Not Your Standard Encounter

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When a treasure hunter goes missing Kevin goes in search not only to try and find them but also what they were looking for. What he finds when he gets to the ancient ruins is more than he bargained for as he is attacked by a rubber drone horse. Unbeknownst to him the wolf found exactly what he was looking for as he finds out the fate of the treasure hunter by succumbing to it himself.

Commission for KevinJones

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The ruins of the ancient temple were normally quiet, not even the animals of the surrounding forest dared to make a sound within the grounds littered with stone blocks. It was as if nature itself held the place in reverence... or perhaps it was staying quiet in order to avoid the dangers that were within. With it being rather far removed from villages it wasn't a prime target for explorers and the lack of monsters meant that adventurers often didn't go there either. For most days the area was merely a dead zone, devoid of life and sound even while the sun shined down on the scattered remains of some previous and long past civilization.

But today was not most days; as the sun began to set the stillness of the forest the bushes that had grown over the perimeter of the entrance to the forgotten city rustled before being chopped down. As the leaves and branches fell it revealed a creature on the other side holding a machete. They were dressed in a cloak that was designed to camouflage them as well as help with the elements, but as he walked inside he pulled down the hood to reveal the head of a draconic sabrewolf underneath. It had been nearly two weeks that Serathin had been traveling and finally seeing the source of his journey right in front of him it caused him to breathe a sigh of relief.

Even though most explorers wouldn't bother to make a trip and most that heard of his travels explained that the ruins held nothing of importance Serathin had struck out anyway. He had heard of a few rumors that had caught his attention and as he began to research more on the area it made him even more intrigued to hear the legends of the place. While it was possible that he had just spent the last few weeks going on an extended camping trip the hybrid was willing to make the journey for the potential prize that laid within the destroyed walls and sunken pillars that surrounded him. Even the eerie sensation of stillness and quiet after being surrounded by forest sounds for weeks didn't deter him as he set up a small camp.

Once he had set up everything and eaten Serathin had intended to call it a night after traveling for so long, but he could feel his ears twitching and felt as though he could sense the treasure that laid within. Perhaps it was part of his draconic lineage but he had a nose for such things and while it sometimes got him in trouble it also allowed him to find things that others could not. He hoped that his streak would continue and grabbed his explorer's kit before scouting around to try and find a building or entrance. It was clear to him that no one had stepped foot in this place before him for a very long time as his bare draconic paws sank slightly into the soft loam.

With the sun starting to fade the hybrid knew that he wouldn't have long to explore before he would have to call it a night. The last thing he wanted to do was expend torches on stumbling around in the dark but as he was about to head back towards the camp he spotted something near one of the larger piles of rubble. It was a pocket of shadow that had a large stone partially covering it and as he went over to examine it he found that it actually led further down into a sunken building. As he looked back up over the rubble he mused that he was staring at the remains of the roof to a rather large structure, which was enough to rouse his curiosity to press further.

With the ground being rather soft it was actually surprisingly easy to push the rock aside enough for him to wiggle into the gap. Once he was on the other side he lit up a torch and pressed his way forward as his senses guided him towards the treasure that laid within. He could almost start to sense its presence within this place and after continuing to slide and maneuver his way through the partially collapsed hallway he managed to get past an archway. The second he no longer felt the claustrophobia of the rocks all around him the draconic sabrewolf took a second to regain his composure while looking around.

Most of the area was still shrouded in darkness, which told him that he was probably in the main chamber of this building. The fact that the sinking structure hadn't collapsed in on itself meant that this was a marvel of engineering, or perhaps there was some sort of magical effect that was keeping it sound. Either way it was something that inspired awe as he slowly walked forward until he finally found one of the walls. When the light of his torch bounced off the wall he found murals that depicted some sort of equine civilization that used to be here as he slowly walked down the entire stretch of the building.

It was hard for Serathin to gauge what the story was that the mural was telling but from what he could gather this was some sort of temple or palace. While the deity or king that they were worshipping was scratched out those that stood or bowed in reverence to them were all the same; the horses all rather buff men that were drawn without any features. There was also a few symbols that he didn't recognize like a glowing box and bizarre diagrams that looked like magical glyphs but with little rhyme or reason. As he got to the back of the large space his first torch sputtered and died, leaving the draconic sabrewolf in total darkness as he tossed the spent one aside and fished around for another.

As he attempted to light a second the hybrid began to see something glowing that wasn't anything that belonged to him. It was enough to stop Serathin from getting his flint and tinder out and as he carefully stepped towards it he found the red hue that had caught his attention was getting brighter. At first he thought it was his eyes adjusting to the light but the more he walked towards it the clearer it was becoming that whatever was there was reacting to his presence. By the time he got to the pedestal that was near the back center of the room it had illuminated the area around it including the rather large statue of a horse that sat behind it.

It was an artifact that was unlike anything he had ever seen before, the hybrid stepping up on the small set of stairs that raised the pedestal up over everything else. Was this what the ancient equines worshipped? It looked like some sort of red gemstone that had a cloud of shiny black liquid that swirled around it, never fully blocking the light and making patterns in the glowing light. Strangely there was no tingle of magic like one might feel next to a powerful object but as Serathin continued to watch it he found himself getting drawn closer to it with every second.

Soon Serathin found himself standing right up next to it, his fingers shaking slightly as they were pulled towards the object like it had its own gravity. Alarm bells were going off in his mind at this point as he hadn't even bothered to check for any traps or what kind of item this was, but they were quickly being silenced as the red gem continued to pulsate. Had he been able to see his own eyes he would have noticed that the usual green was slowly having red streaks introduced into them, swirling with the same spiral pattern as what was being produced by the black liquid. By the time he had realized that this thing was enthralling him with some sort of hypnotic power it was already too late, the only thing he could think of was grabbing onto this item.

When his hand reached for it the black substance stopped and allowed him to reach in unabated. At first that had caused him to snap out of it as the spiral disappeared but as it formed into an open sphere around the gem it reflected the corruptive red light onto him even more. His eyes were having a hard time focusing on anything as the red in his eyes began to pulsate in time with the gem he nearly had his fingers wrapped around. It was so mesmerizing... and as soon as he found his fingers closing around it the rubbery substance closed around it and suctioned around his entire hand.

The sudden change of scenery was finally enough to bring Serathin out of his trance and as he stood there in the darkness he could feel the gem being pressed into his palm. His entire arm started to tingle and almost immediately he knew that something was terribly wrong, though it was getting hard to remember what exactly was causing such a feeling. Standing there in the darkness he could still feel the warmth of the gem to remind him of what happened but as he tried to use his unaffected fingers to pull it away he found the coating had solidified. It was like trying to pull off some sort of rubber glove except the material had suctioned around his hand as he looked for a way out.

Despite the light source being gone Serathin was able to see well enough in the darkness in order to find his way back towards the collapsed tunnel. His sense for treasure in the area was gone and any desire to find more was being muddled by other thoughts as he crawled his way out. Even with his hand having some sort of rubber substance on it he was able to move more easily through the area and it didn't take long before he found himself squeezing through the tunnel exit and flopping down on the ground. As he looked up at the sky he saw that the skies were clear and that the moon had risen overhead, which gave him enough light to finally see what was happening to him.

Serathin let out a gasp as he found that the rubber that had encased his hand was spreading, crawling up the blue scales of his hand and starting to coat the black fur up to his first silver stripe. When he looked at his palm he could see that the gem was completely encased and as he watched it seemed to be sinking into the very flesh of his hand. But that wasn't the only changes though as he felt the muscles of his affected arm twitch, then swell and start to grow bigger. While he had a rather toned physique from his adventuring days the draconic sabrewolf could see that the muscle of his bicep and forearms were much larger as vein-like protrusions began to push their way up towards his shoulder.

What was happening to him... as Serathin tried to figure out what the artifact was doing another voice that wasn't his internal monologue seemed to chime in with the answer. He was being converted, processed, morphed into something that was hidden deep within the gem. Though the words like conversion and reprogramming were thrown around the draconic sabrewolf didn't understand any of it, but what he did know was that there was something in his head that was starting to mess with his mind. He usually considered himself the rather independent and willful sort, but as the rubber slowly crawled up his forearm and towards his shoulder other thoughts began to form in his mind.

As Serathin tried to make his way back to camp he remembered that he was nearly two weeks away from any sort of town or village that could help him with the situation he was in. Whatever he was infected or possessed with wasn't taking it easy on him either as he could feel the alien influence already starting to push up into his mind, though if he had taken a look at his glowing red eyes he would have realized just how much influence it had on him already. It was getting hard to think of anything though with the pleasure that was coming from his rubber-covered arm and as his muscles started to thicken it was making his tunic tight on his body. He found himself pulling it off and leaving himself completely bare-chested, though as he looked down at himself he found that even with the shock and panic that came from a strange magical artifact embedding itself in his body he could appreciate that he was looking good.

His chest was starting to look quite muscular and the longer he looked down at it the more he found himself entranced by it. Even as the rubber started to coat over his shoulder and drip down to assimilate the fur on his body he was more intrigued by how he looked. Without realizing it his self-admiration had caused him to grow even more aroused and he found his pants coming off next, letting his half-hard cock out in the night air. Even as his body began to look disproportionate with one muscular rubber arm and one regular one all he found himself focusing on was his own pleasures and desires.

A hiss escaped his lips as he found his corrupted hand starting to stroke over himself, the hybrid slowly succumbing to the pleasure that this new form was giving him. He had always wanted to be big, strong, muscular... and the fact that he was becoming a shiny version of it made it even harder to resist the alien thoughts that were running around in his skull. Tendrils of the substance had already crawled up his thickening neck and as he continued to stroke himself he was unaware of the tentacle that formed until it shoved itself right into his ear. The second that it penetrated into his head the draconic sabrewolf stumbled and fell to the ground, huffing and panting as the whispers that he had been hearing became full blown shouts.

The sudden jolt of this strange influence over his mind got him out of the rut of pleasure but when he tried to reach up to grab at the tentacle his hand merely remained affixed to his maleness. When he looked down he saw in the moonlight that the rubber had spread to his cock, causing it to become coated with the strange substance while also growing bigger. While he never considered himself to be small as his hips buckled and quivered while he tried to get on all fours it was mutating into something thick and long. The ridges that he had on the sensitive shaft due to his draconic influence were smoothed over and replaced with a single ring, and with a moan escaping his lips while the head flared out he realized what he was becoming.

It was a horse.

He was becoming a horse...

A rubber horse...

As the realization dawned on him it seemed to allow the corruption to spread even more, Serathin shaking his head as he attempted to regain control even with the alien substance pumping into him. His thoughts weren't merely being overshadowed by this entity but changed by them, transforming them into something different while still being seen as his own. It was hard for the hybrid to even focus though with the stimulation coming from his ears as the rubber seemed to slow at his head and instead continued down his hips and legs. It seemed whatever had attached itself to him was ready to make sure that this new programming being pumped into his mind would take hold as his maleness swelled even bigger.

Though it was hard to guess with his frame stretching and growing bigger Serathin imagined that he had surpassed the two foot mark on this new rubber shaft of his. The head of it was practically dangling in front of him as the muscles of his thighs swelled and grew shiny. His stripes had completely disappeared and most of his body had become covered as more tendrils were starting to crawl up his lower jaw. Though in his head Serathin resolved that this thing was not going to take advantage it was his own voice in his head that told him to just succumb and let this new power take hold. He could feel the strength in his new limbs becoming more intense along with the pleasure as his spine stretched and grew while he let out a moan.

The process was slow and insidious; every time Serathin had a thought that wasn't his own the rubber that continued to infiltrate his body rewarded him with a burst of pleasure. It was the same the more he identified with the equine shape that his body was becoming, his feet kicking out as the tendrils of the substance began to wrap around his draconic paws. As the substance started to stick between his toes and pull them together the rubber that flowed down his tail completely enveloped it and caused it to shrink slightly. The mass was pulled up to further swell out his new pectorals as the tip curved about and began to poke into his own shiny rear, causing the draconic sabrewolf to gasp loudly and throw his head back.

Submit... succumb... it was becoming harder than ever for the draconic sabrewolf to sort the voices in his head as his eyes began to shift their coloration. Red lines started to appear in the green of his irises as the tentacles in his ears pushed over and completely enveloped them, sealing in the alien programming that was coursing through his mind. There was no way to stop it, Serathin thought, and as his resistance crumbled he could feel his toes merging together and forming into a solid black hoof. Soon his concern became less about the corruption that was turning him into a muscular rubber horse beast and more of the pleasure that his transformation was causing him as he began to feel his snout changing.

The rubber had started to envelop his upper jaw and as his own tail pumped into him to keep him docile Serathin let out another grunt as his spine stretched to accommodate his new muscular physique. As his legs stretched out even more he was filled with new, perverse thoughts while he found his flexible body pushing forward. His increasingly red eyes widened as he found his arms moving of their own accord to stroke down his shaft as it was guided towards his maw, though his real surprise came as his tongue stuck out. He hadn't realized how corrupted his inner mouth had been until he found his tongue stretching out far past what it should and licking against the head while his lupine nose melted slightly into his shiny upper jaw.

Even though he knew that if he began to suck himself off that it was all over he found himself pulling close of his own volition... or was it? As thoughts of other rubber creatures began to fill his head the desires that had been stoked by this thing transforming him was too much. He found himself wanting... no, needing to become this creature, this drone that the power he had absorbed was turning him into. It had bled into every aspect of his psyche and as his rubber tongue was able to wrap around the shaft he found himself opening his mouth wider to take it in.

Or at least he tried to, but as his jaws stretched he found that his saber teeth had melded with his lower lips. With his mind succumbing his body was quickly following suit as the last of the fur and scales of the creature was disappearing underneath the rubber assimilating them. Whether this was some sort of entity that was corrupting him or merely the artifact that he had absorbed Serathin didn't matter to him anymore. Nothing did, as the red eyes of the creature were slowly being covered by the same substance they were practically half-lidded as he fed the first few inches of his own cock into his maw.

The pleasure was unlike anything that he had ever experienced before and with the hybrid completely enthralled more changes began to happen to his body. There was no longer any resistance as his biceps bulged and his forearms became larger, alien strength feeding into him just like his legs that were spread apart to allow the rubber tail deeper inside. The changes weren't just to his outsides either as a pair of tendrils pushed their way into the creature's increasingly equine nostrils, which with the large cock being pumped into his maw would have cut off his air supply except he no longer needed it. He was a monster... and as that sentiment echoed into his head the more it aroused him as his corruption became absolute.

For a while it felt to the transfixed creature like someone else was pumping its equine cock into his maw, but the more that he aligned himself with this new way of thinking the more he took control over his own body. Serathin was all but gone now, replaced with a muscular equine rubber drone infused with ancient magic from some species that either died out or were no longer around. Regardless the instructions that were imprinted on the mind of this new monster was clear; protect this place at all costs and create more like him to spread and conquer. The need for anything the draconic sabrewolf had was considered unnecessary as the rubber spread over his facial features completely and enveloped the last of the new horse.

With the new monster being reborn in the middle of those ruins the corrupted creature was given an orgasm as a reward for being molded and shaped by the artifact within. The first few blasts of rubbery cum went down into the throat of the horse but suddenly he had the urge to pull out. By this point most of his mouth save for the tip where he was sliding up and down his new maleness had completely closed up, and when he caught himself in the face with his own jets of new cum it seemed to get molded around his face. The few facial features that had remained on the draconic sabrewolf were wiped out with that climax, the head becoming nothing more than a faceless rubber equine version as the creature slumped to the ground.

For the rest of the night the rubber equine drone laid there, moonlight causing its synthetic skin to glisten as it remained motionless save for the occasional twitch of its body. Had anyone stumbled across it they would have thought it some sort of strange statue, especially since there were no eyes, mouth, nostrils, and it was perfectly motionless without breathing. But as the night began to set and dawn approached it stirred once more, the hooved feet pressing against the grass as the thick cock that laid on the washboard abs of the rubber creature began to twitch. It throbbed slightly as though becoming aroused but as the horse stirred more the shaft began to pull into the body, eventually sliding completely inside before the rubber sealed up and a bright red lock icon appeared on it.

There was no need for him to be exposed, not when there was no prey that it could sense as it slowly came aware once more. A similar lock formed on the smooth, blank face of the creature as the entity's powers were locked away. Even with no master to speak of this drone was still a slave to its programming, every order that was embedded deep in the mind of the transformed creature causing him pleasure upon being followed. With the drone finally getting on its feet it began to patrol the area, stopping at the camp he had stumbled across.

For a few seconds its sensors went up and an exclamation mark appeared on his face as it sensed the past presence of a creature, but then quickly went down when it identified the campsite. The owner of this stuff had already been transformed, the creature only vaguely aware that he draconic sabrewolf that all this belonged to was now the horse grabbing everything to clean up the site. As it remembered its own transformation it felt like it had belonged to someone else, and if he hadn't been locked at that point he would have started stroking himself with the thought of someone getting assimilated. Instead the guardian of this place had far more important things to do as the last remaining vestiges of the hybrid's presence were completely erased...

A few weeks had gone by and while the disappearance of the draconic sabrewolf had been noticed it was not uncommon for adventurers to go missing and never return. With him being as secretive as he was about his destination he became another that had fallen in the pursuit of gold and glory. While no one followed up with the hybrid the news that there was activity in the ruins of an old temple had started to get the attention of others. Usually when that happened it was either some bandits or another sort of entity looking to be cleared out or potentially some sort of artifact that was hiding in the area.

While most didn't bother with it quite yet considering the distance needed to travel there was one that was piqued enough to want to take a look. Kevin had been an adventurer for quite some time and was always looking for a challenge, which was why he often took jobs alone instead of looking for a group like most others. Though it was a bit riskier it also meant that he didn't have to split the spoils of his efforts and didn't have to worry about anyone other than himself. When the rumor finally made it to his white-furred ears he found himself taking an interest in it, especially as he gathered information and found that this was the same area where another rather prominent treasure hunter had disappeared.

Though he had never adventured with the draconic sabrewolf personally he knew that he often took after his draconic lineage and had a nose for powerful and expensive artifacts. If he had been sniffing around the area perhaps it was worth taking a look, especially since it seemed that competition for the job was rather thin. Despite most adventurer's being civil with one another sometimes if a claim was big enough there would be those that looked to try and poach the treasure from another, and often times was a group that was more akin to bandits than explorers. With no one taking the bait quite yet Kevin knew that he had an opportunity to get out there and figure out what was going on first, which even if he only came back wit the information of the activity going on would still net him a few gold to any interested parties.

A few weeks later Kevin found himself at the entrance to the ruins of the ancient temple. The wolf panted slightly as he took a few moments to recover from the exertion of his push to cover the last of the distance in order to arrive at his destination. Seems that those who had mapped out the area were spot on in the location, he thought to himself as he put down his gear and wearily scanned the area for any potential encounters. While he hadn't heard much some of the rumors of the temple was that there were monsters that had nested in the ruins, which was always a possibility and especially when the old gods were involved.

Upon his research for his trip he had heard that the temple was once a place of corruptive energies that was destroyed in the old wars. It would make sense given how far it was from current civilization and even though he hadn't heard of any artifacts that were in the area, the notes of those that had stumbled upon it even saying they had found nothing, the fact that it had lured Serathin out there was enough to support the rumors of ancient magic. He just hoped that he wouldn't succumb to the same fate as whatever might have befallen the treasure hunter as he looked around the area. It was possible that the hybrid had just found something and was sneaking it to the capital to sell it at a premium, especially since he didn't see any signs of the draconic sabrewolf's presence.

When nothing jumped out to attack him right away Kevin set up a small camp of his own at the outskirts of the temple and gave himself a breather. Last thing he wanted to do was charge into unfamiliar territory, especially with night approaching quickly. As he settled in to rest the only thing that bothered him was the lack of activity in the area that he could see. From what he had heard from the scouting reports they had just come back from a border patrol and thought they had seen some sort of shadowy figure lurking about, but from the cursory glance that the wolf had taken he saw no sign of any inhabitation of the area.

Of course ruins like this often had secrets underneath the surface, Kevin mused as he settled in for the night. Many cults often used these old underground ruins as places to try and summon their undead hordes or ancient demons while remaining a secret. He had been adventuring enough in order to see some strange things over the years and knew to always be wary even when things were quiet. As he settled in to sleep Kevin was unaware of just how right he was as something with a faint red glow to it looked at the campsite from deeper within the ruins.

The night remained uneventful for Kevin and when he woke up the next day he once more scanned the area while seeing if any of the traps he had laid bore any fruit. Other than a few woodland creatures that had come to investigate there was nothing that he saw out of the ordinary, which meant that whatever was happening was likely deeper inside the ruins themselves. That was just fine for the wolf though as he strapped his trusty blade to his side and prepared his gear for the day. Since he was in the middle of nowhere and didn't have to prepare for thieves he only brought what he needed for a few hours of exploration before heading into the ruins.

As soon as he got past the first few decaying stone structures he found the atmosphere to have shifted considerably. The air felt like it was heavy and when he listened for any activity he found that the birds and other animals have stopped making noise. Even the bugs were silent in this place and the longer he stood there the more ill at ease he felt. It was similar to standing on land that had been defiled by some sort of demon and wondered if this was the same kind of situation as he looked about for clues.

There wasn't much to be found upon a closer examination, at least nothing in the way of evil glyphs, markings, or other such sigils that would cause such a state. The one thing he did find was hoof prints that were rather fresh in the ground in an area that overlooked his campsite. Had someone noticed that he was there and preferred to watch then say hi? Given the depth of the tracks and their movement it was likely someone that was equine rather than riding a horse and that they were a rather large and heavy creature.

Considering how recent the tracks were they were probably still in the vicinity of the ruins and that was enough for Kevin to slowly draw his sword. As he looked around for any other sign of what creature could have possibly been stepping around there was movement that caught the corner of his eye, but when he turned to face it he found himself staring at shadows. It was more than just the paranoia that came with being in a potentially infested area, the wolf could sense that someone was watching him. Whatever it was had enough intelligence to not just blindly attack him but if this thing had caught his scent then he needed to make contact and potentially dispatch it.

When there was no other sign of movement Kevin decided to warily continue his investigation of the area. He kept his sword drawn but at his side to conserve energy as he looked around for a potential entrance to these ruins. None of the information he had gotten had marked out an opening and the scouts had never even got close enough to these lands to check it out themselves, which meant he was just idly walking about looking for something. As Kevin stopped and leaned against the rock to take a drink of water the one thing he did find in plenty were more of those hoof prints.

It was clear that this thing was circling him but keeping a distance as Kevin put his canteen back. Perhaps it was trying to tire him out, or just making sure that he didn't go somewhere that he didn't belong. Either way it was starting to draw the wolf's ire and as the sun began to sink down towards the horizon he couldn't risk sleeping another night out here. He needed to draw the creature out or head back into the woods and hope that it didn't follow him.

After a few minutes of thought Kevin had an idea and took out his torch kit. If this entity was protecting the ruins then he would have to do something to draw a response, and while he didn't like getting off on the wrong foot he needed to facilitate a meeting before fatigue took him. "To the creature that has been following me all day," Kevin said as he lit the torch, the light of the fire causing his armor to gleam even more as he held it up. "If you don't come out now and face me then I'm going to burn what's left of this temple to the ground."

As Kevin stood there silently he was greeted with only the soft breeze that caused the fire to flicker, but as he waited for a response he finally saw the creature that had been stalking him all this time. The wolf nearly dropped the torch when he saw the visage of the being who had stepped out into the sunlight, the blank equine face glinting in the light of the setting sun with a red lock emblazoned where the eyes should be. The being was completely unnatural and nothing he had ever seen before; the heavily muscled stallion looked like a shiny black statue but moved easily as it started to circle the wolf, which caused him to bring up his blade. While not exactly a monstrous creature this entity looked very powerful and as it brought up his thick arms a pair of sharp-looking blades morphed out of the rubbery material on his forearms.

Kevin quickly tossed the torch to the side and leapt towards the creature with sword drawn in the air while letting out a battle cry. The rubber horse guardian quickly brought up his arm and blocked the attack with his own blade before parrying to the side as the lock symbol on his head changed to an exclamation mark inside a triangle. This creature was fast, something that the wolf had not expected with how bulky his build was. But those muscles weren't just for show either as he swung his arm around in retaliation and as Kevin ducked down it hit the remains of a small stone pillar and caused it to fracture. Getting hit by this thing at all was not advisable even with his armor as Kevin went up for another lunge.

The two traded blows for a few minutes and while Kevin found himself connecting at several points they were usually glancing shots. As soon as his blade sank into the rubber even a little it seemed to reform again, and with the stamina that this creature had it was quickly wearing him down. The wolf soon found himself panting as he found himself getting knocked to the ground by a body blow. When he attempted to get up and go for the leg of the horse he caught an elbow to the face and spun around before hitting the ground.

Even though Kevin found his vision spinning and something wet dripping from his nose he attempted to scramble to his feet, only to feel the blade slide up against his arm. This was a killing blow, he realized, but as the horse swiped upwards it merely cut off the bracer that he wore. With another quick move he found his other bracer cut off while the rubber hoof smashed against the ones on his legs to knock them off his body. The cuts that were made to his armor were precise to the point where it hadn't even cut the fur underneath as he tried to make a grab for his sword only to be brought down with a hoof on his back.

It was clear that this creature didn't intend on killing him, especially when he grabbed him by the longer fur on his head and practically pulled him up to his knees. At this point the wolf was just down to his loincloth as the rest of his armor had been stripped away to reveal his own rather toned and muscular form. There was a moment of pause and as he wiggled there he still saw that one of the blades of the stallion was out and pointed right at him. as he attempted to lick the blood that was coming from his nose it made him wonder if perhaps he was wrong about what the creature wanted and he was about to be executed right there.

Though he felt the blade grace his throat there was no cutting action, at least not yet as he felt the stallion lean towards him while still holding his head. "Submit," the creature said, his voice almost impossibly deep. "Or perish."

"Well... when you put it that way..." Kevin said before wincing when his head was pulled back slightly. "Alright, I submit!"

"Your surrender has been accepted," the equine said, pushing Kevin back down so that he had to catch himself as the wolf panted. "You will follow me down into the ruins, any attempt to escape or fight will be met with termination."

Kevin just spit the lingering blood out of his mouth and nodded, though as the horse turned and began to escort him somewhere he couldn't help but look at his tattered armor and his sword. But as he began to move as well he also felt the pain in his chest from what was likely a bruised ribcage and decided against going for it. The horse creature had spared him but he knew that he could have easily just killed him and been done with it, and probably could still do so without even a second thought. He had lost when he was fully armored and in good health, Kevin thought to himself as he started to walk behind, at this point he needed to see what this creature had in store for him while waiting for an opening to escape.

As Kevin was brought to his feet he found the other creature putting his hands around his wrists, and when they pulled back he had a pair of shiny black cuffs that were around them. The horse pushed them together and once they touched he couldn't pull them apart once more. What sort of sorcery is this.. as the wolf tried to wiggle them a bit to see if he could get out of them it was like they were fused to his fur. It also prompted that exclamation mark to appear on the rubber stallion's face and it was enough to get Kevin to stop.

The horse gestured for Kevin to walk forward and then followed behind, directing him where to go throughout the maze of stones. With the adrenaline from the battle wearing off he found himself aware that he was being led through a potentially dangerous place in just a loincloth with a bizarre creature leading the way. While he was thankful that he hadn't been killed he wasn't sure what was in store for him, could it be some sort of cult that had taken up residence in this place? Or maybe some sort of planar breach that had caused this creature and potentially others to come through?

Kevin didn't feel much like talking though with the pain in his chest still throbbing and more than once brought his hand to wipe the still trickling blood from his nose. Whatever this creature was it was either a powerful warrior, enhanced by dark magics, or both. He had never seen anything like the way this thing fought and if he could just find a way to escape he could tell everyone about it. Though many wouldn't believe him he was sure he could find enough mercenaries or hunters that would be intrigued enough to try and capture this particular quarry.

Once they had gotten to a building that was partially sticking out of the ground Kevin was told to stop and stay still before the horse went over to a huge boulder. The rubber equine moved it with surprising ease and as the wolf watched he noticed something that was hanging from the man's side. His sword... if he could just somehow get a hold of it and cut himself free he might make it out, but there was no way he would be making a move in his current state. As the entrance was exposed to him the stallion once more gestured for him to go forward, an arrow on his visor pointing in the same direction as the opening that the wolf obliged.

As Kevin started down he could see that there had been recent work done to open the entrance of this place up more. The smell of fresh dirt and clay was in the air and as they went down he could see strange flames burning that illuminated the area. Whatever magics this creature had access to were very powerful, but there was still no sign of this entity's master. Perhaps he was the one that was running everything... but while he was a very intimidating figure this rubber horse still felt more like a guardian than someone running this thing, but perhaps the silent sentinel was feeling a bit chatty with his conquest as they went further into the ruins.

"So what is this place?" Kevin asked as he continued to walk. "What are you?"

When the wolf looked back he saw the bright red lock icon on the blank visor that made up the creature's face. "Not much of a talker, huh," Kevin continued to speak, using the talking to also try and get awareness of where the man was in relation to him. "I think as your captive I have a right to know what's about to happen to me."

"You'll see soon enough," the horse replied.

"So it does speak," Kevin stated as he found himself being led into another part of the ruins, this one a much larger room. "Can I at least get your name?"

There was a moment of pause as though it took a second for this synthetic stallion to think of something, the wolf eventually stopping as he turned back to face his captor. "Such designations are unnecessary," the horse said as he stepped forward while something formed in the palm of his hand. "Not that it matters anymore but this one used to be known as Serathin, but he has accepted his new role just as you will. We are the Herd."

Kevin found his heart skipping a beat as the wolf immediately went into a defensive stance at what he heard. This was the treasure hunter that he had followed the path of... what dark arts could have turned him into something like this? But it was the other part that had gotten his fur up as he saw that the rubber growing in the palm of the stallion's hand had turned to a very similar equine mask, except that it had a pair of lenses for the eyes instead of the large visor that took up most of Serathin's face. As more of the shiny goo dripped out from the edges of it Kevin realized that his time was up; either he escaped now or the same fate would befall him.

Since his weapon was still out of reach and he was still banged up from their last fight Kevin did the only thing he could think of and turn to run. Once more the stallion was incredibly fast and strong as he found his feet quickly being lifted up into the air as one of those muscular rubber arms picked him up by the chest. Though he kicked out a few times to try and get free the only thing that happened was his loincloth became undone and fluttered to the ground. Being naked was the least of his worries though as the same exclamation mark and triangle flashed on the face screen of the stallion while he held the wolf in place. Even in his injured state Kevin continued to struggle but it was clear this creature had the advantage of him as he was held with one arm while the other brought the fully formed horse mask up to his face.

Kevin let out a gasp as he felt the liquid rubber that was inside of the object drip down onto his chest, coating his white fur with the black substance as it was moved towards his face. He tried to pull back and away from it but only ended up feeling his head press against the chest of the muscular horse creature. With the goo practically dripping down his chin at this point the lupine muzzle of the warrior began to disappear within the confines of the mask. Just as it was slid over his face Kevin suddenly found his mouth spread open, letting out a grunt that quickly became muffled as a tentacle that had formed on the inside pushed into his maw.

Even with the mask on his face Kevin continued to try and get away from the horse, and much to his surprise he found himself being put down on his feet. The second that he was let go his hands shot up to his head in order to try and pry it off but when the guardian had pushed it onto his face the gooey substance within practically molded itself to his face. It felt like it was practically suctioned onto his head and after a few moments of struggling let out a gasp as he gave up. With the lenses of the mask completely black he couldn't even try to run, but as he could feel the tentacle starting to press up against the confines of his muzzle and down into his throat they began to lighten on the tint.

It took a few seconds before Kevin found that the one known as Serathin had knelt down on one knee and was looking directly at him. The symbol that was on his face had once more changed and as a swirling red spiral appeared on it there was a similar one that appeared on his face. He could feel something pushing up against his ears and as the shiny substance flowed over them he began to hear a voice in his head that wasn't his own. Part of the Herd... it was the same words over and over again and as the rubber starting to drip down his neck merged with what was spreading on his chest his lenses began to glow with a purple spiral on them.

No... Kevin could feel something happening to his mind, but as his thoughts turned to running the voice in his head asked him where he would go. He knew nothing of the ruins and even if he got outside the mask was still attached to him, molding and morphing the wolf into something far better as a surge of pleasure accompanied the voice in his head. It took him more than a few moments to realize that the alien creature speaking to him sounded similar to the one that was in front of him, but this one had far less of a monotone and sounded far more devious in his mind. It was getting hard to think though... between the voice and the spirals he was starting to lose track of his thoughts to escape while new sensations began to bubble up.

When his vision finally cleared enough so that he could see Kevin noticed another change that was in the equine creature kneeling in front of him. The lock that had been on the bulge of his groin was gone, replaced with a thick rubber stallion cock that was already twitching and throbbing. As soon as his gaze went down towards it he found himself fixated, his own sheath starting to fill out as a few strands of the liquid corruption dripped down on the head peeking out. He could feel something happening to his head but it was getting hard to figure out what, especially as he continued to find that red spiral of the other creature filling his already tainted vision. Just relax and join the Herd, the voice continued to tell him as he felt the tentacle in his maw get joined by two more that pushing into his nostrils, let your thoughts become one.

Though Kevin continued to try and fight the corruption that was pushing into his mind the spirals were doing their work, pushing the transforming wolf's focus onto them as the voice kept wearing down his mental faculties. As his chest was completely covered by the rubber and he felt his upper arms following suit the assimilator in front of him began to rub his hands up and down the affected areas. He wanted the wolf to feel good, Kevin mused, wanted him to enjoy the sensations of those rubber hands stroking along the increasingly sensitive areas of his flesh. It wasn't just his outsides that were being converted either, as soon as that tentacle pushed down into his throat the momentary stretching of his flesh was replaced with a warmth that continued to spread downwards.

As the goo dripped down to his hips his already coated hands twitched with the alien sensations that came from them, especially when the hand that had been groping his partially covered body got down to his groin. Even though it was only partially covered what had dripped on his rapidly hardening shaft was smeared over the sensitive flesh by the rubber stallion corrupting him. The already fragile mental barriers that the warrior was putting up had started to crumble even more as the sensation of rubber on his cock was better than anything he had ever experienced before. The more the shiny substance pooled around it the more he could feel something happening down there, the wolf's canine shaped member becoming more like the equine one that was pressing against his thigh.

A purple aura began to fill the air that Kevin could see as the powers of the corruption stallion were manifesting on him, feeding the wolf pleasure that was being attached to his new body. As several drops of rubber splattered on his toes he could feel it coating over them, merging the digits together as the psychic power of this creature grew stronger. The warrior tried to fight it but the voice told him that he would still be one, that his strength and prowess would only grow more unmatched with the power being given to him. As a drone of the Herd he would have the potential to not only protect the herd but also help grow it as he served the one that assimilated him.

With his mouth sealed and everything save his lower limbs covered with the rubber it was hard for Kevin to resist what was being said to him. Even if he could talk he would find himself at a loss for words as those purple spirals did more than fill his vision. The alien intelligence in his mind was filled with images of rubber horses just like the one that was in front of him, showing him the lust and pleasure that would come with his new body. With his focus on his increasingly thick rubber cock being stroked all that information and data being imprinted on him was going straight into the deep recesses of his corrupted mind while Serathin shifted him around and sat down.

One of Kevin's feet had already become a rubber hoof as his legs were suddenly brought up into the air, his smooth back pressing against the thickly muscled chest of the one that was transforming him. Though he couldn't see it the hypnotic power that came from Serathin was still molding and sculpting his mind, taking the warriors thoughts and morphing them into desires to use those abilities to serve the herd. While the wolf was still there the encroaching corruption was making it hard to not see himself as the rubber stallion he was becoming, especially as he looked through his tinted lenses and saw the black goo dripping down the last of his white fur while the rest of his body was covered. The lupine toes he still had twitched as he could feel the goo starting to drip past his paw pads to coat them while the thick cock underneath him began to shift upwards.

Already the pleasure was almost too much for Kevin to handle and as he thoughts were manipulated more the feeling of the flared head against his tailhole was almost too much already. He couldn't hold on... the wolf was disappearing under layers of rubbery pleasure all while the one behind him continued to condition his mind. Even his memories were starting to get changed, the white wolf cleaving down swarms of enemies becoming a muscular rubber stallion drone. That was him, his own voice started to chime in with the one that had been echoing in his head, he was a part of the Herd.

One of the last thoughts Kevin had was that he had just lost again, this time mentally as his purple eyes began to crane upwards to see the similarly colored tendrils of power floating around him. Once the mask had been put on the creature behind him knew that this one would succumb to him, that he would break just like he had to the power that coursed through his veins. As the conditioning continued the corrupter was about to get his reward and break in the new stallion fully as his cock began to sink into the smaller man. Even though Kevin had gained a significant amount of muscle from his equine transformation the one behind him was still much bigger, which was also reflected in the heavy shaft that was spreading open his synthetic insides.

As the penetration continued Kevin found the fingers of the one behind him slowly stroking against his head, keeping the equine muzzle of the mask pointed down to look at himself. He wanted him to watch, Kevin realized as he saw the last of the white fur of his legs being covered in the gooey rubber, he wanted to make sure to show him that every last vestige of his lupine nature was gone. His hoof and paw feet continued to dangle in the air as he saw the rubber start to cover the latter. His legs quivered as he could feel the digits merging together, morphing them into a shiny rubber hoof as the concept of being a wolf was scrubbed mentally as well as physically from his mind.

He was a rubber stallion drone, a warrior of the Herd that would protect this place. Kevin's mind couldn't feel his lupine snout in the mask anymore, there was no mask as his own horsecock began to throb in time with the one inside of him. He had been converted, corrupted, and his new body was soaking in every moment of pleasure that the one behind him was giving. With his new anatomy it didn't take long for the impressive shaft of the drone guardian to slip entirely inside of him and start to stretch out his new shiny stomach. It only further solidified the fate of the one in the lap of the bigger horse drone as the spirals of the mask and the lenses of the two synced up as well.

Soon the only thing that could be heard in the ruins of that ancient civilization was the sound of squeaking bodies as the muscular rubber horse drone continued to have his gut stretched upwards. The pleasure was so intense that the rest of the programming that was soaking into Kevin took root deep in his mind. His attention was solely focused on the outline of the cock sliding in and out of his tailhole while he took the lead from the bigger creature. Though the two were part of the Herd the new drone knew that the one who created him was a leader as well as a guardian for their lair while he would serve as a scout, someone not only to protect the Herd but also go out and bring others into the fold.

More information flooded Kevin's mind as the air grew thick with the purple miasma of power that was transferring from one to another, seeing in a vision that the race of creatures he had been converted into were once part of an ancient civilization. They had been owned by another, someone had created this power to drone all those that were a part of this city in order to turn them into an unstoppable army that would take over the world. The entire plan was called The Stampede, but something happened that wiped out not only the drones but their owners as well along with the ability to make more.

All save for one, hidden deep inside these ruins waiting for someone to claim it. The draconic sabrewolf turned horse drone had unknowingly stumbled upon the seed of the horse drone and it had grown inside of him, corrupting the creature into the one that was plowing into the warrior he had captured. Though the owners were long since gone and there was no means to revive them the Herd had no intentions of being owned by another, as the purple eyes of the new drone turned solid purple there was new purpose instilled in them.

This time once there were enough drones in the stable the Stampede would happen for a similar reason, but with far different implications...

Eventually the bigger stallion drone finished the conversion and the swirl disappeared from his face mask, once more returning to the locked state as his cock retracted into his body to a similarly marked bulge. The two muscular rubber stallion drones continued to press together for a while as he bonded with his newest member of the Herd, but the one designated as Serathin knew that there was much work to be done and slowly got up. The new drone practically slid off of his lap and as Kevin stumbled onto his feet he could sense the new strength and power that he had been gifted. The injuries sustained in the fight were all but gone as his weak form had been upgraded, his own maleness retracting into his body until it formed a shiny bulge just like the one in front of him.

There would be no need to lock this one up though; even with the safety protocols being a thing in the past they were still respected as the first stallion took the sword that he had set aside and picked it up once more. Kevin merely stood there waiting for orders, sensing the power that they shared between them as he watched the other drone slowly run his palm down the blade. Just like with his formerly lupine form the creature corrupted the blade and turned the polished metal a deep black color that dripped with ichor. It was a blade infused with their essence, a means to help facilitate the capture of others so that the Herd may grow.

Kevin knew this instinctively that he would be responsible for getting others back to this place to be converted. While his blade and his body carried the essence of the Herd it didn't have the same transformative properties, though he could instill a temporary means of capture it would only be enough to get them back to this place. With Serathin being the seed that would sprout a new stable of horse drones he had to be moved somewhere unobserved, the adventurer side of the new drone kicking in to think of a means to do so. With the power of the ancient essence and his knowledge the former wolf warrior knew of a means that they could get exactly what they wanted as he gripped the hilt of his corrupted blade...


Several weeks passed and just like with the treasure hunter news of the lone warrior disappearing in the woods around the ruins had quickly devolved to rumor and speculation. The fact that these supposedly empty structures had claimed the lives of two experienced adventurers had started to cause whispers among the communities. Was there something there that had lured the two in and caused their demise? There were many that didn't want to find out, though a few had considered making an expedition out there the lack of proof had prevented any serious inquiries into the area.

The idea of a threat in that area had caused the trade road that was nearby to dry up however; between the two disappearing and the appearance of a strange creature seen by scouts it had made a lot of superstitious and overly cautious merchants to take alternate travel means to ferry their goods from city to city. For the tiger driving his cart however that was not an option he was willing to take as he drove his large cart laden with goods for the nearby town. Having perishables on board time was of the essence and he couldn't afford the spoilage that would come with the extra days. Instead he took the opportunity to hire a few guards to escort him through, the coin not wasted already as they had repelled a bandit attack with ease that he would normally have to run from.

As they were getting through the thick forest darkness began to encroach them and the tiger frowned at the timing. The attack had put them behind and instead of getting to the other side of the forest by nightfall they found themselves right in the middle of it. The trail was a dirt road worn by the passage of others so roots and rocks were common, which meant he would either have to make camp or go slow enough that it would probably take the entire night to get through anyway. He opted for the former and while he could see his hired hands glancing around warily at their surroundings the merchant stated that it was a much bigger risk to lose a horse than get attacked out there.

As the road got darker the tiger continued to try and push as far as he could, but as they got around a bend in the path there was something in the road that caused the horses to stop. At first the merchant couldn't even see what was there but with the guards lighting torches the light reflected off the shiny equine form that stood in front. Upon seeing the figure in front of them the guards took out their swords and told the merchant to get into the cart. For a few moments the tiger was paralyzed by those glowing purple eyes but as the bull that lead the small group smacked the side of the cart to snap him out of it the feline dove into the relatively safe space while the guards approached.

It had been the same as the bandit attack, but this time the creature they were going up was almost otherworldly as the tiger ducked his head. He could still see the strange entity in his mind's eye, those glowing eyes framed by the rubber equine snout that reflected it. The merchant had been around enough to know what a warrior's pose looked like and as from the muscular build of the humanoid man and the way it held that sword that dripped with black goo he was one. It was unlike anything he had seen in his life... though as he thought to himself he remembered the scout account of the strange creature that had caused him to hire security in the first place.

The sounds of fighting could quickly be heard as the bull that had ordered him back into the cart started shouting commands. There were four in his company and only one creature, but considering how unearthly it looked there was probably some sort of magic behind it. It was too intricate to be a machination of bandits but that only made the alternatives even more terrifying as the sounds of swords clanging together and armor being rustled could be heard. The tiger didn't know how long he spent cowering in his cart but eventually the sounds outside quickly died down, which caused the feline to slowly look up at the entrance to the cart to hopefully see his guard captain.

For a few moments the air was completely still as the view from the cart remained only the darkening night sky, only for the feline to jump when he suddenly saw the black rubber head of the equine fill the view. "No! Wait!" The merchant shouted as the stallion opened the door, its hooves clopping on the wood as the cart shifted with the weight of his body. "Whatever you want you can have, please, just take it!"

The horse drone just looked at the merchant and tilted his head, which was when the tiger realized that there was no mouth on this creature. It was just a smooth expanse of rubber that was molded into an equine snout and as his eyes traveled down he couldn't help but notice that he was also completely naked. His attention was more towards the sword that continued to drip the strange liquid onto the cart and as the tip was held up towards him the other hand of the creature motioned for him to exit. Perhaps he was getting out of this with his life... when the tiger realized what was being asked of him he quickly nodded and put his hands up while practically jumping out of the cart.

When he got outside the merchant's eyes widened; the light of the scattered torches revealed that three of the men were slumped over on the ground, the exposed parts of their bodies completely covered with the same shiny black material that made up the horse drone. He could see they were still alive from the way they squirmed about but their hands had been pulled behind their backs and their fingers seemingly fused together along with their legs. The only one that he could even recognize still was the bull who sat against the wheel of the cart, his shiny fingers held against a black-stained cut in his armor as a similar goo leaked out from his mouth and nostrils.

Any pretense that it was potentially blood quickly went out the window as the shiny black liquid began to creep over the lips and muzzle of the bovine. When the guard captain saw the merchant he tried to say something but when he opened his mouth the rubber stretched out over his maw, quickly snapping it back into place as it spread upwards. As the merchant watched the terrifying sight his first instinct was to run, but before he could even think about it he found the heavy hand of the horse drone clasped on his shoulder. With nothing he could do the tiger merely watched as the rubber coated over the face of the bull just like the others, smoothing out his features until it looked like he was wearing a rubber mask as he began to squirm about just like the others.

Was the creature showing them this as a warning, perhaps the punishment that was in store for him if he should run? The tiger found himself practically trembling as he wasn't sure what to say or do in order to get out of this situation. With his guards so easily dispatched there was no way he would be able to do anything, and even if he could run he gathered that he wouldn't last long stumbling about in the darkness of the woods. As the drone continued to stand there silently however there was more movement in the dying light of the torches and as an even bigger, more muscular rubber stallion came out from the other side of the cart the tiger dropped to his knees in shock.

Once more the only thing the merchant could think of doing was begging and pleading not to die as the other drone continued to stand behind him, but as he continued to whimper he found his bowed head being tilted back up. Initially when the feline had saw this new entity there had been an exclamation mark in a triangle on his visor, but now it was a red spiral that spun in front of him instead. At first he wasn't sure what that even meant but the more he looked the harder it was to turn his head away from it. It was like the spiral continued to draw not only his eye but his focus to the center of it and it wasn't long, at least to the tiger, before he knelt there with his arms hanging limply from his sides and his mouth hanging slightly open.

When it was clear that his power had taken hold the bigger stallion drone got up and nodded to his counterpart, who took his place as the other creature went over to the bull guard. The spiral remained on the first creature's mask but it didn't take long for the tiger's gaze to be directed elsewhere. As soon as he locked onto those swirling purple lenses he found himself drawn in once more, the merchant's cries and pleading becoming nothing more than a sniffle as those emotions were bled from his mind. Even without the mask that formed in the hand of the one behind them the power that the horse drones had on the minds of others was enough for what they intended as those rubbery fingers played through the striped fur of the other man.

The merchant continued to remain kneeling with his head up staring into Kevin's eyes, his gaze so intense that he didn't even notice that the flared head of the sizable rubber member was being directed to his maw until it pressed on his lips. The drone could already sense his crumbling resolve and knew if they wanted they could turn him just like the other four, but this one needed his appearance so that they could be smuggled into the city. They had been waiting in ambush for a while to get someone to bring them into the next town, which they would convert and bring back to the ruins so that they could continue work on the next Stampede.

That was why Kevin was in charge of his conversion in the first place; Serathin would have just converted him fully while his changes were temporary, though the tiger would as such after he was done with him they would be a rubber horse drone in their mind. Eventually they would convert this one into a servant... his talents not that of a warrior or a caretaker but one that would provide for the Herd in a different manner. But that was for the future, for the moment the drone just took his delight in fulfilling his programming in spreading the Herd as the tiger finally got the head of his cock into his maw. Even without saying a single word the merchant started to suck on the tip of it, even licking his tongue around the shaft a few times despite not being prompted.

The second that the horse drone's shaft had pushed into the maw of the tiger a spurt of rubbery goo came out of the tip, coating the insides of the feline in the corruptive substance. While they wouldn't be changing much of his outside they would make sure that this merchant would have a constant reminder of who he belonged to. It was becoming quite clear that the mental conditioning was already starting to take hold as well with the front of the breeches the merchant wore starting to tent. Soon he would equate pleasure to being in the Herd, just like the drone did as he began to push his hips forward slightly further.

The tiger let out a slight gurgle at suddenly having several more inches of that shiny shaft in his maw, but with the corruptive fluid already starting to change him it allowed for the penetration. By this point the merchant was already his and since the guards would be getting a similar treatment as he had gotten there was no need to hurry. There would be no need for the four to keep up the act and the more warrior drones they could muster up the better their incursion into the village would be. As the horse drone watched the outline of his flared head start to stretch out the throat of the squirming tiger he heard the crumpling of metal that caused his head to turn around.

Once more the thick cock of the corrupter drone had been unlocked and he had used his arm blades to sunder the armor of his first target. The bull hadn't been restrained like the other three but with the rubber completely integrated into his system through the stab from his corrupted blade the stallion knew he wouldn't be going anywhere. The rubber that coated his head also had plugged his ears and covered his eyes to make sure the bull couldn't escape or fight back as well as provide the base for his mask. The equine object had a similar form to his own and as the corrupter drone pressed it on the naked bovine's body practically spasmed while his cock immediately began to get hard.

With more in the Herd their integration of new drones was starting to become faster, which was one of the reasons why they needed as many as they could before they started the Stampede. Aside from others like Serathin they would need many warriors like Kevin was in order to make sure that all those who were in front of them would be pinned under their hooves before being given a set of their own. That was the job of their corrupter though, his job was already done concerning the guards when his blade and his abilities had bound and infused their power into them. That was his purpose, and as the horse drone watched he could see the lenses of the new equine drone start to swirl with a purple light.

The psychic power of the bigger drone could be felt from where Kevin stood as liquid rubber began to drip down his body, some of it already landing on his bovine member which started to spread over the sensitive flesh like wildfire. Just like with him the corrupter horse drone was imprinting the knowledge of the Herd into this new warrior drone as the connection between the three of them grew stronger. Being the leader of the group that they had ambushed his willpower was the strongest of the group, but that was no match for Serathin as the red spiral on his face continued to swirl in front of the masked man. Soon the bull was completely erect, his hand reaching forward and stroking his rubberized horse cock as he was lifted up and pinned against the cart.

The psionic influence was not just affecting the bull as Kevin looked back to the three squirming men. He had completely disrobed them already in order to keep their bindings as tight as possible and already they were showing signs of joining the herd just from being close. They were all also hard and their hips were practically thrusting up in the air as their bodies began to morph underneath the layer of rubber binding them. While it had just been restraint straps when the horse drone had put them on his body they the presence of the corrupter was causing the alien rubber to start to shift their forms as one had started to gain a hoof while another had their elven face pushing out with their nose swelling.

A muffled grunt came from the tiger between his legs and Kevin once more focused his attention back to the one that was between his legs. When he locked their gaze once more he could see the purple spirals that were also in the eyes of the merchant and knew that the rubber was already starting to infest his brain. Though full droning was not the intention for this one he was starting to grow a bit more muscular as he was fed more of the transformative rubber. By this point the horse drone was able to get the entirety of his cock inside of the tiger, hearing him gulp and slurp while those modified throat muscles clamped around him.

Since the merchant was his plaything for the night the horse drone wanted to make the most of it while making sure that the one between his legs was completely loyal. Kevin could already sense that his insides had been mostly converted to that of a rubber pony drone and that his task was done, though with his mind completely corrupted it was rather pleasurable to have this one sliding up and down on his shaft from root to tip. With the corrupter stallion thrusting his cock up into the rubberized tailhole of the bull drone, whose similar features were quickly shifting to equine while being coated in rubber, his own member was still unlocked so he could enjoy himself.

Kevin looked down at the newest member of the heard and mentally commanded the tiger to strip, keeping his vestments as intact as he could to not arouse suspicion when they got to town. As he removed his clothes as best he could with a rubber horse cock in his throat the horse drone could see that even without changing him completely there were alterations being made to him already. Even with the somewhat hard life of a merchant on the road the white fur of the feline was a bit rotund, aided by the arcane goo that was pumped into his stomach. That wouldn't be the case for much longer as the furry flesh rippled and began to deflate as the rubber inside took that fat and converted it to be distributed elsewhere.

There wasn't much muscle on this creature either but Kevin already knew that he wasn't destined to be a warrior horse drone. This pony would be purely for servitude and pleasure which meant the Herd would give him a body to match. When the muscular rubber creature pulled his cock out of the other man's mouth finally and lifted him to his feet he could already see that the naked feline had shrunk a few inches. Before the tiger merchant was just below his chin, now he was practically staring into the chest of the one converting him as another mental command was given for him to turn around.

When Kevin had the tiger pressed up against him the horse drone looked to the corrupter stallion and saw that instead of a bull up against the cart it was another warrior horse drone being plowed into. The one finishing the transformation of the purple eyed synthetic creature looked back over at him and after sensing the permission he wished to get saw a thumbs up briefly get revealed in the facemask before turning back to the spiral. Their work here was basically done and it was time for the Herd to reap the benefits of such a successful mission, especially since the remaining three on the ground were already stroking their half-changed rubber members and groaning while their muscles swelled with new growth under shiny latex skin.

The three would still need their own horse mask in order to complete their induction into the Herd but for the moment they were completely pacified as Kevin once more turned his attention back on the tiger. Even though they needed him to be presentable to act as his merchant self to sneak them into the town not all of his outer body would require such secrecy. Not only that but the warrior horse drone wanted to make sure that this one knew exactly who and what he belonged to as he took his flared head and began to push several inches of rubber horse cock into the feline all at once. A low groan escaped from the rubbery lips of the tiger before Kevin put his hand up and pressed it against the maw of the feline.

Kevin wanted to occupy the tiger with something and stuck his fingers into the gooey maw of the merchant while he plunged deep into his tailhole. The augmentations had already reached his rear and after popping inside those hungry inner walls almost felt like they were pulling him inside. It was a tailhole made for their pleasure and the tiger was more than eager to play this part for the Herd he belonged to. Even without any of the additional changes Kevin could sense that inside those faintly purple swirls of his eyes that he already saw himself as a rubber pony drone, which would be made real for him soon enough.

There was one part of his anatomy that Kevin could change right away though and as his much bigger, muscular equine form pressed against the back of the merchant one of his hands ran down the thick fur of the tiger's chest to his groin. The second that he wrapped his fingers around that throbbing, rock hard shaft he could already feel his corruption spreading over it. Within a few short strokes not only had the warrior horse drone managed to push himself completely inside the other man's hole but also had slathered a layer of rubber onto his twitching shaft. Kevin could feel it morphing and changing into a sizable member a similar shape to the one stretching him out, the tiger whimpering in pure pleasure as he looked down and saw his somewhat small maleness being stretched out until it was nearly a foot in length.

It was an impressive rod by any standard but the Herd, and something that would be hard to conceal if someone was looking down there. Fortunately there was one means of control that Kevin was eager to put on their new rubber pony and as he gave a particularly hard thrust up he pushed his hand down. Though the tiger had been completely erect the shaft of his cock began to be squishy and soften, though he knew that it only made the sensations even more intense as it was drawn into his groin. There would be no need for the pony to be released until the Herd had need of him and he was going to make sure of it.

The horse drone's cock practically slammed into the rubberized rear of the tiger as Kevin continued to push their groin into the rubber spreading over the white fur down there. It was already staring to coat his sack and it didn't take long before there was nothing more than a smooth bulge where his maleness would be. It was still there technically, ready to be used by the Herd if need be, but for the moment the only thing that would come from there is a small amount of stimulation while Kevin stroked it. The merchant was too absorbed in the pure lust of the warrior drone using his abilities to plow into the prostrate of the other man.

Kevin was so absorbed in creating their perfect trojan horse that he didn't realize their corrupter stallion had finished with the bull and had come up behind him. Though soon he would show the same locked icon as the panting tiger did for the moment they were just enjoying being part of the Herd, especially with their newest warrior drone plowing into one of the other three that were starting to get close to becoming similar creatures themselves. Though not as big as Kevin or Serathin the former bull was stacked and practically towered over his former clan mates as he picked up one by their half-formed equine head.

The other three would probably not get nearly as muscular as their captain but they will make for a capable warrior squad, potentially even being a set of scouts while he performed more important services for the Herd. As the first warrior horse drone he would make sure that their corrupter stallion was safe and he would also bring in others just like the merchant. But for now the Herd would settle in for the night, while they had the ability to see in the night they needed the cart of the merchant and the horses attached to it to get into the next town.

For the rest of the night the merchant remained in the cart with Kevin lying on top of him to continue to mold him into one of the Herd without a horse form. The others stuck with the corrupter stallion to be properly indoctrinated to become just like him, making sure that their former lives are completely forgotten and that they merely serve as shiny new rubber equines. The night passed quickly and when the next morning came the sun shined on five horse creatures filing into the cart while the corrupted merchant sat at the front.

The ruins were nice but what little of the civilization that was left had all been wrapped up in the form of that artifact, one that rested within the corrupter stallion that laid back in the cart to be disguised by the others. Perhaps it was fortunate that Kevin hadn't gotten more help in researching the ruins; if anyone wished to try and prevent the Stampede then perhaps they might have gone to the old buildings in order to try and figure out how, but except for a few that had helped either him or Serathin there was no one out there that considered them as viable. They would be bringing the entirety of the drone legions with them as the merchant adjusted his clothing, particularly around his groin, and started off down the path.

As Kevin sat there stalwartly inside the cart the corrupter drone began to stir again, his faceplate showing a glyph that the herd recognized immediately. The warrior horse drone watched as Serathin raised up his hand and something began to emerge from it, a gemstone similar to the one that had started all this in the first place emerging from the shiny palm. It was another seed for a corrupter stallion, one that he would be sure to implant into someone of importance or a powerful creature to further spread their stable. Serathin was just one stallion and with a number of other horse drones ready they had the means to keep making more drones.

For the moment though Kevin merely absorbed the seed back into his own body while they waited to get to the next town. There was no need for any of them to talk since they were all connected and he would just wait for the merchant to get in and stay inside the cart. It would be nightfall before they would get into town and once the moon was up he and the others would move out and start to solidify herd territory. The second they find a place to keep their stallion corrupter Kevin would go and find another with the new artifact.

From there it was only a matter of time before the town would be there's... and then they were one step closer before the Stampede began.