Spygate Prologue: You Will All Stand Behind Me

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#20 of Spygate

Kai sets his target on two other chiefs, ready he was so closet to securing his hold on all the other stations... Will there be an unexpected turn in trying to get these two to join him?

At Chief Kai's office, he stood as he watched the streets of unknowing officers of what he planned, staring at the fools beneath him as he talked through the phone.

"Hmmm... It seems nice of you to reach out to me... Quite honest that you told me everything just now... I respect that..." Chief Kai said as he listened to what the other caller said.

"Uh-huh... Well look here, I plan on stopping by your station. I know you two are close, so why not meet us there too. I'll be happy to go everything with you... Yes... So you have heard from both Drei and Kom then... Ah... Alright then... I'm preparing myself right now to head over to his station... I'll see you then *click*" Chief Kai said as he hung up on the call.

Kai then stretched his limbs, cracking some bones as he shook his arms, and then his legs.

Gale, who was sitting nearby, saw the tantalizing foot in the air, before crawling over towards Kai like the good dog that he was.

Kai smirked and lifted his foot up towards Gale to allow him to indulge in worshiping him.

Gale happily began licking and sucking on Kai's toes, lathering the foot in his saliva and massaging the soles while looking up at his master.

"Do you have papers on the chiefs we are going to visit?" Kai asked Gale as he wiggled his toes.

Gale quickly nodded his head.

"Not only will the main chief be there, but he will also have a very special guest visiting" Gale said as he nuzzled against Kai's foot.

Kai then looked sternly at Gale and pushed his foot against Gale's head as he stood dominantly over him.

Gale didn't oppose Kai at all, and shuddered in response to the treatment.

"I never said who that other guest is" Kai said, with a bit of loathing in his voice.

"I'm sorry... I-I was being too proactive... A-And assumed what you would expect" Gale apologized, shuddering as he responded.

After a few seconds, Kai chuckled and grinded his foot on Gale's head.

"I didn't expect my pet to know what he was thinking" Kai chuckled as he let the tense moment go.

"I'm sorry, and I won't do it again" Gale apologized again, not wanting to ruin the fucked up relationship they had with each other.

Kai then placed his foot just below Gale's chin, and made him look into his eyes as their gazes met each other.

Kai could still see a shadow of himself surrounding an aggron in Gale's eyes.

Kai then pulled his foot back and splayed his claws and wiggled them in front of the steel type again, inviting him to continue.

Gale continued worshiping Kai's foot again, glad that him and his master were back on good terms.

"I do not deserve forgiveness from you master, a good pet should always serve their masters obediently" Gale said as he grew hard just from worshiping Kai.

Kai crossed his arms in triumph over Gale.

"You are indeed a good pet for acknowledging that" Kai complimented him as Gale's thick tail began to wag.

A knock on the door was heard after Kai complimented Gale.

"You can come in" Kai permitted the other mons on the other side of the door.

Brant, Bolt, and Gon walked in and saw Gale worshiping Kay's feet.

"I wish that was me right now" Brant commented as he watched Gale lick Kai's soles.

Bolt nodded, he wanted to worship Kai for how great he really was as well, jealous of Gale.

Gon started drooling from his mouth just from observing the sheer dominant aura that Kai was emanating in the room, wishing he would give him his attention.

Kai smirked at them as he turned towards them.

"Gale needs a little bit more "training". Perhaps you two can assist me with this" Kai said as he referred to Brant and Bolt.

Both Brand and Bolt then got on one knee and bowed before Kai, before they grinned evilly at Gale who stopped worshiping Kai and started crawling towards them.

"Yes master... I need to be punished~" Gale said, agreeing with his punishment.

"Go rough on him, he needs to be taught not to forget his place" Kai told both Bolt and Brant as Gale crawled.

"Yes... Hah... Master...~" Gale said with a thirst for cocks.

Bolt and Brant plopped their cocks on Gale's face.

"It's not gonna suck itself" Bolt grinned at Gale.

"We're waiting" Brant said as he wiggled his cock a bit.

Gale took both cocks in his mouth at once like the whore he was, making the two pokemorphs moan as their cocks rubbed up against each other, and on the slutty pokemorph's mouth.

"Yeah you like that don't you? No wonder you are Kai's favorite bitch" Brant said dirtily, thrusting deep in Gale's throat.

Gale's throat bulged a bit, but at this point, he was used to it. He wanted more... More cocks inside him... But he was also afraid that if he asked Kai for more, Kai might think that he was making demands, so he remained content with this.

"Hah... It's so tasty... The precum adds a lot of flavor...~" Gale said as he suckled on the cock like a baby, becoming hard as he sucked them off.

Gon stood silently, becoming hard from the sight, but didn't try to join in knowing Kai had not ordered him to do anything else.

Both Bolt and Grant stood from opposite sides of Gale, each thrusting their cocks in Gale's cheeks, their cocks bulging as Gale got a mouthful of their lengths.

"Haha! Look how silly he looks!" Bolt laughed as he placed his hands on his hips dominantly.

"The slut is loving it! You love having a cheekful of my cock huh?" Brant taunted Gale.

Gale's hole twitched, wishing that they would fuck him already, excited and raring to go with them already.

"Hah... yes I do... Please... Fuck me already...!" Gale begged them.

"Awww the bitch wants us? How sweet~" Brant groaned as he kept thrusting.

"How much do you really want it huh? You want it in your pussy hole bitch?" Bolt asked him.

Gale was impatient, and knew that they wanted a reaction out of him, so he immediately started yelling and begging for them.


Gale had no shame, each second that he had no cock in his ass felt like he was in heat.

"Heh. Hear that? Let's give him what he wants" Brant said as he pulled his cock out.

"You better not regret this slut" Bolt said as he pulled his cock out as well as the two positioned him on all fours.

Bolt slid under Gale, both of their stomachs heaving against each other as Brant positioned himself right behind Gale's rear.

"You heard the boss earlier, don't hold back" Brant said before he and Bolt slammed deep in Gale's fat ass.

"Auuuuuughhhhh Fuuuuuuck! Yes... Fuck my slutty ass...!" Gale encouraged them as he rode their cocks back, pushing his fat rear back against them.

"Shit... This bitch is more eager than before!" Bolt groaned, feeling as if Gale was almost too tight for them, squeezing hard now from all the sexual training he was receiving from Kai.

"No wonder... Ngh... He's Kai's favorite bitch...!" Brant groaned, gyrating his hips to try and loosen Gale up.

"Hah... Come here... Mph...~" Gale said, feeling like it still wasn't enough, and forced Bolt into a kiss.

The two intertwined their tongues aggressively against each other, shutting their eyes as their hot breaths hit each other's faces as they french kissed.

"Damn... He's a much better kisser now... N-Ngh... Fuck...!" Bolt managed to say before Gale's tongue was starting to dominate him even more.

"This bitch is insatiable... Fuck... Almost feels too good...!" Brant moaned, and jerked Gale's cock off to try to make him loosen up.

"Hah... Oh no you don't... You're my prey" Gale said as he used his tail to further pull Brant deeper, and even rubbing the fire type's hole with his butt and suddenly penetrating him there.

"Nguwwooooogghhh... Shiiit!!!" Brant groaned, feeling the thick steel tail roughly entering him.

Bolt and Brant couldn't believe it, was it a trap by Kai? Or was it that Gale was stronger than they thought they were?

They had silly faces on them as Kai watched in amusement as his best slut was turning the tables on them like a venus fly trap.

"Hmph... Is that all you two can do against him? This turned into a reward instead of punishment. But good job Gale, you might just become my best subordinate at this rate" Kai said as he congratulated his greatest slut.

"But... It feels... Too good... Aghhh!!!" Brant tried to say before he got sucked back in.

"This... You trained him too good...!" Bolt said, trying to resist as best he could but Gale's ass wouldn't let them go.

Kai had brought his chair over and watched the spectacle of his bitch showing them how being under Kai made him strong. He then turned his attention towards Gon.

"Come here" Kai beckoned Gon with one claw.

Gon did so, crawling towards his master, before he was brought onto his knees with his tail, nearly making Gon trip before feeling Kai's cock plop on his snout.

"You know what to do" Kai said as he smirked at Gon.

Gon was more than happy to serve Kai, taking the whole cock in himself and breathing deeply as his snout reached the base of Kai's cock.

"Ngh... Mph...~" Gon was more than happy to smell, not to mention taste Kai for himself.

"You learn well slut, I might keep you as my third... Now keep sucking~" Kai said as he then turned his attention back towards the three.

Gon was disappointed Kai's attention was on them, but he didn't mind as long as he was able to be with him, so he kept on deepthroating Kai like the obedient dog he was. He began playing with the foreskin of Kai's cock, gently nibbling and pulling on it with his teeth, before he dipped his tongue inside and circled around the tip like a lollipop.

"Ngh... Yeah that's a good boy..." Kai said without looking at Gon, while he rested his face on his own fist.

"Ah fuck! His ass is like s-suction... W-What's up with this ass...!?" Brant grunted, pulling back was a struggle at this point, he was being milked for his cum at this rate.

"Mmmph... Hah... Wait... S-Slow down... Hahh...!" Bolt begged as his mouth was shortly covered by Gale who intensely kissed him.

Kai observed as Gale kissed Bolt aggressively... Gale was becoming exactly like Kai was, as if he was emulating him.

"Good..." Kai said as he smirked, looking closely at what was happening.

"Ngahhh... Fucking damn it... I'm c-cumming!" Brant yelled suddenly, his face twisted in pleasure, as if he's trying to suppress it.

"Damn it... Slow down... M-MMMMPH!" Bolt couldn't even manage a scream as Gale locked their lips together and screamed into each other's mouths.

Gon went faster, trying to push past the limit that his throat could take as Kai grunted a bit from the high amount of effort Gon was making trying to make him cum.

The three came at the same time, with Gale parting his lips with Bolt as he had a pleasured, satisfied look on his face, while Brant and Bolt had their faces scrunched up and shutting their eyes tightly as they came.

Kai watched as Gale had forced two of his most dominant subordinates to cum using his ass, something unexpected, but pleasant to know that his bitch was being influenced by him, even if it was not in a way he intended.

Kai stood up and started fucking him roughly, not caring if Gon was struggling to take his whole cock in.

"Yeah! Take it!" Kai yelled, grabbing the back of Gon's head with both of his hands as he used every last inch of his cock recklessly.

Gon's eyes widened, before he shut them, trying to please Kai no matter how hard it was to take all of Kai's cock.

"Grrr... Swallow it all!" Kai growled, snarling menacingly as he made him take it all the way to the base and pumping his load down his throat.

Kai pulled away and let Gon fall onto the floor, coughing up overwhelming amounts of cum before laying down on the floor.

"Heh... You need more practice" Kai gloated, before turning his attention back towards Bolt and Brant.

Despite them being overwhelmed by Gale, he thought just how much of a big role they played with training Gale. All those times they fucked Gale must have trained him really well.

"Good job on training Gale, I'm proud of you two" Kai told them, admiring how Gale was now even better than he was before.

"Thank you master Kai" Brant said, thanking their master.

"We will continue... Huff... To follow your will..." Bolt continued, thanking his master as well, making Kai chuckle.

"But this is no time to rest. Gale, Gon, and I will be leaving, while the two of you will be watching over the station" Kai said as he got up and started zipping his pants back up.

Bolt and Brant immediately got up and bowed their heads.

"Yes master, we'll make sure your station is in pristine condition during your absence" Brant and Bolt said as they saluted him.

Kai nodded his head at them and turned over to Gon, who got up as well.

"The limo is already ready" Gon informed Kai.

Gale still seemed exhausted, while Kai smiled evilly and patted his head with his foot to bring him back to his senses.

Gale gave the foot one last kiss and lick, before standing up.

"I'm ready, but I'll need to get a few things" Gale said as he got up and headed over to his desk, and grabbed some papers before nodding towards Kai.

Kai then left the room, with Gale and Gon following him.


Inside the limo, Gale was back to tending Kai's foot again as he relaxed in his seat, with Gon driving them to their destination.

Kai reached over to the side seat and took the files that Gale had prepared for him.

"Let's see what we have here... If you don't ind starting pet" Kai said as he relaxed in his seat.

Gale momentarily stopped worshiping him.

"We will be visiting both Chief Sal and Chief Tai today master. Which file do you want to go over first?" Gale said before going back to nuzzling Kai's scaly foot as Kai sinisterly smiled.

"Chief Sal can be first then" Kai said, more interested in another dragon.

Gale went back to worshiping Kai's foot in between explaining about the chief.

"Chief Sal is a slightly mysterious one. Even with all the information I got from the academy even now, Chief Sal's style of leading his group is a bit unsure on him" Gale said as he licked Kai's soles.

Kai gave an evil glare to Gale, which made the steel type nibble on the foot in front of him even harder.

"I'm sorry... I am a pathetic bitch that needs to be punished for the lack of information~" Gale said as he swayed his tail from side to side out of both fear and excitement from the look he was receiving from Kai, making Kai chuckle.

"It's honestly not your faultI too don't know much about him. I gathered a few things and I have a hunch on what is going on" Kai said as he placed his other foot on top of Gale's head.

"And what did you gather master?" Gale asked curiously.

"I know Sal will dare not cross me, and with everything we talked, he would never backstab me either" Kai explained, laughing like he was in on some inside joke.

"It is good to have a chief that doesn't seem like the type to do that initially... Unlike both Chief Kom and Chief Drei" Gale said with a bit of venom in his voice, making Kai smirk at the grumbling that Gale made against the two chiefs they had recruited.

"Those two chiefs fell in line, but I know Sal will easily do the same, and I'm not too worried about iti. I know Sal freely gave in to me, mark my words" Kai said as he caressed Gale's chin with his toes.

"Everyone should know their place in Kai's world, he better not" Gale said as he was amazed by just how efficient his master was.

"No one will live if they ever harm our master" Gon added as he drove the limo.

Kai basked in the praises before setting the file down and brought the next one.

"And what about Chief Tai, hmm?" Kai said as he brought up Tai's file.

"Chief Tai seems to be very arrogant and stubborn. He really disciplines work below him and speaks his mind. Chief Tai looks to be the type that doesn't want to be controlled" Gale said, personally not liking Chief Tai from that description alone.

"Tai does indeed look like a wild one, but this should not be a problem for me. I know a thing or two about Tai and if you just give him a little bit of what he wants, then he will be fully cooperative" Kai said as he smirked.

"Yes, that is brilliant of you master Kai" Gon and Gale agreed with Kai's statements.

"There is something that I noticed about Tai though" Gale said to Kai, which Kai tilted his head slightly.

"What did you notice?" Kai asked Gale.

Gale nuzzled Kai's foot all over his face as he gave it one big kiss, before talking.

"About how there is always a special aggression that Tai does" Gale said as he worshiped Kai's foot.

Kail leaned and pressed his foot against Gale's face even harder, which Gale took as a sign that Kai wants more love to it, and pressed his face even harder against it.

"Tai seemed a bit more aggressive towards dragon types" Gale simply said as he continued to worship Kai's foot.

Kai chuckled loudly, which Gale and Gon were unsure on how to react to that, considering he was also a dragon, and sounded like Tai was a racist.

"I trained you really well" Kai said, causing Gale's tail to wag excitedly in response "Keep that thought in your head for now, and don't talk about that specific observation to anyone else. This conversation will NOT leave this limo, understand" Kai said as he petted Gale's head with his other foot.

"We will never disobey that order master" Gale and Gon said as they nodded their heads quickly.

Kai smiled and leaned back, splaying his claws as he relaxed in his seat.

"Wake me up when we arrive at Tai's station" Kai said as he began to sleep.

"Yes master" Both Gon and Gale said as Kai slumbered.


As they arrived in the station, both Chief Tai and Chief Sal were already standing outside, happy to greet him.

Gon left the limo and opened the door for Kai, which Tai noticed and smirks at.

Kai stepped out, followed by Gale.

Tai will give a special handshake towards Kai, embedding his claws with armor made of ground, while Kai spat dragonfire in his own claws, before the two pressed each other's claws against one another as it made a steaming hot sound as they shook each other's paws.

"I look eager to see what your station is all about" Kai said as he concluded their unique handshake

Tai chuckled but quickly patted his partner's shoulder, Chief Sal.

"I did not expect my best bud to be here as well, leaving his own station a bit unattended right now" Tai said, with Kai eyeing the way that Tai was patting Sal's shoulder.

"My station should be fine, and Kai recommended me to be here too" Sal said as he rolled his eyes, causing Tai to raise an eyebrow.

"Sal and Kai must be conspiring against me or something" Tai said jokingly.

"You know that I wouldn't dare turn on my partner, especially after all our time at the academy together" Sal said as he scoffed at the idea of him betraying Tai.

Tai laughed, gently petting Sal on the shoulder.

"I'm just kidding, you know me better than anyone else to actually do that" Tai said before they both gave a bro hug.

"So what does your business bring here Chief Kai? Do you need anything from us?" Sal asked, wondering what they needed from him, if anything, He more or less thought they'd be needing something from him instead.

"Well you see... Nothing like that except... I just need your... Support on some decisions, and a position that I know you two will greatly benefit from" Kai said as they began idly chatting.

"I imagine it's more paperwork. I'll pass" Chief Sal groaned, not wanting to get stuck in more work.

"Might be... It depends..." Chief Tai said, feeling intrigued to gain more power from his current position.

"You can't seriously consider that. We barely have time for ourselves anymore!" Chief Sal growled at Chief Tai.

"And what's wrong with that? Makes us more powerful and untouchable!" Chief Tai said as he challenged Chief Sal, clearly the two were at odds with each other.

As the two bickered, Gale began approaching Kai from the side.

"Are you ok with this sort of interaction between the two?" Gale asked, wondering if they can be truly trusted.

"Things are still going to plan, and these two will fall in line with no problems" Kai said as he smiled at Gale.

Tai then looked over at Gale and Kai.

"I apologize, guests of honor should not be standing there while Sal and I talked" Tai said as he apologized to the both of them.

"We are deeply sorry for that" Sal said as he joined his partner in the apology.

"It is fine for two close partners to enjoy time together. I don't want to waste too much time either" Kai said as Tai nodded and led them into his station.

As they entered the station, the four stopped in the main reception area, with Kai and Gale observing their surroundings.

"Your station is rather big, almost as huge as my own station" Kai noted as they walked.

"You enjoy what you see?" Tai said as he smirked at Kai.

"Your station looks well organized, and everything looks to be running well" Kai said as he responded.

A kingdra walked by and saluted the four of them.

Kai then noticed that Tai is a bit irked but kept his composure.

"It's an honor to meet the great Chief Kai, and I have heard so many stories from the academy about how well respected you are" The kingdra said as he bowed his head.

"I'm happy to be a role model for new recruits" Kai said as he chuckled.

"Can I... Can I shake your hand sir?" The kingdra asked him.

"Yes you may, officer" Kai said as he obliged by shaking his hand cordially.

"Thank you Chief Kai for your time, goodbye sir" The officer saluted him.

Get back to work! Kai is a busy mon!" Tai said as he put on a stern face.

The officer became a bit scared from Tai's aggressive words and bowed.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken up any of your time" The officer said as he apologized.

"I may be busy, but I do look forward to meeting you and your fellow officers sometime in the future" Kai said as he stepped in.

The officer smiled and quickly ran back to work.

"Need to discipline that one to focus on more work..." Tai mumbled to himself.

"At least you look to have decent officers in your station" Sal said as he tried to patronize Tai.

"They may look strong, but I feel like they have the ability to get things out of hand" Tai scoffed at Sal.

Upon hearing that, Kai brought something up.

"I hope you don't mind if my second in command here will be walking alongside you while he takes notes during the tour" Kai said, making Tai perk up.

"I'm perfectly fine with that, but how come you don't want to walk alongside me then?" Tai questioned Kai.

"Gale is a better note taker than I am, and besides, I want to talk with Sal about a few things" Kai said as he met eyes with Sal.

"I'm fine with that, but you better not do anything crafty behind my back" Tai said jokingly.

Sal stomped his foot in response.

"You really like to bring that up don't you?" Sal said, getting annoyed with the joke.

"You should know by now how much I joke about that" Tai responded, making Sal roll his eyes.

The four began the tour.

"My station operates at various capacities, as you can see" Tai said as he showed him the different facilities that his station had, while Gale nodded his head.

"I see that you always have replacements for those who are taking a break" Gale said as he wrote on his notepad.

"And you won't find any officers slacking off... But when you do, you better wish you were never born if you get caught. I will not tolerate laziness" Tai smirked at Gale.

"I see... Ruthless though..." Gale whispered as he kept writing everything down.

"And we respond to every report that citizens ask us, unlike other stations" Tai continued to add.

"Including trivial ones?" Gale asked him.

"Bah! Who cares, it's a report!" Tai growled.

Meanwhile, Kai and Sal took a few steps back and began conversing with each other.

"So how are things running around here truly? I don't trust Tai to tell me everything" Kai said as Gale and Tai kept walking with each other.

"Things could be better. But nothing bad is going around or anything like that. It's just that I feel like he isn't as good as he should be. He did really well in the academy stuff, but I still feel a bit unsure" Sal said, looking a bit sulken.

Kai smirked at that.

"Being a leader is not easy at all, and it did take a lot for him to get to where he is today, so don't worry too much" Kai told Sal and making him chuckle.

"I have heard many stories about you and what you did in the academy, even though you were a few years ahead of him, nobody can get through the academy without hearing your accomplishments that you did there. Even when I graduated with Tai, the stories of the amazing Kai never ceased" Sal said as he reminisced on past memories.

Kai chuckled and patted Sal's shoulder.

"Well, it is hard being me and whatnot. Not everyone can be me" Kai tried to comfort him.

Upon hearing that however, Sal began mumbling to himself.

"Wish I could be like you..." Sal quietly mumbled.

The moment that Kai hard that from Sal, he thought to himself.

Perfect... Just as I thought... This one I can easily persuade... This pathetic wimp will easily be molded into what I want... I would hate to have a submissive chief in my control but I can work with this one... I just have to give him a taste of the dominant side first... Before I let the rest of the dominos fall into place...

Sal looked up at Kai and saw the sinister face he was making as they looked at each other.

"Is... Everything fine?" Sal asked Kai, taken aback by the sudden shift in their demeanor.

Kai simply smiled at him.

"I have an idea and I will show you a few tricks up my sleeves to be a better chief" Kai said without explaining much.

"I look forward to learning from you about being a better leader" Sal said as he nodded.

After that conversation was done, Tai looked back at the two.

"So you two lovebirds done conspiring yet?" Tai said as he waited for them.

Kai just grunted.

"Oh just shut the fuck up Tai, this is getting old now" Sal responded.

Tai just smirked and continued forward, addressing a few things to Gale as they walked.

"I swear my partner is being over the top with this... It's like he cannot stop teasing... If I had known any better... Maybe he has a thing out for me..." Sal mumbled to himself.

"It's just Tai being Tai, and he enjoys poking fun of you as his partner" Kai whispered to Sal.

"Yeah, and I guess every other mon in the building as well... Except for Gale... Wonder if it's because he isn't a dragon or something..." Sal mumbled as he rolled his eyes.

Upon hearing that, Kai smiled as evil thoughts formulated inside his head.

Eventually, the four stopped in front of a set of double doors as Tai turned around to face them.

"This is the gymnasium where all the officers come here to exercise and train" Tai explained to everyone and looked over at Kai "A lot of new recruits spend their time here, albeit a little too much time for my taste"

"I look forward to meeting them all" Kai said, causing Tai to chuckle before opening the door and allowing everyone to walk inside.

Once inside the gym, they all witness various mons working out and exercising. A pangoro was on the verge of breaking a training dummy apart as sand rippled out with each punch.

A jolteon was running around at records speeds as he ran laps around the gymnasium.

Even an Espeon was organizing several mixtures of pills that were scattered on the floor in evidence bags using psychic in seconds.

"My crew is pretty good, except for a particular group of new officers that are not up to par" Tai said before he made eye contact with a quartet of officers.

Upon seeing them, Gale will look over at Kai who just smiles evilly as he notices that all of the officers here are dragon types. The four of them saw that the officers were watching one officer climbing a rope, but was struggling to get up to the top and ring the bell.

"You can do it!" One of the officers said.

"Don't let go!" Another officer encouraged the officer.

The officer climbing the rope, a Duralodon, struggled to get to the rope, and took quite a bit of time but had managed to finally get to the top and rang it, before jumping down and was proud to finally reach his goal.

Everyone continued to cheer on him as the Duralodon smiled in triumph.

"That was great! You finally made it to the top after a few days!" One officer complimented him.

"It's nice to see you progress and overcome that obstacle" Another one cheered the Duralodon on.

Tai walked over to them and shook his head, before he started berating the officer.

"No... No... You did everything wrong" Tai berated the Duralodon.

The duralodon looked over at Chief Tai in frustration.

"What's wrong?" The duralodon asked.

"Look, Officer Stephen, if a baby was at the end of that rope, it would have died 30 seconds ago. I see the time up there, it took you 1 minute to climb up this rope? You got to be fucking kidding me" Tai responded and looked quite disappointed.

Officer Stephen wanted to shout at him but held himself back.

"I am trying Chief, but this is not easy and they did not give us much rope experience in the academy" Officer Stephen tried to defend himself.

"No excuses, try harder and do it again you useless piece of-" Before Tai could finish his statement, Chief Kai walked up and placed his paw on Tai's shoulder.

The officers were shocked to see Chief Kai's presence, with Chief Tai giving a stern look at Kai.

"You are all trying your best, but of course there is always room for improvement. As long as you continue to work hard, and do more training, then you will be superb officers" Kai complimented all of them.

"Thank you Chief Kai! That is exactly the encouragement we need!" One of the officers said.

"We will continue to work hard just as you say. You won't regret it" Officer Stephen said as he bowed his head towards Kai.

Kai smirked at everyone, including Sal and Tai as everyone began praising him.

Chief Sal looked in admiration along with Gale, while Chief Tai just rolled his eyes.

"Just get back to work! We're busy here and you're taking up our time!" Tai said angrily.

The officers saluted the four of them as Kai and the rest continued to head to Tai's office.

As they entered, Tai made a gesture towards the coffee table for Kai to sit in front of, which the chief gladly obliged.

"You did not need to step in back there, since this is my station" Tai said, with a hint of anger in his tone as he took the cookies and coffee, pouring the coffee in the cup before handing it to Kai. "Those officers wouldn't know hard work even if it fucked them in the rear"

"Sometimes you have to give a little to get a lot in return" Kai said as he chuckled and sipped his coffee.

"Bah! Unlike you I have standards! How can they be the best when they keep falling behind? What they need to do is overcome their limits, but instead I get a bunch of pussies who can't even complete basic training drills!" Tai grunted, and started ranting at Kai, clearly frustrated and not caring about what the recruits felt.

Kai slyly smiled at what he was hearing.

"Then this is the perfect time to do the "Special Training" that I mentioned on the phone" Kai said, reminding Tai of what he had told him earlier.

Sal's ears perked up.

"What is this special training?" Sal asked Kai, not knowing of any sort of special training ever mentioned by Kai before.

Tai and Kai smirked at each other.

"We talked about a special training regimen that will corral officers who would waver off the main path" Tai told Sal, before turning towards Kai "Did you bring the item I requested?"

Kai nodded before handing him a package.

Gale and Sal were intrigued by the item, wondering what was inside, though all they knew was that it probably had to do something about this special training that Kai and Tai mentioned.

"What is it?" Sal asked them.

"You will soon witness the training I mentioned before." Tai said before bringing out his walkie talkie "Officer Stephen, come to my office immediately"

As Tai was conversing with the rookie on the walkie talkie, Gale looked over at Kai, who just smiled evilly at him, causing Gale's tail to slowly wag in his seat.

After some time, Officer Stephen arrived and knocked on the door.

"Come in" Chief Tai told Stephen.

Stephen opened the door and closed it behind him, before noticing Kai, Gale, and Sal sitting on the side of the room, looking at him while Tai crossed his arms in the middle of them with a stern look.

"Come here" Tai ordered Stephen, who did so while his hands were behind his back.

Tai then began pacing around Stephen and circling him, making Stephen feel unease from how Tai was looking at him like a lion would.

"I bet you're real happy about climbing that measly rope" Tai remarked sarcastically.

"Not everyone is able to climb that rope so easily sir" Stephen responded to Tai, making his commanding officer scoff at what he said.

"That child at the top of the rope would have been dead by now" Tai said rather coldly.

"Sir, I am not a firefighter. They are the ones more qualified to climb the rope first before police officers could attempt that" Stephen replied more sternly this time.

Tai then stood in front of Stephen, angrily putting his face close to Stephen's and stomping his foot.

"You really like talking back to your own superior, don't you?" Tai said, trying to intimidate Stephen, but the rookie stood his ground.

"I am merely stating a fact, and meant no disrespect behind my words, chief Tai" Stephen responded with the best neutral face he had.

"You will regret that smart mouth of yours" Tai said as he smirked and waved his hand.

Sal was becoming concerned, and wondered why Kai wasn't even doing anything to make Tai ease up on Stephen.

"Aren't you going to do anything? Isn't Tai being a bit too strict with the officers?" Sal asked Kai, not wanting to intervene just yet against the better judgment of Kai.

"Tai is doing the correct thing when officers get out of line. He's showing who is in control of the situation, and officers should always respect the hierarchy of the system" Kai said as he kept sitting and smiling, as if nothing wrong was happening.

Sal just nodded his head slowly.

"I'm just feeling a bit unsure about this..." Sal said with uncertainty.

"Keep watching your partner and utilize the techniques he's about to show us" Kai said as he placed a hand on Sal's shoulder.

Sal nodded and focused his attention back towards Tai and Stephen, while Kai leaned over to whisper in Gale's ear.

"You will get your turn as well, my pet" Kai whispered, making Gale wag his tail swiftly.

"Yes master Kai" Gale whispered back.

"You're being so unreasonable chief, just give me a chance!" Stephen was beginning to raise his voice, feeling frustrated that his chief seemed to be finding a reason just to argue with him.

"You dare raise your voice!? I thought you had more respect than that, but it seems that you don't even give me any respect" Tai said as he kept pushing back against Stephen.

"Respect? Sir, you're not even respecting me, how can I even respect you then?" Stephen retorted.

""I will do everything in my power to get the respect I deserve!" Tai said as he brought out a package that Kai had brought with him.

Stephen looked a bit nervous looking at the package, which Tai slowly opened to reveal a wooden spoon.

Sal looked bewildered by the package. It was just a wooden spoon, so why would it be all packaged up for this occasion?

Kai just smiled along with Gale, apparently having expected everything to have played out like this.

"Heh, well I'm not really scared of a wooden spoon so I don't really know how you'll discipline me with that" Stephen chuckled upon finding out that the package contained a wooden spoon.

Tai just smacked the wooden spoon in his paw and smiled evilly at Stephen.

"Oh I've learned a lot about a special training technique from Kai, and I know you will be the perfect candidate for it" Tai said as he taunted Stephen by waving the spoon around.

Stephen looked over at Kai.

"I use a special training regimen for my own officers, and they became stronger than ever before because of it" Kai told Stephen, causing the recruit to chuckle.

"Well, then it was wise for Tai to give me this sort of training" Stephen thought, thinking this was just going to be a normal training regimen that Kai was referring to.

"After I'm done, you'll have nothing else to worry about" Tai responded before he started to pull Stephen as he sat down, in a way that a child would be bent over to give them a spanking, all the while holding the spoon.

"Hey! There's no need to hold me like that!" Stephen yelled as he struggled to escape Tai's firm grasp.

"Shut the fuck up and accept your training" Tai said before he pulled Stephen's pants down, revealing his equally bulky rump.

"What are you doing!?" Stephen screamed, his face blushing as his rear was quite literally exposed to not only Tai, but also Kai and the others.

"Disciplining you" Tai said as he held the spoon in the air and slammed the back of the spoon against Stephen's rear.

Stephen gasped as his rear was spanked with the wooden spoon, and struggled to get out of the embarrassing situation.

"It hurts!" Stephen complained, trying his best to get out, but Tai held him down with his strength.

"You bet it hurts! This is what happens to officers who have no discipline!" Tai said as he gave him another spank with the wooden spoon.

The wooden spoon collided harder, causing Stephen's eyes to widen from the pain, and his ass to redden a bit.

"I'm sorry... J-Just stop already!" Stephen conceded, wanting this to just end and get back to training again, at least that was more bearable than this.

"Oh no you don't. I don't want you being weak again. This time, with proper training, you'll be stronger than you were ever before" Tai evilly smirked as he brought the wooden spoon down on Stephen's rear again.

Stephen looked over to Kai and Gale, hoping that they would intervene, but all they did was smile at him as he was spanked over and over again.

Sal looked a bit disturbed by the action, but trusted Kai's judgment, refusing to do anything unless Kai gave the word.

"I'll train again! I won't be weak anymore! So stop it! Stop spanking me... I'm not a baby!" Stephen said, trying to bargain for his freedom back.

"A chief should make sure that their officers aren't babies, and you're acting like one. So it's only fair that I discipline you exactly like a baby" Tai said as he spanked him harder.

Stephen shut his eyes as he tried to endure the pain, but then he started feeling tingles of pleasure, making him form a bulge in his pants.

"Hah... A-Ah...!" Stephen started moaning from the spanking, no longer feeling much pain, and instead felt pleasure from it.

"Are you seriously getting hard from being spanked? You need to be punished for that~" Tai said with a sultry voice, feeling himself get hard as well from treating Stephen like his plaything as he started becoming surrounded by a dark aura.

"Y-Yes... S-Sir...~" Stephen replied, giving into Tai as he started thrusting in Tai's lap, sliding his cock in between Tai's thighs.

Everyone could feel Tai's aura reverberate through the room, as Sal became a bit intimidated by what Tai was doing.

"You fucking bitch, you're staining my pants!" Tai growled as he pushed Stephen off of him, with Stephen trying to recover as he looked up at Tai, who stood above him.

"S-Sorry sir..." Stephen tried to say, not knowing what got into him as he tried to get up, only for Tai to push him back down.

"Lick the stains clean" Tai said, pointing down onto his thighs, where precum was left on his pants.

Stephen hesitated for a moment, before grabbing onto Tai's legs and started to lick the precum off, all the while he was hard while doing it.

Tai smirked, the bitch really was cleaning it.

"Heh, you really are better at this than climbing a measly rope. Open my zipper slut" Tai ordered him.

Stephen was, again, hesitant, but worked up the courage to open it, making Tai's hard cock spring out, surprised by the size as the smell of the strong smelling male musk hit his nose.

"It's... S-So big...!" Stephen said, watching it twitch and precum in the air.

"It's not gonna suck itself officer Stephen" Tai said expectantly.

Stephen would normally reject such a vulgar offer, but the way he was feeling... The way he was spanked.. The way he yearned for Tai after feeling a taste of how dominant the male really was... He couldn't help but start nuzzling his cock and licking the base.

"It's... I can't stop myself... It smells... So good...!" Stephen moaned as he began to nibble on the base of the cock.

"That's right bitch! You can't resist my cock don't you? You want nothing more than to pleasure your chief right?" Tai said, thrusting his cock along Stephen's face.

"Y-Yes... It's s-so irresistible...!" Stephen managed to gasp as he began licking the cock more affectionately this time.

"Perfect" Tai said as he forced his cock in Stephen's mouth, causing the dragon to groan as he struggled to take it all in.

Stephen felt the cock go all the way down his throat, before Tai held him still, cock lodged all the way. He felt the cock keep leaking in him like a faucet, forcing him to swallow while keeping his cock in.

Stephen could barely breathe, feeling the cock deeply lodged in him as he stared up at Tai, who smirked at him. He tried to pull away but Tai kept him in a little longer. After what seemed like forever, Tai finally let the duralodon pull away, making the officer cough and hack.

"That's how good officers are made, no complaining, just do what you're told" Tai said as he took his own clothes off.

"C-Chief Tai...!" Stephen moaned as he felt himself get aroused by his naked chief.

Tai grabbed Stephen by the shirt, making him stand up, before ripping his uniform off with his claws.

"Ah...!" Stephen stepped away from Tai as he looked at him, scared out of his wits as he was now completely naked.

"Where are you going? I'm not done with you" Tai said as he came into arms length of Stephen and pulled him towards the sofa.

Tai threw Stephen onto the sofa, keeping his legs spread wide as he began teasing the tip on Stephen's hole.

As this happened in front of Kai, Gale, and Sal, one of them spoke up.

"I'm concerned about what's happening. I never expected my partner to act like... Like this..." Sal said, not believing what he was witnessing, this was on the line of illegal, or a crime even.

"This is the kind of training that Tai enjoys, and this will ensure that any officers under his command will follow his lead. This sort of leadership is needed nowadays, since all of the officers I have witnessed earlier... Were all a bunch of chumps! And I know you can do the same with your officers" Kai said the last sentence as he looked at Sal.

Sal looked unsure of himself. This all looked so wrong, but at the same time, he thought if things turned out well just as Kai had thought, then maybe this was a necessary evil...

"You know best Chief Kai... If you say that this will improve the obedience of the officers... Then I will use and learn from it" Sal said as he started to agree with him.

"Yes, you can indeed learn from it. This technique can be learned and used by any of the other chiefs. And fortunately for you, they have already tried it, so you are not alone" Kai nodded before smirking at him.

A slightly evil smile formed in Sal's head. Knowing that other chiefs were in on it, he was now more on board with the idea. The things he thought that he could do with this kind of training... It was much more flexible than the restrictions he had over honest and strenuous training.

"C-Chief Kai...?" Stephen blushed, as his hole was about to be violated.

"Be grateful that I chose you for this special training" Tai said before he thrusted into Stephen.

"Uwauuughhh!!!" Stephen moaned from the whole length being thrust into him literally, his ass struggling to take the cock so suddenly.

"Ngh... Fuck... Tight bitch...!" Tai groaned, positioning himself better before he started thrusting aggressively into Stephen.

It was like Stephen felt something within him that he realized... He never realized sex with another male ever felt this good, and his tongue started to loll out of his mouth, and a strange tingling sensation within his rear started welling up with each thrust inside him.

"Hah... A-Ahhhnnn!!! I-It feels so good...!!!" Stephen cried out, his cock twitching each time Tai would force his cock inside.

Tai started to sway his hips from side to side, touching parts of Stephen's ass he would otherwise not be able to reach normally.

"It feels good huh? Huh!? Answer me!" Tai demanded, his cock brushing up against Stephen's prostate, teasing the dragon.

"Nguwaaaaghhhh!!! It feels good! It feels good! My ass feels good Chief Tai!!!" Stephen moaned as he looked up at Chief Tai, his lolled out tongue started to drip with saliva from the ecstasy.

Tai wanted to dominate Stephen even harder, and held his cheeks to keep his mouth open, and spat in his mouth.

"Gack!" Stephen tried to close his mouth, but Tai kept it open with his hand and kept spitting in Stephen's mouth.

Slowly, Stephen stopped struggling, and started actually enjoying it, showing his tongue to get more of his chief's saliva.

Tai smirked, before pulling Stephen's head in to kiss him, intermingling their tongues aggressively, showing the dragon that he owned him.

"C-Chief...!~" Stephen started kissing him back, even though Tai's tongue would push him back, he can't help but lick Tai back, wanting more pleasure from the individual that could give him what he wanted.

Tai pulled his mouth away, and wiped the saliva from his mouth.

"You want more don't you?" Tai asked him, thrusting into him in a slower manner.

"Y-Yes chief... I want more...!" Stephen answered, feeling the pleasure slowly fade even with the gentle thrusts that Tai was now giving him.

"Then tell me. Do you respect me?" Tai asked him.

"Y-Yes...!" Stephen answered him.

"Who do you respect more? Yourself? Or me?" Tai asked him again, smirking as he saw Stephen's desperate face.

"You! You're the only one I respect!" Stephen practically screamed, the desperation in his voice was obvious enough that Tai was convinced that he had truly dominated and subdued Stephen's pride.

"See? Honest officers get rewarded... LIKE THIS!" Tai said as he began impatiently and rapidly thrusting with all his strength, putting his back into his thrusts.

"AUUGGHHHH!!! YES! Thank you chief Tai! You're the best... Y-You're the best chief! Thank you!!!!" Stephen thanked him over and over, as he had a pleasured smile on his face, feeling Tai's length pounding against his prostate.

"How does it feel to let your chief violate you like this?" Tai asked him, grabbing Stephen's chin and keeping the speed up.

"It feels... It feels great... I-I wish I had pushed my pride down sooner... And let you fuck me like the pathetic bitch I am...!!!" Stephen told him without any shred of pride left in him.

Tai smirked and started licking Stephen's tongue tip, before they locked lips with each other.

"I'm gonna cum... Take it all!!!" Tai said as he gave rapid thrusts again, before cumming into his slave.

"I'm cumming... The chief's cock is making me cum.... Uwoooooogghhh!!!" Steven said as his cock started cumming like crazy, shooting his cum everywhere, including Tai's face.

"Hey! You shot it all over my face!" Tai growled and slapped him.

Stephen didn't care about himself, and started feeling bad about having cummed against his superior's face instead.

"I'm sorry... C-Chief... I'm a bad officer..." Stephen apologized, before Tai pushed him off the couch, and ended up on all fours.

"Clean up the mess you made!" Tai ordered him demandingly.

Stephen crawled over and began to lick the stray cum that had ended up on the floor and couch, swallowing obediently.

Once there were no traces of any cum left, Stephen looked up at Chief Tai.

"All clean Chief Tai..." Stephen said, his ass full of Tai's cum as he looked up at him.

Tai smirked, seeing the large dragon on all fours was an ecstatic feeling to him, the reason which was a deep seated hatred for dragons he always had.

As Tai relished in his domination, Kai turned towards Sal and patted his shoulder.

"I will show you a demonstration of what this training would really mean for you. Absolute obedience" Kai said before snapping his claws, causing Gale to drop to his feet and start nuzzling Kai's feet before Sal could realize what was happening.

"W-What the...?" Sal was amazed by how fast Gale had done this despite being a bulky looking pokemon.

"See? Absolute obedience" Kai told him as he pressed his foot against Gale's face, who nuzzled back against it.

All this time Sal thought that Gale was a respected member of Kai's team, but instead, Gale was an obedient bitch of Kai's all along, and not on equal standing as him.

"He is nuzzling your foot... Without even hesitating..." Sal said in amazement, wondering if this really was the result of the training that Kai told him.

"I have trained Gale to respect me so well, see? He is an obedient bitch who would not hesitate to fight a losing battle if I commanded him to" Kai said as he smirked at Gale, who wagged his tail happily as he received his master's gaze.

Sal looked over at Gale even more carefully, wondering how he could further elevate himself if his own officers acted like this.

"Would you like some service from my pet?" Kai offered him in good faith.

"... Yes" Sal said as an evil smile formed on his face, now fully embracing the training and ideology that Kai had.

Kai then brought his foot to the side of Gale's head, and pushed it over towards Sal's own, which Gale started to lick and nuzzle, like Sal was also his master.

Sal moaned and started enjoying the power that he was starting to develop at that point, pushing his foot harder against Gale's face.

Kai joined in, laying next to Sal as he put an arm around him like they were close friends, and placed his foot on Gale's face as well.

"Don't forget about me" Kai told Gale, who started to take turns with licking both Sal and Kai's foot.

"See? With this kind of training, you can have complete control over your officers" Kai told Sal.

"Yes... Complete control... And I intend to take advantage of this" Sal said as he began caressing Gale's face with his foot, who nuzzled it back and treated it more like a second master giving him affection.

Kai and Sal relaxed as their shared bitch continued to give them the treatment they deserved.

Meanwhile, Tai was still not done with Stephen, and was currently drilling his cock in Stephen, who was on all fours and enjoying the breeding he was receiving.

"Who's my little breeding bitch? WHO!?" Tai yelled while he thrusted in him, ramming his cock against the prostate, wondering how far he can go and how broken the mind of the defiant officer would go further.

"Me! Me! I'm the bitch!" Stephen agreed wholeheartedly, not even giving any second thought to why he would even agree to it.

"Really? And what does my cock mean to you? Are you willing to put your life on the line just to be filled up by my precious cock?" Tai asked him, giving more power behind his thrusts.

"It... Nguwaahhh... Fuck... It is so good... I love you Tai... I love your cock forcing its way inside me... It's the best feeling... Auguwwaaaghhh... I've ever had inside me...!" Stephen admitted, pushing back like a dog in heat, the excessive cum from earlier making entry into him even faster and slicker.

"Would you value anything else? Your family? Your friends? Even more than my dick?" Tai asked him, his arms snaking around his body to give him a handjob in sync with his thrusts, making it near impossible to think about anything else but his cock.

"Nobody... Nothing matters to me... If... Hah... Anything... I'll... I'll make them all see how great you are chief Tai... Your cock made my eyes open to what really matters... And that... F-Fugh... Is being with you and following your commands...!!!" Stephen replied, pleasing Tai even more.

"Then are you willing to convert your fellow officers, bringing them to me here, so you can have playmates whenever you serve me?" Tai asked him again, using his other arm to begin squeezing his pecs as well.

"Yes... I'll make them see... Even if they don't want to...!" Stephen told him, drooling on the floor as his upper body became limp, his ass raised up high like a slut as Tai grabbed his hips and began pummeling on his prostate even more roughly now.

Oh yes... Stephen would make a perfect individual that could lure the other officers towards him... This way, it wouldn't be suspicious at all to have them go to his office so suddenly, and not alert the other officers about his heinous scheme.

"I'll greatly reward you for each officer you bring me then... Like... Augh... The good servant you are...!" Tai said as he rammed himself hard, going full force on his vulnerable rear, causing Stephen to begin screaming from the pleasure, howling like a slutty dragon.

"Thank you chief T-Tai... Nguwwoghh... It's so big... I think I am falling for your cock...!" Stephen groaned, feeling Tai pull on his crystal tail.

Meanwhile, Gale was now giving Kai and Sal a handjob, while licking the tips of both cocks, which were pointed directly at his mouth.

"You like sucking our cocks don't you?" Kai asked him.

"Y-Yes master Kai... They're so tasty... The precum tastes so good... It tastes like nectar...!" Gale said as he lapped at the cock tips that were generously being given to him.

"Oh? You really like them huh? Tell us, which one do you like the most?" Sal said as he smirked and teased Gale.

"I-I can't choose... They are both so delicious...!" Gale said as he didn't want to offend both of them.

"If you're not gonna choose, then I won't let you service me anymore. Consider yourself fired by then" Kai threatened him, smirking at the dread that Gale suddenly had on his face.

"N-No... Please... Yours is better chief Kai... So please don't... *slurp*... Don't fire me...!" Gale begged as if he was going to be given the worst punishment of his life.

"Good" Kai smirked, proving his superiority over Sal.

Sal blew a puff of smoke from his nostrils, not liking that Kai was proving his supremacy at Sal's expense.

"As if I need that slut's approval to prove my own masculinity" Sal said, feeling a cut deep in his pride.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you prove it then. Show me how superior you are" Kai told Sal, smirking at him.

Sal, in response, spun Gale around on the floor and started squatting down, his hole directly against Gale's cock tip.

"I bet you haven't cummed inside Chief Kai yet haven't you? I on the other hand, am a generous master. Abandon your own and maybe I'll let you fuck me~" Sal said, smirking, while also having a blush on his face as he hotdogged Gale's cock against his ass.

"Auuughh... P-Please... Don't make me choose...!" Gale moaned, thrusting against Sal's rear, it had been a long time before he had even managed to fuck anybody using his cock instead of bottoming.

Kai growled at Sal, the moment that the dragon teased Gale with his own ass, he felt disgusted. Their kind were supposed to be dominant, not a submissive bottom that would let themselves get used by others. But at the same time, he respected the effectiveness, and how Sal turned things around and try to take Gale away from him.

"Choose, or do you not want to cum in me" Sal teased him again, pushing the tip against his hole slightly, before making Gale miss and sliding the cock between his ass and making it glide between his butt.

Kai decided that he had enough of this, and walked over to Gale, forcing his cock down his throat.

"I didn't give him permission to choose between us. You're just borrowing him for now, unless you want to challenge my authority" Kai said, smirking at him as he groaned from Gale suckling down his cock like a champ.

Sal gritted his teeth, he was so close to outsmarting Kai, but didn't resort to anymore schemes knowing he should be grateful to him.

"Tch! Whatever, I still get to enjoy him" Sal said before he started slamming himself on top of Gale's cock and really getting it on with him, feeling Gale's and his own cock twitch each time he fully took Gale's cock.

"Next time you pull something like that, I'll make sure you're on the receiving end next time" Kai said as he smirked at him.

"Like I care. You're the one who should be worried" Sal threatened Kai.

Kai took a bit of offense to that... But respected how much backbone Sal still had.

"I'd like to see you try that one day" Kai said, taking the challenge to heart.

Gale could only moan as the two dominant chiefs were using him at the same time, thrusting up against Sal's ass while doing his best to worship Kai's cock down his throat. He was grateful Kai had shut him up, otherwise, he might have done something that he might have regretted, and face one of Kai's severe punishments in the process.

"Nguwwwooohh... His cock is so hard... Fitting for a fucking steel type... Thrust harder!!!" Sal said, with a hard blush and fucked up smile, drooling on Gale's chest as he placed his talons on Gale's chest.

"That's why I chose him. So you better get your own next time" Kai berated him while thrusting into Gale, feeling possessive of Gale from how Sal just tried to usurp authority from him.

"I'll get an even better one.... Ngh... Once I'm done with him...!" Sal groaned, grabbing his own cock and started jerking himself off, all the while riding up and down on Gale's cock.

"Nguwaagghh... I'm gonna cum... Get ready for my seed...!" Tai warned his bitch, wanting to hear more of his screams.

"Y-Yes Chief Tai... I want your cock... Impregnate me... Bless me with your child... I'll be your best lover...!" Stephen begged Tai.

"Heh... He really lost his mind... Here then... Accept it all!!!" Tai roared and unleashed his load, blasting thick cum into Stephen, who roared just as mightily, spraying his seed all over the carpet and then laying limp with his head on the floor, and his ass still high in the air, still impaled by Tai's great cock.

"Gonna cum... Take every last load I have!!!" Kai told his subordinate, gripping Gale's throat and forcing him to take every last inch of his cock, a show of dominance while keeping him roughly in place as he made him drink everything as if he would escape.

"Nguwwoooghhh... Yes... Nugwaahhh... Yes... Your cock is so good... I'm gonna cum... You better cum with me or else I'll punish you...!!!" Sal said, rolling his eyes up with a fucked up smile, slamming himself one last time and unleashing his load all over Kai and Gale.

"MMMMMMPHHHH!!!" Gale had came hard, his cock was sensitive after having cummed inside someone in a long time, while accepting his master's throat, and even filling one of the chiefs.

Gale didn't get up, and was almost suffocating until Kai had enough and pulled away, thinking it was decent enough of a punishment for even considering him for leaving his service.

"Whew.... That felt good..." Sal said, breaking a sweat before he felt Kai grab his uniform's shirt.

"If you try anything like that again, I will end you" Kai threatened him.

"Tch... As if I'd be scared by you... But if you give me a favor one day, I'll consider leaving your bitch alone" Sal said, sensing an opportunity with him.

"Which is?" Kai asked, although he didn't like the idea of negotiating with him.

Sal began whispering in Kai's ear, whose' face turned from surprised to amused.

"You know what? I'll consider that, just because I like the way you think" Kai said, smirking and having a bit of a deeper admiration from just how evil the favor that Sal had with him.

Sal smirked back at him, the once disciplined chief now being more mischievous than Kai thought.

Kai turned towards Tai, seeing the tyranitar standing above Stephen with one foot on the dragon's chest, while Gale was cleaning Kai's cock like it was his duty.

After his cock was clean, Kai began walking over towards the both of them.

"So, who is it you respect?" Tai asked him again.

"Only you... Huff... Chief Tai... Only... Y-You...!" Stephen told him, panting hard with a satisfied look on his face.

"So are you going to talk back to me again?" Tai asked him with an evil smile.

"I... I will never go against you again... Why would I... I... I love you Chief Tai... I devote myself to you... Even my soul..." Stephen said, his eyes closed while saying those words.

Tai smiled, loving how devoted this officer was to him now and turned towards Kai.

"Thank you, this should teach this bitch a lesson to never go against me" Tai told Kai.

Gale continued to clean Sal's cock, who took full advantage by making him deep throat his cock now that he had him to himself while sitting on the couch.

Kai walked over and bent down to look Stephen in the eye, forcing him to look him in the eyes.

Kai could see a duralodon, surrounded by shadows of a tyranitar behind Stephen's eyes, and then let him go as he stood up.

"You're good to go now" Kai said as he nodded to Tai.

Tai smirked, and walked over towards the duralodon, stepping on his head and grinding his foot against it. Stephen just laid there submissively, as if he was even loving the treatment he was getting from Tai even though he swore his loyalty towards him already.

Kai then began walking over to Sal, who was enjoying the service he was receiving from Gale.

"Will you be ready tomorrow?" Kai asked Sal, waiting for his reply as Sal was still moaning and had his hand on Gale's head.

"I'm more than ready to give it a try" Sal said as he smirked at Kai, who turned away from him.

"Now it's time to complete my plan, and set everything in motion" Kai thought as he smiled evilly, everything was going according to plan.