A Far Away Place, Close To The Heart.

Story by Freelancer824 on SoFurry

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There exists outside of the territory of any nation on our planet, a forest. It is almost impossible to reach, and few have seen it. Stories trickle out about it, but none of them are true. But I have found the way in- I dare not share this secret, for fear that the great treasure within would be soiled by man.

Even as I speak of this I am guilty of it as well, we will get to that. The treasure I speak of is one of flesh. This forest is not inhabited by animals but by women with their aspect... a diverse race of beautiful hybrid creatures. They are carefree, and know no predators. They seem to survive off of some unseen power, as I have never seen them eat, explaining how the likes of rabbits and leopards can live side-by-side without the seemingly inevitable occurring.

They are free from the tainted ways of man, save one. Their lives, unhindered by worries of survival, are simple; they play, they sleep, they form bonds with each other... and they screw. They are extremely inventive and talented in this, demonstrating knowledge of bondage, tantric arts, and even a strange form of sexual magic. The only textiles created by them are for these purposes- they do not wear clothes.

There is other magic at work as well. They are preternaturally beautiful, and do not appear to age. They range in appearance from 16 to a few more mature individuals that look about 40. Their bodies can flex in ways that humans cannot... and even mentally they are quite fit. Working with a single individual I was able to teach her some of my language in a matter of weeks, although her muzzle is not well suited to speaking it. She showed no fear, and more so seemed interested, as though she inherently understood what I was doing. As far as I can tell they are as intelligent as an average person, maybe even a little more. Oddly she treated me basically like her own kind. This included their fondness for sex. She often suggested her desires in the way I've seen her kin do as well, by laying on her back, legs wide open, and softly massaging her breasts. My conscience tugged at me, but I rationalized it; this wasn't an incognizant animal. She was an intelligent creature, and her request was unmistakeable.

Her body was little different from a human's, except for a coating of soft vulpine fur, a long, lush tail and delicate, fox like feet. Her slender frame trembled a little as I ran my tongue across her slit tentatively. "Is this okay?" My actions spoke without words. Her legs gently pressing me closer was her silent reply. I brushed my cheek against her thigh, feeling the soft flesh through even softer fur. I sat up, and gently lifted her bottom up to my chest. Her aroma filled my nostrils as I began to softly lick her. parting her lower lips with my tongue I exposed her little pleasure nest, and started to slowly suckle her clit. She squirmed and pulled her legs even tighter, pressing me against her warm mound. My eyes beheld a horizon of wonderful orange and white, her belly slowly moving as she breathed. I continued to drown her nub in affection. Occasionally I would dart my tongue into her- it was so cute the way she jumped a bit and whimpered when I did this.

Her tail was wrapped around my torso tightly, and, being an extension of her spine I could feel every shiver of pleasure I sent through her. Her hips rocked of their own accord, with my hands I attended to her supple breasts and soft stomach. Her tail was twitching around me a lot more now.

Softly putting her down, I put her on her stomach and helped her onto all fours as I got my pants undone. She looked back at me as I slipped into her from behind. Her eyes widened with surprise... her eyes said that she had almost forgotten what it was like to be with a male. I gripped her hips tightly and slowly went all the way in and out several times. Her walls clenched around me tightly and she moaned... I continued stroking her insides. She reached a hand up and worked her clit. After a few minutes she couldn't even concentrate enough to do that, she was trembling so much around me. I'll never forget the way she writhed her back and hips, trying to take my dick from every angle as her tail brushed my face. With one last thrust she suddenly threw her head up and howled in the way foxesdo... Her spine arched so that her tail met her nose and her eyes went wide with emotion. My mind simply went blank from the pleasures of her body, as I took in the sight. We collapsed next to each other, both of us panting and still a bit dazed. But she wasn't done. She shook off her afterglow, turnedover and rolled me onto my back.

The grass was cool beneath my back as she straddled me, as she pressed until every last bit of my manhood was inside her and moved her hips again in that way I couldn't look away from. We both came again, and without taking me out of her she simply lay down on my stomach. I kissed her cute muzzle and put my arms around her, and we drifted to sleep like that, still connected...