Part XVIII - And With That, I Close the Door

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#18 of From the Depths Wrought Within and Without

The Good Ending.

For once this story Adult cause there's actual sex, and not just cause the source material is Adults-only.

I think the term for this is "crack-ship." For the sake of classification, assume this to be based on the Modern AU as presented in the Smoke Room holiday specials, and that the events of echo played out as they would in the world those holiday specials present: what that last clause means precisely may remain to be seen.

Cover art by Eden, aka @/GayGooCat on twitter.

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There was no particular celebration, that night at the cabin. No fanfare. No triumphal parade. Nik asked Will a few polite questions about how the shoot had gone and from there the conversation meandered into methods of constructing climate-resistant architecture, and that was the closest anyone got to congratulations.

But Leo felt like he'd won. He didn't know what, or against what, but it was like the feeling of having a final test you were sure you were going to fail, or a dentist appointment that you expected to be long and painful, instead pass easily, and swiftly, and fall impotently into the past behind you.

So what affection Leo was given that night, he took as celebration, and he was given plenty: Murdoch pulled him aside after dinner, left Nik and Will to clear the table. Upstairs, in the fox and stoat's room, Sam and Cliff were already undressed, idly kissing, and in front of them Todd knelt, naked and wearing the kind of collar you'd get for five bucks at a pet store checkout line, a string of clear fluid--saliva or pre or both--momentarily hung between the otter's lips and the tip of Cliff's cock.

Todd blushed scarlet when he looked up and met Leo's eyes. "I... got curious, is all."

Cliff riding him astride his waist, on his back, while Sam thrust into him between his legs, soon became kneeling behind Murdoch while the fox sat on the edge of the bed, supported in Leo's arms while Todd's mouth shyly explored the fox's shaft, and after, downstairs again, became just lying on the couch with his face buried in Nik's soft chest fur, the badger's arms around him.

It was an impressive bounty, as if time wanted to make recompense for the long lonely years. Perhaps that is only seeing an echo of our own thoughts and intentions reflected on time, and time does not really do things like 'recompense.'

But perhaps it does.

As midnight approached, Will called him into his office. Leo's owner was brooding over his computer, the screen was full of things like 'DMV records Arizona: 2015 - 2020' and 'CASE #918-00327-489-1065' and an article headline "Payton PD on Missing Student - "Not Our Problem." Without looking up, Will pointed to the floor in front of him, and as Leo knelt he finished an email and clicked 'SEND.'

"Well pup," Will looked down and stroked neckscruff of the wolf kneeling before him. "Smells like the boys have been getting some use out of you."

"Yes master," Leo answered.

"How do you like it," Will began unbuttoning his shirt, "when they use you?"

"I love it, master."

"You love what, being a slave?" Shirt fully open now.

"I do, master." Leo's let his tail wag slowly, "And I love you, master."

"But you look like you've got a question."

Leo looked down. Will was right, of course. "How did you know, sir?"

"How did I know what?" Will leaned over him, not quite protectively, but ready at a moment's notice to become so.

"That... this was what I needed. Like, it's a hell of a long shot, yeah? Just offering to... own me. How did you know I'd want it, sir?"

"Well," Will ran his claws along his sideburns, "when I start to feel, sometimes, like it looked like you were feeling when I found you, it's the kinda thing I want. Being collared for a little, being treated like property, that's usually what helps, you know?"

Leo's ears went straight up, and his eyes went wide.

Will tossed back his head and laughed. "Why did you think I already had all the gear lying around for you?" The coyote leaned down, stroked his slave's blushing ears. "You're a very good boy, Leo." And while Leo closed his eyes, and sighed blissfully, "and you know what to do," he unzipped his pants, "with this."

Leo's tail wagged faster. "Yessir."

"Then get to work," Will leaned back in the chair with his hands folded behind his head.

Leo buried his nose in the jockstrap, and dismissed everything but Will's scent from his mind: his cologne or soap, sure, but also just him. He smelled clean, and sweaty, musky, very male, but also safe and comfortable: he smelled like home. And when Leo pulled aside the jock strap to take Will's cock into his mouth, where it was supposed to be, he tasted reliable, tasted strong and firm. He tasted like not being the one who had to protect everyone, because you'd be protected. He tasted like not having to question what to do, because you'd be told. He tasted like he wanted Leo to obey, which meant he wanted Leo. He tasted like Leo belonged to him, which meant Leo belonged. He tasted like his master, which meant he tasted like his.

Devon texted Will the next morning. He and Cameron--and presumably Chase--would be heading back up to Bountiful the next day to do the final edit, and of course they'd let Will know when it went up, and would he have any professional contact info to include in the show notes... but in the meantime, where was a good place in town for a little informal wrap party?

Which was why, in the evening after work, Leo headed for the Stag.

"Well, well, well," Kane didn't bother checking his ID at the door, he'd just let Sam, Nik, Murdoch and Cliff--Todd was feeling a lot more confident about the 'queer' half of the equation, but he still wasn't quite feeling ready for a 'bar,' not just yet--in ahead of them after all. "Look at you, all dressed up."

"I wouldn't say," Leo'd had his shirt taken away, replaced with a harness, and a leash clipped to his collar, "'dressed up,' sir."

Kane turned sharply to Will. "You let this pup mouth off to you like that?"

"Course not," Will raised an eyebrow. "No reason why he shouldn't get to do it to you, though."

Once they made their way to the back, Sam waved Will over. He had his phone up to his ear.

"Yeah, here he is now," he passed the phone to Will an annoyed look and whispered, "it sounds like a cop!"

Will grinned. "Agent McKinney, I assume?" he said to whoever this was, paused for a reply. "Because I'm a damn good detective, of course. You confirmed the plate numbers matched?" Another pause, it was real lucky that the music volume wasn't yet seriously on for the evening. "Yeah, far as I could tell local sheriffs have been ignoring the missing reports for years now." Another pause. "You KNOW why they would do that." Pause. "Uh huh." Pause. "Yeah, at least one was a resident of another state, you oughta have all the jurisdiction you want." Pause, Will seemed to be enjoying whatever this was. "Well, you know where to get ahold of me, Agent. Good luck."

Sam did not look like he was enjoying whatever this was. "Did you tell a goddamn Fed to call you at MY phone number?"

"Look at it this way," Will passed back the phone, "imagine when he has to explain to an oversight panel why there's a gay sex worker's phone number in his call history."

Sam did have to admit, if reluctantly, that would be pretty funny.

Will mentioned something about 'warning Kieth what to expect' but Leo was distracted. Chase had just walked in, with Cameron and Devon in tow.

They seemed, now they'd arrived, at first a little intimidated by the small crowd around Leo and Will, and were even more surprised when Leo appeared, tied up with brightly colored ropes, among the nude pictures that the screens displayed in-between reminders about the jukebox app--mostly Murdoch's doing after all--but Cameron got talking about metaphysics with Murdoch, and Devon with Nik about engineering, and by the time the two of them went to get their own table they were much more at ease.

"Oh, kid," Will tapped Devon on the shoulder as he turned to go, "hold onto that footage with the abandoned cars and the license plates."

"Uh, ok, why?"

"Just trust me for now." Will said. "The FBI might tell you can't publish it for a little while, but once you can put it out it's gonna be a real scoop."

Devon didn't seem to find this terribly reassuring.

Chase had hovered in the background until Cameron and Devon moved on. He clearly had something to say, but didn't want to approach, so Leo glanced at Will for permission, got a nod, and went to him.

"Hey otter."

"So what exactly is all..." Chase gestured vaguely at the harness and leash Leo was wearing, at his collar, at Will watching like a stern father overseeing a prom date, at the tableful of men Leo had been and would continue to be shared with. "...all of this?"

Leo shrugged. "This is moving on, yeah?" Chase looked more confused. Maybe he'd expected arguments and justifications... but why should Leo have to justify himself to a stranger?

"I just... Jenna mentioned you weren't doing great. Like, mentally." Chase didn't seem to want to meet Leo's eyes.

"I wasn't."

"And like... this doesn't seem very normal, is all."

"It isn't normal, otter," Leo allowed. "But like... you and me tried normal, yeah? Normal sucked. So now I'm doing something else."

"Leo!" an excitable voice tugged his leash, and proved to be Cliff, "Murdoch and I are heading down to the dance floor! Come with!"

"Is that an order, sir?" The awareness of Chase, close by, overhearing, turned the burn of anti-shame up to smelter-like temperatures.

Cliff's smile turned wicked, he pulled down on Leo's leash, and the wolf obediently leaned forward till his eyes were level with the stoat's. "Would you like it to be an order?"

Leo took that in for a moment, then waved to Chase before he was dragged away.

Chase, if only by reflex, waved back.

Cliff and Murdoch, it seemed, had more than a few couples' dance routines worked out for songs classic enough that they could be expected on any given night. While intimidating at first, they were more than happy to teach them to Leo.

It had been a long time, hadn't it, since he'd gotten to dance with somebody.

By the time Murdoch insisted on heading back to the group, he needed to sit down, Leo had managed to forget his ex was even here.

On their way back, Leo stopped to pick up drinks for the table. And while he was waiting at the bar, the bouncer sidled up to him.

"Evening, sir." Leo said.

"Evening, esclavito," Kane said, "you keeping Adler satisfied?"

"I think my owner's pretty pleased with me, yeah." Leo shrugged.

"He's a lucky bastard," Kane shook his head, "or maybe you are."

Leo paused. Considering. "You see over at that corner table, sir?"

Kane followed his gaze. "The twinky coyote making out with the fratboy-looking bear cub?"

"Next to them, sir." Chase was holding a beer and looking like he'd come to the halloween party dressed as 'the third wheel.' "He has a thing for Latino wolves," Leo advised. "And he used to like being called 'Chula.'"

And then he turned to rejoin the men with whom he belonged.