Bright Eyes Never Die

Story by ArestheLion on SoFurry

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This is a about a girl who is very special to me.

(Edit: I realized since im rushing the story, the chapters are short enough, so I compiled the first 5 into one chapter. Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment! I need the imput.)

"...shes with Jack."

The black lion sat back in his chair, staring at the message box. He felt a sinking feeling in his chest as he tried to type a reply, but couldn't think of what to say.

"Ares, are you there?"


"You can't honestly say you are surprised. She did promise, but promises kind of ware off."

Each letter he read made the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach grow deeper, an almost indescribable feeling. It made him want to puke. After figuring he was done with the conversation, he slowly got up and left the room.

After wiping the last remnants of his dinner of his lip, he looked up at the mirror in front of him. His reflection did not show sadness, or any other emotion for that matter, it was just blank. Ares looked up at his long mane, the black hair grew down to his shoulders, accented with red tips. Looking at himself with tears slowly starting to form, he tried to fight the feeling by forcing himself to smile, but it didn't work. His face returned back to his blank stare as he opened the cabinet beneath his sink and pulled out a pair of clippers. Ares took a long deep breath as he looked down as the buzzer, and used his remaining strength to flick 'on', and chunk by chunk, his hair fell to the floor.

The next day at school, Ares walked down the hallways as if nothing had happened. He approached his usual group of friends, getting a slightly awkward greeting. Ares was known as the Alpha male of his group of friends, and of the school in general. He was always the upbeat, happy one who was good with people and didn't care what others thought of him. But, today he kept to himself. He didn't smile, he didn't talk, and he didn't make eye contact with anyone. Something was obviously wrong, but it grew more apparent throughout the morning nobody was going ask him what.

This trend continued for a few days. Seaming, every day he talked less and less, and kept more to himself. He was acquaintances with almost everyone at the school, but he lacked real friends.

About a week later; Ares tried to make it another day through class, but by his third period he had to leave. He took the bathroom pass and went into the art hallway. The student paintings on the wall had always helped him relax, but by the fourth year of high school, the repetitive art project cycle was too generic for him to find comfort in. But that didn't keep him for sitting up against a wall, staring at sixteen different student renditions of a Monae. The feeling in the pit of his stomach made him dull of emotions, thus giving him a permanently blank face. He figured if he was going to stare, it might as well be at something that is supposed to be pretty.

While maintaining his gaze, off to the side the glass doors opened as a blonde haired bear walked out of the art room. Her name was Kayla; she was a friend of a friend to Ares. Due to high school drama, her group of friends and his group of friends tended to stay away from each other. To the day, neither of them could remember what the original conflict was about.

She sat down hard about 10 feet away from Ares. For the first time, Ares broke his monogamous stare and looked over. Kayla was definitely a bear, but her figure was not unlike a feline. She wore a brown tank-top, along with torn up punk-jeans and a brown shoulder-bag. Her Mascara was running.

"...something wrong?" Ares said, turning his head to the girl.

The girl sniffed and looked back over at him. She wiped up her mascara and replied, "I'm okay." Before looking to the paintings on the wall.

Ares laughed to himself a little, "If that's your definition of okay, then I'm doing pretty okay too."

The bear gave a quick smile. "I guess I shouldn't be complaining. It's just my girlfriend can be an inconsiderate bitch sometimes."

Kayla was dating a Satyr named Mae. All the guys wanted to get with Kayla, but gave up as soon as they found out she was not only a lesbian, but with the Satyr. Mae was generally considered unattractive, and had a personality that matched. She had the tendency to say whatever she wanted, regardless of how rude and inappropriate it was. Everyone wondered how she ended up with Kayla, but it was the kind of things people didn't ask too much about. Before they dated, the bear dated the dragon who put Ares in his current disposition.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Ares said, looking back at the paintings in front of him. Kayla knew who was talking about. At this point in time, everyone knew that the dragon Ares was dating had broken up with him to get with a 22 year old panther nazifur.

After a few moments of silence Kayla turned to him, "I heard about what happened between you and her. I hope your alright."

"...I've been better."

After a few minutes of conversation, Ares sat closer to her and they started to talk about the Monae renditions. Monae was one of his favourite arists. He went on about how the simple painting of a sunrise by her is commonly known as most popular achievement of modern art, because of the way she painting the sunlight stretching across the sky. The two sat and talked for about 30 minutes until they figured their teachers would get pissed if they didn't get back to class soon.

As the Lion was walking away, he turned around as the bear was opening the door to go back into class.

"Hey... wait!"

"Hm? Whats up?"

"Hey, would you want to hang out tomorrow? Same time same place?"

"Sure... just come in next time though. The teacher doesn't really care."

"Awesome... see you tomorrow."


"You're still comming to my choir concert, right?" The Dragoness said, looking down at her phone, texting.

"Um... yeah, if you want me too." The Lion replied, offering a hug.

"Good, don't be late." She said.

The Dragon walked off from the front of the school and got into Jack's car. The panther glanced over quickly at Ares then back as he shifted and drove off. Ares wonderd why he tried to stay friend with her if its just going to continuously hurt him. Maybe he had some kind of hope he was going to get back with her.

"I doubt it..." he said to himself.

"You doubt what?"

Ares looked over to see Kayla standing up against the wall next to him.

"Huh? Oh, hey! And...uh... nothing. I was just talking to myself." He smiled.

"Heh, alright. Well, my and a few friends are going to the shopping center up the street. You wanna come?"

"Sure, I got nothing better to do."


Ares followed along with the group of friends towards the shopping center. Since he still didn't feel talkative, he stayed back with Kayla. They talked about random things for the most part. Music, Cars, Classes... but mostly Kayla's art,

"So, you're in art class? Are you any good?" Ares asked,

"Well, I don't think I'm all that good. I don't really show my friends my art."

"Why not?" Ares said with a slightly confused look on his face.

"Eh... I draw more for expression rather than too look good." She said, looking downwards.

"Can I see?" He replied hopefully.

"Um... sure, I guess."

Kayla and Ares stopped. She put her black and red stripped bag down and pulled out a piece of paper with a drawing made of dots on it. Ares grabbed the paper and looked at the picture of Obama as a samurai and George Bush as a cowboy, engaged in mortal combat.

"I think this is one of the greatest things i've ever seen." He said with a slight smile.

Kayla laughed slightly to herself and looked down, smiling.

"Thanks. No one has complimented my art before."

She grabbed the piece of paper and put it back in her bag.

"Um..." said Ares, "I can carry that for you... if you'd like."

"Yeah, that'd be awesome. Thank you."

"No problem." The Lion said.

He didn't know why, but the girl's smile made him feel slightly better. It was the only time he really felt good other than when Rachelle paid attention to him. The two walked together, both smiling and talking about random things. Meanwhile, a Satyr up ahead looked back at them, and scowled.

They all arrived at Burger King and put their stuff down. Everyone was either standing, laying on a bench, or sitting on a table. A few kids started talking about guns, and the other group was talking about music, which was the group Ares was a part of. Kayla however, was wrapped up in Mae's arms. The Lion occasionally glanced over to look at her, offering a smile which was returned. On the third or fourth time glancing over, the Satyr was glued to the bears neck. Ares looked back after a few seconds, and almost immediately the Satyr met his eyes while kissing her neck to send a clear message; "Mine".

He quickly looked back towards his friends, slightly thrown-off. He didn't have any intentions of getting with her, or maybe he did and just didn't realize it. Whatever the case, he shook it off and continued to talk amongst his group.

A few hours later, when everyone dispersed and Mae and Kayla went off, he decided he might as well to show up to the school a little bit late... he went home and got his car. Ares had saved up his lunch money for a few weeks to buy a few dozen roses from the local flower shop. The sky got dark and it began to rain again as he drove down the street towards the school.

He arrived as soon as the dragoness's choir came on. He said hey to her family as he sat in the first row. The entire time she the choir was singing Christmas songs, his eyes were glued to her. He smiled as he looked at her neck and saw she was wearing the necklace he gave her on her birthday.

Three hours later after the concert was over, the black lion waited outside the choir room and the girls came out, talking and laughing with their friends. The dragoness came out of the door, wearing her black dress, texting on her phone. He ran up and hugged her, and she gently motioned him off.

"I got you flowers! They're roses, your favorite." Ares said with a smile.


She remained glued to her phone as Ares stood there for a couple awkward seconds.

"So... did you have fun?"

The dragoness looked up, "Listen, I know you know that I'm with Jack now. And honestly, I don't care what you think. I'm over everyone at this school, so don't think giving me flowers will make me want to go out with you again. Maybe if you got your grades up and actually paid for things more often, then you'd be worth my time."

The black lion stood there for a few seconds. Suddenly, thoughts ran through his mind, he wanted to scream at her for cheating on him, lying to him, breaking promises; he wanted to badly to go off for an hour about how bad of a person he was, and how she never deserved him.

Ares turned around, and walked away.

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to give me a ride home?" she said with a snarl.

Ares smiled to himself, "You live down the street. I've got better things to do."

"It's raining." she said, putting her hands on her hips.

"What, are you afraid you'd melt?" He replied as he pushed the door open with his back and gave her one last smile. Before heading to his car.

He started his engine and put in his pop-punk cd. The storm outside was silent in contrast to the music. The only thing he could think about is how he wasted two years being her slave. As he was driving, he spaced out to the chorus;

And we've all had bad times in our lives,

And we've all been sad from all the lies,

That we've been told,

Or been sold,

But not anymore.

Ares ditched his third period the following day and went to art class. He talked with Kayla, a cheetah named Aspyn, and even the teacher, a snake named Mr. Tran. He didn't seam to mind to much that he was missing class to talk with his friends. They talked about random things for the most part, until Kayla started complaining about a pain in her neck. Ares had taken two years of massage therapy, so he gently rubbed her neck, and after 5 minutes she was asleep on the table.

She awake to the sound of the bell ringing for lunch, and the lion was already gone by then.

Ares was feeling very confident for the first time in a few weeks, so he was walking around school stopping by his social clicks to talk for a few seconds before moving on. As he was passing by the science buildings, he noticed a girl he had never seen before. Ares was attracted to girls who were different, and she definitely fit the quota. She was a grey wolf wearing boots, plaid pants, and stripped gloved. Luckily, he was Aspyn sitting in the group, so he went up and said hi to her. After meeting everyone, he turned to the girl in the stripped gloves.

"I... love your gloves." he said with a smile.

"Oh, thanks."

"Are you new here? I kind of know everyone and talk to everybody, and im pretty sure I would have noticed you before."

"Yeah... I just transfered from upstate."

"This might seam like a random question, but would you like to walk around with me?"

The girl looked around at her friends and shrugged, "Okay."

The wolf got up, dusted off her pants and went with Ares. He spent most of the time talking and gave her a few chances to answer questions. Her name was Heather. The girl couldn't help but feel impressed by the lions confidence. The lion was acting as he did before he had his break up, walking with pride. The two talked until it had become apparent they were walking in circles. He turned to the wolf.

"This may be a little bit spontanious, but would you like to go out with me?" Ares said with a cheesy smile.

"Um... sure." She said, wagging her tail.

"Oh, then since we're dating I guess this is in order."

Ares grabbed her, one had on her waist and the other on the back of her neck, and kissed her. Within 5 minutes, he was able to pick a girl he liked, talk to her, get to know her name, date her and kiss her. He was back to normal.

The two spent the next two days with each other; seeing one another between class periods and hanging out after school. Heather had moved down after she was kicked out of her dad's house up north, and came to live with her mother and brother. She was more dominatrix than she let off, and had enough scars from fights to prove it.

A few days later, Ares decided to bring the wolf along to the shopping center. This would be a perfect oppritunity for her to meet Kayla. It didn't go as expected. Kayla was someone reluctant to talk to her, and Heather had a bit of a dominance problem with her. After a few hours everyone went home, and the only two left were the wolf and the lion.

"Hey," said Heather. "I have to take the bus home... do you want to come with me?" She bit her lip.

"I would like to, but I have some things I have to do at home first." He said, knowing full well what she was implying.

"Alright well, meet me at the park around 11, alright?"

"On a Tuesday? That's a little late."

"Yeah, it is." She smiled and kissed him. "See you then.."

The wolf went off, wagging her tail as she walked to the bus stop. Ares couldn't help staring for a few seconds before he walked off to his car.

(Note: The next scene is a sex scene. It isn't vital to the story line, so feel free to skip it.)

Bright Eyes Never Die pt. 5.5 Stripped Gloved (Sex Scene)

Ares was up late on facebook. He had been looking at the clock every 5 minutes since 8 p.m., waiting for the right time to leave for the park. Luckily, Heather lived less than a mile away, so the walk wouldn't take more than 15 minutes. At 10:45, he...

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Bright Eyes Never Die pt. 5 - Stripped Gloves

Ares ditched his third period the following day and went to art class. He talked with Kayla, a cheetah named Aspyn, and even the teacher, a snake named Mr. Tran. He didn't seam to mind to much that he was missing class to talk with his friends. They...

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Bright Eyes Never Die pt. 4 - But Not Anymore

Chapter 1 Part 1 - She's With Jack) []( Part 2 - The...

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