CoTJ II: The Last Stand Act I Part VII

Story by Cartoon Malero on SoFurry

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#8 of Chronicles of the Justicar II: The LAst Stand

[Planet: Generra. City of Albviar, city streets: Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 6:20 AM]

"Corporal it is great to hear you're still here!" High General Bismarck said relieved when his super soldier was still alive "I've got good news and bad news..."

The Vanquisher sat down against the side of a ruined building allowing his suit to heal his wounds with its micro robots in his blood stream. "Just tell me." He said sternly

"Right, the good news is we can get you some evac back to my flag ship."

"...and what's the bad news?" The Vanquisher asked

"It appears the alien's magic is more dangerous than we thought, they took down our satellite just close enough to the planet allowing gravity to do the rest of their work. If you can eliminate the arch mage we can get you back up to me."

The Vanquisher stood up with his pistols both in his hands fully repaired. "Consider it dead."

"I'll upload the coordinates to your Heads up Display, if you can use your targeting beacon we will be able to blast the beast to rubble if need be."

The Vanquisher closed his communication channel with the High General just in time to find a fully armed patrol of draconian knights who were being lead by a half dragon, half lizard man who was also covered in plate armour but wore a huge banner on its back showing off its family symbol, the large reptile also carried a large battle axe in one hand.

"Switch to armour piercing." The Vanquisher said quietly with his weapons letting off a small beep to know the transfer was successful.

The patrol spotted the red and black human almost immediately; the patrol captain stepped forward and cleared his throat; his slithering voice echoed in his deep plate armour.

"By order of her royal majesty, Queen Matriarch Natyria orders that all humans still within the Kingdom's territory-"the captain said when the bang from the Vanquisher's weapons broke his concentration

The captain looked around too see what had happen when he starred down at himself to see he was shot in the chest with his own blood trickling from his wound and before he could give an order the human finished him off with a shot to the head. The other knights charged the lone warm blood with their halberds ready while the Vanquisher disabled each of their protective magic barriers with a single round and as they were about to avenge their former commander the human pulled a grenade from his belt and clicked it on. The blue colour explosive detonated with a nerve gas toxin that seeped into the exposed parts of the draconian knight's armour stopping them cold as they fell to the ground and convulsed horribly until they all died an awful death.

The Vanquisher stepped over the bodies of the combat patrol following the coordinates his superior had gave him while carving in more notches into his power armour who spent most of his time looking for a place to put a tally mark then the carving process itself so he settled by simply carving a number to help conserve on space. After his small dilemma the Vanquisher came across the crashed satellite which was scattered across the burning crater it had landed in so inelegantly. Draconian knights surveyed the destruction picking up pieces as they came across with the main body of the satellite being hauled away by several dragons who were all being directed around by the most well dressed lizard man there who floated above everyone observing their work.

"Target is acquired, sending coordinates now..." said the Vanquisher who hid behind a dumpster in an alleyway with his helmet painting the targeting laser on the arch mage who used its staff to point where everything needed to go

The VALOR flag ship descended into the atmosphere with the large main cannon being masked by the clouded sky. The clouds began to turn yellow as powerful projectiles fired from the capital ship's countless turrets which were easily deflected by the large red force field that appeared when the shots came into contact with the Arch mage's magic defending its soldiers. With a wave of its staff it held the massive human star ship in place and started to cause it to crash into the ground. Without warning the Vanquisher switched his handguns to the proper ammunition and charged with gun firing at the encampment of aliens.

As bullets penetrated the weaker barriers of the scurrying lizard men, the armoured knights and dragons turned their attention to the rampaging human. The Vanquisher jumped onto a charging knight; knocking the lizard humanoid to the ground with his own weight as he fired both of pistols into the chest of the alien killing it dead before the lizard's body had a chance to reach the floor. A knight drove his spear forward at the Vanquisher but was quickly disarmed by the human who only used one hand before finishing the knight off with a single round while using his newly acquired weapon to throw into the chest of anther advancing knight.

The trophy clad warrior didn't pause when three fully matured armoured dragons came walking over to him; all of them thinking how much honour it would be to eliminate the murderous human. The dragon in the middle of the group lunged forward with its jaws opened wide allowing the Vanquisher to drive his knife into the alien's forehead. The dragon swung its head upwards and roared in pain when the human let go of his weapon to instead drive anther knife into its soft under scales around the dragon's neck. As the two dragons watch the human dangle from his blade's hilt they prepared their attacks. With a powerful roar the dragon on the right tried to catch the human in between its fangs but in a clumsy error it overshot its target biting into instead the neck of its ally who was preparing a fire attack. The alien's barrier failed when the Vanquisher kept jerking his body to go the ground allowing his knife to cut the massive dragon open until his boots touched road.

The disembowelled dragon fell over on it's side with the power armour wearing human knocking off gore that covered his body as he made his way to the last two defenders who were hesitant about attacking the small warm blood. As they slowly backed off to think of a way to stop him the Vanquisher had already made the first move by rocketing forward with his jet pack right onto the forehead of the already wounded dragon and loaded a knife into his wrist launcher. Before it had realized what was going on the Vanquisher fired his knife projectile straight into the alien's skull killing it instantly.

In fear the last dragon quickly turned around to fly off after what it had just seen what the warm blood had done to his brothers and as it prepared to take off the Vanquisher caught the large reptile by the ankle then threw the massive beast onto the ground on his backside. The human walked onto its chest carving two tally marks into his helmet then drawing his two pistols from his data pads that were recently stored.

"Please warm blood! Don't kill me I was forced into the Royal Guard, I did not want to fight!" the dragon cried as it shielded its face with his wings. "I don't want to die! My hatchlings will die without a father! Please don't shoot me! I am a single parent!"

The Vanquisher pointed his right handgun at the dragon's covered face. "Fine, I won't shoot you."

The dragon blew a sigh of relief as he retracted his arms. "I thank your kindness warm blood I-"Said the green scaled dragon before he saw that the human pulled out a knife instead. "N-N-No please don't!" he yelled before the Vanquisher slit the alien's throat with a sweep of his blade.

The Vanquisher jumped off of the still warm body and headed over to the lead mage who still battled at trying to bring the human cruiser down as he carved a tally mark into his armour then anther for the undetermined amount of orphans he left fatherless. The imposing mage's defensive magic flared as rounds deflected off of the barrier that guarded him well. The lizard man fired a bolt of lightning from his jewelled encrusted staff to open several portals around the burning wreckage and in a few short moments the swirling vortexes poured out more draconian knights all of them armed for battle.

In a blast of blue flames the Vanquisher flew into the sky hovering just out of the reach of the alien's spears. With a press of a button in his left wrist a small blue flame appeared under his palm and in a powerful roar his well hidden flamethrower came to life to bathe the knights in a hot blue flame. None of the draconians could escape his slaughter as his jet pack could easily past those who tried to run away, the ground melted from the heat as road turned to slag and bone turned to ash.

Warning signs flared in his HUD from the intense heat caused by his own destruction the Vanquisher used his own flamethrower to scorch a part of his shoulder to help record his kills. The arch mage grew angrier with every step the warm blood took towards him and began to gather his arcane powers to obliterate the human.

"Warm blood, you are no match against my powers! I have finished first in all schools of the magic arts and I-"the Arch mage boasted when he was interrupted by the human who was putting together a weapon

"Divert all auxiliary power to weapon." Ordered the Vanquisher who wasted no time in killing the target and just wanted to get off the alien held city.

The powerful rail shot fully obliterated the magic user as the magnetized projectile exploded him into tiny fragments with the shockwave created from the impact disintegrating all that remained of the noble. Without pause a VALOR drop ship descended from the atmosphere and hovered just off of the ground, the sliding side door of the holding pay opened with several VALOR marines and a medic waving him over. The Vanquisher turned his head to take one final look at the lost city before boarding the aircraft.

[VALOR Flag Ship: Dorian Grey. Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 3:50 AM]

"Human ship master, I have taken the liberty of teleporting your men still in my haven back to your ship along with your dead." The seer said

"You have my deepest thanks and this ship will help your efforts in stopping this evil but we will need to contact High Command to know where we will be going." Ranorin answered

"There will be no time to contact the rest of your allies. In a short time Lord Vurdamis will be able to complete his shadow gate within Dark Spire. As I told my chosen we will need to buy sometime before we can summon the guardian of life into this realm which will be our next objective."

The seer waved his covered arm over the main computer terminal of the ship's bridge to bring up a hologram of the solar system they were in allowing the cloaked figure to point at a frozen world. "There, we will need to go there."

"PX-13? That's a dead world I'm afraid. Deep space scout probes found no signs of life there, what could be there?" Ranorin protested too while walking up to the holographic world as he scratched his chin.

"I have been keeping track of Lord Vurdamis forces for some time and they have been continuingly going back and forth from this world and Dark Spire, I believe this world is the head of their production on all their forces for this realm. If we cripple their production here it will be a huge set back against their army and the shadow gate which will be enough time to bring in Elder to save us."

Ranorin nodded; still rubbing his chin. "Sounds like a sound plan, but after this we will need to contact my superiors for reinforcements and if you were right about the Infinite behind this new war then we must make haste."


[The Shadow Core; Dark Spire; Malero's Construction Quarter. Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 3:50 AM]

"The leg bone is connected to the..." Malero sang with an upbeat tune. "Does it matter? Life is boring if everything is in the same place!" he chucked shortly after

Malero Alterus finished removing the left leg of the rotting cadaver of a fellow half lizard man. He began wrapping the head in heavy linen bandages while the rest of his students helped the Shadow master by watching how he separated the leg as they too were constructing blade dancers.

"Remember class a happy blade dancer is a well stitched blade dancer, it is import-"Malero demonstrated when he pointed at a young dragon that had his hand raised. "Yes what's the problem Loigan?"

"I can't get the blades to stick on correctly, they keep falling off..." pouted the student

"Did you inject the body with Xobium?" Malero answered knowing it would be the correct answer

"I knew I forgot something."

"Remember class unlike Void soldiers, blade dancers require a healthy dose of Xobium to work properly." Malero said when he finished his blade dancer on his operating table.

The monster rose from the table and slid off, the constant clanking of its blade legs echoed through the large class room as the cult monster patrolled the room with students taking glances at the operational blade dancer to make sure their projects worked half as well.

"And that is it for today students. Remember I want a fresh corpse for tomorrow's class so I suggest using your knock out drugs from before to capture anther live victim as we will be learning on how to make scavengers and blade spiders."

Malero watched his students along with the recently made blade dancer leave his class room waving back to any of his pupils who also waved goodbye. Just as the half dragon finished packing his belongings together for his next class he was interrupted when some one covered his eyes with their hands.

"I hope you do not have anything important in the next little while..."cooed the soft voice of his captor

"Not for now at least. Nope not at all." Said Malero with a smile

"Good, because I always wanted to feel a half breed and I do not like being rushed."

Malero lifted the delicate arms so he could see the beauty of anther half dragon, although this female was as young as a fresh blood initiate and was well groomed as a high class noble. Her small horns that jetted from her head curved out ward in just the way Malero found particular arousing as the horns showed that her bloodline had ties to a clan that was none for its success at breeding and healthy hatches.

"And who do I owe the pleasure too? Who do I owe?" Malero asked

"Just a little admirer who loves their teacher."

Malero Alterus lifted the young half dragon's thighs with his arms lifting her off the ground as she swung her own arms around his back. The young half dragoness began taking the surgical tools that held the shadow master's unfinished work on himself in place allowing his pulled and stretched scales to hang freely. The shadow master forced his mouth onto that of the young half dragon who accepted his powerful kiss without resistance. As the two draconians continuingly held each other the smaller half bred dragon gently pulled away from Malero's maw after placing a single finger on his mouth.

"Enough appetizers, I want the main course." She said with a sickly grin

Malero, as he held her by her thighs that had both her arms and legs wrapped around his back pressed her own back against the cold metal wall of the class room pinning her small wings in the process. With her soft scaled arms she slowly took off the undersized and ripped lab coat from the shadow master's well kept body as she looked down at Malero's red cock which had already penetrated herself. With a grin that was still wrapped around her maw she moaned in delight as Malero continuing pounded into her forcing her against the wall with pressure to hold her in place. His large wings created a cover of sinew and cartilage sheltering the two for added warmth allowing their heavy breaths to heat their scales stimulating the two cold blooded reptiles further.

With every thrust from the shadow master, the young half dragoness whimpered and moaned tightening her claws into his dark green scales on his shoulders as his malleable manhood was more than large enough to fill the tight young half dragoness.

"Yes, Malero, yes!" she cried out in ecstasy

He spread her legs so they now went over his shoulders so he could better hammer into her faster. Both of their bodily juices dripped onto the rusted floor of the class room allowing the self created lubricant to help the partners reach orgasm that much quicker. The shadow master's heart began racing from the combined heat of their breaths that collected under his huge wing span and the excitement from the act itself as he felt the pressure build inside him ready to explode.

The shadow master's arms began to grow weak and tired but his own animal instinct to continually thrust into the dainty half dragoness easily overpowered his physical weakness. The inside of the young half breed's vagina caressed and stimulated him to his peak, the heat continued to build all around his body leaving only the panting of both of them and constant squishes with every thrust against the pinned female.

Malero roared in delight as finally reached orgasm; his hot seed pumped into her, shooting off several loads before his own cum trickled down back on his red penis that collected onto the floor between them. The shadow master started to regain his breathing under control as he slowly lowered the half bred female so she could stand on her own.

"Thanks, you, thanks." Malero panted. "Needed it, I needed."

"You weren't to half bad, I'll have to take you on again." The draconian laughed

Malero took a step back to watch the half dragoness began too lose her features and become less detailed and in mere moments the delicate female half dragoness was now back to her real self as the grey humanoid shaped blob named Baphomet.


"Yes, yes." Malero agreed too

[VALOR Flag Ship: Dorian Grey. Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 6:50 AM]

Arjun gave a long yawn as he had still not had gotten a healthy nights sleep in ages which fatigued him greatly. Whatever the seer had done to him before to rid him of his hunger and tiredness must have been temporary as Arjun was felt just as awful as he did before. He did not know what do first, his clothes were stained by his own sweat and blood, his stomach rumbled from not being full in the longest time and he smelled so bad it caused himself to cover his nose and gag. Fortunately for Arjun the Dorian Grey was not going to reach the destination of the Infinite mining base for several hours allowing plenty of time to do all the things he needed to be done days ago.

The smell of the ship's cafeteria food smelled divine to him as all VALOR Destroyer class carriers had their own hydroponics deck to grow food and oxygen for the rest of the crew. Although it was still early in the morning and the cafeterias around the ship don't serve breakfast until eight o' clock he was sure to be able to get some left over's from last night's dinner and from the smell he could tell it was roast beef with all the fixings.

Arjun wished he didn't leave his armour with the scientists so he could get to his food faster but they told him they needed it to help design a new piece of equipment to make him more viable in combat which he was happily to leave the suit for. With one more bend down anther corridor and passing by a handful of crew members and marines playing an unknown game of cards he could see the entrance of the large cafeteria that could house hundreds of deck hands at a time until he heard a faint whimper.

Arjun turned around to see one of the resident dorm doors was open with all the lights shut off. The crying became louder and Arjun turned to the card playing crew members who were trying their best to ignore the annoying noise. He took a long sigh when his better nature of himself took over to investigate the muffled sadness.

Arjun Fiaz entered the pitched black room trying to pin point the sad individual until a loud yell set him off balance.

"Go away!" Liken shouted out from the darkness while Arjun tired to feel the wall with both hands to know where he was.

"It's me!" Arjun answered back as his eyes adjusted to the low light

"GET OUT!" she yelled even louder now knowing who it was

"What's the matter?" Arjun asked generally concerned

"Leave me alone, human!"

"Well fuck you then, I was only trying to help!" Arjun angrily yelled back

Arjun started to leave the room only after banging into a side table that caused him to swear in pain. "Wait, don't go." Liken asked

Arjun turned around hearing Liken's voice completely switch from anger to sadness. "What's wrong?" He asked

Liken's words were stifled as she constantly tried to get her breathing under control so she could form complete words that she knew she could express in the human's language. "I-I-Its this whole war! I never wanted to be involved! I want my Zhakaev back!" The valgary broke into full out crying has her words became completely distorted from her constant sniffing and hiccupping.

Arjun tried to find where the valgary was in the room but with her black scales and the lack of light it was going to be a tall order for the young human. With both hands out reached like a blind man that had lost his cane, Arjun fumbled around trying to find a place to sit so he wouldn't have to stand on his already tired and worn legs.

"I never expected to be here as well, well not here, here but still in the military." He joked while still trying to find any from of furniture.

"Shut up Arjun! You can leave if you are just going to be your sarcastic self!" Liken yelled back in anger, her facial scales were flushed red and stained with her tears.

"I'm serious!" Arjun answered "I'm not sure about you but this wizard guy did not send me a memo either about saving the realm from an evil space ghost vampire!"

"My people are all dead because of this war!"

"You still on about that?"

Liken was dumbstruck on how the human could have said something so hurtful she broke into tears much heavier than before while still curled up in a ball.

"Ah shit, I didn't mean it like that!" quickly said Arjun "Look, scale f-"

"F-For the last t-time my name is Liken!" she yelled back "Zhakaev I loved you!" she yelled out suddenly before going back to crying

"It was the evil clay monster...bapwhowhatsit that put the hit on Sepress prime. And you know who it's working for? Jack Frost, the guy that kicked our asses and you know who it reports to? Yeah, Pandafuckingmonium."

"What's y-y-your point?" She sniffed

"What I'm saying is it is much better to be angry at something than sad, it's how I lived through my early years. So look, you can sit here and cry a lake or you can get off your ass and help me kick this space god's ass back to its crappy shadow land."

"Don't you think I already know that?" She hissed "Everyone I loved is now dead! But you're still right what ever the seer asks of me I will do it, I want that god dead for what it has done to me." She said as anger slipped through her words with every sound

"It's going to be all right. We will help the wizard then we will kill Pandemonium." Arjun nodded.

[VALOR Flag Ship: The Persecutor. Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 7:50 AM]

Squads of marine congratulated the Vanquisher as he walked up to High General Bismarck who personally greeted his super soldier. The balding German descendent commander saluted him with his right hand while the Vanquisher just looked at him with no motivation to give a salute back.

"Power off." Ordered the Vanquisher; the black and red armour and all of his trophies became a digital blue print before disappearing into his data wrist revealing the bald white skinned human in his regular civilian clothing. Ethan Alexander like his power armour was covered in tally marks as his skin was stitched from his constant kill tracking, his most noticeable feature on his face was his whole left side was complete covered in three degree burns which was left un treated by VALOR doctors from Ethan threatening to kill them if they ever tried to remove his scars.

"Battle groups, Omega Star and Earth's Hammer are arriving within our sector in the next day so that we may retake our lost city, not to mention with a target as high valued as the Prime consort we will be able to get much needed information with it as our prisoner." Explained Bismarck

"You better send me back General. "Threatened Ethan "First you call me back when I could have added the last of the valgary's skull to my collection then decided to withdraw me when I was still on the surface!?"

"You were...injured! Responded the general

"Just do not die me anther special kill, old man. Otherwise I may you to my bloody tally."

High General Bismarck watched Ethan Alexander make his way to his personal quarters so he would not be disturb until it was ready to kill again.

"I'm starting to regret making a deal with this criminal..."

[The Shadow Core; Darkspire; the Nexus; Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 7:50 AM]

"Anther delay!? Lord Vurdamis you are taxing my already thin patience" shouted Lord Havoc through the communication portal

The ice armoured infinite lord quickly answered back, "The Void God does not wish to us to eliminate the organics, not now at least."

"I have at my disposal enough troops to rid this plane of all life a hundred times over! I have already eliminated all organic resistance in my sector and have turned several of the Seer's champions to our side. Not even the smallest hydrogen particle exists where my armies have slaughtered the organics; I fail to see why you are having a hard time subduing these cattle."

"Our Master doesn't wish us to eliminate this one realm because he has found an organic host, instead of having us build a suit or summon him in directly." Answered Lord Vurdamis as he watch the black smoky ghost like creature take in the information by nodding at all the important parts

"An organic host you say?"

"Correct. Although I failed to eliminate the Seer, the Master wishes us to capture the Draconian Matriarch, Queen Natyria. Our experiments with the organic monsters that my shadow master and his student construct are mere stepping stones to a much greater plan. With this dragon as a host to the Void God he will be able to enter any plane he chooses."

"I am not one to question our Master as my army can simply overwhelm and take that organic by force but if he wishes to continue this convoluted plot to take over this realm I am not one to question him... but, I suppose the Void God simply wants the life energy for himself which is understandable." Lord Havoc pondered

"Just keep your forces on stand by until we are ready to strike at the organics, when we have the Queen Matriarch secured you will be free to slaughter all organic life in this miserable plane. " ordered Lord Vurdamis

"Very well... my army will be waiting at your discretion." Bowed Lord Havoc before the portal faded away into nothingness

Lord Vurdamis turned to the monstrous Shadow Gate that was still under construction and in time it will allow Pandemonium to enter this realm and take over his new host and with that Lord Havoc's forces would reach this fertile land of life energy and decimate the pathetic organic resistance.