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A couple decides to try some exciting new tech to spice up their love life. Still a few kinks to work out.

I don't write a lot of "out there" sorta things (at least I don't think so). Had a fun idea pop in my mind, though, and decided to write it on up. Was a lot of fun. Would be awesome if these sorts of things were real.


Casey held up the strange, ring-like device to look more closely at the details, trying to make sense of how any of it might work, though it was far beyond his expertise. "Are you really sure this thing is safe?"

Sean, Casey's boyfriend, was sprawled out on the couch with a little booklet in his paws, reading through the instructions. "What? Of course. These portal thingies have been around for forever."

"I'm pretty sure portal tech is only a few years old," the wolf said dubiously, having serious second-thoughts about what his boyfriend had proposed to him last week.

Sean snorted, a rather amusing sound coming from such a small, lithe fox. "Exactly. And whenever you buy a brand new, top of the line computer, it's already out of date. No difference here! It's safe."

"I'm just worried something is going to happen, and then like... boom. My dick is just gone." The wolf shuddered at the thought about being suddenly castrated by the innocuous little rubber ring.

The fox tossed the booklet onto the coffee table as he stood up, plucking the ring from the wolf's paws. "Oh, don't be such a baby. They had to spend so much money on testing these kinds of devices back in the day-"

"A year ago," Casey interjected.

"-that there are definitely not going to be any issues. I haven't heard of any stories of anyone being mutilated from these things," Sean said, unbuttoning his shorts and kicking them to the side along with his boxers.

The wolf watched his boyfriend start squeezing the ring around his fuzzy, white sheath. "Yeah, but my luck I'd be the first."

"Hey, I bet you'd get crazy amounts of money in a lawsuit, at least," the fox said, his dexterous fingers getting the rubber ring all secured around his sheath and balls. Once it was in place he snatched his phone from the couch and opened up the P.O.R.T.A.L. app.

P.O.R.T.A.L. (Perfectly Ordinary Rings To Accentuate Lovemaking)--one of the worst backronyms to ever exist--created all sorts of sex-positive devices to spice things up. They were pricey as hell, and a good example of how modern breakthroughs in technology would quickly find its way into carnal projects. Sean had saved up to buy one of the nicer models after convincing Casey to actually try it out.

"Okay, so, let's see. Pairing with it should be simple enough," the fox muttered, going through the app and messing with it.

Casey stood with his arms folded across his chest as he watched his boyfriend. He could barely make out the pink and blue ring around the white fur of the fox's junk, feeling a little better that he wasn't the first one to try it out.

"Ah! There." Sean hit a button on the app and all of a sudden his sheath and balls vanished. The fox let out a wail of a scream, making Casey jump nearly a foot in the arm in alarm.

"What?!" the wolf said, heart rate doubling, afraid the worst had happened.

Sean's scream cut off as quick as it started, and tears were forming in the corner of his eyes as he started laughing. "Oh my god, you should have seen the look on your face."

Casey scowled and shoved the fox back onto the couch. "That is NOT funny!"

The fox bounced on the couch cushions, still laughing. "You about jumped out of your fur. I thought you were going to piss yours- oof!"

Casey flopped down on the couch and squeezed both paws lightly around the fox's neck. "One of these days," he teased, growling under his breath.

Sean beamed up at the gray wolf, still feeling rather pleased with himself about the joke. "It'll be worth it, I'm sure. Anyway, here, look!" He squirmed a paw out from under the wolf and groped around on the table before his fingers closed around the fuzzy pouch of his own sheath which was sticking out from a similar ring, balls hanging beneath.

Casey had to lean back as the fox's sheath was suddenly in his face. "That's... I really don't know what to think about it," he said apprehensively. It was a bit odd to see someone's bits completely "removed" from their body like this.

"It's fine! See? Give it a kiss," Sean said, shoving his sheath right against his boyfriend's muzzle.

"What?! No! Get that out of my face," the wolf said, reeling back with a laugh as the fox pulled him back in.

The pair wrestled around, laughing and trying to fight the other one off. It wasn't much of a competition. While neither were particularly athletic, Casey still had more muscle, and the leverage to fight back. Sean squirmed and giggled as he kept trying to force his sheath into his partner's muzzle. With a few inches of slick, pink fox cock sticking up from the fuzzy sheath, Sean found his own lips wrapped around the tip of his shaft as Casey held his paws in place.

"Rrrk," Sean mumbled around his own shaft, a bit out of breath from laughing and wrestling.

Casey let go and scooted back off the fox, clearly pleased to have won out. "Can you really feel everything?" he asked, looking down at the rubber ring that was pressed flush against the fox's groin. He wasn't certain what he'd expected to see, but instead of flesh or fur, it was just a watery-looking blue surface.

"Yeah, doesn't feel any different, really," Sean said, turning his sheath around in his paws and looking at the back where a similar blue surface was. He could slide a finger into the back, but that was a very odd and slightly unpleasant feeling, as if that part of his body had gone numb.

Casey watched and ran his own finger along the rubber edge of the ring on Sean's groin before dipping it in past the blue surface. He grimaced and pulled his finger back, shaking his paw. "What happens if you turn it off while something is inside that part?"

"Nothing, really. Stuff gets pushed back out, even while it's on. Turning it off will just eject it faster. I doubt you could get more than a few fingers in there before the resistance would stop you. Here." Sean took one of Casey's paws and had him place his palm flat over the surface of the ring. He turned off the portal on the app and his sheath, balls, and semi-hard shaft suddenly were back in place, pushing the wolf's paw up and out of the way to make room.

"I still think this is kind of weird, but..." he gave the fox's sheath a squeeze before pulling his paw away.

"But the thought of me being able to play with your dick in public without anyone knowing is just too good to pass up, eh?" Sean asked, carefully pulling the ring from around his bits.

Casey's cheeks reddened a bit at the thought of it and he grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, pretty much..."

Sean got up from the couch and pulled Casey with him. "Well, then go shower and get ready for work so I can put this on you!"


The P.O.R.T.A.L. device was far less uncomfortable than Casey thought it would be. The ring was made of some rubber material that was stretchy, but didn't clamp down too hard when encircling his sheath and balls. He hadn't even noticed when Sean turned on the app and everything suddenly disappeared. There was no pinch, or zap, or anything to alert him that his junk was suddenly miles away except for fingers teasing at the edges of his sheath.

It was fairly easy to ignore, at first, though he suspected Sean was actually busy with his own work. The wolf only got to work from home a few days a week, where his partner was a self-employed artist, and typically did all of his work from home. He felt fingers teasing at the entrance of his sheath, but they didn't linger too long, and before he knew it, work had sucked him in.

Sean was reclining in his office chair, tablet in his lap as he sculpted and designed some little project things for a client. He didn't have much to do today and knowing that he had some fun mischief to get up to afterwards worked as a good little motivator. The fox leaned forward to mess with his computer, but his paw came down on something fuzzy and warm instead of the mouse.

"Oh, hello," he said, gripping Casey's sheath and picking it up from his desk. "I really need a better place to put you," he said, staring at his partner's package in the palm of his hand. Casey was right; it was kind of weird. The fox propped it up against one of his speakers and gave it a teasing little pat-pat before turning his attention back to his computer.

Casey continued typing with one paw while he groped around for his drink. He was so focused that he barely noticed that it was completely empty, even when the straw made that watery, sucking noise to signal there was nothing left. It wasn't uncommon for him to get hyperfocused on a task and shut out everything else. He hadn't even gone to lunch yet, wanting to finish knocking out the code for one of the new sections of a game he was tasked with, and he was fairly close.

He squirmed in his seat, the giant mug of ice water catching up to him. He had to pee, but that could wait. It was easy to ignore. It wasn't until another two hours went by that he finally got to a good stopping point that he was happy with. He rolled his chair back and hopped up, trying not to look too desperate as he walked down the hall to the bathroom.

It was a good thing the bathroom was empty, because as he stood in front of the urinal, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, he realized that the device was still active. He yelped when he realized nothing was there, then flushed with embarrassment. "Damnit, Sean..." he grumbled and felt at his hips, but his phone was back at his desk.

With a little bit of urgency he zipped himself back up and padded back to his desk to snatch his phone. "TURN OFF THE DEVICE," he texted to the fox.

Five minutes passed, the wolf's sense of urgency and desperation increasing. "Please! I really have to pee." Part of him thought about just going, and leaving that problem for Sean to deal with, but who knew what kind of havoc that would cause.

Another five minutes passed, and Sean hadn't even looked at the texts. Casey wandered back down the hall into the empty break room and hit the call button, listening to the phone ring. "Come on, come on, come on... answer."

Sean stood on the bath mat, fur freshly washed and dried. He had finished his own work project a little bit ago, and figured he'd get himself nice and clean before having his fun. He was brushing through his fur and heard his phone going off in the other room. He planned on ignoring it, but when it started ringing again right after, he sighed and left the bathroom to find out what was so important.

He snatched the phone up off the desk and answered it after seeing it was from Casey. He glanced at where he'd left the wolf's sheath and grinned when he saw it looking rather plump with a few inches of wolf cock poking free. He pressed the answer button and held the phone to one ear. "Need something?" he asked coyly, tweaking the tip of the wolf's member.

The wolf sucked in a sharp breath as he felt fingers against his sensitive flesh, and his cheeks turned beet red. "Sean! Turn off the device, or I swear to god I'm just going to pee on whatever is nearby."

Sean's ears perked up and his smile vanished. "Oh, shit, sorry. Turning it off now." He quickly brought the app up and hit the button to deactivate the device and could practically hear the wolf's relief.

"Finally. I got to go. Bye." Casey didn't even wait for a response before hanging up and power-walking down the hall towards the bathroom.

Sean read through the texts that he'd gotten and snickered to himself. "Note to self, do not leave the device on and unattended." He pressed send and a few minutes later got the reply.

"I thought I was going to lose my fucking mind. I really was about to just start peeing, and let you deal with it." was the wolf's response.

The fox chuckled at the wolf's predicament. "Oh god, my poor computer. Don't worry, I won't just leave your dick laying around like that. Or, I mean, I could just leave it in the sink, I suppose."

"Don't you dare. Am I able to download the app so I can turn it off in emergencies?" Casey asked.

"Course! But it wouldn't be nearly as fun if you could just stop me whenever you wanted! Can I turn it back on?"

"-.- fine."

Sean flicked back over to the app and turned it back on, grinning as the wolf's dick just suddenly appeared. "Perfect! Time for some fun."

Casey had just sat back down at his desk when he felt those fingers teasing and gripping his sheath again. It felt nice, and despite that close call earlier, the thought of something naughty happening in public was enough to get his blood pumping. With no task to immediately start focusing on, he felt his sheath thicken before being tugged back and forth.

Sean sat there in his office chair, holding the device in one paw--it came with a handy little thing to hold onto like what you'd find on the back of a cell phone--and teasing his fingers along his boyfriend's growing shaft with the other. Other than the oddness of having essentially a floating dick, it felt perfectly normal. He squeezed his paw down over the wolf's sheath and felt the shaft inside pulse.

Sean brought it closer and pressed his lips to the end of the sheath and wormed his tongue inside, teasing it around the slick shaft within. He kept it mostly pinched shut between his fingers, tongue writhing about inside and teasing over every inch.

Casey was trying his best to ignore his boyfriend's actions, but going through his emails and work chat wasn't enough of a distraction. He was still waiting for approval on the stuff he'd already finished, so there wasn't really much for him to do. He felt the fox's tongue playing with his cock and he wanted to grind his hips forward into the pleasure, but that wouldn't do much with the portal sending his dick elsewhere.

He closed his eyes for only half a second, about to just relax and enjoy the sensation, when a paw clapped down on his shoulder, making him jump out of his skin.

"Whoa, sorry, didn't mean to frighten you," Jess said, pulling her black and orange striped paw back from Casey's shoulder.

Casey looked up at his boss, cheeks red from embarrassment. "Oh, n-no, it's fine. I was just zoned out a bit."

"Yeah, that's been the last hour or two for me. Barely got any shit done. Anyway, ready for the meeting?" she asked, hooking a thumb over her shoulder to the conference room.

Casey looked past her as some of his coworkers filed into the room, tablets, laptops, and notebooks in hand. "Oh, crap, yeah, I totally forgot that we were doing that today."

Jess laughed and nodded in agreement. "Yup. I mean, you don't really have to go, I don't think any of your stuff is on the agenda. It's all mostly character concept stuff today, I think."

"No, I was planning on going. I want to see what's going on," Casey assured her, carefully standing up before he remembered that there was no suspicious bulge to try and hide.

"Right on. I'm going to grab another energy drink and then I'll head that way, too." Jess waved at him as she walked off, stopping at a few other desks to talk before leaving for her drink.

Casey grabbed his phone, pulled his laptop off the desk adapter, and went into the conference room. His face was still rather red as he walked past his coworkers, none of whom knew that his boyfriend was currently skinning back his sheath with his lips and nursing on his length. It felt incredibly inappropriate and embarrassing, but it wasn't like any of them would have any clue what was going on. He took a seat at the table and opened his laptop up, hoping to keep a low profile during the meeting.

Sean was in heaven. Sucking his boyfriend's dick was one of his favorite pastimes, and it was made so much easier by being able to angle it where he wanted, and move it around for a better position. His lips pressed down around the slick shaft, tongue cradling the underside as he shoved it into his muzzle. His own cock had slipped free a bit ago and was straining the front of his boxers, but he'd worry about himself later.

Sean felt the wolf's shaft pulse against his tongue, pre drooling out into his maw and running from the corners of his muzzle. His boyfriend had always been on the productive side, which he loved. His clean fur was going to be a mess by the time he was done, but that was alright. His lips pressed down against the swell of Casey's knot, earning him another needy throb.

Meetings at Casey's job weren't exactly formal, though the wolf was certain that none of his coworkers had ever gotten a blowjob during one of them before. Though, he'd gotten one of two during the pandemic, so who knows. Casey certainly had never gotten one while surrounded by his coworkers, though. It was thrilling and embarrassing at the same time. He chewed on his tongue and tried to look pensive, instead of flustered; good thing he wasn't presenting anything today.

The wolf focused all of his attention on breathing, paying virtually no attention to anything that was going on in the meeting. His cock throbbed as fingers encircled his knot and gave it a good squeeze. He wanted to moan out, put his paw on the back of Sean's head and force him down further, start humping into that warm maw, but he was completely at his boyfriend's mercy. It excited him, and spurred him quickly towards his orgasm.

The fox was content to nurse on the large wolf member between his lips. He barely swallowed any of the wolf's pre and the fur around his muzzle and down his neck was soaked. He palmed the wolf's knot while his other paw tugged his boxers down and off, soon squeezing a knot in each paw as he bobbed his mouth back and forth over Casey's shaft.

It was very hard not to openly start panting and drooling in the meeting, but Casey kept his composure and stared sightlessly at his laptop screen. He hadn't even unlocked it since the meeting had started, though no one was paying him any attention. He could feel his balls draw up close, a tongue occasionally lashing out and toying with his hanging sac. Any reservations he'd had about the P.O.R.T.A.L. device were long gone as he enjoyed the taboo, at-work blowjob. He couldn't wait to be the one teasing Sean.

Sean's paw flew up and down over his own cock, pre spurting out onto his belly as he worked to get himself off. He could tell that the wolf was getting close as he mashed the engorged knot against his lips, practically gagging himself. His mind was already reeling with the naughty things that he and Casey could get up to, and those thoughts, along with the fat cock plunging down his throat was enough to send him right over the edge.

The fox made a gagging noise as he came, barely able to breath around his boyfriend's shaft. Cum sprayed from the tip of his cock and left a messy line of cum across his chest, neck, and face. The next caught him under the chin and soaked into the pre-matted fur on his neck. Sean kept thrusting Casey's cock into his maw, banging that knot against his lips almost painfully.

Casey's heart was beating so loudly that he was certain his coworkers could hear it. His knot was grinding against the fox's lips and he desperately wished to tie with someone right now. One of his paws rested on the table with the other on his thigh, squeezing to try and maintain focus. He could feel himself slipping past the point of no return and soon enough his orgasm was crashing over him like a wave breaking on the shore.

Sean felt the wolf's dick start throbbing and a gooey splash filled his muzzle in one shot, most of it pouring from his muzzle as he continued shoving it into his mouth.

Then a loud beep sounded from the ring. Both rings.

Before Sean even had time to register what had happened, Casey's cock disappeared from his paw right when he was shoving it back into his muzzle. He punched himself right in the nose with a pained yelp and dropped the now-deactivated ring. He sat there in his office chair, bewildered, and still oozing cum down over his belly from his own flagging climax.

Casey felt the first rope of cum surge out of his cock, his face an impassive mask of neutrality (he hoped). When a large beep sounded from his crotch, a few people looked his way, but didn't pay it much attention thankfully. Even the wolf wasn't entirely certain what had just happened until he felt an uncomfortable tightness in his groin as his swollen cock was suddenly back between his legs.

The denim of his jeans bulged noticeably to accommodate the sudden appearance of his large shaft and engorged knot, but that wasn't the worst of it. His orgasm didn't abate in the slightest. Cum gushed out into his underwear and jeans, making an absolute mess of his clothes as his balls emptied themselves. All Casey could do was squirm and grit his teeth through the situation. The paw that had been on his thigh was now squeezing down on his trapped knot, feeling it pulse over and over.

Hot wolf spunk had liberally soaked the crotch of his jeans, and he was certain some of it was even on the office chair beneath him. He felt utterly embarrassed, imagining all of his coworkers staring at him in utter shock and disgust. When he looked around, though, no one was even looking in his direction. He'd just had one of the most powerful orgasms in his life, with a dozen of his colleagues in the same room, and none of them even knew about it.

The lights in the conference room had been turned off while someone was showcasing their work, and he carefully extracted himself from his chair before excusing himself. He waddled awkwardly into the bathroom and locked himself in one of the stalls, easing the front of his jeans open.

His knot was still rock hard, and his cock was angled uncomfortably down one thigh. Cum covered every inch of his shaft, his fur was matted down, and his clothes were noticeably soaked. He could only stare at the sight for a little bit before fishing his phone from his pocket and snapping a pic.

Sean sat in his office chair, one paw over his nose, and the other holding his phone. He'd checked the app, and sure enough, the battery had died right at the end. The phone buzzed in his paw with a text from Casey, and he opened up the message to see a rather lewd image of his boyfriend's cum-drenched crotch with an accompanying message saying, "WHYYYYYYYYY".

Casey didn't have to wait long for a response. "The battery died ^^; Sorry," it read. Then a picture came through of his boyfriend's face, blood across the front of his muzzle and nose, and a sheepish expression on the fox's face.

"Accidentally punched myself in the nose when your dick literally vanished from my maw. I think we're even?" Sean's message read.

The fox was in the bathroom, shower running again when his phone buzzed. He picked it up to check Casey's response and grinned.

"Hell no. You'll know when we're even! <3"