The Meeting, the Greating, and the Heating (ch.7)

Story by qaswed on SoFurry

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I don't own pokemon and/or digimon.





(Sorry about not posting, my grand mother and grand father died, and one of the owners of this account was forced to go Amish. Yeah, very stressful, so don't expect my writing to be up to par. ^_^)


One Truth, Many Lies

Half a mile deep in the Appalachian Mt.

"Why did u bring us here Brother James?" Said a man in a black robe. "Elder Mark, I received some troubling news, it appears that the dark one is breaking the seal. Two pokemon and a digimon have broken through to our world. Which is very strange, he usually sends them to the dark world, but he sent them here or they could have broken the black hole and forced a worm hole to form in our world, very puzzling." I said wrapped up in my own thoughts.

"Indeed, we must gather all of our followers, not just in this dimension, but all dimensions. Brother James, go back to the two pokemon and the digimon, watch and see if others arrive as well." "Yes Elder Mark" "Brother Jay." "Yes Elder Mark." Said a scrawny kid in a blue and gold kimono. "Go to congress and tell them to turn their eyes away from us for as long as we say, okay." "Yes Elder Mark." Said Jay, and he ran off.

I went out with him and we got in our separate cars and went off.

Back at the house...

Luc awoke and pulled off of Z's cock with pure bliss as the knot popped out and he felt the barbs scrape against his ass walls. Then he saw Lane with his tail up. He got an Idea and went into the main bedroom and searched the drawers and found a bottle of lube.

Lane was reaching for a box of cereal on one of the kitchen shelves with his tail raised for balance. Suddenly, he felt something up against his pucker, "U know, I don't seem to recall u getting rammed once at all." Lane looked back to see Luc with a hard on. "True, so, do u want to stuff the reptile or am I going to have to force u?" Lane said in an erotic tone. Luc put his paws on Lane's hips. "Naw," He forced the head of his cock in making Lane Gasp as he was penetrated for the first time and forcing Lane to hold onto the counter with both hands.

"I'll do it." He forced another inch in and let Lane get use to it. They did the same thing, stopping every time it started to hurt Lane. Soon, Luc hilted Lane. "So, how do u want it? Normal, hard, or soft?" Luc asked. "Rock hard, Luc." "Alright Flame." Luc pulled out and thrusted really hard into Lane. "*moans* Are u glad I put some lube on, Lane?" He made another forceful thrust. "*Gasp* Yeah." After a while of Luc thrusting into Lane and the speed heightening. Lane stuttered out "I-I'm g-getting close" Lane said as Luc rapidly thrusted into him.

"I-I am t-to." Luc gave a few more thrusts and then came into Lane and that caused Lane to blow his. Luc felt Lane's ass clamp down on him, which heightened his own orgasm, eventually their orgasms subsided. "*pant* That was *pant* awesome." Lane said winded.

In the car...

"Finally, I'm back." I said as I got out and went into the house. I turned the corner and saw Luc hilted into Lane and they noticed me "I-I-I-I" Everything went black after that.

To be continued...

Tell me how I did. ^_^