Worthy encounter 2: birthday boy

Story by foxofinfinety on SoFurry

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legal mumbo-jumbo:

This story is for adults only, and may not be read by a minor.

You have to be 18 or in some countries 21 to read this story.

if you are not of legal age to view this story, please close this window immediately.

(Sorry, but I don't make the law....)

Jana and Garand are copyrighted © to BBMBBF and first appeared in the comic "worthy encounter" by Palcomix

Krystal is Copyrighted © Nintendo/RareWare and Nintendo/Namco

and first appeared in Starfox adventures, and later also in Starfox Assault and Starfox Command.

this story contains:

vaginal, anal, incest, m/f, f/f, f/f/m, deep penetration, toys, fox, vixen,

Note to the parents:

I cannot be held responsible for a minor viewing this story, it is not my responsibility to look after other peoples kids and I also don't have the time to.

ok, took WAAAAAAAAAY longer to write then intended, but it's here.

first things first, for anyone now thinking "2? where's part one?" part one is a comic by [Palcomx](%5C) which you can find [here](%5C).

in that comic two characters do not have a name, they are both listed with a name within the story, I asked Bbmbbf if the names where OK, as he didn't have names for them yet (which I would need in a story.)

I'm quite sure it's clear which name is which as we have Krystal and then only one guy and one girl, so they should be possible to find.

I hope you like the story and would like to hear feedback.

and I have no ideas for any next story right now....

ideas are welcome, even if kinda kinky but keep in mind sending it doens't mean I'll write it, depends on what I think of the idea.

Jana heard the phone ring, when she picked it up, she immediately knew who was calling.

"hey Jana, how are you?" a familiar voice said.

"Krystal, what a surprise, I'm good, so is Garand, you?" Jana replied.

"good, good, btw, where is Garand?" the blue fox said.

Jana told he was getting groceries at the local store.

"good, I wanted to talk to you alone, Garand's birthday is a two weeks right?" Krystal said.

"yep, why? Got a plan to surprise him?" Jana replied.

"I do, and I'm sure he'd like it, but I'd need you help a bit" Krystal told her.

The two girls talked about Krystal's plan for about an hour.

Finishing just before Garand got back, Jana didn't say anything about Krystal's call.

Fearing Garand would ask what they had talked about if she said Krystal had called.

Two weeks later when Garand woke up his was greeted by Jana, with a breakfast for him.

"happy birthday Garand" she smiled.

"thanks Jana" Garand replied.

Further the day seemed quite normal.

Jana had told Garand there would be a big surprise for him as well, but not until the evening.

Jana eventually asked Garand if he could pick up a package from a store.

At first he didn't really feel like it as the store was quite far, but Jana managed to talk him over to go, little did Garand know that it was for the surprise Jana, and Krystal, had planned for him.

Shortly after Garand left to the store Jana gave Krystal a call to let her know she could come now.

This was the reason Jana asked Garand to pick it up rather then do it herself.

Krystal soon came to Garand and Jana's house.

"got everything?" Jana asked.

Krystal winked and hold up a large bag "yep, in here".

"I do need to warn you though, there a bit bigger then I though they where, so you may want to make sure there not to big, we don't have to use them." Krystal said.

Jana took the bag of Krystal and looked at the contents of the bag.

"I think they'll be fine, where did you get them though?" Jana asked.

"well, from Jessica actually, she's bi and she had asked me if I wanted to use them tougher with her once, since then I know she has them" Krystal said.

"O yeah, Jessica is your room mate right? and she just lets us use them?" Jana wondered.

"yes, and, well, not just, I she insisted I'd use them with her then as well, said that if I didn't like them I didn't need to borrow them either, which is a good point, besides that I knew she really wanted to use them on me, ever since I said no the first time she'd been trying it every week, so I though, I'm going to use them with a girl anyway so..." Krystal replied.

"ok, we should start get things ready before Garand comes back" Jana said.

"yeah right, let's get upstairs and pick the ones we want to use, she just gave me all or them, said we may find some we may also like to use" Krystal said.

Once the girls where in Jana and Garand's bedroom they turned the bad or toys upside down on the bed, as Krystal had said it where all the toys her room mate owned.

Jessica owned quite a lot of toys, but there where two toys Krystal and Jana where most interested in.

which where the exact two toys Jessica had asked Krystal to use with her, one was a green strap-on and a bright red double sides dildo, both, like most of the toys Jessica owned, quite large.

Jana grabbed the strap-on to take a look at it, while doing so she noticed something odd.

"Krystal, what's that rubber patch at the butt area on this thing for?" she asked.

Krystal explained that the patch could be taken off after which a special plug could be put on the strap-on harness.

"I think Garand may like to see that, you know he really likes anal" Jana said.

"yeah, give him a choice and he'll take your butt" Krystal said.

"ha, as if you didn't like it, you clearly loved it that way" Jana replied.

"I never said I didn't, but it does show what he likes, so you wanna use one then?" Krystal said.

"hm, maybe, Garand would love to see it, but most of these toys are rather big, so I'd first like to see how big the plug would be" Jana said, a little afraid of how big it may be.

Krystal started to look for the plug that would fit the toy under the pile of toys on the bed.

Other then Jana had expected Krystal actually gabbed several plugs or various sizes.

Jana noticed one was pretty much the same size as the dildo on the strap-on was.

"I think this one would be fine" Jana said as she grabbed it.

Jana and Krystal decided to use that one, as Krystal took the rubber patch off of the harness and attached the plug to it Jana took a look at the clock.

"damn, Krystal we got to hurry Garand can be back anytime" Jana said.

Like Krystal, Jana had done some planning as well.

Expanding upon Krystal's idea.

"hey Krystal, you wearing that sexy lingerie you mentioned to greet Garand in?" she asked.

"of course I am, else I can't greet him in it can I?" Krystal replied.

"I hoped so, as we said I made sure Garand is not in the house so we can plan this, I send him to pickup something, What he doesn't know is that it's a camera, as we mentioned recording this, and we didn't have one yet." Jana explained.

"ok, and what's that got to do with my underwear? Wanted him to be filming as I greet him?" Krystal wanted to know.

"not precisely, right now it should be wrapped in brown packaging paper as I requested that, I was thinking it may be nice if you'd lay down on the couch, when he comes in I let him open it in the hall, giving it to him as a gift, and then mention there is a second part of that gift, which will be what you planned, I then bring him into the room where he'll see you and then we go upstairs and start the plan" Jana said.

Krystal liked the idea and took off most of her clothes, but kept on the lingerie as she laid down on the couch, Jana went to the door, both waiting for Garand to come home.

As they had expected Garand came home shortly after the girl where done sorting toys.

Jana opened the door as she saw Garand on the drive way.

"hey Jana, where you waiting for me?" Garand said jokingly.

"Actually I was, and that package I asked you to pick up, is for you." Jana replied.

As Jana said Garand opened the package.

Garand was surprised to see a camera in the package, although he did sometimes took photo's, he didn't really film anything.

Jana smiled and said "there is something that comes with that".

Jana started to walk to the living room, Jana told Garand to followed her.

Garand had been may have been surprised he got a video camera, but that was nothing to his surprise as she noticed Krystal, on the couch, in nothing but lingerie.

Krystal was wearing a black bra and string.

On both where some small hearts in relief, one at each nipple and one at her crotch.

Both the string and bra where made of a very open fabric,

making them look partially transparent.

While Garand was looking at Krystal,

Jana silently took of most of her clothes, taking off everything, but a bra, and a string.

Jana's bra and string looked a bit like Krystal's, black with a relief image on them and made of a open fabric, but other then Krystal's, Jana's had a rose on them.

The roses where at the same places at the hearts on Krystal's bra and string.

When she Jana had the rest of her clothing of she put her hand on Garands shoulder,

causing him to turn around, looking at this lover, and cousin, wearing just lingerie.

Garand had seen her before with this lingerie, but he still loved to see her in it.

As they had planned Krystal got up and started to walk towards the stairs.

As Jana did the same Garand got the hint and grabbed his new camera and followed them.

When walking on the stairs Jana and Krystal both lifter their tails.

Making sure Garand could see there asses as they walked to the bedroom.

Both Jana and Krystal made sure to move their hips as much as they could walking up.

The girls made sure to walk up slowly, giving Garand more time to look.

Garand, of course, didn't mind, for him this walk could take hours more, Garand made sure to film it all as they walked up.

Even when walking as slowly as they did, the trip up the stairs wasn't long.

And they soon arrived at the top.

Once upstairs the three went into Jana and Garand's bedroom.

Where Garand noticed the toys Jana and Krystal had picked to use.

They had also put a chair in the room, which they told Garand to sit down on.

Garand did as he was asked, seeing both girls get onto the bed, taking of the little bit of clothing they were wearing.

Jana grabbed the double headed dildo as Krystal got on her hands and knees on the bed. "if I'm not mistaken you also like to watch..." Jana said, making the girls giggle a bit, but all three knew it was true.

Jana got on the bed with Krystal, making sure to point her ass opposite to Krystal's.

Putting the toy between them, holding one of the toys tips to her pussy.

Krystal got a hold off the other tip and pointed her at her pussy. When Krystal nodded to Jana the girls slowly pushed themselves toward each other, slowly sliding the toy inside of them. "ooh, it's bigger then I though" Jana said moaning "it feels good though...".

Krystal started to moan as well, as they kept sliding the toy in further, there asses touched when the toy was completely inside the girls.

Garand's cock slowly got erect as the girls pushed against each other faster every time.

Krystal suddenly had an idea, she slowly pulled herself ot the toy, pointing at to her ass.

Krystal gasped a bit as the toy slipped into her tight hole, Jana pushing a bit more then she had expected.

As Krystal felt the big toy dig around into her behind Garand perked up, making sure to look closely as the toy slipped into Krystal over and over again.

When Jana saw Garand's reaction to Krystal's actions she herself decided to do the same, she quickly pulled herself off the toy, and made sure to guide it into her butt, moaning as it slid in.

Garand's cock grew further erect as he looked at the two girls,

both made sure to bump their asses against each other rapidly, making the big dildo slide around in their ass quickly.

Both girls moaned as they slid the toy deeply into their ass time after time.

Krystal suddenly pulled herself off the thick toy "although I'd love to feel that thing in me for a much longer time, but I think we've teased you enough" she said as she got on her knees in front of Garand, licking her lips at the view of his cock.

Krystal slowly started to lick at Garands cock, making him moan as the feeling of her warm tongue.

Jana got herself against a pillow, making sure to keep her butt in Garand's view, slowly starting to slide the big double header into her ass again, this time wanting to work it in completely.

Krystal quickly switched from licking to sucking as Garand looked at Jana, who slowly slid the toy further.

Garand moaned as he felt Krystal continue to suck his cock.

Krystal wanting to taste his cum, hoping Jana's work with the long toy would make him cum soon.

Jana did her best to work the toy in further, going slowly on herself she finally managed to work the second tip inside herself, completely hiding it inside her ass.

As soon as Jana had managed to get the toy in completely Garand came,

jets of his cum spraying into Krystal's mouth.

Krystal tightened her lips around his cock, doing her best to drink it down.

When Garand was done cumming Krystal pulled herself off him.

"as it's your birthday I think we can give you something better" Krystal said as she bend over the bed, lifting her tail for Garand.

"come on, we both know you want to..." Krystal teased.

Garand got up, walking over to Krystal.

As Garand got behind Krystal he pointed his cock at her dripping cunt.

Krystal slowly pushed his cock up, "with me only here" she said as she pointed his cock at the ass.

As he didn't mind Garand slowly started to slide his cock into Krystal's ass.

Jana slowly let the toy slide out of her again, panting heavily as she slowly felt it go out.

"you may pick the pace if you want" Krystal said to Garand as she flexed her hole around his cock.

Garand started to fuck Krystal's ass making sure not to go to fast.

Slowly going faster with each thrust, making both himself and Krystal moan in pleasure.

Jana just rested as she enjoyed the show the two where making.

After Krystal's previous actions as well as the view he had earlier he didn't need much time to cum, slowly filling Krystal's tail hole with his warm cum.

When Krystal felt Garand started to fill her hole with his creamy cum she couldn't hold it anymore, the warmth of Garands cum combined with his speedy thrust send her over the edge.

Even in the short time it took for Garand and Krystal to reach their orgasm Jana found she had rested enough.

Jana grabbed the strap-on "so, want to go on with the next show" she asked Krystal.

Krystal slowly pulled herself of Garand's cock, and got on the bed again, getting on her knees and pushing her chest against the bed, "sure, get it on if you want to start" she said.

As told Jana slowly got into the harness, gasping a bit as the big plug slipped into her ass.

As the girls had decided while Garand was away Jana quickly slipped the toy into Krystal's rear, wasting no time and started to pump it into the tight hole.

Garand got back in the chair, enjoying the show again.

Krystal moaned loudly as she felt the toy pump into her rapidly, loving every thrust.

Jana kept up her fast thrusts into Krystal's rear, making Krystal's pussy get wetter with every thrust, when she though Krystal was almost going to cum Jana pulled out of her ass and slipped it into Krystal's dripping snatch.

Krystal moaned again as she came almost instantly after the strap-on entered her begging pussy.

Krystal panted heavily as she felt the wonderful after waves of her orgasm.

Jana slowly pulled the toy out of Krystal as she started to talk to Garand.

"well, I think both me and Krystal don't have a lot left, but we want to give you one last thing" Jana said to Garand "get your back against the pillow, I'll give you one last present".

Garand did not need to have that be told again, he laid down against the pillow.

Jana took of the strap-on, gasping again as she felt the big plug go out of her, after she tossed the strap-on aside she got on top of Garand.

Jana gave him as kiss as she lowered herself onto his erect cock.

Krystal also had a last idea for Garand, she grabbed the double headed dildo again, and slowly started to pump it into her ass again, slipping it deeper every time it went in.

Garand enjoyed the show as she felt Jana's soft pussy slide over his cock.

Both Jana and Garand moaned as they both started to rock their hips against each other.

As Krystal eventually had worked the long toy all the way into her ass, just like Jana had done earlier, she got one last, but unplanned idea.

Krystal grabbed the strap-on again, and started to put it on, holding her finger to her lips to make sure Garand would be silent.

Krystal found herself having a bit of trouble to get the plug on the strap-on into her ass, the long double header making her full on it's own, but after a bit of wiggling with the toy she got the plug in.

Garand knew exactly what Krystal had in mind, and he loved the idea.

To Jana's surprise she suddenly felt Krystal push the big strap-on to her ass.

"Hey, you should ask first" Jana said, laughing a bit.

"Why? I know you like it" Krystal said as she quickly slipped the entire toy into Jana's backdoor.

Jana moaned loudly at the unexpected filling.

Even though she didn't expect it Jana loved the toy inside her,

Feeling Krystal thrust it in faster every time.

Just like the girls Garand didn't have a lot left, he soon came from the feeling of Jana's soft pussy as well as the view of Krystal pumping Jana's rear with the strap-on.

Jana moaned as she felt the warm cum spray into her in short, thick jets.

Both Krystal and Garand continued their moves until they made Jana cum as well.

After Jana came Krystal slowly pulled the strap-on out of her, laying down besides Garand, too tired to take the toys out of her own ass.

Just like Krystal Jana was tired as well, she slowly pulled herself off of Garand and got on his other side.

The three hugged a bit and soon dosed off to sleep...

Evening plans

This story is my part of a trade with the roop. Legal nick-nag: _this story is for adults only._ _if you are not of legal age, don't read it._ _A note for the parents:_ _I can not be held responsible for under-aged viewing...

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