Change of Perspective Page 12

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#13 of Change of Perspective

Okay now that Kirisha has explained herself, now we can get back to the base and figure out what happened... oh wait that's not going to happen? The geth showed up and want their platform back? But Kirisha is rather attached to her platform...

Art is done by croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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Tiius tenses, his mind commands his hand to press the trigger but nothing happens. His mind screaming out as he sees through the scope as shock hits his system as a blade held by a hunter geth as is driven it down into the turian's back severing his spine in two. Blue blood spurts from the wound as the geth twists the blade completely making sure to break the connection completely. The turian twitches as blood flows from the wound and his mouth, his eyes growing cold as the life leaves his body.

"Turian organic has been neutralized," transmits the geth hunter.

"Affirmative. Primary force will arrive in 121.83 seconds. Monitor and protect platform 141895112 from further dangers till we arrive."


Kirisha looks at Azreith her body giving off a soft whir noise as she says, "That is all I beleive what do you think?"

"Its... a lot to take in. You've told me everything that has happened to you in such crystal clarity, so many details, your realizations retold without a single moment to process over the information."

"It's amazing, right?"

"Amazing?" Azreith asks as he looks at Kirisha with a hint of confusion.

"It's amazing I didn't kill myself listening to this dribble," remarks Hux.

"Just finish eating your food," Azreith replies with a soft sigh.

"I did, half an hour ago. But maybe you'd like to try some of my left overs?"

"Uh, no, no I'm good thank you," Azreith replies raising his hands waving Hux off as he chuckles.

"You sure? Its mighty tasty."


"Ahem, yes I do mean amazing. To be able to process so much, recall, it's fantastic. This will advance our understanding of the geth in such a way that may never been achieved on our own."

"Yes, but why would they do this? This behavior has never been recorded before. The only thing close to this is the recorded use of dragon's teeth and husks back on Eden Prime."

"Yes... it is bothersome, at least I didn't get turned into a mindless exploding husk."

"And what about your sister?"

"Mila?" Kirisha replies as she raises her head, "Not a moment has gone by have I not thought of Mila and how to explain this to her. I've kept what I believe to have calculated a three to eight percent processing on what scenarios, probabilities, possibilities of what could happen, and what I could do. I've felt I've done over a life time of 'what ifs' and yet I am still at a lost. You've had a crush on my sister, it is one of the reasons why I requested you here instead of Rheme."

"Wait what?! A crush on your sister... No... no, you got me all wrong. Just because I am blue furred and that she has the most beautiful aquamarine scales I have ever laid eyes upon, does not mean that... I... am... fine, you got me. When did you know?" he asks.

"For a long time, but don't worry. I never told Mila, and I don't know if she knows either, but that is between you two not me."

"Thanks... I guess?"

"You know my sister well, but you like I am now, are an outsider. You might have some insight on how to break the news to her."

"Ah, well that might take a bit.... Hey look it stopped raining. I thought that was never going to end."

"We should get moving, we have been in one spot too long," remarks Hux.

"We should wait a bit, Tiius, hasn't come back yet.

"I agree with Hux, we should be moving. The reason I am like this is because I didn't listen to my guards."

"Imagine that, the flashlight head has a brain," chuckles Hux.

"I suppose you are right," Azreith replies as Kirisha's sensors start to hear some noise up above.

"What is that?" Kirisha asks as she peers from under the canopy to see a geth drone, "We've been found! We need to move!"

"Shit!" Azreith responds as Hux quickly shoots down the drone with his pistol before grabbing his rifle. He takes aim and quickly dispatches the floating drone.

"Alright time to have some fun as two geth hunters pop from the shadows and fire pulse rifles at the krogan.

"This isn't my idea of fun!" Azreith yells.

"We need to retreat away from the main base. They will be after me, so we have to be sure we lost them before heading back," Kirisha warns as she ducks down low as she thinks, "Damn it, I wish I didn't lose my weapon."

"Hux we need to get out of here," Azreith yells, "Tiisu, we are under attack. I repeat we are under attack!" Azreith responds as his body tenses as a rifle shot goes over his head, causing him to jump.

"Azreith stay calm, you will get shot if you run off like last time," warns Kirisha as she looks around, "Three geth hunters, they are mostly for close range assaults. If Hux can keep them back we can get away with high probability of success," says Kirisha as a loud hum comes up from overhead. The three look up as a silver and white geth drop ship flies over head. Geth drop from the sky with a loud thud in all directions.

"Oh no," Azreith mumbles as Kirisha moves up and gently takes his hand, "AH!"

"Relax its me. Come if we stay low we still might have a chance to lose them in these ruins," Kirisha suggests as Azreith nods.

"You think a bunch of flashlight heads are going to kill me? You are sadly mistaken!" yells Hux as he goes off in a shooting frenzy, blowing through shields of the geth hunters, running into another as he smacks and blows it to pieces that is until he bumps into a large white geth, a geth prime.

"Big one aren't you," remarks Hux as he unloads his rifle into the machine, the thermal clip pops out as the massive twelve foot tall geth grabs Hux and hoists them into the air.

"I see you like to dance," remarks Hux as he pulls out a few grenades popping the pins. The large geth prime takes the korgan and slams his body down on a large piece of metal skewering through his body, his two hearts utterly destroyed as the piece of metal bursts through the back of his armor. The geth prime pushing his body down hard into the ground as it uses the krogan's body to protect itself from the explosion. The force causing a ripple in the prime's shielding but

"Protect platform 141895112 from organic hostiles. Obtain any organic subjects for further processing," commands the geth prime as the geth move quickly, blocking Azreith and Kirisha's path within a few moments.

"Azreith run, they are after me, maybe if I can distract them you can get away."

"But..." Azreith says as he looks at Kirisha, his ears folded back before looking towards a clear path out of here.

"Just go!" Kirisha yells as she tries to bolt off in a different direct. Azreith simply nods and runs in the other but neither get very far as Kirisha is stopped by the massive geth prime as it moves before her. She looks up at the geth prime. She only takes a single step to turn around before a red armored geth and a brown armored geth appear at her sides, grabbing and overpowering her, forcing her arms behind her back.

"Let me go! Let me go! You flashlight head!" yells Azreith as a bronze geth captures the blue feline.

"Organic subject acquired," reports the bronze geth platform.

"Platform 141895112 secured," informs the red geth platform.

"Affirmative. Proceed to bring platform 141895112 and organic subject to the dropship. Convert organic subject first. Gather any new data, then proceed to repair platform 141895112 and update program 1191891981 so it may start functions as mobile hub platform," commands the greater geth consensus.

"Affirmative," reply the geth troops as they drag them towards the dropship.