Tour Gone Wrong Pt. 2-Comission by Amethyst Mare

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Part 2 of the Tour Gone wrong series...Written by Amethyst Mare commissioned by me. I think there will be one final piece before we close out this story.

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Mugsaith

A continuation of Tour Gone Wrong.

Samson's chest heaved, the bay equine tied up to the statue, his eyes wide and wild with a rim of white. He had never envisioned that night going as wrong as it had, his boyfriend, Rufus, having given his final performance of his last tour. A famous popstar, the German Shepherd had had to keep things quiet with regards to their relationship, being that they were both guys, purely from a ratings and popularity point of view. Even though he loved his music, that wasn't something, of course, that Rufus had wanted to keep up long-term, having to hide his sexuality just to make money and draw in fans.

However, he could have come out again, later, and been his real self, still enjoying his music, writing and finding a new niche for himself - something that suited him, something that allowed the dog to grow and be true to himself. At least, that had been the plan until a horde of furious fans had charged into the top floor suite at the hotel where the two of them had been having sex and decided to change Rufus' mind.

Samson groaned, twisting back and forth. Someone had wedged a cloth gag, ripped from one of the merchandise shirts into his mouth, and the horse tongued it, working it free. Evidently, they had got tired of his pleas for them to leave Rufus alone, though it was not as if they had done any good anyway. The dog had been taken and used regardless of their feelings on the matter, forced to fuck the femfurs and be sucked off by them. Anything they could think of to do to him, they did.

He didn't have a choice, on his back, limbs pinned down. Samson grunted, shoving the cloth from his mouth, though it caught on his lower lip, compressing the sensitive flesh. The stallion groaned, his cock still out, half drooping from his sheath. He had not had a chance to get his clothes back on before the horde had swamped the two of them.

The statue didn't shift behind him as he strained towards Rufus, though he could barely see the German Shepherd, his beautiful tan and black fur, the sleek trim of markings across his face. Rufus' head was squeezed between the thighs of a big wolf, her head tipped back, though the stallion had forgotten just who the ringleader of the whole thing had been. It didn't matter, not as she rode Rufus' muzzle and forced him to eat out her pussy. A squirrel was busy riding his cock, slamming up and down as his sloppy dick was forced up into her body.

And there were more still, rubbing and groping and massaging his body all over, squeezing the muscles of his legs, even getting down to lap over his balls. They used his body as if he was just an icon for them to adore - and, to the rabid fans, that was all that Rufus had become. It was just one more reason also why he had wanted to get out of the music industry that had been too busy sucking him dry.

"Hey there, cutie... You think ladies suck too, huh?"

Samson glared, his ears pinned back, instinctively baring his teeth at the fox approaching him. She was only wearing a crop top with Rufus' face on it, which was more disturbing than it could ever have been cute, bottomless and, most likely, dripping with Rufus' cum.

Samson tried not to think about it too much. It was too much, too much to see his partner used and abused, his heart aching even though the turned-on part of his mind was terrifyingly confused at that moment. His tail tucked down against his rump but, with his back to the statue, there was little the equine could do to cover himself up. His arms, of course, were tied tightly to it, roughly pinned at his sides. It was clothes that he was tied with, though the knots just slid tighter and tighter the more he squirmed.

"Get away from me," he snapped, snaking his head back and forth a little in a threat display. "I don't want anything to do with you - and leave Rufus alone too! He's not yours! He gets to decide for himself!"

"Oh, what, you don't really believe that, do you?"

The fox rolled her eyes, squatting by Samson, her paw tracing down his chest, fingers walking a trail past his stomach. He flinched and wriggled, but he couldn't get away, his legs a little splayed so that his hooves were kicked out. The vixen, however, stayed well out of kicking distance.

"Someone should have tied those," she murmured. "But that would have made it more difficult to get to your balls then, hm? You don't want him. Rufus obviously likes ladies. I don't know what he was doing shacking up with you."

Samson winced. That hurt. A lot, in fact. But he tried not to let it cross his expression, lips pressing together only slightly tighter, ears pinned back. He was never usually an aggressive sort, though all was well at that time, ignoring the muscle jumping at the corner of his jaw.

Rufus grunted and Samson's ears flicked towards him, even if he could not do anything to help him. The vixen prodded his soft cock and the equine gasped, drawing back - though his back was already to the statue and there was nowhere for him to go.

"Come on, pony," she crooned, her eyes lighting up as her teasing manipulation made his cock thicken up slightly with need, even if it was from what she was physically doing to him only. "You need to have some fun, get with more than a guy. Rufus has all the ladies that he wants now, so you should have all the fun you can handle too..."

She grinned as Samson shook his head, though her muzzle was already dipping towards his cock, nothing he could do to stop her.

"Wait - no! No, I don't want this, I don't want any of this! Rufus - Rufus, please!"

Yet the stallion didn't even know why he was begging as he watched, reeling in horror, her muzzle engulf his cock. There was a moment where he didn't quite realise what was happening, holding only three inches or so inside her mouth... And then pleasure exploded.

His cock had only been half-hard before, responding to everything that was going on around him but no more than that, the interlude with Rufus, of course, leaving him horny and riled up. He had been watching Rufus the whole time too and even the traitorous moans that had slipped from the dog's muzzle had gotten him worked up, his tail trying to lash where it was mostly pinned under his rump.

But her muzzle... It was just a muzzle, just a tongue cradling his cock, lapping and swirling around the flatter head as she coaxed him to hardness once more. Samson grunted, balling his paws into fists, the rough, hard tips of his fingers, hoof-like and chunky, biting into his palms.

"Unff... No... Please..."

She didn't stop. The fox, maybe, was already prepared for that, massaging the base of his cock with her paw, trying to close her fingers all the way around his girth, where it was a little thicker at the bottom. She even toyed with his sheath, the fox dipping her fingers into it, playing with it curiously even as Samson twitched and jerked.

The stallion flinched from her, grunting thickly in the back of his throat. He hadn't had anything to drink in a few hours and yet it still felt as if he was intoxicated, languishing in a place that warmed him and cradled him, somewhere that made him feel soft all around. The edges of his vision were blurry and fuzzy, breath audible in his ears while his heart pounded and pounded.

If only he could have focused on that and not the confusing pleasure rolling from her tongue. Samson blinked hard and tried to stomp, to kick out, but the vixen was too canny for that, keeping well to the side of him. If Samson had more flexibility, he would have been able to spread his legs wide, but the horse would have had to get nearly into a split to kick her away from him.

So, the stallion was forced to endure her mouth. He wasn't sure just how much of a punishment it was, only that it felt strange, that it felt wrong. It was pleasurable, surely, though there was a distinct sense of something being different there too, aching deeply through his psyche. He squirmed and tried his best to flinch away, his chest heaving, despite not getting as much breath into his lungs as he thought he should be getting.

Was that the reason he was dizzy? The stallion grunted, licking his lips, trying to turn away, subconsciously showing subtle signals and signs, even though his words were not being listened too, licking and chewing uncomfortably. He fluttered his nostrils in a snort and yet his attention could not help but be drawn back to his cock, the seductive slide of her lips up and down his length as she gave him a blowjob.


Her moan... Oh, it was nothing like a guy's groan, not like Rufus', and the stallion's muzzle wrinkled uncomfortably. No, it wasn't what he wanted to hear and it was a turn-off.

Still... It was not enough to get him to soften. His cock had only been half-hard when she had first slipped it into her muzzle and it was hardening up swiftly, the flare thick, even though it was not engorged. It would take bringing him to the point of orgasm for it to thicken up and expand, throbbing lustfully. It was by far a too-sensitive part of his anatomy, but the vixen didn't care about that one bit as she tongued it, fascinated.

"Gggnnnghhhh..." He groaned, pressing his tongue up against the inside of his front teeth, trying not to be too loud, something pulling deep within his gut. "No... I don't... We don't..."

He could not, after all, speak for what was in her mind. She was the one trying to fuck a gay guy, after all.

Samson snorted, his skin quivering in patches, as if he was trying to shake a fly from his body: it was a leftover reflex from his species in a time long gone by. Every sensation was too much, his skin crawling, eyes half-closed, trying not to shut down.

"Unff... No... Please..."

It was the pleasure, in the end, that rooted him in the moment. It was one more sensation to deal with, warming him through, though the glow spread through him from his crotch up, through his midsection to his chest, down his arms and even to his fingers. The horse left out a breathy exhale, his nostrils flaring widely as he sank back just a little more.

He couldn't help himself. He wondered, dimly, if it was the same for Rufus, pinned on the bed - well, no, that was wrong. Rufus had been dragged upright with four femfurs to hold him, for he was still thrashing and fighting. If Samson had been feeling very kind to himself, he would have said that it looked like the dog was fighting hard, just for him, but, in all honesty, the dog had given in. Samson would see for himself, in time, just how easy it was to give in when he was forced.

And he couldn't do anything, not as the vixen drew back from him, licking her lips with a low groan.

"Wow, your dick tastes good..." She murmured, tail flicking up a little higher, but not quite wagging. "Mmm - girls! Get over here! You forgot we got another one to play with."

"What - no!"

He groaned, shaking his head, though it was too late. In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by a deer, a magpie and a horse. The last one rocked her hips back and forth, nude from head to toe, with big, full breasts that looked like she needed a considerable bra to support them.

Samson looked. He really looked. And yet...there was no attraction there. Not even a flicker of desire, a stirring of the fire in his loins. If his balls ached, it was only due to the teasing stimulation from the vixen and the fact that he had not gotten off yet, despite having sex with Rufus beforehand.

"Mmm..." The mare said, a palomino with a grey nose, her eyes dark and what Samson supposed was supposed to be alluring. "I can't want to take you... But have you ever had a boobjob, darling? That's got to be why you're going after guys, though I've got to admit, you had good taste with Rufus..."

Samson growled, clamping his jaw shut, ignoring just how hard it ached. He trembled a little, but the mare was down and lowering herself, ignoring the awkward angle. She had something in mind, after all, that she wanted to do to him, whether or not Samson had consented; they really should have considered the consent issue of things, though it was far, far too late for that to come into play.


He'd never had breasts pressed against him before, much less around his cock, as the soft, pillowy rounds of her tits closed around his cock. The stallion snorted and huffed and, against his will, tipped his head back. But that felt good! Just sensation, yes, and maybe it was something that he could have learned to like if he wasn't paying attention to who was doing it to him. But that wouldn't have been fair to his partner, if he was taking advantage of a femfur just for sex, and that wasn't the sort of thing that Samson would ever have done.

The stallion groaned, head spinning dizzyingly. If he had been standing, he would have crashed down right then and there, a dead weight for the rest of them to deal with. Pre-cum dribbled from the head of his cock, the slit puckering briefly every time a dollop of pre-cum was forced out, his body doing what it needed to, without the consent of his mind.

"Unff... No... Mmm!"

He pressed his lips together tightly, too hard for comfort. He closed his eyes and leaned back, trying to ignore everything. If he pretended he was somewhere else, anywhere else, maybe he could get through it. Rufus had had to go through it too - hell, the dog was still going through it, forced to fuck a poodle over the end of the bed. Peering at his partner through lowered eyelashes, Samson groaned. It didn't look like Rufus was fighting back that hard anymore, no...

Maybe he didn't have to either. Maybe that meant that he could take what he wanted from it too. And why did it even feel as good as it did when he wasn't at all attracted to the femfur? He didn't like femfurs and...he didn't like the mare who was giving him a boobjob either, lapping at the head of his cock, her tongue playing temptingly across it.

"There you go, baby," she crooned, leaning into him. "You're doing so well..."

"Ugh, Casey, don't make him cream on your tits, gawd," the deer said, tapping a cloven hoof impatiently. "If you're not going to ride the guy, back off."

"No... Please... Rufus... I'm with Rufus..."

"Sure, you are," the deer said, her fur brown with white spots over her hips and rump, though she still had her shirt on, plunging daringly between her breasts to show off her cleavage. "Rufus is busy right now, sugar, so...why don't you enjoy us some? We're just as good as a guy, even if is Rufus..."

They couldn't halt their infatuation with the German Shepherd and that was something, as much as he hated to admit it, that Samson could get behind. He adored Rufus, even though he had had to be a secret boyfriend for so long already. It made sense that so many others were into him too, though Samson was glad that he was the one, over everyone else, that Rufus had chosen. He'd never had any doubts about the canine's commitment to him.

It was different when he was faced with a doe, replacing the mare as she faced him head-on. He couldn't even pretend that there wasn't a pair of tits in his face as she sank onto his cock, someone else propping his cock up so that the head was presented to the deer's pussy, the tight folds of her snatch tucked up between her thighs. Samson trembled. It was nothing like the tantalising pucker of a tail hole, not in the slightest, too soft and too warm, even wet with no lure of lube, ugh...

That really wasn't what he was into. But the stallion didn't know if that was about to change as her wet heat enveloped him, sucking his cock into her body, closing and rippling and clenching. The stallion shuddered, his mouth agape - but then there was the magpie kissing him, introducing him to what kissing with a beak felt like and also kissing a femfur for the first time. Her soft wings folded around him, gleaming in the tasteful light of the penthouse suite, though Samson didn't know where at all to pull his attention as his cock ached with ardent desire.


He groaned into the kiss, though it was the avian doing most of the kissing. Her tongue danced against his lips as much as he tried to keep them clamped, a kiss that was not as sloppy as some of the ones that he had shared with Rufus had been in the past. That was okay... Well, not okay but it was even kind of nice, comforting in a way that he had not before considered. It was forceful, but it was sweet too, the magpie clearly taking her time to make sure that she didn't catch him with her beak, though it was likely that she was a lot better versed about kissing with a beak than he was at kissing a beak.

"Unff... Nnnph..."

He groaned, head spinning. How could he be so dizzy? There were just so many sensations clawing and snapping at his attention, as if they could drag him to any one point of his body.

The slide of claws over his shoulder.

The hardness of the magpie's beak on his lips.

How wet the deer's pussy was around his cock.

The deer squeezed around him, riding him quickly, as if she was rushing things. Yet her need was not something that Samson had thought about and, really, in that situation, should he even be considering her? She wasn't considering him, even as she rode him furiously, bucking her hips a little when she slammed down, all for an additional touch of sensation. If Samson had been a little more familiar with the anatomy of femfurs, he would have realised that she was using his dick like a sex toy, grinding it up against her G-spot.

"Unff... Ohhhh!"

The magpie freed his muzzle while the deer took the moment for her own, head twisted to the side, whimpering as orgasm claimed her body. Her juices slickened down the length of his cock anymore and it was that sudden rush of heat and tightness, pressure squeezing evenly all over his dick, that had his flare throbbing up to its full size.

And then Samson could not hold back for a moment more, his mind torn as he climaxed inside a femfur for the very first time. Thick spurts filled her, as if he had been holding back and edging for a long time before, but she appeared to relish in it, her moans growing louder, ringing in his ears.

"Oh... Ohhh... Your cooooock!"

They'd forgotten all about showing Samson a good time with femfurs, why they were better than guys when it came to sex. Now, he was just a sex toy, an object for their attention, the horse struggling to comprehend just why it felt so good. He didn't like boobs, he didn't like any of them... But the sensations and the heat, the flowing slickness, how their bodily fluids combined... There was something carnal and lustful about it, perhaps a deeply rooted breeding instinct, that called to him.

No... No, I know what I am, I know what I like...

Yet he didn't have a choice as the doe rose from him, his flare catching in her pussy as if it was not going to slide out from her for a moment. It popped free in a spurt and a splatter of their combined fluids, though it was something similar to how his flare would ping free of a tail hole, if he had been inside Rufus.


His partner... Did that mean that he had cheated? The stallion didn't know what to think, it was not as if he had done anything willingly! He snorted heavily, closing his eyes, his chest heaving, the crisp, clean scent of fresh sweat tickling at his nostrils. It would be darker and muskier as it dried, yet it made him smell more earthen, a musk that Rufus had said that he liked.

He didn't know if the femfurs would like it, though Samson didn't care. Not as hands played with his cock, the first three replaced by a rabbit, a lioness and a house cat type feline with black fur and sharp, green eyes.

"Ohhhh, so the pony can give us a load then?" The cat teased, a paw on her hip, claws out. "We can show you a better time than that. Horses get hard quick, right?"

It was not as if they gave him any choice in the matter, of course, another anthro standing aside with her phone out. His heart went cold, a block of ice resting heavily in his chest and yet somehow supported by the cage of his ribs. He panted, his cock trying to soften, though it barely even got to half-hard before their rubbing paws and tongues and lips, a mingle of sensations, were drawing him all the way back up.

He couldn't tell just how long it took, however... Not that time mattered anymore. Over the lion's shoulder, he caught a glimpse of Rufus with his muzzle buried between a husky's thighs, lapping up and up of his own accord. Samson whimpered.

Had Rufus given in? Or was he in the same position as him...losing control and not knowing just why it felt as good as it did? Neither of them wanted to have sex with femfurs and that would never change, he was sure of it. Yet that didn't change that it felt good to have a warm...hole covering his shaft.

Not a pussy. If he thought about that too much, thoughts that he really didn't want to entertain would crop up.

Maybe it was better for him to, at least, try to keep his eyes on Rufus. If he looked at him and only him, surely someone would come to rescue them at some point.

However, the lioness wasn't willing to let him go so easily, taking the first ride on his cock. She sank onto him with a great degree of flex in her legs and hips, getting all the way down to his sheath. She must have already ridden Rufus too, for she was wet inside, wetter than Samson was sure that she should have been from her own arousal. But what experience did he have with that?

The moment was what gripped him, his eyes glancing off another camera phone and bouncing helplessly back to the original one that he had spotted recording him. What if the video got back to his friends? What was he going to do then? It was humiliating...and yet something lurched in the pit of his stomach all the same.

He panted heavily, trying to clench his jaw, the lioness' body blocking out most of his view, though she did have a long, shiny fall of brown hair, flicking back and forth against his nose. Samson grunted and sneezed as she rode him in reverse cowgirl, her round, muscled buttocks grinding down into his lap, over and over again.

"Unff... Ah... Mmm..."

Samson groaned, not able to keep every little sound to himself, not even then. Her pussy was even tighter than the doe's body had been and the slickness, the trickle of sexual fluids, drooled down around the base of his cock, pooling inside his sheath. Samson's eyes snapped open, bucking his hips and squirming, trying to escape the foreign sensation through any means possible. Even when he came really hard inside Rufus - that just didn't happen!

"Urgh... Ugh!"

"You can't be disgusted, this has to be the best thing ever for you!"

The lioness scoffed and ignored him, grinding into his lap as the pressure of her body forced the stallion's sheath back a little more. Samson grunted but there was nothing he could do about it, not as someone stood over him and pressed their pussy to his face. He didn't even see who it was and that made something stir in his stomach, even as the sweeter musk of a femfur entered his nostrils.

It was tangy and they ground against his lips, forcing him to taste them even though he very much did not want to feel them against his lips. His tongue flicked out when someone hooked their finger into the corner of his lips, playing with the soft give there, but he gulped, drool sliding out of the gap in his lips.

"Mmph... Nuhhh..."

They didn't care about his protests, only that he did what they wanted. The femfur's furry thighs (at least he knew she was a mammal) closed around him and he grunted, eyes closed, though all he saw was darkness. His body burned with sensation and he lamented the loss of even a glimpse of Rufus.

It had made things just a little bit more bearable when he could keep Rufus in his sights, even though the dog's tail was not wagging as it usually was. He tried to lick his lips but only swiped his tongue over the femfur's pussy, reeling from the tangy taste, which just clung tenaciously to his tongue, slipping into the back of his throat.


The world fell away from him. Another femfur swapped onto his cock - soaked, even the fur on the inside of their thighs matted and sticky. That had to be their arousal and Rufus' cum: there was surely nothing else that could make that much of a mess.

And it would all be recorded on the camera phones, sent to others, spreading like wildfire. The stallion squirmed, trying to thrust, losing control of himself as he tried to spear up into another femfur, though she was nameless and faceless, just a warm hole closing around his cock, rippling and pulling, her muscles deviously tight. felt good. He didn't think that he liked it, no, he would never have said that. But it was good, enough to send tremors through his body, his flare thick and soft and fleshy, pulsating lightly as if he was going to cum right away. But not quite yet, no, not as he was ridden, grinding up and down his cock and forcing him to, at least in some small way, to accept what was happening to him.

He had to be there, present in the moment, huffing and panting, grunting heavily when the femfur squatted on his muzzle, squealing out her orgasm. She seemed to be a canine, though he couldn't tell any more than that as his shifted his weight and only found the hardness of the statue to his back, losing himself there.

With nowhere to go, he was trapped there, letting her hump his muzzle, orgasming while he was drawn closer to his climax too. And he couldn't stop it either, not as someone climaxed on his cock too, muscles tightening and rippling awkwardly around his length. Their wetness slicked down his length and he couldn't help himself, nickering breathlessly as, finally, his muzzle was released so that he could at the very least breathe a little more easily.

And then he could see Rufus, his cock hard and throbbing, yet told himself that his boyfriend was the reason that his cock was aching so much. A lemur with a long, black and white striped tail settled onto his cock and he looked over her shoulder, ignoring the breasts in his face, as she rose and fell, holding onto his shoulders with a long, drawn-out moan.

"Ohhhhh, yes..."

He whimpered and turned his muzzle away, though he still peered at Rufus from the corner of his eye. He just couldn't stop looking at the dog, their eyes grazing one another, though they could not have been further apart. In the end, they would be brought together again, and nothing that happened there would be their fault, but it was not something either that they could forget in a hurry.

Samson groaned, puffing out hotly through his nostrils, tail tightening down to his rump when it should have been flagging. Yet he couldn't help it, that treacherous swell of orgasm flowing through him, pouring through his body, spilling over in a hot blast of horse seed into a femfur's body. For the second time and yet...there was nothing to be done about it, the pressure around his cock divine, the notion of filling another like that something that he still didn't know what to think about.

And he didn't have to know, he didn't have to understand. He just had to take it, to bear through it, even though he would not have chosen it. The pull of her muscles around his shaft coaxed more cum from him than he could ever have thought was in his balls, milking him - though never dry. Not when he had so many willing to take him, even untying him, eventually, from the statue and forcing him to fuck others too, just like they had done with Rufus.

All had gone wrong and, still...he'd watched. He'd watched Rufus fuck and cum and had been watched too. Maybe one day he'd work out what was so inviting about it, as much as it confused him.

But not yet. Not that night.

Not even with the tangy-sweet taste of lady lingering on his tongue...

Tour Gone Wrong-Commission from Amethyst Mare

Tour Gone Wrong Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare) Commissioned by Mugsaith "Thank you, everyone! You've been a great crowd! Thank you, thank you so much for coming out to see me tonight!" Rufus lifted his paws, a smile...

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Blackmailed Pt4-Conclusion

Secrets that aren't Secrets Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare) Commissioned by Mugs Mugs groaned. On a Friday night, the dappled grey stallion anthro might well have liked to be home relaxing, but, well, someone rather had him trussed...

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Blackmailed pt. 3

Blurring Boundaries Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare) Commissioned by Mugsaith Mugs' stomach churned, though he couldn't stop thinking about that day in the alleyway. Balls deep in Janie, the golden-brown collie, he'd been come upon...

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