Darkling I listen

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#1 of M/M Fun

-Another commission for someone who shall remain nameless.  This is a $15 commission exam...

Comment if you'd like more of these sort of stories. :)-

Ashley padded out from his house silently, careful not to step on the last step that always creaked and shutting the door with just a whisper of noise and the faintest click. he padded along the path that lead towards the woods, intent on clearing his head as much as possible. His only clothing a dark pair of denim pants and an equally dark vest buttoned over the slender chest and down the trim line of his belly. The feline still stood out in the darkness, his colors patterned after a tuxedo with bright white and pink padded paws, a splash of white that ran down his chest and belly and a white blaze that covered his muzzle and ran up between his intense yellow-green eyes.

The black and white felines tail lashed behind himself in annoyance, another night in this damn country and he was ready to scream or scratch something. His parents had come to the small village in Ireland nearly a year ago working on unearthing some find or another, at the time he'd actually been as excited as his younger sister. Normally they went places that were in the desert, or so far away from cities they lived in tents at the best of times and the worst made him shiver in remeberance. At seventeen he was supposed to be indulging in school dances, coming into his own, not in a village of barely 500 people in the middle of no where. This was supposed to be a civilized country!

He wound his way along the paths, the moonlight guiding him along one that was barely visable in the woods, the branches looming over head. He just wanted something to happen, something exciting, something that would relieve the boredom of sitting at home day in and day out. His little sister, Jenny, adored everything, she'd even found a book of local legends and delighted in telling Ashley new ones about kelpies or pookah's or what faeries were really like.

"Is it so much to ask that I just have some excitement in my life?!" he sighed out to the darkness in general, his pace growing faster through the woods trying work out the itch of his body. A sudden chill wind curled around him, a taste of winter on the air despite the summer warmth.

Darkling, I listen. The words came out not in sound, he didn't think so, they seemed to surround him in a deep bell like sound that rang in his ears until he stopped and pulled them flat looking around franticly.

"Hello?!" he called out, almost bristling, if Jenny had followed him out here to pull pranks with a recording device or some such he was going to tan her hide.

The teenager twisted about, his eyes flicking this way and that through the darkness trying to find the source of the noise. After a few moments he snorted to hisself and hugged his arms over his chest and just snorted, his imagination. Normally his imagination lent itself more towards girls then anything else, uncomfortably so considering his father had sat him down and told him in no uncertain terms that he wasn't going to tolerate him causing any problems in the village. He was to keep to himself, be polite and not stir up trouble that might cause angry fathers to arrive at his parents front door. His tail twitched and lashes angrily at that before he started walking again, his bare foot paws taking on a harder thud against the earth.

"Like I'd have a chance, all the boys look like damn horses, overly muscled and no brains. The girls aren't much better." He grumbled spitefully to himself before freezing at a shape on the path in front of him, the outline of something four legged and dog like sitting dead in the path. "Oh shit..." He swallowed thinking he'd wandered onto a farm and too a step backwards.

Darkling, I listen. The voice surrounded him again, the deep bell like tone ringing no in his ears but in his mind, the air, dark and deep as if the night itself had been given a voice while he winced away from it trying to shake his head.

A glance up showed the dog padding forward, traveling from under shadows and into the dappled moonlight with an aggressive purpose. Ashley's tail snapped faster behind him, noticing for the first time the dog wasn't small, if anything even from a distance it looked like the size of a small pony! Great danes were large, but the shape was all wrong and before he could try to make a beckoning friendly sound in the hopes it was simply a stray looking for food or a pat the shadows to either side of the padding hound stirred and a matching pair of dogs slipped out.

Their paws made no sound on the earth below, even though he saw leaves in the moonlight being scattered aside and a blast of chill wind blew around him. The taste of frost on the air, so sharp that it made the fur along the back of his neck fluff up as he looked to either side. Alright he shouldn't run, they'd chase him, he knew that much and started to take a step back and to the side to get himself out of sight of the path. The wind was blowing from them, maybe he could confuse them.

Tread softly, for you walk in deep places. The words rang out just as his paw fell back and he felt something smash beneath his paw pad. Something wet and slimey and squishy before stumbling and his other paw squashing whatever was on the forest floor. He thought they might be mushrooms, but his thought was only for a second before the hound in the lead lifted it's head and bayed out towards the sky. So close now he could see frosted breath spilling from it's jaws despite the warmth of the summer evening and the glitter of white teeth.

_Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. _ Came the panicked thought, his hands coming up to cover his ears as the voice belled out crystal clear and the other two joined in. He could see the hounds' necks, metal glittered in a series of spikes that fighting dogs often wore. The sound weaving together until it turned into something sinister, threatening, and a stab of fear rolled through his stomach before he turned and ran. scrambling through the ring of mushrooms his paws had destroyed and into the woods as the baying picked up speed and the cold wind whipped against his foot paws.

He stumbled down along a ridge of rocks and dirt, he could hear the hounds now, their paws striking the ground and the unnatural cries behind them. They echoed as if there were more then just three of them, his heart pounded against his chest, thudding against his ribcage as out of the corner of his eyes he saw more shadows spill from the forest. His lips parted as he dropped to all fours to scramble up and over a mouldering stone wall and a whimper spilled out as he watched a dogs head thrust up from the earth. massive paws grip either side of the loam filled ground and heave itself out snapping glittering white jaws at his tail as it slipped over the edge of the barrier.

He dropped down on the other side and looked around frantically before he saw a hollow of sorts that ran through the woods. On the other side of the barrier scrabbling claws and baying snarls grew louder as he took the chance and darted towards the hollow. The path that lead through it bare of even a hint of grass, with luck either the town or a house was at the end. Branches whipped past him and seemed to drag against his sides, pulling at his vest and jeans as he bolted into an all out run. His world coming alive with the noise of the pack of hounds driving him forward, the unearthly belling and the chill wind that blew from them and ran along his spine.

Ashley twisted his head around when he heard the click of teeth, white gleaming fangs snapped at his tail and heels as the lead dog started to close in. Behind him the backs and bodies of a dozen other matching hounds seem to make a wave of baying and snapping terror ready to rend him to shred. He'd get to the house, just had to make it to the house or two or what the hell ever and help! He snapped his head forward and tried to put on another burst of speed before something erupted from the shadows on his left side, barreling into him and tumbling the feline down onto the side of the path.

He stared at the darkness, fur pushed againt him and let out a yowling cry of fear, tucking his chin down and bringin his arms up to try and hold of the hounds from tearing him apart. It didn't come, short fingers suddenly gripped him and a blast of hot air rushed against his face as he was pulled upwards. Whines and yelps, short noises of eager canines erupted from around him before he opened an eye to find a pair of strong rough hands gripping his vest and the imposing face of a morphic hound staring down at him. Ashley swallowed convulsively, oh god it was the dogs' owner.

"I didn't mean to! I didn't know it was private property!" He yelled out before a deep baritone growl stilled him, the hounds lips curled back to show row after row of gleaming ivory teeth in the light as the hands tightened in the vest.

You tread upon our home and called forth the Wild Hunt, I claim right of flesh to pay for the insult to our sithen. The voice didn't come from any mouth or muzzle, so deep it was almost touchable. Like some dark forbidden candy that melted on the tongue.

The strangers face was blocky, the muzzle square and the head broad, set on a thick dark neck. His chest was barrelled and broad, muscled over and the only color was the flash of silver rings pierced through his nipples. His hands were oddly paw like and wrapped with leather around the palm of them, the blunt dark claws digging in against his skin to hold him in place. He only had that glance before the dark flashing eyes glared aggressively into his own, a hint of hunger and ancient anger as a broad red tongue spilled out to wrap around his muzzle and over his nose.

"Wh-what? Oh god what the hell are you talking about, lemme go, call the pol-MMPH!!" The last word was stifled by a thick fingered paw wrapping over his muzzle and he found his body shoved forward against a tree. Twisted around so that his hands went out to grip against the bark itself.

His eyes widened as he felt something not metal, no it was stone? The stone blade sliced along the line of his pants and he squalled out as he felt it scraping agaisnt his fur, eyes bulging. What the hell was going on? Who was this guy, what was he doing? He could see the hounds padding around both of them, their heads level with their shoulders as they watched for a long moment before slipping back into shadows. Melting away just as his pants were shoved downwards along his slender hips, his tail pulled out of the opening and he muffled an angry yowl as a rush of fear flooded him. He twisted his body and tried to elbow back againt his captor, connecting against the chest before a hard body slammed forward.

Be still, be silent, and you will see dawn, mortal cat. Fight and you will join my Hunt. The threat rang through Ashley, his nostrils fluttering with rapid breaths as he felt the body pushing against him. Bare fur grinding. _ You will pay for crushing our Ring, be thankful it is only with your flesh._

The feline shuddered, something heavy, slimey and hard started pushing along his rump cheek, feverishly hot to the touch and he almost gagged. The hound was going to rape him! The idea made his stomach twist in knots before he was yanked backwards fromt he tree and shoved down onto the warm earth. One heavy paw gripped the scruff of his neck and forced his face against the dirt while the other hand wrapped and coiled itself around the base of his tail and yanked hard enough to make him screech as his ass was pulled up into the air. The dark soft fur and flesh hiding the taut virgin pucker beneath.

Ashley tried to twist his head around, just enough to spy what was behind him, the dark crimson tip of the dogs cock gleaming with rivulets of precum. The color fading to a violet-red color crossed with veins all the way to the bulge at the base before the hand twisted harder forcing his head forward. He was fine with that, he didn't want to see more, the teenager trembled all over a moment before something tapered pushed between his cheeks and ground up against his opening making him tense up. It ground there for a moment before there was a sudden pressure as the slippery precum was dribbled against him and finally the creature pried his opening apart.

He screeched out, the first thrust was harsh and brutal, jabbing into him and prying him open without a care to the thrashing protest of the black and white feline. His eyes watered, the inches felt larger then they were, they were forcing his virgin ass to strain open wider and wider until he was sure he was going to be broken! The hounds body pushed down over him, releasing his tail as the hips gave a harder thrust forward, another few inches prying him open and making him splay his legs open. His passage constricted down, trying to expel the intruder inside of him only to hear a baritone growl spill out in warning, no it wasn't warning, was the beast purring?!

The felines form was pinned down, the rough thrusts rocking his face against the dirt as tears rolled down his face, the burning pain of the canines cock tearing into him didn't stop. Glassy smooth it only pulled out part of the way giving him momentary relief until it slammed in again this time deeper until it felt like a punch in his gut. And worse it was pushing over something inside of him that made his own sheath pull back, the barbed head of his far smaller cock peeking out from it's sheath beneath him. The hot spray of dog pre splattered inside of him, blessedly helping him take the monsterous cock as the creature grunted and he felt the hot breath against the back of his neck as it started to pant.

Ashley didn't know it had just started, the hips slammed down again hard enough this time that he felt himself tearing slightly inside. Screaming out his pain to the world as the hound drove himself in until the stiff guard hairs of his sheath scraped against the outside of the obscenely stretched pucker. It was only then that the hound started to thrust, his hips slamming in sharp jabbing motions, each time his sheath ground against the teenagers and the heavy balls clapped against him before tugging back out again. His precum glittering and drooling along the crease of the soft dark ass.

The feline yowled and let out short squeals, each thrust was worst thent he last as the tip jabbed so deep in his belly. The burning pain turned into a steady ache while his face and chest were ground against the dirt beneath him, his tears spilling out while he was raped. Each thrust was not just painful, it glided over a spot inside of him that unwillingly made his cock push out against his belly and harden. Humiliation and horror both rolled inside of him as the slamming thrusts grew faster, the sounds growing wet from the amount of precum the creature was pumping into him. he could even feel it dribbling down against his balls, matting against the fur.

He felt a new rush of fear as the hand released his scruff and massive jaws closed down around either side of his neck, sharp white teeth clenching down until he braced himself for feeling his neck being snapped. It never came, never happened, the hips just grew more brutal as the base started to thicken and his eyes bulged slightly at the knot hitting against his aching pucker. He writhed and shoved against the body above him, yowling out in panic at the thought of that knot being forced inside of him. His jaws open and tongue just sticking out as the hips slammed forward and just built the pressure up against him until he let out a scream.

The straining channel stretched open, yawning wider as the knot sank itself home into the plush clenching passage. The hound seemed immuned to the struggles of his victim, the hands clenching against the boys hips helping drag them back as he gave a hard series of thrusts as the base started to stretch. Ashley's body shuddered and his legs spread wider, sobbing out a sound as the knot was growing larger inside of him! He couldn't take it, it was too much, the sudden pain ran through his stomach as it locked inside of him completely and the hounds hips jerked back dragging the cat's hips with him until he shrieked out a sob.

The thick glassy girth rubbed along that prostate, even through Ashley's terror he felt horrifying pleasure. His balls tightening and he choked slightly as the cock inside of him started to twitch and jerk, pulsing over that spot time and again as the first hot splatter of dog cum spilled out into his aching and violated ass. The hips jerking against his own, and to his horror he let out a sobbing groan as his smaller barbed cock flexed and a hot splatter of cum struck the earth under him, his walls clenching and squeezing around the too large shaft inside of him. Suckling and pulling as the weight shoved against him and the hounds head cast back belling out a wild cry of triumph that echoed around the hollow.

Each pulse was like a pressured jab into his stomach, he couldn't take it all, he twisted and cried out tried to jerk his hips forward only to feel his pucker straining outwards around the knot locking him in place. The hounds head dropping down as something strange was whispered into his ear, the deep rumble rolled through his mind and wrapped around it. The last thing he heard as his conscious sunk under, the last thing he felt was the constant hot stream of thick ropes of cum splattering into his body locked inside by the knot. And the flash of red hot pain as the cock was pulled backwards, too soon the knot pulled free of the teenagers gripping ass and then darkness.

His parents and rescuers found him later the next afternoon, his clothing torn and thrown aside, curled up in a hollow around himself. His anal ring gaping and dried cum dribbled against his thighs, limp and unconscious in the scuffed and torn earth. Around him blood red and white speckled mushrooms formed a perfect circle, and even as he was gathered up he shrieked and screamed when someone almost stepped on one. Terror in his eyes. No charges were ever filed, the police shook their heads with knowing pity in their eyes. The Wild Hunt was let loose that night, the lad should feel lucky they only were after his flesh when they came for him.

Do you enjoy my stories? If you do and would like to think about tipping. It encourages me to write more and if you include a note on what you enjoy most I'll strive to make more stories with that sort of theme.
