Anakata Island Anomalies 4 (Hula Skirt Hijinx)

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#3 of Anakata Island Anomalies

Chance finds a hula costume on a tropical hike by the hotel and hi-jinx ensues.

On Anakata Island during its resort's peak season, the crowded beach laid perpendicular onto the mainland of Megakat City. Behind the shoreline were the scattered vendors that sold from food and drinks to souvenirs and the shower and bathroom stalls with vending machines next them as the over 100-foot resort spa hotel overlooked the beach. A lush tropical forest stretched behind that covered much of the base of the island's inactive volcano.

On the opposite side of the beach, between the resort hotel and the volcano were hiking trails that led into a tropical forest with wooden planked paths and rails for safety reasons and preventing guests from getting lost.

A burly yellow brown striped tabby tom was dressed in a red muscle shirt and matching shorts and blue sandals. After an afternoon lunch of burger, shake, and fries from a fast-food stand along the shore, Chance decided to walk it off on those trails. He left the beach, went through the lobby towards the back of the hotel, and passed the gated pool area with a couple of floral decorated gazebos beyond.

After passing them, he was greeted by a large arching post with a large blue sign labeled "Tropical Trails" with two palm trees that sandwiched the words. Passing through the gate, he began his hike. He was surrounded by lush tropical trees and colorful flora as he went down the path.

The trail was straightforward with some curves here and there. When he came across the first fork in the road, he took the left path subconsciously without a single thought. After going down the path with eyes taking in the scenery, he glanced towards something to his left that caught his eye.

Off the beaten path and a few meters inward into the forest almost blending with the scenery, there was a green grass hula skirt, a coconut bra, and a white floral crown, hanging on a hook nailed to a tree. Who would leave such things here, he wondered as he approached the tropical attire. He touched the skirt where the grass felt soft and fresh as if recently cut. The flower crown was similar with a pleasing aroma as well.

A strange feeling in the back of his head wanted him to wear it for some reason. Trying it on wouldn't hurt, would it? He wondered what it was like to wear hula attire at times when seeing some chicks on the beach. Curiosity got the better of him as he looked around as if seeing the coast was clear. Thankfully, he was alone, accompanied by only the sounds of birds and the sea wind.

"Here goes nothing." He uttered to himself as he began to undress, putting his clothes in a pile to the side.

He slipped on the grass skirt which ill-fitted on his small hips. Then, he put on the coconut bra that loosely covered nonexistent breasts. Finally, he put the floral crown on top of his head. Chance felt slightly embarrassed in the getup, even getting a visible half-mast stiffy because of the skirt. Thankfully, he was still alone during his dress up time. He playfully did a little hula dance of swaying his hips with the skirt rustling and shaking, unknowingly activating its magic.

Not too long, Chance decided that it was enough fun for now and had to change back quickly before he got caught. But before he could take them off, he felt a sudden strange warmth flow throughout his body along with a tingling sensation, stopping him momentarily.

"The heck was that?" he said, before the changes began.

He felt the tingling in his feet and looking down he could see them shrunk by a few inches, topped with dainty toes with slightly longer nail claws. His legs lost muscle tone while becoming slender and shapely with thicker thighs.

He grunted as his pelvis region changed shape. His hips widened into childbearing proportions while his waist trimmed and slimmed down with a flattened stomach, giving him an hourglass. His rear expanded with a couple layers of fat.

Looking down in shock, he could see his dick fully erected, breaking through the grass skirt. But not for long as it began to slowly shrink until it receded into his body along with his balls. They were soon replaced by a plump dripping pussy.

He groaned as his chest slowly grow and ballooned into FF size tits, capped with erect dark nipples with dollar coin sized areolas, straining the coconut bra as a result. Like his legs and feet, his arms and hands experienced similar changes. His arms became slender, losing bulking muscle mass, while his hands became smaller with thinly fingers and sharper nail claws.

He grunted as he felt the changes go to his head. His head and face became rounder and feminine with a petite muzzle, shrunken nose, and longer eyelashes. Long, flowing curly yellow hair grew from his scalp, cascading down to the base of his tail.

The burly yellow tom was now a busty molly.

"Sweet Bastet!!" she cried in an unfamiliar higher pitched voice.

In a panic, she took off the coconut bra, letting her massive milk bags bounce freely.

"Oooooh~....Ah...!" A delicate curious hand touched and lightly squeezed a breast, eliciting a light moaning purr.

Another hand explored her newfound vaginal depths, making her moan again and body shiver in pleasure with fingers soaked in juices. Suddenly, her mind began to feel fuzzy and lightheaded. Soon she was out like a light and blacked out on the spot.

A few hours later....


Chance slowly stirred awake, only to find her surroundings had changed and now indoors.

She realized that she was in a hotel room, recognizing the rosy, red walls with white seashell patterns along with the matching shag carpeting. Across the king-size bed she was on with its purple covers, seashell shaped pillows, and sheets was a large screen TV placed on top of a small two-tier black shelf/stand. To the right was a small round white table with two matching chairs which was next to a glass sliding door that led to a balcony overlooking the beach. To the left was a small kitchen area with a white fridge, counters and cupboards with silverware and dishes, chrome sink, and even a dishwasher. Opposite side from the kitchen were a closet next to the entry door and a maroon bathroom with marble sink, toilet, and bathtub.

She thought she was in her room at first until she spotted a suitcase with clothes that were different from hers. Looking out the window, she could tell that room she was in on an upper floor close to the roof than her room near ground level. Not to mention she could tell how late it was by the setting sun. Then, looking down at her body, she could see that she was in the nude with her tits blocking the view and her hula clothes on the chair at the table next to the balcony.

Who would've brought her here and why?

Before she was able to do anything, the door to the room opened, catching her attention. In stepped a muscular tom with dark brown fur and buzzcut wearing a blue tropical button-down shirt with pineapples and white shorts who had a six pack of pina colada wine coolers in hand. When she saw him, her heart ran rapidly at the sight of his handsome face and muscular physique. He was a bit startled when he saw the naked molly now awake on the bed.

"Oh, you're awake! Sit down and I can explain everything." He said, scratching the back of his head.

The tom and the still naked Chance sat down at the table with the six-pack lying on top of it.

"I've found you unconscious when I went on the trails, and I carried you back to my room. I probably should've taken you to the infirmary, but it was spur of the moment. I took off your clothes to see if you were hurt in some way. Sorry about that. Oh, the name's Jasper Mewlkins by the way."

"Chance say when you found me were there other clothes nearby than what I wore?" she asked, remembering the clothes she put to the side before changing.

"Um, no? I didn't see anything like that nearby." He admitted.

"Oh..." she uttered, confused about the missing clothes.

"Since you seem okay and all, I guess you're going to get dress and head out?" he inquired.

" you mind if I stay a while longer?" she asked as a rise of female hormones took hold and grabbed a bottle from the pack. "For a drink?"

"Heh, if you insist." He said, grabbing a bottle for himself and intentionally moving a bit to show off his tenting boner in his seat, indicating his body had been enjoying the naked molly view. In turn the view of his package made the yellow molly's mouth and pussy to drool a bit as her body yearned for him.

The two drank and chatted a bit more over drinks including some other alcohol, mainly tropical flavored ale, stashed in the fridge. Jasper was becoming rather tipsy but still holding his own. Chance, however, with her new feminine body, was now a lightweight when it came to alcohol compared to her male body, becoming already drunk. She slurred in her speech and became unbalanced even teetering when sitting down, but more so that it was affecting her hormones. She wanted the stud badly with each intoxicating sip as more feminine dominate feelings and thoughts emerged.

"Well...*hic...looks like we're all out of drink." Jasper stated as he emptied his last bottle, slightly drunker but more stable than the molly across from him. "Want me to escort you back to your room?"

"N-no...*hic! I wan...I want to stay longer! Movie...*hic ma-maybe?" she slurred as she wobbled her way back onto the bed with her naked body splayed out, giving him a show.

"Okay, then. *Hic- How about I slip into something more comfortable?" he said as he began stripping down until fully nude, revealing a furred muscular bod with a near foot long erection. Chance's two orifices drool at the sight of the naked stud as he joined her on the bed, licking her lips.

They cuddled together as they watched a sci-fi porno on a premium paid channel called Naughty Nebulas. Halfway through the movie during the sex scenes the two became hot and bothered in their drunken states. They began to make out as their muzzles connect in long wet tongue entangled kiss as they embraced in each other's arms. Jasper snuck in some tit groping, making Chance moan in pleasure. His dick rubbed against her moist clit, causing her body to shudder as well.

"Want to do this?" Jasper asked as his schlong prodded her entryway.

"Oh~mrrrroww..Yes! Yes, please! My body wants this soooo bad...mmm!" she said while nuzzling and nibbling his neck.

Then, with a quick thrust, he was inside her, causing a mewling moan out of her muzzle as his dick pumped slowly against her inner walls. She had to wrap her legs around him to keep steady as her body shook and shuddered in pleasure.

"Mrrrrr~...Ah...oooh! Fa-haah-ster!" she pleaded as she nuzzled him with affectionate kisses and licks.

Jasper responded with quicker and rapid thrusts and more titty groping, causing more moans and pants from the shuddering molly. Pressure built up within them as their privates leaked and moistened.

"Haah....Aah~Ooooh! Jasper....I'm...Mrooow...Gonna...haah...CUM-MING!" she cried out as she drenched his dick with crotch honey.

"Ungh....! Me-me...Ahh...TOO!" he screamed out as his crotch cannon shot globs of cream into her womb to the point of overflow.

They finished just as the movie ended as the credits rolled. After a few nuzzles and kisses, they slept in each other's arms, softly snoring and purring until the morning.

The End

Ghost Town Trouble

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Anakata Anomalies 3 (Getting Lei'd)

On Anakata Island during its resort's peak season, the crowded beach laid perpendicular onto the mainland of Megakat City. Behind the shoreline were the scattered vendors that sold from food and drinks to souvenirs and the shower and bathroom stalls...

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A Goofy Dream

"\*Groans....Huh-Wha...?" Max Goof awoke in a daze. Once his eyes open and vision returned, he found himself staring up at a clear partly clouded blue sky. Strange, when did he went outside? Wasn't he just in his bed a while ago at night? Checking...

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