Times & Tribulations of a Sucumouse Pt10 Betrayed by Love

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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#10 of The Succumouse

*This is an EXTREAM!! adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered)* "on a side note wow ten parts to think this idea was only supposed to be a stand alone just wow." Times & Tribulations of a Sucumouse Pt 10 Betrayed by love Things can never be cut and dry for me can they? When I arrived back at home I was expecting a clean and thankful Nara waiting for me. Even if she was not thankful, it would not have mattered. Sadly when I did arrive, I found her curled up by the door fur matted with dried blood. The small amount of happiness I had been feeling just before opening the door sank away in that moment. if my kindness was not sufficient to slip past what id done in the past, I really don't know what I am to do. The look she gave me as I walked inside the disgust that swam behind her eyes, if she could only see the pain that causes me. This pain I can not suppress, it's only controlled by keeping my mind occupied with other tasks, even that fails whenever a moment of peace is left to me. The things she said to me that night I don't think I can ever forget them, I wish. No, I cant say that, I don't want him showing up here not now I'm keeping my hart its all I have if pain is what it gives me then so be it I shell love that pain with all of my hart. That night~ * * *

(last night) "I see you chose to skip the shower. No doubt Jaden's pacing back and forth upstairs right now twitching. That was not very nice of you he cant help him self you know." The strike was a shock I had never believed she could have done it. Nothing in my memory of her allowed for this. "You bitch! You...you terrible beast!" She struck me again, hard enough to cause me to fall back on my rump. It had not hurt I lost my balance in shear surprise. As I sat there looking up at her from the floor I felt the sudden urge to rip and tear as fire burned in my chest. Control is a difficult thing some times lucky for her id already had my fill or id most likely kill her out of shear reflex. "That was extremely dangerous you know. And wipe that smirk off your muzzle, you surprised me that's all. Anger dose not suit you Nara, calm down before you step over a line you don't want to cross. I may be in control at the moment but Iv been attacked before I react poorly to it you should have spoken to Jaden more." Id never felt this kind of anger from her before it was almost like seeing my self in a mirror dame creepy. "Stop telling me to calm down! Its been relax and calm down that's all you keep telling me. I don't want to calm down! I want to leave, let me out. Now!" "Not like this, Nara why cant you understand I never meant for it to happen the way it did. Nara I...Go, the seal wont stop you now, just go." I could feel her confusion, yet I was not saying another word, hers were starting to ring in my ears. Terrible best, that's what she sees me as. A beast, a monster, I cant argue agents that. Its true, what's the point of it anyway I cant have her, it should be just that simple. I'm property, how can I give her my hart when my souls not even mine. "That's it. I just go, your not going to erase my memory or some shit again. Your just going to leave me like this! How can I live this way! Eliana!" I opened the door to my room and closed it behind me, let her scream who would believe. How could she prove her stories? I'm safe and she dose still care if only she did not hate that she did. * * *

(Eliana's room that night) "your taste in mates is crap, Wait I mean, no wait." Jaden had been pacing for most the night his body demanding it carry out my order. "Its ok Jaden, this time ill forget you said anything. And forget about cleaning her up, ok?" I think if he was not bound to my life he would have died of shock. "are you ok? You sound different, almost hurt, or..." "go to bed Jaden! Just leave me alone." I sank down leaning agents my bed, Jaden's bed, I don't sleep. This is were it started. This is were my pain started. Sometimes I love it all, and then there are times when the stars are the only things to keep me company, in the darkest moments of the night when I hope for an angle to just come down from them and kill me, leave me dead and free from this pain. I know that even that can't set me free yet still I can dream if only when I stair at the stars. * * *

(present evening, Eliana's chronicles) I think if I had to chose a moment In life as my worst that night would be it. Yes I know iv been teased, beaten, raped, and my soul sold away for petty revenge, and still this is worse. It is said that pain of losing a loved one is the worst of all there is no cure for it other then time and even that only covers it over its always a scare that can rip open anew. Its been a few weeks since that night, my new familiar and I have had a number of meetings. Markus w. McValin is not as annoying as Chester had been. Infect if he were not a pedophile I might just get to like him. It turns out that it was not my flatness that turned him away from picking me out at the school. He did not need more of me he had enough video of me in the girls locker room to make a army of sick fucks happy for a few years. The only reason he did not take me to his house was he was afraid of hurting me, I was so small after all what if I could not take him. Pfft, He thinks to much of himself, I've taken far bigger before and ill take far bigger again in ten years time when my owner comes for me. I'm perfect to him I don't even have to order him around he dose what he is told no questions asked as long as I keep putting out and since I'm a succubus that's a given. Iv been giving my stolen male part a break, at first I thought about just taking my meals that way at first. But I must start getting used to riding I will be a sex slave after all, that's why he gave me this form, to learn. Doesn't that just make you sick it sure turns my stomach. I've also talked him into finishing his schooling by this time next year he will be Dr. McValin then its the life insurance plan. I've got Jaden practicing his act already a million should cover the two of use for my allotted time with no problems. That leaves just one lose end to tie up. Just one last furson on my list a girl I'm sure ill find her but I'm not going looking any time soon, screw it they'll come and tell me to get on with it sooner or latter. Never really thought about it just imagine this, you're a girl you picked on a another girl in your old school and because of it you had to move. What you did was so despicable that not even the biased staff there could let it slide. Years pass and you forget all about it, then one night two green eyes wake you up in the middle of the night, and springs a pop quiz on some girl named Eliana from your home town. The green eyes in the dark room ask, do you remember a girl back before your parents moved you here. A small mouse girl you dipped a tampon in capsicum extract. Come now you have to remember, you and your two friends held her down and shoved it inside her and left her in a broom closet tied up as her cunt screamed being comically burned. She will deny it or beg, or make some bullshit excuse up. I don't care if there is one other person other then Kevin that I hated with all my soul its her and I don't even know her name, the other two girls, your thinking why aren't thy on your list. They were but this was not there idea and they wee freaked by the hole thing got more then what was coming too them for it then, and I got them later too ripped the tail off one and well Nara her heads so yiffed now I don't think she will ever be the same. I already know what I'm going to do to her. She is the only one I've ever planed, I'm going to tie her arms to her bed, then holding her ankles under my arms I'm going to place a funnel In to her cunt and pure lighter fluid into it. Not a lot just enough to cover it all then ill strike a match. Ill keep her mind split form her body until the flames die away but that part is the least painful. Ill leave her that way until morning when my spell will release and her screams will wake the entire area I swear to you that's not sick that fair. If you had felt what she did to me, if you could understand that you would cheer right now. On a side note capsicum is the stuff that makes hot peppers hot. * * *

(pen down) Dame it, the door. I was just starting to enjoy my self. "Jad.." "I'm already going" he is learning good. What the hell was that it was like a knife being stuck in my back. Strange, why hasn't Jaden told me who it was...no, it can't be, who could get past the seals. "a appello deus extraxi diabolus hoc prodigium imperium!" * * *

(location, unknown.) Where the hell am I and what in the hell just happened. Ok, lets go over what I know. I sent Jaden to answer the door then a few minuets latter I felt a strange pain. There was some voice strange wor... Latin, of course that explains why it feels like my insides are crawling. Must be in a church, but what one, and who the hell grabbed me and how... obvious, Nara must have said something to someone so much for no one believing her. Dame it, I was careless. Lets see this rooms empty except for this chair I'm tied to, four walls white pant, no windows, is this a caller then? Must be it smells wet, one door strong, old. This could go poorly yet I'm not afraid, strange. There, foot steps, only one set. Who ever this is he is walking with authority, fast paced he is excited. Cant blame him not every day to get a demon girl tied up in a basement. Lets see perhaps I can get free, ropes seem thin, interesting, now I'm a little bit worried, I cant move my paws, I can move my eyes, tail, ears, and head, no muzzle no paws this is troubling. To incapacitate me is no small feet. ~click~ The door, looks like ill have my answers soon. * * * "Remarkable, an actual demonic specimen. You will have to excuse me, iv been waiting my whole life for this opportunity." He was not intimidating. In fact he was fairly bland, feline brown fur Wight glove pattern fur on his paws, at least the two I could see. His chest was white as well, he was dressed in priest robs. Black Wight trim and collar. At his feet sat a large black bag, I reminded me of an old doctors bag. "lets have a look at you, you don't mind do you. Don't worry I don't think this will hurt you, not that I've ever had an actual demon to test before." If it dose hurt when I get free, and I will, he will die slow. Then again even if it doesn't, he is going to die. He is taking something from the bag on the floor, a small flash light, the kind doctor shine in to fursons eyes to check for concussions and pupil response. After passing it in front of my eyes he returns it to the bag. A stethoscope, he quickly slides his hand and the scope down my blouse. I can feel my hart pound with anger as he repeats this down the front brushing the cold metal of the thing across one of my nipples. "Didn't seem to like that, too cold for you perhaps. Yes, of course your used to the hot shores of the lake of fire. Ok now lets untie you so I can finish this up." I watched him untie the lose binds that seemed at first to bind me to the chair. Yet even with them gone I cold not move. "your eyes say a lot, even though you can't. just relax demon. I know your steaming right now. Just relax this will be over soon, then ill cleans you and send you peacefully to the other side. Now consurgo." More Latin? Dame him, he made me stand, how, is it the words or are they part of that thing one of them said earlier. "good, now lets get these pants off." Don't you dare. "tens, are we? To think a succubus is shy, now this may feel a bit odd but its just a thermometer, its range is a bit higher just incase." He is not saying what I think he is saying, yes he is! Rectal thermometer, this bastered is going to pay, Pay hard! "your eye is twitching I'm guessing that means your pissed, ok, now lets see. 98.6' well guess that answers weather or not demons have higher readings then a normal furson. That's all I can really do as long as your in this form. I'm going to warn you I don't know if it hurts when you change or not so I want you to get ready, I'm going to force you in a minuet just as soon as I get the camera set up." Ok, now I've had just about enough of this shit. Were the hell is my cavalry, were' Jaden, or that dame fox who wont tell me his dame name. "Ready? Right you can't answer me sorry. Mutatio." I felt the fire flare it twisted and turned inside me, I could not contain it not for a moment. It ripped it way throe me. My blouse ripped to shreds as my wings forced there way out. But now I am not so help less my tail I can move my tail and it now has a knife like blade. I waited I felt the changes complete as my horns grew in place his last thoughts I wanted to hear him I wanted to hear what he had to say of my form. "My God." I screamed thru the power that held me voice, in surprise he fell backwards. As the pain in my ears and mind subsided I felt my knees give way. "I'm Sorry, I was not thinking. Consurgo. Simply amazing I was not expecting the wings. And, shit! You have a...a sheath. It cant be, your both male and female, yet you have no seed do you? It dose not look like you have any thing that makes it." That's it closer, you fool take a good close look. Yes, he is leaning in. Go on look at me all you like this will be the last thing you ever see. I lanced my tail into him but my aim was not true being unable to move my body I only priced his shoulder and flung him across the room. With the blood on my tail I spelled out something I need to say to him but I had limited ink. "4thermometer" I believe he is dead. I still can't move. So think, the next fool will cheek on him eventually the body of the first is not far I could easily catch the next bastered when he runs past to the corps. Wait he moved. "Dame. To shay demon to shay. I had forgotten you could move your tail, and I had not realized it would be so sharp. You hit a vain. Fari." "I hope you bleed you basterd. O, well now isn't that nice of you. What will allowing me to speak do. Are you hoping ill call for help so they can save you. You insult me, and now you think a show of compassion will save you. No kitty, the only way you live is if, you free me. In fact I give my word that if you set me free of what ever power you have that holds me here ill insure you live. Beater hurry looks like I nicked a very large artery not a vain." "The word of a demon is nothing. So in fact is this wound. Benefits of working for the light demon, the same power that holds you will help me. I need not you. sano." It cant be true, the wound is gone and...dame feel like my tail is on fire. Shit, I'm so stupid sometimes holy man holy blood. I had to whip my tail as forcefully as I could to get the rest of that red acid off. "Ow, shit, who would have thought touching your blood would hurt so dame much. I still don't get it priest why let me speak, going to ask me foolish questions about the pit, your wasting your time I've never been there." He is not even shaken. I hate pretentious basterds, why are they always so high and mighty, am I the only one who can see how pathetic they all are, this power is not his he is a male nothing more. He was hurt I just need to kill him quicker or make it so he cant speak his little magic words. Tail tip to the neck should do it easily. "I can tell your just going to try that again, ill be well protected next time you won't bauble to touch me again. a fortuno me pia abbas. Now let us try this again. I'm going to do the same test I did before in the same order to see if there are any changes, I suppose your pulse will be a bit higher being that your fairly angry with me now, if you would co-operate we can use an oral thermometer this time. How about that?" No, that plan wont work, the light its faint but its there. If I touch him in mallis it will strike back. "Then what, your going to exercise me or something. He is not going to let you break my deal. If you kill me my deal is void, I get my soul back, and get sent to the gates of hell as another dammed furson who has done the things iv done. Can you dame me to that, can you send me to be tormented ever waking second for the rest of time, He wants me, I'm special I swear it before your god." No pain, I was expecting pain. I was telling the truth, perhaps they don't ,mind as long as I don't use it in vain or something. Really wish I'd paid more attention in church when my folks would bring me, it might have come in handy now. "What did you say? How can that word pass your muzzle? I have no time for your tricks.." Little flash light then stethoscope, just like before. Hr has taken another thermometer from the bag. "Open?, Or we can use the other one again" I hate being told what to do! However, I maybe able to gain some trust this way. But I will not look week ether. "No spells, or holy words this time father? Very well, because you asked." "98.6', I had hoped to find a way to identify a demon hiding in mortal form from you. It would seem there is no way using simple med gear. Do you feel like talking demon?" "My name is Eliana. If you want to talk so bad, give me back my panties at least and the courtesy of my name." "Eliana, strange you want to be called by the name of the girl who's form you stole." "I did not steal my form, I am Eliana m. Tilton. I am what I am because I made a deal." "A deal? With who, Eliana, why would you ask to be a succubus?" "I made a deal with a fox... Don't bother asking, he would not give me his name, names have power and he will never let me have any over him not even the smallest amount. I never asked to be, this. I asked for revenge." "Revenge. That is all, you traded eternal damnation for petty revenge. You poor child, how could you ever be made to believe that was, was worth it?" "I was angry, moment of weakness. However, I'm dammed as you think. My deal had two parts, I get the abilities I needed for my revenge he gets sole, I live only eleven years after the deal is sinned, I never feel the sting of wipes or the lick of flame. For that last addition I had to make one other small concession, I am his personal, stress relief, the slave of his needs until he tiers of me you see, that why I'm a succubus. I am as I am to learn to pleas him weather I find it sickening or not dose not matter, it is my fat, there is no escaping it. You cant kill me father. You cant save me ether, I'm property of the monster you are supposed to keep at bay, I am a sheep taken by the wolves to eat latter shepherd." "you said it sickens you, then why do it? Why not just stay in the form of your birth and never complete your deal, unless you already have." "~little laugh~ Father you are a fool, do you think if it were that easy I would be here now? If I could keep from feeding I'd still be with Nara I'd still be holding her tight to me at night and waking with the taste of her on my muzzle. That's just how it is I need to feed or ill die, I cant live like a normal furson any more I'm as you like to say a demon, forever and a day I am a demon, cursed with a hart and the need to feed." "Are the tears real, or are you just trying to make me feel bad for you, it dose not really matter, I must do what I must. If are incapable of stopping then I must destroy you, for the good of all." "All you will do is cause me pain, I am no longer the angel of deaths charge. And I'm bound to this plain until my deal runs true. Do as you must father, all you shell do is cement your death when I get free, that is what I do, it is why I am. I harm who cause me pain, Kevin beat and raped me, Mark, pissed in my drink and made a show of it after I drank it, Stacy, I'm still called lesbo Lin, although she did turn out to be right still a cruel bitch, Luis, marks little cover boy, in truth I miss him, Nara, Stacy's go to girl, and I do love her, Jaden, Stabbed me in the neck with a knife, Mr. Sheften - Mr. Rice pedophiles voyeurs, Mr. McValin, pedophile, rapist. Tell me father am I that bad, or am I just speeding the presses of judgment." ~crack~ "Silence! Selenium. No more of your words I will cleans you from this earth I swear it, judgment is not to be passed by the likes of you!" He hit me, that bastered hit me! Dame it, I pushed to hard I was making progress. I should not have listed them at least left off the kid who's sheath I have, I'm fairly cretin that would not have sat well with this priest. "You speak of love, of regrets yet you mean none of it. Nara the girl you swear you love, she came her drenched in blood, you vile beast, you are the rapist. You are the monster, you are the evil! You are the one too be jugged! And ill start my purification with this abomination on your hips!" What in the hell is he yelling about, what abomination... For the love of all that is good in this world, please let him not mean what I think he means its very sensitive." "Your eyes twitching again demon! You look worried, have I upset you? Worry not it will be over soon, and its for your own good." The bag, what is he taking from that bag, a small bottle? What could he, it shimmers, holy water! If I've learned anything form late night movies that shit burns like hell. No, no, please, not that please for yiffs sack no! "Annoying thing about a sheath, it holds water always have to dry it out after showering or bathing. You know all about that don't you, beast!" The fox! don't just stand there help me! No, no ~scream~ " Liberum." "~screaming~ ~sobbing~ pleas make it stop! ~sobbing~" * * * "I see cruel all the time father, however that was truly cold. There were a few worse places to put that water but at least there it would run off. You should pick your churches beater next time. Did you know the Pasteur here likes to play games with the alter boys in this room." "who are yo..." "Selenium. Yes, that's right I can do that trick too. However, unlike you that power is mine. Now Eliana I know your in a lot of pain right now but I do need you to stop that screaming and twitching on the floor its unbecoming." "~holding back tears~ shut up bastered, you didn't stop him! ~scream of pain~ You stood there and watched!" "Yes I did, perhaps this will learn you to be more careful. And I said be quit Eliana. There now, suffer in silence will I talk to the priest. Consurgo, good boy. You should have listened to her, you know that. Your lucky I'm not very fond of that part of her or you would see how much pain a mortal form can withstand before death. Lucky, she never learned your name as well. The flesh of that mouse is mine, she suffers because I allowed it. Also, the tigox Nara, she is mine as well she just has not yet realized it. I am fond of that mouse priest, she is special and even she dose not realize how so yet. Stay away from her and Nara, and I will make sure she harms no one who is not already dammed. In exchange ill give you your life, and promise you Eliana will not come back for you latter, believe me when her gift becomes evident not even your divine protection will save you from her however I can. Answer quickly." "I can't answer yo... Tricky beast, ill never give into you. Never no mater what you offer I have a far greater awaiting me I am a servant of..." "Very well then, good bye father. Eliana, your hurt child. I now what will make it all beater. Take this life force, go one ill block out the pain for you. Every second your getting hungrier on feed child." "Father, you really should have taken his offer your going to die slow." * * *

( Eliana's chronicles, later that morning) I may not have liked how it happened but dame did it fell good. There I was have crazed from pain. The bastered who and inflected it standing there, all excited from what he had done to me. I crossed the room in one step. Quickly I tore his clothing away, the poor kitten. My cock is still useless I cant feel it, so I was forced to feed with my female sex. With a hard shove I knocked him to the floor. Sliding his ridge cock inside me made my stomach heave as I tried not to think of the fact that he would enjoy the first few moments of this. I rode hard and fast making him scream his under used maleness quickly shot off its pent up seed as I started pulling his life-force away. Just before the last was gone I broke free, I forced my self off his near dead body imprisoning him. With claw I raked the flesh of his member tearing the blood gorged meat apart. I left him there to bleed, my friend helping me home with a quick shadow step. I found Jaden in the living room a knife in his back, he was very thankful to see me hi soul had been screaming in the black void of his dead corps, for hours. Even I cant imagine the complete lack of anything he described, In truth perhaps he had a far worse experience. For now however I'm just glad to be free, and from what I heard on the floor I believe things may get very interesting very soon. He said Nara was his, the devil be dammed I saw her first Ill just have to make her untouchable for him. I don't care if she turned me over to that church, I know what her hart believes. She wanted them to save me. Its to bad I'm beyond saving, and I'm going to make sure so is she. I'm bringing two with me, this I swear! I will not be alone when he tiers of me, I will have my friend and my love. "friend, me? Eliana, now your scaring me." "Yes Jaden, I said friend you tried to warn me when the forced there way in. I saw it when I woke you your last thought." "Please don't hurt her."

Times & Tribulations of a Sucumouse Pt 9

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered)\* Times & Tribulations of a Sucumouse Pt 9 Its strange having a familiar again, its not...

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Times& Tribulations of a Succumous 8

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered)\* Mouse, Demon, shape shifting, cheetah, skunk, (forced)M/M, M/F, Mind Control, Master/Pet,...

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Times& Tribulations of a Succumous pt7

\*This is an "Extreme" adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (yea I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) don't...

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