Change of Perspective Page 14

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#15 of Change of Perspective

Kirisha and Azreith are now been captured, (Kirisha twice even), and are now geth. But the geth aren't done with them. Nope, they need to be repaired, fixed, and updated so they can join their fellow geth properly.

Art is done by croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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"What do I do now? How do we escape?" Azreith inquires.

"I am still processing ways to do that," Kirisha replies as she is pushed into the room by her two guards who step aside to let the towering geth prime enter the room.

"Platform 141895112 is damaged. Proceeding with nanite repair," the prime states.

"What did it say?" Azreith asks as he takes an uneasy step back.

"I still don't know," Kirisha replies as the room glows with an eerie green glow.

"Look out!" Azreith yells out as green tentacles spring out from the floor wrapping around Kirisha's body.

"No, not this again!" Kirisha replies as she tugs at the tentacles as they release countless smaller tendrils that latch and penetrates into Kirisha's body. They flow into her like she was mere water. Her systems trying to speak with her mind, her programming. Yet in the short time she's spent with her new form, she has yet to master all the nuances to it. The languages that it speaks, they were two lovers from different worlds that have just met.

Kirisha continues to struggle as Azreith stands there, his body tenses as he looks down at her,_ "I have to do something. But what? I can't over power that thing. And I don't want to touch those tentacles. They might do something horrible to me. I can't take that risk. I feel so helpless..."_ Azreith thinks.

Kirisha's body tenses, energy flows through her systems as nanites flood her body, the damages incurred from earlier are steadily repaired, breaks and tears from explosions, gunshots, the damage to her chest plate, all restored to a pristine state.

"Platform repair complete. Initializing program updates to platform 141895112's program 1191891981 and platform 101142119's program 1261859208," the prime commands as Kirisha feels jolt of energy rush through her. Her body growing stiff, the world around her starts to darken, she feels something press into her. Not physically but internally, something brushing up her mind for the first time and as Azreith watches, he does not notice the tentacles from behind latching onto his body which stiffens.

Azreith struggles with the same sensations, the entire process beyond alien to him. There was no foundation for his mind to grasp what was going on. Nothing for him to build upon this experience, to relate to his senses. To truly know what was going on, but as the connections were being made with their platforms, they were all too soon going to get the foundation of understanding that they sorely lacked and what they also deeply feared.

Organic Base

"Tiius report," Xenari says after another several minutes of waiting. The turian sighs as she turns around looking at one of the turian guards, "Get me Rheme, NOW!" she commands.

"Yes Ma'am!" responds turian with a quick salute before running off.

"You, start preparing the ships for departure. I am not risking anymore lives on this," she commands a nearby salarian.

"Yes Ma'am, right away," he responds as he rushes off.

"This is getting out of hand too quickly," she remarks as she attempts to make another communication with Tiius.

Rheme was on the other side of Mila's door, holding a tray of food. She knocks softly, "I asked the cooks to make your favorite, do you mind if I come in?" she asks as she gets nothing but silence in return.

Rheme's ears fold back as she lets out a soft sigh, "I know this is difficult for you. It's difficult on me, Azreith, everyone. Your sister is the energetic curious one that really helped get this project going. I may be in charge of this project, but she was--is the driving force. If you ask me, I don't think she's gone. Your sister is, if you excuse the phrase, too clever to become captured. There was not one but two distress signals, both from your sister. If they were going to do something like that, she'd never been able to get out the second. It's possible she escaped before they got there. Taking a long way home, she'd still be a way away, wanting to take it careful. She would do everything in her power to make sure you are safe. So please eat something. You don't want your sister to see you half-starved from worry now, now would you?"

Rheme stands there in a moment of silence, waiting, listening, her ear pressed against the door, "I'll leave the food by the door and you can pick it up when you want. But you better hurry, this stuff gets cold fast.

"Rheme," states a turian solder as he approaches her.

"Yes?" Rheme asks as she turns to face the soldier shortly after putting the food down by the door.

"Xenari would like to speak to you."

"Can she wait a moment, I'm a little busy at the moment."

"No, this cannot," he replies.

"Fine," Rheme remarks as she follows the turain, not even noticing as just as they step away the door to Mila's room opens.