D-Gen Interviews: JD_JR

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#23 of D-Gen Cafe

ColdCasey is back with another interview, this time with the coffee shop killer deer boi JD JR. The young man tells his tale, as well as shares an interesting connection he has with KC, which excites the hare quite a bit. Also issues a general challenge to all of D-Gen.

As always, poll for the next interview is up over on my SubscribeStar. Check it out for those that would like to vote on the next interview, or see some stories early, or get some world building and previews of upcoming stories. The next raffle is soon, as well, so now is the time to get in before that happens on the 1st! (alright, enough shilling)

D-Gen Interviews


By XP Author

The video started as all the others had, with the 80's throwback style and the neon pink 'Starting Soon' showing before fading out. As always, the grey-furred hare, KC, smiled at the camera once his feed showed up. "Hello, everyone. ColdCasey here, back with another interview! This time, we've got one of our younger killers here. But don't let his age fool you, JD JR is already well established. And he made quite the splash with his entrance, taking out the coffee killer, BeanFox, and taking her place as our resident butcher barista." He chuckled. "So to speak, at least. Anyway, let's get him on."

With a quick transition, a second box appeared, this one showing a young, effeminate looking stag. His shoulder-length hair was dyed a vibrant red, pulled back into a messy ponytail, and he wore a fairly tight fitting tank top of black that contrasted against his light tan fur. He sat in what looked like a rather messy bedroom, an unmade bed behind him, a few empty soda cans left on a table beside it, and some clothing strewn about, some of which looked like women's clothing. The stag himself smiled at the camera. "Hey, Casey. And everyone watching. Good to be here!"

KC nodded. "Glad you could join us. Now, like I said, you made quite the entrance to our little group when you took out BeanFox."

He laughed a little. "Yeah, she was a fun one. I'd been following her stuff for a few years before then. Guess I was just building up the courage to actually go through with it."

"Was she your first kill?"

JD shook his head. "No. Not even my first on camera, but she's the first one I ever shared."

"Oh? Would you mind telling us about your first?"

The stag nodded. "Sure. Though my first time with a dead woman wasn't exactly intentional. I was 16 at the time. Had a girlfriend who was quite a bit older than I was. She was 25 at the time." He chuckled slightly. "Looking back, I'm pretty sure she was just using me for sex and money, but... well, the sex was good." He cleared his throat. "Anyway, she was also kind of a druggy. I've dabbled from time to time, but mostly stick to weed now."

KC chuckled slightly. "Hey, you won't get any judgment from me. I used to do LSD way back when. But yeah, I mostly stick to weed and booze these days."

"Yeah. She's a big reason I kinda stopped doing anything harder." The young stag cleared his throat. "So, we're at her place, and we're going at it. She's absolutely toasted on a mix of E and a few other things. I'm balls deep into her when I feel her start convulsing. I thought she was just in the middle of an orgasm... which she might have been... but then she just slumps over and I realize she isn't breathing. But she's still got this death grip on my cock... literally, I guess. So I couldn't help but finishing. And... that was the first time I was with someone when they died. That way she was gripping... it was something else."

"And you went out for more?"

He shook his head. "Not at first. I was pretty freaked out. I mean, I was pretty young, too. But the thought never left my mind of just how good it felt. So eventually, a few years later, I'm at college, and I have this sweet thing that's into breath play. So one time while we were going at it, I've got a cord around her neck, and I just kind of... ignored her signal to stop. And sure enough, she tightened up just the same way. If anything, I think it was even better! So that was my first actual kill." He smirked. "And she had a kink for recording herself doing it, so my first video, too. Though no, I'll never share it. It's super low quality and you can barely see any of the good action."

The hare nodded. "Yes, you do take pride in your video work, don't you?"

"Damn right I do! See, my major in college was actually videography. One of those new courses taking advantage of the boom in online video making. Teaches how to get good angles for all kinds of types of videos, proper lighting, video editing, that kind of thing. Basically an entry level into cinematography. Quite a few of my classmates apparently went on to work in the movies... or attempt to. Not sure how that's worked out for them. I haven't really kept up. For me, I really got into editing. Probably my second favorite part, right behind the fun part of actually snuffing and fucking someone, of course."

KC smirked. "Of course." He looked down at his tablet. "Speaking of editing, it says here that you've actually helped out quite a bit with some of the bigger projects on D-Gen."

He nodded excitedly. "Oh, yeah! I've worked with AJX_Night and his main helper, Doegital, on the last Death Dash. I've also helped out with editing a few other uploaders' content. A lot of 'em don't like doing the editing stuff, and a lot of those videos can be pretty rough without it. I've helped out a few, like Monster_T-Bro, Vivian_Rightly, and The_Carvers, among a bunch of others. There's four of us that help out with that kind of thing. There's AJX_Night, Doegital, Timber_Wag, and myself. We're talking about forming a kind of editor's corner for that sort of thing." He grinned wide. "Helps that I've actually met most of them, too."

"In person?"

He nodded again. "Yeah. Timber_Wag and Doegital have both come by the coffee shop in the past. Timber was completely floored when he recognized me, but I think Doegital was there on purpose..." He smirked. "Cute girl. But I know better than to go against a mod's orders for NOT killing someone, no matter how cute they are." His grin widened. "Doesn't mean I didn't still have a little fun with her. But I promised her I wouldn't go further into that."

The hare chuckled. "Fair enough. I won't press any further then." He shifted a little. "Maybe a few other up-and-comers should take that video class. Get you guys some extra hands."

JD shook his head. "Ah, no. The university doesn't offer it anymore."

"Oh... that's a shame."

"Yeah, well, they only had the one professor that taught it. And after she was found dead..." He trailed off, a sly grin on his face.

KC quirked an eyebrow. "Oh? You know more about that?"

He nodded. "Yup! So, I was just starting to get into the whole snuff thing when I was in her class. And she was this sexy, mature hyena. Big tits, great curves, loved to show off her cleavage and wear these short skirts in class. Really had that older horny business woman vibe going. Figured her husband probably wasn't providing much at home, y'know?"

"I know the types."

"Yeah. After I'd graduated, I went back to the campus the next semester and followed her home. Only she didn't end up going home, but to some other dude's house. Totally cheating on her hubby." He grinned wide. "So I decided to do him a favor. The next night, I snuck into the guy's house and ambushed the guy. Was this real uptight mouse. Some middle management type. Anyway, I strung him up in the bathroom, like he'd hanged himself. Then I just waited for her to come over." He smirked. "She was already naked by the time she got to the bedroom. Big ol' tits just hanging out and bouncing around as she called out. When she found the guy, I pounced. Latched one of my zipties around her neck and watched her drop to the floor and flop around like a fish." He took a breath. "Gotta say. Nearly came just watching her struggle like that."

"Did you record any of this?"

He sighed. "Yes, but the camera I picked up sucked. Couldn't really record anything with the low-light. Didn't realize until I got home to do the editing." He sighed again. "Real shame. Fucking her was fun. Flopped her onto the bed and just railed into her backside while she was still twitching. Filled both holes pretty full. Considering how tiny the mouse guy was, and how tight she was, I was probably the biggest dick she's ever had." He ran a hand over his hair. "Anyway, after that, I cleaned her up, then dumped her out back in the dumpsters. Even wrote up a suicide note for the mouse guy, claiming it was a murder-suicide, that he was sick of being her number two, that kind of thing. Guess everyone bought it, since I've never had anyone so much as question me about the incident." He shrugged.

"Well, I guess it worked out, since you've never been caught." KC shifted a little. "That does bring up a question. How do you keep getting away with doing your videos in such a public place?"

JD smiled. "Oh, that's easy. I only ever pick targets when there's no one else around. And the shop has some shutters that can go over the windows to block any view from the outside. Can trigger both those and the door lock from the counter or a little remote I keep in my pocket, so I don't even need to go over to the windows for that."

"Fair enough. But you don't own the shop, do you? How'd you manage to convince the owner to install all of that, or keep them from finding out what you use it for?"

He shrugged. "Easy. I don't keep it from him. The big guy's a member of D-Gen. He's even a former killer, though he's... mostly retired."

That got KC's attention. "Really? Anyone we know? If... it's okay to say so. I wouldn't want to go outing someone."

JD laughed. "Nah, it's okay. I talked to him about the interview, and he said it's fine. Definitely someone you know, too. Baz. Big, black dragon. Thing for over-filling small rodents. Helper and eventually killer of a certain interviewer named Vicky."

The hare just stared at his screen for a moment. "Wait... THAT Baz!? The Burster!? From the Interview with a Serial Killer videos!?"

The stag chuckled. "The very same."

"Well holy shit!"

JD laughed even more. "Yeah, he had a pretty big chuckle when he heard you mention those old videos were an inspiration for starting this podcast."

The hare shifted a little in his seat. "Is... is there any way you might be able to set up a meeting? I'd love to talk to him!"

JD shook his head. "Yeah, he mentioned if that came up to let you down soft. Afraid he's kind of out of the game. Said his last interview was Vicky." He scratched the back of his head a little. "Also said some nonsense about letting the next generation shine, or some other old man bullshit. Basically, he's done being in the spotlight."

KC's ears and shoulders visibly drooped in disappointment. As did his tone. "Oh. Well, that makes sense."

The deer winced slightly. "Look, I'll let him know you asked. Maybe he'll talk to you in private? But no promises."

The older man nodded slowly. He took a breath and seemed to perk back up again. "Right. Well, if nothing else, tell him that he and Vicky were some great inspirations for me."

"That I can do."

He nodded. "Well, back to your interview, eh?" He chuckled a little. "Uh..." He looked down at his tablet. "Where were we...?" He started to mutter to himself as he read off of the list. "How you got started, fun story, another fun story, interesting tid bits.... AH! Here we go. Favorite videos." He looked up. "So. Favorite video you've made. You got one?"

JD just smirked the whole time, nodding when the question was finally asked. "Yeah. I do. Was actually a recent one, too. Had these two very pretty ladies come in, and I was absolutely certain one of them was Phantom_Stripe! Poisoned their coffee, which took out the pretty doe, but had to snap the neck of the one I thought was Stripe. Of course, turns out it wasn't her, just one of her seemingly infinite doppelgangers around." He sighed. "I swear, that woman must have a cloning machine or something." He shook his head, but continued. "Either way, the white tiger I took down was definitely a pretty one. And the doe with her was also a lot of fun. Two for one. I don't normally go for multiples, but I just couldn't resist, y'know?"

KC nodded. "Yeah. You're one of many now that have seemingly taken her down, only for her to pop back up. That cloning machine idea might be real." He chuckled. "That, or she's immortal or something. She has already refused to do an interview with me, probably knowing that's going to be my main question."

JD nodded. "Gotta leave that air of mystery, I guess. Well, besides that one, taking down BeanFox was also a pretty good highlight so far, too."

"That does help lead me into the next question, too. With BeanFox you used zipties to strangle her, as you do in most of your videos. But you have also been known to employ poison, and snap a few necks. What's your favorite way to kill? I'm guessing it's the cleaner versions?"

He nodded. "Yeah, definitely the cleaner ones. Less mess to clean up afterwards, which is really good. Plus, I just like who I'm having fun with to be intact. As for favorite..." He tapped his chin with a finger. "I'd say it's probably strangling. Especially using the zipties to do it. That way, they can flop around and struggle on the ground while I get to watch. Gotta use the really heavy duty ones for that, too. Can't go having some kitty with sharp claws just ripping through it easily, you know?" He chuckled. "Had that happen once. Almost lost an eye before I brought her down."

"Oh, I think I saw that video. Is that the one where you had to bring out a taser?"

He laughed. "It was actually her taser, but yes. Fell out of her pocket while she was struggling. Though I did keep it. Just in case."

KC smirked. "Not a bad idea." He looked down at his notes. "Okay, next up... your preferred way to go?"

The stag shrugged. "I dunno. I don't really have one. I'll be honest, I haven't really thought much about being on the receiving end." He leaned back a little. "I guess I'd like it to be someone doing to me what I did to BeanFox. Taking me out for their debut, showing off whatever style they've got. Preferably something quick and clean." He shrugged. "I guess I'd prefer if it was a nice girl doing it to me, but I wouldn't mind a big, sexy guy, either I guess. As long as they enjoy the hell out of my body, then I'm fine however it happens, y'know?"

The hare chuckled softly. "Fair enough." He looked at his tablet. "Let's see. Ah. Any other posters you are a particular fan of?"

JD smirked. "Well, BeanFox was a favorite, of course. That's why I chose her as my debut kill. And kinda modeled my whole coffee shop killer stuff after her." He thought for a moment. "Let's see. I do like a lot of Nill_Jill's stuff, too. Cute little mouse. I'd love to slip one of my zipties around her pretty little neck and slide into her tiny little pussy while she's squirming around. I'd like a lot of Timber_Wag's stuff if he was a bit cleaner in his kills. The romantic snuff is so sweet to watch otherwise. Uh... Oh!" He sat back up. "Right. I did see the last few interviews, too. So let me address some of those. First, Crimsonia. I accept that challenge if you're really up for it! Also, to Jane Carver, if you're really interested, you know how to find me. Provided John is okay with it, of course. And the same goes for anyone else willing to stop by for a cup of joe and a deer boy challenge. Just ask for your order 'zippy quick' and I'll know it's you." He winked at the camera.

KC couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my. Issuing a challenge to all of D-Gen? Are you sure you're ready for that?"

The man shrugged. "I'm sure I'll have some a little out of my league. Tell you what, if you get your mug with a ziptie around the handle, you know I'm up for it. Otherwise, you can enjoy the coffee." He thought for a moment. "Y'know, I might just start doing that anyway. So if someone shows up and I like 'em, they get that little frill on their mug. So if any of ya around on the site get that and aren't up for it, you know to GTFO quick."

"Interesting little method. Hope that works for you." The hare tilted his head a little. "I think I'll already know the answer, but for my last question, do you have any future videos planned? Anything up and coming?"

JD shook his head. "Nah. I'm a pretty impulsive type for that. I don't have anything currently in the works, and my targets are more spur of the moment choices. But who knows, might have more coming with that challenge issued. Curious to see how many take the offer."

"Indeed." KC set his tablet down and clapped his hands. "Well, that's all I have for you today. It was a pleasure talking with you JD."

"You, too, man."

"Oh, uh..." The hare cleared his throat. "And do tell your boss that I'd still love to talk with him. Even if just in private."

JD smirked. "Will do. Just no promises, kay?"

"Of course. Anyway, that is all from me. Thank you again to JD_JR for the interview."

"Any time, man. Was fun!"

"Before I sign off, if anyone else is interested in doing an interview, please contact me. I'm starting to run to the end of my current list, so I'm going to need some new people soon. You don't have to be killers, either. I'll talk to the bounty hunters, rapists, and even, as they call themselves, 'professional victims' if they'd like to chat. I'm here to talk to all of D-Gen, after all. But, with that, you all take care, and I will see you in the next one!" With that, the screen faded out to the usual 'Thank You for Watching' message and coming to an end.

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