Change of Perspective Page 13

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#14 of Change of Perspective

Unlucky page 13. Bad luck for a cat? Coincidence? I think not! Seems Azreith will get a nice new outlook on things mighty quick now. Guess Kirisha was telling the truth afterall.

Art is done by croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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"Let me go! Unhand me this instant!" exclaims Azreith as he struggles in the geth's grasp, his feet dragging along the metal surface of the ship. His voice echoing down the halls as the doors automatically shut behind him with a metallic whirl and a loud click.

"They won't respond to anything you've say. I've tried," responds Kirisha as she is held up by two geth, her feet dangling a few inches from the ground as a geth prime towers over behind her two captors, watching silently.

"How can you be so calm about this?!" exclaims Azreith.

"I would not indicate that I am calm, but I am not suffering from the chemical emotion to cause fear, or traditional fight or flight syndrome. I am concerned, and I am trying to find a way out of this predicament that includes you, but so far, no opportunities have shown themselves to me. Believe me I am working on it," Kirisha responds as she constantly looks around, her body tenses and pushes against the other geth but the simple fact remains standard, two geth are more powerful than one.

"Can you talk to them or something? You're one of them right?" asks Azreith as he pants heavily as his struggles slowly start to die down.

"I unfortunately do not speak their language. I suspect that I escaped before this step was implemented. It is fascinating that this step isn't built into the transformation process. Perhaps this is a new technology to them and they haven't perfected it yet?"

"That doesn't give me any confidence!" whines Azreith as the doors to a cylindrical room open up. The room itself contains a soft blue and green glow. Kirisha's head plates twitch as she focuses on it before Azreith is tossed inside, the doors remain open as Kirisha is placed in front and held in place.

"What's going on?" asks Azreith as he looks around, his ears folded as he looks over at the tightly held geth Kirisha.

"I don't know," she responds as she looks at her captors before back at Azreith.

"Platform 141895112 shall be repaired and program 1191891981 updated once organic subject has been processed. Use processing of organic subject to improve programming measures on program 1191891981 before implementing them on the newest produced platform of 101142119," reported the geth consensus to the geth prime who relayed the information to the other geth platforms.

"Why are they holding you by the door like that."

"I don't know, it's like they are-- Azreith watch out this may be what happened to me."

"Wait what?! I don't want to be a flashlight head! I have to get out of here!" Azreith exclaims as he takes a step towards the door his left leg taking up as the synthetic tentacles slide out from the floor. It whirrs as Azreith kicks his leg, "Let go of me!" he yells out as the two more tentacles slide from the floor, tearing through his clothes as before penetrating his body.

Kirisha watches as they slip into Azreith's form. She tenses and fights against her captor's grip but finds the result to be the same. Her flashlight glows a bit brighter as she is forced to watch. Her mind pulling together isolated fragments of data, that made no sense to her, but under this back trap, snapshots of one or two instants of memory return to her.

"Azreith! Once its attached it won't stop, you will need to escape once it's over!"

"Gaaaahhhh!" Azreith screams out as rubber bursts from his skin, a metallic crotch plate forms over his crotch as his organic reproductive organs are reutilized for other things. A thicker slick black and red-light tentacle slips out of the ground. It coils around Azreith's body. More of his clothes are torn from his body, revealing his two-toned blue metallic fur. His tail flicks back and forth as tendrils burst from his skin, more of his form coated in the ever-shifting rubber. A gray and blue metal chest emerges from the rubber, hardening, forming the base of his new chest plate armor.

Azreith's eyes look around frantically, his heart races, as the pain sears through his body, he catches a glimpse of his hand as his five feline fingers are reduced to three rubbery ones. His ear twitches before it's taken by the changes causing him to look in that direction, seeing nothing. Starting to feel nothing as a tentacle sprouts from his back with a freshly formed optic.

More of Azreith's body becomes numb, his mind trying to focus and comprehend all that is happening to him. More metal plates form over his legs, his shoulders, rubber and tubing envelope his tail moving down like lava from a volcano.

Kirisha watches helpless as her friend is put through the same process that she was. She wants to say something, to scream out something but it would be pointless. He will not remember these moments, and as the new optic is lodged into Azreith's head, causing him to release another agonizing scream as more tubes lunge into his head, into his brain, starting the computerizing process of his mind, his consciousness. Kirisha became glad of at least one thing, that Azreith will indeed not remember these moments.

Azreith tries to deal with the pain the best he can, happy when some of it fades, terrified when it returns. He watches his other hand become enveloped in the rubber, the fingers melting together, as new tubes form and latch onto other parts of his body, his armored form taking shape. His geth feet form as the geth signature head envelopes the last vestiges of his form. But as the process slowed to a finish, his antenna on his back standing tall, his body whirring soft mechanical noises. His tail flicked, Kirisha watched, as the process appeared to be over.

Azreith stood there his mind confused, trying to process everything, there was a hole in his memory for sure, he didn't recall being put in this room, he didn't recall Kirisha being held in front of the door. They were being taken into this drop ship then... he was here.

"What's going on? How did I get into this room? Why are they holding you there? Why am I..." Azreith looks around, his body feeling so cold as his mind starts to put the pieces together, "Oh no..."

"Welcome to the club," Kirisha responds as Azreith looks down over himself, he looks behind him at his armored tail, noticing splotches of his blue fur tail remaining, "Is it not complete? I see part of myself there. Is this a suit?"

"No, it's not a suit, and I don't know why parts of your body weren't transformed like mine," Kirisha responds.

"I see what you mean. I should be afraid, I feel like I am but I am thinking so clearly, it's so strange... exhilarating and so very frightening," Azreith responds.

"Platform 101142119 processing complete. Vestiges of the organic's material were not completely processed. Hypothesis: Organic's unique metallic biochemistry has caused slight alterations in the processing method. Will adjusts for future conversions. If no problems detected. No action required in correcting the issue in current platform," reports the geth Prime.

"Understood, proceed to update programming of program 1191891981 in platform 141895112 and program 1261859208 in platform 101142119," the geth consensus soon reports back.
