to cum?" Chloe's mind feels dizzy. The smack against her tight brought her closer to the same feeling she had last night. Her body now burns with desire.

"Y..Yes Master I want to cum felt so good ... pls I want it again" he smiles and pulls his hands away. Adora! Saoirse! Come closer and get to the platform. "You two watch her with me while she is proving her word to me. Chloe I want you to masturbate, as we watch you with judging eyes. I want you to tell me when you are close. Do not cum without my permission. I will watch you, so make sure you don't fake it." With this last word he sits down on a chair behind him, his hands perch on the heads of both girls that have moved closer to the platform now. Chloe starts to slowly move her hand to her mouth to suck it a bit. She has done it before but never when someone is watching. Chloe can see the head of both girls watching her closely. Adoras tail is wagging. She seems to really enjoy watching. After Chloe made her finger wet enough she slowly moved it down towards her wet folds holding in a breath before slowly starting to rub herself. A warm feeling flows through her mind as she's going faster and harder. She starts to moan, her voice filling the room more and more as she gets more and more excited, her strokes get harder until she finally moves two of her fingers to her cunt. She starts to push them inside and a wet noise can be heard with every thrust of her fingers. "Look at her, she is a natural. What do you think Saoirse is enjoying herself?" The red Fennec answers directly and distracts Chloe a bit from her session. "Yes Master but I'm not sure if she can stop and ask for permission before she cums , she is very young and just discovered this side of her." He laughs and pets her head. "Don't worry I will make sure that she will not cum before I want her to. Chloe, completely distracted from the small talk right in front of her, could focus on her own pleasure. After five minutes of rubbing and masturbating she wasn't able to cum, her mind wasn't focused. She tried it faster and harder. She played with her nipple but when she was getting close her master started to talk with the other girls. Their big eyes completely focused on her cunt. A big wet mess was already under her on the table. Maybe he was even doing that on purpose. Chloe was so close but so far away.

"Do you need help Chloe? it seems you can't manage to do it alone?" A little smirk comes over his face, did he plan that? Chloe was not sure but she really wanted to cum, her mind focusing now only on that as she replied. " Yes pls I really want to cum.... It hurts pls." Mearracar nods and slaps Adora on her ass. "Adora, climb up and help your sister with her problem. Make sure she enjoys it. Give her a kiss before you start." Adora then quickly climbs up, and crawls slowly over her, her sweet scent comes again into Chloe's mind, remembering that night. Her tail tucked over her body revealing both our cunts to him. She crawls over Chloe, her face now really close . Then she gives Chloe a kiss , Chloe never felt something so sweet and adorable inside her. She doesn't want to break the kiss but Adora moves her lips away, letting a small band of salvia connect them as she moves her face between Chloe's legs. She softly pushes Chloe's hand away and starts to lick slowly from clit to tailhole. Her fingers are collecting fluid. She teased her cunt, playing with it - then suddenly two of her fingers entered Chloe's pussy, her hand pointed upwards. Chloe could feel her fingers inside. Adora places her other hand on Chloe's stomach, before Chloe could think about the reason Adora starts to quickly bump her fingers out and in, letting loud, wet noises out. The feeling is amazing and Chloe starts to moan loudly, her whole body starts to shake, and right before she orgasms Adora stops her movement and slows them down, waiting. Then Chloe remembers, as Adora starts to pick up her pace again. "Pls Master ... can ..can I cum?" Silence, he doesn't say anything as Adora keeps pushing her fingers mercilessly inside Chloe. "Can she girls, what do you think?" As he was talking, Adora kept her movement at a steady pace. Chloe gets closer and closer, she starts to hold it back, second by second. It starts to hurt but, no one says anything, Chloe gets desperate and tries again. "Pls ... pls .. it hurts ... Can I cum Master pls!"

Another second and Chloe was on the end of her energy as the same deep hypnotic voice answered "Cum" with that said Chloe let go and Adora played her last card, she moved her fingers inside to a special point and started to apply pressure. Chloe squirts while her fingers are inside, hitting harder inside. The feeling intensifies at times too and Chloe starts to orgasm again, but Adora keeps going, more and more causing Chloe to drift into a deeper orgasm. Her body starts to cramp and shake but Adora's other hand presses against her stomach keep her in position for more. The cry of her own pleasure was heard all around the airship, Chloe had the strongest orgasm of her life and it kept going for minutes as Adora was merciless. Chloe passes out at the end and wakes minutes later, still feeling the warmth of an orgasm through her body shaking her all over.

"Welcome back Chloe, it seems you enjoyed Adoras company a lot? Now come down and join your sisters. You should also thank Adora for her ... service-"

Still on dizzy legs Chloe starts to move towards the end of the platform, jumping down on the ground. She wanted to stand up but remembers her new position right before she stands, and stayed on all 4s right before his feet. Saoirse was to his left and Adora to his right. Adora's fur is still wet and the ground, she didn't remember it, but she did a heavy squirt right before she passed out. At the same moment both girls fell over, pressing their faces to the ground, their ass was up and tail above their head, hands In front of them. "Thank you Master!" they reply exactly at the same moment. Chloe's mind was still dizzy and exhausted after her orgasms, she moved slowly. Her head to the ground and her arms before her, she tries to push her ass up in the same way the other two do and as her tail slowly moves in position over her head. She says, "T..Thank you Master for letting me Cum." Three girls in front of their master, three tails pushed up, and three wet cunts. That's his view in the mirror and he smiles, happily enjoying himself in his seat and his view. "Welcome Chloe Wintermane, we happily welcome you into our family." Chloe could see Adora taking air into her lungs and starts to quickly do the same as all three girls nearly simultaneously shout. "Thank you Master." This was the first day of Chloe's new life, her own decision to become a harem pet. Maybe she would have chosen otherwise if she would have known how hard the training would be?

To be continued