A Couple of Christmas Quickies

Story by Bunny Hops on SoFurry

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A Couple of Christmas Quickies

By Bunny Hops





Pete: 22 year old male bunny (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 5'8" 145 lbs

Oscar: 22 year old male North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) 5'7" 155 lbs

Prescott: 18 year old male North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) 5'10" 175 lbs

Elsa: 20 year old pregnant female North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) 5'4" 140 lbs (125 lbs pre-pregnancy). Married to Jordan.

Jordan: 25 year old male raccoon (Procyon lotor) 6' 3" 190 lbs. Muscular build, married to Elsa.


Central Upstate New York, December 2009

"I'm telling you, this is a bad idea. I don't know why I ever agreed to do this. I really don't," Pete said as he tossed his overnight bag into the back of Oscar's rusted blue '97 Honda Civic.

"Because you love me, and you know it," Oscar responded with a smug flip of his chin and an uncontrollable smile as he slid his duffle bag in next to Pete's, shutting the trunk when he was done. Oscar extended his arm out at an acute angle, just close enough for Pete to take hold of it if he wished. Of course the bunny took the offering and interlocked his fingers, pulling the otter close for a kiss. Their heavy winter jackets adorning their bodies numbed their embrace, but that's just the price to pay for winter.

"I should have rejected your invitation and just spent the holiday alone in our apartment," the bunny said as the two separated, their hands connected for as long as possible. "It's not like your parents know about us, and frankly I'd like to keep it that way."

"Stop worrying," the otter said as they got into the car. "As far as my family knows, you're just my roommate."

"I wish my family could still that naïve."

Oscar slid the key into the ignition; the engine turned over after a few seconds, stifled by the cold morning. "Your mom did walk in on you giving me a BJ. It's a little hard to look her in the eye at that point."

"At least she didn't out right disown me for being gay," Pete sighed and stared at the thin layer of frost on his window. The awkwardness of Pete and Oscar coming out to his parents, and the embarrassment of the situation, effectively estranged him from his family, though.

The frozen grass shimmered in the illumination from the headlights as Oscar pulled out of the parking lot. The two of them didn't see another car out on the road until they hit the thruway. Leaving so early they figured it would be smooth sailing until they got to Oscar's parent's house. By the time they were through with their two and half hour drive it would time for breakfast.

The interior of the car was struggling to warm up. The Civic's heater had been acting up and nothing but lukewarm air rushed out of the vents.

Early morning talk radio crackled through the car speakers, cutting the silence between the two. Oscar knew Pete was nervous about spending Christmas with him and his family, but the otter was glad his bunny boyfriend decided to come along.

"Thank you," Oscar said, turning his head slightly to address Pete. "I know you don't want to come, but I assure you, everything will be alright. And if it's not, I'll make it up to you tenfold."

Pete took his eyes off his side window and smiled at Oscar. He reached over and laid his hand on the otter's thigh, rubbing it gently in place.

"You're right, you know?"

Oscar popped a quick quizzical look over to his passenger as he passed an eighteen wheeler to his right, "Yea? How's that?"

"I'm only doing this because I love you."


Oscar pulled into the driveway he grew up playing on as the sky began to be painted orange to the east. Before he could put the car into park the low gas light lit up.

Excitedly Pete pointed at the display, "HA! You owe me a beer!"

"Goddammit," the otter cut the ignition and shook his head with a smile. "Two more fucking seconds and I would have won."

"That'll teach you to go live a hundred and fifty miles away from mommy and daddy."

"Don't give me slack, you went three thousand miles away from your parents."

Oscar opened his door and Pete stopped him by patting his thigh twice before leaving it there. The otter stopped with his paw on the opened door and looked back at the bunny.

Pete looked at him and whispered, "It's going to be so hard keeping my hands off of you for so long, baby."

He then exited the car before Oscar could respond. He loved being a tease.

Before the two of them got halfway to the door Oscar's mom popped the front door open excitedly.

"Hey, mom," Oscar said as he walked through the snowy walkway.

"About time you two showed up," his mom shouted back, "Breakfast is almost ready. Hope you boys like pancakes."

"'About time we showed up'?" Pete repeated, "I thought we were early."

"We could have showed up at midnight and she'd still have claimed we were late. Don't worry about it."

Once inside they kicked off their boots and hung their jackets in the mud room before finding their way to the overly decorated living room where Oscar's dad, his brother Prescott, his sister Elsa, and her husband Jordan were already relaxing a few feet from the Christmas tree.

"Can I get you boys anything?" his mom asked, poking her head into the living room from the kitchen.

"Coffee, if you got it," Pete said as he sat down on a worn recliner.

"Oh, she's got coffee," Oscar said with a knowing smirk. "Make that two, Mom."

"You boys are evil," Elsa said as she patted her stomach, "I miss my morning cup of joe."

"How far along are you," Pete asked.

"We're going on six months, now," Jordan said as he smiled big and gave his wife a hug with his two paws on her shoulders. When the two shared a quick kiss, Pete gave Oscar a covert wink, hopefully unperceived by anyone else in the room.

Light chit-chat continued between Oscar's family and their guest until his mother ushered them into the dining room where plates were already laid out, heaped with large, imperfectly round, thick golden pancakes. Adorning the center of the table was maple syrup, strawberry preserves, and confectioner's sugar.

"Dig in, dig in," Oscar's mother said, positioning herself at one end of the rectangular table. "This isn't the time of year to be worrying about a diet."

Pete of course sat next to Oscar, but resisted the urge to allow his paw to drop to his side and cradle the otter's warm thigh. Compromising, he bumped his shoulder against his boyfriend's briefly as he sat down, just to touch him. Oscar pushed back in mock protest to keep appearances, but no one at the table seemed to notice one way or the other.

Prescott squeezed in on the other side of the bunny, and Elsa and Jordan took the seats in front of the undisclosed couple.

Prescott drenched his pancakes in syrup and took a hefty bite. Speaking through a full mouth, he asked, "So, you work with my brother, do you? He fuck around a lot in the workplace like he did in school?"

Pete and Oscar met their freshman year in college and hit it off almost immediately, despite both of them not being open about their sexuality. When anyone asks how they met they always just say "at a party" and leave out the bit about drunkenly fooling around behind the fence at the frat house. And to think Pete was on the tail end of a relationship with a girl at the time.

"I don't exactly work with Oscar," Pete explained. "I just work for a company close by that does contract work for the company Oscar works for."

Prescott nodded blankly and let the subject. Pete had met Oscar's family before and had even taken the drive with the otter up to his childhood home, so this banter wasn't as awkward as it could have been.

"You're all set to graduate this spring, aren't you?" Pete kept the conversation going. "Any ideas about what you want to do high school?"

"I'm going to go to the community college, here," he said, using her fork to cut a hunk off of his pancakes and shovel it into his mouth. "I think I'm going to study to be a writer."

"A writer?" Jordan shorted, "that's no profession for my brother-in-law. You ought to get a real job, like me. There's nothing like doing a hard day's job to make you feel a sense of accomplishment every time you come home to your gorgeous wife." He gave Elsa a squeeze.

"Nothing like being a plumber to really use you full potential," Prescott fired back.

"Hey," Elsa came to her raccoon husband's defense, "you will not speak to Jordan like that, do you hear? He does more in one day than you've done your entire life."

"All of you settle," can from Oscar's dad. "I will not have bickering from you right now. This is Christmas: we're all supposed to suck up our grudges and be a happy family, dammit."

An eerie silence lingered over the table despite Oscar's mom's efforts to stimulate peaceful conversation. Once he was done eating, Prescott left the table and headed upstairs, presumably to his room. Jordan attempted to bring the conversation back around to his brother-in-law, but Oscar's mom nipped it in the bud.

"Why don't you go show Pete around the neighborhood a little, huh?" Oscar's dad said after the otter cleared his and his bunny friend's place.

"It's a little cold out, don't you think, Dad?"

"Oh, this? It's still above zero outside, you'll be fine. Just remember to bring your jackets."

Once outside and well outside of earshot, Pete spoke, "That went from normal to awkward in record time."

"Yea, sorry about that. Prescott and Jordan have been acting weird with each other lately. Prescott seems to be quick to anger around my Jordan, and Jordan is trying to take on a fatherly role with my brother."

"You thinking he's just lashing out because Jordan's trying to be a father figure?"

"No, there's more to it than that, I think, but I don't know what it is."

"You try talking with either one about it?"

"That's why I think there's more to it. Tried talking with both of them separately and each feigns stupidity and clams up quickly."


Once the two of the rounded the corner Oscar leaned in close to his lover. He wasn't daring enough to wrap his arm around the bunny or give him a kiss, but was able to sneak in a hands holding since their large jackets did a good enough job at concealing it.

"So, baby cakes," Pete said as he rubbed his jacketed shoulder against Oscar's, "What can we do while we're out and about without the watchful eye of parents and siblings?"

"I thought we'd head on over to the nice secluded state park a couple of miles down the road. Just like last time."

"You think anyone will care that we're gone so long?"

"Not at all," the otter snuggled up closer, which made walking a little more awkward. "Besides, I can say I just showed you around the park all morning."

"Just like last time."

The two of them giggled.


The state park was a well wooded area with a small oblong pond cutting a path through the northern end of it. The otter and bunny took the main trail-paw in paw-half a mile to the pond before cutting into woods at a section with fairly level terrain. The two treaded a path through the dead growth and frost a few hundred feet until the terrain sloped down into a small, secluded, rock studded valley. Oscar finally let go of Pete's paw and pushed him down on a waist-high rock. The bunny scooted up the side until his feet just dangled above the frozen topsoil.

Oscar leaned on top of him, pressing his lips against Pete's and gently biting the bunny's lower lip. Pete pushed his head into the otter's and took the back of Oscar's head in his paw.

The otter pulled his lips far enough away from the bunny to speak, but kept his brown-furred forehead stay connected with the bunny's, "Thank you for coming here and helping me deal with my family."

Pete stayed silent. He locked his eyes onto the otter's, smiled, and went for a kiss. Oscar wasted no time and slipped a paw downward, parting a path between the bunny's jacket and his jeans. The warmth of their touching flesh connected them in the cold as Oscar slid his paw lower, rubbing it against the bunny's crotch bulge.

"I love how I can make you hard just by kissing you," Oscar breathed.

Pete quickly sent his paw to the otter's crotch so he could proudly say, "Right back at you. You grinding up against me helped a little, as well, sweet thing."

"Lean back, hon," Oscar said as he pushed on Pete's chest, pressing him back up against the cold rock.

The otter expertly unbuttoned the bunny's jeans with two fingers. The sound of Pete's zipper reverberated through the woods, but no one else was around to hear it. With a little finagling, the otter was able to pull the bunny's hard cock through the fly of his boxers while still putting his tongue into Pete's mouth. He took hold of the member and slowly worked his paw up and down its length as he kissed the bunny's face.

He kissed his way up the bunny's face, laying wet smooches on his eye lid and eyebrow by the time he got to his ear. Once there, the otter gently bit down until Pete shivered a little. Pete was in the perfect position to respond by sensually biting at Oscar's neck; doing so caused the otter to subconsciously tighten his grip on the bunny's dick.

"What'da'ya want me to do," Oscar breathed soothingly as he pressed his body up against the long-eared bunny. "What do you want to do to me?"

"Oh, I want you to fuck me."


"Yea," Pete said as he leaned back and wrapped his legs around his boyfriend. "Oh, yea."

"It's a little cold out, don't you think?" the otter said as he pressed his clothed pelvis into Pete's exposed cock. He rolled his hips into the bunny, mimicking the slow, loving sex they'd had countless times before. "How 'bout I just give you some head, instead?"

"Whatever you want, baby. Just make sure to have fun yourself."

"This is your time, hon."

The otter attempted to go down on Pete, but the bunny still had his legs locked around Oscar's hips. The bunny kicked his heels into the otter's ass, pressing Oscar's hard pant's lump into Pete's exposed cock. Oscar wasn't one to object to a little dry humping, so he followed the hint and pressed his body hard against the bunny's. He rolled his body into Pete's, rocking slightly upward to massage the dick sticking out of the jeans.

Pete relaxed his hips, letting the otter do his thing. Oscar's paw found their way down to Pete's cock again as the two kissed. He fingered at the dickhole, rubbing the silky precum all over the head of the penis. The bunny couldn't take it any longer, and pressed on the otter's slender shoulders, beckoning him down.

Oscar flowed lower, keeping his paw still engaged around Pete's pole. Once at the bunny's hips, he did immediately go deep. He rubbed the hairless rod against his furry cheek and gazed up at his lover. The bunny was smiling down on the otter, gently playing with his ear, giving it a little pinch. Oscar stuck out his tongue and brought the tip to the side of the rock hard cock, leaving a wet trail as he licked up the length. Once at the top, he locked his lips around the head and drove his face down as far as he could. Otter's don't have a particularly long maw, so Oscar couldn't go down all the way to Pete's zipper without choking, but he sure as hell tried.

"Oh, baby, like that," Pete let out a warm deep breath. The condensate clung in the air as the bunny tipped his head back, feeling the cold rock on his back.

"You like that, don't you?" Oscar asked, briefly taking the cock out of his mouth so he could take a breath.

He wrapped his paw around the base of the penis and alternated movements with his mouth so when he went down, his paw pressed against his chin. The otter's tongue played with the dick in his mouth, getting it wet with saliva. He pulled out with a slurp, leaving a little trail of spit from the tip of Pete's dick to Oscar's lips.

The otter gave the cock a few pumps of his paw as he drew some breaths. Before he went down again, he gave Pete's dickhole a little probing with the tip of his tongue.

"Oh, baby, oh, honey," Pete breathed hard, really pressing his paw hard on Oscar's ear. "I want to cum. I want to cum in your mouth so hard right now."


"Yea, oh, yea."

"How close are you, baby?"

"Soon, Oscar, soon."

The otter wasted no time working the dick in his mouth. His paw gripped the bunny's base tightly as he bobbed his head quickly up and down, pressing the spongy underside with his tongue. Oscar could taste the copious amounts of precum spilling forth from his boyfriend's cock.

"Oh, yea. I'm going to cum-," the rest of Pete's statement was lost in a grunted scream as his legs stiffened, pinching his butt and thrusting his hips into Oscar's mouth as he came.

Oscar made some "mmm" noises as he suckled on the dick as thick salty spurts came rushing out. He continued to pump his paw and bob his head as his tongue gathered up the semen for him to swallow. Pete's grip on Oscar's head became more and more intense as the bunny gave little hip thrusts coinciding to his ejaculation.

A pause lingered in the air for half a second before Pete loosened his grip and relaxed his body, indicating the orgasm had passed.

The otter let the no longer full hard cock fall out of his mouth as he licked his lips and asked, "You cum good, baby?"

Pete smiled and looked down on Oscar, "I can't feel my toes."

Oscar licked the little dribble of cum that spilled from Pete's cock as it went limp before putting it back in his boxers and zipping him up. The otter stood up straight and leaned into Pete's body to continue their make out session.

"And what am I going to do about this?" Pete asked, cupping Oscar's hard pants lump.

"We're going to have to worry about that later, baby, we ought to head back so my parents don't think we ditched them."

"You're too good of a son, you know that? I say let them wait. Just have your way with me right here on this rock."

Oscar giggled, "C'mon."

Oscar pulled the bunny down from the rock, immediately bringing his arm around Pete's back.

Pete looked at him and licked the side of his cheek, "You had a little snail-trail of pre there. Wouldn't want to have to explain that to the parents, now would we?"

The two headed back to the trail with each other's arms wrapped around their backs, only relinquishing their embrace once they got to the beaten path.

"You were a real frisky one this morning," Oscar nudged at the bunny.

"Whatever could you mean?" Pete jostled his hip into his long-torsoed friend with much affection.

"You kidding me? 'Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,'" the otter mocked. "'Put your hard dick in my ass,' 'fuck me on this rock.' You know what I'm talking about."

"Hey, you're the one who took me out here in the middle of nowhere just to give me a quick blow job."

"Yea, yea, yea," the otter patted the bunny's butt and the two continued on their walk together.

"You might want to find some Altoids before speaking to anyone when you get home," Pete mentioned as they got to the trailhead and back into suburbia, "Your breath reeks of jizzum."

"Okay, one: 'reeks'?; and two: 'jizzum'?" Oscar mocked being hurt by the comment. "It's your spunk, deal with it."

Pete kissed the otter, "I love it, I just don't think your family will have the same feeling towards it."

"Yea, you're right. I should have packed some. But, still: 'jizzum'?"

"Don't mock my vocabulary."


The two eventually made it back to the otter's family's home, taking a brief detour south to the ice cream shop for a cup of hot cocoa with a candy cane stirrer. They slowly sauntered back to through the suburban neighborhood, making sure they didn't get too affectionate in case of nosy, gossipy neighbors.

For the second time of the day, Pete and Oscar stripped off their jackets and kicked off their boots in the otter's mud room. The two joined Oscar's father and Prescott in the living room where they had just started watching the true American Christmas staple: Die Hard.

"Oh, man! You guys started without me?" Oscar cringed as he flung himself onto the couch next to his brother, giving him a quick jab in the shoulder.

The couch was full, so the bunny plopped himself in the recliner to the side of the sofa.

"Settle, you two," Oscar's dad lazily intoned, "No one has even been killed, yet."

Prescott had kicked his knees up on the couch, trying to tackle his brother and playfully jabbing him in the stomach. This position allowed Oscar to pin his little brother flat on the couch-where Prescott kicked his father, who pretended not to notice-getting him into a loose headlock, perfect for a noogie.

"Say uncle, say uncle," Oscar shouted as he grounded a knuckle into his brother's scalp.

"Never!" Prescott fired back.

Oscar tightened his grip around his Prescott's neck and rapped his knuckles on his brother's head.

"Okay, okay, fine," Prescott chocked out, "uncle."

Oscar released his brother and the two straightened up, acting like nothing happened. The bunny couldn't help but smile at this brotherly dynamic with jealousy. Pete didn't have a brother to jostle around like this, but he was happy enough to be able to fool around with the otter in a more romantic way, even if he couldn't do it here.

Halfway through the movie Oscar's mom came in and passed around ham and cheese sandwiches and a bowl of chips. Mothers: never one to relax, always having to play hostess.

"Where'd Elsa and Jordan go off to?" Oscar said near the end of his sandwich.

"They got annoyed and headed out, saying they'll be back for dinner," Oscar's dad mentioned.

"Successfully drove them off, huh?" Oscar elbowed his brother.

"Damn straight."

The movie ended and the videogames came out. Oscar's dad wasn't interested, so the three boys took over the couch. Time scurried away like it usual does when fully engrossed in simulated military combat. In no time at all, Elsa and Jordan walked through the door.

"Why are you boys wasting away you life on videogames?" Jordan said as he stripped off his ugly light blue scarf (most likely made by his wife).

"You'd think you'd be in a better mood after getting your rocks off," Prescott said as his character got his with a grenade.

"Hey!" Jordan suddenly became irate. "That is no way to talk. Not to me, not in front of my wife, not ever."

"She was my sister before she was your wife," Prescott slammed his controller on the desk. Pete and Oscar were becoming more and more uncomfortable being stuck in the middle of the conversation and stayed fixated on the TV. "She's heard my filth her whole life, and she's seen my junk, too," the otter grabbed his crotch in a vulgar manner. "Now be on your way and leave us be."

Jordan stood there in the doorway of the mud room staring daggers at the young otter as the three continued to play their game and ignore the raccoon. Elsa, with a paw perpetually on her pregnant stomach, ushered her husband out of the living room and into the kitchen.

With how well this exchange went, and how awkward breakfast went, it's best not to mention dinner in any great detail. The food was delicious-roast beef, mashed potatoes, squash, dinner rolls, peas, broccoli, and salad-but the conversation was forced and few and far between.

After dinner the family had some aperitifs (all except the pregnant Elsa and the underaged Prescott) and watched The Miracle on 34th Street, Oscar's mom's favorite Christmas themed movie.


Everyone went to bed early so they could get be ready for early morning presents opening, the otter family's traditional Christmas breakfast of eggs benedicts, waffles, and hash browns, all homemade.

Elsa and Jordan got the boy's old room. Years ago the parents had taken the bunk beds apart and hooked them together to make a large guest bed. Oscar was gracious enough to let Prescott sleep in Elsa's very pink bedroom.

Oscar offered Pete the couch, but the bunny was used to sleeping on the floor from years of camping, so he passed on the cushioned sofa.

Soon the only light in the house came from the streetlight outside and from neighbors who don't turn their Christmas lights off at night. Through the dim light, Pete stared at the silhouetted otter on the couch across the room. He couldn't be certain, but he imagined Oscar was staring back at him. He raised his arm in a wave, and the otter waved back.

Pete couldn't resist any longer, so he got up and dragged his comforter he used as a sleeping bag over next to the couch.

"Hey, you," Oscar whispered, "what's up?"

"Nothing," the bunny whispered back, giving the otter a slow kiss and a little tongue probing. "Just thought I'd come over here and keep you company."

The two continued to lock lips as their paws explored each other's bodies. Oscar was sleeping without a shirt on, so the bunny had no trouble finding the otter's hairless nipples and gave one a pinch. Oscar inhaled sharply, having to bit his lower lip to keep from moaning too loudly.

"Oh, you're a bad bunny."

Pete slipped a paw underneath the covers and cupped the otter's crotch, "You have no idea. I do owe you something for this morning."

The bunny slipped his fingers under the otter's pajama pants and briefs, rubbing up against the smooth fur and laying his fingers on the sheath. The bunny could feel the warm, smooth skin of Oscar's hardening cock as it peaked out from its hiding place.

"You knew you were getting lucky tonight, didn't you?" the bunny asked in a gentle whisper.

"Why do you say that?"

The bunny wrapped his paw around Oscar's dick and began slowly working it up and down, feeling stiffen between his fingers, "You're wearing the underwear I love so much. Just stay there and have some fun."

"You don't need to do that, you know. I gave you head today as a thank you. Furs don't usually give to give a thank you for a thank you."

"Let me have some fun with you, then," Pete said.

Pete threw the blankets off of Oscar and patted his ass, signifying "up." The otter complied and lifted his butt off the couch. The bunny worked around the long thick tail to scoot the clothing down to his thighs, finally exposing the otter's rock hard cock.

"That's what I like to see," Pete said, looking down the length of the otter's thin chest to his eyes as he slowly massaged his paw up and down the length of Oscar's shaft. The otter bit his lower lip as the first drop of pre oozed from his dick hole and slowly drip to his pelvic fur. The bunny stopped for a second to put a finger on the head of the penis and work the slick liquid all over.

The bunny licked two fingers of his other paw, making sure the saliva stayed on.

"Sorry I didn't pack any lube," Pete said into the air, almost as if he was addressing the otter's pole rather than the otter himself.

Oscar had an inkling of what was going to happen next due to that comment, but it occurred before he had any full comprehension. He let out a pleasurable squeal, which he had to stifle himself by placing his own paw over his mouth as the bunny's paw went between his legs, under his balls, past his taint, and into his hole. The saliva was good enough to let the two fingers easily penetrate the tight puckered sphincter.

Oscar let out a long drawn out "fuck" as Pete slowly pushed his fingers in as far as they would go. He bumped up against the otter's balls, causing them to flop sensually around his wrist.

Pre cum was now flowing freely but slowly from the otters dick; some fell to his fur making a small mess while some was salvaged by Pete to work around the shaft.

Pete smiled a kinky smile and let go of the cock, eliciting a raised brow from the Oscar. Without saying a word, Pete grabbed at the blankets and covered himself around the otter. No light crept in, but he knew his way around Oscar.

He probed around with his tongue until it found the smooth bald skin of the otter's cock. Wasting no time, he plunged it in his mouth, producing another stifled groan. He wiggled the fingers he had up the otter's ass, causing him to squirm his lower body. Being a guy, Pete couldn't help but reach down to wrap his now free paw around his own hard cock.

The bunny could taste the pre as it came out; using his tongue, he was able to help spread the natural lubricant own the shaft, making sure none exited from around his tight locked lips. The hard sexy cock in his mouth help the bunny wet his paw and underwear as he let loose his own pre cum.

The bunny could hear his boyfriends breathing deepen as his legs curled. The cock was now spilling out pre to the point where he was practically ejaculating. The bunny had stopped rhythmically prodding Oscar's anus and concentrated on rolling his fingers around the inside.

The otter squeezed his legs together around Pete's wrist as he said, just above a whisper, "I'm going cum."

The bunny wasted no time and quickly bobbed his head up and down as fast as he could without straining his neck. Before the otter came, he tightened his ass around Pete's fingers and lifted his pelvis in the air.

Groaning an "unh" through clenched teeth the otter exploded inside the bunny's mouth with a heavy ferocity. The jizz was thick and creamy, and gushed out in rhythmic fashion. With each spurt, Oscar firmly but gently let a thrust of his hips, as if he was trying to hump the ejaculate farther down Pete's mouth.

Oscar let out one last throaty moan that threatened to reverberate throughout the house and wake everyone up before he finally breathed and relaxed his body. Pete didn't stop milking the cock until it began to grown limp in his mouth.

"Oh, baby, that was wonderful," Oscar said from outside the sheets dreamily.

Pete licked at the last little dribbles of cum that slowly eked forth from the regressing cock as he continued to pump his own meat.

"I bet you're ready to pop, yourself," Oscar said, lifting the covers so he could see the bunny for himself.

"You have no idea."

"You want to come clean, or dirty, you sexy thing?"

Pete pulled his fingers out of the otter's tailhole and gave them a sniff, "I'm in a dirty mood today, my friend."

Oscar flipped the covers off of him and rolled over. His pants and underwear were around his thighs, keeping him from maneuvering gracefully, but he managed to get on his knees with his chest on the couch armrest, ass thrust skyward. He lifted his tail to expose his pink puckered hole and looked loving back at the bunny.

Pete got up on the couch with his lover and pulled his shirt off. He wiggled his pants to his knees and took hold of the otter's lean muscular thighs. The bunny didn't want to just force his way in, not just yet. He was too horny and would last only a minute in the warm tight confines of Oscar's ass.

He bent down and licked up from the otter's tight, egg-shaped balls, up the slightly spongy taint and around the bald, wrinkled tailhole, tasting the tangy flavor as he teased around the edges. He then pressed his abrasive tongue across the tender flesh, producing a twitch and a shudder from his boyfriend. Fresh off of the positive feedback, the bunny rolled his tongue and sent it into the dark unknown. Flattening out his mouth organ, he stretched at the sides of the hole before pulling out.

"How's that taste?" the otter asked, making sure to keep his voice particularly low as a warning to the bunny.

"A little funky as usual," he replied.

"Just go for the gusto, then."

Oscar twitched his ass sexually into the air, summoning the bunny inside. Pulling himself up, the bunny pressed his hard, dripping cock into the otter's backside, squishing it between the furry brown ass cheeks. He rolled his hips up until the tip of his penis left a substantial amount of pre cum on the underside of the otter's tail.

Pete's balls ached for release and he could barely take much more of the teasing, so he just backed his hips out, leaned forward until his cock pointed straight and true toward the offer hole, and plunged forward. When Oscar lurched forward the bunny grabbed him by the hips and pulled him close.

Already a few thrusts in and Pete could already feel the semen burrowing around his insides, waiting to be called through the shaft and inside the otter. He slowed his rolled and concentrated more on pushing himself harder into Oscar's ass and deeper down the hole before slowly, gently pulling himself out to start the whole process over again.

The bunny generally wasn't one to hold out on his cummings, but he could go again and again all day long with little recovery time. Everyfur has their strong suits: Pete's was being perpetually horny.

The bunny wanted to be closer to his lover, so he leaned over the thick otter tail and up stretched ass to allow his chest to fall on Oscar's back. This also allowed him to wrap his arms around his chest and really grind his hips into the otter's. The effect was astounding. The position allowed for the most contact of warm fur between the two: chest to back, pelvis to ass, thigh to thigh. With very little effort the bunny was able to tighten his ass, thrusting his cock back and forth inside the otter in quick motions.

The constant pressure and friction all around his cock was the only thing he could think about as he absent mindedly started to bite at the otter's ear, pulling at it with his teeth. His mind began to fall away at the edges as the pleasure rose in his loins. His balls swam and he could feel the fluid moving about in his crotch. His toes tingled and he knew the in evitable was well on its way. He couldn't stop now, not that he wanted to.

His teeth unclenched the otter's ear as he uncontrollable locked his knees together and pushed his hips as hard and as deep as he could into Oscar's furry ass. He exploded at his zenith, sending hot, thick streams of jizz deep inside the otter. His hips were still moving as he buried his face into the furry brown back of the otter to block out the sounds of his screams. He was well aware of drool pooling into the fur, but he had more pressing matters to care about at the moment.

When his uncontrollable muscle spazzism stopped he lifted his face from Oscar's back to whisper a sweet "thank you" into his ear.

Pete spun the otter back onto his back and pulled up his pants. He did the same with his own pants and clothed his upper body once again in his shirt. As he covered the otter back up in his blanket the bunny noticed the time.

"Merry Christmas, sweet thing," the bunny gave him a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

The bunny moved his comforter back over to the other side of the room and settled in for a nice sleep. As he tucked himself in he said, "Thank you for the best Christmas present a guy could ask for."

"You deserved every second of it. Merry Christmas."

The two soon feel to sleep, not to be woken until morning where no one was the wiser.