Change of Perspective Page 9

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#10 of Change of Perspective

Kirisha attempts to contact one of her fellow scientists, how well will this attempt be received?

Art is done by croft croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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"So... you are a geth... well not a geth but a geth platform? Geth are programs, and the body is just a vessel, so am I tied to this body? Or did I become a program? I could be a program, or be part of the body?" Kirisha thinks as she looks over herself again, the patter of the rain against her cool body felt strange, by the fact she felt nothing. Her mind ran a million miles a second, processing the information.

"First, I need to contact base, but how? These geth platforms should be networked, but I've had no access either to or from. Maybe I lack the appropriate software? Lack the appropriate software... I can't believe I just thought that! This is fascinating, amazing, and scary at the same time, yet I am not... focus, focus. Who could I contact?"

Kirisha ran through the information in her mind, calculating, figuring who would be the best person to contact, "My sister Mila? No, no that is a horrible idea. I can't let her see me like this. Not till I figure just what happened. Is it possible for this to be undone? Do I want it to be--no that's a silly thought. Okay she's out," Kirisha continued to ponder as she brought up her knowledge of the area, the location of the base, the surrounding ruin at the same time.

"I should set up a meeting place where I can explain myself... and hopefully not get shot. But first I need to figure who to pick, but I am figuring who I am going to pick. Rheme would be an idea, but she's the lead scientist, if I call her away that be too obvious. This is amazing I can feel both train of thoughts going at the same time. It's clear, and coherent, even this thought is clear, three trains of thoughts going at once, this is fantastic," Kirisha analyzed as she moves keeping a look out for any geth drones.

Kirisha continues to stare at herself in the water as the droplets splatter across the service, she hears the whiz of her own machinery as she continues to the process information and options she has, "Azreith could be good. We've been friends for years, he's smart, he could figure out that I am me with some convincing... with high probability. I'll contact him, draw him out, and I'll just explain everything, but how to contact him. If only I knew how this body worked! Maybe if I tried to do a self-diagnostic I could figure something," Kirisha thought as she stood up, looking over her body once again, the smooth synthetic rubber, the metal body, a mix between her former raptor self and the geth design, it felt so alien yet familiar at the same time.

"I'll move to the destination first, I should get there in several hours, during that I can try to figure out how some of this body works. I need to be careful, last thing I need is to have a bunch of geth programs be uploaded into me. I don't think I could handle that, regardless of my new found mental abilities," Kirisha thought as she moved out. Keeping a look out for geth scouting drones,

"So many drones. Odds are they are looking for me. This is technology I never even heard about yet alone seen. Were they done with me? Did they want to study me? Or something more? Whatever the reason they are looking for me, I can't risk staying in one spot for too long," she thinks as she continues on.

As she moved, her mind explored her systems. It is a surreal feeling to explore her own body, inside and out in a way never thought of before. Her internal thoughts were as real as the world around her yet each were clearly separate but they were as real as the other and working through both were as easy and natural as breathing, but knowing her 'way' through her internal world was a different matter.

Eventually she reached her destination, a bombed-out city, long destroyed before the geth arrived, an area that the geth have mostly ignored save for the occasional scout drones. Rain starts to fall even harder. Her hands run across a broken wall of a building. She feels the texture, the hardness of the wall, yet she still doesn't 'feel' the wall like she used to.

"I'm here, but still no plan as to how to contact Azreith, wait, if I recall, which I already know I do, I know his com frequency, if I try a little low key and tech communication. Maybe if I just tried to reach out to this communicator. Some Morse-code will work," Kirisha thinks as she starts to send out a code.

Organic Base

Azreith is chowing on some breakfast. He looks down at his simple dextro-protein food rations. Poking at the food he sighs softly as his PDA starts to blink. His ears twitch as he gives off an inquisitive mew, "What's this? The thing must be acting up," he remarks as he pokes the device as the blinking continues.

"I'll have to get this looked at," he says to himself as his ears twitch, his tail flicking as something in the back of his mind teases his thoughts, something about the blinking is weird, the curiosity pushing him to look for the source, tapping through various windows, as the source of the beep turns up as unknown, but as he chows and searches the pattern of the blinks becomes steadily more apparent.


Azreith drops his eating utensil with a soft clatter, "You okay?" asks Rheme as she sits down across from him.

"Huh-wha? Ah yeah, yeah, just been thinking about everything you know?"

"Tell me about it. I've had meetings, uneasy conversations, I didn't get any sleep last night."


"How's your breakfast?" Rheme asks.

"This? It is what it is, turians and quarians rations aren't what I call the tastiest stuff out there."

"I forgot how 'refined' your pallet is," Rheme replies with a chuckle as Azreith rolls his eyes.

"So, I was thinking of doing a small research outing in the northern city."

"There? What for?"

"I was thinking I could see what's there, understand why the geth have been practically ignoring the area. Might get an idea of what they are looking for by seeing what they are ignoring? Also, maybe a 'safe' simple expedition out that way will boost confidence in those around here."

"Hmm, Xenari might not like that idea but fuck it. I approve of this, but you are to be back by the end of the day."

"It's two and a half hours away, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Excellent," Rheme replies as she then adds, "Azreith just be careful."

"I will, the storm should provide some cover anyway."

"Hopefully," Rheme replies and in under an hour Azreith along with one turian and krogan guard are off. The rain steadily growing heavier as they trek towards their destination.

"Now I get to go out? After all that has happened? Probably won't get to see any action on this one." grunts the krogan.

"Our job is to provide protection, it's not our position to judge the higher ups," replies the turian as they venture forth.

Kirisha waits patiently in the ruins, the patter of rain against her synthetic body grows ever fierce, lightning crackles against the sky, as the clouds are so thick that what should be early day look more like evening. Scenarios, possibilities, probabilities of those possibilities are calculated in Kirisha's mind. The worst of them all is Azreith not coming, but then those concerns were laid to rest as she heard his voice.

"I really should have worn one of those rubber suits for this," remarks Azreith.

"Afraid you'll catch a cold?" chuckles the turian.

"We can turn back now if you want, get you a nice warmer so you can be all safe and toasty" the krogan mocks.

Kirisha tenses as she peers through the rubble, "Hux and Tiius. Hux will charge me the moment he sees me, Tiius will be a good shot and take me out before I get a word out, I'll have to be cautious to prevent them from killing me, but first I need to draw Azreith to me, and then calmly explain this to him... without him freaking out, screaming and running off blindly. He lived up to that human saying of scaredy-cat."

"Now where..." Azreith mumbles as he looks around as he hears a soft knock nearby, the taps the same as his PDA, "Just keep a look out."

"We are," grunts Hux as Azreith moves forward towards the noise.

"Good thing I have acute hearing," mumbles Azreith as he steps forward.

Kirisha continues the knocking till Azreith turns the corner. Azreith stops in his tracks, his eyes locked onto the light of the geth that is staring right at him only a few feet away as which Kirisha promptly waves and says "Hi."


Unbeknown to Kirisha though, her plan had one unintended effect. The geth caught Kirisha's call out for assistance the moment broadcast was made, and quickly triangulated via scouts and scout platforms in the area.

"Platform 141895112 is attempting to contact the organics. The chance of damage or destruction of platform 141895112 and program 1191891981 is high. We can't allow this to happen," stated one group of geth programs.

"The code platform 141895112 sent out is trivial. Probability of a small group of organics: high. If we are patient we have a high probability of recovering platform 141895112 and obtain more organic subjects to further perfect the organic to geth processing," argued another set of geth programs. The geth programs continue to deliberate over passing minutes as they steadily move towards a consensus on what their next plan shall be.