Lacktail Loaned [COMMISSION]

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#4 of Bryana [COMMISSION]

Vernis has business in a distant land and takes Lacktail along with him, hoping to loan her out in exchange for some deal.


This is a commission I took for Lazrin. Thank you for the chance to work with your character!

Tadhg and Lothvyn belong to me.

Lacktail Loaned


Bryana's mother tapped the table with her claws. Age and a lack of care had made her nails exceptionally long and curved, almost like talons.

Rolling her eyes, Bryana sat down on the other end of the table and crossed her arms.

Bryana's mother sighed. Her eyes were clouded with cataracts and though she could not see very well. Immediately, Bryana snapped her paws up onto the table, crossing her fingers primly.

"I'm sorry, mother," Bryana blushed beneath her fur. She was already in trouble for breaking protocol, no doubt, there was no sense in making things worse.

"Hm? What for?" Bryana's mother opened up a small clay pot and rolled it across the table towards her daughter. "Candied walnut?"

Though Bryana was not hungry, custom dictated that she at least take one as a form of respect to her elder, "Thank you."

She gently picked up a small cluster of honey-caked walnuts and placed them on her tongue, closing her mouth and quietly chewing.

"Your father spotted you and the son of the visiting fox merchant today about to fornicate."

Bryana nearly choked on the walnut, coughing violently as a few crumbs slipped down the wrong way.

"We were just holding hands!"

Bryana's mother leaned forward with a wry smile on her face, "I know how teenagers are and that lad was a handsome one. But dear, for the sake of our house, you can't ruin your chastity with just any male!"

Bryana cleared her throat. Protocol dictated being polite even in private, but she found no polite way of telling her mother that she had no interest in even kissing the fox and that he smelled like piss.

"Especially with a fox! Gods, they're slim and pretty, but you know how they copulate?" Bryana's mother pressed her finger and thumb together, forming a vaguely phallic shape.

Coughing, Bryana tried to give her mother a hint that the subject was inappropriate

"They thrust their member in and then..." Bryana's mother formed an 'O' with the bottom of her finger and thumb "'re sealed together with them, they'll get you pregnant for sure!"

"That is impossible, mother," Bryana politely corrected.

"Don't tempt fate!" Bryana's mother wagged her finger. "You can be friends with him but if he so much as tries to touch your thigh, you'd better scratch his face off!"

The rickety carriage began to slow down as the coachman cried out, "Whoa!" beckoning the horses to come to a halt. Lacktail winced as the metal plug fastened up her rear pressed up against her insides.

It had been a long journey, one kept in tense silence. Vernis spoke only with his eyes, occasionally staring down his wolfish muzzle up Lacktail's dress with a lewd grin. There was nothing much to see, thanks to the metal chastity device fastened around Lacktail's loins, but the smell of her heat was enough to excite the canine's nose. Vernis had acquired a taste for the smell of her scent gland after the birthing and it had grown in size and smell.

Next to Lacktail was Dullfang, who struggled to keep herself awake. The muscular badger was her new overseer after Softfur attempted to mate with Lacktail when she was last in heat without permission. Vernis made sure he paid for that with his life.

It was a small relief, having Softfur out of her life and Dullfang was nowhere near as cruel, but Vernis was still not deterred in his abuse of her.

Once the carriage came to a complete stop, Lacktail heard the sound of boots stomping on the ground outside before the door flung open and the small wolven coach driver bowed, beckoning the higher-ranked wolf and his slaves out of the carriage.

Vernis exited first, brushing his tail along Lacktail's masked face as he did. Dullfang quickly followed, lazily tugging at the chain running to Lacktail's collar, forcing her to stand, clench her hips around the plug, and join them.

The manor grounds smelled of fresh rain on leaves, though the sky was a clear blue. Lacktail fanned her face to try and cool down as she was led down a stone path lined with towering fir trees towards a figure that made Lacktail's eyes widen. It was quite cool out but the hot flashes from the heat were potent.

A dragon with glittering emerald scales was standing before the stone manor. A black robe covered up what was clearly a powerfully muscled body. Dragons were rare and often kept themselves secluded from other species' affairs.

What business could Master have with a dragon?

Heat-induced intrusive thoughts invaded Lacktail's mind, visions of the dragon grabbing her by the hips and spinning her around before mounting her from behind and breeding her. Lacktail unconsciously squeezed her thighs, imagining the plug as his cock.

Lacktail shook her head and fanned away another hot flash.

Master would not approve of such thoughts...

Vernis swept his arm and bowed before the dragon.

"Lothvyn," Vernis said. It was clearly a name to Lacktail's ears, not one of the wolven tongue.

The dragon, Lothvyn, spoke in a strange language that was guttural even compared to the wolves. The very ground almost quaked with every word he uttered until his eyes glowed purple and Lacktail could hear him speak the wolven language perfectly, at least as far as Lacktail understood it. He even sounded almost exactly like Vernis.

A faint trail of purple swept through the air across from the dragon's eyes and Lacktail followed it with her eyes until she caught sight of a red fox standing beside a tree.

He was wearing a torn doublet of burgundy with a matching loincloth barely covering up his crotch. The purple light danced around his fingers while a collar of emerald scales glowed around his neck.

With a snap of the fox's fingers, the light vanished into thin air, though the dragon's eyes still glowed purple and his mouth still spoke the language of the wolves. Sighing, the fox leaned against the tree and looked over at Lacktail with his pale green eyes.

"Hello," the fox smiled over at Lacktail and continued to speak in wolven far beyond Lacktail's ability.

Lacktail tilted her head to the side, an expression she had learned from the wolves and the fox blinked with a nod of understanding.

"Tadhg," the fox pointed at his chest and then pushed his claw towards Lacktail. "You?"


Tadhg traced his paw along the length of the chain running from Lacktail's collar and stroked the side of her mask with his other paw gently, which caused her to recoil.

"It's okay," he reached forward and stroked her mask again.

"Okay," Lacktail remained still, letting the fox rub her. The fox's musk was, much like others of his species, potent and was making her nostrils burn along with the insides of her loins. Moaning, Lacktail leaned comfortably into the fox's palm as he continued to rub her.

"Come," he said.

Lacktail nervously looked over to Vernis and the dragon. Running off with a strange fox would surely anger Vernis but the heat was giving Lacktail other ideas.

"It's okay," Tadhg whispered and motioned towards the dragon and Vernis with his muzzle. "Their orders."

Releasing her face, Tadhg carefully took her paw in his and stepped past the trees, tail gently swaying behind him while Lacktail followed him towards a hedge.

Swinging around the hedge, Tadhg swung his free arm and showed off a cozy garden surrounded by hedges. Exotic flowers of all colors and shapes ran along a small, trickling stream that flowed into a circle in the center of the garden, where a wooden pavilion rested.

"Beautiful," Lacktail whispered.


Tadhg led Lacktail across a small bridge over the stream and stepped up on the pavilion. The building was empty, save for a wooden chest up against one of the railings. Tadhg suddenly let go of Lacktail's paw and slowly walked towards the railing, looking over his shoulder with a wry smile.

Placing his palms on the railing, Tadhg stuck out his rear and lifted his bushy orange tail, flipping his loincloth to the side and exposing his rear and his white-furred balls.

Lacktail blushed and looked away. A cold shiver ran across her skin, a message from the heat to take another peak, but surely the fox had just exposed himself by accident.

"Sorry," Lacktail muttered.

Laughing, Tadhg pushed his rear towards Lackail, "No sorry..." Tadhg began saying something Lacktail could not understand, "...orders."

Once again, Lacktail tilted her head to show her confusion.

Sighing, Tadhg shook his head with a frown. The fox was getting frustrated and Lacktail could not figure out what he wanted.

Fear grew in her heart that she might be doing something wrong that would anger the fox and thus his master...and thus Vernis.

"I don't..."

Reaching around, Tadhg pointed at his anus while his tail swept from side to side, thumping against the railing of the gazebo. Leaning his head up, the fox let out an exaggerated moan.

Lacktail's face was burning, but faced with two difficult options, she decided to go with the one that the fox seemed to want...and that her restrained loins wanted as well.

Shakily, Lacktail stepped forward and wrapped her claws around Tadhg's skinny hips. The fox's black lips curled around his muzzle in a smile while Lacktail pressed her thigh up against his rear.

It was incredibly difficult to do anything with Tadhg's rear with the chastity device on, but with a bit of experimentation, Lacktail managed to rub a round corner of it up against the rim of Tadhg's butt and it was enough to make the fox sigh contentedly.

Tadhg's paw reached back and planted itself on Lacktail's butt and she froze. For the past year, there had not been a moment in Lacktail's life where getting touched in the rear or some other sensitive area didn't end up progressing into something intrusive or humiliating.

But right now she felt no fear of what the fox planned to do, but still, something in her heart flashed back to all the moments with Vernis and others; all the pain and shame...

"Okay?" Tadhg asked.

"Yes," Lacktail nodded.


Slowly, Tadhg squeezed Lacktail's rear and pushed forward, grinding her covered crotch up against his butt. The message was very clear from the fox.

Gulping, Lacktail lifted her dress and pressed her thighs into his butt sharply, humping the fox like one of his own kind might. It had been a long time since Bry-

No, Lacktail had never been the dominant partner like this. Never.

It was a strange new feeling, having her weight pressed up against someone like this. With every hump, Tadhg yelped or moaned with clear pleasure that even their language barrier could not confuse.

However, despite how enjoyable it was, Lacktail's heat desired that she be mounted herself. Something that would be impossible with the current restraints on her.

Tadhg suddenly slipped out of Lacktails grasp when she had paused, his black nose sniffing up against her chest. His nose traced along her side, snuffling her dress, before finally ending at her scent gland at the base of where her tail would have been. The gland, still enlarged from the birthing, enticed the fox into licking it with his long tongue, causing Lacktail to shudder with electricity jolting through her body.

Sniffing at the air, Lacktail leaned down and licked the fox on his own gland just above his tail. A musky, floral taste danced along her tongue with every slurp, and she got more drunk with lust each time.

Lacktail didn't realize she had thrust her butt until her cheeks caught Tadhg right in the nose, knocking him back a bit. At first the fox growled a bit and then snorted, but once he realized what Lacktail wanted he chuckled.

Grabbing Lacktail by the hips, he slowly pushed forward on her back until she bent over and placed her paws on the railing, much as Tadhg had done prior just a few minutes ago.

Lacktail looked back, catching Tadhg lifting up the front of his loincloth and revealing the tip of a red member sticking out of his fuzzy sheath.

Though the fox was taller, he had some difficulty positioning his cock into the badger's thicker rear with his slimmer frame and once he did, his cock's advance was halted by the chastity belt. This did not deter Tadhg, however, as he managed to make the best of it and glide the shaft of his cock along the smooth metal covering Lacktail's crotch.

Lacktail gasped as she felt a pressure in her ass and looked back, panting. Tadhg was pressing one of his fingers up against the blunt end of the buttplug alongside each thrust of his cock, simulating the feeling of a cock sliding into her.

The feeling was indescribable. Though Lacktail's heat had been satiated before, it had been under less than ideal circumstances.

Here though, she had asked for it and received it with someone who was pleasuring her in return and not just for his own needs.

Suddenly, Tadhg stopped and pinched the hem of Lacktail's dress, tugging at it.

"Take off, please."

Flushing, Lacktail turned around slowly. Her back was raked with scars and Lacktail did not wish to terrify the friendly fox as she slowly pulled her dress up. Her ample bosom and round stomach were on display and Tadhg smiled lewdly.

There was very little different from Tadhg's expression than Vernis when he was feeling particularly horny or cruel, but Lacktail received no panic from witnessing his.

Tadhg said something that Lacktail could not understand but before Lacktail could express her confusion, the fox pinched his cheeks and pulled them away from his face.

Lacktail shook her head and looked down to the side.


"Please," Tadhg insisted.

"Ugly," Lackail said back.

"No," Tadhg stated and shook his head firmly. "Please."

Shaking slightly, Lacktail slowly raised her paws to the belts holding her mask in place. Lacktail paused, hesitating, and looked up at Tadhg whose smile had softened from lewd to more encouraging. Tadhg nodded slowly, urging Lacktail to continue.

Lacktail's claws clicked the buckles open and she closed her eyes as the leather mask fell away from her face.


Lacktail blushed and slowly opened her eyes. There was no deception in Tadhg's green eyes nor his voice, but Lacktail had her doubts. The scars across her face ran deep, complete with the right side of her muzzle almost completely ruined and crooked.

Tadhg leaned in, pressing his wet nose against hers and slowly running his lips up against hers, letting his tongue gently slip in past her defenses.

"Mmmm," Lacktail moaned.

The kiss was short, but sweet, and Lacktail wished it had lasted longer when Tadhg pulled away. Though she had her doubts, Lacktail felt flattered by Tadhg's words. For a brief moment she felt like she looked like she did before the invasion and her capture.

It seemed like ages ago.

A small thump broke Lacktail out of her stupor. Tadhg was standing by the chest, which was now open, and was twirling a wooden paddle by a leather loop attached to the handle on his finger.

Lacktail's heart froze and her skin went cold. Tadhg, seemingly not noticing her panic, swung back around into the chest and with a swish of his tail, retrieved a thin whip and cracked it onto the ground.

At this point, Tadhg's eyes met with Lacktail's and he tilted his head in confusion. Lacktail opened her mouth but before she could speak, Tadhg slapped himself on the forehead and threw the paddle back into the chest.

"Sorry!" Tadhg exclaimed and pointed at himself. "Idiot."

Lacktail stepped forward and placed her paw on Tadhg's shoulder.

"Okay," Lacktail whispered. " it."


Lacktail's worries abated and her heat took over her mind once more. Tadhg did not mean to make her afraid and had no desire to. This helped shake away the anxiety and all the awful memories.

Leaning against the railing and raising her butt, Lacktail gave an enticing wiggle and received a sharp slap on the right cheek from Tadhg's paw.


The pain was nothing compared to what she had been through before, but she still moaned with pained desire, if only to play with the fantasy.

A tug came at Lacktail's chain, causing her collar to chafe up against her neck and pull her backwards. Tadhg's sleek muzzle darted towards her, his nose pressing against hers as he growled in a dominant tone that was too exaggerated to take seriously.

"Mmmm," Lacktail moaned as Tadhg licked at her snout and then clamped his teeth gently around it. A sign of affection she had seen the wolves do with their mates. It was threatening in its own way, rendering Lacktail helpless and at his mercy, but there was something oddly comforting about it as well.

Tadhg released his teeth on Lacktail's muzzle and pulled himself back, giving her another slap on the rump before gliding his cock between her cheeks and across the metal plate covering her sex up.

Lacktail's collar tightened against her neck as Tadhg lifted his paw further back, though he never did it hard enough to choke her. The fox growled as he continued to thrust until his tongue lolled out of his mouth and his muzzle scrunched up.

"Ahhhhhh," Tadhg gasped, drool trailing from his tongue onto the ground. Even through the plate covering her sex, Lacktail could feel the knot of his cock swelling and the shaft throbbing violently.

Just then, Lacktail spun around, the collar choking her slightly in the process, and sat on the ground. Tadhg released his grip on the chain and gave his precum-slicked cock a few more strokes before giving one final gasp.

Lacktail opened her mouth, catching the first drops of his seed in her mouth. The taste was salty, but with a bit of sweetness to it that was far different from Vernis'. After the final spurt, Lacktail leaned down onto the floor of the gazebo and licked up the stray drops that she had missed from the floorboards.

Without so much as a word, Tadhg let himself fall to his back in the pavilion, panting with exhaustion. When Lacktail didn't join him, he reached up, looping his claw around the last link of her chain and gently tugged her down until she followed suit.

They laid there for countless hours in contented silence. Deep in her heart, Lacktail hoped that Vernis' had decided to sell her to Tadhg's master, that every day in her life could be like this far away from the wolves and the shame she suffered there.

But the realistic side of Lacktail knew that good things never last.

The realistic side of Lacktail was correct. Her time with Tadhg was short and in no time she was back at the academy being escorted back into the stables with Dullfang lazily holding her leash while Vernis led the way. The wolf's tail was practically dancing to and fro with glee and it was different from how he would normally do it when thinking up some new cruelty. He had been doing that all the way back on the carriage with a smile.

He was happy and Lacktail couldn't tell if it was because of something she had done during her time lent to Tadhg and his draconic master or they had concluded some business together. Lacktail didn't really feel like she had done anything special, she had chores at the manor but they were light in comparison to what she had to do with Vernis.

A cold breeze swept through the air and Lacktails lungs burned from the chill. She covered up her mouth with her forearm, trying to suppress her cough but failed, hunching over and hacking onto the ground.

She hadn't so much as cleared her throat in the warmer climate Tadhg had lived in, she almost forgot about the chronic cough.

"Here," Dullfang dangled a glass vial full of a clear liquid. "Medicine."

Dullfang uncorked it and put her claws between Lacktail's lips, gently parting them. Lacktail cooperated, opening her mouth fully just before Dullfang poured the contents down her throat.

The taste was foul, but as it ran over Lacktail's throat she felt the desire to cough instantly fade away, like an itch that had been scratched.

"Thank you..."

Lacktail forgot the title she was to refer to Dullfang as and winced, closing her eyes. Lacktail did not receive a slap or a strike, just a lazy pull on her leash towards the doors of the stables that Vernis had flung open.

Upon being marched to her stall, Lacktail was surprised to find she was not immediately chained up, but was gently pushed up against up the wall.

Lacktail half-expected Vernis to take her then and there. However, instead she was shocked that Dullfang began to rub oily paws up against her butt cheeks, the smell of lavender wafting in the air.

"Mmmm," Lacktail moaned, in spite of the threatening environment she was in. Her rear began to slowly swell with each gentle stroke of Dullfang's oiled palms. Softfur certainly hadn't ever been so gentle.

"Reward," Dullfang said, kneading Lacktail's round cheeks as they continued to twitch and swell with pleasure.


Vernis said something with a gleeful tone in his voice, even more musically inclined than the normal wolven accent. Lacktail looked behind and noticed he was stepping around the stalls in a pattern.

Some kind of dance?

Lacktail was distracted by Dullfang suddenly pushing a bowl covered in waxed paper against Lacktail's chest. She wasn't sure when Dullfang had stopped massaging her rear, being so distracted by Vernis' odd behavior. Her nose was assaulted with the luxuriously sweet smell of honey and her eyes were similarly greeted by a bowl of porridge. In the past, this would have just been a normal meal but under these circumstances it was a meal fit for a King.


Enticed by the scent of the food, Lacktail leaned forward, licking up a glob of porridge. The porridge was nothing to write home about, a simple oat and milk affair, but the honey in it was generous and rich.

Vernis watched the whole while, the wolf practically twitching with glee with every bite. Lacktail figured he had a perverse interest in making sure her figure remained rotund, especially her rear. The wolf took a particular notice of her swelling butt recently and today was no exception.

Once Lacktail had licked up the last glob and placed the bowl on the floor, Vernis pointed at Lacktail and opened his mouth in a smile, tongue lolling out the front of his mouth. Once again, it was not a typical lewd gesture she would expect from him which made Lacktail all the more concerned.

There was a click and the chastity belt fell onto the bench with a thud; shortly after the plug popped out which forced Lacktail to gasp. Lacktail had gotten used to the device and only now that it was off she felt the aches return as she rubbed her loins, which burned with pleasure along with her butt.

Dullfang released her grip on Lacktails butt and made a spinning motion with her claw. Lacktail spun around and Dullfang motioned with her paw downwards, which Lacktail complied with by sitting down on the bench.

"Reward," Dullfang pointed to Lacktail's thigh.


Rolling her eyes, Dullfang grabbed Lacktail's right paw and thrust it between Lacktail's legs. The overseer prodded at Lacktail's sex with her paw, forcing Lacktail to blush.

"Reward," Dullfang released her grip and nodded over at Vernis. "Master reward."

Vernis' smile became more crooked, more lewd. That was the expected behavior Lacktail had come to expect from the wolf, though being told to paw herself off while he watched was tame by his standards, perhaps the wolf even really thought it was a reward.

Lacktail's finger's shook as she slowly rubbed the folds of her vagina. Vernis licked his lips with his long tongue, grasping at his own crotch as she continued to rub.

Lacktail was blushing under her fur and there was no doubt the wolf could smell her embarrassment, perhaps it even made him more excited. She had no drive to actually do this right now but this reward was mandatory as Vernis was clearly into it.

Looking at Vernis, Lacktail closed her eyes, faking a moan. She imagined there was no wolf standing before her, but rather a fox. A fox dressed in a burgundy, fully naked. He would be admiring her naked body but also nodding slowly, letting her know that it's okay. That everything is okay.

Maybe he'd even step forward, placing his paw on her cheek and his other around her back, bringing her in close for a hug and...

"Ohhhhh, mmmmmm," Lacktail's moan went from an act to the real thing while thinking of Tadhg. Vernis laughed maniacally, his nose twitching in the air, catching whiff of her arousal.

Lacktail gasped as her sex squirted, much to Vernis' glee. The wolf even howled victoriously as if he had played a role at all in her masturbation.

Thankfully, the wolf did not stay around for long and gave one final order to Dullfang before prancing out of the stall, dancing to the tune of some silent song.

"Tomorrow," Dullfang dangled the chastity belt, "Back on."

Lacktail nodded and went still on the straw as Dullfang got to work chaining her up. At this point, Lacktail barely even felt the shackles wrap around her wrist and the chains binding her in place, it was just normal now.

Once Lacktail was tied up, Dullfang left without so much as saying goodnight and locked the stall behind her, leaving Lacktail alone.

Sleep came to Lacktail almost immediately along with nightmares. Screaming of a child, her child, before being suddenly silenced.

Her brother being chased down by a wolven patrol, unable to outrun them before being cut down.

Lacktail tried to wake up but could not. She was trapped in the nightmare.

"It'll be okay."

The horrifying images faded, replaced by the pungent scent of a fox. Two hands wrapped around her chest from behind, holding her tight. A long muzzle rested against her shoulder, nuzzling up against her cheek.

"I'm here," Tadhg whispered, his paw tracing across her belly fur and down between her legs, gently probing her vagina with his dull claws. "I'll take care of you."

There were no more nightmares, no more visions of death.

Just her and the subtle pleasures the fox gave her...

Moaning, Lacktail turned around and ground her thigh up against the fox's sheath.

"I can't wait to take a fox inside me..."

And perhaps not so subtle pleasures...