Turning blue for you, part 1 [Lucario TFTG]

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On the night when his friend, which he has a secret crush on, is about to depart on a long journey to become a Pokemon Master, Sam plays with a strange collar clearly not meant for a human use out of boredom. Of course, this leads to some drastic changes to his life, as one might expect...

Hi! I'm trying to get more consistent at writing regularly again! So far with mixed results, but I can make up for it. Last 2000 words of this story were written in one day, after writing barely a sentence on some days prior to that.

I decided to write a gender transformation story for practice, since not only this kind of stories are usually close to my heart, but also transformation is probably my favourite fetish in general.

I'm sorry if the story is not too complex or original, despite taking over 5000 words, but I just felt writing a transformation story with a somewhat simple premise like that. I'll try to write the second part as soon as I can, and, in the meanwhile, I hope you'll enjoye reading this one!

If you ever feel like throwing some money my way, you can do it here. I'll appreciate every penny ^^

Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/doeofwoe

Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/doeofwoe

"Well, cheers to the future Pokémon Champion!" Sam raised can with beer and smiled, trying to hide any hints of sadness on his face or in his voice.

"Thanks, dude!" Kenneth replied, and chugged the beverage from his own can. "Ah... I'm going to miss just hanging out with you like that."

It was a warm summer evening in Viridian City in the Kanto Region. The sky was clear, covered with countless stars, and a moon, which gave faint light to the world below. Perfect atmosphere for sitting on your friend's house's terrace with a can of cold beer, while just chatting and reminiscing about the past. Especially when that friend is soon about to leave home and go on a months-long journey to finally chase his dream from childhood.

"So, you're meeting with the Professor tomorrow at noon, right?" asked Sam.

"Yep." Kenneth nodded. "Everything is already set up. Professor still keeps remarking how surprised he is that I finally decided to become a Trainer."

"To be honest, so am I! You've barely even left Viridian City before, and now you suddenly decide to not only finally get your Trainer License, but also attempt to become a Pokémon Champion? I just... Did not expect this, that's all."

"Can't blame you," laughed Kenneth. "Until recently, I wouldn't have thought so myself."

"What changed your mind?" inquired Sam. "Like, for the past ten years you were pretty much set on just getting a stable job and living a normal, peaceful life here, in Viridian City. You hadn't even mentioned the idea of becoming a Trainer since we were children."

Kenneth leaned back on his chair and looked at the starry sky. He took a sip from his can before responding. "I don't know... It's just... I'm twenty-four. I've lived here for my entire life, barely seeing the rest of Kanto. I've been working a dead-end job for the past three years with no prospects for any growth. I just... Really needed a change of pace. I realized I couldn't keep living like that. I remembered all of my abandoned dreams, and how much I wanted to become a Pokémon Trainer when I was a child, so... I just thought that maybe it's time to try to follow that dream, before it's too late."

Sam nodded and smiled sadly. He could definitely understand that sentiment. He was also feeling stuck in his life, and had no clue how to fix it. He was almost tempted to offer Kenneth to join him on his future journey and become a Trainer himself. That way he would also get out of his gray, depressing every-day reality, and he wouldn't lose his closest friend for months, or even years, but he was not really fit to be a Pokémon Trainer, and never really had a particularly good connection with Pokémon for some reason. Even his parents' Growlithe just kind of ignored him and would only occasionally went to him for pets from time to time, when no one else was available.

"Enough about me for now," said Kenneth. "How have you been doing recently? We haven't really had much chance to talk in the last few weeks. Do you have eyes on any cute guy?" He grinned.

Sam chuckled, hiding his sadness behind laughter. "No, not really. I guess I'm just still not ready for a new relationship after the last one..."

It was a lie, of course. Sam did have a crush on someone. The problem is, that someone was Kenneth. Who, while incredibly supportive of his friend being gay, was definitely nothing else that straight himself, and asking him out would just make things awkward.

Sam had had this hopeless infatuation with Kenneth for years now. He couldn't exactly put a finger on what was the specific reason. It was probably a combination of multiple factors: Sam loved his kindness and friendliness, found him funny, and just very fun to be with in general, and, what's also important, he thought Kenneth was really, really cute with his long brown hair, freckles and blue eyes.

So, in general, Sam had troubles getting over this pointless crush. He did get into two relationships during this time, which made him forget about these feelings, but when they didn't work out in the end, he found himself back in the starting point, having to conceal his feelings to not risk losing his friend.

And now he wouldn't be able to see him for the next few months, if not more. He had no ill feelings towards Kenneth's decision, but he already knew he wouldn't handle well not having his closest friend just few houses away.

"So, have you decided which Starter you're going to pick?" he asked to change the topic of the conversation away from his love life.

"I've been thinking about it a lot, actually! But I'm still not entirely sure..." Kenneth sighed. "I'll probably go with Squirtle. I've always liked Water-types. I've actually been thinking much more about which Pokémon I'll want to catch as soon as possible, because of what my uncle sent me recently."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, I didn't show you this?" He stood up and went back inside for a moment. Sam heard him digging inside his closet for a bit, and then he came back with a large box. He put it down on the terrace and opened it in front of his friend. "My uncle sent me this. He used to be a Pokémon Trainer, and he said that this stuff is going to help me on my journey."

Sam looked into the box. It contained a large variety of items. Mostly some healing potions for the Pokémon, antidotes, items for healing burns or paralysis, and so on. Basically anything that would give the Pokémon some support during hard battles. What he found more interesting was a small collection of evolution stones and type-enhancing items, like a Dragon Fang and a Pink Bow.

"That's a pretty nice treasure you have here," commented Sam. "I don't think your Pokémon will be fainting because of some random wild Pokémon anytime soon. And those evolution stones! Water Stone, Fire Stone, Leaf Stone... If you catch an Eevee, you'd be able to evolve it into almost any form from the get go."

"Yeah. Though, I'll probably get a Vaporeon." Kenneth grinned widely. "Because... Did you know...?"

"Shut up." Sam rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, sorry!" Kenneth laughed. "But yeah, that's why I've been mostly trying to plan out which Pokémon I should catch. Like, I could use that Fire Stone to get a Flareon, but I could also catch a Vulpix and get a Ninetales using it. Or prank your parents and make your family Growlithe an Arcanine."

"Please don't." Sam smiled. "He can already be overwhelming without being five times his current size." Suddenly, something in the box caught his attention. "What's this?" he asked, pulling out an item that looked like a simple steel collar. He inspected it, while holding it in his hands. It was surprisingly light, but seemed surprisingly flexible and well-made. It also had some weird symbols engraved into the steel. "I've never seen anything like this before."

"Neither have I. Even my uncle is not entirely sure what it is. The guy he bought it from said that if you put this collar on a Lucario, it will make their attacks stronger. Something about increasing their connection to the Aura, or something like that. It might have been a scam, but at least he sold it very cheaply."

"It works only on a Lucario? That seems rather weird. Items like that usually work on all Pokémon of a certain type, from what I know."

"Yeah, I thought so too," Kenneth shrugged. "Well, at least I know that I'll definitely want to get a Lucario on my team, even if only to test how it works. Anyway, the night is still young. Is there anything you'd like to do?"

Sam's heart started pounding in his chest, even though he knew fully well that this wasn't what his friend meant. Thankfully, he managed to not show anything on the outside. "I... I don't know. I'm fine with anything, honestly!"

"Hmm... How about we watch some movies?" suggested Kenneth. "Or some series."

"Haven't you stopped stopped paying for your PokéFlix subscription?"

"Yeah, but that's not an issue a little bit of, ekhm, sailing the high seas can't fix." Kenneth grinned. "Anyway, the shop nearby should still be open, so how about I go buy some popcorn? In the meanwhile, you can think about what we could watch together?"

"I can come with you to help you, if you want!" offered Sam eagerly. He wanted to spend as much time with him while he still could.

"Nah, it's fine, I won't buy much, and I'll be faster on my own anyway." Kenneth went back inside from the terrace, with Sam following him. He grabbed his wallet from the table, and went on to put on his shoes.


"I should be back in around ten minutes, or so." Kenneth said, tying his shoelaces. "Should I get something for you?"

"No, I'm fine..."

"Alright, then! Don't touch my figurine collection while I'm gone!"

Kenneth closed the door behind himself, as he left the house, and so Sam was left alone.

He let out a deep sigh and sat down on Kenneth's couch. I'm pathetic, aren't I, he thought. Being lovesick for a friend who was about to leave for a long time the next day, and who'd never reciprocate his feelings anyway. He knew he should just let go of those feelings, but he couldn't. He had struggled with them for years, even though he was fully aware it was hopeless.

Sam sometimes wished he hadn't been born a man. He actually thought about it pretty often recently. He not only would maybe have a chance to be with Kenneth then, but he would also probably feel better in his own body. Sam wasn't sure whether it was just his own pathetic mind trying to figure out a way to be with Kenneth, or if it was some deeper, more complex part of his identity he should probably give more thought to. As always before, he tried to occupy his mind with something else. He wasn't in the best state of mind to open that potential can of worms.

He sat down on Kenneth's cushy couch and leaned back. Whatever. He shouldn't worry about the future or himself right now.

He suddenly realized that he was playing with that weird steel collar that he had apparently never let go from his hands. He examined it again out of boredom-fuelled curiosity. Despite seemingly being made of steel, it really didn't feel that hard for some reason. It was also weirdly flexible, able to bend quite easily. Whatever it was made of, it certainly wasn't just a regular metal.

Sam ran his finger through the engravings. He had never seen any like those. Was it some kind of long-dead language? Or a weird ritualistic inscription? Maybe he could convince Kenneth to take it to his Pokémon Professor, and ask him if he had any ideas. Whatever it was, Sam wished for his friend's sake that it would actually work and somehow strengthen a Lucario that wears it.

Then Sam did something that was completely illogical and pointless when you look at it objectively, but he just felt like doing it out of pure boredom. He decided to put the collar around his neck.

It fit really well, easily adjusting to the size, without feeling too tight. It was surprisingly comfy, too. It felt rather cold against his skin, but Sam assumed that for a Lucario it wouldn't be an issue with their fur. He kind of started to wonder how it would feel like... To have fur and claws...

Sam shook his head. His thoughts were getting just plain stupid now. He yawned and stretched on Kenneth's couch. He should rather put his remaining mental energy into figuring out what movie should he watch on the last night with his best friend.

He scratched his head, but... Something seemed off. At first, he couldn't put a finger on what it was... Until he actually put his finger on his ear, and realized that it certainly wasn't as pointy or fluffy just few minutes ago.

He checked again. And again. His ear certainly changed somehow. Not only that, but it also seemed to be getting longer now. He slowly reached his hand to check his other ear, and same thing was definitely happening there.

This wasn't the only change happening to his body. He felt a tingling sensation on his arm. As he reached with his other hand to scratch it, he felt the same fluffy sensation as on his ears. He realized that patches some kind of blue hair were slowly, but steadily growing out of his body. What made it worse is that he felt a similar sensation happening in some other parts of his body -- on his legs, back, and neck -- and it seemed to be spreading...

"I've only had like two cans of beer so far!" Sam thought. "I can't be this drunk already! What the hell is going on with me?!"

As Sam wondered whether he should go to a hospital, or if all of this is just a creation of his mind, he felt that something weird started to happen to his feet. They started to lengthen, bringing an unpleasant, though not painful, sensation. Sam's socks did the best they could to handle the change and stay intact, but they eventually tore to shreds.

Sam looked in the mixture of awe and horror at what emerged. His feet were replaced with long... Paws, covered in black fur, that ended with a set of sharp claws, completely unlike human fingernails. On their bottom side there was a set paw pads, just like those that canine Pokémon usually have. In a way, they were similar to the ones of his family's Growlithe.

Sam stopped staring at his new paws, and shook his head. He needed help, immediately. He needed to find his phone and call help, now. Kenneth, an ambulance, police, his family, just anyone.

He put his fe- paws on the ground, and hesitantly raised himself from the couch. He needed a moment to find balance, and get used to being digitigrade now, but after few unsure steps, he got used to it surprisingly quickly. It almost felt... Natural to him.

It was also a good idea he stood up, because he suddenly felt pressure in his pants, right above his butt. Something was growing, and it really needed space, desperately pushing to break out. Grimacing in pain and discomfort, Sam quickly unzipped his pants and pulled them down, which also revealed his legs, that were being increasingly covered by black fur on the lower parts, and blue on his thighs.

Taking advantage of the new space, a new appendage erupted from Sam's tailbone, escaping its confinement. It was a tail, fully covered in blue fur. It was mostly straight, except at the end, where it bent rather sharply. It was quite long, almost reaching his fe- paws.

Sam looked at it in shock. His heart was pounding fast. But was it with horror or some weird sense of... Excitement?

"What the hell is happening to me?!" Sam felt his new tail as if it was his arm or leg. His brain was unused to the sensation of having an appendage like that, but with a small mental effort he managed to move it, left and right. It was certainly a part of his body now, no matter what was his opinion about that. "Am I... Am I becoming...?"

Sam didn't have much time to process it, because suddenly a metallic spite erupted from his chest, causing him pain and tearing through his shirt.

"Ahhh!" he screamed in surprise.

He nervously touched it. It was hard and cold, and he definitely felt it as a part of his body. What's worse, he started feeling pains in both of his hands. He noticed that similar spikes were slowly growing out from the black fur that was spreading on them as well.

"Oh, Arceus... It's really happening. Why am I becoming a Lucario?!"

He took off his torn shirt, since there was no point in wearing it anymore, and he wanted to see the changes clearly. His chest and belly were almost completely covered by light-yellow fur. But that wasn't the most noticeable thing that changed.

Sam realized that his chest certainly got more plump than he remembered. It almost seemed as if...

"Oh no. No. No, no, no!"

The changes were certainly still ongoing, but he couldn't deny it. He was definitely growing a pair of breasts on the both sides of his new chest spike.

He nervously touched them with his hands, that were looking more and more paw-like with each passing moment. They felt incredibly soft and were getting rather plump. He felt a small wave of pleasure when he squeezed them slightly, which made him let out a small moan that he didn't even notice sounded quite less masculine than usual. The sensation prompted him to start playing with them, brushing his paws against the fur on them, squeezing the erected nipples. Soon, they seemed to have grown to their full size, and while they weren't overly big, they certainly weren't just small bumps.

It was also then when Sam realized what he had been doing.

"What the- What am I even doing?!" He quickly took his hands, which seemed to have grown paw pads while he had been enjoying himself, away from his new breasts. Though the temptation remained strong. "Am I changing into a female Lucario?! How is it even real? Why is it happening to me?!"

It was wrong. It definitely was wrong. He was a male human, and whatever was happening to him right now, was certainly bad.

And yet, despite everything, his tail was wagging.

Sam felt something happening to his face; his skull felt like it was slowly stretching forwards, bringing him some surprisingly mild pain and discomfort. He decided he needed to find a mirror. He wasn't sure why. He should probably focus on getting help right now, but he felt a weird need to see his new body more fully. Maybe it was just morbid curiosity, but maybe... Was he actually excited about seeing it?

He moved on his new paws almost as naturally as he used to on his human legs. The tail somehow made keeping his balance much easier. He still wasn't used to the sensation of having one, especially when it was constantly wagging, hitting some of the furniture on the way.

On the way, Sam felt sharp pain coming from the palms of his hands. He examined them to see that they looked almost exactly like Lucario's paws now, though he seemed to have mostly retained the fingers, which he was relieved about. Grabbing a phone to call for help would definitely be much harder without them. Though it's not like he seemed eager to do it regardless. He constantly had thoughts in the back of his head, that it was wrong, that he should call an ambulance, and hope that they can reverse all of this, but he constantly hesitated. Did he actually just want to see how he would turn out in the end?

Another burst of sharp pain on his hands took Sam out of his thoughts. It didn't require much thought to figure out its cause, especially since he had already suspected it. Another spikes, similar to the one coming our from between his bre-... from his chest, pierced through his fur-covered skin on his palms. They were smaller overall, but seemed equally sharp. Sam hoped he wouldn't have any accidents because of them in the future.

He got to the mirror in the entrance hallway of the house, and realized that his head had changed more than he thought. His ears have moved almost all the way to the top, and they grew even larger. His face was slowly pushing forward, seemingly to form a canine snout. It was also kept growing patches of fur -- black in the area around his eyes and the nose, and blue elsewhere. His hair had merged with the fur almost entirely, but something else seemed to have replaced them on the back of his head. It almost looked like hair in a way, maybe some kind of dreadlocks, but it felt more inseparable of his body than just hair.

Sam touched his growing snout, hesitantly. The reflection raised its paw, mirroring his movement.

"So it's really me now, huh...? Wait-!" He barely noticed that before, but... His voice had very noticeably increased in pitch. It wasn't incredibly high, but there was no way one could think it was a man's voice. "First boobs and now this? I'm not only turning into a stupid Lucario, but also a woman?! As if I needed more problems to deal with..."

However, he did feel himself blush under his fur, though he scolded himself for that in his thoughts almost instantly. He DEFINITELY shouldn't be opening this can of worms right now, while turning into a Pokémon. Even if that seemed to be solving any issues with his gender identity, as well...

Sam sighed. He was such a mess. He really shouldn't be thinking about this right now. At least he didn't lose his human speech -- even if it changed drastically in other ways -- so he really should go grab his phone and call for help. But instead, he stayed in from of the mirror, almost mesmerized by his head finishing its transformation now. He felt his teeth get sharper, becoming more canine in their appearance.

"Is that it?" Sam pondered, looking at himself in the mirror. "It could have been worse? I kept my dick, at least... Kind of weird, but-"

As if to spite him, he felt sharp pain in his crotch, which then mixed with weird kind of pleasure, almost orgasmic in nature. He looked down, only to see his penis rapidly shrinking, shooting out waves of cum onto the wall with great force. He moaned femininely, caught by surprise by the sensation. Despite the pain, it felt incredible, even though some part of his brain had just realized that it would probably be the last male orgasm he would ever have. The entire process only took fifteen seconds at most, during which his penis and balls had completely vanished, replaced by a... Different body part that didn't feel familiar in any way to him.

Sam leaned against the wall, panting, trying to regain his composure. He felt exhausted, but his heart was still beating fast from that last change. He hesitantly reached his paw -- careful of the spike, of course -- to explore his newly formed body part. It felt slightly wet in touch, and, just as he expected, felt pretty pleasurable simply to touch. He tried gently massaging his clit with a side of his claw, and it just brought him pure bliss.

His eyes caught the sight of his reflection once again. There was no human part left on his body anymore, it seemed. Even his formerly brown eyes now fashioned a red hue, erasing the last remnant of his former humanity.

He examined his new furry body in the mirror again, from both sides. On the first glance, he was almost indistinguishable from a regular Lucario, though he kept his height, and his upper paws were still somewhat similar to human hands in their overall shapes. Also, his boobs were a pretty huge giveaway as well.

Sam couldn't believe it. He really was a female Lucario now.

He ran his paws through the fur on his hips, his breasts, and on his surprisingly plump butt. He should feel panicked, horrified, or at least uncomfortable, but instead... He felt surprisingly sexy. All things considered, he probably turned out pretty attractive. And he felt weirdly comfortable in this body.

Sam came back to the couch with ease. Walking on these new paws felt completely natural to him. He wondered what he should do now.

He tugged his collar a bit. It must have been what caused this entire situation. He should probably go to a Pokémon Center with it, and see if they could help him find a cure. No matter how much he enjoyed it, even if he struggled to fully admit it to himself, it was still probably not a good idea to just give up on being a human. He did have a life before, after all...

With not a lot of friends, awful love life, distant family and a shitty job... But a life nonetheless.

He looked on his phone, laying on the table next to the couch. He could call Kenneth, and ask him to come back, so they can drive together to the Pokémon Center. Sam felt incredibly flustered, when he thought about his friend seeing him naked like that, but it was probably his best option. Best not to wonder outside by himself, or some trainer might try to catch him, or something like that.

Though... Kenneth would be back soon anyway. There was no need to rush anything, Sam thought. Even though this entire situation was weird in a lot of aspects, there were still some aspects of it he could... Take some enjoyment from, while it lasts. After all, one does not turn into a Pokémon of the opposite gender every day.

Sam laid back on the couch and relaxed. The cold leather of the furniture felt nice against his fluffy body. He gently put his paw between his legs again, and started exploring his new vagina once more.

It certainly felt different than he imagined it would, though it was definitely as pleasing to touch himself like that as he expected. He still wasn't used to not having a dick hanging down there, but he was getting used to the sensation of depth between his legs.

Sam pushed his hand further down, while massaging his clitoris with his thumb. He gently explored the insides of his vagina, until he found the g-spot. He had never had sex with a woman, but he was paying attention at biology classes, so he had less troubles finding it that many men before him. Though it did help that he was not exactly a "man" in this moment.

He spent the next few minutes touching the spot, and just enjoying the moment. It felt so different than masturbating with a penis, yet equally pleasurable, if not more in some ways. If Sam was asked, he would have troubles pinpointing the exactly differences, but all he knew was that he absolutely loved this new experience.

Eventually he felt a warm sensation growing in his groin. He could already guess what it was: he was about to experience his first female orgasm.

Excited, he started touching massaging his clit faster, and at the same time he didn't leave the insides of his vagina any time to rest, either.

"Mmmm, yes...!" he moaned. "I need it. Please!"

He regretted not having a dildo, or a real dick, to pleasure himself and reach the climax easier. He felt himself on the edge for a good minute, but the desired release refused to come, until...

Pure ecstasy overwhelmed his body. Waves of pleasure emanated from his crotch, filling him with pure bliss, from his paws all the way up to his pointy ears. He started groping his breasts just to prolong it as long as he could.

"Yes! Yes! Oh, Arceus! I love it! Ahhh~!"

Even as the climax was dying down, Sam still kept masturbating. The new sensation just felt too good. He didn't have to deal with the refractory period of a dick, he could still keep going even after the orgasm. It was just pure joy to him. He started to wish this moment would last forever-

"What the hell?!" a voice rang out.

Sam quickly raised his head, panicked. In the door frame stood Kenneth, with bags of groceries and a look of pure confusion on his face.

"Kenneth, I- I can explain!" Sam quickly got up from the couch. "I-it's me, Sam! I... I somehow got changed into a Lucario! I- I think it's definitely because of that collar you showed to me! P-please, you have to believe me!"

Sam suddenly started feeling incredibly embarrassed and worried. His previous ecstasy had almost completely left him. Here he was, in a completely different body, laying in his own juices, so absorbed in whatever happened to him that he didn't even consider the fact that he barely seemed like the same person anymore. Would Kenneth believe him? And if he does what will he even think about his friend? Oh, Arceus, he was such a mess...

"Sam?" Kenneth put down the back and slowly approached the female Lucario. "Is that really you?"

"Yes..." Sam said quietly, looking down.

"How did- How the hell did you become a Lucario?"

"I- I don't know! I just put on that collar and-"

"Were you just masturbating on my couch?"

"Y-yes..." Sam felt himself blushing again under his fur. Oh, it was so embarrassing. Kenneth must have hated him now...

And then his friend walked forward and wrapped his arms around his new body, while being mindful of the chest spike.

"Don't worry, I believe you. I know it's you," Kenneth said reassuringly.

"R-really?" Sam felt himself on the verge of sobbing out of relief. "How can you be so sure."

"Well, you are the only person I know who who is shameless enough to start masturbating immediately after being turned into a female Pokémon."

"D-dude!" Sam his his face in his paws out of embarrassment.

"Just kidding!" Kenneth smiled. "I simply saw your torn clothes all around my living room. Though I'm honestly impressed that you've somehow managed to turn yourself into a female Lucario when I was gone. Like, I can't have been away for longer than twenty minutes, and here you go: just putting on random suspicious objects that were made for Pokémon use."

"Hey, it's not like I was planning to turn myself into a Lucario!"

But he laughed slightly, relieved that Kenneth is still treating him the same as usual, despite the situation.

"Let's get you to a Pokémon Center," suggested Kenneth. "I'm they must have had some cases of people just turning into Pokémon. Let's hope they'll be able to help you."

"Y-yeah, that's sounds like a good idea." Sam nodded.

"In the meanwhile, let's find you something to wear, so you don't go around flashing your breasts to everyone on the way. Oh, and Sam?"


"You turned out a pretty sexy Lucario, honestly." Kenneth smirked teasingly. "I'd say it's an improvement, if you ever wanted to stay like that."

As his friend went to the bedroom to get him some clothes, Sam's tail started to wag excitedly, and his heart started to race. He knew Kenneth was only joking to make him feel better, but he couldn't help but kind of agree with him...