Fresh Brewed Karma

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#1 of Fresh Brewed Karma

Tara's coffee run on the way to work goes for the voraciously unexpected.

First time publishing a writing work like this and the first time in a while writing something like this. Feedback is very welcome and appreciated! Considering making a part 2 :D

Fresh Brewed Karma

'Another green light, thank goodness. Maybe I'll get into work early after all...' the well-dressed zebra thought, hoof to the pedal. A whole streak of promotion-worthy conduct felt on the line as Tara drove down the quiet, early-morning street, a little faster than usual and a little more behind schedule. It was not as if her entire role as chief regional manager rested on her getting to work early, it was not as if she could not afford to just get in on time - with her rapport, she could get in late and have it hardly count against her, even if she needed to be reminded - quite simply, she needed to make it in early as a matter of principle. Of course, such a noble quest required her daily coffee and, based on a groan from her empty stomach, a couple of scones. Or maybe a dozen.

So into the parking lot of Javi's Coffee she turned in pursuit to claim a parking spot, and Tara found no competition aside from a Cadillac that almost took up two spots. She parked her SUV and looked in the mirror to check her makeup and bob-cut hair; while a little bit of this was out of routine, she always wanted to look a little extra good for Theo. He had been working in this coffee shop for the past half-year while finishing his junior year at the local university, but it was clear that cute cheetah barista had something for her, or at least she had something for him. Tara could not see how someone like that could be into a woman almost twice his age, but she never minded the little glances he gave and certainly enjoyed his company each time she went in. Knowing that he is wanting to get into marketing, she has even considered getting him an internship a few times. And maybe her number. Just the thought of having a night alone with him got her-

"Good morning, Tara!"

Tara snapped back to reality hearing Theo greet her; she had become lost thinking about him and autopiloted her way through the front door... again. Not that she minded seeing him in person instead. She smiled and gave him a wave as she approached the counter, but before she could reply, a curvy gazelle in booty shorts and a sports bra stepped out from the bathroom and walked up to the counter. Tara's eyes were immediately drawn to the large purple "Vinni" plastered on the rear of the gazelle's shorts as she stepped in queue. After mashing out another line of text on her phone, Vinni looked up and demanded, "Miel Latte and an eggwhite sandwich," and thrust out her credit card. Tara was a little perturbed with the other customer's tone, but she waited patiently in line, glancing briefly at her watch: 6:53. Maybe she could still make it in early?

With the familiar faint dings of the card reader, the gazelle silently snatched her receipt and stepped to the side, eyes glued to her phone. Tara glanced at her before stepping up with a friendly face for her favorite cheetah. "Good morning, Theo! How are you?"

"I'm alright," Theo replied. It was somewhat apparent in his voice that he was a little off-put, but the cat smiled warmly despite this. "Getting your usual? Large black coffee, plain?"

"Right as always. Although..." Tara looked up at the menu. Donuts, blueberry scones, croissants, ham sandwiches, each item made her salivate more than the last. She felt hungry enough to eat everything on the menu and the menu itself clean off the wall, but she talked herself down. Working at a food company meant free snacks were plentiful, and even though corporate had been trying to crack down on employees eating each other due to reformation insurance rates and "workplace etiquette," it had always been treated more as a suggestion, especially to her. She shook her head, "Never mind. Just the coffee, thank you." She reached into her purse and drew a generous twenty as per routine, handing it to Theo with a smile. "Keep the change."

"Thanks!" Theo replied, accepting the money. Perhaps it was being in the corporate realm for two decades, but Tara was always soothed by how genuine he sounded each day. Her smile only got bolder from this as she accepted her receipt. "I'll have it right out to you," Theo said before turning to help his coworker, who was already working on the gazelle's order. She stepped back from the counter and decided to check in on her work email. Nothing says that she could not get to work early, right? Only the noises of the two baristas at work and the tapping of the gazelle's fingers on her phone broke the serenity of the shop. Tara always loved this part of the day, the calm before the storm. At least it was nice while it lasted this morning.

An impatient, blunt sigh derailed the calm air of Javi's as Vinni put her phone away and crossed her arms. Tara glanced to the side, perturbed but not particularly moved. She tried to return to reviewing a shipping report but was once again thrown off of her groove. "They really drag their feet here, huh?"

Tara again glanced over to realize that the gazelle was talking to her. "I've been coming here for over two years. It's worth the wait, trust me," Tara defended.

The gazelle replied with an entitled snort, "You've been waiting that long? Figures."

With a creased brow, Tara looked back at her phone. What a bitch! The manager voice almost was unleashed on her, but Tara knew better than to let herself get tangled up like this. The tension was still brewing now, and Tara could barely focus on the little work she was tending to. She looked up at the busy baristas: Theo's coworker, Chris - a buff german shepherd who was a little older than Theo - seemed fairly stoic, just mixing the miel latte; the cheetah to the right of him seemed a bit sullen. Theo always seemed more emotional, and the way the unpleased gazelle aired her complaints did not help. The thought came back to give him her card or something to bring that smile back. Before she could look back to her phone to ponder, Tara was caught off guard as her stomach rumbled loudly enough that she could feel it, adding an out-of-place note to the ensemble of sounds coming from behind the counter. Ugh, why did she skip breakfast! The ambiance almost returned to normal. Yet again, nothing could be left alone by Vinni, who snickered and mumbled something. Tara was a hair away from getting the jerk to repeat herself, but she held herself back once more. Another glance at the watch: 7:04. Okay, a little off schedule. Fine.

Chris came up only a moment later and handed the snide gazelle her order without a word. She took her order and stepped to the side, mumbling a "finally" and sipping her drink. Had Theo not come up to give Tara her coffee, that might have been the start of a hangry lecture. "Thanks again, Theo! Before I go, there was something-"

"Umm, excuse me!" Vinni was right back at the counter. She pushed the coffee across the counter and started her tirade: "My latte tastes like ass." Chris looked at her with all too much experience with this type of customer; Theo looked over anxiously; Tara was getting furious. Without an immediate response, she continued, "Hello?? I want it remade. And I want a refund on the sandwich, I don't want it anymore." As the ill-mannered gazelle tossed the wrapped sandwich on the counter, the jaded german shepherd rolled his eyes and decided to just start over, intentionally going a bit slower than before; meanwhile, the gazelle shifted her aim to the worried cheetah. "And how come she got her coffee so fast? She took forever to order and you help her out so quickly? Shit service."

The look on Theo's face was the last straw. "Excuse me?" Tara turned to her quarry with fire in her eyes. Screw getting in early. Screw even getting in on time. She needed to set this bimbo straight. "It was a plain black coffee, it doesn't take long to make. Who the hell do you think you are?"

The zebra had clearly made an effect by the look on the gazelle's smug face. "I wasn't talking to you, grandma."

"Well you are now," Tara snapped back at her, hands on her hips. Laying down the law like this almost made this morning better. She glared at the gazelle as her chest puffed in fury. Her stomach did not seem to get the intimidation memo, rumbling loudly again and taking some of the wind out of her rebuttal.

The rude gazelle laughed at the weak retort from Tara's double-dealing belly, making the zebra significantly more crossed. "Yeah, sure. Go hit a buffet, fatass." It was clear that Tara was cut deep, but the gazelle was too arrogant to see that it was not going to be in her favor. Shifting aim, the crass customer returned fire at the still-frozen Theo, oblivious to Tara's new intentions. "So am I going to get my refund or w-"

Before she could get off another snarky remark, a loud 'O __R_ MF'_ cut her off. Tara, in a swift movement clearly not new to a seasoned pred like her, stepped forward, grabbed the brash gazelle's shoulders, and shoved that entitled face right into her maw; Vinni's head was entirely inside the zebra's long muzzle, her mouth stretched. Both Theo and Chris could not help but look on, the former with the same stunned expression accompanied by a hint of flush, the latter with the same seen-all indifference accompanied by a hint of a smile. The businesswoman's vice grip on her new breakfast's shoulders was almost overkill as her prey still seemed shocked, something that Tara knew to capitalize on. GLK - with a strong swallow, the gazelle went further into Tara's gullet.

Finally, the oversized breakfast burrito realized what was happening, shouting a muffled curse as she tried to get away, but a moment too late -GLK, GLLK - constrained by zebra lips, the gazelle's upper arms were pinned to her sides, leaving little leverage to punch and push. Despite the resistance, the taste of cheap clothing, and the hump of the gazelle's breasts, Tara kept swallowing with a vengeance, oblivious to her barista audience. Another strong gulp and she could feel the gazelle's head enter her ready stomach; another, and her meal's arms were constrained, unable to fight back; another, and she took a moment to recover. Her tongue ran across the gazelle's flat, exposed belly. Tara felt unimpressed by the taste, but she loved her prey's squirms. She tuned out the muffled swearing and heckling of her breakfast, just taking a moment to relish the shifting and struggling of the top half of the gazelle, the lower half still trying to maintain footing outside of Tara's mouth as it tried to resist the inevitable. She knew the drill; with one hand securely gripping the gazelle's shorts, the other reached to her waist to unbutton and unzip her pants, getting ready for a swift size increase.

Breaktime concluded, Tara went back to work with a vengeance. In tandem with the zebra drawing in the gazelle's large, cotton-clad booty and hips, a loud gulp sent her even deeper inside. Tara braced herself one more time before grabbing each of her prey's legs and heaving her upwards for the coup-de-grace. Gravity, gulps, and saliva did a short job of getting the rest of Tara's appetizing adversary inside, who quickly curled up in the now giant zebra belly.

Tara leaned on a nearby chair as she adjusted to the shift in her center of gravity. She sighed happily, pulling her stretchable blouse up, running a hand across her massive, striped, struggling, sloshing, midriff; for a moment she just stood there, breathing deeply, blocking out the protests of her meal and feeling the peace that she was robbed of earlier that morning. Tension seemed to leave her body as she let loose a long, satisfied belch or achievement. She breathed in. She let it out. Then she stood back up. Fortunately, the gazelle in her gut was hardly a challenge for someone with over twenty-five years of experience, and Tara stood up with ease, turning to the counter unabashed. Theo still had the same deer-in-the-headlights look plastered across her face, but his face was undoubtedly redder than before, eyes locked on his favorite customer's gut. Chris just casually tossed the fifth-of-the-way remade latte he was working on. Leaning forward carefully, Tara picked her purse up from the ground - it must have fallen during the scrap. She then smiled at the wordless Theo with a newfound warmth as she walked up, her exposed, writhing stomach pressing against the counter. Tara reached into her bag and pulled out a pen, a business card, and two one-hundred-dollar bills. "For each of you," she presented, placing both bills down. On the back of her card, she wrote her personal number and held it out to Theo, whose wide eyes moved up to meet hers. "And this is for you. As I was trying to say before I was so rudely interrupted," Tara explained, tauntingly rubbing her dissenting gut, "we're accepting new interns pretty regularly at Glut-Foods. If you're interested, call me sometime, alright?" As Theo took the card gingerly, Tara gave him a wink before looking at the contents on the counter. Both coffees were still warm, as was the sandwich. Better to not let it all go to waste, right? Putting the sandwich that her prey so generously bought for her into her purse, she took a coffee in each hand. "Thank you again, you two!" As she made her way to the door, Tara took a curious sip of the gazelle's miel latte and cordially proclaimed, "By the way, this latte tastes perfect!" She pushed the door open with her gut, squishing her prey and making her hiccup, gut still struggling around and a smile still plastered on her face.

The shift in gasses from such a maneuver made the zebra let loose another belch as the fresh fall air greeted her. She walked over to her SUV and put her duo of coffees on the roof as she grabbed her keys. Just as she unlocked her door, her gut lurched forward, and between the gurgling and sloshing, she heard Vinni yell out, "Let me out, asshole! I have stuff to do today!"

Tara just glanced down at her belly and casually rubbed it, replying, "Yes, you do. It's called digesting. You can do whatever else after you reform, but until then, keep it down." She pulled the door open and grabbed her drinks, taking a generous sip as she awkwardly leaned in to put them in cup holders, eliciting more resistance from her breakfast.

"Ugh, you old bitch!" The gazelle kicked against the stomach walls, again almost throwing Tara off-balance. As she regained her footing and leaned against the front seat, her prey continued, "I'm gonna ruin you when I get out of here! Enjoy working in your fancy office while you can, because-"

AAAUUUUURRP!_Tara sighed and slapped her large belly, which stopped its movement in subdued surprise. "Or what, you'll call my manager? I _am the manager, floosy." She drew out a small bottle labeled_Drowze-It-Out_ from her purse, popping out a capsule. Tara washed it down with another drink of coffee before rubbing her gut up and down. "You can call my boss when you're back out. Until then, can it and digest," Tara commanded. She rolled her eyes and massaged her paunch as her prey continued to jinx and threaten the bloated businesswoman. Moment by moment, the movement became more and more sluggish, and finally, the zebra's big, round belly was as calm and quiet as the rest of the parking lot. She burped gently and patted her striped gut. "Finally..." Tara took a moment to just breathe, feeling the slight chill of the gentle weather on her gut as it rose and fell with each lungful. Peace at last. Squeezing herself into the driver's seat, she started up her car and saw the time on the console: 7:41.

On time it is, then.