Trespassing a dragons territory

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A somewhat short story about a dangerous encounter of a fox with a dragon. Contains a big dominant dragoness, a submissive fox (who secretly really enjoys most of this), lots of wet kissing, cunnilingus and no unnecessary violence.

Lots of negative critique about the writing style, grammar and vocabulary is highly appreciated. English is not my first language and I definitely want to know everything that could have been written better. You can't hurt my feelings, so don't hold back. Thanks.


Ledik, a young adult fox, is traveling the northern mountain ranges that are still unexplored. Being an experienced traveler, he felt like he was up to the task, and the journey will pay off once he gets the map he made of the area safely back home.

There are tales of dragons roaming in the forests that cover those mountains, which he just found very fascinating, though he doesn't really believe in it. Not only hasn't there been anyone here yet before him presumably, it's also just an unlikely fairy tale. There isn't any real evidence about them. Settlements are just too far away, and people are occupied with different problems anyway.

He was hiking up a mountain towards a clearing he spotted, which might be a good vantage point. In the distance a darkened sky is slowly getting closer, a good reason to hurry up and also set up a camp.

Twigs are cracking somewhere...

He turns around. The forest was thick and the terrain complicated, the setting sun made it hard to see far, so he couldn't spot anyone, or anything. He knows that dangerous animals could be lurking somewhere, so he dropped his heavy bag, pulled his knife and listened. A sudden light breeze is blowing through his hair and leaves are rustling.

After a while of looking around, he figured that it was probably just a bird or something. He better reaches the clearing to set up his camp before it gets too dark.

"Above you" says a voice suddenly from above. Ledik lifts his head, startled. Over him, an appalling creature was holding onto a tree. It has long wings stretched out, its claws are digging into the bark, its long tail dancing through the air, and sharp teeth showing through a widening smile. The dragon jumped from one tree to the next, silent like a predator. Its wings flapping carefully to control itself in the air. Wind blows through his hair.

"What is that in your hands, tiny one? Is that a weapon?" it asks, sounding intrigued.

"Y... Yes, but I mean no harm!". Lediks eyes widened. His pulse is rising.

"Then why are you here? This is my territory!" The dragon frowns.

"I didn't know this was your territory..."

"Liar!". The creatures smile disappears, and it jumps down the tree and lands forcefully on the ground, the earth rumbling. Even on all four legs, it's almost as tall than Ledik. Its dark brown and grey scaled hide almost looks like a black silhuette against the sun.

Slowly it walks towards him. He takes slow and careful steps backwards, his knife in front of him in his shaky hand. He knew how avoid trouble with most wildlife, but this was unexpected.

"That is a puny weapon, and I feel both offended and amused that you think you can use this to protect yourself. Tell me your name".


"I am Lajrag, the most venerable dragoness who owns this mountain, and you are in trouble."

"I'll leave, don't worry, you'll never see me again!", Ledik is getting very nervous.

"Heh, well, too late. Now put your weapon aside or I'll make you drop it. Don't fucking offend me."

Ledik freezes. His heart racing. His mouth opens, but nothing comes from it. He looks at his knife.

"You'll just kill me! How can I trust you?"

"I haven't decided yet. Any outcome is possible, but it depends on whether or not I like you." Lajrag scowls hat him.

Ledik keeps walking backwards, but stumbles over an exposed tree root. He falls backwards, and in that moment Lajrag jumps forward. He tries to swing the knife, but his reaction is fast enough. She grabs his hand with her strong claws and clutches it hard, forcing it open. The knife drops. Ledik drops hard on his back on rough terrain. The dragon has him pinned down now.

"I told you to drop your knife, asshole!" she is pretty huffed with him and yells into his face, with her exposed sharp teeth close to his head and droplets of saliva flying around. Ledik screams.

She picks up the knife from the floor and tosses it far away. She then lets him go. He clumsily tries to stand up and almost falls down again.

"Now we can talk." says Lajrag. She seems to slowly calm down. She circles him closely, smelling him, his neck, his hair and his face.

"I can see you are very afraid, aren't you?"

Ledik nods.

"Why don't apologize?"

"I'm sorry!"


"Disturbing your territory... and... and for aiming a knife at you."

"See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Now if you are a good little boy I won't have to anguish you again" her lips form a dangerous smile again. She stops circling behind him, and puts her claws onto his shoulders. Her face next to his.

"I have seen your kind from the distance before. What do you call yourselves?"

"F... Foxes. We are Foxes..."

"Now tell me again, why are you here?" she says carefully into his ear with a rumbling voice. Her warm breath blowing against it. It almost sounds like she is enjoying herself.

"I'm just making a map of the area, no bad intentions."

"Ahh, we'll have to destroy the map, I don't want pesky people like you to lurk around here. You understand that, don't you?"

Ledik looks dismayed. After a while he just says "Yes."

He reaches into his bag and hands her the map.

"Poor guy, I'm almost sorry to dash your hopes. But doing whatever the fuck I want here is my prerogative as the mountains ruler" she says with a wide grin.

She rips the map into pieces, drops it and pushes it into the ground with her foot. She looks at him for some time, towering over him at twice his height. He doesn't say anything. He just holds on to his hurting hand and looks away. Ledik has to sit down and looks to the ground. His back hurts. Awkward silence. She just keeps looking down on him. Has she been too rough with him?

Sigh. "Well, for fuck's sake, you won't cry now, will you?"

He looks up to her with big eyes. That look is too much for her.

"Ahh, shit, look, I won't kill you, all right?"


"There, there" she reaches forward and pats him on his head. But then realizes how stupid this is and places her palm on her face instead. Frowning, sighing, thinking.

"You need to find shelter somewhere, don't you? Before the night? A storm is getting closer."

"That was my plan anyway"

"Fine. Follow me." Realizing that there is no way that tiny creature will trust her, she adds "That's an order!"

He slowly picks up his bag.

"You... are still able to walk, aren't you?"


"Ok, good. And don't try anything funny. For your own sake."

They walk for a while upwards. Ledik has trouble keeping up with her, so Lajrag offered to carry his bag.

"I'm sorry little fox. I got a bit carried away earlier. You are in no danger, and I don't want you to remember me as that haughty asshole dragon from the north."

"I guess."

"Yeah, you guess." she says, and takes his hand. "But still, that doesn't mean you shouldn't know your place around here" she says, smirking at him.

Ledik stares at his gentle paws in her big dangerous dragon claws.

"People here are first and foremost intruders, and that won't ever change, for this is my domain. But... I have to say you are cute little one."

He looks a bit startled upon hearing that. Suddenly, Lajrag lifts him up and puts him on her back. His voice risen, almost shouting, he quickly says "No, don't fly, I'm going to fall!"

"I can't fly with all that tra... I mean with your belongings, and you. No. Don't worry. I'll just carry you upwards." She laughs.


They eventually reach a short cave on a ledge. Lajrag puts him and his bag down. Ledik almost falls to the ground, and his back still hurts a bit.

"We are here" says the dragoness. "You can set up your camp in the cave entrance below the overhang, it will protect you from the storm."

"Thank you." Ledik says with a neutral expression. He starts unpacking everything, and pulls the rods through the fabric of the tent.

"You carry a cute little house around with you. I wonder if you'll ever get to see where I usually life."

"You mean, some other... cave?"

She looks at him in a neutral expression for a while. "Oh, was this an honest question? Or are you trying to be funny?"

"Honest question."

"Oh boy. You really can't get much more isolated from the world as your folks, it seems. No. Not a cave. Turns out a fluently talking dragon with hands lives in less deplorable conditions than under a fucking rock. We have houses."

Ledik doesn't know if and how to react to this, so he just makes a small embarrassed nod. He sits down, and turns his head to face the valley below. Behind some trees he catches a glimpse of a beautiful view. The sun is touching the horizon now, warm colors are setting the mountain tops in the distance aglow. Lajrag sits next to him. "I see you are enjoying the view? I share your sentiments, I love this place, those mountains are very dear to me."

Ledik didn't notice at first, but Lajrag just stares at him. It makes him uncomfortable.

"Now, don't worry about what I'm about to do. Everything is all right."

His eyes open wide. What is this now about? He looks very sceptical. Lajrag then grabs him and pulls him close to her, hugging him like a plush animal.

"I think this is really interesting, I am starting to enjoy the company of a cute little odd creature like you". She wiggles him around, and holds him tightly.

"This is really confusing... Was this your incentive to bring me along?", Ledik almost sounds annoyed.

"No it wasn't!" is her attempt at a counter to that question. "You really need to change your dirty clothes though. And how is your hand doing?"

"It hurts, but I think nothing is broken or anything."

"Glad to hear that. I didn't try to break anything, it was never my intention to actually... tear you into pieces or whatever."

She carefully puts his hurting hand into her palm. Feeling his skin and fingers, exploring what he feels like.

Her gaze turns toward the darkened sky. "Do you want to make a fire? We could hurry up and collect some firewood before it starts pouring down. Do you carry matches with you?"

Finally an excuse to escape from her hug. He frees himself, stands up and says "S... Sure thing. Yeah, lets do that!" It didn't sound very convincing to himself either. "But, can't you breathe fire? Why do we need matches?"

"Breathe fire?"

"Yeah, like throwing flames out of your mouth."

"No? That sounds like it would hurt. How would I do that?"

"I don't know. I just thought this is something your body can do."

Lajrag has to laugh sincerely. "Cute. No. I'm not some sort of fire god."

They walk around the forest for a while and pick up dead wood from the ground. Lajrag breaks some impressive branches off some trees and throws a proud look over to Ledik, just to intimidate him. Sparse drops of water are already hitting leaves around them, so they turn around. Back at the cave, they make a stone circle in the entrance and pile their wood up inside it, and make a small pyramid of lots of tiny twigs in the middle. Ledik reaches into his bag and pulls out a fire starter and a few matches. He places the starter below the twigs and lights it up with his match. After some time, and gentle blows of air, the fire starts to grow. It's dark outside now. Rain pours down. They sit around their fire for some time.

"Good job" she says. "You really came prepared."

"Do you not have anything like this? I mean, matches or anything"

"No, I don't need a fire to stay warm, not during the summer months at least. All I want is a blanket to lie on, and you can find that one deeper into the cave."

"That's actually incredible, you are pretty tough. All of my stuff is really indispensable for me."

The warm light of the fire makes their shadows dance on the caves walls.


"Ledik?" The dragoness walks closer to him on all fours and looks down to him, who is still sitting in front of the fire.


"Are you comfortable now?"

"I am... But... I put a lot of work into that map. To be honest, this is a disappointing day."

Lajrag sighs. "Come on, you can still make this journey worthwhile for yourself. There is so much to explore beyond the mountains. There is more of my kind out there, just make sure to stay clear of the mountains as much as you can. I can't promise they'll be as forgiving as I am."

"Yeah, sure, I was having a great time traveling, I enjoy it, I really do. But..."



They look at each other

"Lets trade something. I took your map, and you can have something from me in return."

"I don't know. I won't take your blanket from you."

Lajrag chuckles. "Then think of something else."

Ledik is lost in thought for a minute. Maybe have her carry his bag for another day? Food? Or is that too much to ask for. And does that really make up his loss? He then gets some other ideas that make him smile shyly, but he just shakes his head and forces a neutral expression again.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"What did you just think about. Do you have any idea?"

"No, I don't really know. At least tell me how to continue traveling from here"

"Oh come on, you can have that for free."


They are silent for a few more moments. Lajrag gets even closer.

"Fine, Ledik, let me propose something then." She puts her finger on his chest and moves it down slowly. "How about I..." she says in a careful voice, her finger continuing to move down, "How about I have some fun with you tonight?" Right as she finishes her sentence, her claws press into his crotch. Ledik is taken aback at first and closes his eyes, as if in pain, his paw reaching to her claws, but soon calms a bit down.


"Yes, little fox?"

He looks to the side, embarrassed. "We probably could do that, I guess."

She laughs. "Then finally take your dirty clothes off, or I'll do it for you. But I can't guarantee that I won't shred it to pieces."

Ledik complies, and Lajrag smiles. She likes what she sees. The campfire illuminates his orange fur in a warm light.

"I'm very curious about you. I haven't had one of your kind yet, and I will try you tonight. However, despite everything, and I'm repeating myself, you still have to know your place around here."

She takes a step backwards, sits down and watches as Ledik takes off his remaining clothes, stopping at his underwear.

"Good boy!" she exclaims. "Let me help you with that". She reaches forward, and pulls down his panties. "Fascinating!". Ledik looks away.

She takes a good look at his cock, slowly growing out of his sheath. She gets closer and licks across it. "Interesting taste! And you really are getting hard, I was afraid you wouldn't. You'll obey, right?"

He nods, though he seems to be visibly irritated and confused.

"Well then!" she says and lies down on her side in a comfortable distance to the fire. "Come closer and give your new queen a good kiss."

Lediks body language is very telling about how he feels. He can't hide his arousal and curiosity, not a bit, but his whole pose is still one of fear, shyness or even embarrassment. He doesn't manage to say anything, so he just nods and walks over to her. He leans forward and places a small kiss on her lips.

"Cute, but you'll have to do more than that to please me. Try again!"

He tries again, this time holding it for longer. Feeling his small mouth press against her large mighty muzzle is exciting him a lot, making his heart beat really fast. She slightly opens her mouth and gives him a cautious lick across his lips with the tip of her tongue, and then pushes it in carefully. He opens his mouth in response, and allows her large wet tongue into him. Their tongues are touching, and slowly dance around on each other.

"I can't wait to get really intimate with you." she says with a rumbling voice.

She leans in for another deep kiss and their tongues touch again. She then opens her mouth wide, presenting her dangerous sharp teeth to him. Ledik pulls away and looks at her maw.

"I didn't tell you to stop! I won't eat you" she says angrily. "You are going to enjoy exploring all of me, and we start up here. I expect you to make good use of your tongue today!"

She opens her mouth again and waits. She smiles, causing her lips to pull back and uncover all of her teeth.

Ledik looks at her drooling muzzle. He gets a bit closer, stops, unsure how to continue, and after a short hesitation starts pulling his tongue across her tongues tip, and licks it repeatedly. He then moves to the side of her head to do the same on her lips. She lifts her tongue up, and Ledik runs his tongue across its underside as well. The fur on his muzzle is getting all wet, and streaks of saliva between him and her maw are falling down. He runs his paw across his snout to clear it off.

She then grabs his head, gesturing for him to open his mouth, raises a bit and lets her saliva drip into his muzzle. Finally, she pushes in to give him the deepest kiss yet. He feels her teeth on his nose, and her tongue pushing deeply into him. Swirling around, tasting him, probing all of it. He tenses up, closes his eyes, moans and swallows her drool.

"Good. Tell me how much you enjoy tasting me, my little pet."

"I... love tasting you" he says.

Ledik has gotten hard. "Let me help you with that" whispers Lajrag. Upon seeing her sharp teeth getting closer to his cock he pulls back in panic at first, but Lajrag grabs him and holds him tight in place. She is careful with it, and closes her lips around it. The dragons tongue plays with it, swirling around his tip and running up and down his length. She sucks for a while, until Ledik starts shaking. "Oh god" he exclaims. The view of having that huge dragoness between his legs is incredibly arousing somehow. But this is when she pulls away quickly. Ledik is right on the edge of an orgasm, his cock twitching repeatedly as if shooting his load, but nothing comes from it. His teeth are clenching, and his head turned back.

"Well, that was close, I don't want this to end early."

He nods again. Lajrag spreads her legs and presents her pussy. "You'll go down on me now."

He crouches down to her legs and sniffs on it, not an unappealing smell, instead it's quite interesting somehow. The smell of a dragons privates. He spreads her lips with his fingers, and can already see how dripping wet she is. He is going to experience how a dragoness tastes like, he is going to enjoy it, and he is going to get it all over his face, he thinks. His cock is still twitching a little bit, he touches it with his other paw, but Lajrag yells angrily "Don't you fucking dare touch yourself now! I'm not finished with your cock!"

He flinches and looks up to her, but just nods and faces the dragons wet pussy again. He looks at her clit, then opens his mouth and gently touches it with his tongue. After a few careful attempts he goes all in and starts licking her entire vulva repeatedly. Starting on the bottom, going all the way up and pulling his tongue over her sensitive clit, again and again. He pushes in a bit more to dig it into her wet vagina each time. It feels very slippery and slimy, and he gets is all around his lips and her outsides. Lajrag moans, and her legs are twitching. Her tail is moving slowly from side to side.

He puts his whole mouth over her clit and plays around with it with his tongue. He goes in tiny circles around it and keeps doing that, which makes her moan louder and louder. And after a while, she starts to spasm, grabs his head and forces him against her pussy. "Oh fuck yeah you dirty fucking pet! Fell your queens orgasm in your face!" she yells. His tongue is covered in her juice, and his mouth is watering in excitement, making him swallow. Ledik pulls away, wet strings hanging down between his lips and her privates.

"Oh you are a pervy little fox" she says. And then smiles. "You know, if you want to, you may put your cock into it."

He nods, gets on his knees, crawls a bit closer, and points his tip it at her. He then climbs onto her while pushing his penis into the dragon. She smiles sincerely at him, and kisses him again. They rub their tongues against each other, while he slowly but steadily humps her.

"You like fucking dragons, don't you?"

His eyes are closed in passion. It's an incredibly beautiful feeling, to gently push his sensitive privates into a dragons large and wet pussy. "Lajrag" he says. "Lajrag, I..."

"Yes?" she says, smiling at him.

"Oh god."

His paws are clumsily gripping onto her body. His hip going back and forth, until he gets closer to his climax, feeling the warmth and excitement of it inside him. She presses her lips onto his one more time, and Ledik starts moaning into her muzzle. This whole situation feels just right, and blissfully so. His cock twitches, and he moans loudly into her, and Lajrag responds by gently moving her tongue into his maw again, swirling around in him.

When he pushes him into her again, he feels the first load of cum leaving him. Somehow an incredibly freeing feeling, to shoot his load into a different creature than his own. He feels her scales on his chest though his fur, her tongue lovingly pleasing his mouth, her breath on his face, and her strong muscles under him. He pulls out and pushes in again. He can feel more of his sperm leave his opening, filling the powerful creature under him up a bit more. He lets out more uncontrollable high pitched moans, and their tongues glide around on each other.

Having an orgasm inside a dragon is beyond his wildest dreams. He humps her wildly and with passion. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't stop, his body is beyond his control now, and it feels amazing. When he finally finishes humping, he remains in her a bit more, enjoying the warmth of her pussy on him while he is getting softer and softer.

She hugs him tightly and whipsers "Good boy."

Next Day

"Ledik, I trust you won't be telling anyone about how to get here? Are you ok with not having your map? I want this to be a quiet place. In return, well." She blushes a bit. "I don't say this often. But you are welcome to visit me again..."

Ledik smiles. "I promise. I won't make a new map, and I will keep you a secret. And remember you."

"You can go back. Or... you can continue north. I know that not only dragons, but other kinds of creatures are roaming there, I have actually been there myself and met them. And they seem nice enough. They leave me alone here, which is always something that I like about people."

He thinks for a while. "You know, if you think this is a good idea I'll give it a try."

"You are a quite intrepid little adventurer after all, I must say. But that means prolonging your journey, aren't people going to miss you?"

Ledik seems a bit lost in thought suddenly. "Oh well, don't worry about that... Lets just say I don't have anything that holds me back."

She makes an understanding nod, and doesn't ask any more questions.

He shoulders his bag and heads into the unknown.