Puppies and Owners. Chapter 1 - Again?

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#1 of Puppies and Owners.

Author's Note: I'm back, bitches! Woo! Ok, so Christmas is just a few days away and I'm super excited so here's a short little presnt for my fans. :P. This IS the new series! I'm sorry it's been so long, but I gets crazy. I have a 4.0 in college!!! YAY! Dance with me, please.

You at the bottom of the pole, totem, like Lamar Odum, I ball, scrotum, flyer than a cricket so they call me Nicki Jimmeny, and it's going down like Santa in a chimeney, you don't ball, break your baby back ribs! You need more assistance than handicapped kids!


Alright, stop. Ok, so if you're just now jumping in you've missed quite a bit. Maybe you just found me and you're too lazy to read the other ones or you've read those, but forgot them. In any fashion, I'll give you a quick refresher. I'm Nicki, your sixteen year old black and white husky narrator. Yummy, right? Yeah, I know. I fell for a twenty-six year old wolf named Kaiden. Kaiden abused me, a lot. Then I met his friend RJ and he's... well I don't actually know how old he is, but he's a sheppie. He's awesome and I was totally crushing on him and then we kissed, but the my best friend Seth said he liked me and that only complicated things more. Kaiden tried to kill me, but I survived, both times. And then I had to choose between Seth and RJ and I chose RJ, but then he left me in a closet while he ran off to do something for Kaiden, who doesn't know I'm still alive. And that's what you missed on GLEE! I'm just kidding. Play.

I had a thousand questions running through my head, but no answers for any of them. Why was RJ with Kaiden? What did Kaiden have over RJ? Was RJ cheating on me?

I shook the thoughts from my head and tried to clean the house from the tornado of sex that had destroyed it. Best sex ever. I smiled at the thought as I fixed the TV that miraculously still worked. It took me a while, but the mess was finally clean. I decided to lay on the couch and wait for RJ, but I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I noticed a soft pillow and fluffy blanket that hadn't been there before. The TV was still on, but the channel had changed. I was so comfortable and warm that I didn't want to move, but I wanted to see RJ more. Lucky me. My sexy german shepherd rounded the corner and joined me on the couch. "Morning, sexy," he grinned. His teeth were sparkly white. I glanced at his deep green eyes before taking in his sexy muscular frame, unfortunately, covered by a white tee and pair of baggy blue jeans.

"Morning," I yawned and stretched as he joined me on the couch. "So, where have you been?" Not that I really cared, now that he was in front of me.

"Um," he hesitated, "I don't really want to talk about it..."

"You don't think I should know? I mean, you did just run off with my ex so..."

"Yeah, I know and I will tell you, I promise, but I don't really want to think about it right now."

"Was it that bad?" I felt the all-too-familiar feeling of anxiety creeping into my stomach.

"No, but I'd rather just talk to you. I mean, if you're worried about something then don't be, but it's just a... depressing subject."

"I can handle it."

"I can't." I paused to think.

"Just, tell me if you cheated on me."

"NO!" RJ barked in a shocked voice. He looked sincere enough for me. "No, no, no. Never. I-it was nothing like that!"

"Ok, I believe you. I was just... worried." Although, now I was more curious than worried.

"Please, don't worry about stuff like that. I'm yours until you give up on me," RJ flashed a sexy grin at me. He leaned in closer to me until I could feel his breath on my muzzle. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach with anticipation. I knew he was going to kiss me. "Do you feel like playing?"

"Yeah, but I'm topping this time," I giggled.

"No, you're not!" RJ shot back.

"Why not?!"

"I don't take it... you know..."

"What?! Why?!"

"Um, it hurts too much?"

"Are you serious? What? Do you think I'm immune to pain?"

"No, but you never whine or cry..."

"Not from lack of trying. I'm not going to bottom through this entire relationship."

"But," RJ sighed, "ok, but can I have one more time?"

"Oh yeah. I was planning on that, but I just needed to establish that before you get the wrong ideas."

"Rule established, Mr. Nickster," RJ smiled and pressed his muzzle against mine. His lips parted mine and his tongue battled mine until I let him win. His tongue brushed the insides of my mouth and sent shivers of lust down my spine. I fell back onto the couch as he squeezed in beside me without breaking the kiss. His paws slid underneath my shirt and massaged my belly. "You're such a good kisser."

"I know that, stop talking," I whispered. I used my paws to pull his head back to my muzzle. His paw stopped to play with my chest and nipples. I moved my leg so that my thigh was nudged between his thighs and against his crotch. I almost got a moan out of him, but his breathing became heavier for a second. I worked my paws under the back of his white tee and ran my fingers through the fur. I felt his paw slide out of my shirt and move to the thigh between his legs. His tongue slid out of my mouth once again.

"I like how my name is on your butt like it's mine."

"The pants are yours, but the butt is mine."

"Oh, smart-ass," he laughed sarcastically and gave my butt a tiny squeeze. I grinded against him with lust. I was about to lose my self-control. I stared at his shiny green eyes. " I like your eyes."

"Your's are better. Deep blue beauties," he chuckled, massaging my butt and tail at the same time.

"Yeah, but those greens are like dark and shiny which is like impossible." I smiled and rested my head against his chest as his fingers continued to play with the cloth on my rear. I closed my eyes and embraced his warmth and love. The paw traveled a little lower and massaged my taint. I moaned into his muscular pecks and he giggled at my reaction. I peeled the white shirt off of his furry chest and snuggled against him. He was just as hard as I was.

Alright, stop. For those of you who are bad in bed, (oh yes, it is actually possible to have bad sex. Sorry if everyone else knew that but I though that was just some bullshit a chick made up about her shitty boyfriend, but it's real!) here are a few tips. Whether you're with dude or a chick remember, it's all about the build up. Don't just attack the penis. Well, unless you're good at that, but you can't go wrong with a little massaging. Change up the pace, boo! Slow, fast, slow, fast, medium speed, fast. You're tongue is a weapon, learn how to use it. Play.

RJ slowly took my shirt off and ran his paws over my chest before pressing his muzzle against my nipple and lapping at it. I wrapped my paw around his head so he wouldn't go anywhere. The tongue slowly moved lower to my belly button and paws began working the sweat pants off. My breathing was getting heavier and-


"Who's that?" I asked. RJ stopped and went to the door. I pinched his butt as he left. He peeked out the window.

"Oh no..."

"Don't you dare say what I think you're going to say!" I whispered.

"I'm sorry! Please, just go hide somewhere!" RJ whined and quickly dressed himself. I huffed angrily at him and walked over to the closet. I heard the door open just as I shut the closet door.

"What's up, RJ?" A menacing voice greeted.

Alright, stop. His voice wasn't that menacing, but it was the evil voice of my ex depriving me of sex. Play.

"What, Kaiden?" RJ said as if he were annoyed.

"Who's sleeping on the couch?" The wolf asked. Uh oh.

"I didn't feel like making the bed so..."

"You know the rules, RJ."

"Yeah, I know them, but I'm not breaking any rules."

"I hope not. Who's shirt is this?" I looked down and realized I'd left the shirt. Anxiety pooled in my stomach, but not for me, for RJ.


"You're wearing a shirt," Kaiden sniffled, "It smells like... like the Nickster."

"Um, he wore it once when he was here. You killed him, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember. Were you trying to get his scent?"

"Um, yeah..." RJ's voice traveled off. He sounded embarrassed and Kaiden chuckled.

"I need another favor."

"Can it wait? I'm kind of busy."

"No, go get in the car." I heard RJ sigh and suddenly the door slammed shut. I slowly opened the closet door with my heart pounding in my chest. The room was empty again. Really?