Enchanting Desires Ch.1

Story by Toba Sage on SoFurry

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#2 of Enchanting Desires

Enchanting Desires

By: Toba Sage

Chapter 1.

Snow falls gently to the ground, swirling and drifting slowly in the wind. The leafless trees sway slightly to and fro. Below the branches of the trees, walks a lone wolf. Wrapped tightly within a dark black cloak to brace herself against the wind. She didn't know where she was going, and she didn't care either. She had left her home some months ago after suffering the loss of her entire family to bandits. They attacked in the night, four of them, wielding swords and knives. They slaughtered her entire family. Her mate struggled valiantly against them, but to no avail. She was knocked unconscious and fell to the floor, her last view before blacking out completely was of the bandits searching for something in their home. She pulled her cloak around her more tightly, 'no use dwelling on the past' , she told herself.

She kept of walking for some time, before stopping in a clearing to rest for the night. She started gathering some wood for a fire and a shelter. She got the fire lit after several failed attempts, and started to work on her shelter. Constructing a crude lean-to which would protect her from the wind at least. She sat down under her shelter and roasted some dried meat from her small pack. Although she had a fire, she still seemed to be cold. After finishing her meat, and drinking some water from a skin, she decided to get some sleep. Curling up under the lean-to, she wrapped herself in her cloak and quickly fell asleep....

From the shadows a hooded figure watched her every move. "Hmm, so I found her at last. She has potential, or so my master thinks". He shifted slightly and began to move into her camp. He pointed to the fire, whispered something in a strange language, and it went out. Suddenly the camp was totally dark. But he could see perfectly. He kneeled down beside her still sleeping form. Her chest rising and falling slightly to the rhythm of her deep breathing. He put his hand over her muzzle gently, and whispered to her, "Don't move or make a sound, or I will end your life right here and now". She opened her eyes and stared into his face. "Now, stay absolutely still. Or as I said I will kill you. I'm going to remove my hand now, don't make a sound". He removed his hand from her muzzle and stood up. "Now, what should I do with you." He said , "as payment, I could do whatever I want with you. I wonder..." She felt something caress the side of her cheek. Her eyes widened in fear. "What are you doing?" "I said DON'T TALK!!" "AH!!" Something slapped the side of her face hard. She gasped in pain and jerked her hand to her stinging face. "How are you doing that?" She felt the slap again, on the other side of her face. She grimaced under the pain of her stinging face.

"I told you to be quiet. Now you see what will happen if you don't". She suddenly realized he must be using some type of magic. He hadn't moved and inch since standing up. But yet something had slapped her in the face. 'This guy is dangerous. Magic is forbidden in this land, what could he want with me?'

"Now stand up girl. I want to get a better view of you". She stood up slowly, and dropped her cloak to the ground. "Hmm not bad, I see why he wants you so badly. Now I'm pretty sure you're wondering what has been touching you. It is me, and as I know you are thinking, yes it is magic". He used his powers to undo the buttons on her shirt, "Now, here comes the fun part". He started chanting in the same strange language he used earlier. The air around the camp started to warm up, and the area around the outer edge started to shimmer. "This will make sure no one will see us here. Also no one will hear you scream either. I was cold here too, so I made it warmer as well. Although I think I'm about to get warmed up very nicely.

He walked toward her slowly, and she started to back away. She hit the edge of the camp and couldn't go any further. "wha-" "You can't go past the barrier girl" He walked closer to her, and reached up to remove her shirt. She slapped his paws away, and growled at him fiercely, "Don't touch me!!" He shook his head slowly, "Tsk tsk, and I thought you had learned" He used more magic and bound her arms to her side. "Now should I make you completely immobile? Or will you give in willingly?"

She looked at him with fierce determination in her green eyes. "Why are you doing this to me?" "It's very simple girl, I have been instructed to bring you to my master, but I want to have a little fun first. And if you want to know why your family was killed, you will cooperate with me and give me what I want". Her eyes widened in shock, "M-my family? You know why those bandits killed my mate and my pups?" "Indeed I do girl, but if you want that information, you need to do something for me" He reached up and took her shirt off. He looked down at her moderate breasts, "hmm not as big as my tastes normally fancy, but it will do I suppose". He reached up and caressed one of her breasts with his paw. She let out a small gasp at his touch, "I'll do what you whatever you want. Just please tell me why my family was murdered". "That's a good girl, now take your pants off". She reached down and undid the laces on her trousers. She slowly pulled them off to reveal plain light brown panties. "The underwear too girl". She took those off as well. He sniffed the air, and inhaled deeply. "Ah you smell lovely" He took hold of her and forced her to her knees. "Now undo my pants" She reached up and untied the laces to his pants. His cock was already growing and struggling against his trousers. She knew what he wanted, and she also knew that to get what she wanted she had better do a good job. So she pulled his trousers down some more to expose his now rock hard cock. She had never seen a cock so big before. "Mmm, such a good girl, now suck it." She gave the tip of his cock a tentative lick, then slowly started to put her muzzle around the tip of it. "Mmm good girl" He gasped slightly at the warmness of her mouth. She started to take more of his cock into her mouth, slowing gliding her tongue around the tip. She started with a slow rhythm, at first. Taking his cock in and out of her muzzle, playing her tongue over the tip and reaching up to massage his balls.

'I'm not going to last long at this rate, she is very talented'. She started to go faster, taking his entire cock into her mouth, she sucked slightly, still playing her tongue all over. She felt his balls tighten and knew what was coming. He arched his back and started thrusting into her face. She could see his knot growing slightly larger and larger. He thrust hard against her face, and forced his cock deep into her muzzle, shooting thick ropes of his hot seed into her mouth. It was all she could do to swallow it all. She let him come down from the climax and then slowly took his cock out of her mouth. A string of cum still attached to her muzzle and his cock. She looked up at him with a questioning look in her eyes. "Now that was the most amazing blow-job I've ever gotten, I must say that was great". He sniffed the air lightly and smiled, "I think I may have caused you a slight problem." She was indeed very horny, and even though he had pretty much forced her to do this, she had to admit that she wanted that huge cock inside of her. She growled at him playfully. "I don't know who you are, but....I......I..." "Hush girl, I know what you want."

She lay down on her back and spread her legs wide, whimpering at him to fill her with his huge cock. He smiled and removed his pants and shirt, and lay down on top of her. He caressed her breasts with his tongue gently, gently sucking each one until the nipple stood up erect. She moaned aloud at the sheer pleasure of it. "Mmmmm, oh please.....I want you inside me so badly" "Patience girl, this is about what I want remember?" But he too wanted to bury his cock inside her. She smelled so sweet and wonderful. It was intoxicating. He couldn't hold back any longer, shoving his rock hard cock deep inside her waiting pussy. She screamed with pleasure, and dug her claws into his back. He started rocking his hips back and forth, slowly going in and out of her dripping pussy. She moaned with pleasure, never having felt such a big cock inside her before. "Ah...ah...ah...this feels so good....ahhhh..." "I...thought I told you....to be...quiet" He leaned forward and bit her on the neck, not hard, but not soft either. She moaned even louder as he increased the speed of his rhythm. "Oh...oh...I'm gonna cum...I can't hold it anymore" She rocked her hips in rhythm with his, driving his cock deeper inside her. "AHHHHH!!!" She came with such a force that it nearly made him cum as well, but he controlled himself and started pumping faster. "Oh god, you gotta stop, I gotta calm down" "Oh I'm not stopping, this feels way too good for me to stop" She could fell every detail of his cock inside her, every vein, every bump. It was pure ecstasy. She couldn't stop it as yet another orgasm overcame her. It sent her whole body into orgasmic spasms. She barely had time to come down from this one before another started to build up again. "Oh shit...I can't take much more of this..." 'I can't either' he thought to himself, 'this girl is so tight' He grabbed her hips and raised her up to drive his cock even deeper into her pussy. He thrust hard and rough, and quick. Going deeper than anyone ever had. His balls tightened, and he shoved his knot into her tight pussy. His cock throbbed, and his knot swelled inside her. "Oh god...its soo big...I can't take it anymore....I'm gonna cum!!!"He could feel her about to cum again as well and timed it perfectly. He couldn't hold back anymore, he came hard, jetting out think ropes of cum, one after the other into her. She orgasmed harder than she ever had before. She could feel every pulse of his cock as he came deep inside her. His knot letting none of it escape.

They were both panting hard, laying against one another. His knot finally shrunk enough to be pulled out, and he lay down on the ground as she went to clean herself off. She came back and sat down beside him, "Okay, I gave you what you wanted, now tell me about my family" "Well, you sure do get to the point don't you?" "The truth is, I personally don't know everything about it. All I know is that it was on the orders of the Black Scar Society." "The Black Scar Society? But don't they hunt the magi, such as yourself?" "Yes they do, and they were after something in your house that is related to magic. It belonged to your father, who was one of the greatest mages the world has ever seen".

"M-my father was a mage? That's impossible!!"

"No girl, it isn't. This artifact is very powerful, and in the wrong paws can be very dangerous. But there's something else you should know too."

"What that?" She asked.

He looked straight into her bright green eyes and said, "You have inherited your fathers talent girl, you too can wield the flows of magic just as he could"