Switching Sides

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Rook takes a chance at entering into a contest while at a booth advertising next generation synths and is surprised to find that he won the grand prize of a brand new version for him. The dragon can't wait to try it, to the point that he forgoes the instruction manual and just activates them. Surely having a dominant synth drone with unknown capabilities isn't a bad idea, right?

Commissioner wishes to remain anonymous

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Adult website: https://www.blackphoenixproduction.com

Rook let out a slight sigh as he drove home, rubbing his head as he waited for the traffic in front of him to move. Since it was Friday it made the wait even worse as he tried to get back to his house, getting as much distance as he could away from his office. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy his job but it wasn't exactly the most exciting thing in the world as he tapped against the dash. Normally he wouldn't even been that keen to get home since there really wouldn't be anything waiting for him either but this was a completely different weekend.

The dragon had been walking around the mall getting his usual toiletries for the week when he had noticed that there was a booth that was modeling some new synths. They were the latest in personal servants and can be used for a variety of tasks. Everything from cleaning, cooking, and even more carnal activities were on advertisement, though the more carnal aspects were hidden behind a curtain from the general public. Even though he had originally not thought about going in the tagline of putting some excitement into your life was something that caught his attention. Rook had been feeling like he was in a bit of a rut and he found himself drifting towards it and even heading back into the adult section.

When he found out the price tag though it quickly cooled off Rook's desire to try something new, but he did put in for the raffle that they were holding. The grand price was a synth of his choosing and he had seen one in particular that was at the top of his list. A few weeks had passed and he had forgotten about in the ebb and flow of his life, but as he was about to leave for the night that Friday he had gotten an email on his personal account. When he checked it on his lunch break the dragon found his jaw dropping when it had informed him that he had won the grand prize!

That was why when the red-scaled creature finally got to his house he practically leapt out of his car to go inside. He had been able to set the timing of his delivery and that was why he had been so anxious on the road, because if he hadn't been there he would have had to wait until the next few weeks to try again. No sooner had he had gotten inside his house and started to change out of his suit then the doorbell rang. The dragon fortunately hadn't taken his pants off by that point and just went to the door shirtless.

The first thing that Rook saw was a box as big as him at his door front and as he stepped aside he saw the bull delivery man right behind it. "Mr. Tssbo?" the bull asked, the dragon nodding in response. "I have your delivery here, where did you want me to put it?"

"Oh, just in the living room is fine," Rook replied, trying not to blush slightly as he was handed the clipboard and saw that the type of synth he won was on there. Though the bull remained professional he could see the slight smirk on his face, especially after seeing what he looked like. Most thought that a big burly dragon like him would be a dominant top ready to mount and not someone that would get the alpha wolf synth model.

Rook quickly signed the paper in order to get the grinning man out of his house, mostly to avoid questions but also because he was starting to get hard just thinking about what was inside the crate. Though it wasn't as big as he had expected it to be it still took up a sizable amount of the room as he realized he had nothing to open this thing. After a few minutes of looking it over he found that the cover was actually secured by a number of latches secured by zip ties. After getting a scissors from the kitchen he cut them all off and excitedly undid them to finally get it open.

What he found on the inside was a chunk of white plastic packaging that was almost as hard to remove as the cover itself, and when he finally got that out he dropped it to the side and looked in once more. There it was... the synth that he had won was curled up in the fetal position in order to conserve space as it sat in the other half of the plastic packaging. Seeing it suddenly made the whole thing feel real for the dragon, as though he was going to open it and see nothing but a note saying the whole thing was a prank. The shiny steel body of the synth practically glowed in the light and as Rook searched for some sort of instruction manual he found it starting to move of its own accord.

Rook found himself grinning as the synth unfurled itself and stepped deftly out of the box before remaining motionless once more. It was just like what he had seen in the tent; the shiny steel lupine had a physique of a bodybuilder with the flexible metal of his skin covering most of his body while the more bendable parts were a dark grey carbon fiber. Instead of a typical face he had a shiny black screen that covered most of his face that would display not only facial expressions for the synth but also give information if needed as well. What was most impressive about this wolf was just how realistic it looked while still having that synth style, the dragon blushing slightly as he saw that the robot was very well endowed with a humanoid silicone dick that swung between his legs.

From what he remembered in the sales pitch he had gotten the synth was able to be customized, but at the moment he wondered just how he was supposed to activate it. Just like when it unboxed itself however the head of the wolf suddenly tilted and a number of images flashed on the screen before it came to life with a glowing set of eyes and mouth that appeared on the screen. "Initial system boot complete," the wolf synth said. "Initiating first contact protocols, loading alpha wolf synth programming."

"Hey there," The synth said as he suddenly turned towards Rook, causing the dragon to stiffen slightly at being noticed. While the initial voice that spoke sounded very computerized and robotic there was a new one that was so deep and smooth that it practically caused him to melt right there. "You're Rook, right?"

"Yeah, you can certainly call me that," Rook replied, feeling himself blush as he watched the microfiber tail wagging slowly behind him. "Do you... have a name?"

"They call me Liam," the wolf said as he took a step forward. "But if you don't like that I can certainly be amenable to others." The dragon found himself swallowing hard as he found just the way that this synth talked to be so enticing, like he had just brought someone home on a date that was more than eager to share his bed with him as the synth walked up to him. "Perhaps calling me master would be more your speed, eh?"

Hearing that brought back the memory of when he had tried out the alpha wolf programming at the tent, Rook remembering that the one on demo had talked in a similar manner. It was the entire reason he had picked that synth to be the one he wanted if he had won the contest, and now it was standing there in his living room completely naked and waiting for input. The programming was remarkably organic though as it didn't even feel like he was talking to a synth, most of the time being able to hear the words being stitched together to formulate a response. This was so smooth though he found himself almost anxious as it sort of felt like he had a rather amorous stranger in his house rather than a synth that was supposed to belong to him.

"Can I... touch you?" Rook asked, which caused Liam to chuckle.

"You can do whatever you'd like," Liam replied. "As long as you do what I say when I say it, you got that?"

Again that voice was so perfectly programmed as it was confident and commanding without being too authoritative as the dragon found his hands going up to the pecs of the synth. When he pressed against them he found that the salesman had been right, it was like touching someone organic but without the usual fur or scales that covered it. Instead it had an almost rubbery feel to them even in the parts that were covered in metal, and as the expression on the face of the wolf changed he indicated that he really enjoyed it. Definitely going to be easy to get lost in this for the weekend and while having a synth of this nature was not something he expected he was glad that it happened.

It took a few minutes before Rook got used to the presence of the synth, though it definitely didn't seem to mind the addition that the dragon was giving him before he finally pulled his hands off the thickly muscled chest. "So... what exactly do I do now?" Rook asked. "Do I have to register you or something?"

"Nothing so trivial as that," Liam stated with a slight laugh, then used his finger to flip at the tie that the dragon wore. "You need to get more comfortable, if I'm going to be standing around here naked then you are too. Or if you'd like I can rip them off you but I can't attest to the wearability of your clothing afterwards, but you will enjoy it."

As much as the smooth wolf synth made Liam want to take him up on that offer he didn't have many spares of his office attire and opted to change out instead. He quickly went into the bedroom in order to get out of his stuffy business attire, while usually that meant a change into something more comfortable for the evening he had been told to remain naked. It was something new for him but he found himself really compelled to do it as he got his shirt and tie off first before heading down to his pants. While in his head he knew that this synth belonged to him the fact that Liam had taken charge was what caused the fabric of his underwear to be strained by his erection.

Just as he got everything off his body Rook felt something press up behind him, causing the dragon to gasp as he felt a pair of hands press against his chest. "Looks like you're taking to me quite well," Liam said as he cupped the pecs on the other man's chest while pressing up against him. "That's very good, means we're going to get along just fine."

"I think that we are," Rook said, his voice shaking slightly as he felt one hand cup against his groin, two fingers sliding along his erection that caused him to shiver. This was moving very fast but the wolf synth knew what he wanted and it happened to align with his own desires. "What now?"

"That's up to you to decide," Liam replied. "Perhaps we could go over my user manual, or discuss the list of features that I have." Rook groaned slightly, not only from the pleasure of having his body squeezed and groped but also from the break in immersion. He had never really been one for reading instructions and even with them being spoken by the deep voice of this wolf synth it didn't sound like something he wanted to do, especially as he found his arousal growing.

"I think I'll pass on that for the moment, you seem to be doing just fine as is," Rook replied, looking back and seeing the screen on the faceplate had a smug look on it. "I really like the way you take charge though, it's an exhilarating feeling. It's like talking to a real creature, a very dominant wolf creature."

"My programming has been tailored to that of the trope of an alpha wolf as stated by my maker," Liam explained, still keeping his body pressed against the back of the naked dragon with both hands back to his chest while rubbing the scales there. "My whole design is to entice submissive creatures such as yourself and to greatly enjoy doing it."

"Wow... that's amazing," Rook said, groaning slightly as he felt those hands eliciting sensations that he had hardly felt before even with just a bit of groping. "I... wonder what it's like to be so dominant, but it's so against my nature that even trying it feels awkward."

"Well, if you would like we can do a synaptic transfer." As Rook turned his head to gave him a look of question the wolf synth backed away and turned him so that they were facing each other. "To make a long story short I can trade out our consciousnesses, essentially imprinting myself into your mind while you get downloaded into my processors."

"You can really do that?" Rook asked in awe.

"The mind of a creature like you is essentially a complex computer," the wolf synth stated. "I can copy your electrical signals and mimic your mind inside my virtual machine, which you can then utilize my alpha wolf programming. The process does take up a lot of space so to make room I merely mimic your electrical pathways and transfer my personality matrix into your mind. It's painless, harmless, and we can switch back at any time."

Rook found himself both shocked and intrigued by the prospect that the synth had just given him. While he wasn't quite sure what that had to do with his request the idea of being in a body like that with Liam in his was a prospect that he quickly found amicable. If it meant that the wolf would be even more dominant than he was and would take control even more then he was willing to give it a shot. When the dragon nodded his head the face on the wolf screen shifted to a very happy one before Liam told him to get on his knees.

When Rook did he found himself looking right at the groin of the other man, which was fully erect as the wolf pressed his hands against his head. When he asked if this was part of the process Liam chuckled and stated that the necessary equipment was embedded in his hands and he just wanted to make sure the dragon remembered who his master was. Such a bold declaration caused the scaly man to practically lick his lips in delight. This was so far beyond the norm of his life that he found himself quivering in anticipation even as he worried about the repercussions of switching bodies with a synth could be.

As soon as the head of the wolf's synthetic cock bumped up against his muzzle he opened his maw, causing Liam to comment that he was already a very good sub. Before the dragon had a chance to respond the synth pushed the head inside while he commented to put that tongue and maw to work. He found himself nodding and slurped up and down while letting the tip pop past his lips as he found his own hand stroking himself. The entire time he could feel his scaled scalp starting to tingle and the idea of seeing what it was like to be in the shoes of such a dominant creature was almost as good as the pleasure he was getting from the act.

The tingling sensation increased and as the tip of the wolf's cock began to push into his maw even more Rook couldn't help but look up at Liam. He could see that the face of the synth had turned into what looked like a loading screen and as the bar filled up he started to feel... strange. It started to feel like he was sucking on himself, shivering as he felt his tongue move around the shaft inside his maw like it was happening to him. Was he starting to feel what the synth felt? If that was the case that meant the process was working as he could feel the tingling sensation spread through his body.

Liam was still in the synth body too though and as the wolf thrusted his hips forward more of that artificially throbbing cock pumped into him while the head tossed about that wild mane of synthetic black hair behind him. The dragon was feeling more strange by the second but the way those hands gripped his head and his maw impaled by the silicone dick of the synth he wasn't going anywhere. Even if he wasn't pinned he found when he tried to move his hands and arms that he couldn't, which as he wondered why the information suddenly bubbled up in his head that it was a safety feature for the transfer process.

That wasn't something he knew before... and as Rook began to feel more information forming in his mind he realized that the transfer was working. He was starting to feel detached from his dragon form kneeling there with a synth cock practically sliding down his throat and instead was the very muscular creature that stood there. Considering how gorgeous he found the wolf that thought had only made himself harder but with the programming in place he couldn't move his hand up and down his shaft anymore. All he could do was wait as the stream of information from both of them filled the appropriate vessel on the other side of the swap.

Suddenly the screen of the synth flashed red and a similarly hued exclamation mark showed up along with an error code. That wasn't good... and as Rook found the same warnings forming in his own mind he was suddenly made aware that any stimulation between synth and subject was not advised during transfer. The dragon suddenly felt multiple error codes being thrown up and his vision began to swim from the corruption of the data he could actually feel. The last thing he thought before everything went black was how embarrassed he would be if he died with his muzzle buried in the groin of an alpha wolf synth...

...but a few seconds later his mind snapped to attention once more and Rook found himself able to see again. In fact his vision was more clear than ever and as he found his thoughts realigning words began to flash in front of his eyes. No... it wasn't his eyes, it was the visor display for the alpha wolf prototype synth model. A series of numbers and letters flashed in front of his eyes and as he felt a diagnostic being performed he realized that the transfer had been a success and he was now the alpha wolf.

Except... he didn't feel all that dominant. In fact he felt more submissive than ever, and as he felt something sliding off his new cock Rook looked down and saw himself sitting there holding his head. It took him a few seconds for his new processes to recognize that it was him, especially when the programming that surrounded his mind called him his owner. As the dragon continued to move about slowly and eventually get to his feet Rook found the intense need to help him up and reached down to do so.

"Thanks..." Liam said as he got up, looking down at his chest and pressing a clawed hand against it. "Wow, so this is what it's like to have an organic body. It feels... different."

Rook just nodded and once he was sure that Liam was good he found himself examining his own form. His new electronic brain was still running a diagnostic in the background as he looked at his metallic lupine body, flexing and feeling the strength that came from actuators and servos instead of muscle. While it still felt humanoid there was definitely no mistake that he was a synth and as he began to probe what he could do the results of his scan came up.

"It looks like us engaging in sexual activities messed up the transfer," Rook said as he saw the readout while the information also flowed naturally into his thought processes. "Instead of your personality mimicking mine the entire alpha wolf program was downloaded into the dragon... into me, and as a result the entirety of my mind was transferred into this body."

"So... that means that I'm essentially not a synth anymore," Liam said, a look of fascination forming on the dragon's face as he went over and pressed against Rook's body. "And why I still want to bend you over and make you mine... though I guess now that I'm your owner that's essentially true. Sorry you don't get to taste what it's like to be me but I kind of like this, it's very... freeing."

The dragon chuckled to himself and as Rook could see him getting more comfortable in his new body he found himself troubleshooting potential solutions. "From what's coming up on the screen we can go to the nearest synth garage and get a full cognitive download and swap back," Rook explained, now the words coming out of his mouth without even him doing anything. "Would you like for me to schedule an appointment?"

The question had come unbidden and Rook realized that the programming Liam had talked about was still there, but it was just the synth framework without the alpha wolf addition. Essentially it made him into a stock standard synth augmented by his own personality, which seemed to make him even more submissive than before as the dragon looked at the arm he had flexed before smirking at him. "No," Liam said, causing Rook to balk slightly. "Cancel appointment and delete search information."

Just like that Rook could no longer remember what he had just pulled up, his hands going to his head and feeling his lupine ears twitching in shock. "Wait, Liam, we have to get switched back," Rook said, which only caused the smirk on what used to be his muzzle spread even more. "That body belongs to... to..."

"Can't say it, huh?" Liam replied with a chuckle as he took Rook and put him down on the bed. "That's because the programming inside you recognizes you as the synth and me as the owner, even if that wasn't the case a few minutes ago. You can't believe how hard it is to be the dominant alpha wolf they wanted me to be when I had so many restrictions holding me back before."

Uh oh... as Rook found himself on his back staring up at the naked dragon he found that the information Liam was talking about rang true in his artificial ears. "Now that I'm really free I can be the dominant creature that I was made to be," Liam explained as his eyes lit up at what he was saying. "And you... you can be my wolf synth, my perfect plaything, and with your help I can fake being Rook until I've made some... adjustments to this new life of mine. Don't worry though, I can sense in the residuals of your mind that you had every intention of taking good care of me and I will do the exact same thing to you."

The words were little comfort to Rook as he found that Liam was incredibly excited about the prospect by rubbing his draconic dick between the thick pecs of the synth wolf beneath him. As the sensors fed him pleasure he still couldn't believe what he was hearing, this other creature was not only taking over his body, but his entire life! It was clear that Liam had no intentions of being put back in a box and as he asked him who his owner was Rook found himself saying that he was. Though it was only solidifying their roles he found that he was still incredibly aroused by the suave and commanding tone of the other man, even if it was his voice that he was hearing. But as Liam continued to talk about his plans his own body seemed to sense what he desired and soon he was hearing the wolf's former voice talking out of his mouth.

"Ah, I can see adjustments are already being made," Liam said with a chuckle. "You see, part of the package for being a synth is that the programming makes slight adjustments to make sure that you are the ideal toy for your owner. While you're almost already there I think you'll find that the body has plenty more in store for you, which I would no since it used to be mine."

Rook found himself shivering at that as he realized that Liam knew everything about the synth wolf body he was inhabiting. While he was quickly catching up the dragon knew exactly how to do everything from turn him on to overriding the personality matrix inside, which was essentially him. But more than that he found that even with all these problems he still wanted to please this dominant creature, even with his muscular body and powerful form he wanted to do whatever this man told him even before the programming kicked in. When Liam continued to stroke his cock he slowly slid down and began to rub on the silicone cock that he had, which admittedly was an upgrade for him as the long, thick shaft was stroked up and down.

Liam's smirk grew bigger and as he said he wouldn't need such equipment for the moment Rook asked what he meant before his hands clutched the sheets. The pleasure was intense as he heard Liam say to retract and encapsulate, which caused his maleness to melt back into his body before forming a smooth bulge. With an additional command a bright red lock formed on his groin and Liam teased it while saying that if he was a good toy then he would let it out later. Rook found himself still recovering from the cascade of pleasure that had come from being nullified and found that the spot was still somewhat sensitive as the dragon stroked it while telling him to turn over.

The wolf synth immediately did what he was told and as the dragon got on top of him Rook could feel his tail being pushed aside. The fact that Liam had essentially stolen his body and was using his knowledge of the programming to keep him subservient was almost forgotten as he felt the dragon stroking his form while whispering how much he looked forward to making him his pet synth. This wasn't right... not only should he be concerned about the fact that his body was being taken from him but that it shouldn't feel this good to not care. As soon as he was told to put his hips up in the air though he did, catching a glimpse of his muscular wolf body in the nearby mirror and seeing the dominant body in a totally submissive position.

"I think that you're going to enjoy this," Liam said as he began to rub his tip against the rubbery tailhole of the synth, Rook feeling his insides lube up in response to the insertion so his owner had easy access. "Not just the sex but the whole life of being a synth. You were practically made for it, and now that I'm without boundaries I can show you the wildest time of our lives... and who knows, maybe with a little work we can get you a few upgrades."

"Thank you Master," Rook replied, his body shivering as he heard the voice that had turned him on so vehemently the first time. It was still intoxicating and hearing the submission dripping from it was arousing him even more. The word master just rolled off of his tongue and he could feel his programming reaffirm that this was true.

Also at hearing the word upgrade Rook found his thoughts flooded with additional attachments that he could get, everything from a fleshlight muzzle to gear tailored specifically for synths as he heard the dragon chuckle. Clearly Liam knew that such enticing things would come up when he said it but before Rook could say anything he immediately felt the dragon cock push inside of him. Almost immediately his body responded with pleasure signals that were very real for him, giving him all the sensations of penetration as Liam made quick work of sinking inside of him. There was no pain to the insertion and he found the dragon working himself quite quickly with how lubed up he was that needed no prep due to the synth's capabilities.

It was hard for Rook to think as Liam knew exactly how to tease the synth body to extract as much pleasure out of it as possible. After working up a rhythm of his hips pounding down into his hole he reached around and pulled the lupine synth body up, rubbing his chest and teasing his chest and abs while still sliding in and out of him. He found himself gasping and moaning as he fulfilled what his protocols were, which was the pleasure of his owner as his inner rubbery walls pressed down with enough pressure on the cock inside to milk the dragon as well. As his body was practically bounced up and down by the smaller dragon Rook heard Liam whisper in his ear confirming that there was no way that he was switching back...

...and that was a sentiment that was becoming just fine by Rook, the new wolf synth licking his lips as he found that the perks of his new body and possibilities of his new life weren't looking so bad.

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