Influenced By Media

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Serathin is dealing with his Corrupted Timeline Syndrome and still trying to figure out what his new condition entails. He knew that desire aggravates his condition but not to what extent, and as he consumes some of his favorite media he doesn't realize just how much can influence him. A shapeshifter that transforms when horny and enjoys TF content makes it very, very hard for the hybrid to contain himself...

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It was a slow day for Serathin; ever since he had been diagnosed with Corrupted Timeline Syndrome his work consisted of physical and psychological therapy in order to help control his newfound shapeshifting abilities. While he found the fact that he could become whatever he wanted outside of his timeline hoping there were some significant drawbacks when it came to his normal life. He couldn't talk to anyone without turning into some version of them, often with his markings or at the very least his saber teeth. He had already been invited to a party to see what would happen if he was around a group of people and though the therapy was helping he still had to focus sometimes to keep his form.

The one instance where he was fine was when he was alone in his own apartment. Being somewhat introverted normally he would be fine with just lying on his bed or watching a movie, but that was usually after a long day of work where he had been consumed with his work. While his therapy was every day it only took up a few hours of his time and gave him the rest of his day to sit there alone. Fortunately there was no lack of things for him to do in order to pass the time as he decided to go to his computer and boot up a game.

With it being the middle of the day there was no one really on that he could play with, so Serathin decided to look into the store to see if there was anything new. His ears perked up when he found a new game that he had actually wishlisted had finally come out. It had to deal with being a member of a werewolf tribe that was looking for revenge or something, to be honest he hadn't really looked much at the plot of the game and was more interested in the mechanics. It featured some sort of power system where the more someone made choices that aligned with the primal nature of the werewolf would cause the character to change into one.

It was a slow burn transformation that Serathin was more than eager to try out as he purchased the game and booted it up. It was an RPG that featured character creation and while they were all human in nature he had enough alters in a similar nature that he could make one of those instead. Once he was finished he got started with the game and began to go through the usual gameplay. Though he always made more of a stealth or charismatic character the primal options required a direct approach, which was just fine with him.

A few hours later and he had gotten into core gameplay and his character had already started to change significantly. He was deep in the primal storyline and he could tell that his werewolf self was getting deep into the power tree that corresponded with it. He was getting close to the first major climax of the story and as he continued to play he found himself engrossed with the details. There was some sort of pack ritual taking place that would cement his role as the embodiment of nature and a conduit of pure primal power.

Though it was getting long past when he normally would have called it for the night Serathin found himself not getting tired at all. Had he been keeping track of the time he would have realized that he had not only stayed up way past his usual bedtime but he had also just missed his usual therapy. All his focus was on the game and he was finally getting to the really good stuff, his green eyes practically sparkling as he watched his partially transformed character reach the final ritual site. As he clicked on his mouse there was a slight tap from his claws that he hadn't realized were growing longer.

While he knew that he had to be careful when it came to talking to others Serathin's condition was rare enough that there wasn't much known about how external stimuli affected him. While he had been watching movies and playing games that hadn't spurred on his new shapeshifting abilities this was something he was particularly interested in and also had an avatar similar to his alt. It was also that horniness that was keeping him from realizing when he felt his shorts tighten slightly that it was more than just his arousal. With his character about to transform into a werewolf completely for the first time he found himself licking his lips while staring, unaware that his tongue was licking over sharpening teeth as his jaws crack slightly from lengthening.

Finally Serathin reached the cutscene he had been waiting for and watched eagerly as his character finally reached the first part of the primal ritual, which was also the part he was very much interested in. Since he no longer needed to direct the character he found his hands drifting downwards. These werewolves the game had created were very muscular and super hot, which only riled him up even more as he went down to his shorts and began to pull them down. He found himself beginning to pant as his cock flopped out as it grew erect while the flesh continued to redden and lengthen.

It wasn't until his headphones slid down from his head that Serathin realized something was going on. He had a specialized pair that made use of his horns in order to hold them in place and as they fell down towards his neck it not only broke his immersion but caused him to look down at himself. His gasp could be heard over the sound of the howling and snarling that was still playing out of his headphones while he saw his thickly-clawed hand stroking over his throbbing shaft. While he was a hybrid with lupine features his maleness was more draconic in nature, or at least it would be if it hadn't turned a bright red complete with a knot that was already inflated.

It was a clearly canid shaft and even with the changes he found himself unable to stop stroking it. In the back of his mind he remembered his therapist saying that sometimes those with CTS also adopted the instincts of what they were changing into. "Oh... oh crap..." Serathin muttered to himself as he could see his toned body growing bigger in his chair, reaching up with his free hand to grab his headphones and feeling his already long hair starting to thicken while his horns receded back into his skull. "Are you kidding me right now..."

Serathin's body clearly wasn't kidding him at the moment as a surge of pleasure nearly caused his hips to thrust up in the air. The cutscene had long since ended with the transformation of his character into a snarling werewolf man, but the hybrid was more concerned of his own changes at the moment as he pushed away from his computer desk. He felt his muscles tense up as his spine popped, which caused his back to arch as he could feel his fur thickening. As someone that had dabbled in the ways of the lycanthrope before this was not a new sensation for him except for the fact that it was happening to him while he was at the SHIFT Institute.

Though the rush was intense Serathin knew that he couldn't just change while in his apartment and as he brought his hands to his head he found himself trying to do the breathing exercises he had been taught. With every inhale though he felt his ribs popping and the more he clutched against his face the more he could feel his facial muscle twitching. While his head was mostly lupine in nature he wasn't just becoming a wolf; he had always preferred the monstrous creatures to the more mundane humanoid ones and that was feeding into his bodily changes. Even when he tried to hold his muzzle shut it kept stretching outwards, feeling his teeth growing sharper and larger while his saber teeth grew even longer.

This wasn't just a normal shapeshifting like he had experienced before, the changes were actually emulating the transformation of a werewolf like the one he had just seen. The hybrid groaned loudly and heard his voice lowering as he tried to get out of the chair that was becoming more cramped by the second and ended up falling forward. As soon as he landed on the carpet he turned over and landed on his back as he continued to grow taller, though his tail was actually shrinking as it became more lupine than draconic. The sensations were growing more intense by the second and as the changing creature writhed on the ground his legs thickened while the scales of his toes sprouted fur.

Paws... they were turning into proper werewolf paws as the talons pushed even further out of them. Though he didn't have the same killer instinct that came with such a transformation there was definitely a primal urge there, his body trembling as he grew bigger by the second. His growing hands practically dug into the carpet as his pectorals thickened and his stomach became more defined. With his back pushing out and his hips becoming thicker he grunted with each spasm of his midsection growing out his washboard abs.

"Fuck... fuck..." Serathin panted as he managed to sit himself up only to see himself staring down the shaft of his own cock. He had grown even bigger in the interim and was bobbing in time with his heartbeat as he managed to put his huge paw pads to the ground. "I should... tell someone..."

Though he had been told that he should call the clinic if he experienced any unusual shapeshifting Serathin's need was quickly outweighing his rational thoughts. Though he still had all his thoughts the shapeshifter had embraced the werewolf instincts enough that they were echoing in his mind. Plus as he brought up a furry arm and saw the muscle that had packed onto it he found himself growling in contentment. He was so... powerful... virile... and when as his new ears twitched and his green eyes practically glowed the black and purple werewolf found himself desiring something other than trying to revert back.

It didn't help that with it being the middle of the night he found the outdoors calling to him, his mind acting like a proper werewolf wood even with Serathin still himself. He had always been particularly weak-willed when it came to indulging in anything even remotely corruptive mentally or physically and this new snarling persona that he had shifted into was no exception. Plus he was still extremely horny and needed to use this new werewolf form, but the only problem was that his rational mind told him that no one would appreciate getting woken up in the middle of the night by a horny lycanthrope. Well... almost no one, and as a new thought came to the corrupted creature's mind Serathin just let out a howl before opening the window and pushing his way out into the open air.

On the opposite side of the SHIFT Institute campus is the Red File Room, an area where only the bravest or most fool-hardy work in the nastiest of scenarios. One of those creature was a black phoenix with glowing blue tips who walked out of the secured area and into the nearby woods. While Slypher normally just popped off into his own pocket dimension that had been given to him he had decided to go and see what was still open on the campus. There was also something in the air that he couldn't quite place, a scent on the wind that was familiar and yet tantalizingly different at the same time.

Serathin watched the phoenix making his way through the pathways of the garden, his nostrils flaring at the scent of his prey. Of all those that were around he knew Slypher was the only one that he could do what he was planning and not have to get into it beforehand. There was also a good chance that he could capitalize on the situation with his unique abilities. He continued to stalk along the path watching the phoenix make his way towards the most obscure part of the garden where he was certain they wouldn't be disturbed.

Slypher stopped as he got close to the fountain area and realized that he was being watched, though the sounds of the water wall that fell into the reflecting pool made it hard to hear anything as he looked around. When the phoenix didn't see anything however he just shrugged his shoulders, though as he looked back at the water feature he thought he saw something that caused him to pause. As his head tilted he watched in the reflection as a shadow moved around behind him before it quickly grew bigger. His glowing blue eyes widened as he finally made out what it was but could only spin around to face the werewolf before being pounced upon and knocked backwards into the nearby grassy area.

With his augmented strength it didn't take much for the werewolf to be on top of the phoenix, Slypher looking straight up at the snarling creature that had pinned him down by the shoulders as the thick claws pressed against his feathers. "Ah, fancy meeting you out here Serathin," Slypher stated with a smirk on his beak. "And in such a fine form as well."

"Glad you agree," Serathin snarled. "You still have yours from that incursion encounter?"

"Of course," Slypher scoffed. "Wouldn't want to let something so splendid be forgotten. Are you sure about this though, didn't they warn you that being with me or indulging in such things would aggravate your CTS?"

"Do I look like I give a fuck right now?" Serathin growled as he pulled back, sliding his furry rear down the lithe chest of the phoenix while his hands slid up behind the avian head. Before Slypher could say anything the tip of the werewolf's new cock spread open his beak, sliding several inches in all at once that caused him to twitch. "Make me howl."

If Slypher had a comeback for that he wouldn't have been able to say it as the thick werewolf cock pushed deeper into his maw. As the tip started to push into his throat the phoenix continued to buck up against the thickly muscled thighs of the werewolf, his back arching as those strong hands kept pushing him forward. It didn't take long before it was already starting to slide down into his throat and as it did he could feel the avian's legs kicking out from behind him. He could also feel his cock starting to harden and even with the muffled gasping and gurgling that came from Slypher or the avian's hands gripping against his hips while a bulge appeared in his neck.

To anyone that might have come across the scene they might have been concerned at seeing this drooling, snarling beast of a creature was throat-fucking the squirming man beneath him. Serathin knew better though; the phoenix had shapeshifting powers similar to what he was exhibiting with CTS and had long since lacked a gag reflex, which was apparent as he thrusted his hips forward and watched the outline of his cock pushing down deeper into him. He was playing into the role of his sexual prey, which only drove the werewolf further into his frenzied state. The devious phoenix knew exactly what he was doing and as Serathin pushed the beak practically against his groin he had started to feel something pushing up against his furry rear.

His lupine tail wagged in the air as the bucking phoenix and navigated his maleness to be up underneath the werewolf while his feathers started to soften and fray. The gulping of Slypher was quickly replaced with growling as they got to the second part of why Serathin had chosen the phoenix, seeing his beak start to morph and twist. As the tip of his bright blue cock began to push up into his tailhole it was also changing, becoming something similar to the one being pushed into his muzzle while teeth were forming on the edges. Even though he was becoming a werewolf as well Serathin had no intention of giving up his role, keeping the increasingly lupine head between his thighs while pushing himself down on the growing cock that was behind him.

Just like with Slypher's abilities Serathin was able to tweak his physiology to not only take the transforming phoenix inside him but used his muscles to clamp around them. He could feel the growing legs of the other man press against his back and by the time he had pushed himself down on the base he could feel a pair of blue-tinted paw pads sliding against the sides of his face. The avian digits had been replaced with soft, fluffy wolf paws that displayed remarkable flexibility as they rubbed against his own pointed ears. Serathin leaned back even more and made sure that his own cock, which had lengthened even while inside the werewolf maw and throat, remained deep inside Slypher while riding him.

The sounds of snarling and growling filled the air as Serathin's tailhole stretched around the knot of the glowing blue and black werewolf beneath him. Slypher's throat muscles were similarly squeezing around his shaft as his knot had pushed past the lips of the other man. With their initial lust frenzy dying down a bit and the two growing into a pattern of pure unadulterated sexual euphoria the purple and black werewolf found himself blinking a few times. He looked down to see that aside from Slypher's head was buried deep in his thickly-furred thighs but a bump had formed in his washboard abs that was the other man's cock inside him.

Slypher let out a snarl as Serathin grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled him off his throbbing shaft, both werewolves panting heavily. "You will tell no one of this," Serathin growled as he brought up the muzzle of the smaller lupine while leaning forward, his rear still pressed flush against the crotch of the new one. "You got that?"

"Of course," Slypher replied in a similar manner.

"I mean it," Serathin said. "Anyone knows about this and I'll never hear the end of it."

"Everyone knows you're horny for werewolves," Slypher exclaimed with a smirk.

"Exactly my point," Serathin shot back. "Now you're going to be a good boy and keep this our little secret, right?" Slypher quickly nodded and Serathin smirked before he grabbed him by the side of the head and impaled his maw back on his throbbing member. "Good, now suck... and if you make me howl I'll do the same for you."


A few days later Serathin laid back on his bed, letting out a sigh of contentment as he laid there. He wasn't in his hybrid form; after finding out that certain forms of media were able to trigger his CTS he found himself experimenting with specific characters. While his therapy focused on controlling his shapeshifting he found that when he talked to others he had the potential to transform into exact copies of them, but when not in their presence he couldn't mimic them again. The same was for game and movie characters, which with his computer paused he found that he was able to do something similar and laid there as an elf character he found particularly handsome.

The frozen screenshot suddenly disappeared and Serathin stopped stroking down his lithe chest when he saw he had gotten a message. Already fur started to sprout on his body once more and horns grew from his head when he got up and looked to see what it was. By the time he had gotten to his chair and sat down he was a draconic sabrewolf once more and clicked on the message to find he was invited to a small party. Serathin found himself biting his lip at the request... while his therapy had been going well he was still unsure if he could handle a group of people without having a potential flare-up of his CTS.

Despite that he found himself putting on his clothes and walking out onto the campus, heading towards one of the outdoor pavilions that was used for private gatherings. When Serathin walked inside he found that there were already a few people that were milling about. He found the host to be a tiger that he had worked with before, a rather handsome man named Daniel that he hugged upon seeing. As they started up a bit of small talk the last of the sun set and a fire had been built while the two sat down around it.

"So what prompted all this?" Serathin asked as he nibbled on the food that he had gotten earlier while the tiger did the same. "Someone get a promotion?"

"It's just something that we wanted to do to enjoy the night," Daniel replied, a grin forming on his face as he stroked the white and black-stripped fur on his chin. As Serathin nodded he began to feel a bit strange, putting his finger around the collar of his shirt as he began to feel warm. "This pavilion is really nice too, this far away from the main campus we have a great view of the stars."

Serathin nodded and found himself looking up, finding the night sky to be particularly beautiful. As his gaze was drawn towards the horizon he found his eyes widening slightly as he saw something that caused him to swallow hard. "Oh... it's a full moon tonight," Serathin said, trying to keep his composure as the night he had spent with Slypher was still fresh in his head.

"Oh yes, I heard that we're going to have quite the nice view of it," Daniel said, the smirk on his face growing wider as the other guys that had been milling about stopped what they were doing to look at the panting hybrid. "Reminds me of a movie I had just seen, one about a werewolf looking up at a moon like that and transforming at seeing it. Thank goodness we don't have such a creature about..."

Damnit Slypher... Serathin could tell that the tiger was goading him, but when he described the movie it played out clearly in his mind including that particular scene. "I... think I may have to go," Serathin said, though already his shorts were starting to tent as he could already start to feel his body changing. "Not sure what will... happen if I stay..."

"Are you saying that perhaps you're a werewolf?" Daniel replied, his knowledge of what was about to happen becoming clearer by the second as Serathin suddenly felt something clamp around his wrist. It broke him out of his trance and as he looked down he gasped in shock at seeing the bright silver cuff attached to his growing wrist. "If that's the case then you're going to need to be properly... contained."

As Serathin looked around he was stunned to see that the others had surrounded him with many holding similar shiny implements. Though he wasn't actually a werewolf the silver still correlated to weakness in his mind, which even as he started to feel his pectorals thickening, which he saw when Daniel had come over and pulled off his shirt, the strength that normally would accompany it wasn't there. The others had clearly come with a plan and it didn't take long before he found himself completely naked and with cuffs around his ankles and wrists that were attached to chains anchored to the ground. His growling had turned to a slight whimper by this point and when he looked up he saw that he wasn't the only one that was nude, the buff tiger staring down at him with a smirk while holding a silver collar.

Before the transforming draconic saberwolf could say anything a large horse man that stood behind him grabbed Serathin by the head and turned his gaze back up at the moon. They were clearly looking for something and as they kept whispering about containing the beast and subduing the werewolf he found his eyes once more locked on that silver orb. Between the plethora of images in his own head from decades of movies and games and how the others were acting he found his teeth sharpening and his muzzle expanding.

As soon as he let out a snarl Serathin found a strap slid into his maw, a makeshift muzzle being put on his transforming snout as he remained fixated. His body shook and quivered as he pushed back into a muscular, almost monstrous form that was popping and creaking with each growing muscle. With the silver on his body though he couldn't break free of the chains containing him and as the words whispered into his twitching ears emphasized there was nothing he could do to escape them. He had been turned from beast to pet and when his transformation to a big snarling beast finished his gaze was brought down from the night sky and to the groin of the tiger.

The chains rattled as Serathin's eyes glowed with a yellow light while his saber teeth shifted and retracted back into fangs. Though the others didn't know what that meant it was that the werewolf they had wanted completely subsumed the draconic sabrewolf. There was no Serathin for the moment, instead was the creature they had wanted as the tiger's cock was pushed into his restrained maw. Even though his personality was that of a corrupted beast he still had the memories from before and realized that the tables had turned on him from his last experience.

Serathin didn't have much time to contemplate it though as Daniel grabbed him by the straps and pushed in deep, looking over at the horse that had gotten the werewolf up on his haunches while stroking his own maleness. "Slypher was right about the silver it seems," Daniel said as he angled Serathin's head and began to plow into his throat. "Turned him into a right bitch."

"Yeah, it's just like the movies," the horse replied, letting out a chuckle as he brought up the furry thighs of the werewolf to push his own cock into the tailhole and saw the thick knotted shaft bouncing up and down. "Whoa, he's rock hard, must really be enjoying it."

"Yeah, the phoenix said he's a total slut for all things werewolf," Daniel stated as he watched the flared head of the stallion's maleness start to push in. "I wonder..." As the horse began to push into the creature between them the tiger looked around before he found a smaller wolf and pulled his cock out of Serathin's maw to go over to him. "Hey, you want next?"

The wolf nodded eagerly and as he was guided over Daniel nodded to another and made a motion that put them into action. As the tiger kept the smaller man distracted they carefully loosened the chains, causing Serathin to growl as his heavily clawed hands reached out towards them. The two quickly backed away to get out of range and once they were Daniel moved the wolf back around, his arousal apparent as he was guided over with a promise of getting blown by a werewolf. The tiger held back a snicker as he watched the other man get close, only to let out a yelp as Serathin reached forward and pounced on the man.

As soon as Serathin got the wolf on the ground his muscular body pressed against him, his lust-filled mind hardly recognizing that he was on top of his co-worker as he licked the other man's ears. The guy called Daniel a dirty trickster but that message was punctuated by a moan as he was penetrated, his furry cheeks quickly getting spread apart even as the horse did the same to the werewolf doing it. "This is getting to be a lot of fun," Daniel said as he had the others tighten the chains even further, pinning the wolf underneath the werewolf plowing into him while he retook his position while pressing his paws against their face. "Murray's going to blow his top though."

"Slypher said he'd take care of it," the horse chimed in before he groaned loudly as his cock sank deep underneath the wagging tail of the one in front of him.

"Even better," Daniel said as he slid his cock once more into the restrained maw of Serathin. "Perhaps after this we'll have to see what other media we can use to influence this one..."

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