Delta Omega Gamma Part 2

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#2 of Delta Omega Gamma

Good day to you all! This is an M/M Story and should not be read by individuals under the age of 18!

Delta, Omega, Gamma Part 2

When last we left poor Jared, he was taking care of some personal... "business" when suddenly his new roommate barged in the door! What will be his reaction if he sees his inhuman cock? Let's find out, shall we?

Jared continued to shudder under his blanket, frantically trying to think of some way he can get out of this situation without his secret being revealed. Zack just casually walked in his jersey sticking tightly to his body with sweat stains around his neck and armpits and set his gym bag on his bed then closed the door behind him "Heh, it's all right man, I'm pretty open minded, I don't care if you are even doing your business right in front of me, we have all got needs man." Hearing this, Jared stopped his shaking for a moment and looked up from the covers to finally got a good look his new roomie, He was a tall man, about 6'1 with brown hair in a medium buzz cut, his eyes where a piercing blue, and his body was so large it seemed his jersey seemed to strain under the pressure. Jared's jaw practically dropped right there when he realized that standing in front of him, was one of the muscular, sweat stained jocks from the field that nearly caused him to change earlier, he then ducked back under the covers and tried to stammer out a sentence to the godlike man in front of him from beneath them.

"'s just...I was in the middle of it...then you came in and..." Zack just smiled a big grin and laughed then went over and pulled off the covers and messed Jared's hair "Like I said man, I don't mind; In fact, I could actually use a good crank right about now if you don't mind, I think I'll go fire one off in the shower while I get cleaned up, coach ran us ragged today, and I reek!" Zack playfully sniffed his pits and made a fake cough and smiled, then reached down and started to slowly peel off his smelly, sweat coated jersey, revealing his massive and well defined muscles earned with many hours of practice and weightlifting. Jared only watched, with pure admiration and lust in his eyes as the muscle stud slowly peeled off the rest of his gear, as if he was giving him a striptease. He tossed of piece by piece of his smelly gear into the nearby hamper by the door to the bathroom, until he was finally left only wearing an obscenely bulging jockstrap.

Jared's cock then began to throb painfully with need as his tip began to ooze pre and cause a stain in the front of his sheets; his changes then began to hasten underneath the bed sheets, his tan fur was starting to completely cover his body, and his thumbs where beginning to merge into his hand, and the small nub at the base of his spine began to lengthen, and sprout coarse brown hairs. Realizing he was about to change right in front of the stud, he quickly shut his eyes and tried to think of everything he could to calm down and halt the changes, but Zack noticed his hesitation, and grinned wickedly. Knowing this would be the perfect time to discover his new roomies sexuality he quickly slid his jock down his legs and picked it up, then pulled on the elastic and aimed it at Jared and launched it at him, causing the front pouch of it to hit Jared square in the nose.

"Ow! Hey! What's the big idea?!?" Jared coughed slightly, but then a very musky scent hit his nostrils, causing his cock to throb even harder as it began to attach itself to his stomach and his mushroom head taper into a pointed tip. He slowly pulled the foreign object from his face and realized what exactly he was holding, and that Zack was standing right in front of him, naked and grinning with his massive 8 inches of meat hanging flaccid between his legs. "Hahaha!!! That one never gets old!" Jared then tried to throw a pillow at the stud out of anger, but he quickly dodged it and ducked into the bathroom "You're gonna need to have better aim than that!"

Zack then closed the door, and a few minutes later Jared heard the sound of the shower starting, and he sighed a deep breath of relief. "Why the hell did I have to get the hot prankster as a roomie?!? Ahhh...fuck my life!!" Jared groaned as he peeled off the covers to see how far his changes gone. His cock was now fully canine and very erect with his knot swelling at the base, black and brown fur had now completely covered his body, and a full dog's tail was now behind him wagging slightly. "Ok... I'm not completely gone...I've just got to calm down" Jared said to himself, he then crossed his legs and closed his eyes and took a deep breath and repeated his normal mantra he uses when he is about to change unwillingly. After a few minutes of heavy concentration, He started to feel a tingle across his body as his fur receded back into his skin, and his tail began to merge back into his spine. Just when it seemed that Jared had regained control of his body, he suddenly heard the lock to the bathroom click, and Zack stepped out of the bathroom with a billow of steam following him, his cock hung flaccid between his legs, but a small pearl of cum was seen hanging from the tip. Zack then idly walked over to his side of the room and began to dry himself off.

"Ahhh...nothing like a good wank after practice... and that hot water felt really good, I was sore as hell." Zack then began to rub himself down and Jared quickly grabbed a pillow to cover his cock. "Hey man, do you have to do that right in front of me?" Snapped Jared, but Zack just smiled and pointed at the pillow Jared was using to cover himself. "Hey, you where naked when I first got here; now who is really the guilty one here?" Zack chuckled and went back to drying himself off rubbing his massive frame slowly, making sure he got completely dry and to give his roomie a bit of a show, all the while Jared sat there watching, his member stirring once again, and the familiar tingle covering his body. He felt his member was the first thing to revert back to its canine shape, and Jared knew that it wouldn't be long until he went all the way, so he came up with a plan to try and scare his roomie out of the room. He tried telling him he wasn't gay, that he was expecting his girlfriend soon, and even that it was against his religion to look at other people naked. But Zack was to stubborn, insisting that he needed to get unpacked and relax in his room and that he was being overly dramatic. Realizing there was no other choice; he decided the only way was to use his trump card to freak him out! So he calmly stood up, and held the pillow to his groin. "Hey man, you have got to leave, what I've got is contagious! And unless you want to end up like me, go!" And he dropped the pillow and revealed his canine phallus, which at this point had become very erect, with its knot swollen at the base.

Zack just stared in awe at his roommates freakish cock, he had never seen anything like it, except on his golden lab back home, he stared at it for a few moments, trying to gather his thoughts, then opened his mouth and said something Jared thought he would never say "That'!!! How did you get it to look like that? Makeup? Prosthetics? Some kind of weird illusion? Hell I didn't know I was rooming with a magician! That's so cool! You have got to let me touch it!" Jared, with mouth agape was barely able to make a sentence before Zack rushed over and started rubbing and groping his member. "Wow, it feels so real, how did you do it man?" Jared only gasped and moaned as he felt Zacks hands rub the length of his shaft, brown and black fur then began to once again sprout across Jared's body, and the nub of a tail at the base of his spine, shot out to its full length and covered in the same fur. "Wa...wait...sstop!" Jared placed his hands on Zacks shoulders and tried to push him away, but found the pleasure was just too much for him, his grunts and moans of protest where soon replaced by sounds of panting, as his face pushed out into a long muzzle, with a flattened tongue hanging out of it. Zack only simply ignored Jared's protests and kept toying with the strange member, but when he suddenly heard what sounded like a dog whining, he finally looked up to his roommate and gasped at his changed form and backed away. "Wa...what are you?!?" Jared only yipped, as his hands and feet morphed into paws, and his ears migrated to the top of his head and changed into a triangle shape, a strange crack was then heard, and Zack backed away while Jared fell to the floor on all fours, his transformation complete and panting in exhaustion, he then turned to face zack, and gave to him the best sort of smile he could and said..."I'm a Weredog."

"'re a...what?" Stammered Zack in surprise, Jared then walked over to his bed and jumped on top of it, then looked at Zack in the eye. "I'm a weredog, you know, kinda like a werewolf? Except I don't change under the full moon...I only change..." Jared coughed in embarrassment and blushed under his fur, "...when I get hard..." Zack just sat there and scratched his head in confusion, and tried to take all of this information in; finally he was able to muster up the courage to finally say "'re not going to eat me? Or bite me are you?" Jared shook his head, "No, I don't do things like that, pretty much being a Weredog means that your just like any garden variety dog...though you are a bit bigger than normal...also it means you can never have a real meaningful relationship...especially when you start sprouting fur whenever you think about getting "frisky" with someone" Jared's ears then drooped in sadness and his tail ducked between his legs, and he let out a soft whine, but then suddenly he felt Zack scratching behind his ears, and they immediately perked up, and his tail began to wag slowly. "Hey's all right, I know it must suck to not get any..."tail" so to speak..." Jared chuckled slightly and his tail than began to wag normally. "But I have to ask did you end up like this?" asked Zack, Jared then let out a long sigh, and looked towards Zack "I was raped..."

Jared then recounted the tale of the night when he was walking back towards his house after hanging out at a friend's house, he suddenly heard a rustle in the bushes...he thought it was just a rabbit or something going by, and he just dismissed it. But as he kept walking he kept hearing the rustling more frequently, it finally stopped once he reached the park he cuts through to get home, but once he reached the wooded area of the park, he started to hear the sounds again. He kept looking left and right, jumping at shadows and the occasional squirrel, but when he finally saw the end of the path he finally relaxed a bit, but then suddenly a shadow jumped from the forest and into the middle of the road. In front of him, was a massive husky, bigger than any one he had ever seen before, and bearing its many sharp teeth at him. Jared tried to run, but before he could get too far, the husky grabbed him by the leg causing Jared to scream in pain as he began to drag him deeper into the woods, he cried for help, but no one answered, he tried to fight back, but this husky seemed more powerful than any normal dog and his blows were ignored. Finally they reached a clearing in the middle of the woods, and the husky yanked on Jared's leg, causing him to fall to the ground, Jared then tried to make a break for it, but he then suddenly felt one of the dogs massive paws on his back, and he heard him snarling as his maw was posed to bite the back of his neck. So he just laid there, hoping that the dog wouldn't kill him.

After realizing he wasn't going to run, the husky backed off, and began sniffing the back of Jared's pants then futilely tried to pull them down. Jared, not wanting to anger the massive dog, slowly pulled his pants down his legs, leaving his exposed ass vulnerable to the massive predator. "OH god. I'm gonna get raped by this huge fucking dog...but at least it's better than him killing me!!" The husky then began to sniff and lick at Jared's hole, causing him to let out a soft moan, the husky then changed its position slowly started to hump at Jared's ass, its massive member sliding out of its sheath and prodding Jared in the back until finally it reached its target, and he began to thrust brutally into Jared's hole.

Jared then told him how the dog had its way with him, and how the next day he woke up, naked and bruised, with cum leaking out of his asshole, and the dog nowhere to be found, also surprisingly his leg had healed and there was no indication of the dogs bite marks, so he rushed home and tried to forget the whole thing. But then as he was looking out the window later that day, he saw one of his neighbors outside mowing the grass, his lanky frame covered in sweat, and the bulge in his pants obvious in his shorts, seeing him like this sent shivers down his spine, and sparked his first change, and after a while began to realize just what it is he had become.

Zack only nodded and asked an occasional question as Jared told him his story, and then finally when he was finished, Zack stood up and brushed himself off. "Well, that's terrible...I'm sorry you got raped by a big ass dog like that and couldn't do anything about it...but I do have one more does it feel?" Jared cocked his head slightly and looked at Zack with a confused look "How does what feel?" "The change!" Zack responded, "Does it hurt or does it feel good?" Jared nodded and blushed slightly under his fur "well...actually it feels kind of know since its sparked by arousal...I practically cum every time I change all the way" Zack then leaned down and looked at Jared's member, still throbbing and erect between his legs "Looks like you didn't this time" Zack then smiled a wicked grin and looked at Jared "How about I help you finish up huh?" Jared then backed away slowly, looking frightened as his tail ducked between his legs. "No! you can't do that! It's cum that made me change and I'm not sure if it somehow touched you, you could end up like me!" Zack only smiled and scratched behind Jared's ears to calm him down "Maybe that's what I want to happen..."

"Wa...what? are you all right in the head? I want to turn into an animal every time you get boned up? Do you realize how much shit that can cause in your life!?! I could never do something like..." But Jared's sentence was suddenly cut off when Zack grabbed onto Jared's throbbing member and started to stroke it slowly. "Heh, I think I could live with being a horn I've always been an animal lover, and if you change me, you can have another person to watch after you when you change, and also...have someone help you blow off a little steam..." Zack winked then started to speed up his stroking, causing Jared to moan in pleasure and his tail to lift from between his legs and begin to wag. "You would really do that? Give up being human to live with this curse with me?" Zack nodded and smiled, then lightly gripped onto Jared's knot "Yea man, I know we both just met and all, but I feel a sort of connection with you ya know? I can tell we are going to be great friends..." A tear welled up in Jared's eye, and he smiled, but a sudden tug on his member by Zack brought him back to the situation at hand, and he began to whine softly and pant, his orgasm building in his balls.

"I'm getting close..." said Jared roughly, Zack then nodded and suddenly let go of Jared's member and reached over to his gym bag and grabbed an empty water bottle and brought it to the tip of Jared's member and resumed his jerking. "Wa..what are you...ohh...ahh!" Jared then let out a loud howl and his member began to shoot out stream after stream of infectious seed into the bottle. Jared panted in exhaustion after firing what felt like the most amazing load in his entire life, but then he suddenly saw Zack lifting up a half filled water bottle filled with his seed, with him smiling a wicked grin. "Man, you where firing off like a faucet! It would take me a week to fill something like this with mine!" Jared only looked at Zack with a confused look as the fur began to sink back into his skin, "Why did you save that stuff? I thought you wanted me to change you?" Zack then lightly tapped on the bottle and chuckled softly, "OH in good time, but you said this stuff is what changes people right? Well I have an idea in mind for this..."

So after waiting for Jared to turn back to normal, he and Zack then dressed themselves and cleaned up the mess, then Zack explained his plan to Jared, as it turned out, one of the local fraternity's here on campus was entirely populated by gay guys who had a bit of a dog play fetish, which had earned them the name Delta Omega Gamma or DOG for short. Zack also just so happened to be a member of the fraternity and he had a plan to bring his friends fetishes to the next level. "So that's why you didn't freak out when you first saw my cock! You're used to that kind of crap!" Zack laughed and nodded, then explained the rest of this plan, he was going to make Jared change back to his canine form again, and walk him over to the fraternity. Once he gathered everyone together he would make Jared change back in front of everyone, then offer his seed to all of his fellow members so that they can be weredogs as well. Jared was a little hesitant of the idea at first, but then Zack then told him after they did that, he would take Jared upstairs and have him change him personally, which then caused him to immediately agree.

So then later that night, Jared stripped down and slowly began to jack himself off, the familiar tingle covering his body as his fur began to grow across his body, and after a few minutes he had completely changed back into his canid form, and Zack wrapped a collar around his neck and attached a leash to it, and they both walked out the door, with Zack holding the bottle as he walked.

It only took them a few minutes to arrive there, and they were greeted by a tall man with dirty blond hair, who introduced himself as Tj. He and Zack exchanged strange handshakes, followed by a loud howl into the sky, and then Tj leaned down and scratched behind Jared's ears "And who is this handsome fellow? Zack I didn't know you where this into pet play man..." Tj grinned and petted Zack on the shoulder lightly. Jared barked slightly in approval and looked up at him, he could tell even through his color blindness that his eyes where almost as light blue as Zack's, and that his body was nowhere near as built as his, but he did have a slight gut, which Jared had always had a soft spot for.

Tj then lead them into the house, which was filled with couches with assorted people lounging about, but the strangest thing was the assorted dog toys thrown about the room, along with food bowls, which strangely enough some of the people in there seemed to be eating out of. Zack then turned to Tj and whispered something into his ear and Tj nodded, he then put his fingers to his lips and let out a loud whistle, causing everyone in the room to turn to face him. "All right boys! Meeting in the commons! Zack here says he has something to show us all!" Zack then tugged lightly on Jared's leash and lead him through a few doors, until they were finally in a large, open room with a bunch of chairs scattered around, and after a few minutes the rest of the fraternity followed them into the room and sat down. As they came in, they all were talking amongst themselves, wondering just what it is that's going on. Tj then finally came into the room and closed the door behind him and let out another whistle, causing everyone in the room to go silent. Finally after settling everyone down, Tj then walked over to Zack and placed a hand on his shoulder "All right man, what's so special about this dog you were telling me about?"

Zack smiled then looked down at Jared and nodded, Jared barked in approval and Zack leaned down and unhooked the leash from his collar. Jared then took a few steps forward and sat down and closed his eyes, calming himself down his fur started to sink back unto his skin, The frat boys only stared in awe as they watched the German shepherd morph into a human in front of their very eyes. After he had finished changing back, Jared then clumsily got back up onto his feet and blushed in embarrassment and tried to cover up his nudity. "Ta-da..." Said Jared weekly, Tj with mouth agape was the first one to speak "Wa...what the fuck was that?!?" Zack laughed and placed his arm on Jared's shoulder "What we have got here a it would turn out, my new friend here has the ability to change himself into a dog whenever he starts to get...boned up" Zack chuckled lightly and messed with Jared's hair "and now I have an offer to all of you..." Zack then lifted up the bottle and displayed it to everyone, "Who wants to join him?"

The men then talked amongst themselves for a few minutes, and then suddenly Tj walked up to Jared..."I'll do it! Being a dog has always been my dream!" Zack then laughed loudly and handed the bottle to TJ "I know you would want to man! Just a sip should do it; we want to save some for the others!" TJ smiled and looked at the creamy liquid in the bottle and unscrewed the cap, "Well...bottoms up!" and Tj took a sip of the fluid and sloshed it around in his mouth before swallowing, nearly gagging on the taste of it. "The hell was that man?" "Dog spunk!" replied Zack with a laugh. Tj shot Zack an angry look and screwed the cap back on the bottle, "Ha-ha man, you're a real funny shit, now how do we really change into dogs?" Zack laughed as he watched long gray hairs begin to sprout across TJ's hands and face "It's already started man...take a look for yourself" Zack then pointed at TJ's growing fur with a grin on his face. TJ then looked down in confusion, then finally noticed it and lifted his hand to his face and started to feel the foreign hairs. "Ohh's happening! Ha-ha!!! It's really happening!!!" TJ then started to rapidly strip out of his clothes as the fur covered his body finally as he peeled off his underwear, his tail shot out of his back. Tj then started to rub his soft fur, and experiment with his new tail in excitement, his face then began to push out into a long muzzle, and his cock and balls then began to change as his member began to attach itself to his body and form a sheathe around it. His member than began to peak from its new home, to reveal its changed pointed tip and his His hands, feet, and ears began to change as they morphed into paws, and his ears moved to the top of his head and formed a triangle shape, a loud snap was heard then as TJ fell to the ground on all fours completing his change into a large husky.

"Deja vu..." mumbled Jared, and Zack leaned down and gently pet TJ scratched behind his ears "How ya feeling man?" Tj sniffed the air and looked around, then quickly licked Zack's hand and smiled a toothy grin "It feels amazing man! I mean the fur...the's so awesome! You guys gotta change too!" The crowd then all started to shout "Me first! Me first!" and Zack laughed and tossed the bottle to the nearest frat boy who quickly unscrewed it and took a swig of the liquid fur then started to sprout across his skin and he started to strip as well, the rest of the boys then began to strip from their clothes and shake in excitement as they watched their fellow members change before their eyes.

Zack then leaned down and whispered into Jared's ear "I've still got a promise to keep...let's let them have their fun and head upstairs..." Jared smiled and nodded in approval and followed Zack as they headed upstairs, the sound of barking and howling coming from down below as the frat boys changed. Finally, they reached an empty bedroom on the 2nd floor and Zack closed and locked the door behind him "Now we have some peace and quiet..." Zack then grinned and began to slowly peel the clothes off his body. Jared practically started to drool as he watched Zack strip in front of him again, and he started to feel the changes wash over him, and by the time Zack was finally finished stripping, Jared had once again returned to his canine form. "Aww...who's a good pooch?" Zack leaned down and began to scratch Jared's head and ears, causing him to murr in happiness and his tail to wag happily, Zack then started to move down Jared's back, scratching him all over, and causing him to lay down and roll onto his back, exposing his rock hard member, which was currently drooling pre into his fur.

"Aww, does the puppy want scratches?" Zack chuckled as he baby talked Jared, scratching along his stomach and periodically reaching down to grope Jared's member, finally after a while Zack then lightly gripped onto Jared's member and looked at him lovingly "Aww...the puppy's all boned up...does the puppy want me to help him out?" Jared, feeling slightly silly by all this decided to play along, and he barked in approval. Zack then grinned and leaned down and licked Jared's member slowly, causing him to yip in pleasure. " taste I'm betting the puppy wants some place to bury his bone I guess huh?" Jared then yapped in approval and got onto his feet as Zack climbed up onto the bed and lifted his ass into the air.

Jared then barked loudly and hopped onto the bed with him and shoved his muzzle into Zack's ass and began rimming his hole, causing Zack to moan and groan in pleasure and his massive slab of meet to harden underneath him. "Uuugh..ohh yea man! I can't wait to have a tongue like that!" After getting Zack's hole all lubed up, Jared then decided it was time, and he hopped onto Zack's back and hung onto his shoulders and began humping at his backside, it took him a few tries, but eventually he hit his mark, and the pointed tip of his member entered Zack's hole, causing himself and Jared to moan in pleasure. Jared then started to pant as he thrust in and out of Zack's hole, his knot brushing against his entrance with each thrust. Zack just moaned and groaned as he felt Jared's member slide into him, its pointed tip prodding against his prostate and elevating him to new highs of pleasure 'Uhhh...come on man! Harder! Deeper! Fuck me like a real animal!!" Jared, not wanting to disappoint, thrust even harder and deeper into Zack, his knot was really starting to press against him now, and with one big thrust, it finally entered him with a "Pop"

The feeling of his knot entering Zack was too much for Jared, and he let out a loud howl as he shot his load inside of Zack, spreading his infection to him. Zack, gasping for breath, smiled as he watched thin black fur sprout across his entire frame "Mm...yea...that's how I like it...rough!" There was a slight growl in Zack's voice as he said that, and the fur continued to spread across his body, a small nub of a tail then began to sprout at the base of his spine, and his face started to push out slightly into a medium length muzzle, his nose turning dark and wet, Zack then began to pant softly, enjoying the feeling of his new longer tongue. "Ohh feeling it! So!!" Zack's hands and feet then began to change as his thumbs merged into his hand and soft pads began to form on his palms, his groin then started to tingle as his still throbbing member began to attach itself to his stomach and form a sheathe around it, his 8 inches of man meat, changing into a red, pointed canine cock, with a large knot forming at the base. His ears then began to move slightly up his head and grow a thin layer of black fur as they lengthened into slightly longer and droopy ears. Zack's moans and groans of pleasure where then soon replaced by whines and murrs, as he felt his body shift, shrinking to a more useable size, and his back re-arranging itself so that he was forced into a quadruped stance. Finally, with his changes complete, Zack let out a loud howl as he shot his first canine load all over the bed sheets, now a very large, virile Rottweiler.

Zack panted in exhaustion as he came down from his post orgasmic high, then turned his head and looked at Jared, who was staring down at the newly changed were dog he was still tied to, "Thank you so much man! This feeling is so awesome! I feel so free...without limits or bounds! I've never felt so...alive!" Zack then licked Jared's face lovingly and Jared chuckled softly. "Well I'm glad you like it, I guess things will be a bit easier now that I have someone to change with...but I think we should head down in a bit to check up on the new "Pack" we have created..." Zack laughed and licked Jared's face again and laid down on the bed with Jared still tied to him and lying on his back, they weren't going to be going anywhere anytime soon...

Delta Omega Gamma

Good day to you all! this is an M/M Story and should not be read by individuals under the age of 18! Delta, Omega, Gamma It seemed like just a normal day here at the university, the birds where chirping and the sun was shining,...

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