Momma Goated

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It was easy enough to miss all the little tells. Toriel, a local teacher, mother and divorcee was horny. It was easy to wave off the way her puff of a tail flickered every few moments as simple excitement. It was a hot day and so her sweating was dismissed as the consequence of her lush white fur. The way she rocked back and forth on her heels as she waited in the drive was easily mistaken for nerves. Despite her warm cuddly exterior Toriel remained a woman and one with certain needs. Needs that, because her adoptive son was something of a shut-in, she hadn't been able to attend to. Today she would finally be able to change that, today Kris would be joining Susie and Noelle on a long trip to the woods for two and half days. It was the waiting that was killing her really, the longer she sat waiting for the car that would whisk her son and his friends off to a weekend the more her mind filled with thoughts of the way she was going to spoil herself.

Toriel was dreaming of digging into her closet and breaking out her hidden toybox. She was mentally debating which to use first: should she lube up and slip in her favorite string of anal beads or see if she could still wear her favorite plug? Perhaps she would start slowly by applying some warming oil and massage that deep into her breasts and pussy. She had a bevy of vibrators to employ or perhaps she'd just take her biggest floppiest dildo and ride it till she was satisfied.

Toriel was so busy fantasizing that she hardly noticed the car pull up. She likewise nearly missed Kris hugging her waist and saying bye before heading into the vehicle. She followed him halfway up to the vehicle on autopilot and waved as the car pulled out of the driveway. As soon as the car vanished around the block Toriel was back inside in the blink of an eye.

She ran to her closet and began shifting boxes of photo albums and keepsakes until she reached the dusty black chest with the combination lock. Freeing it from the floor she grinned as she set it beside her bed. Her mood was dampened a bit as she recalled that the combination was her first date with Asgore. The lid popped open and Toriel looked on in dismay. The vibrators, dildos and basically all of her toys were ruined. Batteries had corroded from long periods resting in the chest. The resultant acid had spilled out melting plastic and silicone alike, anything remotely intact was unsafe to use due to soaking in a toxic stew. The bottom of the chest was a goopy mess from the faux leather lining that had dissolved and the half corroded metal.

Slamming the lid shut Toriel considered her options: the store she had bought those toys from was gone. She suspected that replacing her collection all at once would draw unwanted attention and no small amount of gossip. Toriel glared at the chest and considered that even buying one or two toys right now would be noticeable.

With a sigh she stood up and began to strip out of her clothes. Even if she had no toys that didn't mean a little self pleasure was beyond her. She could and would handle this the old fashioned way. Fully nude she glanced at the mirror at the foot of her bed. While Toriel had never really been thin, motherhood had added a certain thickness to her body that just refused to move on no matter what her diet. It was wrong to say she was fat but even she wouldn't deny she was more than chubby. Despite trying to keep herself in shape the fat that had settled on her hips, thighs and belly stubbornly persisted. Her bust had likewise never returned to quite the way it had been before Asriel's birth. All told though anyone who looked at her would have no complaints her body was curved in all the right place delightfully soft looking and radiated the sensuality of a mother.

Toriel stroked up from her thighs to her bottom squeezing her cheeks. A grin came back to her face as she let her grip slip, making the cheeks clap. She sat on the edge of the bed, hands drifting over her belly to her breasts. As she massaged the generous amounts of tit flesh she let out a sigh and considered that it really had been too long since she had done this last. Laying back she spread her legs and reached down, rubbing the mounds of her pussy loving the feel of the tender flesh shifting between and beneath her fingers. A few minutes of stroking like that had her sex squelching in a delightfully lewd way and so she moved on. Toriel's digits plunged into her pussy rubbing against and reaching for all those places that made her dizzy with delight. She huffed and sighed and moaned as she played with herself. Seconds become minutes as Toriel teased her pussy, but she wasn't getting any closer to cumming. The mother monster closed her eyes and tried to fantasize her way to greater heights of pleasure. She needed a man, any man really but especially one with a big dick. Some nice heavy balls would be wonderful as well. Someone tender and attentive but with plenty of force. She scowled as her fantasy inserted Asgore. Shaking her head she forced him out of the scene.

It was probably for the best that her eyes were closed, otherwise the pulsating dot of radiant blackness that was steadily widening on her ceiling might have interrupted her attempts at self pleasure.

Ralsei pointed finger guns into the freshly cleared mirror of his bathroom and smiled brightly. The prince of the Dark World had just finished his cleaning routine, teeth brushed, showered, fur brushed out, dried, and then brushed again. Ralsei's pristinely groomed body was wrapped in nothing but a black towel that truly stood out against his snow white fur and especially against his pink horns and eyes.

Perhaps if he had not been having a pep rally for himself with the mirror he might have noticed the steadily increasing expanse of white creeping towards him over the teal tile before he dropped through a suddenly no longer solid floor.

Toriel's eyes snapped open and she sat up as the thump of something heavy impacted the floor not far in front of her. She blinked rapidly at the sight of the young goat monster. It was obvious at a glance he was closer to Kris's fourteen years in age than her forty.

Ralsei stood up, his towel falling to the floor escaping his notice as he realized he was no longer in his bathroom. "Uh wha...WOAH!" the dark prince had just gotten an eyeful of Toriel and his thoughts kind of short circuited.

Toriel was still trying to get her lust dazed thoughts in order when she caught sight of the young boy's rather impressive endowments. The monster had a dick that might've hung clear down to his knees if it weren't for the ripe plum sized testicles lifting it up slightly. Toriel was more than a little pleased to watch that rod rise up as the boy realized she was naked.Toriel smiled as the boy blushed furiously, it was obvious what he wanted and where he was looking despite trying to hide his erection behind his hands. The boy looked so familiar but Toriel couldn't quite place it.

"My my... sneaking into my house sure is bold." Toriel teased and the other goat's pink eyes locked onto her brown eyes in a flash.

"N-No no I swear it's a total accident!" Ralsei panicked despite the smile the mother goat wore.

"Well lucky for you I happen to be in the mood for some company." Toriel said curling her finger beckoning the boy forward. "Come here and tell me your name."

Ralsei's brain locked up. The idea that this drop dead gorgeous lady was inviting him to bed, it just didn't compute. So the dark prince remained staring slack jawed, his earlier embarrassment and futile attempts to cover himself forgotten. Some brief spark made his tongue move "I-I'm Ralsei." he squeaked out.

Toriel ran her tongue across her lips briefly exposing her fangs. Shifting her legs a little wider she stroked her sex watching the young monster's eyes instantly flick down to follow the movement. Toriel didn't need to tease the boy, she could tell that just by watching his cock bounce to the beat of his heart. However it was more than a little thrilling to do this while being watched.

"Come over here and let momma play with you." Toriel said with a moan that morphed into a gasp as an electric trill of pleasure shivered through her body.all at once she was very aware of two things. The difference in age between her and Ralsei meant he probably could be her child. Additionally it clicked that the boy (pink eyes and horns aside) was a dead ringer for Asriel. Lastly was that because of those facts not in spite of them her desire to fuck the boy senseless increased.

Ralsei's brain finally clicked back on that was a clear invitation if ever he had heard one and he was not about to decline. "Yes M- momma." he replied, deciding to play along with her. Standing between the matronly monster's legs he froze again unsure what he had permission to touch or do. Naturally when Toriel grabbed hold of his cock he gasped in a mix of fear and surprise from her fuzzy digits curling around his shaft.

"Mmm my aren't you a big boy." Toriel said, stroking up and down his length taking a moment to really appreciate how hung the boy was. She took the hand she had been using to stroke her sex and hefted his balls feeling the weight of the orbs as her fingers shifted gently across his sack. Ralsei's cock twitched heavily and throbbed as copious amounts of pre-cum bubbled up in such a quantity Toriel was half convinced that he had cum already. Her paw slicked by those juices she rubbed a little faster drawing moans and more pre from the boy. "Look at all that... you're gonna make a mess... don't worry momma will clean up."Slipping from the bed she knelt down in front of the goat. Breathing heavily at the simple sight of his member a hunger had been growing as she stared at his cock.Toriel was in the perfect position to take hold of his hard cock and slide it between her lips. Toriel moaned as she wrapped her tongue around his member, lapping up his pre-cum and savoring the taste of his rod. Ralsie gripped her horns moaning and bucking his hips, balls smacking her chin. Toriel nearly gagged despite her skill at such oral pleasure forcing her to put her hands on the boy's hips keeping him from shoving too much in at once. Letting his cock slip from her lips Toriel took a deep breath. "You better keep still or I'm going to stop."

"Yes momma! I'll hold still, please don't stop! I'm so close!" the goat boy pleaded and Toriel patted his bottom affectionately.

"That's a good boy. Just remember if you take care of momma, She'll take care of you." Toriel said playfully, fondling Ralsei's balls as spoke. The goat mother took the orbs into her mouth, pumping his cock with one hand as her tongue rolled across his fuzzy orbs. Her eyes were locked on his watching for the tell tale signs of incoming orgasm. Idly the thought that this might be his first time having sex rolled into her thoughts. She moaned in delight at the thought as she let the boy's orbs slip from her mouth and returned his cock to her mouth. Focusing on the tip she continued to stroke the length that was not in her mouth. Ralsei panted like a dog in the sun before grunting his whole body tensing up as his cock began to spray cum into her like a water hose that had just come unkinked. Toriel could barely keep up with deluge cumm dripping from her overloaded cheeks as she simply couldn't swallow fast enough. Not wanting any cum on the carpet she did her best to swallow the load down and get any cum that escaped her lips on her chest instead. Just as she was going to run out of breath Toriel's mouth stopped filling up. Letting the cock slide from her lips once more, Toriel licked her lips breathing heavily.

Standing up she rested herself on the bed once more. The goat mother looked at Ralsei's cock still slick and shiny from her saliva and perhaps most importantly still hard. "My my my... Toriel said, still admiring the rod. "You really pump all that into my face and you're still hard as a rock?"

Ralsei blushed clean through his fur. "I'm eager to please however I can." the dark prince confessed

Toriel smiled in a way that suggested Ralsei might regret that statement. "Such a gentleman." she said, spreading her legs and showing off her pussy to him once more. The fact it was so much slicker now must have caught the goat boy's attention because he stepped forward allowing the goat to take hold of his cock once more stroking the shaft. Feeling his rod throb with naked need Toriel wondered if it was a good idea to keep teasing him. "Now then my little Ralsei are you ready to fuck Mommas pussy till you burst again?" she asked, putting his cock right against the lips of her sex.

Ralsei nodded vigorously, his tip now hovering just above her sex and the urge to thrust his hips forward was just shy of undeniable. "Yes momma!" he nearly shouted. "I'm gonna fuck you till I explode!" Toriel let go and Ralsei followed his instincts pushing forward with his hips, his dick sliding into Toriel. Ralsei froze for a second as he adjusted to his tip sinking into the warm inviting depths of the goat lady. He moaned as he rocked his hips back and forth, shoving more and more of his cock into Toriel. Toriel braced herself against the bed rocking her hips to make it easier to make more and more of the monster dick Ralsei had to offer. Ralsei leaned over Toriel grabbing her thighs as he worked his hips, giving her everything he had because he couldn't make himself take it slow. Ralsie shifted his stance leaning into Toriel's body, his head resting between her breasts as he thrust deep into her sex. Toriel half moaned and half laughed as she enjoyed the way the younger monster filled her needs.

"Mmm ooh oh ah yes yes oh right there Ralsei! Momma is cumming!" Toriel cried out as pleasure washed through her body for the first time in what felt like decades. Her brain all but shit off as her sex tightened around Ralsei's cock milking him to his own climax. Ralsie fell limply atop Toriel's body with only his cock and balls moving as they did their level best to flood her womb with his seed. Toriel let out a deep sigh as she rolled the pair of them over. Lifting off the dark prince Toriel allowed his cum to drool from her sex back onto his cock for a momment. "Mmm yes... that's what I needed." Toriel declared as she leaned down planting a kiss on Ralsie's lips that went much deeper than the goat boy expected. He found his tongue tangling with Toriels as the matronly monster showed off her experience. "Momma's not done with you yet though." she declared as her lips finally left his.

With a gesture from Toriel, Ralsei scooted himself fully onto the bed head resting against her pillows. The motherly goat looked at the cum coated cock and couldn't or perhaps wouldn't resist giving it one long sensuous lick. She slurped nearly every ounce of cum and her own sexual fluids from the rod and left it standing proud once again.


"Now then I do believe you're getting tired but mommy's gonna give you a special treat." Torial declared wrapping her tits around his saliva and cum slicked member and began to polish it with her breasts. She marveled at the way his cock managed to peek out from behind her ample bosom, the tip bobbing tantalizingly close to her mouth. Ralsie groaned and writhed but Toriel smacked his hands away whenever he started to grab hold of her. Toriel continued to tease the dark prince, licking the head of his cock with every few shakes. She found she barely needed to touch herself to find new thrills of pleasure. Not that the feeling of the firm manhood sandwiched between her breasts wasn't pleasant; on the contrary the warm rod felt nearly as good as when it had been buried in her earlier. A groan from Ralsei made Toriel's gaze shift up to his face. "Oh is my little man loving the feel of Momma's tits on his big dick? You gonna cum for me again huh? Do it cum for me, do it right in my mouth!" Ralsei let out a series of squeaky moans before he came. Toriel was mildly disappointed to find this wasn't the flood of cum his first two orgasms had been.she still got a muzzle full of cum just not the absolute flood she had been expecting. The smell of his seed as it landed in her mouth and on her muzzle was just the right touch to push her into another orgasm.

For a few moments they both sat there exhausted with all their lust sated. Toriel was first to sit up. "Ooh yes that was mmm oh that was better than i expected today to go." she let out a sigh her earlier tensions were forgotten. "Let's go to the kitchen, I'll make us something to eat and we'll have a few drinks and then..." Toriel gave a smile that would have fit in the dictionary under conspiratorial "... well who knows."

Ralsie nodded as he got out of the bed, legs weak and shaky.

Toriel was on her fourth, maybe sixth orgasm today as Ralsei's cock slammed into her backside. She was leaning over the arm of the couch in the living room as she and Ralsie had decided that it would be more fun to do it out in the open, she gasped as he held her hips and pushed into her pussy with his full might.

"Oh yes! Yes! That's my boy Fuck me! fuck momma!


Toriel and Ralsei's heads whipped around to find Kris standing in the doorway; the sound of his bag hitting the ground had been the only thing to announce his presence. A trickle of fear and embarrassment went through Toriel as she saw her adopted son standing there. Had he heard what she just said? Before she could even ask what he was doing home early (a storm had turned a two and a half day trip into a day and a half trip) his pants dropped to the floor, his underwear following after and a cock bigger than Ralsei's bobbed up. Toriel's emotions cycled rapidly before settling on lust.

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