Gryph Hunt Gone Wrong

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#348 of Commissions

Commission for Fakeman1!

Mahiri's series of roguish mishaps continues, this time with fatal consequences. Her plan to intoxicate the hippogriff with a powerful aphrodisiac might have had some merit, but it's going to result in some harsh, horse-cocked consequences for her. She's not going to walk away from this one. And the horsebird isn't going to stop just because she stopped moving.

Extreme content warning including: forced sex/noncon, quadruped on anthro, death-by-orgasm, necrophilia, and more.

Any second now. Mahiri was no ranger, no beast-tracker, and her time in the woods was generally limited to passing through them on her way to the next city, but she could never resist a good bounty. Taking on the monster of a hippogriff who had been terrorizing farmlands and wayfarers alike all alone might not have seemed wise, but the roguish feline was prepared. Aside from her usual equipment which included blades, poisons, and bombs, she had some special concoctions prepared that made her victory all but assured. All the gryph had to do was breathe the stuff, and it would be all over.

Of course, there was the risk of getting caught up in the mist. Mahiri wasn't particularly worried about that. Aside from the resistance to all manner of substances she'd built up through her years of working with poisons and other vicious and/or viscous substances that she was sure to be minimally affected even if the worst happened. Besides, she never said no to a little aphrodisiac. This one was particularly potent even for her, of course. She knew it wasn't something to be taken lightly. Not that she wasn't still tempted to remove the stopper and take a little sniff for herself now and then, just to be sure she hadn't been ripped off.

It was easy enough to find her quarry. It didn't take a druid to follow the trail of destruction through the forest. The gryph was anything but subtle. There were deep hoofprints stomped into the dirt and grass, along with prominent claw marks on several trees, when they weren't simply levelled by his bulk. A beastly, masculine scent clung to seemingly every blade of grass. She didn't dislike it. The damage certainly spoke of a powerful opponent, and Mahiri might even have been worried if she intended to fight him head on. Instead, she just kept her eyes open and her ears perked, on the off chance something more stealthy took the opportunity to creep on her while she was focused on her target.

She found him in a grove, lounging like a big cat. A set of golden armour that might very well have fit him was laid out nearby. She wasn't sure if that was a trophy of his conquests or something he actually wore himself. Flopped over on his side and slowly, lazily brushing his horsetail through the grass, the hippogriff didn't seem to spot her right away. It was only when he perked up his beak and breathed in an unfamiliar scent that he looked her way. They locked eyes from where she was crouched in the tall grass, and she simply shrugged. She hadn't exactly been planning to assassinate him anyway. Rising, she kept her eyes on him as she made her approach, and he slowly rose up to his full height to display the extent of his bulk, and the span of his great wings.

"An intruder!" he said, his voice tinged more with excitement than outrage, as best she could tell. She didn't know he could talk, but that didn't matter. Her intentions remained the same.

She could feel every step of his hind legs resonate through the dirt. The bird was big, and his sleek black colouration made it hard to track the precise details of his movements. She looked closely to watch the flexing of muscle and sinew in that powerful body, especially his equine back end. A kick with haunches like those probably could have demolished a castle wall. No wonder he was considered such a menace as to have multiple bounties on his head. He had sharp talons at the front, a curved beak, and an intense stare. Yet despite all that, the most concerning feature was the visible throb of a hefty, swiftly unsheathing horsecock he gave at the sight of her.

If her plan was to distract him with lust, it was already working. She hadn't even deployed the concoction yet. He began slowly stepping towards her, and she held her ground. As massive as he was, he didn't exactly look swift. At least not compared to her. She considered his bulk a while longer, before finally introducing herself.

"And you must be K'Thaal. I'm sure you know why I'm here."

He dipped his head down to look at her more closely. Finally, he shrugged. "You don't look much like the other hunters."

"That's because I'm not going to fail like they did."

K'Thaal's eyes lit up at such a suggestion. "Maybe! We'll see! I do love a good fight. And you look so soft where it matters."

Mahiri's choice of armour certainly lent itself to showing off her curves. Nonetheless, she was swift on her feet and ready to challenge him. She awaited his approach. Holding her ground until she was in range of those talons, she was swift to dodge out of the way of his first somewhat lazy slash. There was a slim window where she might have been able to strike with a dagger, but she let it pass. There was no sense angering him just yet. Not when she had a bottled ace up her sleeve. She avoided a swipe of his wings as she took it into her hand, ready to throw.

As long as it shattered properly, the fight was surely going to be in her favour. He turned towards her and gave a lunging bite with his beak that she avoided, then she counterattacked with the precious vial. He managed to get his wing partly up to shield his face just in time, but that didn't stop the stuff from spilling all over him. A pinkish mist rose up to cloud the area, filling the grove with a potent, flowery scent. It wasn't the sort that made Mahiri immediately think of sex, but the effects were soon apparent. On both of them.

The leopardess stepped back to bite her lip with a fang, holding back a growl that wanted to escape. That it had been an entire day since the last time she orgasmed couldn't have been fresher in her mind. She'd been so busy preparing for the hunt, she didn't have time to enjoy the usual pleasures of the city. As for K'Thaal, he soon stumbled back, wobbling on his hind legs, his cock stiffening up to a full, flared size and thumping against his belly, visibly, even audibly dripping on the ground with a little pat pat pat of gryph juices.

He grunted with strain, almost whimpering. "Unngh. What did you give me? That's not fair ..."

She was distracted enough by the sight of him that she almost failed to dodge a casual attack of his talons. One of them caught at a strap of her armour, leaving one of the hardened plates slipping loose. She adjusted it for a moment before just shrugging and letting it fall, leaving her bust covered by nothing more than a thin layer of cloth. Ducking beneath him, she went right for his extra engorged weakspot, and he barely gave her any resistance. All it took was her clutching his big fat horsebird cock in both hands to calm him down and make him stop fighting her. Stroking was as effective as casting a spell on him. That stuff really worked. Though she was still breathing it in a little, too.

The effect was that she found herself paying particular attention to the way his dick felt in her gloved hands. She had to remove those coverings just so she could touch it with her bare fingers. The texture of his veiny shaft, the trembling twitches passing through it, the leaking juices smearing up her palms when she glossed them across his flat tip, it all had her feeling so wet she could barely stand to keep her armour on. No small part of her wanted to just strip down and test her limits, but she kept her focus on massaging the gryphon's cock while he teetered and stomped a hoof with pleasure.

If she could just keep rubbing until he blew several huge loads for her, she could surely make him pass out. That was the promise of the vial. It came from a reputable source. She had no reason to doubt her plan of attack. Yet the more her nimble digits went gliding up and down his dick, the more she found herself absolutely aching with the urge to taste it, too. She could probably justify that under the guise of defeating him with pleasure. He was so rigid, pounding so hard with every flex of his cock that passed from flare, to stiff veins, medial ring, and then his big fat balls. Simply crouching there and breathing his gryph scent was already making her mouth water.

One lick couldn't hurt. She found herself obeying her own whims before she could even think to stop herself. Dragging her tongue from the absolutely slathered tip, all the way down to his heavy nuts left her with her nose briefly buried right in the middle of his juicy sack. The gryphon musk flooding her senses was just the most arousing thing she'd ever breathed, or at least it felt so at the time. She actually had to catch a strand of saliva running right down her chin. Hardly a dignified look for a feline, but she didn't care. She had to keep licking, kissing, and otherwise adoring his gorgeous cock and nuts, or she was simply going to die.

It was reasonable to assume she had complete control over him when she was making him moan like that. K'Thaal groaned and croaked his pleasure for her perked ears so long as she kept on licking and sucking on the side of his trembling shaft. She got so caught up in the process of saturating herself with his flavour that she never expected him to take advantage of her vulnerable state. He moved a lot faster than she thought he could with all that heft. Snatching her in his talons, he wrenched her up from her knees and forced her onto her back, gazing directly down at her with his intense avian glare.

"Whatever you have done to me ... I hope you're ready to reap the consequences." A wicked grin slowly spread across his beak and gleamed in his eyes alike. "Such a pretty kitty. Finally something better than livestock. I've been in such a rut, and you just made it worse. Time to make it up to me."

With how wet she was, she wasn't even sure she disliked the thought. Though the sight of his cock throbbing with such power and need alike was an intimidating one. As was the assault of his talons and beak alike, pulling, ripping, tearing at her armour. She got slightly scratched in the process and maybe even lost a little fur, but it didn't matter. Every breath was ecstasy. She was aching, quivering, absolutely drenching the inside of her thighs by the time he dragged or simply yanked her every layer off. Bare to her spots on the forest floor, she writhed and rubbed her legs together in anticipation of the savage fuck to come.

K'Thaal might not have been quite as maneuverable as a feline gryph, but through strength and force alone, he had that cat in a proper mating press. Mahiri had no trouble stretching her legs right up over her head, with her paws wriggling beside her ears, eyes locked on the gryphon's own. He introduced his cock to her body with an imprecise slap, clubbing it down atop her belly with his haunches lowered and his upper half holding her down to make sure she was on full offer.

Glazing his cock over the folds of her pussy at last made her grit her teeth and flinch. His size was terrifying. As was the sheer intensity of his flexing, throbbing need. The angle he had her trapped in left her vulnerable to the full force of his muscular equine haunches. It also left her staring right into his eyes the whole time, He gazed down at her with such ravenousness that she had to be thankful his lust was more powerful than his hunger. In truth, she was herself relieved when the prod of his flared cock against her entrance already helped to slake some of her own insatiable thirst for dick.

"Tight ... but so flexible. Kitty's got plenty of experience, doesn't she?"

If he was trying to tease her it wasn't' going to work. If anything she just beamed with pride to have her talents recognized.

"I've taken bigger than you. Are you going to give me what I need or are you going to talk?"

She was going to get all she needed in more. The gryphon was insistent. The size difference between the two of them didn't matter to him. He kept on pushing, spreading her out, stretching her, and she met him with the wettest pussy possible. She was all but gushing her juices before he even entered her, soaking his shaft and getting equally drenched in the precum shooting out of him. The flowery scent of the aphrodisiac lingered in the air, but all she could smell was horny gryph, prodding and preparing to plow her senseless. Maybe she could still salvage the hunt if she could wear him out without getting broken.

Such a scream she gave when he finally managed to penetrate her after plenty of grinding and humping. Shrieking until all the birds and small mammals in the vicinity had abandoned their branches or roosts, she squirmed not to get away from the big brutal beast pushing his cock inside of her, but to take him even deeper. She was quivering all over, but especially around his shaft, and even K'Thaal had to click his beak and moan back to her before he was even halfway inside her aching, clenching pussy.

Every flex, every squeeze around him sent her juices squirting out to further paint his cock in leopard need. It looked like she was already cumming for him, and it felt pretty close to it too. She was caught up in the throes of ecstasy, her body tense, pushing up into him as he delved deeper and deeper. It didn't matter how big he was. She wanted all of him, though sheer ambition didn't allow her to ignore physical limits. He bottomed out with his medial ring kissing against her pussy lips, and that was all she was going to get. It would do. She watched his expression growing more and more dominant, staring down his beak at her, and she could only show her teeth in a snarl of total submission to the animal she was supposed to be hunting.

He did not treat her gently. She probably shouldn't have been surprised that he fucked her with a complete disregard for her comfort or safety. It was exactly what she wanted. Even once he got his haunches hammering down on her, his balls swinging in great, plunging thrusts, she growled and mewled in equal measure, soaking up all the pleasure that came with him absolutely brutalizing her body. Driving hard and pulling back just as harshly, he slammed her into the ground until she was starting to form a cat-shaped divot in the dirt. Each thrust sent a jiggle through her body that had her tits nearly slapping her in the face, her juicy thighs wobbling atop the muscle tone, her ass bounding as it absorbed some of the impact.

Yet somehow he managed to keep going faster, and she didn't break. Though she was definitely going to cum. Feeling him accelerate to that blurred frenzy of motion, pumping his gryphcock in and out of her, making her feel his flare, his veins, and that stiff, stimulating ring popping in and out of her sloppy cunt had her truly roaring. Or trying to, at least. The sound kept coming out as more of a whimper, or even a rasp in her throat. She was just going to have to make up for that pathetic display with an absolutely monstrous orgasm.

Humping, shaking, grinding on his cock, she soon tightened up so mightily that even a hippogriff had trouble keeping his pace steady inside her. She squeezed him as if to milk him, and then she squirted. Her juices poured from her so richly she managed to soak the gryph's underside, to splash his swinging nuts, and to leave a stream coursing down his cock. He never stopped thrusting, even when she was going off like that. The constant pleasure he was fucking into her kept her climax going for far longer than even felt natural, until her legs were going numb, twitching madly. Her body was hardly her own to control anymore. She was all his, and she was going to cum for as long as he wanted her to.

She heard him faintly snicker at her when he wasn't just grunting or outright growling with pleasure. Maybe she made a silly face when she was going off. His amusement quickly gave way to sheer aggression, snarling his way through a pounding finish that drove her ass into the ground for how hard he was slamming into her. He might not have been able to use his entire cock to fuck her, but that just meant he could thrust all the faster. Finishing her off with a fierce, chaotic series of rapid-fire thrusts of his powerful lower half, he fucked her like she was his mare until she felt his flare expand to its full, pussy-stretching size.

"Oh fuck that's big ..." she muttered, mostly to herself. He probably heard her anyway.

The rush of his cum entering her womb sent her off again. It had been mere seconds since her last release, but that didn't matter. She was gushing for him just as hard, shaking, jolting, bouncing beneath him all throughout his extended cumshot. That pair of plump horse nuts K'Thaal was swinging around with every thrust tightened up close to the base of his cock, helping him churn up the fattest possible womb-bloating load he could give her. Of course he shot it right inside of her. If he ended up knocking her up with a cross-species hybrid, it wasn't his problem. He fucked her full of hippogriff cum until her belly was sloshing with his every breeding thrust and that hot cream was outright shooting out of her overstuffed pussy.

He barely lost his pace even while cum was spraying out of her gryph-wrecked cunt. A moment to give a horselike snort, to toss his head and groan, and he was right back into it. The torrent of jizz slowed to a trickle, and he worked on fucking another orgasm out of both of them. Every thrust into her creampied pussy sent another jet of gryph cum splattering out of her. He didn't care about the mess clinging to his feathers and hide, nor about the sucking, squelching, splurching noises that came with lubing up his equine cock with his own cum.

All that sloppy mess helped him push in even deeper. It was only an extra inch or two, but Mahiri felt the pressure accumulating at her womb, felt the strain of her body trying to adjust to the kind of girth that outright bulged her belly with every thrust. It felt good. She didn't care about pain, didn't care about being able to walk again for the next few days. His cock was the most important thing to her, and she was taking it like an absolute professional. Maybe she needed to get out of bounty hunting and into hippogriff breeding.

"Look at you." K'Thaal spoke in a grunt that was near a snarl. "Eager little cumdump. Not so confident now, are you?"

Numbness overtook some of her body, but the steady flow of pleasure getting rut-fucked into her cunt override that. She was tingling, she was pumping, she was clenching on him to reward him for his every single driving thrust. He fucked even better than an animal. This was a beast with a mind, with enough intelligence to know when she was squirming just right, to know how to utterly tenderize all her most sensitive places and drive her half insane with pleasure beyond anything her two-legged kind were ever supposed to feel.

When she felt her entire body entering convulsions, reacting to every throb and twitch of her pussy, she let out a small whimper. Such sounds certainly didn't dissuade him. The sheer horsepower getting applied to her pussy with those nut-swinging bucks of his backside should have broken her in half, but she only felt pleasure. That was the problem. She couldn't take it. Flailing her arms useless at his underside, pulling away from his constantly driving cock, she finally found the strength to take a deep breath and call up to him in desperation.

"Wait ... you need to slow down. It's too much. It's too good!"

A snuffling, snorting groan of pleasure from the horsebird preceded his laughter. That was more than a chuckle. He was audibly delighted by her starting to put up a proper struggle. Delivering his words with precision and malice let her know just how much trouble she was actually in.

"Stupid cat. Whining isn't going to work. You're mine until I'm done."

As if to make sure she knew he was serious, he gave her an especially hard jab of his hips to drive even deeper into her. Crossing that threshold should have hurt, but she felt nothing but screaming ecstasy. She came for him on demand, instantly rocking into her shuddering, squirting, rapidly contracting finish all around his cock. Her juices soaked his plunging dick and helped to push him closer to another flaring finish. He moaned right along with her, losing his pace just briefly in favour of more erratic, extra sloppy thrusts into her pussy in his desperation to cum inside of her again.

Her luscious, juicy fem-gasm overtook her, possessed her, and pushed her well past the limits of her mind. This time, she couldn't so much as scream. Her body convulsed violently, her eyes rolled back, her tongue flopped out of her gaping jaws. There was just so much pleasure. She was cumming, and cumming, until she could feel her climax all the way to her fingers, her toes, the tips of her ears, even the white end of her tail. The gryph fucked her full of so much cum she was writhing in a puddle of musky spunk, torrents shooting out down her spotty thighs, or coating her swelling belly. The best feeling she could possibly imagine kept her squirting even as it all started to go dark.

"You're ... so deep ... so good ... so big .... big stud ... so big .... " She was babbling, drooling on herself, completely losing her mind. It got even worse the more she shorted out in the rush of unbelievable pleasure. "Cooooock ..."

It wasn't clear exactly what killed her. He wasn't breaking anything inside her or causing any lasting damage, despite the harshness of his thrusts. Her mind simply overloaded with pleasure until something broke, until something switched off and left her slumping all at once. Her nerves still fired off for long enough to make her twitch for him, even sometimes to contract around her dick, but her expression fell as blank as her mind. Her rapid breathing fell to a faint sigh, and then she was mostly still while the hippogriff finished off inside her.

K'Thaal felt the change in the middle of dumping his nuts inside her warm pussy. She was suddenly squirming more erratically, squeezing on him less firmly, and instead giving some wild, dying spasms rather than pleasured twitches. It still felt good around his dick. That didn't stop him from finishing off his orgasm inside of her. When he was finally satisfied with his dick resting inside the creamed kitty, he opened his eyes again and looked her over. The glazed, frozen expression on her face, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, her eyes open but unseeing, unblinking told him all he needed to know.

"Aww. Did the cat cum herself to death?" He humped her cum-drenched body one more time just to be sure, watching her tits bouncing about. "Dumb bitch. Shouldn't have played with magic you didn't understand."

He remained like that for a time, flared cock faintly pulsing inside her pussy, scanning up and down her lifeless form. She was still nice and warm. Even fairly tight, despite his efforts to demolish her. She was definitely dead, but that didn't make her stop clenching up around her as those nerve impulses remained, and it didn't make his cock stop throbbing either. Dying didn't make her any less soft, any less curvy. It was her own fault he was so damn horny in the first place too, which was exactly why he was going to defile her corpse for as long as he wanted.

Slowly kneeling down and settling his whole weight on top of her in a way that would have suffocated her living self, he was content to just clutch her and hump her a little, revelling in his total dominance over her. He owned her now. Slowly pushing his cock in and out of her pussy for a while got him stiff enough he just had to go harder. Laying on her hard enough to nearly crush her, lazily sprawled out to completely smother her lifeless expression and squish her fat tits to his chest, he jammed his dick deeper into her until he bottomed out completely, balls-deep in leopardess.

That was worth just holding himself in her for a while longer. He couldn't have done that while she was still alive, at least not without listening to her complaining. Now he was free to fuck her as hard as he wanted, as long as he wanted, or at least while she was still nice and warm. Starting at a slow grind but pulling back a little more with each short thrust, he took to pleasuring himself with her, rubbing his dick inside her pussy, treating her like nothing more than a toy or a breeding mount. He was still all pent up with cum thanks to his rut, and to the substance she dosed him up with. She wasn't going to get to rest peacefully until she'd helped him work it all out.

"Oooh, sweet kitty ..." he mockingly cooed to her as he worked. "Still squeezing on me even now? Such a slut in life you're still getting off in death."

Wrapping his talons underneath her just to pull her all the closer to his body, he picked up his pace into something more familiar. There was no need to hold back even slightly anymore. Lifting his ass and tail alike, he flexed those equine muscles so he could slam-fuck her dead body, even if it mean ruining her. It wasn't like anyone but him was ever going to use her again. Ramming down until he'd all but dug a grave for her, driving her into the dirt, he worked his way to another flaring cumshot in a matter of minutes. It was almost like it felt even better to fuck her after death.

Thinking about how nice it would have been to forcefully breed her was his only regret. He still came inside her like he was trying to knock up her dormant body, firing off ropes of gryph spunk so thick they left her belly bloated in what would have surely been a painful way if she was still alive. The rest poured out of her, squirting all around his cock like she was cumming for him again. He made even more of a mess when he started pulling back, still squirting a few more shots of jizz inside her as he went.

The gush from her gaped sex splashed the gryph's underside as he considered her fallen form. He didn't pull out because he was satisfied. There were simply so many other things to do with her. Slapping his cock atop her naked body to just rub on her for a while was satisfying for a time. He got his cock mostly between her tits and made them jiggle with his disrespectful rubbing, just masturbating with her body. Laying his weight right over her, he simply started humping hard to see how much she could take without breaking. He might have been impressed by her durability if she wasn't already dead.

Eventually he tired of just dominating her lifeless self and rose up to give her a kick that turned her over. She flopped inelegantly with her limbs all stretched out in different directions and her hair splayed across the dirt. He took a little time posing her to look sexier from behind before he started groping her ass. It felt good in the clutch of his talons, softly squishing under his harsh attention. She was so much more fun when she didn't fuss or scream, when he could get as rough as he wanted with her. Maybe he needed to start intentionally snuffing some beauties before fucking them.

Her lack of resistance also meant he could freely fuck any hole he wanted. She most definitely would have objected to him trying to somehow cram his horsecock into her ass, but she couldn't say a thing about it. He clutched her and shoved her blank face in the dirt so he could mount her better. Pulling her hips up got that spotty rump in position for him to shove against. His cock still slipped off on the first few attempts, but in time he managed to sink snugly inside of her and spread that fine booty all around his shaft.

"Does the kitty like it? Is she going to be a good girl for her new master?" He knew she couldn't hear him, but out there in the forest he could amuse himself however he liked, and that meant mocking her even after death.

From there it was pure self pleasuring, pure indulgence as he watched his cock going in and out of her thick rear. What few signals remained in her dead body told her to keep squeezing on him, to keep massaging his dick inside her, as if determined to be as fuckable as she could be. Even dead, she had a reputation to preserve. He pushed in until he could loudly spank her with his balls on every stroke, sending a jiggle resonating through her body. It put a smirk on his beak just watching her bounce the harder he fucked her. That was all the response he needed. He was stiff, dripping, and only going deeper, bulging the cat's cum-bloated belly like he was going to fuck right through her. He never slowed down, never stopped plowing her, rutting her hard enough he probably would have snuffed her again if she was still alive.

The only thing that made him relent was the devious feeling of pulling her hair, or or tail, toying with her body while it was impaled on his dick just to amuse himself. She was far too gone to be aware of any of the disrespect he was showing towards her corpse, but that didn't please him any less. He gave a few more hard humps without holding onto her, just to slam her limp form into the ground, watching her limbs flail about. Only then did he pick her grass-stained face off the ground and slowly pull her off his dick with the grip of his talons wrapped around her waist.

Standing with her in his clutches, flopped over, blankly staring, he considered a little longer. That dumb face of hers, with her tongue hanging out would look a lot better with his cum all over it. With a nod to himself, he slowly flopped onto his back, kicking his hooves into the air. Splaying her over his belly gave him the angle he needed to jam his dick into her open jaws. It would have been incredibly uncomfortable for a living feline, but he was free to sheath his cock in her waiting throat. She was still so nice and warm inside. It even still felt like she was gulping at his dick, swallowing his juices with the very last of her muscle spasms.

The slight suckling pressure was a good start, but not enough for him. He was just going to have to pleasure himself with her. Wrapping his scaled forefoot around her waist, he tightly held her so he could jerk himself off with her body. Jamming his shaft all the way down to her belly, he squeezed her tight without a care for how he might have mangled her. She was only good for one more use before being thrown away, anyway.

Craning his head around just so he could watch his cock sliding between her dark lips left him licking his beak with delight. She looked good getting facefucked by a gryph. Her tits rubbed against his underside as he stroked himself off with her mouth and throat alike, her booty was still bouncing in his face, her ruined pussy leaked his cum all over his chest. He didn't care about the mess. Not when she felt so good. It took him just a short while longer to get off with his homemade sex toy wrapped all nice and snug around his cock.

Another flare of that hefty horse meat, another bulge of veins and ring, another deep, hard clench of his balls came with yet another cumshot churned up by his stallion half. The hippogriff jammed the cat down on his cock to make sure he was as deep inside her throat as possible and blew his load directly into her belly. Between that mess swelling her up inside and all he'd pumped into her womb, she was soon a bloated balloon of a dead kitty, lifelessly swallowing everything he had to give her.

He held her there, shoving her head down snug with his crotch to make sure he didn't spill any until he was certain she was full. With no desire to pop her and make more of a mess, he finally wrenched her off his cock with a great splash of gryph jizz pouring down his nuts. He let it accumulate over his tail as it rained from her open mouth, panting in satisfaction, shooting streaks of cum straight up into the air. Only then did he toss her aside and rise back up to his hooves to loom over her, dick twitching and spurting the last of his massive load.

Standing tall, he painted down her body with the last of his cum. Soaking her face drenched her features and matted her hair down to leave her lifeless expression looking even more undignified all smeared in spunk. He made sure to lay plenty over her breasts as well, as if to mark them as his own. Rivers of gryph jizz rolled over her motionless curves and concealed her spotted patterns by the time he was finally done. His cock flexed a few more times even once he was dry, leaving him grunting from overstimulation, and finally began to soften. The aphrodisiac might well have made him keep going if she was still alive to stimulate him, maybe even pushed him to meet a pleasure-snuffed fate of his own, but he shook it off before he could go too far.

One more look over her naked corpse, all soaked to the skin in his cum and scent, and he simply turned his tail to kick some dirt and grass over her. No need to pay her any more mind when she didn't have anything more to offer him. It was time to move onto other gryph ventures - like considering how he was going to fill his belly and drain his nuts when the need inevitably came.

"Farewell, hunter. I will leave you to the forest scavengers. You've given me all I want from you." He didn't look back at her as he departed with a slow, relaxed gait. "I hope the next one lasts at least a little longer ... and has even fatter tits."