"I am so fucking lost," Dan said. Not kinda lost. Not sorta lost. Not lost but he knew the general direction he was supposed to be heading in. He was completely fucking lost. The forest ranger he had checked in with had warned him against hiking...
The new wolf
He held me in his arms. His canid eyes filling my entire field of view. If this wolf knew anything, it was seducing me. Me, a naga of high caliber in our school. I was often known for controlling people, my shear size intimidating almost everyone into...
Same Size Killer, Massacre
#1 of same size killer a story about the same size killer killing even more macros. the same size killer, a different kind of massacre: the same size killer was in his shack. yet again crying about sophia.
Same Size Killer, Hatred
#2 of same size killer edgy and gory same size killer, macro-hater: the same size killer was chugging a bottle of booze in his shed. he had just snorted some cocaine too. he put his bottle down once he was done. he was cleaning his machete.
Hetra Presents Experimental Misfortunes
"Sir, do you understand what we're attempting to accomplish today?" the researcher questioned the test subject, "Sir?" He just sat there in her office, drooling, staring at the lovely shape of the slender salamander that stood before him. "Sir."...
Same Size Killer, Shotgun Rampage
#2 of same size killer warning: extremely graphic!! the same size killer, shotgun rampage terror: the same size killer was in his shed. his hatred was burning his soul.
Starship Pit Stop
By modern standards Te'nali had a barbaric ship, having been passed down through their family for generations. The small two man spacecraft dated back to when the avali were conquering large portions of the galaxy. It was horribly inefficient at space...
Same Size Killer, City Rampage Sniper
#3 of same size killer a story about the same size killer killing macros again. same size killer, sniper on the city rampage: the same size killer was in his shed. he was getting ready for his next murder spree. this time, he got a sniper rifle.
Damien the Lady Killer: Samantha
#32 of same-size collaboration done with damienfox. i felt like honing my writing skills a bit, and he needed to get back into artwork, and we both decided that damien needed some love. so this happened.
The Kirin's cloven hooves emitted quiet clacks, as they collided with the stone floor. Geno descended a flight of steep stairs, and entered his basement. He flicked a switch, and a dim light flickered to life, casting vision on the latest...
Predscape Travel Blog - Kee
As our food arrives, the chitenous lady sitting at the other side of the table pauses in her story. Due to our difference in scale, she was seated upon a miniature stool on the tabletop, with a smaller table in front of her. As varied as our scale is,...
The Very, VERY Hungry Deer - Wed, and Thursday
It was now Wednesday, and Neil once again found himself waking up in a friend's house after digesting the occupant. He took a moment to let out a big stretch and another yawn before scratching at his sheath, dealing with the bit of extra weight Drake...